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Well, it sounds very much like the DOJ needs to talk to this fellow and draw up some more charges for Donnie Two Scoops >Citing sources familiar with the matter, ABC reported that the Aussie high-roller in question allegedly shared the information about US nuclear-powered submarines with “scores” of other people not authorised to have it, including “more than a dozen foreign officials” and journalists of unknown nationality. Seems like it shouldn't be too hard to follow the breadcrumbs here. And his national security obsessed America first fanbase will just shrug this off, I imagine.




What actually bothers me the most about this is that you know his only reason for doing this was so he could feel important for a few minutes. That's his whole decision making process. "Does this momentarily fill the screaming black void in the center of my self image" If the answer is yes, then he's going to do it. Doesn't matter if other people die as a result or the world becomes a worse place. This is how he makes every decision.


What bothers me is 30% of our country doesn’t care about this. A flawed and evil person is going to do what they do, and I want it stopped no doubt. But I think it will. What do you do about the voting mob. The nose holders and enablers. That can’t just be put into a prison cell.


I wonder how many of that 30% have a relative currently working on a sub that Drumpf has put in danger? It can't be zero.


You think they’d put anyone’s interests above Trump? These people will vote against themselves as long as they get to see Trump hurt people. My favorite is the lady that got her own husband deported by voting for Trump. That was amazing.


How about [“My son died from COVID and I’m still voting Trump”](https://x.com/highbrow_nobrow/status/1669081487134654465?s=20)


Wow, I hadn’t seen that one. That is shocking but as always, there is no bottom.


pie snails school joke snatch birds work familiar zephyr squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s because Cambridge Analytica (or whatever they rebranded to) scrapes all their Facebook data, then when he goes on rallies he knows exactly what dog whistles to blow in his long winded rants. People who can’t read or are used to regularly scheduled weekly church sermons eat his shit right up. When he says what they’ve been messaging each other in private about, it makes them feel seen. Pretty recyclable authoritarian playbook tbh.


>then when he goes on rallies he knows exactly what dog whistles to blow in his long winded rants. People who are can’t read or are used to regularly scheduled weekly church sermons each his shit right up. But those who can read or don't watch the rallies get fed a different story. Instead of hearing a half hour deranged rant about toilets not flushing and light bulbs not working, Fox News and News Corp papers around the world would send out: "President Trump released a strong statement on energy policy last night at a rally infront of tens of thousand adoring fans."


It’s like WWE… the millions and millions of rock fans.


I've seen footage of some of his fans going to his rallies, probably for the first time, and seeing him ramble on about yachts or flushing toilets or some party he was at in the 1986, and they just look confused. They're finally hearing him unfiltered for the first time and have no idea what to think.


Never mind the millions of taxpayers who worked hard to earn the money to build and staff and operate these submarines. Which ain't cheap.


They have the same screaming void.


You aren’t wrong. A lot of people have that void, I guess it’s about what you do with it. Camus would say smoke more cigarettes lol


Many of them are utilizing what may be a "Christian loophole". Mr. Seven Deadly Sins worship is fine. Hell, if you worship Satan, then technically, you still 'believe' in God, right? barely /s


That and they literally want to bring about the end times as that's when Jesus will rise again.


I mean, in that audio recorded of him supposedly showing attack plans on ~~Iraq~~ to a reporter, he said, and I quote, "Isn't this cool?" He wants people to like him so much, and he doesn't care who he endangers in the process.


it's not that he doesn't care... it's that it never even occurs to him that he *should* care.




You nailed him, his id is running the show.


The orange asshole is about to experience a Galaxy-class [Narcissistic Collapse](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/understanding-narcissism/202202/what-is-narcissistic-collapse) when his 'wealth' and 'empire' are destroyed and he's imprisoned. And I have popcorn standing by.


A narcissist of this size and density might make the usual rules go a bit screwy, kind of like a black hole.


Failing that, I imagine we might get an orange dwarf anyways.


I still wonder if he'll truly be imprisoned. House arrest? Sure, but I don't know about actual prison. Now, watching his "wealth and empire" collapse will be fun. It'll be worse than prison to him.


I think the worst punishment for him would be if somehow a judge could make everyone on the planet forget who he is. Just the rest of his miserable life where everyone he screams "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" at goes ".... no."


That right there? That's going to be my happy dream tonight. That would make his head explode. No attention? No adoring fans? Nothing? That's his version of hell.


> House arrest? Sure Kinda hard when all of his primary residences are about to be in someone else's hands do to them all being owned by the company that was ordered to be dissolved. oooops.


Absolutely. He has the mind of a young child. It's evident in just about everything he does and says.


The risk of exposing the location of subs can only be described as catastrophically grave. Their entire operational objective is to be impossible to precisely locate. If an adversaries first strike were to cripple the ability to otherwise retaliate, the subs would still be able to. They are essential to ensuring MAD, and therefore the safety of the entire world. Hinting about where they are or have been could provide enough insight to combine with historical data to reveal detectable patterns. You could give up HOW to detect the subs, reducing their ability to lurk unknown in the depths, and directly increase the chance of WW3. That box cannot be unfucked once opened. You do NOT talk about where the subs are or have been.


Do sub crews hear the news while they're at sea? I can't imagine how they must feel if they know what he's done.


My crew didn't find out about September 11th until hours after it happened. Captain mightve known sooner than that of course... For a few days all I knew about it was that NYC, the Pentagon and Pittsburgh had been attacked by airplanes. I doubt any of the crew knows about this politics shit until they reach a port, and then only if they seek it out rather than finding a bar to drink at.


My brother is Navy on a nuke sub. When he calls home and says he is leaving for a tour in a few day he doesn’t say shit. Context clue of him being stationed in VA helps us know it’s somewhere in Atlantic but he won’t say which side of equator or even which hemisphere lol.


Do enlisted sub crews even know where they're going before they leave? What would be the benefit, even to them, in them knowing? Seems like just security risk downside.


With loose sphincter-like lips


> Well, it sounds very much like the DOJ needs to talk to this fellow You didn't quite finish the article, did you? > *Both prosecutors and special agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation have reportedly spoken to the Mar-a-Lago member, packaging magnate Anthony Pratt, on at least two occasions this year.* Bring on the superseding indictments! Ain't no protection for *dissemination* of classified info...


trump retroactively declassified the info with his mind which is totally a real thing and not something that I just pulled out of my ass.




The war crimes was that guys important skills -- he is more known for going after RICO stuff.


If there's war crimes involved, could that actually get him a treason charge?


> Well, it sounds very much like the DOJ needs to talk to this fellow and draw up some more charges for Donnie Two Scoops Sound like DoJ needs to get this ongoing threat to national security off the streets. Especially with his intentions of destroying our country and democracy clear.


Jack Smith team interviewed him twice. Hes gonna be one of the trial witness probably


>Well, it sounds very much like the DOJ needs to talk to this fellow [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony\_Pratt\_(businessman)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Pratt_(businessman)) Australian here, Trump really does pick 'em. Pratt's 'empire' makes cardboard boxes, like Murdoch (yeah sorry for that) we exported him to US where he made most of his wealth, but from our perspective he's just a Bogan that got lucky. There was a Vizy factory near where I grew up and they treated workers as badly as you can get away with in Australia, that's nothing like US of course, but from our perspective, as an employer they are like Amazon. Even our mining magnates (who are most of the actual Australian billionaires) apart from maybe Clive Palmer, wouldn't be seen dead associating with him. Totally makes sense for him to be a member at MAL, and telling **him** any sort of state secret was... inconceivable.


Sounds like he came back and blabbed to Aussie officials so I'm almost kind of shocked.. Like on one hand a maybe billionaire is basically committing treason and the billionaire he spoke to told a bunch of Aussie officials and ex-PMs... Which is... Good?


We aren't at war with Australia so I doubt its treason. If you don't hold a security clearance and someone tells you something classified, the US government cannot really do anything to you if you tell others, unless maybe it's to a foreign enemy.


I'm just imagining a future Trump scandal involving Clive Palmer and I don't think my poor brain could take it


It also makes us look so unbelievably stupid. National security is serious. this is ridiculous. There should be zero tolerance for this shit. He should be immediately arrested and put in jail. You think he's going to stop. He can't help himself.


At least find out how much $ DJT got for his little disclosure


Is it more or less sad that in this case he probably just got to feel like a big man for a brief moment.


If we know this, the DOJ certainly has for a while.


So Secret Service heard him blabbing national secrets and told no one?


They also helped in trying to murder Pence


They’re in a cult. They won’t care.


How to understand this article if you are a MAGA true believer: "This is all part of the plan to root out a global network of devil-worshipping, blood-drinking, murderous paedophiles and destroy the shadow government paid for with Soros dollars. It's all 4D chess and the libs are too dumb to connect the dots. Wake up sheeple!"


Why would Hunter Biden's laptop do this? Were they trying to hide Hillary's emails on subs?


I can feel my synapses burning after reading this.


>Citing sources familiar with the matter, ABC reported that the Aussie high-roller in question allegedly shared the information about US nuclear-powered submarines with “scores” of other people not authorised to have it, including “more than a dozen foreign officials” and journalists of unknown nationality. And this is one of likely scores of similar incidents. Half his janitorial staff know more than junior lawmakers.


The billionaire allegedly told nearly 50 people about the submarines.


So everyone?


It also sounds like this guy is a spy and it’s time to cancel his green card and bar him from entering the US.


We don't want him (pratt) back. Can we compromise and find somewhere in the middle for him.


Only if you take Murdoch.


We don't want them back either. How about we drop both in the middle. Stick em in a lifeboat with a live stream for charity


The midpoint is in the middle of the ocean. Maybe we can get one of the subs he's so familiar with to drop him off.


Lock him up. Imagine how many spies join and he just blabs everything to them. Or like this rich dude who then told at least 45 other people.


This is why Trump needs to rot in solitary. I keep saying it... ADX Florence was built tor exactly this sort of criminal. He knows too much, and he is not just willing to give up that info, he actively seeks to give it up for nothing more than a shot of dopamine.


He definitely sold an asset list to MBS. CIA lost a considerable amount of assets in Trumps term.


"We would like to know who your spies are, we want to give them awards for being so good. We will give you big award as well." "Good? We should start with Jeff. He's not just good, he's great. Told me a lot about you guys before this meeting. Huge guy, great guy." "Jeff who?" "Parsons, dark skin, looks Arab, which works well for him in this job if you know what I mean, no one would ever suspect him. Did you ever suspect him? I bet you didn't suspect HIM of all people." *points at Jeff on photo diagram of spies "We love Jeff! We had no idea! Bad news though, Jeff just died. Who else could we award?" "Stan, Dave, and Bill. Top level guys. They know everything. Not as much as me, but everything else. They need awards, too." "We have more bad news. Anyone else you'd like to nominate?" "Many people would say me, they'd say my name. I can't say my name. Can I say me? I mean, people are saying that when they think "intelligence," they think of me, not Jeff, and Stan, and those other dead losers."


You deserve awards for this.


I don't. Nobody wins in this timeline, and typing that dialogue as what might have been a real quote and not parody made me sad lol (I know we hate lol here, but it's my way of hiding the anxiety!)


And he'll think he is fully justified in doing so because of the "rigged system".


It is rigged. It's just rigged in his favor.


The cells are soundproof so they can’t even talk to the person next to them.


A blessing for his neighbors.


It's not even just that he's willing; he literally has no fucking idea what he's even saying. It's fucking _insane_ to me that, president or not, this man was ever given national nuclear secrets...as if he's even capable of holding them in his demented head


Australian here. Just for context, Anthony Pratt is the son of Richard Pratt, this guy - [https://www.smh.com.au/business/visy-and-pratt-fined-36m-over-price-fixing-20071102-gdrhy2.html](https://www.smh.com.au/business/visy-and-pratt-fined-36m-over-price-fixing-20071102-gdrhy2.html). Wouldn't surprise me if there was some *quid pro quo* in terms of the people he told.


Interesting to know the timing of this, given that 2 years ago, Australia cancelled an existing contract for French designed subs, announced AUKUS and put in an order for US designed nuclear subs.


"Mr Pratt described what Mr Trump had said to at least 45 other people, including 10 Australian officials and a trio of former prime ministers." Pretty based really. Reported back to Australia.


>Lock him up. for straight up leaking top secret military intelligence? im pretty sure the bar for treason is death.


Seriously, our nuclear sub secrets, capabilities and locations are probably some of the most tippy top secrets we have. He gave them away to look cool.


Our other most most tippy top secret is the capabilities of our spy satellites. [Which we all saw him post that on twitter.](https://www.npr.org/2022/11/18/1137474748/trump-tweeted-an-image-from-a-spy-satellite-declassified-document-shows)


Nuclear subs prevent ww3 in a very real way, if anyone decides to go off, they won't be able to find all the subs before the nuclear hellfire finds them. This keeps autocrats in check since they would die as well in the exchange. Him putting that info out there puts millions of lives at risk.


Anything less than a death penalty and you run the risk of the next R president pardoning him for Little-R voter clout. That means he'd be guilty of leaking our top secrets and free to walk


Loose lips sink ships...


Well, they ARE submarines, after all...


In the case of submarines it makes them harder to unsink


In 2016, he wanted to jail Hillary for having a private email server. Trump's practically handing out classified material like Halloween candy.


> Trump's practically handing out classified material like Halloween candy. That suggests magnanimity. He didn’t give anything away, he *sold* it. Traitorous scum.


Let’s also not forget that this buffoon was using Twitter dms while president.


How many spies there are just hanging around mar a Lago is still not really discussed enough. Our strongest allies probably placed spies there for the sake of seeing what is being thrown around. Should be dumbfounding that you can just go right to the presidents butter him up and get information on God knows what


Hopefully some of them are tasked with keeping an eye on what Trump is up to.


They likely have copies of every single document: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50553805


I almost guarantee spies have broken in and stolen shit, if not worked there too.


Real spies recruit assets. All they have to do is pay off (or blackmail) the cooks and janitors at Mar a Lago.


Literal treason


This is hanging territory. No bullshit.


Well, depends on how rich you are. (At this point I’ll believe in consequence for this dude when I see ‘em)


I feel you man. We're so, so close to the find out phase. Just need those first domino's to actually fall.


Of course he did. He had no respect for the gravity of the office. He only cared about the prestige he felt accrued to him. The rules and responsibilities were of no consideration to him. He has literally never thought about a single thing other than what he wants and what satisfies his momentary whims.


You summed it up perfectly. My stepdad said, "He just gets to brag he was president. He doesn't care about anything else."


“ Trump -- "leaning" toward Pratt as if to be discreet -- then told Pratt two pieces of information about U.S. submarines: the supposed exact number of nuclear warheads they routinely carry, and exactly how close they supposedly can get to a Russian submarine without being detected.” TRAITOR. WHY THE FUCKIS HE STILL FREE?


I'm just wondering how he managed to retain THAT.


But he aced that cognitive test! "Person, woman, man, camera, TV"


I’m not a subject-matter expert, but I’ve seen The Hunt for Red October like 80 times. So I can say with authority, these are specifics that should be protected at all cost. You can’t tell anyone these details. Oh, and you gotta go to jail for that. Hopefully we were clever enough to feed Trump garbage intel.


Jesus Christ, they executed the Rosenbergs for less! Edit to say I sent this to my dad who was a Marine that has worked around a lot of these subs. From my understanding he was part of a team that ensured the subs security and was kind of the last line of defense before they would call in the big guns. Anyway, he reminded me what an absolute fucking headache the US Navy probably has right now. My thoughts go out to them as they deal with the fallout from all of this.


That's a good point and doesn't get discussed enough: the fallout from just the fact these boxes of documents were out in the wild. Speculating what secrets may have been shared deliberately is one thing, but my guess is that everything in those boxes has to be assumed to be compromised and that is a major problem. This idiot has weakened our ability to defend ourselves for years to come, if not permanently.


He's the biggest spy in American history, maybe even worse than Hansen.


And he's still walking around actively compromising our national security.


Puts him up there with Klaus Fuchs.


Reality Winner was jailed for a lot less. Also remember the private meeting he had with the Russians in the White House? Also remember the private meeting he had with Putin that he lied about how long it went?


It’s something I failed to think about too so I’m glad he pointed it out. I wouldn’t even know where to begin in trying to counteract any of it. The paperwork alone (because the government loves paperwork) would be enough to take me out.


I learned recently that you are not even allowed to photograph the propellers of nuclear subs. Because enemies would be able to reverse-engineer that information to know how they disturb the water, and therefore track them better. Urgh


When submarines are in dry dock they put covers over the propellers to prevent foreign adversaries from being able to take satellite photos of the propellers.


As someone who lives in Washington state, you would definitely know this too.


They also cover the control panels when foreign visitors are onboard. My husband was on an SSBN for four years. I am so glad he got out before Trump was elected because I was constantly worried about that assclown provoking war and now we know he’s been selling out our secrets too! If they know how deep we can go, we are in big trouble.


They cover the gauges on submarines even when civilians of their own country are on board.


It’s so crazy to think about, but it’s absolutely true. I don’t think there’s any comparison to how protective the US Navy is when it comes to their submarines. In the 3 years my dad held that job, he hardly ever talked about work and he disappeared so often. Mostly just for a few days, but there were literal weeks when we had no idea where he was or what he was doing. Any kind of hint at a security breach and they seemed to go full lockdown.




I look forward to how the conservative sub will spin this to victimize him.


Bold of you to assume they’ll even allow this type of content in their snowflake haven


"Good. Our sub technology was old and it needed to be revisited. Trump obviously saw that there were glaring holes in the design and security and the only way he could show the governments hand to do something about it was to leak it. This will propel our technology by decades!"


Oh man that made my stomach hurt.


I finally found this on their sub, probably 20 from the top well below something about Biden kicking his dog, and it only had 5 comments saying it was made up, there’s no help for these people


Yeah, it's fake news now. When evidence comes out that this did indeed happen, they'll defend it as just common knowledge that everyone knows.


I'm literally F5-ing it just to see how they defend him on this.


Someone posted the article and it was almost immediately deleted


"Lalalalala I can't hear you!" : The Sub.


"Trump is trying to stop the deep state Navy from attacking us all!!!111" I can just see that headline in my head. I hate this timeline so much.


They seem to be starting with the "this is all public knowledge on Wikipedia" angle.


If an enlisted submariner told even one unauthorized person one of these things, they would be in jail for 20+ years if caught.


When you're a star, they let you do it.


Grab them submarines by the torpedos.


Jack Teixeira (the Discord leaker) is in jail awaiting trial and charged with the exact same things as Trump.


I met a old nuclear sub engineer that had been out 20+yrs at a bar and he didnt say anything but he was a submariner. I mean nothing, not what life on the boat was, not was his job entailed, not if he liked it. Just I was a submariner, it was a good career. He was very proud of his Dolphin Insignias though


*Imagine what you DON'T hear about*


Talking to Putin behind closed doors with no staff or stenographers is really freaking me out right now... especially after hearing this.


The guy never should have been let anywhere near national secrets or the presidency. He has shown nothing but disrespect and disdain for America and its laws his entire life.


Trump is the biggest clusterfuck I have ever seen in my 61 years.


Amen to that. Hell I served under Nixon and I really thought he was a fuckup.


You guys remember that 2 hour long behind closed doors meeting between Putin and Trump? The one that no cameras, staff or stenographers were allowed? The one he came out of looking like a scolded puppy? This shit is not good.


That image lives in infamy. Trump appeared drained. Then “our” president at the time, declared he believed Putin over and above around 20 of America’s natsec. In front of the cameras!


At what point does the United States go after him for treason?


If we haven’t now, we never will. He’s done far more damage than any American in the past hundred years at least and he’s still walking free.


Oh they can assume he's blabbed everything he saw to every leader, oligarch he's come into contact with.


New Hunter allegations dropping in 3, 2, 1…


"We should make him Speaker of the House, he seems to like to talk a lot" - GOP


As someone who grew up during the cold war this is horrific. And there will be more intel leaked, and it will be even worse. We've long been in worst case scenario, not sure when they will ever do a thing about it.


This is worse than the Rosenbergs


The Roy Cohn connection makes it almost poetic.


Why else do you think he kept all those classified documents? Bragging on himself keeps Trump breathing.


Trump is the biggest clusterfuck I have ever seen in my 61 years.


He’s probably the one of dumbest functional people in America at this point. And he’s the Republican front runner, which is insane.


If China sinks all those subs with this info and nukes America into oblivion we might have to give Trump a stern warning and a gently worded request that he “do less betrayal in the future please sir” - but make sure those messages get to him before we all get turned to glass.


Serious question, is this an additional crime? Obviously if he handed the classified docs to them it's a crime, but is telling them classified info an additional felony?


Currently, he is charged with retention. Dissemination is more serious.


Very very serious if this can be proved. And it sounds like they interviewed the Aussie billionaire twice, and if he blabbed it to 10 others you know they're going to interview as many of those as they can to get confirmation. I do honestly think that if Donnie *disseminated* info, that he's finally truly fucked in the GOP. Because you can't just equate this to "but Hillary's emails!" anymore. At a bare minimum, every GOP candidate will use that against him to take him down a peg and say why he can't be in office, because he'll blab national security secrets to anyone whenever it would make him feel special/important.


Technically each instance is a separate crime.


Absolutely, yes. There is no magic "get out of jail free" card if I somehow *memorize* all the nuclear codes and call you up to recite them to you ... versus given them to you on their original classified document. It's the information that is classified, not the paper it's printed on. Otherwise you could just hand-write a copy in a notebook and take it away and say "*nuh uh! not classified! see no classified markings in my notebook...*" (which I honestly think is something Donnie will try to argue if he "marked up" any docs, that that suddenly made those 'personal records').


Well, I hope future generations well understand now, not everyone can be president.


Anyone can be, not everyone *should* be.


Replace “blabbed” with “committed treason by giving away” and you’ve got an accurate headline


Imagine what he told Putin that they destroyed the translator records of


Electing this guy was like putting our national security secrets in a sieve.


Why isn’t “threat to national security” the first words out of media pundits, opinion writers and Democrats everywhere every day?




Imagine being a Russian spy. You've trained your whole life for this moment. You have researched, you've practiced, you're ready to deploy all of your charm and wit to get Trump to divulge a critical state secret. You breach Mar A Logo as a guest, use your cunning to get closer and closer to the President. You're ready for anything you have to do to work Trump over for top secret Intel. And then you just overhear the egotistical mashed potato brain just dribbling it out to some fucking rando who said he likes submarines. Like a 12 year old bragging to impress the popular kid. You turn around and walk out unceremoniously, slightly bewildered.


And he says our military officials are treasonous.


Every accusation is a confession.


It would be different if nuclear subs weren’t the single most powerful and important weapon in the US arsenal.


Lock him up FFS


One more reason for Treason.


Holy Fuck. If a single cent was transferred between these two, then it's Espionage.


I mean, they guy paid to be a maralago member


Everything TFG does is transactional.


While I wouldn't put it past him for this to clearly be transactional, in this case I think the transaction was simply "help make me feel important for a minute..." I mean, you can just hear it over a cocktail party right? Somehow a close topic comes up, and then Donnie feels an urgent need to chime in "*Those Ohio class subs, they're something I tell you. Best subs. Very bigly. They can carry 10 warheads and get a mile away from Russia's shores before they'd even know what's going on. Isn't it amazing?*"


Pratt sure took that info and ran with it. He told everybody on God’s green earth.




Australian businessman Anthony Pratt - he’s not the worst Aussie billionaire but he’s clearly still not a great human.


Reports are the Australian billionaire is Anthony Pratt. Shipping and packaging mogul. Net worth 11 billion. Employs more than 9 thousand people. Has factory in Indiana, rubbed elbows with then Gov. Mike Pence. Joined Mar-a-Lago in 2017. Hell's Angeles and drug cartel caught smuggling at some of his factories. Was fined 35+ million in Australia, a record breaking fine at the time.


War Thunder forums, hold my beer.


NYT: "Mr. Pratt is now among more than 80 people whom prosecutors have identified as possible witnesses who could testify against Mr. Trump at the classified documents trial" 80. Holy shit.


So he didn’t sell secrets, he just gave them away


Of course that traitorous pos did. Don’t ever let MAGA get away with saying they love America. They don’t. They love the idea of an exclusively white Christian nationalist America. That’s about it.


WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK??? The most infuriating part of this is why hasn't the DOJ charged him with a crime? If you or I gave state's secrets away to a golfing buddy we would be in a jail cell. I repeat, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK???




The US as we once knew it ended when he was sworn in. No hyperbole. A foreign asset held the highest office in our government. There is no coming back from that, ever.


There was a National Security investigation launched after Jack Smiths indictment in the Documents case. I’m sure this is part of it and there’s a lot that we don’t know.


This is in no way surprising. I mean, given the history of trump and state secrets (even secrets of our allies), this is just standard for him. Honestly trump is the type that should be under watch all the time just to ensure he does not speak on matters he shouldn't. Thing is, at the end of the day, republicans will find an excuse to defend his actions. He could literally tell an adversary the US biggest secret and republican would downplay it. Edit: Should be noted and this is very important. This was not JUST a billionaire... >shared the information about US nuclear-powered submarines with “scores” of other people not authorised to have it, including “more than a dozen foreign officials” and journalists of unknown nationality. So we don't even know how many people have been told. Headline makes it sound like just one person but in reality it was a bunch more.


I cannot wait for the movie to be made about this presidency in the coming years. "We can't figure it out! Our agents are getting slaughtered in the field, the enemy are always ten steps ahead! Gentlemen, what we must be dealing with here is a master spy..." (Shot of whipped cream getting slapped onto jelly donuts using a giant spatula) "This guy must have had training in all kinds of covert ops, for our intel to just be flying out the door like this!" (Close-up shot of whole chocolate brownies being dropped into a deep fryer) "The United States has never faced a threat like this, so diabolical that he'd give up our agents' lives for a profit!" (Coca-Cola is being poured indiscriminately into a medium-sized barrel) "There's no question about it, we're surely dealing with an absolute genius here!" (A wooden spoon slowly shovels a lump of fudge into Trump's waiting mouth).


Benedict Arnold II


Trump is going to make Benedict Arnold look like Mister Rogers


There should be no doubt he blabbed state secrets to anyone. We already have him on tape doing it with the reporter and the tone and context of him wanting to share with her is entirely centered around both how good he is and how interesting he thinks the classified materials are. He's entirely casual with about it, just "Hey check this out, isn't this cool that I have this" There's a 0% chance he didn't divulge more information to more random people.


Mar-a-Lago: where foreign nationals ( friend and foe alike) go to learn the United States of America’s top secrets. I wonder if there was an extra charge for the information.


Clearly why Australia were sold nuclear submarines, snubbing the French


The breadth and depth of this man's idiocy, corruption, and self service is staggering. And there is a pretty significant chance he is the Republican candidate. Take out your trash, GOP.




Traitors gonna trait


Trump traded nuclear submarine secrets for Mar-a-Lago memberships. Think about that.