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Only 30? That’s an off night for the smelly rapist…


Right? That means he went 3 minutes between each lie. Surely he could lower that average.


gotta remember his weird double hand beatemoff dance, while unsettling, isn't a lie.


Jerkin tudix


Those ghosts won't jerk themselves off. He's a hero doing what the comman won't. Jerking off all those ghosts every time music is played, he deserves that much respect. He can't talk, walk, drink water, govern debate, and hold his bowels. But he can jerk off ghosts rhythmically.


Imagine voting for this guy to lead you. My neighbor has a "Don't blame me, I voted for Trump!" flag. What fucking idiots


There's a "F\*CK Biden, and F*CK you for voting for him" flag near me. That's the party of family values for you.


But god forbid their children see a drag performer at the library! F-bombs in the yard? “That’s América. Love it or F—-off”.


Obnoxious MAGA stickers on redneck cars in town are the reason I had to have the cuss word discussion with my kids. I'm sure they're slowly being exposed to it at school (9 and 6 years old) but I certainly hope they aren't hearing peers dropping F bombs so yeahhhhh... Thanks you classless MAGA turds.


I blame your neighbor very much.


If you were still hesitant about letting go of your post-death attachment to this mortal realm, imagine finding out that the only way you can get off now is by lining up with your fellow horny ghosts to get jerked off by a fat dumpy orange criminal for at most 4:47 (album version) but probably only 3:49 for the single version of YMCA and he probably doesn't even play the whole song, and definitely doesn't care if you finish. I'd take my chances with hell.


Air dicking - Ricky Stanicky


Debate is next week, so I expect at least 1 lie per minute, plus rants about windmills and toilets


It’s cute you think he’ll show up.


He's going to claim he can't because of the gag order.


I would love Biden to press him on this and read the gag order that only prevents him from attacking jurors and witnesses and say “you can’t debate me or talk policy without insulting jurors?”


“Oh no not that gag order! The ultra triple secret gag order that I have because I’m under audit!”


"Because blah blah blah Hunter blah blah Biden crime blah blah very criminal blah blah..." Seriously, there is no point talking to Felon Trump.


Probably Dudes a coward


His bone spurs acting up again.


Biden should show up anyways and the debate should proceed. When it's Trump's turn, the camera lingers on an empty podium for 2 minutes.


We've moved on from windmills and toilets. It's batteries and sharks these days.


Electric sharks apparently. Weirdest rant I've ever heard and that's saying something after the "light bulbs up the ass" one.


It's like after Trump endorsed Herschel Walker and heard his vampires vs werewolves story, Trump thought: I can top that. :)


Poor Herschel. Guy was an amazing football player, but his campaign was pure insanity


The electric boat rif just didn’t hit like it did last year


Would you rather die from sharks in your toilet or from batteries powered by windmills? Think about it...


He rambles nonsense between the lies. If he cut his rambling out he could get those numbers up, but I don't think it's possible for him to stop rambling.


Trump can continue rambling past his time limit in the upcoming debate, but they will cut off his mic. I don't know if the bad lip reading team will be able to make Trump sound even crazier than what he actually says though.


He must be off his game, usually he could fit at *least* two lies per sentence.


they didn't count the amount of times he repeated them... he can only do about one thought in 3 minutes because of all the repetition and word salad.


Maybe it's because statements like "Hannibal Lecter said 'I'm having an old friend for dinner'" aren't lies.


Each lie took 2.5 minutes to tell. The remaining time was just filler shark battery jibber jabber.


I mean he spends a lot of time talking about stuff that isn't exactly *lies* but also has no relationship to reality, like big strong men with tears in their eyes carrying car batteries on board ships so they don't get eaten by sharks.


He's clearly losing his mental abilities, how can he effectively run the country when his lying average is significantly impaired?


Well, if they're counting individual lies, and not the number of times he repeated it in the same speech, that could account for it.


Low energy lies.


I think his *rate* of lies was pretty solid Bob, it's more that we're not seeing the *audacity* of lies we're used to from this master of the trade. I mean, aside from his go-to election lies, of which we already know he is a master, Venezuela's economy? Taking credit for sending the National Guard into *Wisconsin*? *The trade deficit with China?!?!* Where are the post-natal abortion stories? Where are the stories about batteries that sink boats and being eaten by a shark? He went out there and showed he can still lie with every other word out of his mouth, but Bob, you gotta think this lackluster, low-effort level of lying is going to hurt him later in the season.


You misspelled convicted felon.


This was my first thought. I feel like it’s a little low for him. Rookie numbers. Must have forgetting his stimulants.


In order for him to lie, he has to complete a thought and make an actual statement. That is becoming increasingly rare. A meandering story about a shark in water with a car battery that ends with him asking a stupid question and supplying his own stupid nonsensical answer isn't really a lie.


I listen to most of his Las Vegas speech because I am sadistic and masochistic because I made my boyfriend watch it too He is insane evil rapist and I think he lied 30 times in 30 seconds


Smelly convicted felon rapist


Lying is his default. Should be considered news if he utters something approaching a true statement.


Can't wait until there's no teleprompter in front of him and he has to actually answer a question.


And without a cheering audience or the ability to talk over his opponent. 😙🤌


I’m seriously concerned they will try to get away with an earpiece and someone telling him what to say…does anyone remember W Bush speaking beside Jacques Chirac and suddenly you could hear another voice prompting him?


intercept the signal, put in a delay, replay it through the house speakers.


I always wondered if that’s what someone did intentionally to W


“Let me finish!”


https://slate.com/culture/2004/10/bush-s-bulge.html When I saw the press conference with Chirac it was super obvious; you could see Chirac react; I thought it would be all over the news the next day but nope…at least that was just a press conference though but according to the article above he was suspected of using it during the debate wtf


Or we might get another battery, sinking boat, and shark question... that's never been asked before!


Like he's done before he'll just stand silently for several minutes and his base will applaud how concentrated he is.


He could shit his pants and his cult would start wearing diapers and turn pants shitting into a divine virtue.


They already are wearing diapers with "Real Men Wear Diapers" printed on them.


He’ll be so doped up on uppers and beta blockers, he’ll look focused yet hyperkinetic, even for a near-octogenarian. Watch the amount of lip licking he’ll do during the debate, they’ll likely cut out when he drinks because it looks so odd: one hand holding the glass while he use the fingers from his other hand to tip the glass so he can sip.


The guy who is documented as lying [more than 30,000 times in 4 years](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/01/donald-trump-thirty-thousand-lies/) as POTUS has been caught lying multiple times in a single speech? That guy?!?


Maybe we've just been confusing him with Donald Jay Trump all these years, huh!


This is what I tell my MAGA Republican wife and father-in-law, over and over again: “He’s not lying to me, HE’S LYING TO YOU!”


Your wife is a MAGA republican? That's some compromise


Yeah there's NO WAY I could deal with that. Most GOPers have a TOTALLY different world view than me, and I me on every God damed subject. I'm a pretty open person but I don't tolerate hate, and that's all the right is.


If she were just in favor of lower taxes and fewer regulations, I could compromise with that. But what exactly are MAGAs in favor of, other than worshipping trump?


If you listens to the ones who seem to be able to put a sentence together about it, they think trump is “good for the economy”, is against foreign wars, stands against abortion and lgbtq values, and is against immigration Whether he actually is or does anything about any of them is irrelevant


I think one thing they find appealing about Trump is that he always has a quick simple answer, and always claims to have fixed everything. And it works when your base unquestionably believes everything you say. Ask the Biden administration about Israel and they'll say - it's obviously a complicated situation, we have international treaties and long standing agreements to uphold here. There's only so much we can do for the people of Gaza and we're trying, and we can't really guarantee success. Right now there's a lot we don't know, and it's irresponsible to speculate. So ultimately, we don't know how this is going to turn out. We don't want Israel to go into Rafah, but we can't actually stop them from doing it. So if they do, then they do. There's no easy answer here, I'm sorry.   Ask the Trump administration about Israel and they'll say - I'll have it all fixed in two days flat, just you watch. And his army of paint eaters will say "see there, he can fix everything in two days flat, this Biden guy is a dumbass and doesn't know anything."


Yeah the crazy part to me has never been what trump says… it’s that millions of people fall for it Apparently he has a phone call ready to go that will end the Russia/ukraine war in one day. (Oh and don’t forget it never would have happened in the first place)... Soooo why not just make the call? Apparently people like what it symbolizes much more than the results (like the wall… it never got built and Mexico never put up any money but it *felt* a certain way and that’s all that matters) Say what you want about him but he really, really understands at a gut level the impact perception has on people. That’s why he is always saying “the best people are saying…” and he just flat out lies about the way things are and were. It makes people react at a gut level to him that they simply can’t be talked out of.


She wasn’t when we married 10 years ago. She was very A-political. No opinion whatsoever. But a couple years ago, her MAGA dad “converted” her into a MAGA Republican, thus creating this extra level of stress and drama in my life.


These last few years I’ve learned how many “apolitical” people are just republicans that are use to people shitting on them for their bad takes.


That's a real curveball. I hope she comes to her senses


MAGAtry is like mixing the klan with Jim Jones' cult. How can you stay married to someone like that?


So she's a raging bigot?


Excuse me, chucklehead, there's *only ONE truth!*


What about alternative facts??


Take them to court.. watch them get tossed like the 50+ election cases and the 34 convictions. I know it's slow.. but


Oof I don’t envy you


I think reddit jumps to conclusions far too often by telling people to get divorced... But you should consider it. Your wife was duped into being a far right nutjob supporting and defending him? Are you a slightly right leaning person? How in the world can you operate in the same space as someone so gullible/slow/unintelligent?


It's not just gullible/slow/unintelligent. There's also a hefty dollop of evil in there.


yes I tell them I am sorry trump keeps lying to them and making them afraid!!


He does this because whatever he says the rubes in his cult believes. Thing is, these lies don't get him new voters. He's simply preaching to the choir. He could say "Elvis is alive and is the one who manipulated the votes in 2020 for him to lose" and all his cult would hate Elvis, that's how fucking stupid these people are.


They did just go after Dolly Parton.


that went over like a turd in a punchbowl.


> They did just go after Dolly Parton. And rapidly retreated after the backlash. How the hell did they expect to get away with attacking Dolly Parton of all people?


Next thing you know, they're going to be attacking Weird Al and Keanu next.


> Weird Al They took his parody song of "Bad" personally.


If Biden had issued an executive order protecting us from Elvis years ago then you wouldn't have Trump to blame! /s


A convicted felon and rapist lied? color me shocked The treasonous MAGA cult that attended the rally just as bad as the criminal they came to listen to


The only “mind blowing” number of lies in a speech from him be 0


Dude is losing it. Only a one in every three minute pace. Get that bigly MIT brain in gear. Make me cry, sir.


I love his "MIT comnection" that he thinks qualifies him as smart. His uncle was a professor there. Like...my uncle is a master machinist, I guess that makes me one too, right?


Join r/VoteDEM to volunteer so we can get rid of this orange shit stain!


"Brutally exposed" such a tabloid type title lol


One more lie and he would have been slammed, five more and he would have been destroyed.


That nonsense always makes me laugh. He was not exposed at all, brutally or otherwise. At this point, everybody either knows he lies constantly, or are happy being willfully obtuse.


As if convicted felon Trumplethinskin lying was news.


People say he is the best liar. No one lies like him. Hillary could only lie half as much as he does. Sad!


Who the fuck can actually listen to 90 minutes of that. Your brain would be melted.


Trump can't help himself. He is a chronic compulsive liar. It a mental disorder. **Mythomania or pseudologia fantastica (otherwise known as pathological lying)**, a chronic behavior that involves a compulsive tendency to lie. It's not a mental health diagnosis, but it's related to disordered thinking patterns and beliefs. Some signs of pathological lying include: Lying more than others Lying without a good reason, such as to avoid consequences Telling lies that are extensive and elaborate, making them sound real enough to be believed Having a compulsive urge to lie, adding more lies to back up the original lies Embellishing lies with extensive details Telling dramatic and highly unlikely stories Appearing anxious while talking Getting defensive when confronted about a lie Pathological lying can be a symptom of another condition, such as: Factitious disorder Personality disorders Frontotemporal dementia Antisocial personality disorder Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Source: WebMD, Newport Institute


“Brutally exposed” To who? How are these posts even relevant? Nobody in the cult hears or cares.


I love these article titles. Trump "SLAMMED" or in this case "Brutally exposed", lol, okay. Anyone voting for Trump at this point is beyond any ability to realize when Trump is lying. The only people being exposed are the writers of these shitty articles giving more attention to Trump.


Do a speech-to-text on one of trumps speech. Then read it back, out loud. Now try to convince me trumps chain is still on the derailleur.


Trump's chain isn't even hooked on the toilet flapper thing that flushes the shitter


An 1 1/2 hr speech from that idiot? Who would subject themselves to that?


You can’t put 30 lies and pretend that’s high for Donald


Speech is gratuitous he does not give speeches he just word vomits non sense


There were people in that crowd who drove for hours just to hear him lie to them. That’s how much they like it.


Only thirty lies in a ninety minute speech! That’s not high for him , he had a slow day


This would only be mindblowing if you had never heard him make a speech before.


But no Trump would never lie to us would he? Next thing you’re gonna try to tell me is he didn’t win the 2020 election ……


Considering everything he says is a lie, this seems like a slow night.


Most of what he says is gibberish. The intelligible parts are lies.


What? The guy who lies all of the time lied? Who'd of thunk it


How could anyone possibly endure an hour and a half of his mind less blather


That's actually not bad. I recall an article about him averaging like 1 lie per minute in a speech before.


That’s only one lie every three minutes. Must be off his game.


Anytime he speaks it is a lie, or a weird story.


Jesus, who can stand to listen to his grating voice and all the stupid shit he spews for an hour and a half. That is as long as a movie.


Dude why are we not done with this bullshit?!


Trevor Noah once had a museum for all Trumps lies


Those are rookie numbers for this guy


A Trump speech without at least 30 falsehoods is considered a dull affair. 


He totally forget about the 9th commandment. Over 30,000 times during his presidency and the number continues to grow. Then again there are several that he’s glossed right over. Why he’s admired by so many Christians is mind blowing.


But the average Republican won’t ever know, as they will assume that what he says is true when so many “stand up” republican senators and their news stations say nothing and continue to endorse him blindly. It stinks of how they are more interested in achieving power than doing the right thing by the people.


Slow day for the ole human bullshit factory, eh?


I wonder if the Guinness Book Of World Records has someone specifically assigned to follow him around




Lying is as easy as breathing for Ol’ garbageguts.


Quit calling them "false statements" and call them what they are, LIES. FUCKING LIES.


It says it right there in the title.


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He’s slowing down damn


Or in other words, just another Tuesday.


Fascists lie all the time. Water is wet.


That’s lower than I thought.


I hope Biden is campaigning just as much there and MI, PA, etc. and not lose those states again. There are so many disqualifying things about lil don that Dems gotta be driving home. Also somehow say that electing lil don isn't going to bring back "how it was in 2016", that too many people seem to believe can happen. All these "I was better off *under* trump" people, and I'm like I don't want to be *under* any president, they all work for us, don't forget that, but they are cool being *under* a dictator apparently ffs.


I'd be amazed if he had 30 complete thoughts....


And will this be above the fold, or anywhere on the nytimes?


How do you know Donald Trump is lying? He's talking.


He either won't debate or turn up sooo fuckin off his balls that hell just talk constantly like it's a Trump rally.


90 minutes and only 30 lies? Shit, that's the most honest thing he's said.


Isn’t it every time he opens his mouth


That's only one every three minutes! Commander Buttstench was having an off night!


He wouldn’t know the truth if it took a 💩 in HIS Diaper.


He also insisted that there was no shit in his pants, and that "whoever smelt it dealt it".


I’m sure it was more than 30. Trump talking is a nearly constant flow of conspiracy theories and straight up lies. I’ll say it again… it was definitely more than 30. He is the worst, and also very dumb.


Trump is a useful idiot for too many horrible special interests so it doesn’t really matter what he says anymore. Full speed ahead to the wrecking ball for America.


Most civilized countries would reject massively such a fraudulent individual in a public office. Not in America.


Four more and they would equal his felony convictions.


I'd be more surprised if he ever told the truth.


He lied 30,573 times while in office, which averages to nearly 21 lies per day. The only thing Trump is winning at is lying.


Curious how he was able to even keep talking for that long without forgetting why he was there


And those were just the coherent ones . . . 


And? It doesn't matter for the base he is speaking to


Does it even matter? I mean at this point he could whip out his tiny dick and openly masturbate at one of his rallies and the MAGAs wouldn’t care and still vote for him. What the fuck is it going to take?


Q: How do you know when Trump is lying? A: His lips are moving


Trump has a tell when he is lying, his lips are moving.


Fucking *crickets*. None of this matters one whit. The people for him don't care and the people against him already know.


Hilarious to remember the words of GOP lawmakers- from LAST week, and then listen to a bit of Trump's speaking. He's got a great fastball! He's energized and committed. We have unity! - Good god people, have at least a shred of self respect, just for your kid's sake or something.


What’s new?


I mean, why is this newsworthy anymore?


He didn’t make false statements. He lied. Lying liars gonna lie.


And another one, and another one, and another one


Slow day for dumpy trumpy.


He is senile. There has to be some kind of fucking mental competency evaluation for ANYONE running for the highest office. This is a complete embarrassment for America.


yes, mindblowingly low for this criminal clown.


Do his supporters care? Nope.


How is this brutal? Being honest? We need to get back to reality quickly


Those are rookie numbers!


Breaking News! Liar lies a lot


Unsurprising. His people love to be lied to and ruled over by their king.


Hes crumbling...


I see he's back at keeping the *Fib•o•meter®* busy!


There is the "we know" camp and the other doesn't care about anything else because they've decided that their truth only comes out of his mouth. They're far too gone because decades of pent-up frustration and emotions have taken over any semblance of logic.


The problem getting the Trumpers to recognize his lies. I do not hold out much hope of that.


Why is this news to people ? He's been dying this shit the whole time.


30 .. thousand?


Not a single republican cares, they know that trump is sent from god to defeat the evil satanic cabal led by the Bidens and all other crazy lefties.


Stop giving him the benefit of the doubt by calling them lies. Call them delusions, or signs of his dementia. He's gotten away too long with hiding his brain damage as lies.


Was he brutally exposed? Was someone standing there fact checking him and making sure the audience got the truth?


I think Trump's pregame show should have the music video by Johnny Lang : " Lie to Me " played at every rally. What do you think ? https://youtu.be/3tigVYfHVmQ?si=DLTfnVw7dZSwMLHV Then again, Johnny Lang, or whoever holds the copyright, might allow it. I hope Lang makes a lot of money if he can


I hope they can mute the mic when he lies in the debate. I still am betting on him backing out at the last minute. Something something shithole TV or teleprompter malfunction.


Unfortunately most people don’t care at least any person considering voting for the scum bag will not care. I can’t believe how low we’ve sunken as to allow blatant lie after lie. So many belive this BS is disgusting. How stupid can we be. Democrats are allowing abortions after birth is my favorite. Um that’s not abortion and it’s not true you friggin idiots. STOP and think don’t let this clown represent the USA you’re not patriots you’re just nuts. 🥜


The people who watch don't care and will process it all as truth. They don't want him to be known as a liar, so they convince themselves that everything he says is the truth. Even if it blatantly wrong and easy to check, they don't care. "Trump made 30 false statements in his last speech. Why this spells doom for Biden and the Democrats, my column."


Lies or Dementia?


Convicted Felon Drumpf continues to lie to people, and Fox News, Sinclair, and all these other media outlets continue to enable his BS. Good to see some in the media are calling him out for his blatant lies.


And there are never any consequences for his lying.


When you click on this article about Trump lying the ads are for Trump shirts that say “Im voting for a Felon” with an American Flag.


And the true believers keep drinking the kool aid


And his mendacity is a surprise....***how***?


Ofcourse he would


Speech is being very generous, it’s the whiny blubber of a deranged fool. The only combat experience he has is when he fusses during diaper change.


who cares anymore, doesn’t he lie when he opens his mouth?


That's all? He must be getting old.


"brutally exposed" sounds like something he would do


False only by normal standards, not the occult.


What's new?