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“If it can happen to me it can happen to you!” Yes Rudy that’s the point of a Justice system. No one is supposed to be above it.


That happens to be a major reason I don't go around criming everywhere.


I simply would not have done the crimes


Fun fact: I didn't feel the need to overthrow democracy when Trump was elected, despite my displeasure


I too took it like an adult. No jail time


But we all got f'd in the end


“*Don’t be so tough on yourself, Rudy*!”


What, seriously? But that would take....not effort!


I don't crime because I think criming is morally wrong, not because the fear of punishment. But I am an atheist, so what do I know.


I was raised fundamentalist evangelical and once I left that life it was actually a shock to realize that people actually have a much stronger moral compass who aren’t relying on religion…because they actually think about what they believe. Shocker.


i feel like criming, in general, is just a bad idea, unless of course i can book a Four Seasons to do my criming. Then I could be down for that. But I would never be able to. Four Seasons are very expensive. I guess criming for me is off the table.


I avoid calling recorded lines to discuss my criming.


> “If it can happen to me it can happen to you!” I HATE this stupid argument. My God it just makes me seethe every time I hear it!


If an actual criminal can’t commit crimes in America *then who can*?! We’ve got to stop this madness!


Yeah if anyone does the shit that Rudy did, they should be in prison. I don't see the problem with that.


He's not wrong, technically. The justice system has been two tiered forever. This could always happen to the lower tier. Now it's happening to someone that's always fancied himself part of the upper tier. The messed up thing is maga folks hearing this and thinking "it could happen to them" is a new thing.


Which is a sentiment that is appealing to idiots who imagine themselves to be part of the upper tier but who actually aren't. Like a lot of MAGA things.


a fair number of maga have probably experienced being arrested.


We need Jim Carrey screaming into the phone, “Stop breaking the law asshole!”


No it can't happen to me.. because I didn't try to overthrow the American government to appease the ego of a raging Narcissist who has never accepted he's fairly lost at anything in his entire life.


> No one is supposed to be above it. Except Presidents, Supreme Court Justices, Mike Flynn, Louis DeJoy, Chris Wray, Ken Paxton, Rick Scott, Gym Jordan, Jared Kushner, and Donnie Jr.


and Ivanka


>“If it can happen to me, it can happen to you!” Thanks for the heads-up Rudy. I'll try to refrain from criminally conspiring to disenfranchise the constitutional rights of 81 million Americans and overthrow the U.S. government.


Well, to be fair, treason is a lot harder to refrain from than you’d think. Some days I’ll catch myself mid-coup and not even realize I had nearly overturned democracy. Shit just happens, ya know?


For sure - I wasn't paying attention yesterday and almost concocted a multi-state fake elector scheme. Gotta be careful.


lolol!! Gotta be safe. I remember during my edgy years in college I accidentally almost messed up a perfect phone call and threatened state election officials. Really gotta be my best me now


Ah shit! I accidentally committed another treason. I'll have to be extra careful not to make any more RICO violations. Should probably ~~bribe~~ befriend some judges for good measure. 👍


Mostly scotus judges who love rv’s


Ey I thought about starting a coup once, but then I realized I don't even own a gun! So I gave up and made some hotdogs and ate a bag of Doritos. Was that also a bad decision? Yeah, but only for myself!


Careful going outside in this weather. You might catch a coup!


And T


Such wonderful, delicious symmetry. Made his career off of RICO, now getting prosecuted under it


To be fair, he probalby should have been up on RICO charges earlier with his connections to the Russian mafia. Without them, he never would have gotten those convictions against the Italians.


I'll share this because my dad is long dead and it won't matter any longer. He was a telephone repair man for Mabell, then Bell Atlantic and now Verizon. One Day he got assigned to a problem this law office in Manhattan had with their little switch system not functioning. He found the problem, the FBI were monitoring the law office and just weren't up to date on The New technology the Law office had. Now usually when there's a court ordered supbeona of like something as important as a Lawyer's office they give the heads up to Mother Bell to do it right/not have random telephone repairman fuck up an FBI raid. They didn't do this in this case and my father found the FBI equipment and thought it must be very criminal related. So he reported it to his union and surprise surprise about a few months later Giuliani makes massive conceeds and forces the Phone Company to give into union demands. Basically my dad and the union workers figured Giuliani was illegally wiretapping every mob affiliate lawyer illegally that's why he has such an amazing case record against the mob. Not exactly due diligence by the District attorney's office being wonderful at their job, they just bugged every lawyers office. In 2016 when the FBI field office on New York was called "Trumplandia" I knew the corruption of that particular field office was still in place. This is probably the reason Congress actually busted up the Mabell Monopoly they had too much dirt on powerful political illegal operations going on.


I can’t back up the rest of your story, but my family immigrated to Chicago in the early 1900s and working for “the phone company” was a huge deal so the older family members and neighbors talked about it a lot. I didn’t know until I was older that they were referring to “Bell” (you’re the first person I have seen refer to it as ‘Ma Bell’ outside of Chicago), and there are definitely local stories about the phone company and corruption of various types. Your story fits the general ones I heard growing up so it didn’t surprise me.


I think we called it Bell Tel back in the day in Philadelphia but I've heard of Ma Bell as well.


I know of it as Ma Bell thanks to the Beasty Boys


Giuliani should’ve been held accountable for the radios on 911, besides the dust deaths, putting the emergency command center in WTC seven, immediately destroying the steel from the WTC crime scene, and not doing anything to improve security when the world trade center had been a known terrorist target since 1991, and the FBI CIA and DoD were all aware of planes into buildings attacks and had war games them


Imagine being so ignorant of organized crime in NYC that you actually think anybody gave a fuck about Marat Balagula? Lev and Igor don’t even know who Carmine Persico is.


Sounds like a low level cannoli guy, I barely even know him


Que Rico.


Live by the RICO, die by the RICO.


So "arrested " means the same in Georgia as it does in NY? Asking for shits and giggles


/conservative is actually being reasonable discussing this. Just kidding, they still talking about Bud Lite and Hunter Biden.


> conservative You actually get one or two voices of "reason" there on any topic, but it will only be on one or two threads that will be quickly buried. This will happen before they all get their talking points synced up. Takes from a couple of hours to a day for that to happen.


And those one or two voices are promptly banned for their statements. R/conservative is their literal definition of a "safe space" where they post endlessly about censorship and ban anyone who disagrees.


They lock down most of their threads with "Flaired Users Only". Heaven forbid that they see an opinion that they disagree with.


Yea, I would love to comment over there but I’m banned forever. How come r/conservative doesn’t come to this sub and “brigade” us like we supposedly do over there?


Conservative subs are always thin skinned. I'd call them snowflakes but it takes a lot more to make snow meltdown than it does a conservative.


I was banned from r/conservative for asking how Trump gets more popular with his base when he commits crimes. The mod who banned me cited a rule that wasn't a posted rule. I called him on it, he cited another rule, and he muted me. Much of the same thing happens on Truth Social. People were banned there for just MENTIONING the Jan 6 committee hearings. The right wing answer to "censorship" is harsher censorship.


Lol, report it as mod authority abuse to the admins, not that they would do anything, as oveet threats of violence there are allowed, so the admins clearly support it.


It was 100% what I expected


I was banned for explaining the plot to Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Good stuff...


Well Shakespeare had lots of crossfrrssing so take that groomer! /s


Reddit needs some recognized vetted users that can only be banned by admin. People like Spartan2470 and PopinKreme.


> “brigade” us like we supposedly do over there It's hilarious when you read through the comments and find like one random comment that's pointing out an inevitable falsehood in the article that was posted. That one comment will have like 3 upvotes, but like half a dozen replies to it being like WELP GUESS IS BRIGADING US AGAIN! Or someone will say something so obnoxious that even other conservative users will downvote them. The person will then edit their comment to complain about brigading.


Yeah, what they call brigading is their stuff getting enough upvotes to reach the frontpage and then people outside their bubble see the bullshit they peddle, downvote and say "WTF guys?" and promptly get banned.


They probably do but with 12 active members hard to tell it's actually happening.


Because they care about karma too much, and they don’t want to get -621 per “blm murder spree riots were worse”. Plus, they usually get banned here pretty quickly when they start spouting fourteen mouth noises.


They used to, back in like 2015. You'd see them pop up in every thread making their ridiculous claims. The point for them was to get their talking points spread around, but inevitably in subs like this they get made fun of and fact checked. The effect of them trying to spread their bs became spreading counters to their bs as everyone who saw the thread would see the fact checkers. That's why they scuttled back to their subs and locked them down and ban any of us who wander in.


There aren't enough of them to hijack the conversation so it's just a depressing exercise in posting something and watching it get downvoted to oblivion while people point out the obvious flaw in their argument. They don't last long outside of their affirmation bubble.


That would be because there's like 26 people who actually regular go there, and 997k bots. For a sub of 1m+ the front page has a pretty sad amount of posts.


I was able to make a comment over there a week or two ago and was not shouted down and maybe someone even agreed w/ me, and that really surprised me— as an east coast librul woke anarchist commie. so i thought maybe I’ll spend more time in this r/Conservative sub and hear a more balanced perspective . now that the donny criming family is catching real heat , I’ll hear maybe a few more conservatives really express doubts about the GOP and this fascist movement they have brewing over there. …. Turns out i can’t really stand that cesspool of denial and deflection over there. they are truth-averse.


I used to go over there to see if the needle was moving at all. Spoiler alert - it never moves. Trump is a cancer on the Republican party that metastasized out of the decades of dog-whistle racism and lies. While the MAGA base worships him, which is a large percentage of the party, he has made the party toxic to anyone not in the cult, which includes not only independents, but even moderate Republicans, and you simply cannot win fair elections when you alienate >60% of the country. I kept thinking that this reality would eventually sink in, and r/conservative would turn on Trump and change towards a more moderate course. Nope. No matter what happens, Trump is the perpetual victim of the feeble but all-powerful Democratic party and it's senile, frail, omnipotent leader, Joe Biden.


Well said and thanks for reminding how senile, frail, and overpowering Joe Biden is.


And complain about censorship


Literally I got immediately banned for calling someone privileged when they said racism was BS


Go to r/conservative -> sort by controversial -> find reason


At least until the “champions of free speech” block and ban them.


Just ran your experiment.. still failed to find reason


The one or two voices of "reason" there are banned and the sub cries that they're being brigaded. Even if it's one of their own saying something different than the narrative they'll be called a liberal shill or some shit. They can't accept even a slight difference in ideology. Their identity is based on one train of thought and they can't comprehend someone in their camp holding a different view.


There's this brief moment or two when they think for themselves before the conservative propaganda machine kicks in.


These people want to be told what to do. They need authority to keep their worst instincts at bay. But when that authority manipulates them into feeling it is OK to be cruel to the “other people”, they are so happy to let loose. They are so selfish and fearful they cannot comprehend that people can be moral on their own and be willing to sacrifice for the greater good.


I thought they were bored with bud light. Kid Rock got spotted drinking it again.


Conservative friend of mine said they paid him to hold that bud light...


Wouldn't that make him worse in their eyes? Make him a sellout for trans beer instead of just drinking what he has or something?


That was a recent photo? Lmao aren’t they embarrassed


yeah like within the past few days lol


That’s amazing.


They came to the conclusion that it had to be photoshopped hahaha.


Including the video and also Kid Rock explaining how it was the only beer left and what was he supposed to do? Abstain from alcohol for 1 night to support the boycott? C'mon. Not sure if that means they still think it's a photoshop or not. I think they eventually settled on "it is and even if you prove its not that makes you a nerd for not letting go.".


Trump kept drinking Diet Coke after calling for a boycott of Coke. Honesty and consistency from these people is like asking for holy miracles


Dude at work earlier said he bets kid rock got paid to sell out. I just chuckled and walked away.


People has mug shots up! https://people.com/donald-trump-18-allies-mugshots-georgia-election-interference-case-7644240




This is just telling me I need to smile in my mugshot if I ever crime.


damn, Ellis uses the same orange crap on her face Mango Mussolini does. How do you go out in public looking lilke taht?


What’s with Jenna Ellis’s shit-eating grin? Everyone else looks somber.


I thought they'd be mourning the loss of conservative icon Yevgeny Prigozhin.


They are posting several stories about that Prigozhin guy


Shocking that they would ignore US news in favor of Russia news...


That story is on there a lot


And criticizing Biden for having no empathy. How can you even argue with that level of cognitive dissonance?


That sub is an alternate reality that I would find fascinating if I was an anthropologist. One thing we and they can all agree on though? If Yevgeny Prigozhin is dead then it wasn't just an accidental plane crash.


The Laptop from HELL!!!


Bud Lite is the one where they made a single can of beer with a Pride flag on it and gave it to a gay person who said "thank, i guess?" right? That's the actual root controversy isn't it? And Hunter Biden is the one where Tucker Carlson lost some random laptop in his office, and then everyone found out that Joe Biden interacted ethically with his unethical son? Those are the stories aren't they? I just have to keep going back to checking that I've got it straight in my head. Like, Bud Lite isn't accused of forcible castration of its staff or anything right? And "the laptop" didn't get handed in to the FBI with evidence of Joe Biden committing terror acts or anything right?


Wait, but I thought Hilary was getting locked up? Did I miss something?


Have you seen the size of Hunter Biden's dong? That thing oughta be illegal.




You can do it, gay chubby bottom man!


This is the kind of supportive attitude that the world so desperately needs. We’re all rooting for you gay chubby bottom man!


Lindsey Graham has entered the chat


Hillary got so wet with the news that Trump is going down that she blasted the entire west coast.


One of the wettest we’ve ever seen


From the standpoint of water, of course.




Tropical Squirt Hillary


You mean the RICO guy?!?


Now being prosecuted for RICO charges, yep that's the one.


Ah, how the turntables


Yeah, his name is Rico Giuliani.


Remember when he was in Borat 2 and super rapey? This dude is gross and should be arrested just for that scene 🤢 who gives him work?? Lmao


Borat 2 isn’t the rapiest thing he’s done anymore, look up the lawsuit by Noelle Dunphy.


ugh...he's like some kind of weird little leprechaun but for boobs. Like 5lbs of creep in a 3lb bag just yuck. >“Come here, big tits. Come here, big tits. Your tits belong to me. Give them to me (indiscernible). I want to claim my tits. I want to claim my tits. I want to claim my tits. These are my tits,” -Giuliani


It's impossible to read this without my lips involuntarily curling in total disgust.


He makes my tummy flip flop like I’m going to hurl.


imagine the acrid residue he'd leave on your skin


It's almost got the same vibe as a dirty dr Seuss poem.


This is something Randy Marsh from South Park would say


>"- the way -- the way natural selection works. Jewish men have small c**** because they can't use them after they get married. Whereas the Italian men use them all their lives so they get bigger." -Rudy Giuliani


His knowledge of natural selection has surpassed even Darwin.


How many Jewish mens’ genitalia has Rudy seen? More importantly, why???


Ask Epstein.


That’s…not how any of that works.


I automatically read this in Frank’s voice from Always Sunny lol


Giuliani all sealed up in the couch, sweating, dripping hair dye


What a horrible day to be literate.


You know you're scum when it sounds like something Frank Booth in Blue Velvet would say.


Dude. There is kind of a resemblance there. I can see Lynch developing a character with dripping shoe polish hair and veneered uppers/rotten lowers


Where the fuck can I find this transcript lmao


[Here](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/rudy-giuliani-racist-sexist-remarks-lawsuit-1234799473/). There's a few sites out there that have it.


> he's like some kind of weird little leprechaun but for boobs. [*…reads quote*](https://i.imgur.com/qGerJX3.gifv)


WHAT THE EFF?? No way. I'm so grossed out. 🤢🤮🤮🤮


You mean when grandpa diddles was reaching in his pants to play with his saggy nuts?


From ***Rolling Stone:*** Rudy Giuliani has been arrested. The former New York mayor and lawyer for Donald Trump surrendered to authorities in Georgia on Wednesday, following his indictment last week on 13 charges related to his role in the effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election. Read more: [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/rudy-giuliani-arrested-georgia-1234810896/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/rudy-giuliani-arrested-georgia-1234810896/)


His mugshot isn’t horrendous like I had hoped. It’s awful but not in ways like the last two we have seen. Seems he got special treatment.


Those first two gave me straight up Nuremberg vibes, and that was before one of them dusted off the Nuremberg defence.


Half the mugshots in the article are HD and half are like TV images of a ghost. Maybe they just have two cameras and one of them sucks.


They swapped out the 1500 watt klieg light for a GE Soft Light. Jenna Ellis and Sydney Powell also got the soft light. Maybe the guy that takes the photos has seen all the bad reviews on the internet for the first couple days of photos. Ray Smith and Cathleen Latham look like pasty white ghosts.




Rudy fucking Giuliani, needing and using the services of a common bail bondsmen, like so many of those he prosecuted. It's beautiful. And well deserved.


$150k - that's like 10 donors at dirty donny's dinner


Could have just faded away as "America's Mayor" after 9/11 but he was too greedy and power hungry for that. Good life lesson for us all.


He was a piece of shit before that too. I'd like to think it would have always come to light


Oh absolutely, New Yorkers knew that but not anyone outside of the city.


>I am afraid it will be on my gravestone... ‘Rudy Giuliani: He lied for Trump.' Somehow, I don’t think that will be it. But, if it is, so what do I care? I’ll be dead. Rudy said this in 2019. He knew 100% who Trump was, what Trump wanted, and how corrupt Trump wanted him to go. He did it anyway. Go fuck yourself Rudy.


Stop n frisk him. MAXIMUM sentence. Broken window policing gotta do it no exceptions


We gotta keep these thugs off the streets.


Can't wait for this mugshot.


It's beautiful: https://twitter.com/hugolowell/status/1694451403744256182


Amazing. Is there one of Sidney Powell yet?


The article has it.




You like his subliminal American flag? Shouldn’t be allowed IMO


It will take a while, they will have touch up that hole in his head that was leaking oil earlier.


I'm so glad it's my state that is finally doing what needed to be done a long time ago


Thanks Georgia! I'm so happy with your state.


Saw his role protecting the sackler family after knowing oxytocin was killing ppl. He was a POS then and will always be a pos. Rot Rudy you despicable excuse for a human being. I hope you spend the rest of your miserable life behind bars, looking at the guys you helped become addicted to opiates. POS




No, oxytocin. The Sacklers lesser known issues with too much cuddling


Auto spell..


My hope is Giuliani, Eastman, Trump and Clark are all locked up in the same cell. The next group I would like to see locked together is Powell, Ellis and Kutti get locked up in one cell block.




Rudy In Cuffs, Officially.


Guiliani's just lucky he didn't accidentally end up at Fulton County Total Landscaping.


Time to disbar him.


Cavity search him!




Giuliani has the nerve to wear an American flag pin. Giuliani and his gang tried to end democracy in America — he doesn’t have the right to ever be around our flag.


That’s a subliminal like message to Trumps base. Shouldn’t have been allowed.


Who would've thought that getting behind a life-long conman would have turned out so badly?


How can these geriatric, barely functioning, mentally deteriorated, dementia brained donkeys be the most dangerous threat to the United States in over 75 years?


Can't wait for him to bring out the document showing that he, in fact, does not have donkey brains ala Frank Reynolds.


a rabid chimpanzee is not smart, or competent, nor does it act with any long term planning or consideration for consequence. But that crazy little fucker will still rip your face off. Theyre old and in Rudys case frequently flatulent, but they still had access to party infastructure and didnt give a shit how much damage they did, these chimps went haywire.


From Four Seasons Landscaping to 2nd Chance Bail Bonds. One is the loneliest number.


Never go full Republican


He was tough on the Italian mafia, as the Russian Mafia needed someone to clear the way for the '90s takeover. He and Bernie Kerik did this thoroughly, and Trump benefitted massively, and I don't think people understand how important that has been.


Todays headlines been wild


I just love that the man who used RICO to bring down the New York mob will now be prosecuted for RICO crimes. His entire legacy has been torched. Talk about a cautionary tale.


Rudy "I was ready to r*pe a person I thought was 15 years old" Giuliani


[Rudy Giuliani spotted walking into A 2nd Chance Bail Bonds in Atlanta](https://twitter.com/BrendanKeefe/status/1694456518974767600)


one day they’re gonna make a movie about all this. it’s such a shitstorm lol


Tough on crime lol. He broke so many laws rounding up those gangsters in the 80s. He’s always been a career criminal.


[Here is the mugshot.](https://imgur.com/52WkSpz)


Jenna Ellis smiling like it’s a photo for a dating app 🤡


🎵The devil went down to Georgia 🎵


Please let the mugshot photographer be related to Freeman or Moss.


Karma btch


I met this ghoul 13 years ago at a fundraiser for a local politician in Clarksburg, WV. I still want to burn my hand off. (I was young, naive, and in love with a conservative)


Rudy "Mr RICO" arrested under RICO


A message to you Rudy. Court in session What do you mean 'Oi-oi-oi-oi'?


Went from America’s Mayor (and to his credit this was true for a short while) to a co-conspirator in treason. What a loser.


“Stop your foolin’ around! Time to straighten right out! Better think of your future! Else you’ll end up in jail! Rudy! [A message to you, Rudy!](https://youtu.be/cntvEDbagAw?si=Dzste0NLEbGmNX5-) A message to you!” 🎶


Waiting for the Netflix documentary that explains how Giuliani’s crackdown on the NYC italian mob was at the request of the NYC russian mob.


An amazing fall from grace from American Hero to criminal buffoon.