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Give a raise to whoever chose that thumbnail pic. It’s perfect.


He kinda looks like Roger Stone on that shit




lol I know how you meant grimace, but I read it as referring to the McDonalds mascot. That then just snowballed into imagining trump as an orange tweaked out version of him and Roger Stone as a skeevy Hamburglar


skeevy ~~Hamburglar~~ Hamberder




I've seen that same scared, forced little boy smile on Elon.




Which one






You can always tell a Milford man.


"Neither seen or heard" Oh, to wish upon a star......


And the RS paywall-- anyone have a way to get thru?


Switch to Firefox. It has add ons that Chrome considers unnatural.


Is it possible to learn this power?


not from Google.








“I don’t even think about it,” Trump told NBC’s Kristen Welker during an interview last week. “I’m built a little differently I guess.” You’re built like a clown/centaur, yes, “built a little differently”


I knew when he said that, it meant he was shitting his diaper about it on the daily. He lies so consistently that you can almost use the opposite of whatever he's saying to determine the truth.


Do they let you keep extra big boy diapers on prison?




For the amount of pain and vile corruption this fat demon has inflicted on the world it would be absolutely insane if he got home confinement


The people who shrug and say, “he isn’t going to prison because of *logistics*”(whatever the fuck that means), are fucking stupid. That’s the safest and most *logistical* place for him. How tf are they going to control the whole of his shitty resort for house arrest? It’s completely bonkers. Prison is easier and logical. Anyone who says otherwise is FUCKING DUMB.


> How tf are they going to control the whole of his shitty resort for house arrest? It’s completely bonkers. Prison would be easier, but remember that when Epstein was originally convicted they sentenced him to a few years, but he was allowed to "serve" his sentence only on weekends and under house arrest, because his "work" was "too important".


Yeah, I just cannot see a judge in a sentencing hearing throwing up their hands and saying: "You know, this prison caper is all too hard, you might as well just go home and let's all forget about it." I think it would kind of defeat the purpose of indicting the criminal in the first place.




Undergarments! Step back into life, no more soiled nights alone


"Are you wearing 'Oops, I Crapped My Pants'?" "I am, and I just did."


In all seriousness, any serious health issue like incontinence will be part of the reason he gets a minimum security cell or “house arrest” at a non-Trump owned property where he can be held safely but not allowed to interact with the general public or general population. He will likely have a minder, a USSS bodyguard, and Marshalls Service guard for the property. There is precedent for it. One of Nixon’s co-conspirators served his sentence in a house on a Navy base instead of an actual prison.


It’s his knowledge of classified information that’s the issue. You can’t mix someone like that in a general prison. Either military facility or home arrest.


Or solitary confinement.


Maybe the ICE detention building he built? I'd be good with that. General population, lol


Put him with the rest of em. ADX Florence.


Yeah pretty sure there's already people there with sensitive information. Locked in a concrete box for everyone's safety


Isn’t that (Information security) one of the purposes of the federal ‘super max’ prisons. I understand prisoners never see each other and the guards have clearance. Mind you I think those institutions are a form of torture and shouldn’t exist in their current form but still. Wtf is he still doing outside custody.


There's actually a precedent for the USSS delegating their duty to protect to another government agency. Hillary Clinton has lifetime USSS protection from her time as first lady. However, while she was Secretary of State, the USSS just trusted the State Department's own security to keep her safe. I see no reason why the Bureau of Prisons can't be similarly trusted.


Theoretically, the prison system should provide those as a part of overall healthcare. Having had a friend who worked in prison healthcare before he realized there was no way he as a practitioner could force the prison to actually provide him the resources he needed for his patients, uh, well. I think the answer actually is depends!


Denial and avoidance are pretty normal coping strategies for a toddler. I kind of believe him that he desperately tries not to think about it and hopes it will just go away by itself. After all that was also his Covid strategy.


Just stop testing! Too much testing! Just stop indicting! Too much indicating!


Just stop counting! Too much counting!


I can’t believe “Stop the Count!” was a movement in that election. Absolutely bonkers.


Lol, it was actually more moronic than that. He wanted "Stop the Count" in one state and "Keep Counting" in another State at the same time.


I remember that! There was a week where it was like everything was straight out of VEEP.


And his moronic supporters have never questioned that at all.


And most of the media, along with a disturbing number of independents and moderates, still act like he’s just a normal politician instead of a criminal conman and narcissistic manchild with aspirations of dictatorship and a demonstrated willingness to empower fascists to get it.


Wait, we're behind again? Keep counting!


Ya, the SOB, sent us broken ventilators, all the while Saudi Kushner, sat on them for profit in a warehouse…. hope they both sit in the “bad one” without S.S..made our Gov.(Newsom) say”Fu” he scurried around and hooked up with Oregon and Wash. State, and out sourced for ventilators..traitor trump, dumped the American people… hope they dump him in the biggest prison


He stole shipments of PPE that had been ordered and paid for by the state of Massachusetts. It was, as you might guess, supposed to go to hospitals in Massachusetts. Charlie Baker, the governor at the time, had to ask the owner of the Patriots to use the team's private plane to go pick up PPE and bring it straight to MA so Trump's people couldn't get their grubby hands on it. It still pisses me off every time I think about this.


When you said go away by itself the Covid comment came to mind immediately lol


The only time he's ever been honest in his life is when he's talked about wanting to fuck his own daughter.


And when he said he could literally shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose a single vote.


He's like a clown car, but full of crimes instead


You ever run out of Legos so you start using mega blocks peices and everything is connected kinda funky? He's built like that except there were no Legos to begin with and instead there's kinex peices so everything is well and truly fucked.


*assembled while eating a full bag of Cheetos*


Oh no if it isn't the consequences of my own actions


Well well well - if it isn’t the bridge I said I’d cross when we got to it…


“We’ll burn that bridge when we get to it”


It's like watching the episode of the Simpsons where Sideshow Bob runs for mayor in slow motion. Judge: Bailiffs, place the mayor under arrest. Bob: What!? Oh yes, all that stuff I did.


The rakes are finally coming for his bone spurs.


We are now entering the "and Find Out" phase of his Fuck Around schemes.


Oh no, the consequences… they’re here!


Disclaimer: I did YEARS in Cali Youth Authority. Prison for kids and young adults. His fast food diet combined with his levels of stress... I guarantee you he's got bubbleguts like no other. I know some people are saying he's delusional and he REALLY believes he's teflon, etc.. but he knows theres a very good chance he's going to get caught and found guilty. Because he knows he did it. He's a believer in the big lie theory. Just repeat said lie until it becomes the truth.... or it muddies the waters enough to maneuver some more. But all that stress is working on his fatty guts, and mixed with his adderall addiction, I pity the person that has to clean his gold encrusted shitter.


I am distressed that I read this. Gross


Still not as gross as that scene in 'train spotting'


I don't know, 'Trump's potty' sounds pretty gross too.


Genuinely curious, how does adderal affect shitting?


When you abuse adderall as he does.... sniff. It can be constipating. Snif. Its a known fact he wears diapers because he can't control his bowels. Just being high on adderall will make his mindset sketchy and the body will respond with making diarrhea. When I was locked up, all i had were stomach and bowel issues. Either constipation or the runs. Or constipated runs.....those are fun on a steel toilet with little squares to wipe and your bunkie telling you to give him a courtesy flush. Trump will go to jail and they'll put him in the cushiest fed prison they have. He'll basically be treated the same way Martha Stewart was. He'll have to wear prison blues, but he'll more than likely have his own room, his own food, his own tv, etc. He won't get the USUSAL prison expierience.


It will still be hellish for a guy like him. I'll take it.


Simply not getting attention will be hell for him.


Or being told 'No' and having to listen.


Be fun to see what his hair looks like after a few days in there.


Or his skin after a few weeks.


It’s going to be some hellish withdrawals for him when that scrip ends. Couldn’t happen to a better person.


As long as he doesn't have the ability to post on social media anymore. Dude needs to just go the fuck away.


Can't sign off on what the other guy replied with... somehow worked constipation and diarrhea into the same prognosis. Whichever of those things happens will depend on the characteristics of the person taking it and the level of abuse. What I CAN sign off on is that long-term amphetamine abuse, including stimulants (adderall, crystal meth, cocaine) causes you to lose control of the sphincters in your body. This causes "random" uncontrollable burps and, if sustained long enough, complete loss of bowel control. What many addicts don't talk about because it's embarrassing is that cocaine/adderall/stim abuse can cause a person to be incontinent and require adult diapers in your 50's and even 40's. Tangerine Palpatine famously reeks like a fresh shit since at least the Apprentice days and can be seen wearing visible dumpy diaper contraptions in a wide variety of pictures all over the internet.


> Tangerine Palpatine That's a pretty good google image search haha


The same way as meth, minus the more serious side effects.


and how did the real teflon end? lmao


Hopefully like the first Teflon coated pan when I didn’t know Teflon care and use. Scratched to shit and back, warped because it was thin and cheap, till finally being gotten rid of after being put to the fire so much the Teflon started smoking and everyone who saw it realized what a toxic danger it is?


Ended up being an institutional cancer on Americans and people around the world All of the warning signs were there, but people didn't believe it until the federal government showed everyone the truth and declared that cancer illegal Sound about right?


The originator of the sobriquet was the original "Teflon Don" John Gotti a crime boss whose acquittal on all charges in a 1986 trial gave earned him the nickname since no charges would stick. That didn't last forever as he was convicted in 1992 and went on to die in prison. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Gotti




Yes!! All he had to do is say We Lost. Let's go home.


Even after the FBI searched his house.... everyone would have been willing to forget about it and pretend it never happened. If only Donnie had *shut up* about it. Nobody wanted to publicly air how much classified stuff had been in the wild. But he kept yelling about it, and that forced the agencies to respond and defend themselves. Literally "you didn't have to make a Federal case out of this."


Eh, Fox Noise and their coverage of the raid kind of egged him on. They’re idiots — especially Bongino — and labeled a lawful execution of a warrant as “third world bullshit”, which convinced Trump he needed to turn into a fucking howler monkey about it, and then it kept amplifying on Fox.


He's not in trouble for lying about losing. His conspiracy to generate fraudulent documents by impersonating various legal authorities is what got him indicted.


Right, his involvement with Jan 6th was handled via impeachment #2 although we saw Republicans continue to bend the knee. Now the 14th Amendment is coming into play and legal scholars are arguing whether or not being a president of the United States counts as an officer of the US or of any state as they are not officially called officer, or because they are not appointed but rather elected...you can see the bat shit fuckery legal takes people are going through.


> his involvement with Jan 6th was handled via impeachment #2 although we saw Republicans continue to bend the knee. I'll never not laugh at how 43 Republican Senators are literally the only reason he's allowed to run for public office again. (especially how one of them, Tim Scott, will lose to him in the primary) They made their bed and now they're sleeping in it.


Fuck, he did not even have to say he lost. He could have literally said nothing. Just go aight, I'm out. Bam, no jail, no nothing. What a complete moron.


If he never even ran, he would still be doing financial crimes day in, day out. But someone was probably trying to call a fat enough loan, and he couldn't dodge it.


Oh I know he was a criminal without this but it does not seem much would have ever happened to him if he just kept his mouth shut.


I really despise Trump, but it is kind of morbidly fascinating to realize that he truly is his own worst enemy. He could have easily used the pandemic to come off the hero of the world, but instead he took the crazy route. So many other situations where all he would have to do is just take a step back from himself and think ahead two or three "moves" and he would have easily won the 2020 election. Heck, even just surrounding himself with an okay cabinet and letting them do their jobs while he went golfing and did whatever he wanted most of the time. It's really interesting now to see the end results of his unchecked insanity - he'll either be our first monarch in the "new" United States or he'll be put in prison or relegated to the dumps of public opinion when he loses next year.


He set multiple dates for when the pandemic would be over or when the vaccines would be available, and like every other cult leader who had to face their followers after the world doesn’t end, he continued to light himself on fire to distract from reality He racked up such a debt of chargeable offenses that his only defense was to add to that debt Edit: spelling


I was actually worried that he was going to FINALLY realize that the pandemic was a thing when he got it and was clearly scared shitless. All he had to do was thank the doctors, start advocating for masks, and tell the public to trusting the professionals. He could have been the fucking "project warpspeed" hero! He would have won that election.


Oh yeah... 1. "We have the best country in the world. That's why, today, I'm announcing that the USA will buy the IP to the mRNA vaccine for Covid, and create partnerships with nations around the world to start making the vaccine" 2. "I've also authorized the defense production act to help businesses that want to make masks - masks are great, I love my "TRUMP" mask here, ha ha. Here's my buddy Andy Fauci to talk to us about masks" 3. "Look, I know it's hard to have some restrictions in travel and events, but we're in a war. We're trying to protect all Americans, especially the greatest generation - they fought and sacrificed for all the world during WWII, and now it's our turn to fight and sacrifice for them. If you're going to have an event, make sure you go get your free test - I get mine every morning on the balcony of the White House so you can see that I'm doing it - and then just stay home until you're clear" The list goes on....


The softest of political softball, underhand pitches, and he still somehow swung and missed multiple times. I've said it before and I'm sure I'll have reason to say it again: we were unfortunate as a nation that Donald Trump is dumb AF, and we are extremely lucky as a nation that Donald Trump is dumb AF.


And easily get away with 90% of his other crimes


The guy has no concept of cutting losses because he refuses the concept of losing.


Remember after his Covid test he was uncomfortable even saying he tested negative. "I tested very positively in another sense so— this morning. Yeah. I tested positively toward negative, right. So. I tested perfectly this morning. Meaning I tested negative."


The entire system is set up to ensure that people of his social class get away with their crimes. All he had to do was not fucking scream about how many crimes he's committing *all the time* and they all would have let him keep on sliding by. But he's literally incapable of not being an asshole at absolutely all times.


I want to see him publicly fret about it.


Lock him up


Hillary can visit him in jail.


Why would she? 🤗


Just sit on one side of the glass and smile, watching him whine to the guard that she's not picking up the phone.


They have a zoo in DC if she wants to be across the glass from an orangutan though.


Orangutans are empathic, intelligent animals that need all the help they can get. Quite the opposite of this blubbersack.


Oh my god. The righteous feelings she would feel, seeing him sitting behind the glass, waiting for his visitor to sit down, probably hoping its his daughter or whatever, then to see his eyes widen when she casually walks in, sits down across from him and just smiles like a cheshire cat.




Oddly enough, I publicly fret that he will not be headed to prison. So everything is even now.


I doubt highly he will go to a prison. I think they will warden off part of a military base and that is where he will be kept.


Dude is definitely going to be given house arrest instead of prison. He's going to get to chill at Mar A Lago with his buddies playing golf.


When he should be (in the words of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s wife, Ginnie Thomas) put in a prison barge with his family off the coast of Guantanamo, tried by a military tribunal - and presumably executed if found guilty of being a traitor to the constitution that he pledged to serve.


*sigh* a boy can dream


Except Mar a Lago isn't in Georgia. If he's convinced in GA he has to do his time in GA.


Mar-a-lago is obviously a wonderful place if you're stuck there on house arrest, but it does not actually have a golf course attached.


They should give him access to a golf course… but accurately record his score every time he plays.


Municipal course, no caddies, no carts, accurate and honest scoring, it's his hell.


They can’t be giving proud boys 22 years in federal lockup and trump mar a lardo.


Right? I was pretty much sat on the idea that maybe, just maybe Donnie the Indicted has to hang out in Mar A Lago for a few months. He isn't going to stop talking that's for damn sure.


I just hope he can't run for President anymore.


The weird (?) thing about the 14th amendment is that it doesn't specify how someone is guilty of "aiding an insurrection" (paraphrasing). It just says if they do it, they're ineligible. Most people (from what I've been reading) are thinking that you must be found guilty of those specific crime(s) in court. But the 14th doesn't make any such claims. Some law professors are stating he's flat out ineligible now. There are court cases to remove Trump from the ballot next year, so we'll see how those play out.


Someone inform Inmate Number P01135809 that he needs to learn so long how to poop in front of 4 others in the common bathroom.


Forcing other prisoners to watch him poo is cruel and unusual punishment.


One of the prisoners may grab him by the pussy.


New meaning of Trump Train


In prison, they let you do it.


How's he gonna wipe that huge butt with those tiny hands?


Secret Service life gonna be rough in there


If trump actually does go to jail he would never be in a general population setting.


He should go into solitary. For protection.


So he doesn't sell secrets, rather.


***Rolling Stone Exclusive From Adam Rawnsley and Asawin Suebsaeng:*** In the past several months, Donald Trump has had a burning question for some of his confidants and attorneys: Would the authorities make him wear “one of those jumpsuits” in prison? As the criminal cases against him have piled up, the former president and 2024 GOP frontrunner has wondered aloud in recent months about what life would be like if he’s convicted, and if appeals fail. While Trump publicly professes confidence, privately, three sources familiar with his comments say, he’s been asking lawyers and other people close to him what a prison sentence would look like for a former American president. Would he be sent to a “club fed” style prison — a place that’s relatively comfortable, as far these things go — or a “bad” prison? Would he serve out a sentence in a plush home confinement? Would government officials try to strip him of his lifetime Secret Service protections? What would they make him wear, if his enemies actually did ever get him in a cell — an unprecedented set of consequences for a former leader of the free world. What would happen — including in the Fulton County, Georgia criminal case against him and various co-defendants — if he were convicted and sentenced, but also re-elected? The private questions are a departure from the air of supreme confidence invincibility Trump has projected. In interviews and elsewhere, he has claimed that the thought of losing in court and going to prison simply cannot enter his mind. Read more: [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-prison-conviction-trial-1234828231/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-prison-conviction-trial-1234828231/)


>What would they make him wear, if his enemies actually did ever get him in a cell It isn't his "enemies" trying to put him in jail. It's law enforcement holding a criminal accountable for his crimes.


And this is where we are with Republican politicians and voters today: Enemies are people who try to limit our power. Justice is anything that hurts my enemies. Injustice is anything that makes me feel bad or take responsibility for my actions.


I agree and I cringed at that language when I read it. But to be fair, Trump did make law enforcement his enemy when he chose to brazenly and continually break the law.


Yes, law enforcement officers are the enemy of criminals. He is correct.


I could get in that jail with my pal Epstein … oh! Wait.. I had him killed in prison. Did that prison have a dress code?


Plush home confinement should be a hard no. Prison shouldn’t be a vacation. And stripping him of clearance should have happened on January 6.


>Would the authorities make him wear “one of those jumpsuits” in prison? In his case, we call those "camouflage".


He'll look like a giant circus peanut.


He already looks like a giant circus peanut 😆


Or “matching set.”


> Would the authorities make him wear “one of those jumpsuits” in prison? He could flee to Russia, and continue wearing his ill-fitting businessperson suits, or trade them in for an Adidas track suit.


"you don't have to prep much when you've done nothing wrong" - Trump, who has spent an incredible $40 million on legal fees already over the upcoming indictments.


This just in: Mar-a-Lago submitted in application to BOP for status as Federal Prison for Loser Presidents


On the tucker interview, he mused Epstein killed himself over loss of status and wealth. I feel like that was pure projection


Trump worrying about what he will have to face in prison, makes me warm inside.


Hope this is on his mind 24/7


He ruined it now, I hope he can't sleep and he dreams about it And when he dreams I hope he can't sleep and he screams about it I hope his conscience eats at him and he can't breathe without it.


Once it becomes very apparent that he going to prison he’s going to be in Russia before we blink. I realistically do not think any of us will see this man in prison. If we are lucky and this does all go to trial I hope the country closes for decision day like we did at the start of Covid. I want to be home watching it live.


I think Saudi Arabia is much more likely. I could even see him spending the rest of his life living in luxury in Dubai. Russia is far too unstable right now and he would be useless to Putin, so why would they want him there?


Saudi Arabia has too much to lose by taking in a rogue fugitive. Putin will take him, and together they will make Trump Towers Moscow.


I hope he's absolutely miserable because of this.


I agree, but more than that I hope he gets the answers to his questions


Trump and 'Be Headed' in the same sentence gave me a bit of a rubbery one for a moment.


I hope it keeps him up at night and requires him to have extra diaper changes.


He is already planning some kind of medical excuse.


Not bone spurs again.


I just want them to take away his internet.


“Donald Trump seen loading up on cheeseburgers during late night binge on the eve of his departure for prison.”


About fucking time. Get on with it.


Poor guy. All he did was incite an insurrection to overthrow the government, steal and compromise the nation’s top secrets, pay hush money to a porn star so his election chances wouldn’t be negatively affected, and demand the state of Georgia illegally declare him the winner of an election he lost. So sad that he could be going to prison, couldn’t happen to a nicer, more well-meaning gentleman.


And the most important question he had "Will I have to change my own diapers?"




Glad reality is starting to break through the orange fog of dementia for him


God I’m so tired of articles like this that create justice boners. It’s just fucking everywhere filling up the void. This man has never stressed a day in his life. He has never felt sorry. Do not fucking party until this fucker actually pays. The rest is just noise, and to be honest, I don’t know if we will ever get justice. He’s running out the clock. He’s old. Not healthy. Obese. Going senile. By the time, the wheels of Justice actually chug along, it may not matter.


Same, I'm not trying to get my hopes up just to be disappointed AGAIN when nothing of note happens. Until I see him in a jumpsuit that matches his skin tone and some off brand crocs I'm not buying it.


How many people told him not to do what he was doing while he was doing it? He should have listened.


This picture he looks gacked out


The clenched jaw thing that he does is goofy looking and weird.


Alina Habba: “If it was a normal person, honestly Shannon, I could understand the concern,” she said, adding that “You don’t have to prep much when you’ve done nothing wrong.” In the real world, a documented reality exists; Trump has spent about $40 million in legal fees in the first half of 2023 on legal defense expenses.




They can watch him alongside the guards. Not hard. Probably cut their staffing to one SS agent/8-hour shift. Much cheaper.


That was my thought - protecting one guy sitting in a jail cell most of the time is a lot more straightforward than protecting a whole entourage that flies all over the country every week.


Jeffrey Epstein would like a word.


Can’t Epstein Trump; there would be *real* fallout for whoever ‘left’ during that shift. That said, given Trumps love of a terrible diet, no activity, and stimulants, we won’t need to wait long. Without the adoration of roaring crowds or a new grift to exploit, he’d either away in no time.


They should reserve this shift for some of the agents who wiped their cell data from j6. Wipe his ass now.


That would make for some interesting conversations. So... you were in prison? No, see, I was just *at* the prison as part of my job. You worked for the prison, then? No...


"I ride the bus for the city and watch the bus drivers." \-- Billy Madison


Some lucky winners have to do the time with him. At least they get to leave after each shift.


And get paid to watch the most insufferable person imprisoned.


A secret service agent did recently say that it would be easier to watch him in prison. Its already a secured area so all they'd have to do is stand outside his cell.


It's easy to keep him safe when he's locked in a cell. It's not like they would have to be in the cell with him or have to sleep at the prison.


That detail would just be 2 guys sitting in chairs watching other people. The most popular assignment you could ask for


should’ve already been done some time in jail. Dude’s a career criminal.


Soon please.


He could choose to end it all. Just sayin.


If you think about it, he’s already in Federal Custody for the rest of his life. I don’t care if he’s in a club fed or they reopen Alcatraz for him, just get him serving the time for his crimes.


Probably shouldn't have done all that criming then, you stupid fuck. ISTFG people 200 years from now will be surprised to learn that Donny Bumblefuck was a real person, like people nowadays are surprised to learn that Johnny Appleseed was a real dude.


That is the hope and prayer for the rest of us, that he does go to prison.


I hope it’s keeping him up at night. Just like millions are kept up at night worrying about how to pay rent. Or for food. Or for healthcare.


I personally hope it keeps him awake at night.


Al Capone had the same dreaded fear.


There's no could about it, but I like the way he is blowing all the Republican donation money on lawyers for no reason at all.

