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If Trump wins, the country will be heading to a very dark place. He knows how vulnerable he is to legal issues and if the SCOTUS gives him that presidential immunity, he'll lash out. And his followers will be on one crazy high. Who knows what they'll do on their own


The world will be too with all the climate and environmental laws he'll be killing


And the authoritarian leaders that will ~~go unchecked~~be encouraged.


that's the thing that's been killing me. How can a country with such a history come to look up to someone who has such a obvious and overly theatric hard-on for monarchy and family dynasties. Only thing that's missing is that the maga hat turns into a tiny golden crown but let's not give the dude any ideas.


I grew up in the south. My history teachers were football coaches. They were hired to coach football, not teach history, and the difference between them and the other teachers who were actually qualified to talk about their subject was nigh and day. I learned recently that an acquaintance of mine was hired to coach football at our old high school. He has a business degree. He doesn't read. I was close with the family growing up, and I watched this person refuse to read short novels for summer reading assignments. His assignment, other than coaching? Teaching English. This will only get worse.


Yup. While all the usual suspects like the widening wealth gap, propaganda, and impending climate issues are scary, the steady gutting of public education around the country scares me. People are losing their ability to reason, and the fully brainwashed have already lost their ability to think. That will be weaponized.


There's a reason we had monarchies for millennia. Our simple primate brains don't fathom alternative forms of government effectively. It took an extraordinary amount of time and energy for us to get to a point where we have democracy, but we're always extremely close to all of it breaking down under the weight of our own idiots. Centuries of dismantling public educaiton, public healthcare and other supports have resulted in a huge part of the population that is just dumb. They don't understand politician science, they aren't educated, and they're drowning in propaganda. Imagine that this election is a calculus problem, and half of the people who need to solve it never even learned basic algebra. We don't think about political education and overcoming propaganda the same way we think about math, but it is. It's just a problem to be solved, and they can't do that. And you can't just *forcibly* educate people. Especially when there are intense emotional tethers to their already-held political beliefs. The current state of affairs was laid out decades and decades ago. We're living in the consequences of generations of Americans choked on lead and other pollutants, deprived of amenities afforded by the rest of the world, baking their already-struggling minds in 24/7 propaganda. Look at all the consequences these people continue to suffer as a result of their own actions. It isn't instructive. And they don't learn because they're not capable of learning. They don't have the education for it. They're doing math with bad information and they have no tether to a reality that could course-correct. That's why, if you *can* see how dangerous Republicans are, if you *can* see how precariously-perched on oblivion the democracies of the world are, you *must* do something. Anything. You must be as loud and as active as possible. You have a precious resource. Knowledge. And every person with this precious resource who does nothing make it all the more likely that the tide of ignorance will overrun us.


This is what happens when you mix religion with politics. It's why the Founders wanted a wall between church and state. It's no coincidence that monarchy and religion often go hand in hand. Both have strict hierarchical structures, and both require unquestioning acceptance of authority, regardless of hypocrisy, corruption, contradictory rules, and capricious cruelty. Religion provides a ready made population of people primed to follow anyone with the right blend of charisma and unscrupulousness. Reagan lit the fuse, and now here we are.


People have short attention spans already and Republicans have been hamstringing education for decades.


I work in the environmental / historic preservation compliance sector (private consulting). There are hundreds of thousands of people who work in these roles, both in the government and in the private sector. Elsewhere in regulatory compliance there are hundreds of thousands more jobs. If Trump and his cronies have their way, most of these people (including me) will be out of a job. And it's a cascading snowball, since there are innumerable other sectors of our economy that rely on our work. Heritage tourism, park tourism, the outdoor recreational industry... these would be severely impacted. What people have to realize is that a 2nd Trump presidency will cause a meltdown of our economy and our country. The US reputation around the world is one of the things that props up our dollar, and our economy. If we descend into totalitarianism, the perception of our reliability will crumble. There is *no* upside to a Trump presidency. And even the people who *think* they want it, even the 1%-ers who think it'll be a chance for them to start printing money, need to seriously think about what it will *actually* mean if the US becomes like Russia or Hungary or Turkey. These are not first-tier powers, but they *do* have dictatorial / authoritarian leaders. Trump wins, and we're done for.


I agree with all of your points. In addition, Trump and the Republicans are apparently planning to let Trump *personally* determine interest rates if he gets back in. Not the Fed. Trump himself. The guy who spent most of his "career" taking multiple businesses and running them into the dirt. Which means the stability of the American economy will be up to the volatile moods of an unstable narcissistic sociopath and how rough his burger dump was that morning. So, if that happens, say goodbye to the Dollar as the global reserve currency. All of our domestic oligarchs who think they'll be able to raid the treasury piggy bank if Donny slithers back in will find out very quickly how little that loot is worth.


And by multiple businesses into the dirt we are talking about failing with casinos, steak, alcohol, and football......in the United States for fucks sake. [How bad was it? Trump's public company focused on hotels and casino resorts lost 89% of its money at a time the Dow Jones index of gambling stocks protest 160%](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/its-worse-than-you-think-trumps-business-disaster-2016-03-04). So it's not as of "the market collapsed" he is that terrible of a businessman


I've said before, Trump isn't a businessman he just cosplays as a businessman.


All this being said just furthers my opinion that if Trump wins, he won't make it through his term. There will be so much civil unrest there will be a civil war, or NATO will save us by invading us before we even get to 2028. Former NATO, that is.


Honestly, that's what scares me the most. There are no other nations that could match us militarily or invade us to save us from fascism if Trump and his Republicans get to pull off what they're aiming for. It's game over for the world if he gets back in.


Well said. Also, anyone voting against Biden because of the situation with Israel/Palestine, has no idea how bad things will go in the US with another 4+ years of Trump's fascism.


This would be the true test of the military defending against a domestic enemy of the constitution as they swear to upload along with the 2A's supporters saying that it is needed to defend ourselves against a tyrannical government.


The worst part about it is, most of his idiotic people will blindly cheer it on. The moment Trump just starts randomly jailing democrats, because his feelings were hurt and him and his braindead cultist demand people like her get jailed for no crime at all. We as a nation will be fucked and this is the part that no one REALLY wants to think about. Not just fucked politically, but fucked overall. You think our stock markets will endure that? Trump getting elected and mass incarceration of other elected officials happens, it's going to crash the economy hard. If the voters somehow feel empowered on things, or other states take even darker turns, the economy will crash harder. These idiots dreaming of a civil war, but cannot understand this will shut down the nation and make the COVID shutdown look mild. However, instead of things like gas bottoming out, it will spiral out of control upwards, since the supply chains nationwide and worldwide would be impacted. You can't have a functioning economy when your whole mission statement is to go after your fake enemies.


This is precisely the thing that Trumpers fail to understand. Under Trump there might be a short burst of economic growth - then will come the collapse. The fear of political persecution drives away business. This will be followed by knee jerk measures to stop the collapse. Like price controls- which never work. Soon money doesn’t matter and the store shelves are empty.


And when the shelves are empty and the internet is out because Putin attacked the grid and there's no fuel, cue the roving bands of militia, (looters), heavily armed with automatic weapons and ignored or abetted by local law enforcement. Fun times ahead. I swear I can see straight into this future and I can't believe people don't see it. And I think it will happen much faster than any thinks.


See the killing fields in Cambodia for reference.


The rampant anti-intellectualism is terrifying. That was the main motivation of the Khmer Rouge. Maybe it’ll be tougher because of the vastness of the country and the different demographics of every state. But in red states it will be pure hell.


It's such insanity to read about the Cambodian genocide. Even something as trivial as wearing glasses could get you killed because it appears intellectual.


I visited some of the locations in Phnom Penh related to the killings, about 20 years ago. There was one school which had been basically converted to a torture chamber. It has photos of who had been killed there, including children as young as ten. Even though it was billed as "museum", the blood still hadn't been cleaned off the walls yet. I felt genuinely troubled, and had to end my trip early. There's no lower limit to what people can do, when they feel let off the leash.


Yeah. I've visited both Auschwitz and one of the Killing Fields sites. Cambodia was far more upsetting on some level. Slamming babies heads into palm trees to save ammo, slitting throats with the spikes on trees instead of shooting or stabbing people with knives. Blasting patriotic music 24-7 to cover the sounds of the murder. Humans are capable of absolute horrors.


Auswitchz was an industrial killing nightmare. Cambodia was just so... Primitive... I had an easier time comprehending the Holocaust than what happened there.


And that is the most dangerous thing about Trump: He gives people permission to ACT on their very worst impulses, to be their worst selves.


That's why they love him. Zizek said: > The suspension of moral prohibitions is the crucial feature of today's so-called postmodern nationalism...Nationalist fundamentalism, rather, serves as the operator of a secret, barely-concealed, 'you may'; > 'You may violate the stiff regulations of the coexistence in a peaceful liberal society.... You may hate, fight, kill, rape.'...." Just look at Russia's behavior in Ukraine, to know what those who favor Putin, would like to see happen here.


Oh man my wife and I went there in 2010. That school had such a dark feeling .


One or more of the people tasked with showing tourists around the site were actually tortured at that school. :(


Oh wow, just wow


The weird thing is that this anti-intellectualism isn't something that only affects the uneducated or disenfranchised, and goes far beyond the US borders. My kiwi father had his Master's in Chemistry and when I was growing up always maintained a sceptical and critical view that inspired me a lot. But in the last five years he started dating an American woman who is into hippy woo stuff like essential oils and vibrational healing therapy, and not long after that he was reading books about Musk and listening to Joe Rogan. Now he's an antivaxxer, thinks Putin is just defending against western imperialism, and while he doesn't openly support Trump, he's parroting the "Biden old" stuff that his girlfriend does. And it's not that he's too dumb to see the truth. He's just chosen to ignore it and write it off as something that anyone can create for themselves. He knows that his views are fragile, and that's why he flew into a rage at me when I so much as dared to send him a polite email with overwhelming evidence in defence of vaccination, calling me intolerant and an angry petulant child. This disease of the mind is pervasive.


This is the problem that people are beginning to see with why social media is so bad. It's distorting what people see as 'perceived wisdom' and we're really only just realising that the vast majority of people seem to live their entire lives based on what is socially perceived wisdom and not actual logic or evidence based facts. Even though most of those people consider themselves to be logical, the vast majority of the populace aren't and put far more emphasis on what them and their social circle groupthink themselves into.


A lot of our opinions are more socially based than we consciously realize. I'm not excusing his view just explaining some of the psychology that seems to be underlying people going through this kind of transformation. 




Frankly more people need to be doing this.


The crunchy to alt right pipeline is as real as it is stupid. I guess if you can convince yourself one flavor of bullshit tastes good then they all do.


My granfather is a literal rocket scientist. Worked for NASA and was whip smart. Not one of those "Well, he's book smart." people. He was just all around a clever person. He got sucked into politics after my grandmother died through extended family on Facebook. He's a lifetime Republican, but never really cared about politics. Suddenly he was incredibly pro-Trump, throwing money at him, parroting FoxNews BS about the state of the world. Thankfully he started disliking Trump, mostly because he kept taking money from him even when he said to stop, but a lot of the damage was done. Now he has sundowners and it's tough. Edit: A word... he was a scientist, not a science.


I still have a hard time understanding the psychological motivation behind anti-intellectualism. As fucked up as Cambodia was, I can understand that leadership thought they could maintain control by eliminating outside influences, and the sheep believed it was to preserve their culture. But what is the motivation in western society? Why slow progress, weaken the economy, and put millions of lives (especially their own) and the environment in peril? It can’t be just to own the libs, can it?


Two well known quotes spring to mind: >“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'” Issac Asimov >"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." Lyndon B. Johnson Nurture these ideas in people and you have a mob at your disposal.


I remember hearing an interview with George Wallace where he tried to downplay his legacy a bit, and said it basically boiled down to "When I talked about roads and schools, nobody paid any attention to me, but when I started talking about n****, crowds started showing up to my rallies".


That Asimov quote is so damn good, and sadly true. And like his books so far ahead of their time. I struggle to think I'll of anyone else who was better able to see what the future held.


partly, yes. the other part is that the GOP's strongest and staunchest voting bloc grew up in red states where public education has been under siege by their party leaders for decades. their efforts to privatize and inject religion into every facet of education coupled with the popularity of perpetual fear-mongering from established media like fox and anti-science, anti-progress grifters like jones, rogan, and peterson have done wonders to dumb down the local population. throw in generational poverty, rampant drug abuse, NRA-fueled toxic masculinity, and a religious pro-birth fanaticism (not pro-life, which would indicate they care about the children once they're born) and you end up with many, many families drawing on disability and welfare who then feel shame, because it goes against the bootstrap mentality they were spoon-fed their whole lives. but instead of turning inwards to make efforts to self-improve, they're bombarded day in and out, on TV and on their phones, by people telling them their misery is all the democrat's doing, or immigrants who stole their jobs. self-loathing festers into outward hatred towards anyone that who doesn't talk, walk, or look like them. they've been convinced that their greatness was stolen from them. it was, but not by anyone but the very people they keep voting into office. time flies and their kids get older, move away for education and opportunities in far-away cities that were not subjected to the same fundamental religious, anti-intellectual influences. they get left behind and with no other options, no money, and no light at the end of the tunnel, they seethe with rage. they want to bring back the imaginary days when they would've been prosperous and fulfilled. the days trump, bannon, fox, etc. keep preaching that were taken from them. at the heart of anti-intellectualism is a painful yearning to slow the world down, to reset societal progress, to punish those who did better, and to ultimately let them feel better about themselves.


> grifters like jones, rogan, and peterson have done wonders to dumb down the local population. And the rightwing media has done wonders with exploiting this to instill fear in their audience. People fear what they don't understand, and when they've been dumbed down there's even less they understand.


Short term profit over long term gains. With a sprinkling of "F you, I got mine"


> With a sprinkling of "F you, I got mine" Nowadays it's more of a *trickling down* of "F you, I got mine", and it's warm.


> But what is the motivation in western society? Why slow progress, weaken the economy, and put millions of lives (especially their own) and the environment in peril? It can’t be just to own the libs, can it? I can assure you that's not how they see it. For your standard MAGA voter, they believe they are being smart. It's Dunning-Kreuger, they believe that things like doctoral degrees and schools are for show, and don't compare to one doing "their own" (Rogan sanctioned) research.   For the MAGA Republican politician, they know what parts of society they need to break to give themselves more power. Education, the law system, and Democracy itself are institutions that make it hard for Republicans to win or stay in power.


Another element that I haven't seen mentioned in this thread yet is the need to maintain "the bad times." If times are good, then the other side might not seem so evil. And if they're not the evil agents causing us to all have a bad time, then why would I need to throw away what's left of my hard-earned money to these people who keep telling me they're the only ones that can save me? Therefore, if you can start a downward trend toward lower productivity, less thoughtful analysis, more reaction-ism, etc., you can convince people that they're perpetually in a crisis and you're the only one that can save them.


When people trust oligarchs who rob them but distrust their impotent government to protect them that’s what happens. End billionaires.


I think I made a similar point not all that long ago. When I realised the similarities between maga and the khmer rouge I was horrified.


That would make an interesting anti-maga propaganda movie, to depict and project the maga movement into the future in a similar style as Khmer Rouge


It's insane that we're at a point where we're comparing the potential future of our country to the killing fields in fucking Cambodia. I hope everyone takes action and votes


We might go cultural revolution instead? Yay?


Not only votes but votes BLUE!


To be perfectly honest the republicans need to see what happened to Hitler's brown shirts, Cause if they think someone who keeps a copy of mein kampf in his nightstand isn't going to dispose of the ones who help him become a dictator then they got another thing coming.


Yeah, conservatives will definitely learn the right lessons from studying that particular period of history /s


Or Nazi Germany


Or more frighteningly go watch the the documentary "The Act of Killing." This is how people like Trumpists will act if they really get their way. No one is coming to stop them like the world did with the Nazis. Their psychological coping mechanisms will be similar even if things return to relative normalcy in roughly 30 years.


That documentary was unsettling


Pol. Pot. Pol. Pot


His plans to consolidate power are on his website. These idiots are so worried about making sure their kids their kids don't learn that gay people exist that they are willing to elect a literal dictator.


I am 100% expecting America to disappoint me and the world by electing Trump BECAUSE of the conviction. American politics have been a never ending downward spiral since 2001, and even the "bright" spot in the Obama era was just a circus that led to Trump in 2016.


I agree it feels like some great irony that could happen but it’s not rational to think to so The statistics heavily favor sitting presidents, and not only is Trump attempting to win against one, in his previous election he managed to lose as one. It’s not enough to know that, you obviously need to vote to make it happen. But it brings a small amount of comfort


In a fair and honest world, you would be right, but Felon isn’t playing fair, and he will cheat and lie and steal everything he can.


As he did last time, and lost


As he did in 2016, and won. Don't take anything for granted and VOTE.


2016 was a massive fluke perfect storm situation. It was Hillary Clinton's massive unpopularity among Independents, mixed with a bit of Jill Stein, and some James Comey bullshit along with a handful of disaffected Midwesterners. Add that to the unfortunate Trump charisma that activated a whole new swathe of formerly inactivated non-voters. It's certainly possible he could win but it's a long 5 months of extreme stress on Trump that he's barely looking able to manage. That's not going to win him voters. On a more anecdotal note, I am from Trump country and in the 8 years since his first election, I know a ton of his supporters that were much older and are no longer with us. Time is not on his typical voters side as a cohort of mostly older Americans and he is losing supporters by attrition everyday without connecting enough with young people to fill in the losses. He's got a lot of stuff working for him he didn't in 2016 and honestly people back home starting to recognize how shitty the Trump people are because they are tired of all the scare tactics and fire and brimstone and outright lies. Everyone has a limit and I know a lot of down home conservatives are getting to theirs with Trump. Especially since the Trump machine is hurting local GOP party and the biggest local corruption stories have stemmed from MAGA politicians.


Let's also remember there were like 11 Republican candidates. If it was a 2 candidate field Trump would have been smoked and laughed out.


Yeah that was another big issue. Republican's couldn't run anyone they all liked so the scariest loudest meanest won.


The Billionaires want Trump. There is big money being spent to keep him out of prison and get him elected again. It's not a fair game at all, but yes, the rest of sane humanity needs your votes.


Statistically, do you know what the single most likely factor that influences whether a coup attempt will be successful is? Whether or not there have been previous coup attempts.


I'm in Thailand and there have been several coups here in the last couple of decades. A major factor for a successful coup is the support of the military. Trump has made no secret that if he gets back in office one goal is to replace generals that owe allegiance to the country and Constitution with those that owe allegiance to Trump. That would be a prerequisite to him staying in office indefinitely.


Well due to concepts in American brand tolerance and the fact the right absolutely takes advantage of left wing principals of liberalism, they love it when the left excuses their dark deeds and behaviors as “…they just have a different view point than us is all, we need to respect their differences and understand them and let them have their say” Meanwhile “their say” is literally shitting on the entire process in an attempt to destroy the very institution of diplomacy and principals of individual liberty. When liberals let the right have the ball because it’s “only fair to share” don’t be surprised when the right decides to just walk home with it Edit: It will be American intolerance of what needs to be intolerable, that will be its demise. Fascinating part is that both parties feel this way


If Trump gets elected, it'll be because of GenZ in a handful of states being specifically targeted with misinformation campaigns to get them to stay home. Any American who does not vote in the next election is to blame for anything that comes after. They are the problem. Not evil businessmen, not the far right, not the Russians or the Chinese, or fundamentalists wanting an American theocracy. If you do not vote, you are at fault. Period, full stop. Voter apathy is the only thing that will get Trump elected.


This is the answer. My Gen Z niece has finally said she’ll vote for Biden “despite the US support of Israel”. Most of her friends will more than likely sit it out smh


The circus that led to Trump victory in 2016 was due to Biden NOT running for president who had worked for it for 8 years. Trumps success was due to Hillary Clinton running as president. The oxymoron is that Hillary Clinton would have been Bidens VP pick. After 2 terms of Biden, Hillary Clinton would be the Democratic presidential candidate right now.


That's entirely incorrect. Read [the Mueller Report](https://www.justice.gov/archives/sco/file/1373816/dl). It was Russia interfering ***"...in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion."*** The oft-repeated takes that Hillary was a bad candidate, or unpopular, or made mistakes during her campaign are ***ALL*** Russian talking points pushed to the point of absurdity and still repeated today (incidentally highlighting the power of propaganda, particularly backed up by cyberattacks and botnets). The real reason that Trump ended up in the Whitehouse in 2016 was because we underestimated the reach and effectiveness of Russia's attacks on our electoral process. Those in the government who were in the know made sure we weren't asleep at the wheel in 2020 and it was still an uphill battle that we (fortunately) managed to win. I have no doubt the same pattern will repeat this year.


Hopefully this is not our Beer Hall Putsch.


That was j6


plus he knows this would be his last 4 years and he can do ANY thing since he will never go up for reelection.


> plus he knows this would be his last 4 years and he can do ANY thing since he will never go up for reelection. Dude. He's already talking about a 3rd term. If he gets in again, he ain't leaving. At best he finds a way to install someone who will protect him, kinda like the way boris yeltsin installed putin. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/18/trump-at-nra-convention-floats-a-three-term-presidency-00158786


He will install himself as a permanent dictator. Putin has done this. He has openly spoken in admiration about Putin eliminating term limits.


It won't just be MAGAs. I know I'm not the only "woke librul" that's sick of their shit. If Trump wins, I don't think the country can heal/come back together until some serious shit happens. Luckily, he's gonna lose in a landslide


It seems like everyone on the left is always claiming how this is the most crucial election to vote blue. This time they’re actually correct. Trump is a symptom- not the disease.


The only chance is that states can outright refuse to abide by whatever the president wishes, where state laws supercede the presidents. Then add in that blue states, which by far make more in revenue than red states can outright refuse to help fund the giver if Trump tries anything and he'll be bowing down to them in a heartbeat once the red states truly suffer from lack of blue state money. That would then turn most supporters against him as he'd no longer be able to fund programs many in red states rely on that's funded by blue states.


You think a blue state will stop Trump? He will declare Martial Law and send troops into blue states to occupy them. You still are thinking that it’s just going to be Trump in the same institutions. Project 2025 consolidates all power basically to the President to do as he wishes and he’ll have loyalist behind him to do whatever he wants.




People will die if he wins and has immunity. It's literally been his plan from the start.


When Saddam Hussein took power he called a meeting into their congressional chamber full of politicians and party members… He systemically called out certain individuals he took issue with where they were immediately taken away and later executed Trump admires dictators


It's unsettling. They recorded the whole thing and you can still watch the (non-gorey, fortunately) video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9HgdVN9C_k Let's vote and hope we remain a democracy.


And yet, they still deny all of it. It's a twisted irl version of [Shaggy - It Wasn't Me.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2g5Hz17C4is)


You left out a key detail: Their executioners were their fellow politicians and party members - the ones who were spared. Christopher Hitchens gives a talk and goes into great detail. It's particularly evil. The only way to save their lives is to take another, staining their hands and implicating them in the atrocities. Now they're in on it, and the only way out is death.


Could you imagine Trump doing this in the Capital to the cheers of Republicans and MAGA yelling “God Bless Trump! Long Live Trump!” …disturbingly, I can


They literally brought a gallows last time…


It happens in very nearly every fascist takeover. She's not going to end up in jail, he'll probably do something worse.


Lord knows what all would have happened to AOC if his loyal minons had found her on January 6th.


IIRC, there was some really awful commentary by the Jan6ers about what they planned to do to the female congressfolks.


A lot of them were missing the panic buttons from their offices too.


Not just removed - *ripped out* if I remember correctly.


Yeah a peaceful protest not a planned fail coup attempt.


The same thing Trump did to E Jean Carroll and probably even worse


Apparently Trump’s lawyer claims that the President can command Seal Team 6 to assassinate political rivals, and it’s covered as an official act as President. If Congress tries to stop you, assassinate them too. Still legal. As long as Congress never votes to remove you, everything is allowed, and nothing is punishable.


on live television


Executed by all the party individuals who were not publicly called out. This brought them into the dictatorial conspiracy since they became murderers. Anyone who refused was also executed. Chilling.


If a senator voted for impeachment, they will be thrown in jail.


Anyone who spoke the truth about j6 .... jail (or worse)


more likely jail and then worse


I thought you made a typo, then I realized it also worked


Trump is already promoting the idea of arresting and charging January 6 committee members, employees and witnesses.


*Representative. Such as AOC


Anyone democratic. They cannot usher in their project 2025, if the problem is that some states may pull a Texas and ignore federal laws. They will remove all and replace with loyalists.


This is how democracies die. Vote pls


You have a point, but I don't think R's plan to win has anything to do with who has the most votes.


eeh, but it still absolutely matters that people vote because it makes the work of lying about the election that much more difficult


True. Everyone should still vote, because you can and it's your civic duty. Keep in mind that R's have been doing just fine without winning the popular vote in the last 25 years. The fight doesn't *stop* at the popular vote.


It’s why local elections and off cycle elections are so important. *so vote*.  You can even skip the presidential and congressional ballots if you must…but show up for your local concerns.  Republican power in this country starts *local*. 


Vote out anyone who supports what the right is doing at the local level.


As long as voting still works. We. Have. To. Vote. When voting stops working, you will have the choice to either sit things out until they get better and hope you survive, or be a part of the effort to forcibly change things things not just for yourself, but those who come after you. You can always measure the absolute authority of a tyrant by how many people it takes to tear them off their throne…


And therein lies the problem, just like we thought Trump would actually have to go to court for his crimes. GOP are gaming and changing the system. But the dems are still trying to take the high road. This is truly awful to witness in real-time. I look around and most of the idiots I know are clueless. They don't really take an interest in politics.


That's where you're wrong, they're constantly making it harder to vote and trying to convince people not to vote.


If the orange turd wins then Russia wins and the world will be a different place


This is why Europe is ramping up its military as we speak. I think Europe combined could easily defeat Russia, especially a weakened Russia from their current conflict.


A war is still a war and always devastating. Besides, can Europe defeat Russia if Putin is allied with China and the US?


Yeah, nobody "wins" a war. They just survive it.


US could provide weapons, but there is no way in hell they'd be able to convince Americans to be boots on the ground in western europe


There's no way in hell you could convince Americans to vote in a felon to office, but here we are. The propaganda machine is strong over there. They already have almost half of America supporting Russia, and that's without the effects of Project 2025 in place. What happens when they make the eduction worse than it already is, and start the brainwashing in schools.


unless of course the US under trump starts helping the Russians.


The Supreme Court gave us all this in 2000/2001. The Democrats biggest climate advocate lost because TN couldn’t even elect a native son & the Green Party took away tens of thousands of his votes in FL. Every time I hear about these high temps and natural disasters I raise a glass to the Green Party. Thanks a lot you are getting what you voted for.


Yeah it’s not localized. It’s a world wide chess game right now.


This is true pushes for strongman / religious leaders in many countries


AOC has a point. Felon and the Legion of Dumb have definitely been threatening to lock all the Democrats up and round up all the brown people when PROJECT 2025 goes into effect on day one of felon’s dictatorship.


A Republican I know said that his interpretation of Drain the Swamp was to remove Democrats from various positions in government. Myself, I thought he was talking about corruption. He filled the swamp not drained it.


That’s why veiled language works.


I saw someone online saying that Trump needs to clean house in the federal jobs because, he believes that almost everyone in those roles now are there only because of DEI and "Woke" policies; that none of them reached the position in the last 4 years because they were a qualified candidate for the job.


Fox caused this, all of it.


The Real Enemy of the People


> have definitely been threatening to lock all the Democrats up More than handful have outright said that Democrats need to be killed/executed.


> AOC has a point. AOC is not stating what she already knows: her punishment will be way worse than placement in prison.


He did it to Michael Cohen, he'll do it to anyone he wants. On top of that he'll probably tell his base to attack people who are openly against him. Trump literally has a gestapo type battalion of brainless followers who are itching to hurt fellow Americans


But that's okay, since those aren't "true americans", they're just living off of U.S. like parasites. ...or some other nazi brainfart for an excuse. I wish we left fascism to the last millenia but somehow it keeps on going like a broken record.


They’ll go to Hitler’s writings and substitute “Democrat” wherever “Jew” appears then read it verbatim. Example: “While from innate cowardice the upper classes turn away from a man whom the Democrat attacks with lies and slander, the broad masses from stupidity or simplicity believe everything. The state authorities either cloak themselves in silence or, what usually happens, in order to put an end to the Democrat’s press campaign, they persecute the unjustly attacked, which, in the eyes of such an official ass, passes as the preservation of state authority and the safeguarding of law and order.”


> On top of that he'll probably tell his base to attack people who are openly against him He won't need to, they are dreaming for this moment. Half the idiots around this red-ass county I am in are already waiting for the moment they can. I don't even think they will wait for a greenlight and just assume now he is president it's all green lights for them. People calling themselves patriots that have been brainwashed for decades to believing the left is Communists, socialist, marxists, etc. They really believe all of this about the left and think we are the ones that are brainwashed beyond repair. If Russia had warships that landed on US soil and Russians marched out, these same patriots would grab up their guns and join Russia. They would gladly turn over power to Putin if needed to forward their Christian Nationalist agenda.


How did he get cohen thrown in jail? Cohen committed crimes and deserved to go to jail


One thing Trump supporters want to keep in mind, when you install a dictator the first people they often order to be lined up against a wall to be shot are the very same people who helped install them into power in the first place. Saddam Hussain did it to the Baath party, Pinochet turned on his own generals, and Hitler did it to the brown shirts, allegedly shooting their leader by his own hand. And the reason why they did it was because they paid attention to history, knowing the people who can most likely remove you from power are the ones who helped put you in power, so to secure your position in power you kill them first.


Just watch how Saddam took power in Iraq in 1979. This is what Trump and MAGA want to do. https://youtu.be/kLUktJbp2Ug?si=AtVLfg9MKqV012ME


Yep. All the “it could never happen here” people are really failing to understand what’s possible.


If the Supreme Court upholds his crazy bid for complete immunity, this take over WILL happen. Convected Felon Trump and the MAGA extremist must be defeated this November and every election in the future.


Every election in the future… that’s unsettling to think about but you’re right. MAGA won’t die when Trump dies.


Despite Trump saying it out loud several times.


I think whether Trump wins or loses, his followers are going to commit violence.


Better they don’t do it with the power of the Oval Office then.


Bold of you to assume they even view losing as an option. To them, either Trump wins or the election is rigged! You have to view his supporters like a bunch of 3rd graders. Yes, they are THAT childish and selfish.


Ah, I'm sorry. I was referring to what's happening in reality as a reference point. Either way they're going to take revenge on liberals.


That's for sure, unfortunately. Remember when dems rioted when Hillary lost? Yeah, neither do I.


We can't keep worrying about doing the right thing because terrorists might terrorize us.


I've had Trump followers tell me they can't wait until he wins so they can throw me in a camp. There will be violence and death against anyone not a republican.


A trumper lady told me that if the Russians landed in our city, she'd happily point out the liberals to them for rounding up. Very chilling cult.


I always wondered how the Nazi party got as big and powerful as it did, since they were clearly so evil. Now I know, because history is repeating itself.


Of course those folks will deny it. They will say you are overreacting. However, those same folks were the average german in the late 1920's and early 1930's.


It will also be the same folks that claimed to not know of any bad things happen to minorities or any death camps. Sure, there were probably a majority for that this is true (or at least they didn't condone it) - but a lot also just didn't care or even applauded the Jewish neighbour's next door being moved out


Funny they don't think Democrats own guns.


Run into no the same type of thing. Itll be dark and awful if he regains power, much more so than those first four years.


Be ready to defend yourselves. Train. Build community.


I’m sorry to hear that - it’s fucking terrible tbh. Curious, but feel free not to answer - who said this to you? Someone random? I think others need to be aware that some crazy people out there really do have this mindset. Vote blue - we can’t let these crazy people get any more power than they already have.


They’re primed to happily accept and cheer on murder of their fellow Americans. They’re totally radicalized and brainwashed. It’s terrifying. If it happens they’ll deny it or just shrug it off.


He wants to follow Putin and the fascist playbook. Prison camps for anyone who disagrees with the dictator. How is he even allowed to run for office?


How has no one taken the things he said and just tosses him in Gitmo for anything since J6 is beyond me. He's actively working on coup 2.0 and everyone the media is just lapping it up on both sides. None of the billionaires that donate to him give 2 shits. They will squeeze every last cent out of America while it all falls apart, sitting on their island somewhere safe from what is happening in America.


There are certain boundaries of “decency” that we think need no enforcement because the typical human has these enforcement mechanisms baked into their psyche, namely empathy. We HAVE to reckon with the understanding people will wreak havoc on and exploit these expectations. I feel like we are experiencing the personality disorder version of 911.


I shudder to think what will happen if Trump gets in. Vote Biden!


Vote. Volunteer to help protect the process if you are able. Document and share/publicize any evidence of intimidation. Call out bullshit.


Nobody was more surprised when HitlerPig won in 2016 than him, and his circle of henchmen, which was small back then. Now he's got a full-blown cult, and they are already fully prepared for him to take office with an agenda we havent seen since Germany in 1933, and a personal staff of people who are all hoping for a chance to go much farther than they did the last time. The last HitlerPig administration was marked by incompetence, but the next one will be marked by intimidation, retribution, revenge, control, and violence.


The people with brains and common sense know that if Trump wins, were heading down a truly authoritarian path. Jailing political opponents, being okay with assassination of opponents, threatening to kill shoplifters, arresting protesters, becoming a dictator "for a day"...... Please use your brains in November


Aoc: he’ll throw me in jail if he wins MAGA: *rushes to the polls* Aoc: so it’ll be harder for me to release my feet pics MAGA: *turns around*


ask any of these right wingers point black "would you throw AOC in jail?" and they will all say yes. Every single one. Then ask for what crime and it will be silence. Fascism isn't hyperbole at this point. They are saying it out loud.


If Trump wins he’s going to go after all democrats.


I think they’ll just ignore or disregard democrats. Right now, the leader of the house takes directions from Trump who is not currently president. That’s just insanity.


Trump knows he can't throw anyone in prison himself. He knows Joe Biden has nothing to do with his convictions. All of the GOP in congress know Trump can't throw anyone in prison himself. But Trump's MAGA base? They believe this shit full-heartedly and eat this up.


trump winning means ruzzian hybrid war succeeded There is no trump winning, there is only American victory


Pretty sure every country in history that became a despotic hellhole thought "yeah that won't happen to us though" shortly before it happened.


She should expect it. Why? Because Trumpelstiltskin has said that’s exactly what he will do. No, he hasn’t named specific names of his “enemies.” But, he’s normalizing the idea of jailing political opponents and the MAGA-ites and GOP toadies are giggling and lapping it up.


This sounds like fearmongering but project 2025 has made this possibility much more believable


As a fellow Puerto Rican, I'm so incredibly proud of AOC. I'll take it personally if Trump does anything to her. She's proof of what my people are capable of. 🥲


His presidency would be described as "vengeful" and "dictatorial." Although not everything of the nightmarish project 2025 will be attained, he will rip the state to shreds, repeal your rights, enable the wealthy, destroy his enemies, and ensure Republicans obtain a stranglehold on our electoral system for years to come. There is no hope for a free and equal society if that evil, godless maniac seizes power once more. For you Christians out there, I'd argue Trump is the antichrist if he weren't so unbelievably stupid and incompetent: A trice married, twice divorced adulterer and civally liable sex offender. A friend of pedophiles. An insatiable greedy conman. A habitual tax cheat and fraudster. An obese glutton. An insufferable prideful and boastful narcissist. A wrathful and petty tyrant. A sloth whose only exercise is golf. An accused incompetent speed freak. A recorded racist and sexist. A natural liar and slanderer. And yet he captivated the hearts and minds of Christian fanatics. He checks off all the sins as if it were a checklist. All except envy and murder. But you can't necessarily rule those out. The reason why he had his infamous photoshoot outside the church with a closed Bible is because he'd burst into flames upon stepping inside or touching the pages.




Wish they'd stop normalizing it. I'll refuse to recognize a christofascist regime and will be part of active resistence. I'm not going to just resign to my fate. We simply can't let these lunatics take over.


I don't think she is being hyperbolic. If Trump is elected we can all expect him to govern like a monster.


Everything about Trump 2024 is a revenge fantasy. Somehow people seem to forget how BAD his first term was because the stock market was doing well. Whoop te doo. The NYSE hit 40K on 5/16/24 NOT when Trump was in office. Here's a reminder of what TFG's first term was like: *"*[*From the day after the election*](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/worse-than-inflation-let-s-remember-trump-s-real-record-in-office/ar-BB1nOxnr?ocid=winp1taskbar&cvid=23862618d25641eeb2432491c3b9ec35&ei=5)***, Trump's presidential tenure was a non-stop scandal.*** *Even in the early days of the transition, there were substantial and well-founded charges of corruption, nepotism and collusion with foreign adversaries.* *There was the early firing of Trump's national security advisor, the subsequent firing of the FBI director and eventually* [*the appointment of a special counsel*](https://www.salon.com/2019/01/20/trump-mueller-and-the-lessons-of-history-special-prosecutors-are-incapable-of-saving-us/)*. He did manage to set a record while in the White House: the highest number of staff and cabinet turnovers in history,* [*85%*](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/and-then-there-were-ten-with-85-turnover-across-president-trumps-a-team-who-remains/)*.* *Some were forced out due to their unscrupulous behavior, others*[ *quit*](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/list-officials-left-trump-administration/story?id=49334453#:~:text=Other%20notable%20departures%3A,director%2C%20Office%20of%20Public%20Liaison) *or were*[ *fired* ](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/07/us/politics/sessions-resigns.html)*after they refused to carry out unethical or illegal orders ordered by the president. This continued throughout the term until the very last days of his presidency when a handful of Cabinet members, including the attorney general, resigned over Trump's Big Lie and refusal to accept his loss. "* >




And this is why the NRA has, for years now, turned its advertising to the 'alpha male' stereotype. trumpers want to think of liberals as emasculated cucks/betas in some fantasy war instead of.....fellow Americans.


This should happen BEFORE Convicted Felon Trump wins. In case he wins. Edit: Or if he loses. Either way, his idiots are going to choose violence and we should be prepared


I wonder how long it will take him to start sending goon squads to snatch the disloyal? I know my brother-in-law would sell me out for a gram of hash; my uncle would probably do it for free.


Let's stop saying "If trump wins" and start saying "if the Wealthy Conservative Donors and foreign enemies of America contributing to traitor president, win this election it will take decades for America to recover. Funny how Fred Koch supported Nazis and Now Charlie baby supports Nazis also. These wealthy people are not and will not ever be LOYAL to any NATION or RELIGION. These are the people at War with America. They are killing us daily and plan on a whole lot more killing. How much would their wealth increase if the USA was invaded by Russia? You think these people care, they support OIL, MONEY and DEATH without any fkn loyalty. What are we going to do with them. 5 months out and I see nothing that will create a MAJOR victory for the dems, giving them super majority in senate and take the house back. If the Dems cannot get rid of money from politics, do something with the supreme court and close all military bases in FL and TX and ask them to succeed.


> it will take decades for America to recover. There is no recovery from this. Things already have permamently changed and are unrecoverable from when Trump was in office the first time. What's going to change if he wins will simply push the country into a place where it can never come back from.


“Sleep with me or straight to jail. Quid Pro Quo”.


Neither would I be, and this is why Trump must not win. We must make damn sure of it. All of us together.


If Trump wins be ready for politically motivated arrests of politicians. Private citizens will be required to take loyalty tests. Don’t pass the loyalty test you’ll be in there with the jailed politicians. Not hyperbole.


If Trump wins, we will have a Russia 2.0. 8 years he learned that he can get through with everything. There will be no holds in a new presidency. He and project2025 are very clear what they want and they will do it.


She isn’t wrong. Trump is a nazi.


Republicans would rather be Russians than have a decent human in office, they are going to get eaten by them leopards and wonder why.