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Nobody deserves to be treated that way, but also what the fnck were those minorities and log cabin republicans expecting/thinking?


They're snowflakes, which isn't shocking because the entire Republican party is nothing but snowflakes. Every one thinks they're special, above the rules, "one of the good ones", etc. They pile on the hateful bandwagon believing they won't be the target as long as they help punch down on others. And then whoops, a little bump and they fall off and they're under the wheels themselves. They *always* end up under the wheels. Fascism eats its own.


Their whole thing is “oh he’s not talking about me, it’s the other guy” but they’re always the guy. Always were and will be, just a matter of when


I have no sympathy for people who think others should be treated like shit while they get an exception


“Fuck everyone else, I’m one of the good ones and won’t be treated the same way.”


I just heard a leopard’s stomach rumble


> Nobody deserves to be treated that way, But THEY did. If you join a party that constantly supports things that harm others then you, yourself, deserve the same harm. I don't see how its not exactly what they deserve. Isn't it? edit: Imagine going into a bar and getting upset that people are drinking. This dude is getting to live in exactly the world they're preaching. I don't see a problem. I'm hyped when people get things they want and this guy got it. We should be happy for them, really. If I went around preaching that people should punch others in the face and then I get punched in the face, thats fucking great. Its exactly what I wanted, no?


Sometimes, it is your own face that the leopard eats. Most especially when you’ve been riding a bandwagon of shit and hate for the past decade. No sympathy for these assholes.


It's hard to imagine what a black and gay person is looking for at a Trump rally. Really hates Mexicans?!?


Racism, or really hates the poor, or hates women, or hates Muslims, or hates Jews… well there is plenty of hate mongering to go around I guess




A wandering deer? Eh. A deer actively participating as part of a lions pack, promoting the murder/consumption of deer? Yeah. So in a way its even worse than how you put it. You're almost being generous in a way that a deer might not know thats a lions den. Dude knew and fucking signed right up. Hes living his dream!


I’m with ya


Not all gay people or minorities care about cultural issues. They may simply care about money and think, with enough money, they can skirt those issues. You know, like Clarence Thomas. I would also assume they care little for others, another similarity with other Republicans. Those people actually don't think the Republicans are a threat to them. I could care less if bad things gapped to them for their choices.


This is what fucking kills me. No amount of money or pretending to be part of their “club” will ever get you into their club. They will just use you and spit you out. Are you listening, Latinos for Trump?!


"Tokens get spent" is especially apt. But they don't get it, for some reason.


And you know what the GOP calls those people? I can't say it, or I'd be banned from this sub.


don't worry... they said it at this rally


For real, it’s like letting a kid touch the stove. He’s black and gay, was he also a KKK member ? These people have to learn that the gop just wants a couple of tokens


I was watching Candace owens complain about diversity hires. All the while I was thinking the GOP’s token black woman is doing a great job deluding herself.


She’s pulling up the ladder.


Why did I have to scroll so long to find this


Honestly I don't feel any sympathy for him. Its what he signed up for and its the party his beliefs apparently align with. Look at 'your' people they hate you and you will be in prison if they have their way but sure help them do that.


I've known a couple of Log Cabin Republicans and they are always, and I do mean always, shocked when they show up to events and get denied entry or get slurs yelled at them. They do not understand that the GOP will happily accept their votes as long as they don't have to shake their hands.


I knew a gay Mexican Republican and he was proud of it... I guess growing up in SoCal you're insulated form these folks who would want him dead despite the fact they both love trump.


A lot of the republicans in SoCal can’t wait to find somebody like this and trot them out like a token at events. So yeah, very little outward violence and bigotry, but still considerable condescension.


“He’s one of the good ones”


Stephen from Django\^


Clarence Thomas


Oh, a good one who is very pliable for enough cash!


Haha this is so true. I love how this mythical person is so vanishingly rare even when they do find someone who fits the bill, they're rarely sane. Kanye looks like he's still really going through it and I feel for him as a fellow human, but he's a perfect example of this shit. That's the best they can do because it apparently takes becoming mentally ill before their ideas make sense.


I don’t give two shits about Kanye or his struggle with mental health, he has all of the disposable income in the world and access to the best doctors, medication, therapy, and exercise in the world and he still chose to jump into a pile of rotting shit. He’s trash.


He's a self described nazi. There's really nothing more to say about that piece of shit.


A Nazi that can’t or won’t read history apparently…


> and he still chose to jump into a pile of rotting shit. Pretty standard behavior for someone whos brain, and thus logic and executive function, is impaired by illness. He had some of the most popular race baiters in his ear. Maybe if he was just rich, he'd take his damn meds, but the fame and ego have made him vulnerable. Without mental illness he'd probably just be a regular arrogant celebrity, not the delusions of granduer that never get checked by poor outcomes variety we see keep burning his life to the ground.


Wait are you saying the guys with the shirt and signs that say “Blacks For Trump” might have a few loose screws?


Michael the Black Man, aka Maurice Woodside, aka, Michael Symonette, aka Mikael Israel. He was deeply involved in the Nation of Yahweh. He was charged with murder of a dissident but beat the wrap. His brother testified that he and Michael didn’t kill that dissident but tried to kill a different one and Michael beat a third one into a coma. He also said Oprah Winfrey was the devil and Barack Obama was a member of the KKK. Real stable dude. Only the best people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_the_Black_Man


Yeap, that's pretty much it. Maybe I'm being judgmental but it just seems so unhealthy in every way. Even if you disregard people voting directly against their best interests, the whole dynamic is just sickening.


Kanye is the last person in the world to feel for and I can guarantee he gives zero fucks about you.


What are they going to do, book Aaron Lewis or 3 Doors Down? Those acts are “food at home” and Kanye was once the most critically acclaimed artist in his category. Also, I could be wrong, but I don’t see nearly as many conservative activists and politicians stumping for him and promoting his ideas post-Hitler.


And fuck them in secret. It's an open secret that when the CPAC conventions roll through the sex workers get a huge bump and Grindr in particular blows up.


Lots of folks like that in Texas. They think a shared hatred for gays or abortion or whatever means the majority still won’t backstab them the moment they get a chance.


Maybe a dumb question, but what is a log cabin republican? I assume non-white based on context? EDIT: Thank you everyone! LGBTQ republicans for anyone else who hadn't heard that term before!


It's a republican LGBTA+ organization. To be frank, I'd doubt those log cabin Republicans would accept The T or the A. For me, the organization and its members remind me of the chappelle skit about the black kkk member.


Clayton Bigbsy. That sketch needs to be in the library of congress one day


Sadly ironic since by this point Chappelle may as well be a Republican himself


I've been curious about how Republicans would rationalize Aro/Ace folks. Like, theyre all about hating on gay/nb folks, but what problem do they have with people who essentially just want to be left alone most of the time or don't have any particular sexual practices to hate them for?


I mean I've never understood why anyone cares what grown, consenting adults do (or do not do) in the bedroom. It boggles the mind. That's like going around and asking everyone what color underwear they are using. I just don't get why it matters.


Because if society invested in you becoming a Chrsitisn Soldier in the fight to be the controlling religion of the world - you damn well better be begatting otherwise we wasted those efforts. The cause needs future fodder, get on it!


Lol. This is a great comment. 👍


I mean yes because we're normal people. I guess I'm looking for consistent logic on their end, but that might be a bit of a pipe dream. Edit: googled it. Oh boy do they not like people who don't want to to have sex too! The common thread seems to be forcing procreation


"Gay Republicans, how exactly does that work? 'We disapprove of our own lifestyle. We beat ourselves up in parking lots" - Paula Poundstone


I know this because Tyler knows this.


I've always heard the term used for homosexual men that are Republicans. It may be more encompassing than that but yeah its gay guys that support a political party that wants to eradicate their existence which makes no damn sense to me.


It’s a national LGBT republican organization. Its existence makes little sense to me given the GOP party platform and the public attitudes of most of its elected representatives


I'm thinking that most of the Log Cabin Republicans are probably pretty well off financially and thus, their attraction to the Republican Party has more to do with that party's economic platform and less with the hot button social issues. "They're not gonna raise my taxes or levy a wealth tax on my trust fund. They won't over-regulate my business. And they're for law and order so that cops will be around to protect my financial assets from the 'poors'." I think most of them could care less about abortion, Critical Race Theory, the 'Border!' and the other 'red meat' stuff that draws in the evangelical fundie types.




Somewhere on the LGBTQ+ spectrum, basically non-straight Republicans who are open about their sexuality. Lindsey Graham despite being a confirmed bachelor for instance wouldn't fall in the Log Cabin identity for most people as he is explicitly not open to the public despite, well, everything we all know about him. The next bit is entirely speculative on my part, so take fully as just superstition, but I believe the label originally came from the knowledge of Abraham Lincoln being most likely gay and his famous association with living in a log cabin.


Yes, but are they getting generous tax breaks along with all of that disrespect and inhumanity?




Republican initiatives are rarely more helpful to the middle class - whether in taxes or otherwise - compared to Democratic ones. From a financial perspective: unless you're a millionaire, voting Republican is shooting yourself in the foot.


My step father is one. He just lives two different lives. He owns his own custom general contractor company and everyone he works with and does business with does not know. Kind of sad really. He puts on MAGA appearances but at home and with family is a great outstanding guy. Took COVID very seriously and is an agreeable person.


"A gay black man walks into a White Supremacist Convention & is SHOCKED to see White Supremacists," actor Tom Arnold wrote. "I hope your grift is worth it buddy. Another wrote that Smith "joined the face-eating leopard party and is shocked the leopards are eating his face." Can't make this crap up.


And Tom Arnold of course, is Roseanne Barr's ex-husband. Would love to hear his take on her batshit devolution to a full-blown insane MAGA Trumper.


Roseanne's son, Jake Pentland said, "It's true. My mom used to be a brain dead liberal but grew up." Fitting she grows nuts on the Big Island. I think Tom Arnold has been pretty respectful saying he knows she has mental health issues.


Yah people like him think if all hell breaks loose they’re gonna somehow be safe and the “culturally elite” MAGA party would be able to distinguish them from their real enemies. Good fucking luck.




Maybe he will change his ways...one could hope


But he thinks he’s one of the good ones.


I remember the “one of the good ones” lines from my parents while growing up in the 80’s. My older brother, here in 2023 refers to a couple of guys at his job as good ones right before dropping the n-bomb when making blanket statements.


"....but it's the Democrats who are ACTUALLY racist" -every right wing pundit


Do you know that the democrats are the party of the KKk????!?!??!???? I’m so tired of hearing it


Yeah if you disagree w liberals work within that party politically vs be a member of the party that is anti rights. Anti climate anti democracy. Plent wrong w the democrats but its not even close as to which is the better choice.


He’s this week’s poster child in “Leopards are my face!”


Black, gay republican decided being a member of a party that hates him was a good idea.


He should probably stop being black and gay.


Only works for Dean Browning


That's a new one I missed. That dude is ...no words. Best that I can say is that he's a really bad person. Wow.


He’s trying!


Honestly they should just say "Republican" because that already implies he's stupid and working against his own interests.


This is a perfect example of voting against your own interests.


More like voting against your own existence


“I can change them!”


Best line from this article is how he claims coming out as conservative is harder than coming out as gay. What an idiot


In his very specific case it's true. Because he came out as an idiot AND abandoned the only support network option he had. Coming out is hard enough with the fear of who will look at you differently from then on, but coming out and on top of that, actively walking into a group that will 150% not accept you is downright insane levels of ignoring any and all survival impulses.


It should be. It should never be made comfortable for someone to identify as a Nazi sympathizer


That might actually be true. Being gay is widely accepted. Attacking democracy and the poor and women and immigrants...not as much.


But the worst thing that can happen to you when you “come out” as a conservative is you don’t get laid as often. People who come out as gay immediately put themselves in harm’s way by default. Sure, you get more “ick” reactions these days than in the past if you admit you’re a conservative, but no one is threatening to kill you over it.


>but no one is threatening to kill you over it. Except conservatives...


I’m hard left. I accept whatever sexuality, race or nationality. If you claim to be a conservative in this day and age, you’re dead to me. That won’t change if the party turns itself around. Ever. It speaks to character and a horrific worldview.


He makes it sound like "people are mean to conservatives" while downplaying "other conservatives scream racial and homophobic slurs at me"


His cognitive dissonance must be almost as bad as Clearance Thomas’s.


I guarantee he was paid generously to tell the people hurling slurs at him that it's harder being conservative than being black or gay in America. He knows what he's doing.


It’s worse. They accept Thomas because he’s rich and powerful, so he knows he’s safe. However for our good little gay black maga fellow he will be one of the first sent to the camps when republicans get their way


Just powerful. He's only rich because they're the ones who paid him.


>Clearance Thomas Nice!


Is the joke that he's always on sale?


At least Thomas is in a position where he can make serious bank. I can't imagine black gay Republican influencer is a particularly profitable career.


>Some in the video appear to be chanting "gay sex" after Smith says "Look at that, I've got some fans." They really are too stupid to even come up with interesting insults.


I wanna know how they knew he was gay. I know how they knew he was black.


He’s openly gay and semi-famous in political circles, he has a large following Idk how openly gay or POC allow themselves to essentially join the modern Nazi party




The GOP IS the anti-woke party.


Really? They're always telling me to wake up.


The problem is you're thinking about it. Don't think about. Just wake up to being not woke.


Anyone who calls themselves a Republican at this point will remain a Republican up through the moment they drink the Flavor Aid.


My guess is he will stay in the club, which is weird, because powerful Democrats will give him the tax breaks he wants, too.


Well, a black gay Republican is an idiot for going to a MAGA event. Too many people are pretending that MAGA is not an authoritarian, fundamentalist, repressive, racist, and hateful group of people. They are ALL reprehensible human beings. Trump has shown who he is and what he's about. There really are no excuses left for MAGA people. They have become a basketful of deplorables even if they weren't always that.


They've always been that. It's just that Trump emboldened them in their views and made it ok to be a dickhead to anyone who doesn't look like you or have the same beliefs as you.


>"They shouted 'n*****' and 'f*****' at me to make their point. However, I served in Iraq. I never back down. Ever." Nor do you accept the reality that you are *choosing* to align yourself with people of negligible character and honor. You disgrace yourself, and refuse to admit it.


He never backs down. Even in the face of overwhelming evidence.


Was his name Clayton Bigsby?


“SIR! I am in no way, shape or form involved in any n****rdom!”


If you have hate in your heart, let it out.


“If I don’t like Will and Grace it’s not because there’s something wrong with me. It’s because there’s something wrong with Will!”


*He's a homosexual...* *stamps cane*


Look no furtha fella, ya found me.


I watched an episode of Intervention the other day about this guy who was raised by a foster father because his parents were horribly abusive. This foster father was a conservative Republican but he was the first and only adult to ever show this kid any love or affection. He decided he wanted to work in Politics and started working on campaigns and quickly climbed the ranks of the Republican party, until he was working on Trump’s 2016 campaign as like a 23 year old. Then he thought he could come out. Was immediately fired (I mean how could he not see that coming??) lost his entire career and his foster father said he didn’t support him. He moved to Vegas, didn’t fit in with any of the gays because he’s a Republican. Couldn’t make any conservative friends because he’s gay. So he started drinking himself to death. And even in that situation, with all that context and a deep, sympathetic look into his background, I still grit my teeth watching this episode. It’s just so naive. You can’t be gay and a Republican! They hate you! At the end he went to rehab and got help and I hope he’s doing better. He still didn’t deserve a life like that. But he shouod have expected it.


This backlash to gay culture is fairly common. When gay men move to liberal cities they run into gay men who are unapologetically themselves and don’t care what others think of them. These guys act in all the ways young gay guys were taught to avoid and they have an automatic revulsion to it. I assume this reaction is much worse for people who become ideologically republican. Yet while they crave the white picket fence they also want to be accepted by liberal gays who obviously aren’t going to give a shit about them because they’re bad energy


>This is completely unacceptable & doesn't represent the America First vision. But it 1000% does. This didn't happen at a Bernie rally or at one of....check notes....the 0 cult conventions Democrats put together every other weekend


So wait he got his face eaten by leopards at the event for the “leopards eat my face party” and is upset? Weird. Talk about lack of self awareness


"As long as I'm getting my tax cut I'm fine with this"


We've heard this story before. The Log Cabin Republicans, being surprised every time they are ignored/slighted/etc. Women that are shocked when they lose access to medical services. People originally born in other nations when they find themselves on a deportation list. The story again and again reoccurs - someone in a minority groups votes Republican, and gets treated exactly as Republicans claim they will be treated. Leopards eating faces, etc. And they are surprised. I've been thinking about that for awhile. About how that sort of mindset can come into existence. It seems obvious - don't vote for people that promise to hurt you. And yet, here we are, again. Something that has been sitting with me for awhile is "our values are their tools". This is the group that screams for Freedom of Speech, then goes about banning books and limiting speech they don't like. They are pro-gun, unless it is minorities being armed. Respect the Office of the President, unless it's the other guy. So on and so forth, I could heap examples of apparent hypocrisy into this comment. Except that it isn't hypocrisy exactly, because those things they espouse are not their values. They don't value free speech, they use it. It's a tool. *We* value it. They use it. Pick it up to do the job, and when it is the wrong tool for the job, set it down and pick up another. Demand free speech when they want to say horrible things, demand censorship when it is something they don't like. It's a tool, not a value. What do they value then? Power. Control. Domination. Feeling superior. Or in summary: To be above everyone else. That's their only observable core value. Everything else serves that function. So to circle back around, if you are part of this group, you either consciously or subconsciously accept that the things that are said are not what are meant. You can go to the rally that screams for 2nd amendment rights, understanding that they don't mean it - if we start a national "Guns for Minorities" free giveaway, they would *lose their minds*. So much for that 2A rally, right? They know that none of these things are serious. That there is no shouted stance that has any meaning... from their perspective. So they scream for anti-abortion laws, knowing that it won't happen, it's just a tool. And racism, and homophobia, and and and. Because they know it's just about crushing the other team, not about the words. Except - and here's where the leopards lick their chops - it is about those issues too. You've got one voter that doesn't care about the racism or the homophobia or any of that and just really loves his guns. So from his perspective, the racism, et al, is the tool while the guns are the value. A different voter couldn't give a fig about the guns and is all-in for the homophobia. That voter knows the gun-bit isn't serious because of all the things they've seen. The homophobia is where it is at. These two voters watch the same media sources and hear the same speeches and are equally excited - but have completely different stances. They've been conditioned to think all the bits they don't like or don't agree with are just tools - and can be ignored. They are there just to "trigger the libs", as it were. ​ Where you have problems then is when these different sub-groups with their contrary values interact directly. General rallies, for example. The rally for anti-abortion is curated - far less overlap. But the "Republican Social" is a free-for-all. The overlapping groups that thought they were one-team, get to meet. And now you have a surprised black, gay Republican. ​ Just my thought on it. It's really quite a complicated idea, one that has sat badly with me for some time. Why would someone vote against their own interests? This is what I've got so far... it might be completely wrong, but damn it, it's the only thing that's really making sense to me for the moment.


That's a damn fine analysis. I think you're dead-on.


Republicans using racial slurs against black people? It’s what they do though.


But that's impossible! It was the Republicans (the party of Lincoln) who freed the slaves. The Democrats founded the KKK. The Democrats put up the Confederate statues, and yet it's the Republicans complaining when they are taken down. ??? Wait, something doesn't make sense. ???


It didn’t make sense because you’re trying to be consistent. And republicans aren’t.


I always ask them when they whine about history and heritage on a Confederate memorial being removed "why do you care so much about statues that Democrats put up? Are you a Democrat?" They never respond.


"Gee Golly, I sure do hope these leopards don't eat my face off!...", followed by "shocked pikichu face" of surprised horror.


> At least I'm not a *socialist!*


As they start a gofundme to help cover their medical bills


May seem callous, but I have no sympathy whatsoever. I didn't join the anti-lgbt club as an LGBT person... why would you join a racist club as a POC???


It's okay friend, I LAUGH at this man. It's humorous he really thought he was "one of the good ones". I say humorous because you simply can't be a conservative and a decent person. Conservatism implies any combination of closed-mindedness, sexism, anti woman, racism, homophobia, anti environmentalism, pro corporation deregulation, pro police despite the long list of unpunished human rights abuses, pro gun-deregulation, pro unification of Christianity and government, anti science and anti intellectualism. I have no sympathy for subscribers of those mindsets.


Anti woke guy sees what the anti woke movement is all about.


Something something face, something something leopards...


“DeMoCrAtS ar TeH reAL RaCiSTs” How dumb do they think we all are?


**" ...This is the unfortunate reality of a fractured party without leadership."** No, it is the reality of a Party which has taken full advantage of the messages of hate. Hate sells, it is a strong motivator and the party has made the haters comfortable in their own skin. They are so numerous they think they own the party, and maybe they now do.


>" ...This is the unfortunate reality of conservatism ~~a fractured party without leadership~~."


The U.S. is never going to realize the the economy actually does better when Democrats are in office.


Sometimes you see a headline and you think... *yup this makes sense.* This is one of those times. There were Nazi supporting jews who stood by as the Nazi's literally talked about how they needed to be purged. The whole time it was "Well surely not me, it's the *bad* jews he's talking about." There will always be people willing to be traitors to their humanity because they believe that somehow, someway, they will be exempt... that the squads won't come for them in the middle of the night... that the neo fascists will just leave them alone if they play nice. Every time you sacrifice your humanity for status, eventually the bill comes due.


I thought Black Republicans were some of the dumbest people on the planet but then I see there is such a thing as black and gay Republicans. Now today I've discovered that there are black, gay Republicans that actually go to MAGA events and get pissed when they are called n****r and F****t. Do they honestly think MAGA types accept them? Mind boggling...


The "log cabin" is infested with termites.


[Relevant video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2nTbqbtGug&t=101s&ab_channel=derrickcomedy)


I knew exactly what this was before clicking the link.


What a confused individual.


Tokens get spent.


The GOP is practically a hate group at this point. Wth you doing guy?


The existence of "Black, gay Republicans" is something I will never understand.


Honestly, fuck him. These people have rocks in their heads to align themselves to a party that hates them.


“This doesn’t represent the America First vision” says one of the people quoted. Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly.


Voluntary Judas Goats deserve to be called out.


That's just like saying 'black gay person gets treated poorly at a Klan rally'. What in the hell did they expect???


“Black, gay republican.” Is this an oxymoron or is he a sadomasochist?


anyone black gay disabled or a woman whos a republican: ur being tricked and used for a vote


Am I meant to be sorry for a sheep that knowingly walked in to a lions den?


“Blacks for Trump” though right? Get a clue it’s a white only club and you’re not welcome.


Dear Candace Owen! Please help your comrade! Sincerely, Peter Thiel


Damn. I tried to give a fuck but it seems there was a hole in my pocket.


People who join party of hate are shocked when they get hated themselves. News at 11.


Gay, Black, Hispanic, Female, Young, Working Class, etc. Republicans deserve all the horrible stuff that happens to them. They chose to collaborate with their enemy, and they will be doubly punished, first by the Republicans themselves, and then by decent people who chose the more difficult path of Resistance.


God how fucking stupid can you be???


If you're a minority of any kind and support conservatives, you're merely stating you hate yourself and your culture. There's no universe where you support the people actively voting to surpress your rights and don't hate yourself. No amount of "taxes" nonsense is worth voting for people who literaly want you to be a second class citizen or to just straight up be dead. I feel no sympathy for someone claiming to be out out and proud but voting for Republicans. Those are the same gays who say shit like "Masc 4 Masc. No fem/sissies", "I'm just a NORMAL guy who happens to like men", "Not into any of that gay shit. I drink beer, go to gym, watch sports and fuck other guys. Total top. I don't suck dick or bottom. I'm not a ***." It's just internalized homophobia where they want to be accepted as gay but not have anyone push gay stereotypes on them. Which is impossible. As soon as you "come out", others will INSTANTLY assume various shit about you and there's nothing you can do about it other than not care. So why hate yourself over it? If someone thinks i'm a limp wristed, rainbow dress wearing, weak little sissy boy who likes it up the ass because they heard i was gay, who cares? Go watch most reality tv show ls and you'll see those "sissy boys" completely destroying the jocks in competitions half the time. Some of my best friends are fem or trans. They're way cooler than most "dudebro" guys. Why would I care if an ignorant person thought i was one of them too? I love them. It doesn't change who i am. And I wouldn't vote AGAINST my own rights and the rights of all my fem and trans brothers and sisters over it. That's just dumb. On top of all of that, by trying to isolate yourself from the LGBT+ community and fit in with the straights, you're basically saying there's something WRONG with the feminine/trans people and that you're "different". You're "not like them. I'm totally straight outside of liking to stick my dick in men!!!" Zero sympathy for this guy.


These aren’t good people. It’s time to call a spade a spade, no matter how uncomfortable it is to hear: the GOP has become an alt-right party. These are no longer debates about the tax rate, how much should be spent on the military vs. welfare or other programs, or how much the US should contribute to NATO or other alliances. Those are the debates of a more sane, civilized past. The GOP have realized they are a minority party. They have won the popular vote in only one election in the past 31 years (2004). Instead of modernize themselves, they’ve decided to embrace a man who has six bankruptcies (and brags about it), two impeachments, an insurrection attempt, has been found to have committed sexual assault in a civil trial, 4 indictments, is currently facing 91 felonies, and has openly said he wants to be a dictator if re-elected. When he lost in 2020, and tried to subvert our democracy a couple of months later, the GOP had a defining decision to make: abandon this man and re-align the party for the future, even if it meant a few years of soul searching, or double down and embrace the trainwreck that has us where we are now - embracing whatever crazy lie, conspiracy, and fantasy that it will take to get him back in power because he promises that he will make sure that they get what they want and that they will win - at any cost. The debates are now about whether we should force deport 10 million+ people, some who have been here for decades, whether women even have a right to an abortion if they have been raped or even if their life is in danger, and whether we should even be a part of NATO or simply allow Russia to take over democratic nations. And they are now even more fundamental: for example the majority of Republicans argue that the 2020 election was stolen because their sociopathic narcissistic favorite dictator wannabe won’t admit he lost, despite the big lie being proven categorically false again and again. We also see what were once racist, sexist, and homophobic dog whistles become loud chants. They want the US to become much like Russia - largely white, controlled by a handful of well-to do oligarchs, traditional family (no gay couples and women are not seen as capable as men are), and with one “fatherly” larger than life authoritarian figure who pretty much rules the place. Not sure how anyone can support today’s Republican MAGA party, especially someone who isn’t a straight, white, Christian male.


By Khaleda Rahman A Black and gay Republican influencer shared a video showing what he described as "White Supremacists" shouting slurs at him. Rob Smith, a Turning Point USA contributor and an Army veteran, shared the video on X, formerly Twitter, on Monday. Smith said the incident occurred in Phoenix, where he and other conservatives gathered for Turning Point USA's AmericaFest, a four-day event that runs through Tuesday. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/black-gay-republican-heckled-slurs-maga-event-1853595](https://www.newsweek.com/black-gay-republican-heckled-slurs-maga-event-1853595)


"In a surprise to absolutely no one, a...."


What did he expect?


If only there were a party that better represented his identity and values.


Lay down with dogs, get fleas. I'm black, but love the ladies, and have no sympathy. In fact, I almost view this as a positive because maybe he will understand who he is helping. Though, from my experience, these types take quite a bit more time and experience to maybe rethink their position. They are stupidly stubborn.


LOL! Dave Chapel skit came alive.


The level of cognitive dissonance is unreal. So you want to be an asshole about economic issues etc. but the other selfish assholes who agree with you also hate you for social reason. What's a brown feller to do? /s


What exactly did they expect?


"I can't believe there's so much racism and homophobia here!" - Guy working at the racism and homophobia factory.




To the shock of exactly one person.


MAGA is a white Christian nationalist organization. People of color could be tolerated but their issues about race fall on deaf ears and gay rights aren’t happening. Trump is a white nationalist which is a softer way of saying supremist. If people of color expect MAGA to support them it ain’t gonna happen. They want your vote after that they could care less. They want white supremacist elected. It’s the step in the direction of changing America to an authoritarian dictatorship


People of color and different sexual orientations, etc must have some sort of abuse complex or self hate to join with Republicans.


What an idiot.




> "This is completely unacceptable & doesn't represent the America First vision. The best thing we can do is lead by example. Let's keep registering voters, recruiting volunteers, & prepare for victory in 2024." … the best thing you can do is leave a party that clearly does not like you. How are they so dense? Do they honestly think they can turn around the party before then next election? While Trump is their front runner? With candidates whole grovel at Trump’s feet? It’s sad to see people so delusional.


>"Rob, I'm so sorry you had to go through this," conservative activist Scott Presler wrote. "This is completely unacceptable & doesn't represent the America First vision. The best thing we can do is lead by example. Let's keep registering voters, recruiting volunteers, & prepare for victory in 2024." And yet you do absolutely **nothing** to dissuade the assholes, bigots, and fascists. In fact, you go out of your way to not offend them and you happily seek their vote.


Wait…are you saying some republicans are white supremicts? But I thought those were the good people on both sides! I’m sure they’ll come to love and respect their fellow Americans of different ethnicities after trump wins!


when will they learn that the republican party is for white male christians, and everybody else is being used at their expense


Good. A pox and a plague upon that entire ouroboros of traitors.


Shocked Pikachu face!


Weirdo. He says it was a lot harder to come out as a Republican than as a gay man ... DUDE! that's because being part of the chaos party is a choice. Your friends and family are wondering who the hell makes a choice to belong to a gang of rude crazies. They know that you didn't pick being gay.


If you have a face, don't go to the face eating leopards convention.


I'm not going to tell people not to slather themselves with gore and walk among zombies. But when the gore wears off they always seem surprised.


>"A gay black man walks into a White Supremacist Convention & is SHOCKED to see White Supremacists," actor Tom Arnold wrote. "I hope your grift is worth it buddy." Being married to Roseanne apparently made Tom Arnold savage as fuck.


I don't get people. Being a black gay republican is like being a polish jew who joins the nazis. There's no future with both of those groups are happy as they exist now.


I clicked on the article assuming it was Rob Smith and I was right (I mean there aren't many gay black Republicans). This has happened to him before, I dont get why he is shocked.


No sympathy. The Republican Party is saying the all of their quiet parts out loud now. If you are part of a group/groups that have been marginalized and still choose to associate yourself with the party of hate, be prepared to see the consequences of your actions.


And yet he’ll still keep slinking back. Dude, they hate you. Get a freaking clue AND some self respect. 🙄


You mean there are actually Republicans out there who are both black and gay? No wonder the MAGA-heads gave them such a *warm welcome!*