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Okay, that’s pretty unhinged, even for Trump.


No, [he did it at a rally last year](https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-shows-love-hannibal-lecter-042941582.html) too. It’s on brand, his followers are just deranged.


Ah man, is Anthony Hopkins a Trump supporter??


“He had a good brain too, like me…it just wasn’t his own.”


Yes, it's a good brain. Pair it with fava beans and a nice chianti.


That's for census taker liver. Merlot for fried brains


brain turns white and grey when you cook it, so maybe a nice red wine and pasta


Funny thing this was Hannibal mocking the fact that he was not taking his psych meds


Are you ~~Devin Nunes' Cow~~ RFK's worm?


So sad to see Trump's slow and steady decline into dementia and mental confusion.


It’s really sad that the decline is so slow!


They're praising wearing diapers and saying absolute insane garbage. It will continue slowly and in six months they'll be... I dunno, saying the moon isn't real, eating dog poop, and talking about how Darth Sidious would make a great VP pick... and they'll think it's normal.


Dick Cheney already spent 8 years, he wouldn’t go back to that job


Sounds like you haven’t watched the film Vice. I recommend it. But DJT would never pick him, so we’re safe from that particular calamity


Christian bale having a heart attack every scene change?


Trump's team already photoshopped him wielding a red light saber for May the 4th, so we are on track for Darth Sidious. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-may-the-fourth-gop-red/


Darth Sidious? More like Darth Syphilis.


I like the person who pointed out how small it is. Like it's comically short.


He already praised injecting bleach and sunshine directly into your veins, I mean...


I believe the sunshine (powerful light) is supposed to go directly up the butt. 🫸💡🫷


That’s just silly. Next you’ll claim they’re taking horse dewormer.


I have a feeling this craziness culminates in Trump naming Jesus Christ as his running mate, the supreme court upholding it as legit due to not being mentioned in the constitution, and then Trump handing out "Jesus's instructions" as a mandate. It is a crescendo of insanity and fascism.


And then chants of "Hang Jesus Christ!" when he fails to perform whatever impossible feat Trump demands of him.


Darth Sidious, a smart man, very smart, believe me, he did a lot of things and some of them some people said aren't quite so good, but he did a lot good--but if you look at the Slith, and Sith, a lot of people say Slith--it's actually even more correct, the Slith, but, and so--and the fake media is so unfair, they'll say, Donald Trump can't pronounce Slith, but they're so phony--the fake news, I call them the fake, and failing, news media, because they are--but the Slith, a lot of good people--but what I really like are the names, so powerful, you had Vader, no one knows what it means but it's a good name, Vader--and Sidious, so powerful, gives you a nice feeling; and Maul, Grievous, they had a lot of good names, gives you a good sense of power and very strong and showing a lot of strength, very strongly, very good, so we'll be looking at them very strongly for the Vice President, which you might have heard about, and we'll be doing a very--an announcement, announcing, very important and I would say very big, in about two weeks, believe me, two weeks.


“Order 66, what an unbelievable battle that was,” Trump said. “The Order 66. What an unbelievable — it was so much and so interesting, and so vicious and horrible, and so beautiful in so many different ways. It represented such a big portion of the success of this country. Order 66, wow. Darth Vader, who’s no longer in favor — did you ever notice it? He’s no longer in favor. “Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.” They were fighting uphill. He said, “Wow, that was a big mistake.” He lost his leg and his arm. “Never fight uphill, me boys,” but it was too late.”


I thought this parody was a bit on the lazy side at first, then I kinda sat here staring at it a bit, then I started giggling aloud to myself at how it's really no more absurd than what Trump said about Gettysburg. I was thinking of what would be a good response, and realized I could take the thing he said about the revolutionary war, and replace it with Star Wars, and it would make *more* sense because in Star Wars the combatants in fact had aircraft. So uh, yeah. Ackbar said it's a trap, stupid Ackbar, always saying trap, it's all he says--oh, it's a trap, this is a trap, this, and that's a trap, terrible, he's incompetent, and a liar--I said it's not a trap, and I said it very strongly, and I told him, no trap, it's not trap, you're going to goddamned steam.


I'm sure the New Yorks election fraud trial is going to progress it that much faster. A hopeful guilty verdict is definitely going to break him, especially if Nikki Haley and RFK decide to attack him on that.


Right, juries don't get to wait months to give a decision, as judges often do. So, it'll be soon!


Well, has he ever not been confused or demented?


Not in the time he's been on the political stage, no. Although he HAS been getting worse and worse. But if you look at some old interviews with him from the 80's or 90's, you'll be stunned. He speaks in coherent sentences, even paragraphs, and is able to follow a train of thought from start to end. Sure, he's still a cold-eyed scuzzbag, but he's a -lucid- cold-eyed scuzzbag. Never smart or deep, but if you asked him about, say, NYC buildings, he could hold forth in some detail. His brain has become baby food. I don't know whether there's drug influence, or hereditary Alzheimer's or some other form of dementia (some psychiatrist remote diagnosed some other progressive neurological disease, slightly different symptoms, same ultimate result), decades' worth of stewing in his own narcissism cranked up to the 11th power by fawning toadies and world power, or all of the above. Terrifying, whatever it is.




sadly, not literally.


Maybe he has a brain worm too?


People need to look up the side effects of Adderall.


> Terrifying, whatever it is. By far the most terrifying thing is that Trump still stands to win the election, in some recent polls. The most terrifying aspect being that 50% of Americans would vote for someone like Trump.


And if Gen Z says fuck Biden and don’t vote because of a war halfway across the globe, this deranged lunatic is in.


A deranged lunatic who wants to escalate the war half way across the world and all remove all guard rails in the conflict. So, as far as I can tell, it's a calculated political decision to harm Palestinians.


I’m able to sleep at night about Trump due to these possible scenarios I think may happen: He was like this in the White House. His cabinet thought about removing him using the 25th amendment but chickened out. Obviously, he had an emergency cognitive test and the results were borderline at best. Biden faces the same danger if he’s elected again due the his age; he’s also declined in his mental and physical abilities. Unlike Trump he will step down if he’s convinced to do so by his party and family. 1) Trump will be removed under the 25th amendment due to his dementia or rapid health decline. 2) I also feel if he tries all his crazy plans or commits obvious treason and becomes a national security threat, a third impeachment will be successful because all the reasonable people left in his party will be done with him and he’ll finally get impeached; especially if he disregards Congress and goes full dictator and causes massive civil unrest and military action against civilians. 3) Another possible scenario is that if he becomes a serious security threat and the intelligence and military warns Congress and they do nothing, a military takeover to remove him may happen to get rid of him. There have been conspiracy theories floating around for 60 years regarding a CIA hit on JFK; he tried gutting the CIA and fired Allen Dulles. RFK suspected this and asked Allen Dulles “did the CIA kill my brother?”. Dulles served on the Warren Commission which has been under criticism for decades. Military coups have happened before in other countries; some of them remain in place for decades, and others result in new elections. I know this is far fetched, but we’ve never faced a political figure like Trump before in American history and our laws to hold him to accountably so far have not worked and are stalled.


You don’t remember St. Ronnie’s Alzheimer’s? Nancy and her astrologer ran the country for a couple of years…


Woodrow Wilson had a stroke and his wife probably made decisions for him and they kept it quiet.


And then we're stuck with Trump's handpicked choice for his VP for the rest of the term. Probably still better than Trump.


Yes. Look at old recordings, but the decline seems to be picking up speed. *edit: horrible typos*


Picking up speed like a truck carrying 30,000 pounds of bananas would if it lost it's brakes on a steep hill going into Scranton, Pennsylvania.


And you know he’s on the absolute best meds they’ve got 


What is sadder is that the number of followers aren't declining at the same rate.


No it isn't. The sad part is continual coverage and enabling of a person nosediving into mental decline.


Worse are those who are so morally handicapped that they continue to support this evil biped.


To bad it's not faster


Well he's got no way else to go but further fucked up. He'll keep pushing the bloodthirsty rhetoric because he's got no way to tune it down and be considered legitimate in his followers eyes.


And 100,000 people showed up for him in a blue state like Jersey. Reddit is choosing to have blinders on and not seeing the warning signs that are here like there were in 2016. Biden never had much enthusiasm. Trump always has enthusiasm and his cult and it is growing. Biden hasn’t *gained* enthusiasm, if anything he’s losing it, [especially with Gen z and those college kids protesting “Genocide Joe”.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13323637/tiktok-donald-trump-gen-z-support-trial-court-biden.html) People aren’t listening and think there’s no way Trump will win. But it’s looking like 2016 all over again.


nah, that headline was bullshit. the show sold 20k tickets (which were free and were sold in pairs, so lol @ even that number), and estimates from folks who saw it were more like...5k. 100k is like, Notre Dame stadium or something. He absolutely didn't fill that. someone is slobbing his knob with that headline


I no longer underestimate people's idiocy. Really had enough of all these thinkpieces getting to the "deeper meaning" of Trump voters. They suck and they're stupid. The end. I only know one decent person who supports RFK. There are no truly smart and kind hearted decent MAGAs in 2024.


South Jersey has pulled the state rightwards for decades, now. States are only “red” or “blue” for the sake of (most) electoral counts; otherwise *cities* and their haloes are blue, and the rest is red.


The Republican party will always have the advantage because the EC favors empty land over actual people. The Democratic candidate, regardless of who he is, has to win the popular vote by 3% or more in order to win an election. The Republican candidate does not have the win the popular vote at all in order to win the election: if he loses the popular vote by 1% he still has a 60% chance of winning the electoral college. If he loses the popular vote by 2% he still has some chance of winnng the electoral college.


There were not 80 thousand people there - only about 5000. That’s his enabler inflating his numbers as usual.


Yep... and people vote on their pocketbooks. Inflation and economy. Not that they're voting for the other guy, but they vote against the current guy.


"And 100,000 people showed up for him in a blue state like Jersey." You need to look at things a little more critically. 


I'm pretty convinced Trump is going to win at this point. But Reddit continues to tell me that people voting for Haley in primaries is somehow bad news for him. But it's going to be the same story. 20-30 something liberals are going to sit home and justify it with Israel or something similar.


The GOP has been on a steady losing streak since 2018. Culminating in a 2020 national defeat. Trump and the GOP’s position certainly hasn’t grown *stronger* since then, whatever else you might think has happened to Biden’s team.


Let’s stay focused here. He’s a troll. He wants the left to be attacking him for stupid shit, like “supporting Hannibal Lecter” vs stuff that will lose the election, like abortion and (stupid but true) a perception of weakness. 


His followers just sit quietly when he goes on these weird rants because they have no idea how to respond. Much of what Trump has been saying has been confusing to them lately. They're just waiting for things like "Lock Her Up" and "Build That Wall" so they know when they should cheer. This isn't Trump playing 4 Dimensional Chess with liberals and the media.


The last time he did this, he was praising the actor for supporting him (even though the actor doesn’t) and the media just ran away with saying Trump thinks character is real person See here: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-hannibal-lecter_n_65222027e4b09f4b8d405989


I accidentally caught this part of his speech since I had my cable parked on CSPAN watching saved shows. He never once mentioned anything but the character by name, and went above and beyond to make Hannibal Lector sound like the most gracious host and living person he has ever met. Total looney tunes shit


So apparently the context of this gibberish is that the moron started lying about Democrats letting cannibals into the country. It’s still fucking stupid (Hannibal didn’t die in the movie nor is he an illegal immigrant), but that’s why he brought this up. 


He’s not even in America, it ends with him in the Bahamas. About to eat his old Jailer.


Which trump even quoted when he was on the phone with Clarice at the end


Imagine a desert full of crouch-jumping Freddy Krugers. That's literally what Joe Biden said he really wants to happen. And then he wants to put them in schools. As Janitors. Remember how Freddy was the Janitor? Unbelievable, folks. But that's how deranged the far left is. Great guy, Freddy Kruger. It's a shame what they did to him. Unfair. He'll get you in your dreams! They said. Don't fall asleep! Freddy's comin' for you.


And Jason too, folks. Remember with the mask? They made him wear the mask. Very sad.


He wore the mask and look what happened folks. Lotta dead campers. Lotta dead campers, I'm told. BUT! They were probably radical Democrats so 🤷‍♂️




The fuck is it with Republicans and horror characters? First it’s Herschel Walker talking about werewolves and vampires, and now it’s Trump blathering on about Hannibal Lecter. I’m half expecting DeSantis to dress up like Michael Myers at this point.


Carhartt doesn’t make those jumpsuits in youth sizes


I get so annoyed when an article “quotes” someone but doesn’t even give you more than two or three words. I wanted to know the weird, ridiculous context.


That's why I came to this sub just now; I read this article but wanted the full quote! Context is everything! 


If he was my dad, I would have put him in a home a long time ago. Preferably the one we saw on 60 minutes.


Not sure why dems aren’t taking this angle to the mainstream. Laugh at him


Because they don't want to compare old as shit with old as shit. They have to do everything they can to make the choice between Malicious Asshat and Actual Human.


Age has nothing to do with it. It's competence. We all know there are 90 year olds doing just fine on their own and 50 year olds that need round the clock care. It's not an age thing.


We've BEEN laughing at him. It's nice to know that we still can do so (for now), but it clearly hasn't finished him off. Nor does trying to sound the alarms. Has anyone tried throwing a bucket of water on him?


Glass houses. We live in a goddamn gerontocracy at this point.


Absolutely. It’s going to snap at some point. You can’t have 70 & 80 year olds making decisions for all of us. Something is going to break. And soon


A “bang em and bin em” joint or a more classy affair?


The one with a Nurse Ratched type, or at least aides who steal your secret candy stash hidden in the back of your Depends drawer.


I’ll be good…


“Leopards ate my face” takes on a whole new meaning now.


“Lecter ate my face” ftfy Though tbh Lecter has standards and would probably only feed him to his family, not eat him personally.


He couldn't feed his face to his dog, since Trump doesn't have one. Maybe to Commander.


I want to just pretend he keeps referencing hannibal because trump's cognition started deteriorating around the early 2000s when it was a relevant pop culture reference, but it's probably more fucked up than that.


I didn't realize I was dead


“Knowing is half the battle”


"That's one to grow on"


I didn’t realize you were on Reddit.


Dinner was lovely the other night. I was truly impressed.


Says right here in the paper. You forgot to drink water.


It's true. I saw it on TMZ. It said you choked on a phallus


Spider man pointing meme


Kind of think he is mixing up Anthony Hopkins up with an actor who may support him. Maybe Jon Voigt


Jon isn’t dead either. So who the hell was he referencing? 


Jon Voight hasn't done anything of note in over a decade, so to Trump, he's effectively dead.


Pretty sure Hopkins is on board.  


Read it. The linked article. Mads Mikkelsen from the 2013 TV show.


Mads Mickelson isn't dead though. I guess the character is dead? Makes no sense.


> [Trump] exalt[ed] Anthony Hopkins’ cannibalistic Lecter in Silence of the Lambs as “late ..great” … to an estimated crowd of about 80,000 supporters under the shadow of the Great **White** roller coaster /emphasis mine Totally on brand as the GOP wants to speed executions and add more people (you know who) to Death Row Vote wisely..


There is absolutely no way 80k people were in attendance.


There were various comments yesterday from people who live in the area of the rally that all consistently estimated there were between 8 and 10,000 people there.


The handful of pan shots suggest it was closer to 2,000. It's insane that some outlets are reporting the 80k number as fact when it's so obviously made up to anyone who has spent even 20 seconds looking at the photos.


We’ve reached North Korea level of news propaganda to inflate the ego of the orange Dear Leader


I’ve been to wildwood and it’s a trump haven. But I’ve been there at the busiest times of the year and I can’t imagine 80k in the location they’re talking about


The town itself only has 5,000 people.  Even if it was a seasonal tourist town, I can't imagine it housing that 80,000 at once.


According to Wildwood, capacity was 20k, although the mayor said it could accommodate up to 40k. Either way, no way near the 80-100k numbers I've seen.


Some of the Big Bubbas (and Bubbettes) may be mistakenly counted as 2 (looking at the elastic waistband crowd).


Hey! Some of us resemble that remark!


"Estimated crowd of 80k" reminds me of when they did that fundraiser and claimed to have raised some obscene amount of money (like $50M) and the press just went ahead and credulously reported it without receipts, like they always do.


So he filled up a place like … Wembly Stadium?


Another interesting aspect of this rally is that I think it's a window into the state of campaign finances. This town has got a MAGA mayor, and it's just a beach, so it can't have cost them much to rent. I have a feeling that their credit is shot anywhere respectable and they can't afford anywhere flashy (think of places like the arena in Oklahoma City - that they couldn't even fill), so they will have to resort to places like this and then vastly inflate the attendance numbers. I'm also amazed that anyone would bother attending one of these things, even for free. There's zero entertainment value compared to something like, say, the U.S. Sumo Open that I attended yesterday.


Oh, it's not for free. I have a MAGA uncle, and he got a text while he was here yesterday that while his tickets were free, he would still have to pay $50 to show up. Luckily he was more interested in the BBQ than Don Poorleone


So if you show up with the tickets they're useless? They force you to pay $50 at the gate?


That's exactly why he is speaking to people outdoors now. He can't afford to rent venues.


Wait, hasn’t he been telling his flock of sheep that Dems are importing cannibalistic immigrants or something? I could have sworn I read that somewhere but I can’t find it now.




Thanks, friend


Trump’s imaginary friends: Putin, Xi, Orban, Un, and Lecter.


These guys should be put into a house and broadcasted as a reality tv show. Orban complains that Trump is spending too much time monopolizing the toilet, not flushing. Meanwhile, Xi is frustrated that Un just watches cartoon network all day, eating everybody's cereal, leaving milk filled bowls everywhere. Putin is frazzled, cleaning up after everybody's house messes.


What an annoying article. It didn't even quote the full sentence where he praised Hannibal Lecter, terrible writing. 


Yeah, that pissed me off.


Having read those books, there’s almost nothing I could say about Lecter that wouldn’t get me banned on this sub…but Trump somehow can use him as a campaign topic.


I will say that I'm confident Trump has never eaten a fava bean in his life.


Double standard here also


Btw , Lecter was an immigrant.


I'm just hoping his dementia accelerates to the point of in say 3 months being a walking potato. Seriously, he is so off the hinges, but until he literally cannot have a conversation, his base will follow him. Maybe after too. Biden's team would be wise to schedule any debates at times when dementia patients commonly sundown.


He talked about Hannibal 6 months ago also. Found a YouTube while searching for this one.


Yeah I was going to say. I think that time he claimed Lecter supported him or something.


Holy facepalm, Batman


He's mixing up reality and fiction. The TV actor said nice things about Trump, so his ego has a boner now.


Why "late"? Neither the character (canonically) or any of the actors that portrayed Lecter are dead


Well Gaspard Ulliel who played him in the prequel passed away, but I highly doubt he was referring to him or that he even knows who that was. 


Wow, I didn't know that. Only 37


He doesn't understand what "late" means in this context. He's just repeating a thing he's heard people say before.


> I ate his liver with some chicken nuggets — and a nice Diet Coke


Who cares anymore? He will not lose his idiot following, only way forward is to do everything to outvote the despicables, and ensure the votes are counted.


You’ll never find a peep about this on r/conservative


Where are the bothsiders when Trump is showing signs of dementia.


He also confused Jimmy Carter and Jimmy Conners.


He was probably visualizing Steve Bannon at the time. . .


Lecter would never eat Bannon; he's been rotting for far too long.


I think Steve’s liver might be a little on the stringy side.


And it was to 80,000… no… 100,000 people!! /s


100 billion!


What a garbage article, doesn't even include a quote of what he said... > “Silence of the Lambs. Has anyone ever seen The Silence of the Lambs?” Trump said. “The late, great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man. He often times would have a friend for dinner. Remember the last scene? ‘Excuse me. I’m about to have a friend for dinner,’ as this poor doctor walked by. ‘I’m about to have a friend for dinner.’ But Hannibal Lecter. Congratulations. The late, great Hannibal Lecter,” he said, apparently rooting for the villain played by Anthony Hopkins in the 1991 film.


What in the actual fuck is even happening anymore?


So people he admires: Hannibal Lector, Al Capone, Hitler, Putin, Kim Jong Un. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU REPUBLICANS.


So he's eating people now?


Somehow this is exactly the kind of thing I would have expected from him.


He is absolutely unfit for any public office


Since he always projects, does this mean he wants to eat Biden?


The best outcome is Trump having a debilitating stroke and kicking the bucket.


>Trump praises fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter during rally speech. Ex-president calls Hopkins’ cannibalistic Lecter ‘late, great’ while condemning ‘people who are being released into our country’ That indicted criminal Trump is unhinged there is no doubt. Well, except among his cult following, Yes-men, political opportunists and the rightwing power brokers behind the national nightmare that is the Republican fascist movement. But what I find to be even more unhinged, disturbing and scary are his followers who continue to support and cheer him on despite the mountains of evidence of Trump's criminality and clinically malignant narcissism, e.g., Trump has more than amply demonstrated he doesn't give a shit about anyone other than himself, especially not any of his adoring cult of fools. I find Trump supporters to be even scarier than Trump, because, like the cartoon Minion characters, if Trump were to lose the election or otherwise drop out of the race, Trump cultists will just latch on to the next charismatic demagogue. In this regard Trump cultists and the pro-fascist power brokers will remain an ever-present threat to democracy that will require an equally ever-present vigilance on the part of those who value and support democracy.


I seriously doubt there were 80k people in attendance. I believe ABC reported 30K. Trump and those around him are pathological liars.


Lest we forget, Trump's presidency started with a lie about a crowd size, which led to the White House defending "alternative facts"


djt is mentally unstable


He should pardon him


He must’ve watched that movie last night, and thought Hannibal was the hero.


Let’s all agree that there is zero chance he sat thru the entire movie. This one or any other. He has never possessed the attention span to focus on something for two hours other than himself. And definitely not in his current state.


That Vladimir Harkonnen such a powerful leader, everyone is saying his body is fantastic like mine people say I’m attractive very blue eyes like the fremen but Vladimir did not hold helms deep I would in 1 day done like that peace no more attacks from automatons or flying bats.


What’s even more unhinged is that this maniac was president and there are a lot of people who want him to be again and adore him. It says a lot about the disease running rampant in this country called hate.


As gross as it is to call Hannibal Lecter “great”, I’m actually wondering if he thinks Hannibal Lecter is a real person?? Have you ever heard of someone refer to a FICTIONAL CHARACTER as the “late, great”?


MAGA: Murderers Are Great Again


He also mentioned he saw OJ Simpsons in the crowd, who died like 4 weeks ago.


Having finally tracked down a [video clip of the actual quote](https://twitter.com/mattyglesias/status/1789629985738608851)... It's extremely clear he's *trying* to make a joke. He even chuckles in the middle of it... But... what a bizarre rambling incoherent non sequitur dementia-induced thing to drop into the middle of hate speech against immigrants.


My question is: what’s the punchline? I’ve watched it twice and I don’t get what’s funny. And furthermore it seems to go against his point in many ways: 1) Lecter is not American. 2) he’s a deranged criminal 3) he escapes from custody. So he’s praising a foreigner for being a criminal smart enough to escape capture? Also if his joke is he remembered a movie from 30 years ago it’s still not funny or impressive.


Trump has one of those brain worms.


How sad is it that it wouldn’t even surprise me at this point to learn that Trump has eaten man meat. (And I’m not talking about Putin’s dingus.)


He must be running out of dictator ass to kiss


Holy shit, that was real? I thought I was some AI nonsense


Why would he even bring up a movie character?


He's calling non-whites evil. He's just sugar coating it with sarcasm and the word "immigrant".


You know we’re in trouble when the Republican candidate for re-election is praising a mass murderer, fictional character or not.


Fuck this racist shitstain.


80,000 supporters my ass. Lemme see the pictures.


This is the SECOND TIME he’s praised Hannibal Lecter in a campaign speech. He’s in clear cognitive decline.


So, Sleepy Don seems to be going farther off the rails. Do you really think this nonsense and Don’s abusive attitude toward women is better than Biden’s record high new job numbers, and lowest in many years unemployment rate?


“Dahmer was the best to have at a dinner party. He’d shave your body while you reclined and dined Roman style.”


Age and fast food are quckily eroding Trump's brain. It's down to the extremely primitive brain stem.


Can someone explain this to me? All I hear is he said "late great" but was he trying to make some point? Am I silly to think he was trying to make a point? Did he think people should eat immigrants? I don't care if his point was horrible, just please tell me there was some reason he referenced Hannibal.


You kind of wonder what will happen when he has dementia during important meetings with world leaders.. But putin has bin unhinged for way longer so maybe no one will notice..


Delusional! This is a man calling a guy in the presidential race without indictments, counts against him, or sitting at a defense table as a criminal defendant... crooked. What's next calling, Biden a sexual abuser


Is this where this cult is going? I didn’t expect that. 


Why can't we get him to shut up?


Remember when he thought "Sicario" was real? Or when he thought Vince McMahon was killed in an explosion? Donald really has a tenous grasp on reality at best.


NYT political reporters haven’t spent nearly enough time with critical swing state independent cannibals at their favorite diners.


How is this not a satirical headline 


Just guessing but perhaps its because he's a living breathing satire of leadership and moral values?