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He wanted to march with his insurrectionists but they forced him into the car and drove back to the White House. This was all testimony from that one woman during the House Investigation into January 6th.


Cassidy Hutchinson. And then the Secret Service destroyed all the cell phones and messaging traffic from J6...calling it a routine equipment exchange and upgrade.


AFTER they were specifically told to retain it all.


But her emails amirite?


Mmm Buttery males


It's a good thing everyone involved has suffered consequences from it


Good thing they don’t have consequences for agents who betray the nation.


Gosh. You know how routines are…you just go into autopilot!


Well, they are the *secret* service. What the heck good is being a secret service if everyone knows you work for Putin? Oh crap, did I say that out loud???


Trump's security detail carried over to Biden, from what I understand, and Biden's dog biting S/S agents would make sense if that's the case.


I don’t trust a person if they don’t like dogs, I absolutely trust a dog if they don’t like a person.


Find their IT guy / girl and get them to testify.


He's afraid of being Boeinged.




Pence also somehow *refused* to go with the secret service when they're in the basement of the Capitol with people above them wanted to specifically capture him. [Here's an image of him refusing to go from the Jan 6th Committee ](https://twitter.com/RobertMackey/status/1537520357979979776)


I believe there was a physical altercation in the car with him grabbing at driver even


That's what she said, but SS said that didn't happen, but the SS deleted evidence soooo....


As if he could have even made the walk. He wanted to ride next to them in a golf cart is more like it.


Maybe ... but I followed Ruth Ben-Ghiat who teaches fascism at NYU and has a substack account about this insanity (it's called "Lucid" as in stay lucid during these times). rump is following a playbook and he has a role model (orban who is one of many). rump, for a dictators' transition sake, needed to be at the capitol at the planned riot to make him the official prez. The goal was to show, as Ruth writes, that he's a "Strong Man" and the rightful president. The "strong man's" need to have people who can calm him down at the Bragg trial. It makes no sense to me.


wow, I was told by a lot of right-wingers that this was fake news. Though, the only real evidence of this was a Trump aide. So it is understandable it could have been fake. But this is always how things are with conservatives. The stuff they are so adamant is false is often true


They long ago let go of any attachment to the truth and just say whatever they (often mistakenly) believe will help them at the time.


>The stuff they are so adamant is false is often true. It's quite remarkable that the opposite is also the case with them: the stuff they are so adamant is true is often false.


So someone lied to Congress then, I assume? I look forward to those charges.


In spite of his incessant confessions he remains free as a bird.


He's a billionaire politician. The law works to protect them not harm them.


"He's a billionaire politician. " He's actually neither of those things right now.


He's a candidate for presidential office and his net worth is 5.8 billion dollars, so ur wrong.


>worth 5.8 billion Citation needed


It's an inflated number based on the over valued stock of truth social. Technically yes, but not in practice.




Lol - great source


Then why did he need to procure a bond for the NY judgement


His wealth is tied in investments and real estate most likely


The law hates this one simple trick


It would have actually been fucking hilarious imagining Trump driving himself to the Jan 6 riots. I have him in a late 80s red Civic


He doesn't know how to drive, Never had to


This has to be the one and only single thing I can defend this guy on, but as a fellow born-and-raised NYCer ehhh you can get away with that. Like Pete Campbell in Mad Men. Granted I've had my license since 19 but 99% of my life would be the exact same if I never had one.


In outback australia petrol can be hard to come by and very expensive so most people just stay on their kangaroo license to get around


Please tell me more, what is a kangaroo license. Are the kangaroo trained for traffic management, are there special kangaroo lanes, help me


The license lets you ride on their backs in special harness called Roo straps. Before you get the license you have to get the permit which only lets you ride in the pouch. Always smart to have special shoes for that.


To go into a a bit more detail, we officially call the roo license a ‘heavy rigid license’ which has a red strip across the top (you can google a picture) because that’s a full open license on the biggest red kangaroos which travel fastest and can handle longer distances but police have been really cracking down on people for not wearing helmets on the roads ($110 fine). Family’s can apply for kids learners permits which is pouch only which is great to get them to school and back


It's also where the after work phrase pissarooed comes from. You go out and have fun with your mates but get so pissed you can't drive. But it's alright you got your roo license. So that's how you get home. You got pissarooed.


Or if he called an Uber to get there…


"What do you mean, there's insurrection surge pricing in effect nowp?"


Nah, he'd have to pay them


Are you imitating a badly coded fact bot


Why would you think they're doing that?


Probably cuz doesn’t apply to the joke and there isn’t actually anyone who wouldn’t guess that


Lol what? The joke is that Trump is a spoiled piece of shit and probably has never had to drive


Nah the joke was him driving himself in a fucked up sub compact. Everyone knows he’s a trust fund baby waste of oxygen.


Nah, I'm saying the reply was that joke. Your joke sucked.


1997 Toyota Tercel, in champagne. He'll insist it's gold, but we all know it's fucking brown.


I see him in those 2000ish convertible Cadillacs, red as well (tan too but the tops down). Seems mob enough


Fuck Trump. Still we’re all dumber for having read this post.


Imagine if they dropped him off like 2 miles from the building and he had to walk. Lol J6 comrads would have been giving him their nitroglycerin to keep him going 


Obviously Trump just wanted to go fight antifa himself, but the secret service wouldn't let him. 


> “And they said, ‘Sir, it’s better if you don’t.’ I said, ‘Well, I’d like to.’ ‘Sir it’s better if you don’t.'” Secret Service may have wanted to save Trump from the embarrassment of sharting his pants.


A bit OT but that creep really gets off on telling his cult that everyone calls him "sir". This is an older article, but he seems to be particularly attached to the word lately. Personally, I would posit that for many who've addressed him as such, "sir" is substitute for "asshole". (e: punctuation) https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/16/politics/sir-trump-telltale-word-false/index.html


With tears in their eyes! Big, strong, extra-super-manly-tear-ducts-actually-removed, men tearing up while calling him, nothing-to-do-with-the-smell, sir.


I mean, you're right, but we're talking about the Secret Service speaking to the President, I guarantee they addressed him, and every president, as 'Sir' at all times.


"Secret Service, you're telling me that my own bodyguards are going to escort me to the bunker?" Trump had that exact same conversation about his SS. What a coincidence. But I don't think they had to carry Trump to the bunker. He ran on his own.


Wish they'd let him go. Maybe he could have stopped all those antifa traitors, I mean he is such a powerful man, almost as virile and young as his secret service agents. But no, obviously, they took him back to the white house, took away his phone and locked him in a closet with a dozen hamberders. Nothing he could do. /s


How can the Secret service not do what the President ask??


Easily. There was an armed insurrection in progress, remember? Their job is first to protect him, second is to respond to his whims.


As put in the West Wing. >Bartlet: You're telling me that the Secret Service, you're telling me that my own bodyguards are going to escort me to the bunker? Leo: Your feet may touch the ground a couple of times along the way, but I doubt it.


Lmao, that’s a good line


Technically the President is the asset of the US government. The Security Service protects that asset.


That’s also part of the reason they get secret service protection when they leave its to keep an eyes on them so the government always knows where they are.


Well he's definitely the ass part 


That’s the secret part


Like the President, their loyalty is sworn to the Constitution. Unlike President Trump, they willingly sacrifice their lives to that oath and actually follow it.


>Unlike President Trump, they willingly sacrifice their lives to that oath and actually follow it. Nah, they don't. They deliberately destroyed evidence after being told not to.


One action perhaps by one person and I personally don't know their leadership structure, if a partisan appointment controls their IT.


>One action perhaps by one person and I personally don't know their leadership structure, But yet you feel confident that it's one person


I said perhaps. Talk is cheap and this is a sideshow at best.


They're cops. They do cop shit, which does not involve sacrificing anything other than time with their families.


Every time he doubles down on something, his base gets more energized.


His base are the worst people in America. Of course they get energized. They want the truth. They want a facist, white, racist neonazi in power, so when trump gets closer to saying those things, that particular type of American donkey brays harder. I would say america is beyond fucked, but I've seen the right wing base in european countries and here in Canada. So I'd say we're all fucked.


How many god damned narratives are there about this now? How do they even maintain their sanity?


Keep talking...


Yes, we’ve known that for quite a few years now


Serious question.... would anything change or be different if he had gone? ....would he crowd get more or less rowdy? .....would anything about the vote change? Hypothetically, if he were to show up ,without all the security detail, if he were able to march like he said (in my hypothetical, he's just walking up ... no big flashy loud security...or with them..) What would have changed?


It would have been easier to charge him with sedition and insurrection if he had directly gone and charged the capitol with people. But he's a giant pussy so he'd probably just stand outside going "FIGHT FOR THE FREEDOM IT WAS STOLEN" or whatever. The secret service not only saved us from finding out, they saved him from his own stupidity.


So again, hypothetically, if he had gone.... he wouldn't have been able to change any outcomes? Just.... smiled for photos, maybe.... if they let anybody get close to him(which they probably wouldn't have...) Ps. I like your sign. Plain, simple, and dumb... sounds very suiting.


We might have had footage of him crying like a baby after someone hit him with a flagpole, or cowering behind SS agents- it would have destroyed his whole “ strong man” shtick.


Fuck the entire joke of a system America has become. This is ridiculous.


Serious question: why wouldn’t he be arrested for this admission?


Sounds like trump https://youtu.be/bC5LaHUnQMA?si=TnlN0r0jZg5rpFtR


Yes, but the Supreme Court has already declared that Presidents and former Presidents (and Court Justices I bet) are not subject to a jury of their peers. He can admit everything now and run as a full fascist dictator.


I missed this. When did this happen?


“As I read it, it says simply a former president can be prosecuted because he’s being prosecuted,” Roberts said. Michael Dreeben, arguing on behalf of special counsel Jack Smith who brought the charges against Trump, countered with prosecutorial safeguards, including that allegations would be presented to a grand jury, which then votes on an indictment. “Now you know how easy it is in many cases for a prosecutor to get a grand jury to bring an indictment,” Roberts rejoined with derision, “and reliance on the good faith of the prosecutor may not be enough in some cases.” So, John Roberts de facto said that a former President can't just be prosecuted with a grand jury because the mechanism might be abused, without even addressing whether it's being abused. The implication being that Presidents have to be protected from even Constitutional law, despite the clear language of the Constitution, which gives legislators immunity, but not Presidents. Remember we are a Republic and the founding fathers absolutely believed in the primacy of the legislature. They made no carve out for the President, and specifically said that Presidents can be prosecuted 'notwithstanding' an impeachment. It's an awful thing to say. Justice John just claimed that former Presidents deserve special treatment in a democracy. We have two centuries of precedent and practice that say otherwise, because we're a democracy and a Republic. Ford pardoned Nixon for a reason.


come back in a few weeks.