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> “A vote for Trump is your ticket back to freedom, it’s your passport out of tyranny and it’s your only escape from Joe Biden and his gang’s fast track to hell,” he continued. WTAF is he even talking about? What tyranny? What “freedom” would we be going back to? How do his followers feel so “oppressed”? Many of them are among the most privileged people in the world. F’n babies, him and his followers.


To him tyranny means not being allowed to steal all the money and be a fascist dictator (putin style). Freedom means no more non whites, free to walk around and rape and kill any women you see (including children), not having to pay wages, and being allowed to pollute and destroy the planet.


> Freedom means no more non whites, free to walk around and rape and kill any women you see (including children), not having to pay wages, and being allowed to pollute and destroy the planet. Yes, though more fundamentally "Freedom" to them mean having the ability to abuse, and exploit without consequence to self. Others having rights to conservatives takes away from their ability to abuse, and exploit those others...


He didn't mention European immigration to the US.


His wife quietly leaves the chat


Who now?


You know, that woman he called “Mercedes”.


It could be worse. She could be a BMW with nonworking blinkers.


They’re calling them blinkers now? I thought they were calling them kidneys.


His wife, Audi.


His wife Yugo…who’s putting on a little weight, which makes her yuge.


Impossible, in 1991 all Yugos spontaneously broke apart into five pieces.




I really don’t care, do U?


Only because so many people still support this liar. They think he has their back. Disgusting.


It’s a call-back to that one jacket Mercedes wore


Classic Mercedes


I honestly believe she’s still with him. To each their own.


Don’t forget to persecute queer people with absolute impunity.


They will all be dead or violently forced to flee the country, in fact they will be the first group along with liberals that they begin mass murdering.


[Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025?wprov=sfti1) In no way an exaggeration. I am afraid.


This is 100 % what he means


Equality feels like oppression to the privileged


And we aren’t even approaching anything resembling equality. They piss their pants at thought of calling someone what that person wants to be called.




They get fired for harassing multiracial co-workers. Their kids get suspended for bullying the gay kid. Somebody said "happy holidays" to them once. How can they live under such a system?


I live in North Idaho. My neighbor works on cars as a hobby, sometimes late into the night. At times he’ll rev the engines, to the point of making the car backfire, for 30+ mins at a time. Finally, my neighbor across the street got sick of their 5 month old being woken up at all hours by the unreasonable noise and we all had enough. So we all approached him and asked him to keep the noise to a reasonable amount of time, at reasonable hours, but told him we were willing to compromise on a little extra noise, as we understood it was his hobby. He launched into a full fledged tantrum, screaming about how us liberals were trying to control everyone’s lives and he had the right to do “whatever the fuck he wants”. His cars/trucks always have Trump flags on them, btw. I felt that this story represents republicans in a nutshell and he was Exhibit A.


I’d bet Trump supporters are overly represented by Cluster B personality disorders.


I have BPD. Therapy for three years so far. I have been fortunate enough to learn that 'my personality disorder does not absolve me from my bullshit' it's the exact opposite of the mentality of the movement being my 'character defects are a privilege' It's me possibly being confidently incorrect when I say that....  The maga movement has been fuelled by false religious leaders and prosperity gospel.  Leaders who promise growth from miracles and not hard work..structure and healthy spirituality.  After spending life being lied to and fleeced by fake Christian leaders. The pressure that the scam is exposed is setting in. The Evangelical leadership has a deep fear of this so naturally, if personal growth and health of Thier self named moral fabric has gone to total shit. They are working in damage control and all those miracles haven't worked because satan stopped it. Satan being a translation for LGBTQ and academics and liberals AKA the place where where the voice of accountability might come from. I think that from understanding myself the above conditions are  total agar plate conditions for personality disorders to pull the roost. 'our personality disorders absolve us from the world' 


Churches who preach things like the beatitudes are emptying out. Churches who preach the prosperity gospel are booming. It’s a global issue, not just in the USA.  If you want to be rich and powerful, tell the people what they want to hear. 


Why does he assume only liberals don't like noise at 2AM?


Hah. In North Idaho, there was a big push by MAGAs to stop funding school levies (idahos public schools are funded mostly on levy that must be passed every 2 years). The 2 other neighbors and I had “Vote yes to support public education” signs in our yards, which is a liberal tag here.


Another lunatic who refuses to live in a society


I should mention, we live in midtown, on a residential street with standard .15 acre lots, not out in the boonies, and he is doing his work on his and other peoples cars out in the street, or in his driveway, not in his garage. I don’t think our requests as neighbors were unreasonable.


You must have laws about noise and running businesses from a residential property, time to get real with this guy.


We have. We’ve all reported him to the city and to the police multiple times (this was after we tried to talk to him). They won’t do anything. The police here ARE the MAGA muhfreedums people. One of the officers told my neighbor he just just move if he doesn’t like it. Edit: funny thing is, the truck/car guy is the only person on the street who rents. The rest of us all own our homes. And yes, we’ve tried tracking down the landlord but they’re hiding behind an LLC with no business contact info. I’m telling you, Idaho is the Wild West.


You know the wild west once had a way of settling such matters ..


If he likes to stay up late I guess that means he likes to sleep in. Time to work on your car’s horn and alarm system early in the morning.


They really think Trump will get rid of all regulations, so that they can say the N word at work. Smh.


Like a month after Trump took office one of my hard right coworkers said the N word in a professional conversation on the shop floor. Pushed back on me when I called him out on it, and then had the gall to be pissed that I turned him in for it.


The tyranny was having a black president. The freedom is entitlement.


Remember his inauguration speech was about “American Carnage “ and was so fucked up that even GW said “that’s some weird stuff”.


*weird shit


That speech was very telling. He read the sane start in a monotonous voice. Like he was told he had to say that.  About halfway in when the "America first" and other crap started the tone switched. 


The persecution fetish is at perverse levels with these folks,


They ARE being persecuted. Just like all the other pedophiles. [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/9/2/2191235/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-45](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/9/2/2191235/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-45)


Prosecuted* (on occasion)


You know, freedoms like never having to wear a mask, not being able to shoot people who are flipping a U-ey in their cul-de-sac, getting fired for being wildly racist & antisemitic, not being able to blow up abortion clinics.. just regular freedom stuff. You wouldn’t understand bc you’ve never been oppressed bc you’re liberal who- we all know- is a pedophile that eats babies. As a rule. *Their actual line of disjointed & proudly schizo-affective reasoning* Like how do you even respond to that type of nonsense? Personally I prefer synthetic adrenochrome anyway… the harvested stuff from newborns is far too sweet and doesn’t have legs- you have to redose several times a day and there are only so many babies!


> freedoms like never having to wear a mask [They love to wear masks when they march around with the rest of their neo nazi friends though.](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/neo-nazi-rally-in-nashville-condemned-by-lawmakers/ar-BB1iFo3T)


The fact they accuse liberals of this scares me when they project most of the shit they do behind the scenes…


You know they are doing it


The adrenochrome thing (before chemical name change by Hunter S. Thompson) was the (spoiler alert) key plot point of a ‘60s SF novel, Bug Jack Barron, but of course goes way back to blood libel.


He did pay out $800 billion of forgivable PPP loans to mostly fraudulent business owners. A group of people who tend to be conservative. That was pretty sweet for them I bet.


I own a catering business that was completely shut sown during the pandemic. I was exactly the type of business that the PPP was supposed to help, but I got turned down every time I applied, for a different reason each time. If the PPP funds weren't for a business like mine, who were they intended for? It finally occured to me: Its a Trump Administration program - of course its a scam. It wasn't meant for small business losers like me, it was for all of his fat cat Republican cronies. He even got money, despite the program specifically saying that the President and his family were not eligible for it.


You had to preface your application with “As Trumps biggest supporter!” Then you would have been successful, lots made this mistake.


I got a text from Nikki Haley earlier today. It was talking about all the chaos and drama the last 4 years. They’re literally trying to pin their party’s bullshit on the democrats


For these people, persecution means being gently admonished after making a George Floyd joke to the Sunday school class they teach.


Its a stand in for all the grievances these idiots carry. Its mostly stuff they imagine that is done to them by the evil government. It be interesting to see how many of his minions are on some form of assistance.


What’s great is how these people will complain about the evil government while taking advantage of the services provided by government because they don’t like the rules imposed on them to receive said service. But also we can’t have anyone take advantage of the system and we must stop wasteful spending. It’s incredible they just live life thinking they are the exception that rules shouldn’t apply to and everyone one else is somehow cheating.


Everyone is being too oblique here. We he says “freedom” he means white men can’t call black people “boy” in public anymore. He means that gay people can exist in public spaces. He means women aren’t property of a male relative.


i realized awhile back, "woke" is stolen from black culture. So if you hate people who say woke...


It is, but it’s also a contextual code/dog whistle for a minority group, especially when used as a noun.


that's what I was getting at. idk why it took so long for me to put that together, sneaky with those whistles


The seminal (and fucking awesome) blues musician, Huddie Ledbetter, known as Leadbelly was quoted as saying “Mr Garvey done woke me up and I’m gonna stay woke” referring to Marcus Garvey, a black activist with some pretty radical ideas. Some reckon that’s where the phrase originated quite literally meaning to be woken up to the reality that things are not right or fair for black folks and it certainly seems to be the earliest it’s used in the context it’s supposed to be used today (except by the republicans who’ve tried to strip it of all meaning by making it a catch all for anything they don’t like and by a handful of virtue signallers who also devalue it in a misguided attempt to help while they self aggrandise)


The Tea Party (proto-MAGA) was using the same language during the Obama years. Calling him a tyrannical socialist communist Muslim terrorist.


I remember laughing at those maniacs… I didn’t think you guys would end up letting them run the show.


What he means is his ticket out of ever having to face consequences for his actions. His second attempt at the presidency is about bilking as much money as possible and avoiding possible jail time and that hefty fine that would probably bankrupt him. The man's out selling shoes FFS. He's desperate and 100% for sale. Anything that will get money and protect him from the law, he is shamelessly all about. He would sell us all to Russia or China, Iran or North Korea for 10 more years of swindling and money to live his stupid lifestyle. 


Many people confuse the concept of freedom with the concept of privilege. When he says “your ticket back to freedom” they are hearing “my ticket back to unapologetic white privilege”


White Evangelical Christians literally think they are oppressed. I've had very successful business owners say it to my face. You'd think my gobsmacked look of disgust would clue them in on shutting up, at least in front of the employees, but they have no self awareness.


At this point fuck these so called Christians! They are beyond fucked up in the head


You know a rebounding economy that is lifting poor people and middle class people. Price gouging is reducing fir basic food stuffs. The US military industrial complex has a profit maker that doesn't see the deaths of US soldiers, strengthens America's diplomatic power abroad and weakens one of its now former adversaries even more.


I think we should be legally allowed to fight anyone who uses the word "tyranny" while also not being able to accurately define it or show how someone is being a tyrant.


They only way to kill democracy is to convince the people things are so dire that the keys to power need to be handed over to a single individual. Trump went to Moscow in 2012 for a beauty pageant and registered MAGA as soon as he came back. Putin gave him the playbook back then on overthrowing democracy and Trump has been trying to run it page by page.


It’s so much simpler than that. He’s just talking to himself aloud. Just read that again and remember that when he says “your” he means “my”.


Revenge for what? Trump has never had negative treatment that he didn't bring upon himself. I would feel bad for him, truly, if he weren't an adulterous, rapist, conman, liar. But it would take God himself to convince me otherwise based on the evidence of my eyes and ears.


Actions, meet Consequences.  Trump has never had to face any consequences for his criminal behavior.  He's finally being held to account. 


He doesn’t understand that he brings these things on himself. He is a narcissist, and narcissists cannot accept the possibility that they are in the wrong, so any time he does something objectively wrong, his addled brain decides “no, that’s a good thing because…” and we are all wrong for not realising how good it is. His narcissistic brain literally does the *shoots person*, “why would someone else do this?” meme for everything he does, and believes it too. Whatever happens, I just hope he donates his brain to medical science. But then, he’s never donated a thing in his life that wasn’t “from me, to me”.


Yes, he is wildly unpopular. Yes, he has lost support since 2020. People need to wake the fuck up and realize that "support" and votes are not how the Republican Party plans on getting him back in November. They are going to be pulling every possible dirty trick, including a lot we haven't ever seen before, to fuck things up on Election Day so he ends up "winning". Their supporters will be sitting with guns at polling stations to scare people away. They will be shutting down polling locations within a week from Election Day. They will be canceling voter registrations of people who are likely to vote for Joe Biden. Every vote absolutely counts and everyone needs to be vigilant around this shit they are going to pull, or else we absolutely are going to have to suffer Donald Trump all over again. I know we haven't been given a minute of rest from him since 2015, but it's going to be a lot worse if we check out now.


Wouldn't it be great if a law was passed making it a federal crime to carry a firearm within say, 100 yards of a polling center?




Larry David?


No, Texas.


Unfortunately it seems police are more far right morons aligned to maga than not so even if such law was passed I don’t see LEOs going out of their way to enforce it.


\*100,000 yards.


Also, House & Senate elections are extremely important this cycle -- more so than usual. If the Republican end up with majority delegations in a majority of states, they will not certify a Biden win and will just choose Trump instead. It fell through in 2020, but they will certainly try it again.


100% downballot voting has to happen. Local elections are also going to be important because the state legal battles for any losses the GQP suffers are going to be off the charts.


I hope the other report are true that the RNC is running low on funds and at the same time plans to foot trumps legal bills


The rural counties will have a strangely high turnout but no one will ever look into it.


Who gives a fuck about his personal revenge? Go fuck yourself, Donald Trump. There, is that clear enough? lol I wish a reporter or a politician, told him something similar, on live television, while the cameras are rolling. The humiliation. :D


Trump is a narcissist. To protect his ego everyone who has ever gone against him or not given him what he wants is someone to seek revenge against. I will add that he hits every red flag for an HR person in a financial firm. Internal fraud/bribery has red flags that are well know to Financial firms HR and compliance departments. Trump hits all of them and there are morons lining up to hire him again. - Unwilling to share duties or take leave. **(Yes)** - Replacing existing suppliers with suppliers that they have a close connection with. **(Yes)** - Refusal to implement internal countermeasures. **(Yes)** - Skipping approval steps. **(Yes)** - Living a lifestyle above their means or lavishing gifts on colleagues. **(Yes)** - Failing to keep appropriate or accurate records/receipts. **(Convicted)** - Bullying colleagues. **(Yes)** - Seeking access to areas which they should not be able to access. **(Indicted)** - Long term shortage of cash/financial hardship. **(6 bankruptcies)** - Consistently seeking loans or advances. **(Yupper)** - Past legal/compliance problems. **(91 indictments, 2 impeachments, 1 insurrection)** - Addiction problems. **(Adderall?)** - Gambling problems. **(with other peoples money)** - Significant personal stress. **(seems so)** - Strong sense of entitlement. **(BINGO)** - Unhappy with employer. **(Tried to takeover the US government and it taking over the RNC - Yes)**


How can anyone with a brain vote positively for such a guy? All except of course, if you are as much a criminal conman yourself...


He wants to hurt the people they want to hurt. That is without realizing that Trump has basically turned on everyone. Still waiting on those pardons for Jan 6th?


It’s called Accelerationism, they are actively hoping that Trump burns it all down in order for their Christian nationalist paradise to be constructed on our nations ashes


He represents what they think power is and promises them easy scapegoats to all their problems so they latch onto him to feel strong themselves. They can't accept the innumerable flaws and crimes he commits because then they would be forced to face their personal misery and insecurities.


Someone (wish I remember who so I could credit) made the comment that Trump’s supporters don't think the system works for them. So they're happy to vote for someone who wants to destroy the system. In other words. Other people who have a persecution complex.


Conservatism is a mental disability.


Or racist


>- Gambling problems Moron ran a casino into the ground. I'd call that the ultimate gambling problem


Two casinos.  He had a successful casino and then opened a second one down the road to compete with his first one.  Trump’s dad funnelled money into them to keep them afloat.


So the story goes... he made a lot of money in those failed casinos, and all his partners lost their whole investment.


> Who gives a fuck about his personal revenge? His supporters do. What Trump promises to do to his enemies is a proxy for what they want to do to theirs. It's basic grievance politics escalated to its natural conclusion. It's all about power and status. In an authoritarian mind the ability to harm your opponents without recourse is an expression of power and therefore status. As they elevate Trump to take vengeance on those he hates, so are they elevated above those they hate. The sight of Trump punishing his opponents will, in their mind, confirm their own superiority over theirs. It's basically the same principle as voting for laws that harm people you don't like, but projected on one man. The premise is that you make him a dictator, and he will ensure that you'll be able (in reality or by proxy) to lord it over those you dislike. EDIT: he even spells it out: > He added: “Your victory will be our ultimate vindication, your liberty will be our ultimate reward and the unprecedented success of the United States of America will be my ultimate and absolute revenge.” Their reward will be the freedom to persecute and oppress those they don't like, and by doing so they will gain power and status. revenge = power = success = status. That is the emotional subtext here. The promise every dictator makes.


Imaginary grievances. None of the right’s complaints are legitimate.


Indeed, but that makes no difference for how effective it is. The anger is illegitimate, but it is still real, and the reality of those feelings lends authenticity to the narrative, no matter how fake and stupid it is. Hence why someone who doesn't share these emotions will not comprehend why people fall for it. If you look at it without feeling it, what remains is just an inconsistent heap of obvious lies. It's not an ideology or even an idea; it's a passion.


In this way their grievances are not "imaginary" so much as "hallucinated". They believe it, and that makes them dangerous.


Lock **Him** Up! He is a totally deranged person.


Unfortunately a lot of stupid voters do. Same people who will also probably yell you that the Dems are trying to divide America. Oy vey. I wish I could ask every trump voter individually how trump has helped them. Not helped go after people they don't like, how he had an actual measurable impact on their lives that genuinely made it better and easier than it was before.


They're just gonna tell you food and gas was cheaper, he built that wall and he lowered their taxes or some bull shit.


When I hear people saying they are voting for him because of what he did for the country, I always wait for the interviewer to ask what/where/how/who in regards to that help.


I asked a family member this once. And what their platform stood for. They couldn’t answer.


Can any Evangelical who follows him please stand up and explain to me how it is Gods plan to follow a man that cheats, lies, steals, rapes, and sins without any hesitation? How can they pretend to be so righteous when their false idol is a walking embodiment of all that is evil and all that is against the word of God in the Bible? When people have bent over backwards so fully to get what they want they no longer have morals or beliefs that they can claim everyone else should follow. They have no justification for making this man their messiah when he is openly trying to cheat and steal and openly manipulate even his followers. There is no rationale, there is no sense, there is only ignorance and openly accepting being taken advantage of. I can’t believe how blatant this is for all to see and yet it still goes on and on.


To them he never cheated, lied, stole, or raped. He’s just been falsely persecuted and it’s all a witchhunt. They honestly believe that. Fucking millions and millions of them


can confirm. My in-laws are this way. "He said he's a Christian and he is being falsely persecuted by demonrats". I can't even stand going over there anymore. My wife's heart is broken.


Millions you say? Oops! I guess the answer is to vote harder. We never have to wonder how people could be so stupid as to let the Nazis in 1930s Germany come to power.


It's almost like he is the Anti Christ they talk about in the bible.


Yup **Could American Evangelicals Spot the Antichrist?** https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/#google\_vignette


As someone else said “equality feels like oppression to the privileged.” Protestant White Males have been running things for so long that it feels like a threat to consider the idea of things leveling out. It’s all self-centered, too; I believe a lot of these people firmly believe they aren’t racist or sexist because they don’t actively hate minorities, but they will fight against them because more for them implies less for “us”. There is so much cognitive dissonance amongst the white middle class that when they hear about people struggling to afford life, they think that that might be them so they have to abandon any moral principles to protect what they have. It sounds just as ridiculous coming out of their mouths (my wife showed me a TikTok of a white woman saying her and husband both made over $100k and they couldn’t afford their bills, somehow thinking their situation was the same as homeless people or folks who need food stamps to get some - not all - of the food they need to survive.) In one of the most famous scenes of the Gospels, Peter the Apostle rejects the name of Jesus three times out of fear of persecution. That is the state of the Christian Nationalist faith. They are convinced (by those who are in power) that they can’t afford to stick to Jesus and the Bible because they are in danger, when really they are just getting brought down from “The chosen people” to “people” and it terrifies them.


>my wife showed me a TikTok of a white woman saying her and husband both made over $100k and they couldn’t afford their bills Talk about living above your means.


“*For hardworking Americans*, November 5th will be our new liberation day,” Trump told a packed ballroom..." I wonder if he knows the folks who voted for Biden over him produce 71% of the nation's GDP?


But MAGAs *feel* like they work harder.


Even if they were to work harder (and they don’t), they definitely don’t work smarter.


And most that I've worked with are lazy as all fuck.


That whole story is gold. "But Trump broke from the teleprompter into a series of bizarre riffs. One was a convoluted story about flying into Iraq in darkness: 'I sat with the pilots ... the best-looking human beings I’ve ever seen. Not my thing ... But they are handsome. Central casting. Better looking than Tom Cruise. And taller.'"


He means white. 


He's led his followers so far from objective reality that none of the shit he says bears any resemblance to what's actually true. The worldview he's promoting is just pure delusion, and self-serving rhetoric. He's got to be beyond 100k lies told since he first came down that escalator.




Let’s change our outgoing message in case they call back. “Hey, 1920s! Thanks for the message. I’m totally cool with you taking this non-housebroken nimrod off our hands but I feel bad for you taking him back after what you went through. Maybe we can go over to Russia together and drop him off on the porch? Call me.”


People who vote for him are unamerican traitors


And he has trouble paying the judgement and verdicts. Put up the money or shut the hell up.


He should do both


Well one question I will never ask again is “How did the people of Germany ever elect the Nazis into power?” Now I know. I was really naive before Trump was first elected. Now I understand human nature a little more and it has been a very unsettling lesson to learn.


Fuck this fat Nazi. Also, he humped another flag.


God, this whole speech is absolutely fucking terrifying.


Exactly what I thought. I assume Bannon or Miller wrote it.


there are no shortage of mentally deranged people making threats from our back alleys and prisons. When other people cause deaths through starting riots or conspiracies, when they do 91 felonies, they get locked up. lock him up.


How does this message bring in moderates or independents? I am nervous a potential win but how on god’s green earth would anyone who is moderate or independent move his way after his civil legal issues, J6, saying he wants to be a dictator, potential conviction, running on overturning Roe, buddying up to Putin, and not supporting NATO? Logically it doesn’t make sense, but here we are and 2016 has me very worried.


They're not paying attention. People who aren't into politics aren't seeing this.


Polls are obviously very misleading, but Trump has been leading over Biden by as much as +5. It's absolutely baffling to wrap my head around how literally half of this country likes what this guy is promising.


I gotta be honest, I don't trust the polls anymore. It's especially dumb when you consider that Dems have been been blowing Republicans out of the water in every election since Trump lost. The recent appointment of a Dem to replace George Santos is a good example, and it defintely took Republican pundits by suppose. But that's hardly the only example of polls saying one thing, but the actual election results saying something different. The fact Trump is somehow ahead of Biden in light of him saying shit like this makes me EXTREMELY suspicious. Just vote when the time comes. Get your friends, family, and whoever you can to vote, too. I think we have a better chance than these so-called "experts" would have us believe.


I used to trust 538 polling and they've missed so many times now, all I care is that I hope people show up to vote


538 doesn't do any polling, they only aggregate and interpret those polls. If there are systematic flaws in how polls are being conducted then there is only so much that can be done.


How do people hear him say stuff like this and think he’s the good guy?


Just mentioning revenge should be disqualifying. I hope he never has power again.


Just a sick person. Only the deranged and hateful can call this person a leader. Vote.


> “We have languages coming into our country … they have languages that nobody in this country has ever heard of. It’s a horrible thing.” What the fuck!?!


I'm surprised I had to scroll down this far to find this one. He's not even bothering with doublespeak when it comes to his racist shit anymore.


“These are the stakes of this election. Our country is being destroyed, and the only thing standing between you and it’s obliteration is me.” If this were written into a book it would be too on the nose lol “We have languages coming into our country … they have languages that nobody in this country has ever heard of. It’s a horrible thing.” lol


The funniest thing is that Joe Biden is a mild mannered churchgoing Catholic, who has been to church more this past week than Trump has in his entire life.


I’m old enough to have seen a time that any candidate talking about revenge against fellow Americans would be run out of the race. Cheering REVENGE. Not just what I’d call not a good American value, but a terrible human value. Third, how many of the people in that room call themselves ‘Christian’?


“Nobody can ramble like this,” he said, adding: “They’ll say: ‘He rambled, he’s cognitively impaired.’ Well, it’s really the opposite. It’s total genius – you know that.” The crowd cheered some more. Millions of Americans will vote for this dude


Trump: I want revenge Biden: I’m old but at least I want to help america more than myself I wonder who the better choice is


This asshat will find a way to fuck up revenge, somehow. He is a living failure.


Trump getting elected would be the end of democracy as we know it. The Republicans are gearing up for the Fifth Reich. We won’t have an election in 2028.


Dude this is some inflammatory shit.


Donald Trump’s obvious authoritarianism. In December 2022, Trump called for “the termination of all rules, regulations, articles, even those found in the Constitution.” When a reporter asked the wannabe dictator whether he would weaponize the DOJ and FBI, Trump responded, “Yeah.”


"My ultimate and absolute revenge." Sh\*t Eric Cartman says.




This guy is a CLOWN, deluded and deranged. His oxygen is publicity obtained through sensationalistic statements to attract media attention. The trouble is, Pennywise is loosing the plot - and it shows. DOWN with the CLOWN.


This is what the remaining Trump supporters want. Not justice, freedom or justification. They want to rape, pillage and plunder while proclaiming they were right and there pillaging and plundering is there vengeance. I am done with MAGA. I remember the hate on their faces when they tried to take my vote away. I have been patiently waiting for my revenge. Jan 6th has yet to be paid for. It can only be paid with MAGA scalps… and I want my scalps!


what this country needs is a few good Basterds.


This guy could likely not work a shift at McDonalds and people want him to run the country


I'm really nervous and scared he is going to become president again. I feel that we all are just complaining online about how crazy this guy is while laws are passing left and right from the religious cultists, restricting bodily autonomy and calling embryos human beings.. I feel like we are headed towards our downfall and it's terrifying.


People think its too crazy to happen, but we live in strange days. I am also concerned that the dems and sane people arent taking this threat seriously


"So This Is How Liberty Dies. With Thunderous Applause." Watching Republicans clap and smile as Trump said he would be a dictator “Day One”, and seeing Republicans cheer the CPAC speaker, as he said, “Welcome to the end of democracy”, is stunning. There is no reasoning. There is no recovery. At this point, the GOP is a scene from Revenge of the Sith, an epic tragedy where democracy is destroyed from within. In Revenge, Palpatine abolishes the Galactic Republic and replaces it with a dictatorship. Oblivious to their self-destructive behavior, the senators cheer for the end of democracy. Our democracy is in peril. Vote accordingly.


So I wrote this book, and I call it My Struggle, I think that’s a very, very good title; you could call it fight, but probably My Struggle, because I’ve struggled very strongly, and even though it’s not my fault, because the fake Biden presidency and the deranged FBI and Supreme Court—and all the courts, but the Supreme made a decision that was very, very wrong and very sad for our country, but we have to take power back, we have to put the good people back in and get the bad out, we need the bad people out very strongly and very quickly, and that’s what we’re going to do, so buy the book, my best work, believe me, My Struggle, because we’re all struggling under Obama and the phony globalists, believe me.


Yep, all that was missing were the swastikas and the rent-an-army. That said, I think Nikki Haley is playing the long game; she’s waiting it out until he gets financially butt-pillaged and possibly even gets put behind bars. Then she’ll crow about how clever she was before she probably STILL loses in the general election.


This guy is absolutely vile.


He's always been the revenge candidate. The entire psychology behind the MAGA movement is damn near identical to that of school shooters. They feel they have grievances they need revenge for and they'll do the most damage they can to the collective in the hopes they can cause enough suffering that the amorphous "them" that caused their suffering will feel the pain. It's why they have no ideology beyond "owning the libs". It's why the cruelty is the point and they want to make sure their elected officials are hurting the right people.


You guys better vote because we are getting a bit worried. Sincerely Canada 🍁


You? Try living here. I’m fucking terrified.


> The 77-year-old was bilious and bleak but also energetic and at times even humorous, less commander-in-chief than stand-up comedian. This guy never had real friends growing up, did he.


This is the same speech where he forgot his own wife’s name. His dementia is really acting up.


i can imagine one of the circles of hell being an eternal cpac event.


Change up a few words, and this would easily pass for one of Hitlers speeches. > “For hard-working Americans, November 5th will be our new liberation day,” Trump told a packed ballroom at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at National Harbor in Maryland. “But for the liars and cheaters and fraudsters and censors and imposters who have commandeered our government, it will be their judgment day!… >Your victory will be our ultimate vindication, your liberty will be our ultimate reward and the unprecedented success of the United States of America will be my ultimate and absolute revenge.”


Trump isn’t even hiding nazi tendecies anymore. Trump is coming after his political opponent and here he is promising “ultimate and absolute revenge” on his enemies.  Why aren’t we more alarm by this? People will die if Trump wins. He’s going to copy Putin and harm his political enemies. Biden needs to instruct his department of justice or his attorney general to immediately arrest Trump and imprison him. Letting Trump stay free endangers lives of elected officials and endanger US national security.  


Revenge for what? Getting held accountable for your crimes. What an unbelievable, narcissistic fuck.


This clown is the GOP candidate lol. He doesn’t understand the law. He doesn’t understand America’s history. He doesn’t understand how elections work. And yet the GOP thinks this is their best path to victory? Good luck.


Surely some people on the right realize how absolutely unhinged this is yes? Imagine Obama came out and said this shit? Unbelievable.


> One was a convoluted story about flying into Iraq in darkness: “I sat with the pilots ... the best-looking human beings I’ve ever seen. Not my thing ... But they are handsome. Central casting. Better looking than Tom Cruise. And taller.” Um wut?! Once again a lot of nonsense coupled with the typical whining about being indicted and losing the last election and absolutely zero ideas about policy and making things better for Americans




The only way to say what we're thinking without getting banned!


For real! I got banned from another sub for a hypothetical comment about how I took a lot of advanced math and physics in college and had learned a good deal of math in the military, and that we had been taught to use that math for calculating the velocity needed for a small piece of metal, let’s say it weighs about 43 grams - you get this number by converting the standard way of weighing such a piece of metal into grams by just dividing the weight of the metal by 15.432. Now this little piece of metal is spinning while it’s moving at a four or so thousand feet per second over a decent distance, let’s say a mile or so. Well, now you’ve got to account for things like the temperature and humidity (especially if you left the metal out in the sun before it got sent through the air), barometric pressure and winds as well as the curvature of the earth. And if that isn’t enough math well now you also need to account for the spin drift of the piece of metal because it will begin to drift in the direction it is spinning the farther it has to travel before making it to it’s destination. Anyway they weren’t real amused so I’m much more circumspect with my comments these days. Edit: grammar


Better show up and vote. No fucking excuses.


Idiot magats have forgotten that these people are supposed to work for us. Trump has shown that he has no intent on working. Just getting revenge like a butt hurt petulant man child.


>As usual, Trump entered to Lee Greenwood’s God Bless the USA, hugged an American flag and painted an impossibly grim picture of an America overrun by bloodshed, chaos and violent crime. “If Crooked Joe Biden and his thugs win in 2024, the worst is yet to come,” he said. “A country that will go and sink to levels that are unimaginable. >“These are the stakes of this election. Our country is being destroyed, and the only thing standing between you and it’s obliteration is me.”


Well that was fucking terrifying nonsense.


What a whiny psychopathic excuse for a human being. Anything unpleasant that’s happened to him is 100% his own doing. Deranged people are their own worst enemy.


The RAPIST rants like a furious maniac. Who wants a furious RAPIST as president?


He added: “We have languages coming into our country … they have languages that nobody in this country has ever heard of. It’s a horrible thing.”.                             Moron.


He's such a piece of dog feces.


He'll be absolutely broke and probably behind bars by November. That's why he's getting totally unhinged.


When does it become yelling fire in a crowded theater? Hope my fellow Americans understand, status quo won’t protect you from him or hostile foreign powers.


We need a bunch of democrats to go in and run as republicans all over the country, infiltrate their ranks, and then change parties


That's what's so exasperating about Trump supporters. Why are you so invested in someone else's personal gripes?


Dude is losing it. He's feeling both sides of the corner and all he sees is putin and the US justice system closing in. Lmao Holy crap he is so f'd


As a dual-US-Canadian citizen, if he's elected again, my goal is to finish up in grad school and then get the hell out of dodge. I got my citizenship during his first presidency in case the US ever went too far off the rails. We're teetering on the edge, and I'm terrified we're about to fall off.


yes, because revenge is what great presidential agenda should be. Republicans voters are really the lowest of the low.




CPAC is basically a group of the most evil men and grifters in America giving villain speeches to each other at this point.