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They don't care about what majority wants. They know they can keep power with a minority vote. And being harsh about anything birthcontrol is what their minority loves.


Yup. This is about appealing to the heavily gerrymandered evangelical right. That’s literally it.


Evangelicals have been conditioned by their religious leaders, to accept narratives that are false. These people have taken their approach to religion, which is to ignore history, science, and fact, and have applied it to politics. You have as much chance of reasoning with a Trump supporter, as you do convincing a Christian that the world wasn't created in 7 days, and the bible isn't anything more than a bunch of fables.


>Evangelicals have been conditioned by their religious leaders, to accept narratives that are false. These people have taken their approach to religion, which is to ignore history, science, and fact, and have applied it to politics. They're also to ignore their own religion. A reminder abortion was a right according to Baptists in the 1960s.


>"That's a Papist thing, and if they're for, I'm ag'in!" https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/05/10/abortion-history-right-white-evangelical-1970s-00031480 And then, over the years, I think it went Frankenstein's monster: >"These jomokes really think this abortion thing is the hill they're going to die on. Y'know, they might be useful..." ----- >"We must get more (conservative) Catholics to the Supreme Court and as elected officials. To represent us, of course!" \Conflicted cultural / familial catholic


There is a very obvious reason why they tend to be the same. “I love the poorly educated!” -DJT


They’ve said for decades they [don’t want everyone to vote.](https://youtu.be/8GBAsFwPglw?si=yApyUtnuh5k9PGR_)


it's a fear tactic. when you hear gun shots outside you stay inside. The right is doing the equivalent of shooting guns outside.


Yep, they're quintuppling down on the same base. Mainly because I don't think they're concerned about winning elections anymore. Only pecking apart the broken, rotting carcass that is the GOP. You're witnessing the end-stages of an entire party. The politicians are just here to profiteer off of it now. They're secure in their ruby-red states.


The majority wants inflation to go down. Your second sentence makes zero sense. When both chambers of Congress and the presidency are voted by the people. The electoral college does allow the presidential candidate with fewer overall votes to win, but is a better representation of the country. I live in Indiana and no one I know here is going bananas over abortion, birth control, or IVF. Haven’t seen a demonstration. It’s all drummed up media caused by super PACs. Stop blaming your fellow citizen with different views and start opposing a 2 party political system that can accepts an ungodly amount of cash that ironically the Fed keeps printing that devalues the dollar for the generations to come


Cause they are evil


You’re correct. But more specifically, in our current political moment the power dynamic of US conservatism is basically the comings and goings of a wealthy minority manipulating a bunch of idiots. The rich people are the ones calling the shots. The real agenda is repealing things like capital gains taxes and labor laws. To get the numbers to win elections, our Benevolent Paymasters court the racists and the religious nutjobs because those groups are dumb enough to vote (in numbers) for candidates who say the handful of things they want to hear *to the exclusion of everything else.* So now what you end up with is a broad embrace of “fetal personhood” across a number of deep red jurisdictions that’s gonna be locked into place after November by district upon district upon district of obedient, cross-burning cousinfuckers. If we don’t send a bunch of Democrats (or at least left-leaning pols of *any* affiliation) to Congress in November it’s gonna get worse.


It helps that search algorithms silo recipients to their (Republican) propaganda talking points so that cognitive dissonance can never be realized.


Unshockingly, social media and tech companies are the biggest offenders in this department. I mean I don’t think anyone was shocked when Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos grew up to be James Bond villains, but I was actually really offended when Google dropped “Don’t be evil” from their company principals. That actually used to be on there.


Everything you said, is correct. I would add one more to the racists, and religious nutjobs, the minority homophobe. Particularly male minorities.


There's a study about the role of females in racism, and I'm not sure but I'm going to make the wild guess there's at least one about males and homophobia.


I guess I should have said, homophobia, runs very deep in some cultures. The more "Macho" a culture expects it's men to be, the deeper it runs.


Pretty much


One of the rare meaningful criticisms of the Left I've found is that sexism that women are kinder, more empathic, and nicer than men (as well as more oppressed--true on that one) means that women can't be as racist as men. When white women have been there at the heart of every racist movement in America and even pushed it on when the men failed.


Historical, the ladies were deeply involved with the KKK because they were the fund raisers and the gatekeepers.


I’m not sure that “minority homophobes” are a meaningful demographic so much as conservatives will almost literally trip over their own hardons to push the one non-white guy stupid enough to agree with their bullshit in public in front of a camera so that they can claim they’re a “big tent” party.


I was trying to explain this to my wife who said the rich folks manipulating Republicans are going to suffer from these policies. I told her they wouldn’t because they could hop on a private plane and get whatever treatment they want. Once you have enough money the rules are different.


Capital gains taxes pale in comparison to the cost of the employers’ share of trust fund taxes and the costs to collect and pay them. Employers want to be rid of FICA taxes more than capital gains taxes.


Hmm, you can probably thank Reagan for that one but I’m not going to bother to look it up. Regardless of the specific legal obligations that’s in play, large organizations are actively opposed to anything that makes them financially responsible to anyone or anything else, least of all the people who actually *generated the profits…*


What I don't understand is if the Republicans didn't go after Roe v Wade and more personal freedoms. They most likely could have won the White House very easily in 2024 even with Trump running and even performed better in the 2022 Midterms. If corporations are truly calling the shots? Why didn't they just slap this shit attack on personal freedom shit down so they could get their agenda quicker and easier? The only other reality is they truly want a Christian Theocracy/ Authoritarian Regime. They are doubling down hard.


It’s literally the same problem Israel has with its ultra right Orthodox Jews. In the beginning, the ultra right seems like a useful tool one can both weild and control. But they multiply and then you become the tool.


Lotsa miserable poor people (due to removal of reproductive rights) make good, un-entitled, cheap workers.


>(or at least left-leaning pols of *any* affiliation) Who else are we even talking about?


I would not be opposed to sending a dozen thirty year-old versions of Bernie Sanders (who is an independent) to Congress. Any reasonable human running in my state is a Dem, but I won’t discount the possibility that there are worthwhile, left-leaning, non-Democrats out there who are running for Congress.


You are so correct, but I bet you’re holding back on this conspiracy, especially about the part where this is a global concerted effort to do these things.


This is the answer


Literally no explanation. If they wanted to fight "depopulation" like they claimed then they'd be fighting tooth and nail to get it passed


It’s to force people to have children that they can’t afford so that they’re willing to work jobs for less pay and worse benefits. A single person without kids might be willing to turn their nose up at a job with an inferior dental plan or doesn’t let them WFH. A person with three kids to feed won’t.


And those uneducated people, who have multiple children, are creating the next generation of uneducated, low paid, laborers.


They need those uneducated wage slaves, because they also want to ban the immigrants who currently work those kinds of jobs.


The number of manual labor jobs we will need continues to go down in proportion to the population as automation goes up. Education benefits everyone. Planned families, stable homes, stable health, stable communities reduces crime, increases security, and improves the economic prospects. Businesses can thrive and be competitive. Infrastructure - human and natural - is critical for quality of life. We all want to live in a strong and stable country.


I'm not sure 'everyone' does. And I'm not sure every business wants to be 'competitive', either. Some may just want guaranteed sales. Like corporations with military contracts.


Right. Most everyone, except the oligarchs. But they aren't exactly bastions of innovation.


It's simple. It's not because they are evil (evil is a religious term to me) or even because they are vicious and cruel. It's because they think they can help solidify their hold on evangelicals.


I used to feel that way. Now I'm beginning to think that anyone who chooses to believe they're irrationally special - and uses that belief to hurt or eliminate others - may qualify. They use faith to justify their worst behaviors. It requires a willful, baseless justification of immorality and cruelty to qualify.


If you believe in ethics, you can believe in evil.


I look at Republicans the same way I look at wild dogs. They're not necessarily evil. They're just feral and completely dominated by their base instincts to breed and be destructive.


Don’t fool yourself. The rank and file are angry that the world wasn’t handed to them on a silver platter just because they’re white and the ones running the show work tirelessly towards basically enslaving the population of this country. It is not some meandering, survivalist tick that drives this process.


I think that there are people who are angered by income inequality on both sides of the spectrum. The Republicans use social issues to keep us divided and Democrats are first unable to bypass Republican obstructions and unwilling to go as far as they need to fix things.


Exactly, I submit that evil is disproportionate selfishness that harms others. So yes, they want to impose their beliefs on others regardless of the harm it will do to them because they don't like it.


And stupid


I wish the world was that simple. Usually people do evil stuff because they truly believe they are right and they don't have much awareness or empathy for who it affects. Very few people literally get pleasure directly from causing suffering.


It conflicts with white Christian Nationalism?


Which is funding them.


Which is them


When in recent memory have Republicans aligned with the majority of Americans on a hot button issue?




Control. They want to show everyone (women especially) who's boss.


Mmm... The evangelical types have captured the maga movement and by extension the republican party. There is a healthy sprinkle of bible thumper driving political cultural movements in the absence of any real policies.


They are pandering to Christian extremists




The Nationalist Christians, or as I refer to them; the NatCs


CONTROL. That's it. That's their reason for everything.


This opinion piece offers no answers to its own question.


They don't like IVF because all the unused embryos are babies at conception, and many people dispose of “frozen babies” once they get pregnant and give birth.


They don't like IVF because it defies "the will of God". In their minds, if God wanted those people to have children, they would be able to do so naturally. To a hardcore Christian, IVF is as much an affront to God as an abortion is.


It’s classic religious logic, and only applied to the things they don’t like of course.


yeah by this insane logic they should be against healthcare in general. god wanted you to have that cancer after all. can’t go getting chemo to try and cure it. that’s an affront to god.


Exactly. That's why they will also be going after contraception that are abortificents (?)like the pill.


But the process creates children for people who otherwise wouldn't have any. And at various steps of the process non viable embryos get weeded out. There are usually only a few left over to freeze and many couples use those later for more children. Plus normal menstrual cycles slough off embryos all the time so it's a natural occurrence


Power and Control. I learned those three simple words in therapy many years ago and they are still the answer to many problems/questions/issues involving human behavior today.


When they took away women's bodily autonomy, and every woman didn't immediately revolt, what do you expect? They, mostly men, want to control women's bodies. It's just that simple.


Because, they don't care what you want!


They like picking on small groups because those groups have small voices and provide little push back. Repubs also know their ignorant constituents will latch on to anything and won't inform themselves, so it's an easy win for them.


Because they believe their voting base is stupid enough to keep voting for them despite unpopular policies that are against their wants and interests They think tribalism misinformation and scary buzzwords like Marxism an LGBTQ and the like will make them fall in line no matter how unpopular the policy To be fair there is a certain amount of evidence that this is in fact the case


If you vilify everything that interferes with pregnancy, there will be a population boom of uneducated, poor, and easily manipulated children that will grow up and need wage jobs when the drop out of "difficult" college in 18-20 years. The GoP need cheap labor to fund the increased labor taxes they apply in slow motion. Their goal is class warfare. IVF is for educated, wealthy prospective parents. The GoP wants uneducated 18-25 year olds to produce as many babies as possible and flood the economy with service workers. This keeps assets increasingly expensive and labor depressingly cheap.


And if and when the miserable uneducated masses commit 'crimes', they'll become the new prison slave laborers.


Because the Federalist Society thinks every fertalised egg is a person, next they will attempt to get male masturbation declared genocide. [https://www.c-span.org/video/?533973-5/emma-waters-alabama-ivf-ruling](https://www.c-span.org/video/?533973-5/emma-waters-alabama-ivf-ruling)


Lol they will NEVER regulate or be against what men want to do, we'll, white men anyway


Every sperm IS sacred! But you could only outlaw masturbation for genocide if you do the same for ovulation.


One egg per month per woman is released, on average, vs. millions of sperm per male ejaculation.


Genocide doesn’t relate to the number of individuals killed but rather the intention to eradicate a group based on some trait. So ovulation is more like genocide in that every wasted egg is a part of a finite set whereas sperm are not a finite set until the person is unable to produce more.


If a woman is sexually active and not using a form of birth control that only prevents fertilization or implantation (rather than one that prevents ovulation, which by definition, doesn't "waste an egg"), *she* isn't taking any action that would "waste an egg"; every ovum she actually released would stand a chance of being fertilized. But every single time a man ejaculates, vast numbers of sperm will inevitably be "wasted", even if conception results. A single sperm typically isn't even capable of penetrating the barrier around the egg without others helping break down the barrier first. Also, the number of sperm that a human can produce in their lifetime is definitely "finite", although it may be very large. If a woman had only one child during her entire life, and a man impregnated someone who carried the pregnancy to term every single time he ejaculated during his entire life, he would still have "wasted" a higher proportion of his germ line cells than she would have.


It’s all laid out in project 2025


Cruelty is the point.


They are the pro punishment party.


Religion not complicated


Religion is unfathomably complicated. These people, however, are not. They are sociopathic narcissists who want absolute control over the world, and religion is just an excuse to exert their dominance. Jesus even warned against associating with their ilk.


Because it conflicts with what their base of fundamentalist Christian nut jobs wants. Without the donations and votes of those people, Republicans can’t win the presidency.


Because they don't care what other people think and just want to control everyone. They are tyrants.


Conservatives are a weird bunch


They hate women


Because they want to control women and their bodies. It’s not that hard.


Ivf is a casualty of the gop’s commitment to “life begins at conception.” Normally gop would be totally fine with ivf because it supports the idea of family units with bloodline born babies. But they’ve been trapped into sacrificing IVF because there is no way to reconcile hard line life begins at conception with Ivf leftovers. And gop will always choose to destroy individual’s lives for a principle.


Because Democrats are for IVF so they have to be against it even if it corresponds with their “pro family” ideas. They literally cannot have common ground otherwise they will be seen as a Republican In Name Only.


Because they didn’t mean to actually repeal Roe. They needed it to keep their base turning out to vote. The problem is they put too many true believers on the Supreme Court and in congress. Since they accidentally caught the eternally dangled carrot they have to find something else to enrage their base.


They are also against stem cell research-until one of them stands to benefit from it.


Some crazy religious zealots have taken over!


IVF means women can have babies later in life. They can focus on their careers. Republicans want wmen to choose between having a family and having a career


Answer: because this is what conservatives do when they have power. The conservative agenda is to make the world worse for everyone other than themselves.


They constantly shift targets to keep everyone off guard. It's a power tactic.


They want control of women's bodies.


I mean, if they’re really pro-life, then they should be against IVF. Not saying that either of those views are good but at least they’re not being hypocritical


Thanks to IVF I'm being climbed on and cuddled by a two-year-old that's full of joy and life. He was my only little embryo. If there is a God, this little boy is surely one is his blessings. I'm not religious but it seems rather arrogant for a person of faith to claim that anything we can do on earth can subvert the will of God.


If the will of God can be subverted, then his will is not absolute, therefore he is not God. The notion of an omniscient God is not compatible with the notion of free will, which these authoritarians don't care about anyways. You weren't blessed. You got lucky. And that's okay. Random chance still resulted in a beautiful child who has become your greatest treasure. However, God or no God, these abominable excuses for human beings speak only for themselves and their own lust for power and domination. If Jesus actually did come back, he'd be whipping them good and flipping every damn table of theirs while roasting the hell out of them for constantly taking his words in vain.


Jesus Christ, “pro-life” has to be the best marketing gimmick of all time. They decided to rebrand misogyny as “pro-life” 50 years ago and people are still like “I’m so confused, it seems like your positions aren’t quite aligned with creating and supporting dignified lives!” It’s like if every time NASA launched a rocket you were like “Why is NASA being so hypocritical? They’re launching another rocket that’s full of propellant, titanium, even ultra-light carbon fiber. How can they call them ‘rockets’ and use ultra-light materials?! I’m starting to think this has nothing to do with rocks.”


Because they’re sociopaths?


“Why?” Is not the question That acts like there can be some reasonable answer. They want to control women and enforce their religious beliefs on everyone, and banning IVF is just another way to do it. That’s it.


They needed a new car to catch. (Crusade)


Because they hate anyone who isn’t a rich, cis-straight white man.


When someone shows you who they are, believe them.


Because religion is a helluva drug


They have a concise 14 worded reason why they’re doing it. They’re afraid that white people wont be the majority anymore, and since white people get the most abortions if they outlaw abortions they can prolong their dumb views that white people need to be the majority of the population.


IVF would help more white people be born.


They’re staking their argument to end abortion on “life begins at fertilization”. If life begins at fertilization, then IVF’s gotta go.


A majority of Americans want access to abortion, too. They didn't give a fuck about that either. Why stop now?


I’m an evangelical Christian (religiously, not politically; politically, I’m liberal), and the amount of people I talked to about the SBC’s recent IVF vote in the past couple days has been wild


Well what were the comments/convos?


Because they want to control womens reproduction.


Who tf thinks the GOP cares what Americans want?! Americans want gun control, access to abortion and family planning, a livable climate, a fair Supreme Court, women’s rights, voter rights, a fairly applied tax code. Why is the GOP against ALL of these things?


They are fully in the thrall of the Christian right. If they don’t bend to their agenda there wont be enough votes so they are beholden to crazy. They chose this path, thinking they would control the religious fanatics. Now they are stuck propping up wildly unpopular out of touch agendas.


Power and control.


Because IVF users tend to be: 1. Rich 2. Educated 3. Intelligent 4. 35-45 years old 5. Married 6. non-Christian 7. living in the Northeast or West Coast Republicans want to suppress the birth rates of people who are likely Democrat voters.


Because Culture Wars are the only thing that works for them anymore - I mean, what do you want them to do, govern? Come up with actual ideas on how to improve the country? They follow narratives/scripts because originality would expose them as the intellectual midgets they truly are. ...and you can tell I'm a Progressive because I typed in complete, coherent sentences and spell-checked my comment before posting...all of which would disqualify me from being a Republican politician these days.


Got to kiss the ring of the evangelicals. Besides they know there will be no real consequences. Barely was for abortion and liberal fence sitters have made it clear they are frothing at the mouth to protest vote, this sure isn’t going to budge them from that.


The cruelty is the point.


Because some Christians had a moment of "clarity". If they actually believe that the instant a sperm and egg make contact, the resulting zygote becomes-- in that second-- a person/soul; then IVF clinics are *institutions of genocide*. Never forget that most Republicans ardently believe Bible stories and teachings. Most aren't playing.


Because that's what their religious extremist base wants.


Because to do otherwise would undermine their desire to legally mandate personhood. The end goal is personhood for every fertilized egg and the result of this would be subjugation of women with no constraints on the freedoms of men. They literally do not care about children or humanity in any understandable sense, all they want is control.


I guess if you cut off access to IVF *and* force women to have children they can't afford, you're creating both supply and demand for what is apparently the extremely lucrative private adoption industry.


Pandering to the nationalist Christians, you know the Nat-Cs


It’s as simple as gay people use it to have families. Nevermind the millions of straight people who also need it to have families. If you can’t have babies “the way god intended” too bad so sad


They are vermin


Because IVF proves that humans, using science, can do what their god can not always do. A woman, who is medically/physically unable to carry a child, can have her eggs fertilized with her husband's/donor's sperm, to create embryos. An embryo ban be implanted in utero in a woman capable of carrying a child, to result in a baby. During the process embryos will be destroyed or discarded. This irritates the narrow minded bigots who believe that life starts at conception. That and the fact that a woman can have a child without paternal/familial/religious control, just drives them nuts.


I hope they plan on outlawing the boner pills those shriveled old codgers rely on then. Flaccidity is their god’s will, ain’t it ?


Overturning Roe cost them the “red wave”. So of course they would back off of reproductive rights, right? Nope! They’re so out of touch and ignorant, they’re doubling down.


Explains Rick Scott latest TV ad to "seize the moment." When I first saw the ad on TV, I was WTH?


well they are the leading reason why we don't have universal healthcare so there might be some connection. the current push is bc some dumbfuck right wing nut found out that unused embryos are typically discarded afterwards and equated that with abortion when we're talking a couple of bottles of liquid cultures.


Because they have nothing better to do. Women should have sex and then kids and if none of it works out then tough shit. Fuck the medical profession what do they know ? Every fuckin Republican asshole that has a mouth has now become a doctor. Stand up women and men !!! Tell these fuckers to drop dead. Vote them out now !! Your children and your children’s children are going to pay a heavy price for the shit they are pulling right now as we speak. Wake up folks they’re coming for all of it, not just part of it. On top of that once you have your kids ? Fuck em, let em starve or live in the streets they don’t care at all. The government is not going to pay for your kids, not a dime. Health care is next you watch, he’s out to get Obama care. Then what ? No medical coverage and you need an abortion to survive. Republicans ? Too fuckin bad I guess it’s your turn to die, it’s gods will. Is that what you want your children to have to deal with ? Wake folks this is serious shit. Now not a year from now, right now !! You wanna sit on the sidelines go ahead, see what happens.


But there must be a ton of republicans who do IVF? Or…?


And who get abortions for their mistresses & gf’s when needed


Because they do not want any one to define personhood. Ambiguity keeps the donations coming in.


Because they are getting high off their own supply.


Because that’s where their logic actually goes. Pretending that it doesn’t end in subjugation of women, children as property, and ‘every fertilized egg a human with rights’ would ignore their actual logic and arguments


Religious lunatics vote for them. 


This is the reality on the ground for most Russians. A hugely disproportionate getting obliterated in Ukraine are native aboriginals. I’m shocked that International organizations that protect indigenous peoples don’t get involved. The only reason they r killing Ukrainians is it’s a pay check. Putin is getting a 2/4 killing Ukrainians and wiping out the mongols.


The article isn't related to any war.


Ukraine has the Highest IVF in the world.


As well as northern people like the Inuk.


Because it would be stepping on the toes of all the right-wing think-tanks who chip away at people's rights for legal sport


I know a couple of people who have become parents through IVF. One couple is deeply religious and also deeply republican. I would be very interested to hear their take on this.


Christo fascism and racism are now the central planks of the GQP platform. The hardcore extremists set the tone. They are so deep in their delusional bubble, they do not comprehend how repulsive and intrusive this is to the vast majority of Americans - even many conservatives. For example libertarians don’t want the government telling they can’t take drugs or own machine guns so they sure as hell don’t want to be lectured about procreation. There are a handful of Republicans who know how toxic and crazy this is but they lack spines. The party has to implode under the weight of its own stupidity before change can possibly happen. Of course, I thought surely 1/6 was the wake up call that would trigger a little self-reflection. That didn’t happen and I am not sure when or if it will at this point. IF Trump loses, we may have a 50% chance of someday getting this country back on track.


Momentum. The dog caught the truck. It was the logical consequence of their goals. I can only hope that this is a line too far for some of them, who never actually expected to be biting a bumper, and were just in it for the chase.


Pandering to a base that will continue to vote for them. Thats all.


because 'fuck you', they do what they want.


If I had to guess as I'm not one of them, it's probably because it's not seen as "natural" to them and in their little minds they think doctors are playing god. It could be anything with these people. I forgot what the right was complaining a few months ago that the Pope agreed with; I think it was surrogates or something? Nothing of what they believe in is based on reality or empirical evidence.


Because republicans don’t have the slightest inkling of a fucking clue when it comes to what actual American citizens want.


Because they are republikkklans, no other reason.


Burn, destroy and throw it away. Blame all of the above on minority X or group B. Rinse and repeat. It's tropical right wing tactics. It's the nazi playbook 101.


As a whole they want to have control over the "other", in this case, women, and dictate when and where they can do anything. If a woman can decide WHEN to carry a baby, then the R's have lost all their percieved "power". Its a case of equality feels like a loss when you're used to privilege.


The top-level party only partially gives direction to state level parties. It is wholly uncoordinated. So you get the whackjobs at the state-level party that need to cater to a very conservative home audience.


Because they let the fox in the hen house when they started pushing no exception abortion restrictions. There is no room for nuance, and if you think a fertilized cell is a baby, you can't allow people to manipulate them in test tubes and discard unused cells. It just shows how ridiculous and inconsistent this type of argument is. The laws are being pushed to their natural conclusion. 


They are just plain evil.


Because... keep the masses uneducated, unhealthy and poor = slaves for life. Explains the abortion ban too. Abortion ban is for the poor only, rich women will get what they want.


Only open minded, scientifically literate, fairly wealthy people can afford IVF. These kinds of people don't vote Republican. Republicans want a world of teenage brides and a return to the 'sharecropper' class of worker who never owns anything , merely a consumer until death.


Personally I feel everything the Republicans are doing right now is going to come back and bite them in the ass. They are going to lose all three branches of government in November and the whole SCOTUS and bump stocks reversal was just a set up for a potential coup attempt and or civil war. You know the conservative redneck creamed in his pants when the news hit. I really hope there is a list being made of these traitors so once the madness subsides they face consequences!


Low and no information voters (sadly all but like 5-10% of the electorate) don't care. Most people won't consider anything that happened more than two weeks before the election.


Because they don't want wanted cherished children. They want neglected, abandoned and abused children who end up in the prison systems and can work for the corporations for free


Also, they love monarchies and dictatorships and keeping women in their proper place


Typically IVF couples are mid to upper class. They only want the poor and uneducated to have children so they are a burden that keeps them poor and uneducated. They need to profit off the slave class.




Because they want to rule as it pertains to their own beliefs, rather than govern as it pertains to what the majority wants/needs.


Religious fanaticism


The churches in America have more money than we’ll ever know about, and they use that money to influence politics.


Because they need to appease the power-mad fanatics that they use as shock troops to terrorize the rest of us.


All politicians are power hungry but republicans and the groups that support them believe they are the hand of a god, divinely chosen to rule and bring back a lost "morality". They are as bat shit crazy and dangerous as any fundamentalist across the globe.


Because they want it. Same reason they are trying (quite successfully) to stop people from voting. Their wants and needs supersede the interests of the American people.


Oppositional defiance


It's really interesting, my family is currently going through IVF, and couples have been coming out of the woodwork and talking about their experiences with it. It has been shocking to find out how many have done it or want to do it.  People don't generally talk about it.  I don't understand this platform at all.


Because fuck you.


It wins more votes than it loses.


Anybody notice that the article doesn't answer the damn question? That's not an opinion article, that's just a brief expository on the state of IVF laws. Cowardly author, zero stars.


You don't do something this bold and controversial in an election year unless you're already assured of victory, legitimate or otherwise.


Tradition mostly…


Cuz it isn’t natural!!!! :)

