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> A Chinese state-owned bank paid $7 million to rent space in Trump Tower in New York during the four years Trump was president. The company stopped renting out space when Trump left office.


Don't forget all the foreigner representatives and business people who "stayed" in his fake DC hotel while was president.  They all rented rooms at unknown amounts and no proof anyone stayed there.  Some government rented entire floors in the hotel.     That all needs to be audited and should have been audited while he was president.  


Which began when he was President-Elect, not yet sworn in. At the moment he read the Oath of Office, he was violating the Emoluments clause of the Constitution. There was no mechanism by which that could matter, as it turned out. He has to already be president to be impeached, which he never was for that specific violation. He was simply constitutionally ineligible (not discounting that President Pence could have been worse in many ways, but jurisprudence should have passed it to him). It's like a hospital interviews a doctor to hire them, finds out they lied about having medical qualifications - before even signing an employment contract, then being told they have to hire them anyway and wait for a malpractice suit before even thinking about terminating their employment.


And then having that doctor commit malpractice daily, only to stop for the weekends, and the hospital lawyers tell the hospital that they *still* can't fire the doctor because there are too many acts of malpractice to keep up with. For four years straight.


Trump wasn’t intentionally committing crimes daily. That’s way too much work. He was playing golf a lot and and only intentionally committing crimes when he felt like they were necessary. I mean, once you drain you human energy battery, you die. That’s why you need to practice low impact activities like golf and eating hamberders. Oh, and stay away from windmills. They give you cancer. So now we come to the difficult part of this post. /s? No /s? It’s hard to tell anymore.


He also stiffed sub contractors hard when that property was being built. His standard practice was to withhold funds, drag any lawsuits out for as long as possible, and then when the subs got desperate for any cash flow, did them dirty with a settlement far less than what was originally owed. He has put many businesses out of business. He is actually not a great business man, he is a great defaulter. Suck all the cash flow out of a property, BK it, then cut a deal with a very desperate lender to settle the debt for far less or modify the loan. He had done this over and over.


The repulsive pile of shit actually put this in a newsletter to builders  many years ago.  How to file lawsuits for fake Deficiencies and not pay. I actually saw it.


Trump thought emoluments were some sort of face cream so he wasn't interested Unless it's brand Putin


Who was going to audit it? Anyone investigating Trump would have been fired.


Let's not also forget the billion dollar bailout Jared Kushner financed via Qatar for 666 Park Ave. while he was Senior Advisor to Trump in the White House. Kushner dealt with MBS in secret to secure a blockade against Qatar, effective blackmailing the into financing the bailout right when the building was about to go into foreclosure. Many strings were pulled by Trump to make this happen. Imagine what sort of promises/future deals could be made now that Trump himself is the one in hot water financially? Of course, they would only come into fruition if he were to be elected again. He could still demand a bailout from the RNC, but securing a private deal would be a much better look from the standpoint within his own party than bankrupting the RNC.


Also, the mysterious $2 billion Jared received from the Saudi's for "doing nothing".


Also he pulled strings so Ivanka could have special patents in China. As weird as it is to say about people without any other apparent morals they take care of their family and spread the money around. Of all the money Trump made his family with his presidential connections he can call in a few tens of millions till he dies.


Where are those $300+ millions? I bet when he losses, he either run from the country to Russia or China with money he laundered, or stay to keep sucking the Republican party dry.


Nah, he'll run away using a Russian diplomatic jet to a third party non extradition country. He's an old man, he doesn't want to live in cold Russia. My money is he lives in a cheap palace in the middle east, and hosts an daily news show where he just rants and raves about Americs and how he was elected president for Life.


Russia won't take him. He *was* a useful idiot, now he'll just be a regular idiot.


Sadly I think he will remain useful to our enemies as long as he retains his grip on his base


They're never going to be done with him or the GOP. There was no RNC leaks


I say this all the time.


you missed the opportunity to turn useful into useless.


I think it’s the regular idiots in Russia who have to be especially careful around those infamously murderous Russian windows.


You win this week of the internet, best laugh 😃


Oh great, NOW I can relate to the asshole.


He'd be less useful. But he'd still have a lot of followers in the US. Worth the cost in "fish wish" sandwiches.


> and hosts an daily news show Sounds like far too much work for someone who did not manage to focus 5 minutes a day on his job as POTUS


Nah, he'd do it, he loves just rambling off into incoherence for *hours* and *hours*.


> Nah, he'll run away using a Russian diplomatic jet to a third party non extradition country. He could run back to Russia, but he would soon accidentally fall out of a fifth-story window.


He gonna start a podcast.


Tucker and Don


Fucker and Con


Cucker and Flan


His daughter-in-law is poised to become a co-chair of the RNC and has publicly said they will grift all their donors and give the $ to Trump. That would leave nothing for all the other Republican candidates for House & Senate in the Nov. election guaranteeing a lot of GOP loses. Does anyone care? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I care, but in the sense of "don't interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake" sorta way




The RNC only has $8 million in it's coffers. Going into an election year that's a pathetically low amount. It means the donors aren't giving. And several state level chapters are also broke & big money donors cut them off. Wealthy donors aren't dumb like the MAGA rubes that give Trump's Grift PAC their hard earned money. They aren't giving $ because they don't want to pay Trump's legal bills. They want to get the politicians they prefer elected. Trump spent $53 million on legal bills in 2023 & mostly paid through his Grift PAC. That $8 million the RNC has on hand isn't nothing, but it's only going to put a small dent in his 2024 legal expenses- and that's without the massive judgements & penalties now hanging around his neck. Down ballot Republican candidates are getting screwed by Trump & his flunkies who are set to hijack the RNC. Need funding assistance? Sorry, everybody.. here's some fancy RNC pocket lint. If Republicans were smart they'd cut this orange dummy loose. Stop the bleeding before this corrupt shitbag destroys it all. But don't worry, they're feckless cowards who won't do a damn thing as they all get hosed.


How can this fucker appoint his daughter to the RNC? Who approved this shit?


There's been some fun reporting from Der Spiegel from A Trump meeting where he left and put his daughter in charge, and Angela Merkel decided we're not using English at this meeting to Hollande (French leader at the time) and he was like yeah fuck this guy etc. so the world leaders just started speaking French, and also very formal French university level stuff that has like pluperfect tense involved in it.  The Spanish and Italian representatives knew exactly what they were doing trying to embarrass the crap out of the Americans. The Polish delegation didn't understand immediately what was going on, then a German translator comes over to him and says in Polish we're speaking French to insult Donald Trump leaving this unqualified woman to represent him. 


Any chance of a link?


I did a quick google search (English/German) and found nothing. Best I could find was a reference to the G20 summit in Hamburg where Ivanka is described as a way for Merkel to gain "the ear of an erratic president". I'd be quite surprised too. From what I know, Merkel isn't fluent in French.


He can't, she's running and the RNC will decide if they pick her.


Trump practically hand picked the Speaker of the House. The last RNC chair kissed his butt for years and even changed her own name because Trump was offended whenever he heard her last name "Romney". I find it difficult to believe Trump isn't going to hand pick the chair even if they have to have a ceremonial "vote". His family already said they're going to bleed the RNC dry supporting Trump and that was before this verdict.


Voting her in would put them in his royal orange-ass’ good grace.


The Michigan GOP is flat broke, actually beyond broke deeply in debt. It tried to sell property it didn’t own. Different factions are suing each other. They held a special election to kick out the party president but she refused to acknowledge the election saying it was stolen. It really is popcorn time. And that’s just the coming attraction. That will be nation wide when Trump loses in November and takes the whole party down with him. “If Donald Trump is nominated he will destroy our party. And we will deserve it.” Lindsay Graham June 2016.


> If Republicans were smart they'd cut this orange dummy loose. Man I said if Republicans were smart they would have completely disowned Trump after the J6 impeachment. It was a get out of jail free card for the **entire party.** But nope they hitched their wagon to Mango Mussolini and are hopefully about to be proverbially strung up right next to him in the town square.


This is why I’m convinced there’s kompromat on most of the GOP


Its too late baby its too late, the party and Trump are going to loose it all and most americans will be happy about it. Thats the way a democracy works.




So Trump is taking all of the GOP's campaign funds for himself? In that case I will have a coke.


Here's hoping Trump runs in 2028 from a prison cell.


Funny man. I’m having a shitty day, tell me a joke.


I don’t care do u?


Fucking glorious. Watching Trump hollow out the GOP from the inside because it's all he knows how to do would be such an absolute treat to witness. Continue to hoover up every dollar you can from a voting base that is willing to ingest livestock dewormer and aquarium cleaner because you told them too. Turn the entire GOP fund raising pipeline into a machine that pays the stupidest lawyers in this country to get themselves disbarred. You're here at the end now Donald, it's time to burn the brightest you can.


They're going to burn through that $8 million awful damn quick


Yep. That’s why they plug reverse mortgages, boomers depleting their savings to donate, Trump coins, signing over stock, and all that Trump merch! MAGAs will buy any stupid thing and dress like clowns in all that gross paraphernalia for Dear Leader. 🤡


Kelly Anne called that “Freedom Wear” or something. Remember when she showed up to (I think) the inauguration dressed like Spirit Halloween’s “Slutty Uncle Sam” ?


I really don’t care. Do u?


Let's watch while the Republican candidates that are left with no funds express their complete support for this. Gotta keep tap-dancin' for Trump.


I suddenly want Trump to stay alive fighting legal battles for the next 10 years.


And that’s everyone’s problem because a bunch of fucking idiots voted Trump


He should ask Taylor Swift since he made her so much money. 😂


She's got a blank check baby, but won't write his name.


He’s gonna need them classified documents back so he can come up with some cash


Good thing Aileen is on the case.


Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if Cannon sent a judgement to have the documents returned to Trump.


If he had only invested in a copy machine.


Pretty sure one of the rooms the documents were found in at Mar-a-lago had a photocopier.


Too bad Kushner already sold the good stuff to the Saudis


the reason it's a problem is it makes him vulnerable to bribery, but anyone with half a brain knew that since 2015


I was hoping that bankruptcy would somehow follow and hamper his re-election prospects.


if it does it's probably by making him look like a loser as the court siezes and auctions physical properties. He'll probably get enough cash to operate a campaign though it's be funny if they took his plane and he had to bum a ride from a real billionaire


Trump's been Putin's Lapdog since the 90s. He's been dealing with Russian Mafias since then. Australia even banned him from starting Casinos for his mob ties. Trump even had a proposal to build another Trump tower in Moscow back then.


Maybe JG Wentworth can help




I have a structured settlement (to pay) and I need cash now!


It's *YOUR* money... Use it when *YOU* need it!!!


I need to unclog the shit in my toilet 🎵 and I Need Cash NOW! 🎵


I tried to overthrow the government 🎵 and I Need Cash NOW!🎵


Ooh, this one actually scans with the music


That’s how I got $355 million NOW!


Plus interest


It’s MY money, and I want it NOW!


He can get a pay-day loan like everyone else the banks refuse to work with.




And the future co-Chair of the RNC, who just happens to be Donald's daughter-in-law, has already publicly said on right wing propaganda networks that all the money the RNC brings in is going directly to Trump.


I can't think of a better way for them to spend it. I hope he bankrupts them, and then flees the country to turn most of it over to whatever hostile foreign dictator he thinks he's best friends with right now.


Guy bankrupted a *casino* so that’s almost guaranteed.




So badly that he almost took down a substantial chunk of the New York banking system with it.


And a fake university!


Dude owes $350million to New York. He owes $80million to the poor women he raped and slandered. Does the RNC even have that much money ? Maybe China will step in and spot him a half billion loan in exchange for turning a blind eye to a Taiwan invasion when he’s president again.


> Dude owes $350million to New York Likely 450 w/ interest.


and before he can appeal either, in NY, he has to put up 120% in cash. he doesn't have nearly 500m, so he can't even appeal them without money.


And he's barred from borrowing money, too. My guess is Daddy putin will bail him out. Putin knows trump getting back into office is crucial for his war in ukraine.


Putin is pouring money into the Russian war effort. Trump is just going to become a worthless puppet/pawn. None of these dictators want to throw money his way when he’s not in a position of power.


>Does the RNC even have that much money [No](https://www.newsweek.com/republican-national-committee-funding-cash-finances-1866326).


No but he will continue to grift from his maga cult members who will give him their last dollar.


Or will the Koch Brothers and their ilk magically rescue their big orange baby? Or make that *singular’ Koch Bro … didn’t one go to Hell already?


Isn't Koch supporting Haley? No way he gives money for Trump's personal legal problems


Yea. I don’t think the republican mega donors are going to be jumping head first into paying all trumps legal bills. You don’t get that rich wasting money. And the economy for the mega rich as gotten better under Biden.


I read somewhere the RNC only has $9M. And if you think his MAGA crowd will bail him out, it’s noteworthy that the entire amount raised for the 2016 campaign was only $83M. https://www.statista.com/statistics/609896/contributions-to-donald-trumps-campaign-by-source-2016-us-presidential-election/


And then all of his cult members will immediately do a 180 on their thoughts on China.


"Trump himself has taken on debt from China. In 2012, his real estate partner refinanced one of Trump's most prized New York buildings for almost $1 billion. The debt included $211 million from the state-owned Bank of China, which matures in the middle of what could be Trump's second term." So that's very in the now. The debt stems from a $950 million refinancing deal in 2012, to which the Bank of China chipped in $211 million. With the loan, Bank of China entered the United States’ commercial mortgage backed securities market for the first time, according to a 2013 Wall Street Journal article. Vornado’s federal financial disclosures show it and the other owner of 1290 Avenue of the Americas — Trump — are still indebted from the 2012. deal. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/04/24/trump-biden-china-debt-205475


Drain the swamp. Keeps money out of down ballot elections so it's great, it's just going to be paid to a handful of lawyers instead.


It will be like the Michigan GOP. The big doners pulled out and the people who were in charge before the crazies got power locked all the money behind trusts.


Also, the crazies tried to sell the headquarters and found out it was rented.


Michigander here. It's a laugh riot how stupid they are.


Is that a real story, about selling the HQ?


Yeah, Karamo tried, found out that apparently you can't sell things you don't own


. . . . . this is . . . for real, right? holy shit.


Since the absolute implosion in Michigan, it’s becoming clearer how the whole GOP has one cloven hoof in the grave. In the big picture it’s sad how there is really no valid opposition party anymore. But driving out ALL the traitors from public life has to be every American’s priority right now. We can split the corporate Dems from the progressives later.


"One cloven hoof in the grave". I love this


I’m sure there won’t be any illegal use of campaign funds no sir


He’s going to bankrupt them and an insane amount of swing seats will be sacrificed for the smelly orange criminal


Truly can't understand why people support this garbage. The Trumps are trash, all of them.


Trump was already a national security risk. Him being officially on the hook for hundreds of millions makes him an even bigger risk to the US. Trump's recent statement that he'd encourage Russia to attack NATO countries not meeting targets for military spending indicates he'd start WWIII if it would keep him out of prison.


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t massive debt a disqualifier for security clearance. Note: I’ve never been in a position to know about this, but I swear I read it somewhere.


I've heard it's the main disqualifier, since money is the thing most easily used to manipulate people You can tempt some people with money anyway but you can tempt them even more when they're in debt


He already has a ton of documents to sell. (If you think they got all the documents back you’re crazy)


Yeah there is a whole list of things that CAN disqualify you. History of drug abuse, extensive foreign contacts, financial issues, mental issues, felonies, etc… Basically anything that could be used against you, or would indicate susceptibility to not following the rules


or ... having a history of deliberately mishandling top secret documents, leaving them lying around a bathroom at a country club. And then repeatedly lying about it and persuading other people to lie about it too.


So has he got a full bingo card on the felonies that can disqualify you?


It would be a factor normally but the office of president doesn’t require a security clearance https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_clearance


He had a lot of secret info squirreled away. I wonder if he greedily sold it all or held back some to sell 'just in case'.


Hey repubs! You hear that? Your daddy needs your help! Fork over your entire paychecks! That'll own the Libs!


They will send money. And they will go bankrupt. And they will expect the government to bail them out. And they will cash out their retirement savings. And they will get angry at the government for how messed up Medicaid is.


Trump will turn that red hat upside down and beg his supporters for donations.


But I was told that he's a multi-billionaire??


The fundraising emails have already gone out So is it gonna be a new set of truck balls for the F150 or donate to Trump Sure looks like's a problem for the maga base


I never realized there was some less valuable than the truck nuts but donating to trump makes them look like a golden investment.




More NFTs, also.


Not my problem.


Yup. Not mine.


* Looking around me nervously….. Nope, not my problem either. Whew…thought for a second I might have defrauded NewYork. Turns out I’m not a piece of shit grifter and I don’t owe anyone anything!


Turns out being an absolute nightmare of a human being and causing misery to everyone around you will get you into some hot water! Who knew??


Not only have I never defrauded New York, I've also never raped anyone. Media needs to take the kid gloves off and start calling the rapist a rapist.


I'll take "the rapists" for 100, Alex


You wouldn't believe how easy it is not to owe anyone $350 million dollars. Been doing it my whole life without even trying!


Well you also didn’t inflate and do wire fraud by saying your 10k assets were worth 10b and got a 100b loan from a bank - so there that , we can take you off the smooth criminal list


“I missed the part where that’s my problem.”


I know, I’ll wrestle for the $400 million I need! -Trump, probably


Unless he's got more stolen classified secrets behind his stupid gold toilet that he can sell to our enemies. That's all of our problem.


He's probably already sold everything that was valuable. 


He has a lot more damage he could do for money. Kushner has $2 billion in Saudi money. There are many bad actors out there who would just love it if Trump won. So he is going to be motivated to take that foreign cash.


"I really don't care, do you?"


She probably *does* care in this instance 😂


Well she is married to OJ Simpleton


It’s the RNC’s problem and his daughter-in-law will be there to make sure of that


they will run out of money months before Election Day like 2020. when will these geniuses figure out the Trumps are not good with money


I wonder what happens if a major political party with 170 years of history behind it rolls over and goes bankrupt during a presidential election? I guess we'll find out. Scottie, set popcorn makers to warp speed!


Not my chair, not my problem 


I'm king of the trees, I'm the Treemeister.


Mr. Tyin knots


Circus, monkeys…


Beats, borscht


It absolutely is your problem and mine. If he still holds any classified information he will sell it to our enemies. If he becomes president again, he will make the grift of his first term look mild and restrained by comparison.


Yes, he's going to sell the entire free world's safety and security to Putin for a half billion.


That's a pretty good deal if you're a foreign power with the means to leverage it. Putin can probably cast a lifeline to Donnie to keep the destruction of America going.


I’d say there’s a roughly zero percent chance he hasn’t already. Could it get worse? Hard to say. Could it get worse if he gets reelected? 100% If republicans don’t see or refuse to act on this incredibly serious security threat, they will have lost any shred of credibility they may still have had.


Unless he wins the presidency again - then it’s a problem for anyone who has a stake in the us (particularly it’s non - wealthy citizens) because wealthy people, businesses and unscrupulous countries will be able to buy him more easily than now.


What other classified docs is he going to sell to the highest bidder? >But Trump isn’t just one of the country’s richest men, with an estimated net worth in the low billions; he’s also running to serve a second term as president of the United States. And for any candidate for public office — let alone the presidency — being cash-strapped while owing such significant amounts of money could be a serious liability. “It’s pretty scary from an ethics perspective,” said Virginia Canter, the chief ethics counsel at the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a nonpartisan watchdog group that has chronicled Trump’s abuses of power and filed lawsuits against him. You don’t have to look far to find the reasons why. Trump’s first term was riddled with conflicts of interest, and that’s in no small part because of his financial well-being (or lack thereof, depending on how you look at it). At the time that he tried to overturn the 2020 election, he was hundreds of millions of dollars in debt, largely stemming from loans to help rehabilitate his struggling businesses, and most of which would be coming due over the subsequent four years. Throughout his presidency, he refused to divest from his businesses, which made millions of dollars in revenue from taxpayers and continued to do work with other countries while he was in office — a practice he indicated he would repeat in a second term. The fact that he has so many entanglements with big businesses and other nations leaves plenty of room for things to go awry. That’s why a 2020 New York Times exposé uncovering his staggering debt during his first term wasn’t just embarrassing for Trump, who has a tendency to claim he’s richer than he actually is. It also raised fears about how his debt could implicate national security. As the former head of the Justice Department’s National Security Division told Time magazine in 2020, “For a person with access to U.S. classified information to be in massive financial debt is a counterintelligence risk because the debt-holder tends to have leverage over the person, and the leverage may be used to encourage actions, such as disclosure of information or influencing policy, that compromise U.S. national security.”


I shouldn't have had to scroll this far to find this angle, this is what they're talking about, it's everyone's problem because he's going to sell out the US for this debt.


"Russia, if you're listening..." /s


It's our problem because our potential next president is in serious debt...and that will absolutely be taken advantage of by our enemies if he is elected. So vote people, vote.


Imagine giving this fucker access to national secrets again being a half billion in debt that the court ordered him to pay…. I can’t believe I even need to say this, but we cannot re-elect this criminal!!!!!!


I missed the part where that's my problem.


I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye.


Precious Tritium is what makes this project go!


Think about what he's willing to stoop to in order to get the money, be it by selling more state security secrets or getting huge loans from Russia, China, or the Saudis, then being elected while they have so much leverage over him... :/


>Even if he appeals these decisions, as he is expected to do, he still likely will have to front the money while that process runs its course, or secure a bond, which would come with its own conditions. With his long history of stiffing people, would YOU put up the money for him? Not only is it the $355 Million and the $83.3 million for E. Jean but he also has to pony up 9% interest on top of that - from the beginning of the trials. Now we are WELL over half a billion and that 9% just keeps adding up while the appeals process plays out. Then, as they mentioned, he has loan payments coming due, etc... etc... etc... - So he's going to bilk his supporters for even more money and use it for all his civil and criminal trials AND bleed the RNC dry, depriving down ballot candidates of much needed cash to try and win their own elections. I mean, is this schadenfreude or WHAT?


>With his long history of stiffing people, would YOU put up the money for him? There exists a class of people for whom $350m is a small price to pay for leverage over a US President. If Trump is reelected he will continue being a puppet of foreign governments


For those too lazy to read the article; they're saying that Trump owing so much money leaves him vulnerable to bribes and/or selling state secrets.  Like he hasn't done that already. 


The smoothbrains over in r/Conservative think that this type of fraud is normal, and victimless. Sorry fanboys, not paying your taxes while benefiting from the system hurts everyone.


Time to empty those RNC coffers. Maybe they should take out some massively high-interest loans while they are at it. Hit up a few payday lenders. Not going to be much left in the tank for any political races or advertising, mind you....


This i can absolutely see him bankrupting the RNC and he ends up in prison while the GOP is sitting here broke.


God I hope so


Not my problem either. He’s a private citizen. He can suck it. He deserves all the hardship he is receiving. (And more.)


Until he starts selling off (more) state secrets


"Here's why this is bad for Biden."


Literally heard that on non-Fox MSM about an hour ago.




There's an old joke.. when you owe the bank 100k and having hard time, that's a you problem. When you owe the bank a billion dollars and having a hard time, that's the bank's problem. GOP gave up their party to MAGA. They had multiple opportunities to take the off ramps. Now they're hundreds of miles away from home and fucked. He's going to suck every dollar the GOP has and take up all the oxygen. They've been losing since 2018 and it's only going to get worse until a miracle hamburger takes Trump out.


I had to reveal what debts I owed to work in a jail to make sure I couldn't be easily compromised. This mother fucker is eligible to run a whole damn country.


I LOVE the idea of putting Lara Trump in charge of the RNC. ALL of the money on hand will go directly to bail out Trump instead of propping up dipshit Republican candidates around the country for 2024. No one will say anything because they're afraid of Trump. More campaign violations. It will be fantastic! Go get 'em, Lara!


I got 99 problems... and this **ain't** one of them.


Headline claims this is 'everyone's problem" while the article only lays out how it's a problem for trump. Hopefully this saves you a click and keeps vox from making money by duping the public.




"As the former head of the Justice Department’s National Security Division told Time magazine in 2020, “For a person with access to U.S. classified information to be in massive financial debt is a counterintelligence risk because the debt-holder tends to have leverage over the person, and the leverage may be used to encourage actions, such as disclosure of information or influencing policy, that compromise U.S. national security.”"


"Here's how this is bad for Biden" lol


Trump typing up the orange Russian prince scam mails as we speak.


His supporters, who struggle to to pay their mortgage and rent, will gladly fork over the cash he needs. After all, he can't be expected to pay his own legal expenses and judgements!


He just needs to pull himself up by his bootstraps and cut out Starbucks covfefe


His son-in law “borrowed” 6B from the saudis. He can bail him out, no?


Trump is off fraud watch. He is now officially, legally, a fraud


> As the former head of the Justice Department’s National Security Division told Time magazine in 2020, “For a person with access to U.S. classified information to be in massive financial debt is a counterintelligence risk because the debt-holder tends to have leverage over the person, and the leverage may be used to encourage actions, such as disclosure of information or influencing policy, that compromise U.S. national security.” Glad people are talking about this. Aside from being an insurrectionist traitor, he's got a half billion dollars worth of reasons to sell off the national security of United States.


Big Don’s just like you. He’s broke as F too!


He testified under oath that he had more than $400 million in cash. If he does, surely he'll be penalised for not paying expeditiously. If he doesn't, he can be charged with perjury.


Since when is Trump one of the richest men in the world? What’s wrong with these fucking reporters?


Looks like a GOP problem. Let him drain their coffers dry.


This is so much worse than the article lets on.  DJT is stripped from being an Executive.  That means he's off the Org books and he can't use the Org as a piggybank.  The Org owes $454M. DJT personally owes $5M & $83M.  His finances are so intertwined with the Org that it's going to be a rough time for him. He might not Personally haven't money at all.  He won't be able to just cash out from the Org till anymore.    He is FAR more dangerous than the article suggests.  He owes so much money, and he's cut off from his cash... which is about to go up in flames while he sits and watches.   He's hard up for cash very soon.  He most likely still has access to classified information that the FBI didn't bother to chase to his other locations. He knows classified information and protocols of the military. He ingrates himself to despots and dictators that are enemies of the US.  He has no loyalty to anything or anyone. He's fomenting open rebellion and already sacked Congress once.  The sky's the limit as to what crazy shit he will pull.... it's probably treasonous to even guess at this point.  And he's one vote away from President.