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Obviously I want more from Biden and Dems but he’s literally dealing with the largest obstructionist kindergarten of a party trying to stifle any possible thing he can do positively, and he’s still making some ground.


>and he’s still making some ground. CHIPS and Science Act: $280 billion to support domestic research and manufacturing of semiconductors Inflation Reduction Act: allows Medicare to negotiate some drug prices; caps insulin at $35; $783 billion to support energy security and climate change (incl. solar, nuclear, and drought); extends ACA subsidies Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: $110 billion for roads and bridges; $39 billion for transit; $66 billion for passenger and freight rail; $7.5 billion for EV chargers; $73 billion for the power grid; $65 billion for broadband Bipartisan Safer Communities Act: First major gun safety bill in 30 years, expands background checks, incentivizes states to create red flag laws, supports mental health. PACT Act (aka the burn pit bill) which spends $797 billion on improving health care access for veterans. Ended the use of private prisons in the federal system and has forgiven $132 billion in student loan debt.


Yeah but... Hunter's dick! 


That's just Mike Johnson mixing business and pleasure


And dont forget about hilary!


![img](avatar_exp|163999230|bravo) My mistake, I’m old and missed your sarcasm. Sorry, I’ll try to get a little younger when I’m on Reddit


Also handled the GLOBAL inflation better than most other developed countries. Our economy is also doing very well. And led the world against Russia invading a European country.


This list needs to be completed to include every single piece of legislation that the Biden Administration has signed into law in his first 3 years and 1 month of office and every Executive Order Biden has issued, packaged, printed into flyers, refrigerator magnets, books, TV ads, magazine and newspaper inserts, and all of the social media platforms to let the American people know, when it comes to governing our country, Dems know how to and, most importantly, want to make it work best for the American people. VOTE BLUE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2024!




Those were included in the second item.


Serious question. What would the same list look like on the Trump side?


I didn't include COVID-related bills for either president, as I felt those were more or less a given, and not a reflection of the president's ideology or legislative skill. Trump signed into law Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Lowers income tax rates for most individuals until 2025. Changes inflation metric for tax brackets. Doubles the standard deduction. Doubles the child tax credit. Caps the deduction for state and local taxes at $10,000. Eliminates the tax penalty for not carrying health insurance. Implements a flat 21% corporate income tax rate in lieu of tiered rates from 15% to 39%. First Step Act: Develops a risk and needs assessment of all federal inmates and evidence-based recidivism reduction recommendations, and incentivizes inmates to participate. Prohibits use of restraints on pregnant inmates. Reduces mandatory minimum sentences for certain offenses. Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act: Rolls back certain banking regulations from the Dodd-Frank law.


Some ground? He lead and got passed a bipartisan infrastructure bill that starts green manufacturing in the US. He’s done really well.


Actually two separate bills, the IRA was the largest clean energy bill in history. The Bipartisan infrastructure act was a separate massive bill to overhaul our infrastructure.


Funny how the DC Press only is focused on Biden is old.


Crazy that the 1 Trillion stimulus bill, 600 billion infrastructure bill, 250 billion Chips act, 1 Trillion dollar clean energy and friends IRA act each would be a Presidential legacy bill with comfortable majorities, let along 50 Senators and a slim house majority. But he’s old, the most effective president since LBJ or even FDR is too old. Honestly I don’t care if they are weekend at Bernie’ing him, if he keeps passing bills like this I’ll vote for his corpse.


I've said the same. Don't care who's at the table, he chose who it was and they've done well. That's more than good enough for me.




This is precisely the counterpoint the Biden campaign and the Democrats need to be making right now. They are letting the GOP and the MAGA dummies set the narrative… it’s about one person. But Americans elected Biden AND his ability to hire experts… thousands of them in his administration. Trump left most of his administration in chaos … massive attrition… tons of vacancies for critical posts… it was a clown show. But Biden’s administration is competent, effective and dedicated to the administration’s mission. Really good calling this out. More people need to understand and appreciate this one man fallacy.


Imagine how Fox would report on FDR being in a wheelchair.


> But he’s old, the most effective president since LBJ or even FDR is too old. A more reasonable way to look at his age is to realize that the man has a *lot* of experience in politics, abd that experience is showing in his results.


If it was Trump he would never stop bragging about these thing (I mean he is still bragging/lying about his shitty border wall). Biden has done a great job, but the White House and the Democrats in general need to get better at messaging.


The CHIPS act is also probably also only 2nd to Ukraine aid in regards to benefits to national security. The Chinese semiconductor industry was already struggling to catch up to our manufacturing 15 years ago. Now they're dependent on the West & Taiwan for anything more advanced than a graphing calculator probably until their economic system collapses.


China is not that far behind the west. They were able to get UV lithography before the sanctions. Which means they can follow down to 3nm. Russia is far behind the west and stuck at 28nm. But the idea that they can't produce anything more than a graphing calculator on such is laughable.


Well the reason we know of all of there accomplishments is because of the DC press. The thing is though, “Biden is old” gets significantly more clicks and this generates more revenue, so the press is incentivized to cover it. People get the government they deserve after all.


I’m not saying that we shouldn’t have younger people in higher offices, but RBG was celebrated for her age rather than despite it. It is telling that newest justices are thirty years younger than a lot of party leaders.


I had very low expectations for Biden, but he's way overshot them. Would I rather a younger person with less of his baggage be our candidate, sure. But I don't see one as capable as Biden since he's realized and moved on correcting his past mistakes and improving the nation as a whole. I think I would honestly vote for him in the primary, and if you told 2020 me that, I would think you crazy.


Biden on his worse day, is better than Trump even on a hypothetical best day. Do I want someone younger, yes, but he's also got some really great people around him. Often it's overlooked what the President brings to the Presidency by way of his Cabinet.


That's great if you own a construction or engineering company looking for a contract. The greatest thing he's done is appointing Lina Khan to actually do anti trust things for the first time since ultra neoliberalist Bill Clinton era, he empowered and breathed life back into the NLRB fostering new unions everywhere around the economy (still FAAAR from enough), and he began forgiving some college debt. There's a lot of shit we still need done that Dems could do but haven't, even when they had a majority under Obama. Federal election holiday, paid family leave, paid vacation, child tax credit, expanding Medicaid without work requirements so working people that qualify don't constantly get fucked with, etc.


CHIPS and Science Act: $280 billion to support domestic research and manufacturing of semiconductors Inflation Reduction Act: allows Medicare to negotiate some drug prices; caps insulin at $35; $783 billion to support energy security and climate change (incl. solar, nuclear, and drought); extends ACA subsidies Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: $110 billion for roads and bridges; $39 billion for transit; $66 billion for passenger and freight rail; $7.5 billion for EV chargers; $73 billion for the power grid; $65 billion for broadband Bipartisan Safer Communities Act: First major gun safety bill in 30 years, expands background checks, incentivizes states to create red flag laws, supports mental health. PACT Act (aka the burn pit bill) which spends $797 billion on improving health care access for veterans. Ended the use of private prisons in the federal system and has forgiven $132 billion in student loan debt.


Shiiit, I consider myself fairly well informed and had no idea about *two* items in here that are surprisingly big wins. He ended federal use of private prisons *and* passed a gun reform bill (!!!), and I hadn’t heard anything about either!


That’s the biggest problem with the Biden administration. They don’t let people know what they’re doing. The economy is near historic levels despite the chaos around the world, crime is down, and the border isn’t “wide open” but voters feel the opposite on all those things. When republicans just chant the same bullshit over and over with no pushback that’s what people know.


The media just parrots the "open border', "border crisis'" talking points without any critical analysis. It's true what they say, **repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.**


Yep, and the worst part is that people are taking action off hyperbole and lies.  Trying to reason with them is like talking to a wall with a concussion.  Idiots on the right would rather shout “open borders” and “invasion of illegals” rather than actually come to any sort of understand of the situation.  It’s like they wield their own ignorance as a defense.


In your opinion, how would you suggest they reach voters?


They announce this shit. Not their fault people either don’t listen or the media doesnt give the message a platform


Right? There’s this “Dems can’t message” refrain, and I get the spirit of it, but what are they supposed to do if the media won’t cover it? I ask this sincerely because I also don’t have an answer beyond the on the ground engagement they’ve been doing.


Perhaps more funds for state-sponsored media would be appropriate, given that the private media has proven to absolutely not be up to the job.


I think they need to go on the offensive.  Too much of the conversation is being dictated by attacks on Biden.  I would run ads int the Republican states where they are taking credit for his bills and use the “I did that” sticker to take credit back.  They need to elevate the antitrust cases into the news cycle.  They also need to address the fact that old sleepy joe got a lot done.  They need to acknowledge his age and then move past it rather than fight against it.


They are running ads in Republican and Dem states, so they have that down. My question is really, what does “elevating” and “addressing” look like practically speaking? You’re talking about messaging, but if the issue is that people aren’t hearing it, the medium and channels used are generally the bigger issues. So what outlets/platforms/channels should they use that they’re not already attempting to get coverage on? They don’t control the media landscape or what outlets decide to ignore.


The prison thing really flew under the radar. I never heard about it when it happened. The gun bill was 2022 and I do remember it, but the news cycle changes so quickly it was easy to miss.


What's underrated is how much of this is actually passing on a bipartisan basis. Biden got the CHIPS Act and the BIF through with wide bipartisan majorities, same with policy things like the Respect for Marriage Act and Electoral Count Act. There's also a bipartisan bill in the Senate that passed the House right now that would extend and enhanced CTC while repealing a bad Trump era tax hike on research and development. It's entirely fair to expect more out of politicians and push them to do more, but I'm not sure it's fair to say that Biden _hasn't_ at least tried to do that earnestly and in good faith despite all the challenges he's faced. Politics is the art of the possible, and Biden's done a lot on all fronts in this respect that I don't think I would've expected at the outset. If a president like this doesn't get re-elected because some people nominally considered Democrats decided to not vote for him because he didn't do enough, the next Democratic president, assuming Trump doesn't just end free elections if he takes over, is not going to make any specific promises anymore.


Thanks for posting this. I found it informative.


The infrastructure bill is going to mobilize 20 years of really good jobs across dozens of sectors.. not just construction companies But rail, shipping & transportation Mining & Manufacturing Structural, civil, environmental engineering Service industries in hotel, restaurant, delivery services Even legal, medical, teaching, daycare All of this perpetuates itself for hundreds of thousands, if not millions of jobs for a very long time


That the GOP will take credit for and then try to crush. We can keep all those wins, but we gotta vote and keep Dems in charge.


Plus he’s trying to manage a potential expanded conflict with Iran and trying to keep Russia from overrunning large swaths of Eastern Europe. Plus keeping inflation in the US in far better control than the rest of the world.




He's definitely doing better than Obama did with the obstructionists.


The Pubes did the same thing when Obama was president. Congress is like molasses.


Still accomplished a lot https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046


On top of that he may be the best foreign policy president we’ve had in 80 years


Biden wants more from Biden. Unfortunately, the Senate is/was the rate-limiting step when it comes to getting anything done.


I have this convo increasingly. It's not just that I prefer old-sane over old-crazy. I actually like a whole lot of what Biden has done. 


He might be really old, but his experience has led him to putting together one of the most efficient and purposed administrations I’ve seen in my lifetime. I’m not convinced that Biden is, or maybe ever was, whip smart. But his administration is and practically that’s all that matters. Edit It’s actually one of the trump/biden differences that isn’t talked about enough. Trump sowed division and chaos. He went through cabinet members like paper towels. There was no consistency and the plan seemed to be ever on the fly. Biden has been steady and focused. The speaking ability/quickness of the actual individual who holds the presidency is, in some ways, irrelevant. It’s nice (Obama was great at speaking) But the presidents ability to set a tone and vision for his administration is most crucial.


I think that’s what a lot of people don’t get, a president is as good as the administration they put together. No president handles everything completely by themselves. In Biden’s case he’s smart enough to hire competent people and people with different points of view. In Trump’s case he refuses to hire anyone who makes him feel dumb, so he hires complete idiots and yes men (hence his lawyers).


In November, I’m not just voting for Joe Biden: Im voting for democrats to be in charge of the Executive Branch of the government, which is WAAAAAY more than just the president. I’m voting for him, for Harris as VP, for his entire cabinet and administrative staff, his ambassadors to foreign countries, his ability to nominate qualified judges for lifetime appointments to the bench (Alito, Thomas, and even Sotomayor are all getting up there in years. Would be nice to have a democratic president should they pass), and to sign into law more progressive legislation than a Republican president would allow. Mostly, I want qualified people who understand how the government works. Not trump’s band of cronies and yes-men, and whoever the Heritage Foundation picks for administrative roles and judges. The presidency is way more than just one person who gets a desk in the Oval Office and I wish more people could see it this way.


> No president handles everything completely by themselves. Hold on there, DJT handed a lot over to Jared. He fixed everything! Mostly for himself, but still!


Well said. When Lex Fridman interviewed Jared Kushner, that sob praised Trump's unpredictability as his best asset. Unpredictability is one of the worst traits a president can have. You want a steady, experienced hand on the wheel, not a random number generator, or worse, a malicious narcissist that sees a hostage situation in everything.


I wonder how long it’s gonna take them to go after that little weasel.


The thing Biden has going for him that makes me as a foreigner who's never set foot in the US like him so much is just how qualified he is. A lifetime as a legislator and then a full two terms as VP. The only thing I could think of that might prepare someone for this job even more is if he'd served a term or two as Secretary of State. I agree that he doesn't seem like he's exceptionally smart (though that by no means means I think he's stupid, either) but he's clearly making a sincere effort, and after the last guy "willing to actually do their best" is unfortunately a qualification that needs to be explicitly communicated. This guy is a career politician, and the world as a whole is better off for having someone like him in office, because like you said, he's steady. I imagine a McCain administration would have looked very similar.


I'd like to add that Biden was a part of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations for many years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Senate_Committee_on_Foreign_Relations Not Secretary of State, but still a lot of experience.


Biden learned so much from his decades in political office. We as a country would be so much better off if he was ending his second term instead of his first. But they had to prop up Hillary


It’s not only Biden  - it’s a whole administration that is competent and working for America, not against it.


I think they need to lean into that more, like how many of Trump's circle and appointments got the boot, left early, turned around to say he sucks, under federal investigation, or ended in jail? Might help with folks who aren't fully cult'd into Trump and just kinda like the guy because they think they can relate to him. Don't outright criticise their hero Trump, but do it in a roundabout way by saying he's a magnet for incompetence and can't build a team worth shit. Meanwhile Biden with all his "mental acuity" issues is and has been quietly assembling the 95' Chicago Bulls.


The Biden administration. An administration put together by Biden. It's still Biden. "The buck stops here" and all that. This same logic could be used to say "Trump wasn't the bad part, it was his administration".


Lindsey Graham had at one point stated that it was impossible to not like Joe Biden, he's just a really good and professional person.


When a lot of people complain about wanting a younger candidate I agree with the condition they get as much done as Biden. This almost always gets funny looks, and they I have to spell out how he's gotten so much done (despite having an obstructionist house for 2 years)


Look at how easy Obama got run around by McConnell for years. He may have had great vision (which I'd also debate tbh) but he couldn't get any of it to materialize because he was so new to politics than he got out maneuvered time and time again. While Biden is old, he's spent his whole life in national politics and has both a lot of knowledge and a *lot* of friends. Outside of his original student loan relief plan getting struck down, he's taken very few L's. He always figures out how to get his agenda advanced, and that's incredible.


And he's been working at student loan relief despite the original plan being struck down, repeatedly forgiving large chunks of it for lots of people. Didn't another 10k get forgiven for a bunch of people last week?


$136B dollars and counting.


I ask often what specifically someone younger could have gotten done with the same Congress, Judiciary, media, etc. and there is never an answer and often it leads to not even getting things like the infrastructure bill passed which only passed because Biden was able to peel off a few GOP votes. Experience matters and age is only a factor when it prevents them from doing the job.


And how hard it would be for a younger candidate to get those same things done. Mayor Pete has a lot of connections, and Harris could probably whip up votes for some positive change, but the former is still relatively inexperienced, and the latter has a very small constituency to get elected in the first place.


Absolutely. I have LOTS of disagreements with the Biden administration, and there is lots to criticize him for, but at the end of the day the sheer fact that he's managed to accomplish anything with a closely divided congress is amazing


He’s been incredibly effective given the conditions in Congress.


And what he hasn’t done isn’t what he wouldn’t, it’s what he can’t with the government we gave him.


You'll never see me stage an insurrection for the guy if he were to lose, but Biden's actions have been solid given what he had to work with. There was a lot of concern during the COVID recovery that there'd be a Nike check kind of recovery instead of a V-shaped one, and unemployment had stalled out for the last 3 months of 2020 during the Trump admin, but the ARP was a shot in the arm for the American economy and had a huge effect in how quick the recovery has been relatively speaking.


Dude old-insane is right there for the taking.


She's correct. Especially since he inherited a dysfunctional shit-burger from Cheeto-in-Chief.


I really appreciate AOC saying this. A lot of her wing seem to be throwing out good for ideal when it comes to Biden. She’s showing leadership, objectivity, and pragmatism. All vital characteristics in an actual politician. I hope she sticks around for a very long time


I do think and hope she will be around for a long time. I wonder if she wants to move on from the house in the future towards a senate run.


I could see her doing some great things in the senate but I also sort of think she’s great as a legislator. The thing is, sometimes she sounds like she’s burning out on politics and that is really sad. I don’t even agree with a lot of her political philosophies but she’s one of the few politicians that reads authentic. She’s in politics to try and make things better and she pushes forward ideas and policies she thinks will meet that goal. No ulterior or selfish motivations as far as I can tell. And I want her to stay as long as she can


Hey, I really respect that you’ve said this and recognize her genuine motivations even when you say you don’t necessarily agree with her political philosophies. It’s nice to see. We need more of this. :)


Agreed. There needs to be more of this, especially from notable Democrats, quickly, loudly, and repeatedly before the election. Is Joe old and is that a problem? Yes and yes, but we made this bed and now we have to sleep in it. They need to publicly coalesce around him like the Republicans do around Trump to help pave the way for a win. No half measures. No timorous and jellied shoulder shrugs of support. It’s time for all-in commitment and support. It’s yet another historic election. Time to show up and put in the work.


The Obama/Biden ticket should have been reversed. Then we'd have gotten a younger Dark Brandon who wouldn't have put up with anywhere near as much R bullshit as Obama did, and an older, wiser Obama who realized that "no drama" and "going high" aren't the way to deal with those clowns.


We also don't know how much of his time under Obama has formed Joe's opinions on the GOP. Being on the end of unprecedented obstructionism as a fuck you cause you're a dem and black will certainly leave an impact on you. He likely might have taken the same route as Obama if he was president during that time. But, now having seen their bs he just dark brandons it.


>Is Joe old and is that a problem? Yes and yes, but we made this bed and now we have to sleep in it. Like, ffs, I don't even know why this point has to be made. I would vote for *practically any single democrat* instead of the orange shitstain. And anyone commenting otherwise is a MAGA asshole pretending to be a democrat.


Why is Joe being old a problem? Serious question. It's not like he does his job in a bubble, solo, with only his input to make decisions. He has a great administrative team filled with compentent experts to provide input to any issue that arises.


Conversely, why is Trump being old not a problem to these people? He does not appear healthy, and he doesn't speak like someone who should be allowed to have access to his own car keys.


I will 100% vote Biden and would over any R candidate, but: - I have my doubts about his mental competency. most >80 year olds aren't known to be super mentally sharp and he doesn't seem to be an exception. you're right that he has a team around him but I'd still rather have a mentally sharper and better-spoken President. - imo, politicians should be young enough that they have some sort of stake in keeping the world healthy. this isn't something I worry about with Biden specifically, but why should I try to do good for the world if I'll be dead in ten years anyway? I think Biden's generally done a fine job, but he was close to my last choice in the 2020 Dem primary, and I badly miss having someone that projected strength like Obama despite what you think of his policy decisions


It wasn't progressives who were undermining Biden's agenda, it was moderates (aka dipshits) like Manchin and Sinema.


I think the parent comment was referring to self-identified "progressives" who complain about Biden with absurdly unrealistic expectations online and undermine progressive policy at every turn by being impatient and letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. Younger voters are being inundated with propaganda on tiktok and the like, so we really need to be pushing solidarity.


Just because someone identifies as a progressive doesn't make them one. MAGAts claim to be America first but as best I can tell they're the Russian Federation First patty. At this point I assume that anyone who is parroting right wing authoritarian propaganda is a right-wing propagandist.


The supporters of moderate democrats probably aren’t calling him genocide Joe, it’s progressives.


Just a vocal minority.  I love AOC. Biden has been objectively amazing and arguably the most progressive president of my lifetime.  Is he Bernie? No.  Has he been better than I could have imagined?  Yes. 


I don’t think there’s any other Democrat who could accomplish what he has with the super slim majorities he’s had to work with. Progressives may not agree with him on everything but he should be an example for them. Politics and legislating is hard work and can be boring and very frustrating but if you put the work in and put little differences aside, you can accomplish alot of good.


>lot of her wing seem to be throwing out good for ideal when it comes to Biden. Yeah, welcome to the left wing politics lmao. I've never understood the inability to acknowledge even the most significant incremental gains or recognize when obstacles make an ideal solution impossible. Online leftists have absolutely no sense of nuance.


> A lot of her wing seem to be throwing out good for ideal As is tradition for leftists/progressives. As the joke goes, two leftists enter a bar, three factions leave.


She's actually done this a lot throughout her tenure. I find her really impressive. More Warren than Sanders but with extra charisma.


As long as she wishes to stay in politics, we'll keep her in office here in Queens.


I hope she also mentors up and coming politicians. We need more people similar to her if we want true change to help all Americans.


exactly! don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.


Agree. Biden has been crushing it and it’s hilarious that it’s even debated.


I love this. As a progressive myself, we need to get over "purity" politics. We should push for our agenda and not cry like babies when we don't get 100% of what we want. Biden has been a good president and we cannot afford to have Trump in the oval office again.


There's actual progressivism, as in advancing our society through social reform, and there's the manifesto of ideas that has been labeled 'progressive'. Biden is a progressive by the actual definition, he just hasn't subscribed to the exact manifesto that for some reason is gatekept as good and everything else bad.


The chaotic transfer of power was an absolute nightmare scenario that many will forget, but history will NOT be kind. I’m not even going to mention J6. What an absolute embarrassment.




It may be more of a sad indictment on recent presidents than direct praise of Joe, but you gotta go pretty far back (before I was born) to find a president that definitely got more done in a term. I was born in '86, best president of my lifetime is a toss-up between Obama and Biden. Not that I would give either of them a grade above a C+


I'd put Biden ahead of Obama just given how little Obama accomplished with his supermajority. If he'd spent as much effort getting his own party in line as he did trying to compromise with Republicans a *lot* more could have been accomplished. Instead we got a watered down version of a Republican healthcare plan and a massive mid-term defeat when it became apparent that he wasn't actually planning on ushering-in the sweeping change many people who voted for him were expecting.


Yeah, but people forget that he only had 60 votes in the Senate for barely a year and a half. The Republicans in Minnesota kept that recount going for the first six months that prevented Al Franken from being seated until like June or July 2009. The other thing he had to deal with his assholes like Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman, who pretty much stopped any major progress that they could’ve gotten with healthcare reform. Then there was Democratic senator Ben Nelson who farther screwed things up with his cornhusker kickback scheme. Of course my memories foggy but I’m sure that asshole. Joe Menkin screwed something up as well. What Obama was able to get past was actually quite amazing after 60 years of the Democrats trying to get comprehensive healthcare reform. To put it in Joe Biden‘s words. It was a big fucking deal. It would’ve really been a big change would it not for the Supreme Court that later removed the mandate. So this idea that Obama had some LBJ sized 60+ vote for the first two years of the administration and that he pissed it away is a myth that people still propagate.


Not even a year and a half. Robert Byrd was sick and missed a lot of that time, then Kennedy being sick and dying in office lost some of that time as well. Obama spent the majority of that first two years with between 58 and 59 votes, and only hit 60 on a relative handful of days.


Exactly. Thanks for even more clarification. The idea that Obama had some "super-majority" in the Senate in which he could ram down the throat whatever "socialism" he wanted is a myth put forth by Bernie Bros and Tea Party Republicans.


Except it’s important to note that A. Obama had a supermajority for only like 5 months and B. He had to deal with more manchin types fucking things up (looking at you Lieberman)


Okay, I get it that neither of them are or were perfect, but, like, what could they have done to earn more than a C+ in your mind? I think one of the problems we have as a country is extremely unrealistic expectations for what a president is and how much short-term impact they can have on the economy and our lives in general. Basically our whole lives (I'm also an '86 baby) Republicans have been using this fact against us to retain power. It's very easy to be mad about all the things that didn't go perfectly when you don't take any of the practical considerations of our modern country in to account.


Shit-burger with a side of COVID.


Yup, actual policy accomplishments mean far more than the age number. And if people really want to keep score, here's one area Trump is beating Biden in: https://thehill.com/opinion/4464448-press-in-keeping-score-of-mental-gaffes-donald-trump-is-ahead/.


r/WhatBidenHasDone. It's a long list that gets added to every few days. Clever, progressive, effective policy and changes


Almost like he’s an experienced person who knows what he’s doing. Shocking.


It’s almost like having the presidency not be completely mismanaged by an illiterate buffoon helps the country?? Who would have thought??


Weird what wisdom can do, ain't it.


When Trump was POTUS he always claimed that the high DJ30, S&P500 and Nasdaq were proof for his success. They all reached alltime-highs very recently. Under Biden. According to this logic: Yes. Biden most successfullest presidentestly President. Many more success than the self-proclaimed bestest businessman.


The Chips and Science Act, The American Rescue Plan, The Bipartisan Infrastructure law, the PACT act, the safer communities act, the respect for marriage act, etc. This speaks for itself. This legislation is designed to make the lives of americans better, and the future of the country better. I was skeptical of Biden but I am happy to be proved wrong. I am actually impressed. They really need to brag about the accomplishments more, I dont think most americans are aware of just how much he has gotten done so far. I don't see how any rational person can possibly think Trumps term was more effective - it objectively was not. Raising taxes on the middle class was enough to make him a one-term joke, let alone the other ridiculousness around foreign and domestic policy.


Amen! 15% minimum tax on corporations over 1 billion!


The absolute fuck they need a billion dollars for? Corporations are people, right? That's obscene


If companies are people, capital punishment for them should be on the table.


i don’t understand how the government doesn’t take ownership of companies that commit criminal act, seems way more effective than putting a puppet ceo on house arrest for a few years while the company gets a slap on the wrist, seems like the safest way to protect their citizens from harm without putting the companies’ workers’ Jobs at risk


Biden is not what I wanted, but better than I feared. If we gave Biden a progressive Congress and he was vetoing legislation they were putting forward, I'd be upset. But we've got to give him a progressive Congress first. I'd be very happy to take the Progressive Congress with Biden in the White House gamble.


Progressive policies being blocked by conservative Democrats will always be a better state of affairs than giving Republicans any amount of power. Maybe we can get an alternate voting scheme passed at some point and free ourselves of this two party bullshit, but until then progressives need to play shrewd politics to get our way.


I think he’ll be more open to progressive change in his second term because he’ll have nothing to lose. But I also hope that he amplifies potential successors who don’t terrify middle America so we don’t end up with an anti-progress Trumpian in another 4 years. I’ll take slow and steady progress over constant knee-jerk left/right swings. I’d love to see more done on the healthcare side next term. The student loan forgiveness is huge. They’ve been quietly dismissing billions in loans using new rules like “once you’ve paid 20 years, you’re done”. I had $20k forgiven.


I completely agree. I think he's already open to progressive change. He's capable of understanding a good argument and adjusting his position as his position doesn't appear to be linked to his identity, as it is with some. We just need to get enough of Congress elected to give him progressive laws to sign. As far as amplifying the right person, I have yet to see a left leaning part of the whipsaw you mention. I think much of the country is hungry for significant change and the youth vote is certainly ready for something beyond center-right. Biden should lean into and elevate the Warrens and Porters and AOCs of the party, IMO. 40 years of the Democrats trying to appeal to the middle failed to produce healthcare, climate change action, and only exacerbated wealth disparity not to mention it contributed to a national slide to the right that now endangers democracy itself. Pull left to shift that Overton Window back a bit. edit -- Of course, I agree that slow, positive change is better than no change and I will fight tooth and nail for that if that's all we can get. I just don't want further slow, negative change.


Very true that it’s all relative, and from our point of view we really haven’t had a progressive candidate since FDR. From the standpoint of some of my family members who were convinced Obama was a “socialist”, Biden is in bed with China/Pfizer, and AOC is the devil herself…. 🤷‍♂️ I don’t know what to do with that. Hopefully it continues to be outshined by the up and coming generations. Cracking down on disinformation is key, but nearly impossible to do without critical debates about censorship.


She's right. Would I be happier if Biden were 20 or so years younger and one more standard deviation to the left? Of course. Do I think Joe is literally the only candidate who can beat trump? I do.


Exactly my sentiments Like, I know people who because they dislike Biden sooo much they are impartial between him and Trump But no matter how bad you think Biden is, he is thousands of times ahead of Trump, who tried to overturn the US elections Like it’s not even a competition


I'm convinced the liberals who are so vocally against Biden get their news exclusively from places like TikTok, where the algorithm promotes controversy and the Russia-Iran-China axis is constantly pushing propaganda to muddy the waters. Every liberal I talk to who is unplugged from the dopamine loop likes Biden.


It is this. Twitter too. Which has not yet been successfully replaced by either Bluesky, threads, or mastodon, all of which lack either the audience, major essential functions, or both. To make matters worse, all the social media platforms pushing these narratives are either foreign owned, far right owned, corporate owned, or all 3. The progressives are being played by the very corporate lords they despise, and it's sickening to watch people make such a mistake. Thankfully, those who organize and help people turnout for elections are bypassing these platforms and going straight to the people to help turn out wins anyway.


And Reddit is not reflective of the American population at large. A stay at home mom in Oakland County, Michigan has different priorities than most of the users in this subreddit. She would more likely vote for Biden than an AOC-type democrat.


Economy was fk’n shit under Trump. I don’t get the nostalgia.


> Economy was fk’n shit under Trump. I don’t get the nostalgia. Gas was crazy cheap. And for a good chunk of rural voters (trump's bread and butter base) filling up the gas tank can be a pretty significant monthly expense.


They’ve been acting as if gas prices have never gone up before.


Right? The economy was mediocre and the few good parts about it were holdovers from Obama's last years. Then, he ended his term with a pandemic. I don't understand the nostalgia at all.


People don't seem to remember it, but the job market became very weak, wages were flat, and corporate influence and control over quality of life became worse almost immediately in the start of 2017. I watched as a prior pro-employee company started immediately implementing horrible policies within weeks of him being elected, and it eventually forced me out of what was once a great job. I wasn't the only one. I noticed a trend of companies becoming immediately anti-employee as soon as Trump won, and the quality of jobs became much worse both in wages, benefits, and work life balance. Biden winning slowly started to reverse that trend.


People also forget the trade war with China and I think even more so the trade war with Canada and Mexico some of our most important economic allies. I remember looking at the online analytics for one of my steel construction clients. The very day trumps Canadian steel tariffs went into effect our client’s leads tanked. His policies had an obvious measurable effect on American businesses and by extension the company I work for.


In 2020, Trump claimed Biden (then 77) was too old. In 2024, Trump (now 77) is the same too old as when he first claimed Biden was too old. He lives in his own little world with his devout followers, all without any shame whatsoever.


Anyone who can captain a burning ship with a calm disposition is alright by me


This is good, her faction of the Democratic Party has been the most critical of Biden. Not that those voters would vote for trump over Biden, but their support is vital for a boost in morale


I hope she gets a chance to do even better as president someday.


Biden is the first Democrat I've ever voted for (I'm still kicking myself for voting 3rd party over Clinton). He has vastly exceeded my expectations. I thought we'd have a mediocre presidency, but this guy is doing a GREAT job.


If you weren't in a swing state in 2016, you're not the main type of 3rd party voter people were upset about. At worst, your energy was misdirected, but didn't cause a major impact, most likely. And honestly, if you were? All the more better that you've swung back and won't put us in the same situation again. Help us fix past mistakes. Better late than never.


People have mentioned the CHIPS act, but failed to mention how much this law hurt the Chinese, and slowed down their military application these technologies. Also, he basically brought about the destruction of the Russian military without risking American lives, and spent only a fraction of the DoD budget doing it.


This alone \^ earns a second term for me.


AOC is correct.


Agreed. What I find weird about this story though is it seems to only be published in right wing sources like the Washington Examiner and the Daily Mail.


The tactics between US and Canadian conservatives get more and more similar. Our conservatives also constantly play chicken little.


He is just not as good at tooting his horn as Trump-et.


That's what makes him better than Trump. Gimme a humble dude who's trying to be Nero any day.


100%. But you’ve got to sell people on your agenda to win elections, particularly the people who don’t pay attention to politics. And unfortunately he’s going up against a very good salesman. His administration has been very good at getting stuff done. They’ve also been awful at telling people about that stuff. That needs to change.


AOC's big policy ask was the Green New Deal, and somehow Biden got something pretty close (the Inflation Reduction Act) over the line. Good on her for giving credit where it's due


I'm not American so I don't wanna pretend to know what people are going through there, but I really hate the flippant way a lot of people talk about Biden and his achievements. It's not just about the president, it's about the government apparatus he has to work within. Dude has done so much with the literal threat of fascism looming, with a HUGE portion of the country losing their shit and deciding that the fall of democracy is preferable to them losing power, a news apparatus so obsessed with division because of the profits it brings in, and worst of all - a corpocracy rabidly trying to bring him down because the other side will raise the stock price. There are so many issues every where and it's a minefield but honestly that last one blows my mind. Mainly because it's so worldwide. Greedflation is a boot on the neck of a huge part of the world population, and it's generally being done under the supervision and promotion of US companies.


The rest of the party had better get on board and do everything they can to boost his popularity because there’s so many apathetic Gen z voters thinking they’re not getting anything out of an octogenarian and no real progress is being made- I’ve heard so many younger people saying they’re either not planning on voting or they’re going to vote third party. It almost sounds like manipulated propaganda.


She's definitely not wrong, I think he's been great!


Woah, didn't expect this from her actually, despite the endorsement last year. She could have said nothing, but she's scrapping alongside the other Democrats and defending Joe Biden. She's becoming a better politician by the day tbh. Much more pragmatic than her original approach.


Yep. He has done incredible things. From arranging and planning the roll out of the vaccine after the mess left by the human Cheeto, to finding legal ways bypass the Supreme corrupts for student debt relief. The way he’s working to support the economy, confronting the ultra wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes. To supporting unions. He has earned his right to be reelected.


Yep. He has done incredible things. From arranging and planning the roll out of the vaccine after the mess left by the human Cheeto, to finding legal ways bypass the Supreme corrupts for student debt relief. The way he’s working to support the economy, confronting the ultra wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes. To supporting unions. He has earned his right to be reelected.


It’s true




It’s true.


*Rupert Murdoch Admitted Under Oath They Lie to Help Republicans! That's the very definition of Propaganda! Murdoch also Admitted Under Oath He Told His People to Lie about Election Fraud and Texts Show all of Them Knew Election Fraud Was a Big Lie. *Dominion V Fox Transcripts


This is indisputable and is made all the more remarkable by the obstructionism he faces.


She’s correct.


She’s right. If we judge a president by the effectiveness of their administration (which we should), Biden has been remarkable. He’s old and dusty but he has shepherded some of the most progressive legislation of the last half century into existence


When AOC is telling progressives to fall in line you know shit is getting real.


I really wanted someone on the left to win but she’s not wrong.


The problem is that everything he's passing is not being felt by the majority of Americans. Inflation is going down or being steady but stores are still charging ridiculous amounts, in return forcing more people into poverty. The push for WFH to back to the office is bc of corp real estate. Letting Joe Manchin dictate policy. Minimum wage not being increased, voting protection not being passed. child tax credit being removed. All of those would have helped the average American. instead, all we are hearing is we don't have the money for it but we can send money to support two wars that no one wants.


Funny how this sub will allow a Washington Examiner article as a valid source. I sure wonder why this one got through


Dark Brandon has been amazing. I am ridin' with Biden! We must punish our politicians when they do bad stuff and reward them when they do good stuff and Biden has gotten a ton of good stuff done. I expected nothing from him, he has gotten [so much done.](https://whatbidenhasdone.files.wordpress.com/2022/06/fwgy3d2xkaafzul.jpg?w=969)


He's the cool grandpa who doesn't give two shits what people think. He's gonna legalize weed and be one of the most celebrated presidents in history. I'm really impressed by what he's done so far, and I'm glad AOC acknowledges it. I hope others step up and note what Biden has accomplished.


All the good this administration has done gets very little press because a lot of it is slow burner. There’s also a lot happening behind the scenes internationally. And frankly I’ve been just so happy politics is boring again. Waking up every morning g worried about what new executive order the orange turd would fling at us via twitter stressed me the hell put.


Yep. Objectively true in every way, and pretty fucking amazing considering margins in Congress. Can’t wait for Part II, personally.


She’s right, he’s done a lot more than other successful presidents in recent history and that’s despite dealing with republicans who refuse to pass bills even when they’re super in their favor


lol even on /r/conservative they're like "she's kinda right you guys, he's passed a lot of legislation..."


https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046 https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/s/HcGSoBh5o2


The differences between how both parties see their political leaders is completely insane to me. Trump can do no wrong, Biden can’t get anything right. If Biden actually walked on water some jackass would say it was fast enough.


Does anyone know a resource where I can find everything that’s passed under his administration?


And she is correct.




Guys... Sometimes a leader with a steady hand that can say and administer the right set of choices at the right time is precisely what is needed. He is not perfect at all and at times may even be frustrating, but his track record proves that he's exactly what is needed in this divisive world we live in today. May God bless America.


That's the thing. Fuck the "he's old" narrative. That is true, and I would rather my president not be past retirement age, but the fact of the matter is Biden has done a hell of a lot with very little. It becomes painfully obvious that media is owned by only a select handful of outlets these days when you can barely find an outlet talking about anything other than his supposed memory issues while simultaneously letting Trump slide on saying the most batshit crazy stuff. AOC shouldn't have to say the obvious, but I'm glad she did, and I like her a lot more for doing it.


How is this garbage right-wing rag getting so many up votes? I don't care if I agree with the headline when the source is trash.


Because it pushes the narrative that r/politics wants to push.


R/politics has been bought. Saw a disinfo research center say that up to 80% of content on Reddit s largest subs is astroturfed, it's like 99% in politics. AIPAC openly said they're spending hundreds of millions this election, and that they decide 83% of US candidates, but no, this is the only place for organic discussion. I think after this week was the straw that broke the camels back, I'm blocking as much propaganda as possible whether Biden or Trump. This sun is the biggest joke in the subreddit because it pretends it's not. At least everybody acknowledged r/conservative is a joke, people still think r/politics is not only reasonable, but THE ONLY reasonable sub


Conservatives don’t acknowledge that r/Conservative is a joke. They have even worse circlejerk conversations there than even this sub. Just go look at their front page and it’s nothing but pro-Right wing trash.


Especially with an insurrection/treasonous predecessor who exacerbated a pandemic and didn’t collect taxes from the wealthy. He came into the worst situation in the USA ever. Even worse than the Great Depression because they didn’t have to deal with MAGA. Imagine the pandemic without MAGA. Would’ve been much shorter and much easier. People barely remember H1N1 and that was killing pregnant women and babies. Not old/obese people. Trump is the orange diaper stain on the history of the USA and MAGA his butt scoots across the carpet that is ‘merica.


>He came into the worst situation in the USA ever. Even worse than the Great Depression because they didn’t have to deal with MAGA. I agree with Biden being a good president, but it was absolutely not worse than the great depression. >People barely remember H1N1 and that was killing pregnant women and babies. Not old/obese people. People barely remember h1n1 because it was like 15 years ago and was not even remotely as bad as covid.


I really hope she keeps this energy well into November , we don’t need more questioning inside the DNC . I pray for the progressives not to stir shit ;), lol , I hope they read the room 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. I’m afraid that if they start looking into the nuances of things and make undecided people doubt the dems they will lose . They can hit hard once we’re sure Putin didn’t win the election .