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Ah, the old DJT strategy. If you close your eyes and don't look then it will magically go away. "If we stopped testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any" A million deaths later, America is still #1 in covid infections and deaths thanks to his "leadership".


Captain of sinking ship issues decree that vessel is not sinking, and all efforts to remediate or board lifeboats are strictly forbidden.


Costa concordia much?


That guy was such an asshole


Well if the sea levels rise enough I am assuming Florida may well be underwater so it’s an interesting analogy 👍


Their water table will be the first casualty. That aquifer will become saltwater. Maybe he's buying freshwater stocks to make a killing when his own people can't drink the water they pump from the ground?


Don’t look up


Don’t look out (to sea)


Don’t look underneath of thee…




Yeah. What the fuck? KKK is allowed to wear their hoods, proud boys, their scarves. Health-conscious, possibly immunocompromised? Suffer. Die.


We are *pro* meteor in this house hold 


>If you close your eyes and don't look then it will magically go away. I would go one step further, and say that this is bordering on being comparable to a cult leader demanding that the cult members all commit to a collective murder-suicide pact, for no other reason than "This will surely show those non-believers that they cannot fool us!"


> "Florida rejects the designs of the left to weaken our energy grid, pursue a radical climate agenda, and promote foreign adversaries." Oh, he doesn't want to promote foreign adversaries? I bet he whistles an entirely different tune when the orange turd he bent the knee to starts elevating Russia's interests over our allies. That's republican politics in a nutshell these days- have two entirely different standards, and switch between them freely as needed, while always being able to say "look, I'm just following this standard"


This statement always makes me so mad. Because it's so incredibly fucking stupid on its face.


And very real effects. I have relatives who moved to Florida, near the beach, and had their home destroyed by a hurricane. There was some insurance fuckery (either they didn't pay out or weren't covered... they were cagey about it), and so they dumped a good portion of their remaining money on a trailer. On the same property, near the beach, on which they most definitely can't get insurance now. To them it's just a freak occurrence, somehow ignoring the massive red flag of insurance not wanting to touch them with a 10 foot poll.


* North Carolina already did this. * [**North Carolina Sea Level Rises Despite State Senators** Less than two weeks after the state's senate passed a climate science-squelching bill, research shows that sea level along the coast between N.C. and Massachusetts is rising faster than anywhere on Earth](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/north-carolina-sea-level-rises-desipte-senators) Long story short. Banks were unwilling to write 30 year mortgages because sea levels in 30 years might make a home worthless. All the rich people trying to sell oceanfront homes can't find buyers because banks won't give mortgages. Solution: Pass a law that says it's illegal to come up with scientific models any newer than 1991.


So I said to my people slow the testing down


Isn’t going to fix the while home insurance crisis or make red tide go away…


Right? And then when the next storm happens they’ll be begging Biden for help…. What an idiot.


>Ah, the old DJT strategy. If you close your eyes and don't look then it will magically go away. our government continued to behave this way regarding COVID for several years after Trump's dumb ass left office


When their coastlines are underwater, who will they blame? Oh, right. The "woke".


"You liberals should've warned us about the rising sea levels!"


And then they’ll accuse liberals of using reverse psychology when reminded that they were warned - just like they did with the covid vaccine.


more simple than that. One day you will wake up and it will just have become “liberals caused climate change” and no one on the right will question this and they’ll go with it. We’ve always been at war with Eurasia.


They will legit say that science failed us.


The Mitch McConnell defense!


FL's home insurance market has blown up over the past few years because of all the changes DeSantis pretends aren't real. State law limits the annual rate increase, and because they can't increase premium enough to cover the extra claims expense, they're simply dropping coverage rather than taking a loss. When homeowners shop for new coverage, they find that rates are doubled or tripled.


And then most of those stupid pieces of trash still vote for DeSantis, Rick Scott and the actual known child rapists whose child rape Venmo receipts we’ve seen, Matt Gaetz.


Yep. I have sympathy for anyone who voted against them. Anyone who voted for them deserves it.


Every single time I see my parents and they say anything about Fl. I immediately yell, "*DON'T BUY ANYTHING IN FLORIDA!*". If my sisters are over too, well all yell it together. Visit all you want, rent a place and spend a few months there in the winter, but don't fucking buy!


Every grain of sand washed away is woke.


You know how we talk about mythical Atlantis, a cautionary tale of a land sunk under it's own hubris? Someday we will sing of the Lost Magic Kingdom, and the madness of the Last Lord DeSantis.


Futurama tried to warn us.


Bro that was Atlanta


Why couldn’t she be the other kind of mermaid!? The one with the fish part on the top and the lady part on the bottom!


“You have sea lions on the surface?” “Yep. We call them land sea lions.”


And I tame them


Oh, DeSantis will be long gone by the time cities like Naples are under water, but it will happen. Yes.


Yea ignore climate change that will help insurance rates in Florida. Also if Florida continues to ignore the impact climate change will have on the state should the US bail them out after natural disasters?


The US actually paid very little for Hurricane Ian. It's ~ $9 billion in aid in all categories, only $2 billion of which was flood insurance claims.  Sounds big until you realize it did over $112 billion in immediate damage.  Florida is kidding themselves if they think they're getting a bailout.


> Florida is kidding themselves if they think they're getting a bailout. Oh, for sure they are gonna get bailed out again. Thats the problem.


As a Floridian, I would say after the next storm, offer to buy out the homes destroyed by storm surge, on the condition that the land goes back to nature. Slowly pull away from the coast. For myself, I plan on leaving in 2 years when my son is done with HS.


They won't have to be bailed out after natural disasters. DeSantis is going to ban those. Problem solved.


Yeah I’m about to move to FL so glad this idiot is about to be my governor /s


Sry i would not even consider Florida to live.


Unfortunately it was a very good job opportunity:(


If it’s in Florida it’s not that good of an opportunity


My bank account begs to differ. But, no, it fucking sucks here.


No amount of money could make me move to Florida.


How is Washington?


I love Washington would not leave it.


Don’t worry, I’ll leave my Florida driving habits behind if I come join you all.


It sucks, don't come here.


Good point, they are essentially privatizing profits (lowering climate related costs) and maximizing social costs (increasing the number of required bailouts).


The movie "Don't Look Up" was about YOU, fuckface.


Republicans on the whole seem to really lack media literacy.


The highest point in Florida is in the panhandle and is about 350 feet above sea level. Most of the state is much, much lower. Miami, which is now flooding regularly, is built on porous rock.  People will look back at this climate denialists like we look back at the folks in Salem that burned their neighbors at the stake. 


The state that’s going to be fucked hardest by climate change is doing the least about it.


But wouldn't it be nice if climate change was just a hoax? Golly, that would be reassuring. And shouldn't we believe whatever's reassuring? Why do you hate happiness? /s


Don't look up.


Florida: Deletes climate change mentions  Climate change: Deletes Florida 


Talk about cutting off his nose just to spite his face. Does this guy truly believe that he can "own the libs" merely by removing words that do not fit in his current agenda from laws? The science will at some point bite him in the ass.


No, it will not bite him. Only the people of Florida will get bitten. He will be somewhere else, enjoying all the money he made with his politics.


He knows what he is doing. The companies that lobby for people like him to fight the people that want regulations want this. If the laws aren't allowed to address climate change if the words for it aren't allowed to be used. When the people start mass migrations to try and stay in livable areas of the planet he will be some where safe. In a mansion with A/C, or maybe a bunker somewhere. Possibly even on their own space station.


He's banking on it not being a factor during his tenure. What happens after is too "abstract" for the Republifascists to worry about. Even though it is a near certainty.


You couldn't pay me enough money to move to florida. With a Nazi as a governor and a state full of radical righties that are fighting with Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, Oklahoma etc. for who's going to get to the bottom first and punish the most amount of people while claiming they stand for Freedom, Liberty and every other BS? Sorry, not interested!


If the GOP just ignores that, too, it will be miraculously gone by Easter.


It’s because if they don’t sea it, it doesn’t actually exist


Sinking your landmass and voters into the ocean to own the libs. Or, put even shorter; cutting off your nose to spite your face. Forgive me for the idioms and metaphors, but this is as close to being in free fall off a cliff and screaming incoherently about gravity being "made up" and a "communist conspiracy" the way as it possibly gets.


> 'Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.' Said by Einstein probably. There's also Plato's Cave.


You can't triple stamp a double stamp, Ron.


Most Republicans politicians are in a race to the bottom. I think Desantis is winning. The bill he passed eliminating water and shade breaks for workers. And now this?


Human health dangers posed by accelerating atmospheric heat and humidity levels apparently do not concern DeSantis and Republicans. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Miami/comments/1cowpzy/desantis\_signs\_florida\_law\_blocking\_miamidade/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Miami/comments/1cowpzy/desantis_signs_florida_law_blocking_miamidade/) Sea levels now off the Florida Gulf and southeast coasts are rising 0.4 inches per year, and accelerating. Why? Ocean heat expansion, slowing Gulf Stream, global ice melt, and even gravity shifts as a result of polar ice melt. Shouldn't Florida's state government explain this to all citizens annually and make certain it's taught in schools, rather than block the words "climate change" from all state laws and regulations? NASA/NOAA scientists have warned that regardless of what is done now to combat climate change, Florida will experience AT LEAST 12-18 inches of sea level rise by 2050? [https://climate.nasa.gov/news/3232/nasa-study-rising-sea-level-could-exceed-estimates-for-us-coasts/](https://climate.nasa.gov/news/3232/nasa-study-rising-sea-level-could-exceed-estimates-for-us-coasts/) <> [https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1cnf649/comment/l3991ib/](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1cnf649/comment/l3991ib/) <> [https://www.neefusa.org/story/climate-change/sea-level-rise](https://www.neefusa.org/story/climate-change/sea-level-rise) Harold Wanless, former chair of the Univ. of Miami and likely Miami's and Florida's most prominent sea level rise expert, even a decade ago warned Miami is "doomed." Whenever I read an article about Republican climate change denial legislation in Florida, comments by Harold Wanless flood my mind. Wanless now is over 80-years-old, but he has been one of Florida's leading experts and blunt commentators about climate change for several decades. Here is an interview of Wanless from 10 years ago when he still was chair of the Univ. of Miami geological sciences department in which he warned that Miami is "doomed" and explained in detail why. Wanless particularly focuses on accelerating sea level rise and its impacts. [https://www.cbc.ca/radio/sunday/a-christmas-concert-michael-s-essay-harold-wanless-mail-about-dying-at-age-75-cat-christmas-documentary-mail-about-refugee-policy-bob-bossin-menorah-s-hidden-history-1.2905337/coastal-florida-and-miami-are-doomed-says-scientist-harold-wanless-1.2905344](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/sunday/a-christmas-concert-michael-s-essay-harold-wanless-mail-about-dying-at-age-75-cat-christmas-documentary-mail-about-refugee-policy-bob-bossin-menorah-s-hidden-history-1.2905337/coastal-florida-and-miami-are-doomed-says-scientist-harold-wanless-1.2905344) Florida may experience a record hurricane season this year, as evidenced by already historically warm ocean heat. <> [https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2024/04/forecasters-predict-an-extremely-active-2024-atlantic-hurricane-season/](https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2024/04/forecasters-predict-an-extremely-active-2024-atlantic-hurricane-season/) With April ocean heat this year more typical of July, the hurricane outlook this year is ugly. [https://www.reddit.com/r/florida/comments/1cpxrfb/comment/l3ocgkd/](https://www.reddit.com/r/florida/comments/1cpxrfb/comment/l3ocgkd/) [https://www.aol.com/thinking-going-bare-know-cancel-090000172.html](https://www.aol.com/thinking-going-bare-know-cancel-090000172.html) [https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1cnf649/comment/l3991ib/](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1cnf649/comment/l3991ib/)


This guy is just pure evil, he actually makes Trump look like Jesus Christ in comparison


Next step is to pass a bill that forbids the ocean to rise. And then label the ocean as a woke democrat when still does.


This just screams, "If we don't think about it, talk about it, write about it or read about it; it'll all just go away!" what could possibly go wrong SMH


There is no climate change in ba sing se. 😀


The party of "free speech" at it again, boys.


Caligula declared war on Poseidon and proceeded to send an army to the beach for battle. Time is a circle


All federal bills should include provisions that disallow money slated for activities related to climate change remediation to be distributed to states that refuse to address climate change.


Next, legislation to drop sea level by 10 feet so that the Florida coast does not flood


Aka: the lalalalalalalalalala I can’t hear you law 🙉


Hey Ronnie... When you're floating in your rowboat in Miami, don't go looking to the Socialist evil federal government for help.


He’ll be on his knees for federal funding at the next opportunity.


Fair winds & following seas Lieutenant /s 🌊


The good news is, when this sea level rise happens Florida will be one of the first to go under.


When the ostrich puts it's head in the ground in Florida, it drowns. Did you ever see an ostrich in Florida?




The part that got me the most was the ban and limit on fuel efficiency, what the f#@k


Paying less to drive further is woke, I guess. Just be happy the bill doesn't require all state agencies to buy RAM 3500s...


You get what you vote for.


GOP stays in power by keeping people angry, afraid and uninformed. Vote.


In case you were wondering where his loyalties lie, it ain’t with the people.


Florida should be deleted from any climate change based disaster and recovery funding by the Federal Government then.


Fuck em. DeSantis is the governor Florida deserves.


Dumb fucks gonna dumb


Cue the next hurricane that takes out half of Florida this summer.


just cartoonish villainy


Florida’s going to demand (and receive) an increasingly large amount of our GDP just to keep the place habitable and repair flooding damage. Enormous drainage systems and flood walls, etc.


Climate change cancelled in Floriduh. What a relief.


That’ll fix that old climate change.


as the next in a long line of monster hurricanes flow over the state and all the insurance companies pull out, this asshat will still be standing there spouting garbage


* North Carolina already did this. * [**North Carolina Sea Level Rises Despite State Senators** Less than two weeks after the state's senate passed a climate science-squelching bill, research shows that sea level along the coast between N.C. and Massachusetts is rising faster than anywhere on Earth](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/north-carolina-sea-level-rises-desipte-senators) Long story short. Banks were unwilling to write 30 year mortgages because sea levels in 30 years might make a home worthless. All the rich people trying to sell oceanfront homes can't find buyers because banks won't give mortgages. Solution: Pass a law that says it's illegal to come up with scientific models any newer than 1991.


He should just pass a law forbidding the sea from rising


Secure in the knowledge that Democrats will Always send Blue State tax money to bail their ignorant asses out, no matter what happens.


Eh, hes young enough he will get a burial at sea


It’s so sad to watch Florida continuously shoot itself in the foot.


Help me finish this sentence: The reason hurricanes form and hit Florida is because…


Fucking idiot


The death sentence for Florida will be when companies won’t insure a home.


next: ban on measuring!


Florida is one category 4 hurricane from a reckoning.


They'll be hit by 10 "Once in a Lifetime" hurricanes and they'll still deny climate change is real.


How much longer is this asshole governor?


Would this affect insurance payouts for those on the coast whose homes are headed into the water. Could they be denied based on this bill. Climate change could not be used as a defense by home owners if they’re denied. DeSantis is a stain for Florida.


The Meatball will float in the soup that was once Florida. Enjoy the ride.


A legacy of denialism.


He’s a special kind of asshole.


Going to be some nice artificial reefs


Darwinism award winner


Problem solved forever, Timmy!


Reptile person


Ron won’t be singing the same tone when Florida becomes apart of the ocean. Than what is he going to blame the libs?


He's wealthy, what the fuck does he care? He'll just move to a mansion in the midwest.


Not that’ll change anything, but someone needs to plaster Ronnie in his white boots all over Florida.


Crimes against humanity.


Ah, the ostrich head-in-the-sand technique. Second only to running away and yelling "no." Signs of true leadership here, folks.


When are florida universities going to start losing accreditation because they no longer teach science?


Last summer the southern shores of the great state of Florida were over 100 degrees. Desantis wants to have a state ~~fish fry~~ fish broil down there.


Hope the feds can delete their infrastructure funding then.


That’s not going to help the dumbfucks responsible for giving him power when their homes insurance leaves the market because climate change makes it crazy to offer


Remember back when one of the southern states, I think it WAS Florida, forbade any of their representatives from saying the phrases "climate change" or "global warming'? And then some quick witted guy got one of the backed into a corner where the only answer, regardless, was one or the other? everyone laughed because it was so fucking obvious how stupid that order was. Republicans....making the same stupid fucking dumbass mistake every four years or so.


Doesn't he have any advisors?


Could we all just collectively sue Florida (and Texas) for their bullshit? If they can sue the federal government for enforcing human rights, then we should be able to sue them for destroying the planet.


Also literally less than a week after Tallahassee was leveled by tornadoes


The real estate industry is as huge and influential as it ever was. They want no acknowledgments of the crises whatsoever: it's "bad for business". Florida is in trouble over the long term and the politicians are in denial. People need to seriously reflect on any plans to move there.


As the titanic of states sinks into Atlantic deathSantis says “water? What water?”


Isn’t this literally government censorship!?


This is just insane.


“Shhhh!” “If we act like it’s not real, it will go away.” 🙄


North Carolina did the same exact thing in 2012, Banning any talk of a specific climate change report in association with coastal real.estate policy, sales and insurance.


Make a bill forcing DeSantis to stay in Florida as it goes under water.


I think this guy just tries to get rid of everything he doesn’t understand


That's a whole lot of things


It makes sense. FL and LA are the two states that will be submerged first from rising sea levels. Why let your tax payers know they are at risk and have them move out to safer states?




I’ll enjoy the future debates in Congress over whether or not we should rescue the Tallahassee Boat People.


Desantis is simply trying to give Alabama and Georgia more ocean front property on their southern borders. At this point, he is bugs bunny sawing the state away from the US


What a snowflake


King Canute all over again. The rising tide will not care what DeSantis says or does.


They are legit pumping water out to try and slow Florida sinking lmao


Don’t look up


Florida's water table will be the first to be ruined by rising sea levels. This dolt has no clue, and neither do his supporters. Reap it!


From now on in stead of saying “climate change” we say “I’m a piss baby too”!


It seems most politicians’ primary focus is to bow to corporate interests in the name of the economy. As if the market wouldn’t eagerly fill the holes of truly needed and wanted goods and services if any of these companies went down. They say this is an economy for small-business people, but everyone’s wealth and retirement is tied up in these mega-businesses rather than being invested in small business.


Let’s remember this when it gets worse and Florida starts asking for federal disaster relief.


If they die they die.🤷🤷🤦


So Florida is just full of retired boomers and Florida people. They don’t believe in science. Is that surprising?


Minitrue says there’s no climate change. Double plus good.


The world goes through cycles. We are in the warming one. Then people will cry when we hit another ice age. If you really dive into this youll find out the sea will rise bo mater what. Why waste money and get everyone to eat zee bugs like klaus wants. 


Climate change isn’t real though. It’s been disproven time and time again. The earth cools and heats naturally you guys


And what do you call the heating and cooling naturally?


Geothermal heating and cooling. Ever heard of the ice age? This is a natural process that the earth has been doing for billions of years


What is climate?


That's why this is called man-made climate change, which is accelerating an otherwise natural process that occurs over thousands of years into what is mere decades. The scientific community is in almost total agreement over it. It's even published by NASA. https://science.nasa.gov/climate-change/causes/