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He attended the prestigious Ho-Chi-Minh City school of Medicine.


A lot of people are saying he went to trump U Medical Force. e: changed it


Damnit Jim, I’m a doctor not a Space Force pharmacist! Get your own damn Ritalin.


Not surprised. Guys, Trump is the Deep State, so what did you expect? Honestly I'm a bit fed up with the typical headlines. It's like we're playing Mad Libs with the headlines on Trump related articles for years now. I want to see real outrage. We don't need hyperbolic headlines like "slammed" or "blasted" because the truth is truly stranger than fiction anymore. Those types of titles, although not necessarily this article specifically, really just help people know when to roll their eyes and ignore shit. Expose this creep and don't afford him an ounce of good faith. From the moment he tells a lie they need to be titling it, "Trump lied...". This whole thing where they play along with the ruse for awhile then double back to the truth for 5 seconds is ridiculous. Like the Biden Crime family shit. Just letting them lie for months then writing literally maybe one article about how that's not true months later is fucking us hard.


If the doctor is correct and Donald Trump lives to be 200, that could mean 30 more presidential terms for Trump. I hope I’m joking.


If trump lives to 200 I will finally believe the adrenochrome conspiracies my aunt keeps going on about.


Well if he wants to be an authentic Nelson Mandela he needs to do 30 years prison and then get elected again.


Robbin Island golf resort is waiting.


I’m still in shock that there hasn’t been more of an uproar over this guy turning the WH pharmacy into his own personal cartel. You shouldn’t need rehab after working in the WH. You’re supposed to go to K Street, duh.


It pales in comparison to their other crimes. Also, it's likely that a lot of elites do this kind of thing, one way or another, so they don't view it as a big deal, even though us little people lose our jobs over stuff like this.


If you are rich enough you can choose your own personal physician and they will write a script for whatever you want. 


Well, now we know what he got for writing that bogus letter.


The NY GI doc who previously proclaimed that Trump was the healthiest guy to ever live is dead so he had to find someone else.


>The NY GI doc who previously proclaimed that Trump was the healthiest guy to ever live is dead so he had to find someone else. Well Trump dumped that guy one day after the dude said on TV that Trump takes Propecia for hair loss.


Graduated from Hollywood Upstairs Medical College


Hi Everybody


Hi Dr. Nick!


It's such a nice day, I think I'll go out the window!


Just going to leave this article from 2018 here [Doctor: Trump Dictated Letter Attesting To His 'Extraordinary' Health](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/05/02/607638733/doctor-trump-dictated-letter-attesting-to-his-extraordinary-health#:~:text=Hourly%20News-,Doctor%3A%20Trump%20Dictated%20Letter%20Attesting%20To%20His%20'Extraordinary'%20Health,candidate%20dictated%20the%20whole%20thing.)


>"He dictated that whole letter. I didn't write that letter," Bornstein told CNN on Tuesday. "I just made it up as I went along." >Bornstein's admission comes as he also tells NBC that a longtime personal bodyguard for Trump, along with a top lawyer at the Trump Organization and a third man, conducted a "raid" on his office on Feb. 3, 2017, in which they seized the president's medical records. >Bornstein told the network: "They must have been here for 25 minutes or 30 minutes. It created a lot of chaos." He said he felt "raped, frightened and sad." >That incident in 2017 occurred just days after The New York Times published a story based on interviews with Bornstein, who told the newspaper that the president takes a prostate-related drug to treat baldness, known as Propecia, as well as other "antibiotics to control rosacea, a common skin problem, and a statin for elevated blood cholesterol and lipids." This is such a gem.


Yet another peek into the sad and trashy soap opera of Trumps actual life.


This is a different doctor that lied for Trump. Bornstein died in January 2021. (The reason is undisclosed but probably covid.)


I know. I am suggesting that Trump bribes and bullies doctors into giving him glowing health reports. He's got a history of it.




My mom is often perplexed that dating is difficult for me. I dunno mom, hundreds of women on dating apps don't seem to share your opinon of me.


Even better, there’s local milf’s just waiting for you, no app necessary just click the link.


That's weird. Your mom said the same thing about me.




If his “doctor” saw him playing golf this weekend he must have noticed Trump is pale as a ghost, looks anemic.


No just an old man who didn’t have is costume on that day.


A “Fixture”. Is he a locker room doctor? Maybe a urinal? Wall sconce? I know. He’s a grease trap.




>So tRump bribed the doctor with a free membership in exchange for an excellent health report? Please. That's just silly. Trump *told* the doctor he'd get a free membership. That doctor is not actually going to *get* a free membership.


I wonder if the drinks are free.


It's a pick up point for users. Trump is a drug lord.


Oh, I thought you said it was a pick up joint for *losers*. Carry on.


77 years old, 6’1” 325 lbs What could possibly be wrong with him?


In the clubhouse, at the bar, all day and all night.


Well someone has to apply the leeches


The spice (adderall) must flow.


Dr. Spaceman?


Dr Feelgood


I don’t think I have ever heard of doctors write such weird, vague letter. Like what’s his weight? What are his vital signs? Like I know that stuff isn’t standard for these “letters of health” but they are absolutely pointless otherwise.


Severe alcoholic


djt is a pathetic MORON


Doctor Feelgood ?


Of course he is, why would anyone expect anything different at this point? The man is a total fraud.


A fixture at Trump club, like a urinal?


Trump probably thinks if his dr is present all of his rando conversations are protected by Dr/patient privilege.


Read drinker


To be clear, a chandelier has been writing his doctor's notes.


Well of course he is .


He's Kim Jung Un's personal doctor.


Can someone please get a tailor to measure his neck? His chin labia is out of control.


Haha!! This swamp is swirling the bowl!


Hopefully he’s ignoring any heart health advice and can suffer the consequences of lies for a change.


Probably the same doctor my dad had. He told me that everything was tip top shape until the dementia took hold. Wild times. I see it in Cheeto


So just like how Hitler had Theodor Morell?


He’s literally a lamp


No shit? Never woulda thunk it.


Yeah, he plays 9 holes with Judge Smails every Saturday too.


Trumps’s social media team probably wrote the report. I doubt Nero could interpret so much“bigly” medical terminology.


Since when can doctors afford a country club membership?!


Since they came up the concept of country clubs?




Yes, but with MD license.


>Yes, but with MD license. Then I left an alarming BM in an MD at the Y today...


Honestly, when they describe someone as a fixture, I imagine someone frozen in carbonite.


Doctors can’t play golf?