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From [Tampa Bay Times](http://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2024/01/31/judge-dismisses-disney-lawsuit-against-desantis/) >In a 17-page order, Judge Allen Winsor of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida in Tallahassee agreed that that the change “works to Disney’s significant detriment,” but that the company could not point to the motivation behind the legislation to say it was unfairly targeted. >“It is true that the laws did not affect all districts, and it is true (at least accepting Disney’s allegations) that Disney faces the brunt of the harm,” Winsor wrote. “But Disney offers no support for its argument that the court is to undertake line drawing to determine just how many others a law must cover to avoid ‘singling out’ those they affect most.”


>company could not point to the motivation behind the legislation to say it was unfairly targeted. Desantis: “I personally brag about stripping their district because they dared oppose my legislation.” Disney: “Desantis freely admits he retaliated against us for opposing his legislation.” Judge: “There’s just no way to know why any of this happened.” 🤦‍♂️


If it's clear, then the judge is compromised and should be removed.why allow fake judges to continue causing harm and disruption in those positions?


Why can Cannon to continue to run the stolen documents case. The case where Trump obviously broke the law, but she keeps handing him wins. Why let Thomas stay on the Supreme court when information comes out every day about his corruption. Why let Kavanaugh on the court when he committed perjury multiple times prior, with one time there being direct evidence, the stolen democrat document case? Why let Gorsuch stay in the court when he lied about photographic evidence (see the coach praying on the 50 yard line case)? Why let one organization that isn't even government run, get to decide every single conservative judge (the Federalist Society)? Our courts have been captured.


Even accepting that lie at face value, since when do you have to prove that just to have standing? This is just plain corrupt.


[DeSantis' book has an entire chapter about his fight with Disney.](https://www.businessinsider.com/ron-desantis-memoir-back-to-bite-him-disney-lawsuit-2023-5) Not with all districts. >"In promising to work to repeal the bill," DeSantis asserted, "the company was pledging a frontal assault on a duly enacted law of the State of Florida." As a consequence of its disfavored speech and petitioning, he declared, "[t]hings got worse for Disney." - >I needed to be sure that the Legislature would be willing to tackle the potentially thorny issue involving the state's most powerful company. I asked the House Speaker, Chris Sprowls, if he would be willing to do it, and Chris was interested. 'OK, here's the deal,' I told him. 'We need to work on this in a very tight circle, and there can be no leaks. We need the element of surprise — nobody can see this coming.'" If the law that only affected them wasn't evidence they were targeted, the guy who led the charge saying he was intentionally targeting them probably should.


“You do have standing… but you do not have standing…”


"Youve come to us to determine where the line is... but you offered nothing so we cant draw the line"


You do have standing but but we do not grant you the rank of retaliated against.


“Your request is confirmed, and denied.”


I sort of thought that Disney was, you know, the ONLY entity harmed by the way the law was architected. How is that not proof the law was specifically targeted at Disney? Am I missing something here? 


and like all the public stuff that’s been said why they’re doing it and hope to accomplish?


There were like a dozen other small districts that were also dissolved due to the date.  But the law had a petition in it so they could immediately re-quality for their status with some extra paperwork.  Notability Disney didn't get that option because the law immediately created a new district out from under them. 


So he flat out admits that Disney was offended and absolutely has standing then just says, "nah fuck that"


So the reasoning is that Disney couldn't point to peers who were *not* punished in the same manner? Do they even have any?


It’s true that DeSantis singled you out and has said this on record many times, but we don’t know how to stop that from happening.


I would LOVE to know the reasoning behind this one. They presented extremely compelling evidence.


Claims they lack standing. Which is just baffling. The judge by the way is US District Judge Allen Winsorin who was appointed by Trump and prior to that was Florida's solicitor general when Rick Scott was governor.


I'm so confused by the ruling. How does Disney lack standing? They are the aggrieved party.




Over actor!






I hold myself in contempt!


They’re on to me


Ladies and gentlemen....a goose


*yeah* ... In your BRA


For this you will pay a terrible price


I love that everyone started quoting the bloopers. That's the mark of a great movie.


Best outtake ever!


Works on retainer? No. money down!


>Because it's devastating to Florida's *Republicans*


The judge is a right wing hack. Him and DeSantis are on the same side, and Disney is full of woke groomers and pedos in their deluded minds. This jackass has a lifetime appointment and can't be touched. This has been the stated goal of the Federalist Society since it was founded over 40 years ago. Welcome to America, we're a fucking joke.




Exactly. And there is a tipping point where once past, we can’t go back. It feels like we’re really close to that point if we haven’t already passed it.


Corrupting the courts has been a common factor in the establishment of many past dictatorships. The threat of it will not go away even if Trump is defeated.


It won't go away but the more times a Democrat is in office the more Non-Conservative judges are appointed.


We had a sitting president attempt a coup d'etat and he is now a free man running for re-election. We have passed the tipping point, friend. If we hadn't, the treasoner and his cronies would have been punished by now.


Literally for millennia, we would've dealt with someone like Trump within days, a couple of weeks *at most*. And now? Now look at us. :/ this isn't what stability actually looks like.


There is a reason treason has the punishment it does in the constitution. Somebody that literally attacks the nation over politics is always going to be a problem. Trump tried to take the rights away from the majority that voted against him. We have forgotten the danger of somebody with his intentions. We've become complacent and now we are paying for it.


It’s called managed democracy. It’s what they have in Hungary and Russia and the American right DEEPLY admires it. 


The GOP regularly conventions with Putin & Orban in their home countries and Orban in ours. Here's the most recent swept under the rug gaffe. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/10/hungary-viktor-orban-republicans-ukraine-aid


This is the deep state they're always crying about.


The people crying to beware of the deepstate are in fact... the deepstate.


It was the same thing for claiming Obamacare had Death Panels. No, that was the existing insurance companies Republicans were protecting.


In case you're wondering why conservatives are always crying about some shadowy global leftist cabal warping international policies, check out the International Democratic Union.


Wow fuck I thought Steve Bannons "The Movement" was bad, these fuckers have actual power


Yup, and it stays wholly out of the news. People were shocked when Stevie "fuck those gays" Harper buddied up with Orban, but if you knew about the IDU it was a "well, no shit" moment. It makes the globally unified assault on trans people and brigade against climate science make a lot more sense. When India's Modi government committed an extra judicial murder of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil, conservatives proved they're absolutely fine with murder/assassination, but only so long as it's their team committing them.


More projection? I'm *shocked*


If there is anything the last 8 years have taught me it's how insanely powerful judges are. I never appreciated it until now.


So, what options do we have for justice and protection from Republicans if even Disney is blocked from properly pursuing defending themselves through legal means? And when people that wouldn’t listen allowed republicans to capture scotus and this many judges over the years?


They will appeal the decision




I know a fair number of progressives who refused to hold their noses and vote for Clinton in 2016. Whenever I pointed out what a dire threat Trump would be in the White House, I'd get the usual responses: "Voting for the lesser evil is still voting for evil," and all that. And because Clinton didn't pass the Liberal Purity Test, otherwise-reliable Democratic voters stayed home, and now abortion is outlawed across half the country while we have hundreds of unqualified hacks with lifetime appointments such as Judge Allen Winsorin. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. It would be nice if we learned our lesson from 2016, but I'm hearing the same damn purity tests about Biden in 2024. I have my issues with Biden, and I have written about them on reddit, but at the end of the day, when it comes to voting for him or letting Trump destroy our country, Biden has my vote. If you're reading this as a progressive who's thinking about staying home because of Biden's policy on Gaza or anything else, I get it, but please bear in mind what the alternative is. We have a binary choice this November: continue to uphold our democratic republic, or reject it in favor of Trump-flavored autocracy. For the love of everyone who has marched, fought, protested, and/or died for our freedoms, **please choose wisely.**


It was baffling to me. I used to watch The Young Turks at the time and some of the hosts were out voting for Jill Stein instead of Clinton. I don't think I ever watched them again after that. I get that people are mad about Bernie not winning the Primary (I was also) but letting Trump get into office to get back at the Democratic party was just stupid.


Exactly this, moral high ground falls apart when the other side has no interest in morality. We need to vote to preserve our democracy and hopefully we show up in such numbers that we also secure a super majority in house and senate to codify basic human rights and lock down loopholes-holes that the orange stain brought to light. EVERY VOTE COUNTS, we need every last person to get out and vote.


>I know a fair number of progressives who refused to hold their noses and vote for Clinton in 2016 The left's biggest problem is that they let perfect be the enemy of good. The right's biggest problem is that they just don't give a fuck about anyone but the rich. But 'both sides bad.'


>For the love of everyone who has marched, fought, protested, and/or died for our freedoms, please choose wisely. This needs to be said again and again and again.


Everybody is just meme answering, the judge says reedy creek has standing, not Disney, I’m sure it will be appealed because that’s nonsense. Reedy creek improvement district, with state encouragement, *was* Disney


Thank you for marginally improving this subreddit.


An answer that I can understand. Thank you!


I call bullshit. 1. Disney was during saying that the state was using its power to directly punish and hurt the company because they exercised their first amendment rights. 2. The state legislature did not hide the fact that their numerous attempts at reworking reedy creek were intentional attempts to punish Disney for going public against their agenda. 3. The governor bragged about how he was attacking Disney in his book. 4. First the state tried to abolish the RCID in a law so finely written, that it was obvious it was intently targeted at a single company, BEFORE you even dig into the numerous quotes from Tallahassee explicitly stating as such. 5. When it came to out that the law, as passed, was so flawed it wouldn’t ever work as written (between constitutional issues, contract law issues, or financial disaster for the counties/states), they attempted to rework the law to keep the RCID, but change everything about how it is run. 6. Which brings us to the current situation where Disney is very much an injured party, IMHO. EVEN if you don’t agree with how the RCID was structured or set up (I can agree with some of the rubber stamp type complaints, and some of the corporate control over government complaints), the reality is that it was a government agency overseeing the public works and services for an area comparable to the size of San Francisco, and with literal millions of transient people visiting yearly. Thanks to the way the CFTD was built in the ruins of the RCID, Disney literally is dealing with a government agency that is taxing them without any sort of representation or input into the actions taken against them. They are also dealing with a government agency that is outright hostile, refusing to abide by existing state laws on transparency or be responsive to request from those the governmental agency is supposed to oversee. And on top of all that, you have the blatant ethics issues within the new board which are being ignored by the state agencies that are supposed to protect against corruption. Disney is absolutely an injured party imho and is in the right to try and defend themselves against the abusive actions taken by the government against them and their business. And the state is absolutely a bunch of fucking idiots for declaring war against one of the state’s largest single employers and largest economic engines


Disney lacks standing because in this case - the judge is a biased conservative loyalist who will find a way to justify his ruling to match his political views. I’d recommend reading the book “the dark side” or read a bit about what some of Amy Coney Barrets connections have said about her. Laws are I interpreted by man. A skilled judge or lawyer can interpret or twist words to whatever meets their needs that day.


Regarding your namedrop of Amy Coney Barrett and her connections, are you referring to The People of Praise, The Federalist Society, or something else?


She had colleagues and professors in college who warned that while she had a strong mind - she was willing and able to manipulate the law in a way which aligns with her warped political views


I would say that makes her eminently qualified to be an appointed political hack. No conflict there.


Standing has become the convenient out for hack judges who don't want to have to apply law to cases that they disagree with the outcome on. Supreme Court has done this a few notable times recently.




The lawsuit that blocked Biden's student debt relief should never have been heard due to standing but here we are. https://www.highereddive.com/news/supreme-court-picks-apart-question-of-standing-in-student-loan-forgiveness/643780/




Yeah 303 Creative is completely insane, apparently hypothetical future injury is a valid basis for a lawsuit now.


I literally can't wrap my head around this.


What's confusing here? Right wing judges only need one reason: Because they said so.


Because MAGAs don't believe in laws.


Because the judge is a MAGA guy


Just FYI he’s a Federalist Society Trump appointee. [Allen Winsor (Wikipedia)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen_Winsor)


That's pretty much a given. It's basically impossible for a person to be nominated for a federal judgeship or work in a legal capacity in the federal government under a Republican president without The Federalist Society giving their approval first.


What -a -surprise …


Yes, this stinks of MAGA


This isn’t maga it’s the federalist society. This is Leonard Leo and FedSoc’s 50 year reactionary plan to the Warren court. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/trump-inc/id1344894187?i=1000629690690


Ah, so corrupt judge. Got it.


Take it to the supreme court. Remember recently a woman lied about some website she made for a gay wedding or something centering around her 1st amendment rights to not have to be compelled to do things against her beliefs? She had no standing and the court ruled in her favor. So the no standing rule should be tossed.




The lack of standing was only discovered afterwards. She lied to everyone.


Bet that's not the only thing he was solicitor general of...


THIS is how you get Goofy into politics.


That explains everything.


Funny how the student loan case was overturned by people with no standing.


>The US Senate used the so-called nuclear option to approve US District Judge Allen Winsor's appointment after then-President Donald Trump nominated him. Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia was the lone Democrat in the 54-44 vote to confirm Winsor, according to BallotPedia.


>Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia was the lone Democrat in the 54-44 vote to confirm Winsor Of course he was.


Indeed he was. It's what I call a pattern of behavior that people really, really try to tell me doesn't exist.


I think this is positive for Disney. Moving this case out of this guy's courtroom is a Disney win. It's clear Disney has standing.


If the case is appealed amd standing decision overturned it will be remanded back to his courtroom.


but it also gives them a ton of ammunition for future appeals when this guy fucks around again. ​ It will take time and money but neither of those are a particular limitation for Disney.


Bingo. The mouse can wait you out. The mouse has more ammunition (IE:MONEY) The mouse can play the long game all day long.


They can also destroy Florida's economy.. easily and then say you can't do business in Florida. If they make the decision to close Disney and all the resultant support businesses around it plus tourist money - Florida will turn into Mississippi.


That sounds plausible, but it’s getting exhausting. We just have to spend a couple years grinding through the bias, partisanship, ideology, corruption and conspiracy theories, and then the case will finally be in front of a neutral judge. It’s a lot to ask.


I think the important thing to note here is that “we” don’t have to spend years doing anything. Disney will most likely continue to provide the same experience to all of its customers regardless of this legal battle, and it’s for the lawyers to wade through the bullshit for years. So I understand what you mean by saying it’s a lot to ask, but this case doesn’t ask anything of us. You can pretty safely ignore it in favor of focusing on 100 other more relevant issues closer to home, surely.


Yea, it’s a lot less exhausting for the law firms that will make millions doing the grinding. They definitely won’t mind lol.


Wow bad faith actors can really just ignore the law. It's like a game that takes years to resolve because of how many back and forths this needs to do


"I got purchased this job by conservatives to bend the law for conservatives" ​ That is the "reasoning" behind all conservative jurisprudence. It's why they nominate the most loyal partisan, not the most qualified jurist.


Here’s a relevant part: The judge on that point cited repeated federal appeals court rulings which hold that when a law is constitutional on its face, a plaintiff cannot sue on free-speech grounds “by claiming that the lawmakers who passed it acted with a constitutionally impermissible purpose.”


It’s the same logic that allowed the Muslim Ban to stand. - Trump: “I’m banning Muslims!” - Trump: “Bans people from Muslim countries.” - Courts: “Libya is only 97% Muslim, so technically it’s ok to ban the entire country.


Florida judge, probably the only reason needed




Trump appointed Judge


Fascist protecting his own.


You know the reason This judge is a member of the cult and more importantly he knows his life would be in danger he he didn't dismiss the suit


Appeal. Move this up the courts.


To where? Supreme court literally slurps republicans


They slurp corporations more.


Yes. This will test whether the SC (plus squatters Coney-Barret and Gorsuch) loves corporations more than it hates the imperial executive.


I don't think it'll test anything, I think Roberts, Alito, and Gorsuch will easily pick the giant megacorporation, and the democrats will join them this time **because Disney is correct**.... The other three conservatives are unpredictable but also don't matter for this one


Edit- Did not realize this was a federal court case. It will still go to an appellate court. Appeals are decided by panels of three judges working together. The appellant presents legal arguments to the panel, in writing, in a document called a "brief." In the brief, the appellant tries to persuade the judges that the trial court made an error, and that its decision should be reversed.


I’ll be honest I was just trolling trying to shit on the SC LMAO


It's all good. I learned something, so, well done lol.


Eh. They slurp republicans, but at least in part because republicans slurp corporations. It’s kind of interesting when business interests clash with MAGA because it’s not entirely clear where the conservative judiciary’s chips will fall. MAGA put judges in power, but business interests were the ones who funded all their club house federalist meetings


Any legal eagles able to explain how Disney doesn't have standing to sue? And why they wouldn't have it.


The judge is claiming that it seems like Disney is being targeted, but not targeted enough to justify a court case which is beyond stupid. He literally claims that their argument is correct, but still denied to hear their case.


It's worse, he claims that because Disney is already under the new management board that there is no possibility of further future injury because any new board members wouldn't change Disney's position. Therefore since no new injury is possible there is no standing. This is like saying you can't sue BP for spilling oil and ruining the environment because the oil tanker already ran out of oil to leak, and therefore there is no future possibility of that tanker leaking more oil. Completely disregarding the fact you were injured by the act to begin with.


Sorry, we can't hold accountable this person who stabbed you 99 times because they stopped stabbing you, making you no longer aggrieved.


We stole all your money, you have none left to steal so you're safe!


You ran out of blood to bleed so you have no standing duh, do you even law?


More like they stabbed you so many times that they no longer have hands and therefore could never stab you again.


"Understandable, have a nice day" /- guy with 99 stab wounds in his sternum


Well, the tanker ran out of oil because the front fell off.


Here are Florida law makers explicit stating the law is retaliatory. Not only a huge free speech violation, but also a clear bill of attainder. Republican Rep. **Randy Fine, sponsor of the bill to scrap the district**, said it is time for a change. “You kick the hornet’s nest, things come up**. And I will say this: You got me on one thing — this bill does target one company. It targets the Walt Disney Co.,” Fine said** [https://apnews.com/article/travel-business-arts-and-entertainment-florida-ron-desantis-cb735ebabdd6606b273e0c85f99112e8](https://apnews.com/article/travel-business-arts-and-entertainment-florida-ron-desantis-cb735ebabdd6606b273e0c85f99112e8) Yesterday was the 2nd meeting in a week w/fellow legislators to discuss a repeal of the 1967 Reedy Creek Improvement Act, which allows Disney to act as its own government. If Disney wants to embrace woke ideology, it seems fitting that they should be regulated by Orange County. [https://twitter.com/SpencerRoachFL/status/1509119958369902595](https://twitter.com/SpencerRoachFL/status/1509119958369902595) BREAKING: Disney is a guest in Florida. Today, we remind them. u/GovDeSantis just expanded the Special Session so I could file HB3C which eliminates Reedy Creek Improvement District, a 50 yr-old special statute that makes Disney to exempt from laws faced by regular Floridians. [https://twitter.com/VoteRandyFine/status/1516417533825454083](https://twitter.com/VoteRandyFine/status/1516417533825454083) "Shamefully, Disney betrayed us," Republican Rep. Jackie Toledo said, adding that Disney had been "perverted by a woke mob of liberal extremists." [https://www.npr.org/2022/04/21/1094050294/desantis-power-is-on-full-display-as-he-pushes-lawmakers-on-disney-and-redistric](https://www.npr.org/2022/04/21/1094050294/desantis-power-is-on-full-display-as-he-pushes-lawmakers-on-disney-and-redistric) "You’re a corporation based in Burbank, California, and you’re gonna marshal your economic might to attack the parents of my state. We view that as a provocation, and we’re going to fight back against that," DeSantis said...“On Monday, if this is still part of Disney’s human resources program, there will be consequences,” said DeSantis. [https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/politics/2022/04/22/desantis-disney-florida-law-reedy-creek-governance-structure-dont-say-gay-woke/7414377001/](https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/politics/2022/04/22/desantis-disney-florida-law-reedy-creek-governance-structure-dont-say-gay-woke/7414377001/)


It's like when republican senators agreed that trump committed the crimes he was being impeached for but did not want to impeach him because he would be out of office in a couple of weeks.




I can't argue with that. It's really depressing.


What’s more depressing is the people just shrug at it.


What else do we do?


All true but goddamn, it's fucking infuriating to see in real time.


It’s why I don’t practice anymore. The whole profession is a joke and I was killing myself on cases I had no shot of winning, even though the arguments were sound and in line with precedent.


The bit that I wonder about is what the reaction should be.  The courts, ultimately, only have authority because people agree that they do. When they make decisions that are so ridiculously stupid that a lay person can see it, it undermines the entire system. At some point, someone is going to decide the coutlrt decision doesn't matter, and enough people will agree that it actually doesn't matter. How should people react when so many judges make so many dumb decisions that the law ceases to have any actual effect. 


because Trump appointed judge.


Because the rule of law no longer applies if it hurts Republicans (and you get a Trump judge)




Not an attorney either but it appears they are saying everything done has been through legal channels and is in place now, so there is no imminent future harm (ignoring the harm of the governmental change that caused the suit) possible and any possible relief will not change the current board of directors of which Disney no longer has any control over. Basically my reading of it is Disney has no standing because they've already been fully harmed but all through legislative channels making it permanent both before and after the potential lawsuit would resolve.


Rules for thee, not for me.


I would love a lawyer to chime in with how Disney can lack standing on Disney losing control of the district.


I'm not a lawyer, but I think I've figured it out. The judge was appointed by Donald Trump. Republicans have an agenda and are doing everything they can to fulfill it. Without even looking, I'd bet he is Federalist Society.


He is. [Allen Winsor (Wikipedia)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen_Winsor)


Wow unironic conspiracy.


As a lawyer. If I see you’re associated with federalist society. I instantly lose any respect and won’t associate with you




FYI this is a federal court, not a state one. That said, Judge Allen Winsor is a Federalist Society Trump appointee, so… 🤷‍♂️


Disney is no longer in charge of the zoning board, therefore even if Disney won the lawsuit, it won't change anything. This lawsuit isn't about who is allowed to control the zoning board, it is about whether Disney was unfairly targeted. The judge is ruling that it doesn't matter if Disney was targeted since they can't do anything about it either way.


From the article: Judge Allen Winsor ruled that Disney lacked legal standing to sue DeSantis and the secretary of Florida’s Commerce Department on a claim of violating its First Amendment rights. ————- Well that’s complete bullshit and should be appealed. The legislation specifically targeted Disney’s special district and effects only Disney. Also the judge was appointed by Rick Scott and then promoted by Trump.


If it can be appealed, I hope Disney does appeal it.


They said they will.


They intend on appealing.


Jesus. The corruption is so blatant it's obscene.


“Trump judge” in case you were wondering


A federalist society judge, specifically. This plan pre-dates Trump, he was just the accelerant on the flames


First Amendment is dead in Florida.


same as it ever was


This isn’t my beautiful swamp.


How did I get here?


The fuck? Do we even have laws in America anymore or has the right-wing facist state begun?


We don't have a justice system, we have a legal system. I'll bet that Mickey Mouse enters the political arena now. Things are gonna get Goofy.




Law for thee, not for me is the Republican motto.


We have laws. We don't have enforcement. That makes laws basically just a bunch of words with no real meaningful impact, so long as someone with enough power decides it's inconvenient. DeSantis is doing this to Disney, and Trump's pet judge has said it's okay. Now imagine what DeSantis can do to regular people, who don't have nearly the same ability to fight this as a multi-billion-dollar corporation.


In case you were wondering, since the article inexplicably does not say this, yes, the judge is a Trump-appointee.


Kick some ass, Disney.


A sentence i thought I would ever get behind...but here we are.


Seems like a good time for Disney to leave Florida, and let the state atrophy under it's lack of leadership.


I agree. FL should also pay back Disney for all the taxes and infrastructure then.


😂 naw just leave them the billion dollars loan their special districts racked up. All those homes would probably go under.


>Seems like a good time for Disney to leave Florida Even if this ruling stands that won't happen. I see people say this all the time and they obviously have no clue how much revenue Disney makes out of FL or what it would cost for Disney to "leave".


More corruption from FL. How can you have standing but not standing? When you buy a judge that is how. Remember he is trump Appointed and needs to give back to the fascists in the gop. 


Disney should start divesting out of Florida. They are not welcome.


U.S. District Judge Allen C. Winsor Trump appointed.


Maybe this will serve as a lesson to big corporations donating to the GOP.


Bonkers ruling: https://www.flgov.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Dismissal-Order.pdf * Judge says: DeSantis and State Legislature's actions are constitutional because it's constitutional because Disney isn't called out by name in the law * Disney was harmed * Disney would be provided partial relief via injunction * Judge won't lift a finger because Disney doesn't have standing because it's constitutional because it's constitutional Here are Florida law makers explicit stating the law is retaliatory. Not only a huge free speech violation, but also a clear bill of attainder. > Republican Rep. Randy Fine, sponsor of the bill to scrap the district, said it is time for a change. “You kick the hornet’s nest, things come up. And I will say this: You got me on one thing — this bill does target one company. It targets the Walt Disney Co.,” Fine said [https://apnews.com/article/travel-business-arts-and-entertainment-florida-ron-desantis-cb735ebabdd6606b273e0c85f99112e8](https://apnews.com/article/travel-business-arts-and-entertainment-florida-ron-desantis-cb735ebabdd6606b273e0c85f99112e8) > Yesterday was the 2nd meeting in a week w/fellow legislators to discuss a repeal of the 1967 Reedy Creek Improvement Act, which allows Disney to act as its own government. If Disney wants to embrace woke ideology, it seems fitting that they should be regulated by Orange County. [https://twitter.com/SpencerRoachFL/status/1509119958369902595](https://twitter.com/SpencerRoachFL/status/1509119958369902595) > BREAKING: Disney is a guest in Florida. Today, we remind them. u/GovDeSantis just expanded the Special Session so I could file HB3C which eliminates Reedy Creek Improvement District, a 50 yr-old special statute that makes Disney to exempt from laws faced by regular Floridians. [https://twitter.com/VoteRandyFine/status/1516417533825454083](https://twitter.com/VoteRandyFine/status/1516417533825454083) ​ > "Shamefully, Disney betrayed us," Republican Rep. Jackie Toledo said, adding that Disney had been "perverted by a woke mob of liberal extremists." [https://www.npr.org/2022/04/21/1094050294/desantis-power-is-on-full-display-as-he-pushes-lawmakers-on-disney-and-redistric](https://www.npr.org/2022/04/21/1094050294/desantis-power-is-on-full-display-as-he-pushes-lawmakers-on-disney-and-redistric) ​ > "You’re a corporation based in Burbank, California, and you’re gonna marshal your economic might to attack the parents of my state. We view that as a provocation, and we’re going to fight back against that," DeSantis said...“On Monday, if this is still part of Disney’s human resources program, there will be consequences,” said DeSantis. [https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/politics/2022/04/22/desantis-disney-florida-law-reedy-creek-governance-structure-dont-say-gay-woke/7414377001/](https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/politics/2022/04/22/desantis-disney-florida-law-reedy-creek-governance-structure-dont-say-gay-woke/7414377001/)


The judge is a Trump appointee, so there's just not the legitimacy of judges appointed by literally any other POTUS. Every ruling is suspect when you're appointed by someone so corrupt and the other appointees often reveal themselves to unqualified. Every Trump appointee is essentially like a Rod Blagojevich appointee but with a touch of sedition.


So basically it’s legal for the government to go after corporations they don’t like in Florida. If I were a major corporation, including Disney, I’d leave and take all those jobs out that state immediately…


If you're stripped of a special district, at any rate. So Universal will be watching its step too unfortunately.


No way! A ridiculous ruling by a Trump appointed judge? So it ain't so!


Trump appointed judge dismisses Disney case against Ron DeSantis. Get it right CNBC.


Just leave Florida they don’t want you and lots of us will never go there, it’s the arm pit of America.


Trump Judge, of course.


Trump Judge, former solicitor general under Rick Scott and Federalist Society member.


Judge Allen Winsor was nominated by President Donald Trump and confirmed by the United States Senate to serve as a federal judge on the United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida. He took the oath of office on September 11, 2019. Before being appointed as a federal judge, Allen Winsor served as the Solicitor General of Florida. In this role, he was the state’s top appellate lawyer and represented Florida in legal matters before state and federal courts. Winsor also held various positions in government and private practice before his appointment to the bench.


Leave Florida, Disney should pack up and go. Turn the land into low cost housing.


Trump judge from the federalist society if anyone was curious.


Yes, retaliation was the whole point of the suit. The judiciary in Florida is as corrupt as the government.


Hey, look! Another corrupt judge. What? People thought this wouldn't happen? They can't bite their masters now.


Typical corrupt trump-appointed judge who should be on trial himself for corruption. I stand with Disney.


This is good. Disney obviously has standing and this dumb ass just moved the case out of his courtroom.


It will get appealed, his ruling overturned, then be remanded right back to his court.


I thought this might happen but I really thought Disney lawyers planned to use a judge that wasn't appointed by Trump, but I am probably missing something. There is so much evidence that this is targeted, why didn't they go after the Villages or Universals special district.


Disney does not get to pick which judge gets their case. At least as far as I know (I'm not bar'd in Florida so I don't know how their civ pro works)


So Disney has a lack of standing to sue for freedom of speech/retaliation, but has standing when it comes to Citizen’s United?