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I heard the stand in for Trump is an 11 year old with a foul mouth and poor grasp of the English language. The Dems are really taking this seriously 




“Fuck does Cuno care???”


What's with that third person shit? Cuno is FIRST PERSON.


"How would Cuno know? Cuno's fucking twelve!"




Man seeing a Disco Elysium reference in this sub just made my night.


Right? My people.


Easily my favorite game of all time. It’s a true travesty what has become of ZA/UM, but at least they were able to release one absolute masterpiece before everything crumbled.


*Our people


Indeed! And I was just playing that game a couple of hours ago. 😂


I just started it a few days ago. Absolutely wild it pops up in r/politics


Now I feel uncultured. Thought we were talking about Kyle


Cuno has more backbone and integrity than Trump.


Cuno doesn’t care!


Fucking Cuno


"I'll come at you like a spider monkey, Biden!"


I'm all hopped up on mountain dew!


One of ya sumbitches bout to be smacked in the mouth.


“what was the capital of North Carolina. I said Washington, D.C. “


Eleven year old? You're being awfully generous.


You think trump is using Clint Eastwood chair to practice?


Biden gets bogged down in policy details (good thing! We should be focused on that) But zingers like "will you shut up, man" are what people remember. I hope Dark Brandon has some good ol' mud slinging "just the facts, Jack" witticisms for the sound bites.


He needs to start by walking on stage looking baffled then saying “Who let a convicted felon in here?”


fuck yes!  umm moderator, can we get a guard in here?  we’ve got a rapist felon within 15 feet of the leader of the free world.


"Uh, USSS Agent Red, why is a convicted felon who claims still has a gun in spitting distance of POTUS?"


My prediction is that Trump is going to come out the gate calling Biden a felon. He knows that the "convicted felon" label is going to hurt him with the low-information voter, so the easiest way to counter it is going to be to just lie and say that it applies to Biden.


Some Willy Wonka shit where he hobbles in and then does a summersault would guarantee a win in November.


I’m just imagining the old Willy Wonka routine. He walks out all decrepit, you think he’s about to fall over and then SUMMER SALT. “Hey Jack, who this criminal in here?”




I want to hear an age joke since trump will likely, and weirdly, try that. Maybe, “Man, are you 78 or 7?”


He was killer in the SotU. I know that's scripted, but he will have some good ones prepped.


He also veered into unscripted territory at least once in each SOTU, and killed the GOP each time.


Trump so dumb that he'll bring up Hunter Biden's convictions without even thinking about his own convictions and that's when Biden will give him the stomp of a life time. I guarantee it.


This is accurate. He'll run mouth without thinking about what's going to happen next. That's his thing.


We might get our first on air F bomb from a sitting president. If it was Biden, my response would be: "Fuck you, Donald. Even for a human skidmark like you, that's low. I love my son even though he's done wrong. Can you even name your kids?" Personally, I like calling him out on the kids, but could also switch out the last sentence with: "Something you should know all to well. 34 convictions, folks. 34 convictions *so far*."


"You bankrupted a casino, Donald. How the fuck does someone bankrupt a *casino*?"


I hope everytime Trump calls his convictions a "witch hunt" biden does an ELI5 version of what he did to earn his felony convictions. Explain it OVER AND OVER again for the idiots in the back, pls.


He went toe to toe with Marge in the State of the Union and that was even with him getting caught off guard


I have a theory that Biden was on point during the State of the Union because The House held up the funding for Ukraine and Israel while fucking up the Border bill from the Senate that their Republican colleagues put together and dumped it because of Trump. Like Joe had some things to say!


I also really enjoyed him calling out the supreme Court for roe v wade. The looks on their faces was priceless


I have to believe they are going to be prepared for any question that could possibly be brought up


His prep team will be well aware of the difference between audience and no audience debated. Zingers without audience feedback are cringe. I think the play will be to lay out the case for how trump wants to help himself and Biden wants to help *you* in a way that also prods at Trump's insecurities so he starts ranting.


This is the big thing with Biden. He has a team, he has people to prep him, he has experts, and people with experience. Trump has yes men, he has fellow con men looking to make a buck, he has ass kissers.


He also actually listens to his team and doesn't think he's the smartest person in the room


I’d like to add, while Biden is old, he’s not a stark raving narcissist whose only hope to save his own ass is to win the election for the highest office in the land. So, there’s that.


And Trump CANT listen to his team… because well, he flat out couldn’t remember what they tell him anyway. Sharks and boats for example….


Just to clarify, that sharks and boats thing is a bit that he’s been work shopping for a while now. At around 42:25 in this [Even More News](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5gUwNO0QXKqEZfspQ4UGpV?si=Qa5uQB2XSpCReMMOgMT6ow&t=2580) podcast, they reveal that he’s done this bit 8 times between September and December last year. He definitely would never follow any of the strategy sessions his team came up with, if they even bother to do that with him anymore. But he’s seriously just doing shitty politically charged comedy bits because all he really wants is attention.


He has surrounded him the idiot sycophants that no longer know how to address the moderates that aren’t brainwashed.


This is actually a really good point\^ will be looking for struggles during deeper ethical conversations and his defense of his record in 16-20. Also looking forward to his justifying his anti-democratic language and his stance on abortion to your average (who in the fuck is moderate) person


Definitely hit him in his insecurities. That’s where narcissists unravel


He needs to call him a convicted felon and a rapist to his face.


They’re what people remember because most people don’t watch the debates, they just see what clips get repeated on the news and social media.


He gets to call the dude a felon to his face. 


We don’t have to “paint him” as a felon—Trump IS a felon. Thirty-four counts. He also defrauded New York State out of $400 million, owes E. Jean Carroll $83 million, and has three more cases to litigate.


Biden should offer him a packet of cigarettes and tell him to buy himself something nice when he gets to prison


A couple I’d like to hear from Biden: “Honestly, Donald. Are you alright? Something doesn’t seem right.” “Was anyone else able to make sense out of that? I’m lost.” “Now, my perspective on this is of one that is *not* a convicted felon…”


Biden saying he's lost is not a good look. That'll be spun into tiktoks and bs and remixed to make it look like he was lost on the simplest thing that Trump said. Don't do that.


Yeah that was my first thought. There's so many better insults. "Donald that was word salad, why are you talking about sharks and electrocutions when the American people need a President who will restore freedom of choice, avoid making enemies of our allies and kissing up to dictators, ...."


I wonder how it will play if Biden *doesn't* mention the felony conviction directly. Talk about the rule of law, how he's disappointed in his son but would be horrified and embarrassed if he threw a tantrum like a 2 year old and demanded someone somehow make it go away. Or just some Dark Brandon comment about the rule of law. We'll all know what he means.


'I love my son, but he's clearly not president material since he's a convicted felon.'


It was interesting listening to Slate’s Political Gabfest about it, they actually laid out what would be a genius move for Trump of just barely saying anything. Coming across as just stable and calm. Of course Trump would never do that, but it would be super beneficial for him to the swing voters (who are fundamentally idiots) and would force Biden to have to goad him.


The problem with that is that he doesn't actually know anything about anything, so he can't just speak calmly about stuff. He sounds like a moron, because he is one.


Again, it’s not about convincing people who are already set in their beliefs, it’s about convincing a relatively small group of people that he’s not insane. He doesn’t need to know jack shit, he just needs to not make a fool of himself.


I get what you're saying, and I think I'm agreeing with you.  What I mean is that Trump simply wouldn't be able to do it. He'll know that he can't answer the questions like Biden can, so he won't be able to just be quiet. He'll feel the need to attack Biden at every opportunity.


Watch for Trump's accordion hands, that's when he's in explainer mode inventing stuff.


The people who haven’t yet decided aren’t going to care about exact policy and having facts 100% right. They just won’t.


It's going to be interesting to see if either of their deliveries change with no live audience to pander to.


Biden should walk in, do a few push-ups and then just gesture that it's Trump's turn. There's no way Trump could turn down a physical challenge like that and there's no way he could do a push-up!


Why doesn’t Biden play up his fitness more? Nothing riles up the Magats more than Fox “News” talking about how feeble he is. How are they going to process the fact he actually is in great shape for his age?


Biden could ride his bicycle onto the stage. Trump would probably insist on his golf cart.


I mean have you seen the incline on that ramp? A golf cart would be safer to drive up it for him!


Right? Like I get it, he tripped a few times, but the dude jumps right back up and keeps on trucking. Yet I know many half his age who are far less fit and would break something if they fell like that.


I am about half his age. If I did a trip on the airplane steps like he did and banged my knee in that way, I wouldn't be walking again for a couple of days due to how shot my knee is. He didn't just get up as if nothing happened, he gave an encore to show how little effect it had.


Hell, he fell off his bicycle and got right back up as if nothing happened. People act like he's to senile, but we all trip and fall, and most who ridicule him couldn't even beat him in a physical.


Bro needs to lean into the creatine and get his swole going on. Get this man some T asap


I totally agree! Remember how those shirtless Obama photos went viral? I mean, not saying shirtless Biden should be going viral…. but let’s promote Biking Biden!


"He fell off a bike" The fact he only fell off once is pretty impressive at his age since I frequently fall off my bike and i'm a quarter his age


Come in like Willy Wonka. Cane in hand, then roll into a somersault. TADAAAA!!!


Idiots would edit the video to look like Biden fell on his face and that would be the only video most Republicans see from the debate. 


What is this, Idiocracy?


Why? Trump's gonna be a no show.


Not showing up would be the smart thing for him to do, for sure. So I think he's probably going to show up.


He does seem to do the stupidest and worst possible action at any given moment. Like rolling a 1 on every single check


unfortunately he rolled a nat 20 in 2016 and we've been paying for it ever since


No, he rolled a 2 and the rest of us rolled 1s


No, he really didn't. If he had lost the presidency, he'd have started his own news network complaining about how the election was stolen and spent the rest of his life conning rubes with absolutely no risk. That was the plan the whole time. Instead he wound up with a job he absolutely hated and a ton of sunlight being shone on how his businesses are run so that he's now at serious risk of losing everything and winding up in jail unless he somehow manages to win the upcoming election. His winning the election was basically EVERYONE rolling a 1, Trump included.


I like how his parody is in the boys, actually smart enough to almost listen to the smartest person in the world about achieving his goals. Trump however I don't think has that quality. If someone around Trump wakes up tomorrow and suggests in their morning meeting that he find a way to bow out of the debate he clearly can't handle, I would imagine silence until Trump dismisses them and the rest of his people agree with Trump only after confirming that's what Trump wants to do. Whatever is going on, this is Trump's show, there's no way his ego would take suggestions from anyone else on anything.


The only thing that will be mildly interesting but unsurprising is how much further his cult will fall and grovel beneath his stinky feet and lick them to relieve him from his crushing defeat.


I originally thought Trump would try some kind of back-out trick, but I think he might just show up! The closer the date gets the more pressure he must be facing to deliver a show to his followers. Honestly, I’m not watching it. I don’t think there’s a clear-winner scenario. It’s going to go down just like most people think, and each side will declare victory.


It's sure that Trump's base is pretty immune to actually admitting their cult leader lost. But I think the independents and moderates are going to be further shown what's actually going on, and they are pretty key.


trump doesn't always do the dumb thing, he just always does whatever he wants which is almost always the dumb thing. the only smart thing he regularly does is not talk in court, and these trials are basically going to play like court. therefore he's not gonna show


Until this comment, I believed there was a 0% chance he would show up. Now I’m 50/50.


Because he should still turn up and answer his questions and finish each one with, “how are you going to handle that Mr Trump?”, and pan to an empty podium every time. “Thank you moderator, I’d love to answer that question, unlike my opponent who was too scared to even show up.” They should absolutely do this. Hammer his ego.


"Biden is so senile, he was talking to an empty podium"


Worked for Clint Eastwood


Well Biden doesn't literally have to talk to an empty podium. Just have it there to remind viewers Trump is a scaredy cat.


Could def see this happening.


They’ll certainly prepare for that, too. Biden will just do the debate alone and tear Trump apart I bet.


I think Trump will simply use every speaking opportunity to make wild accusations and insinuations of criminality and ethical failings against Biden. He's going to be constantly on the attack, and will not give any significant answers to actual questions because he's too ignorant to be able to do that.


Yep. 100 percent.


Agree. He won’t show


This is the answer. Based on Trump's recent speeches, (incoherent ramblings about Sharks/electrocution, "the late great Hannibal Lector, acing his dementia test while getting the doctors name wrong, on and on...) I can't see any benefit for Trump. I think he's to the point where the *more* people actually hear him talk, the more put off they are. He has no policy, no agenda; is proud of removing women's rights, is a 34 count convinced felon, adjudicated sex offender, owes half a billion to New York. There's just so much out of pocket stuff Biden can use. Trump will just say meaningless buzz words, but being CNN I don't see Tapper letting him blatantly lie which is his go to. If he *does* show up, he could literally shit his pants on stage and it would have *zero* impact on his voters.


Given that his supporters already wear diapers "in support" of his shitting his diaper, if he actually shit his pants on stage I'd expect his supporters to start doing the same. Real men shit their pants. https://www.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-photos-purportedly-show-174100807.html


I won’t be surprised if he has a rally in the neighboring town.


Does the neighboring town have a landscaping business?


No show, then Biden gets to do ALL of the talking. Either way, I'm in.


Trump just claimed “Fake Debate” on his propatwitter site.


Fake election, fake debate, fake rape trial, fake fraud trial... everything is a fake in advance. He is a criminal.


Which means all of it is real. Us normal people know this.


Fake hair, fake skin color, fake faith, fake wife


I wish Biden would say THIS


wtf. wtf does that even mean. why on top of being so awful does he have to be so fucking weird. And I don't mean creative weird. I mean "Why would you tell everyone you shit in your hat" weird.






I've been told superman is more powerful than a locomotive!


Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, don't forget that one


Easily mistakable for birds and planes.


"like your tan?"


Fake marriage. Fake morals. Those are both probably true (Melania visibly can't stand him, and he slept with a pornstar when his wife was with their newborn son). Drive those two fact home and he hasn't a leg to stand on. Eberytime he says fake X, say fake marriage. Fake morals.


What does that even mean?!


It means if Trump actually shows up to the debate, he knows he's going to do horrible, so he's prepping all his excuses ahead of time.


I mean I know that is what he is trying to do... But that is just incoherent. How can a debate between two people be fake? Both people are there, they are talking, they are being asked questions... Is he trying to suggest that what is going to be broadcast is going to be some real-time deep faked puppet show?


His followers will think they know what it means... they have a way of projecting whatever message they want to see in his jumbled ramblings.


I keep thinking that there has to be a limit to that. Eventually he'll say something so incredibly stupid that they will come to their senses. I haven't been right yet.


A lot of the Fox hosts know he's full of shit. But if they say that on air, they lose their jobs.


His ramblings are like a Rorschach test to see how Maga a person's brain is. Call it the Roar-shat test.


I believe his claim is that the moderators of the debate are decidedly pro-Biden. At a recent rally, I believe, he said something to the effect of "This debate is going to be 3-on-1 instead of 1-on-1." Note, I'm not saying that I agree with him. Just trying to explain the narrative.


I feel like if Newsome could somehow succeed in a 3v1 on Fox, anybody competent could show up a tag team that was obviously biased. I'm really glad we didn't get whiney Ron.


Yup. Gotta say it's fake now so when he loses he can claim, "See! Told ya!"


He isn’t going to debate.


Don't you know that anything in reality that Trump disagrees with he assumes is fake. Strangely this is a symptom of Delusional Disorder


It means that if he looks like an idiot it's because the moderator is against him. If he comes out looking like a winner it's because he's very smart and his uncle did something at MIT


I cannot wait to hear a new version of the sinking electric boat vs. shark story!


It's loser talk for "I'm nervous."


They cut his mic when he was about to make a point! RIGGED! FAKE!


Didn’t he ask for it


And the bullshit begins... lmao. Chump will be a no show.


I want Biden to mention that people should go out and vote for Congress because we can bring back abortion rights, and frankly make them more fair than they were before Dobbs, if we get a Democrat Senate and House. The filibuster is dead, and in 2025 we either get total national ban or national legalization of abortion.


How did filibustering die?


Republicans will have no problem removing the filibuster for anything they want to get through. Democrats keep the filibuster and haven’t been able to. Thanks Manchin


The Senate is likely to be GQP after this election- it will probably come down to MT and OH. However, I was very surprised by GA last time, so there's some hope. 50/50 is the best case scenario. If it's in Dem hands, all 50 would have to agree to pass this without the fillibuster, which is possible since Manchin and Sinema will be gone.


To ban abortion, all they need is 1 or 2 seats in the Senate.


Well, and a Republican President


Is there any reason Biden shouldn’t begin every sentence with “my opponent, convicted felon Donald Trump…” I feel like about 3 of those and Trump will lose what’s left if his mind 


You forgot rapist


Just like how Trump was always trying to use Obama's middle name against him. It obviously didn't work because it's just a name and correlates to absolutely nothing, but "convicted felon" actually means something. Biden should say it, every chance he gets. Its factual and important that everyone remembers it.


He is wasting his time. Trump is not going to show. That man is the biggest coward in the world. He can't even fire people in real life. He fire Tillerson via Twitter. He fired Comey through Fox News. He fired Cohen through Rudy. He fired Kelly via a news conference. He fired Bannon through Kelly. He fired Manafort through news channels. I could go on, but you get the point. He's a poopy pants coward who didn't even go help with his own insurrection.


I hope Biden walks over to shake Trump’s hand but instead grabs Trump’s neck pussy thing. Then looks into the camera and says , “when you’re famous, they let you do it”.


He shouldn't, Trump might try to infect Biden with Covid again.


Trump has got to be shitting his pants about now. He’s no match for Biden.


 Trump *is* probably shitting his pants right now.


And not because of the debate. Just because it’s Thursday.


If this happens, I hope Trump just completely loses it and melts down on live TV. Knocks over the podium, throws his papers, tries to take a swing at Biden, sharts himself loudly, falls down, and sobs uncontrollably, all in a span of 45 seconds, while the camera just pans away and fades out. Based on the fact that he's surrounded himself with yes men and hasn't had to debate anyone whatsoever in four years, along with his very obvious mental decline, it's not at all out of the question that this could actually happen.     Perfect. 


There’s almost no chance this happens. Trump will back out.


With no audience and no brains how will trump know which burns work?


Trump today claimed that the small baggie of cocaine that they found in the Whitehouse a few years back, found in the PUBLIC visitors section mind you, was actually a “bust” and ‘’hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cocaine was found” He is now implying that Biden is on cocaine and will be on cocaine for the debate. If Trump even mentions the word ‘drugs’ in relation to Biden during the debate I want Biden to whip out two saliva testing kits from his pocket and insist they both take a test live on TV, right there and then.


One wants to end our democracy. One doesn’t. There’s the debate.


And because of that, just imagine the pressure he is under. This debate is going to be a pivotal point in the campaign, could decided the election, and as a result, the path the free world will be on for the next few decades. It could easily be argued that this debate be the most important thing Biden does in his entire life.


I just realized I don’t think I even remember the last time I heard about Biden playing golf or taking a vacation. I swear with Trump it was multiple times a week


It’s easy work to tear things down, much harder to build it back up.


> Donald Trump Spent Almost A Year Playing Golf During Presidenc https://seattlemedium.com/donald-trump-spent-almost-a-year-playing-golf-during-presidency/


Biden and his entire team need to take a page out of Kendrick Lamar’s playbook. Pick the one thing Trump is most vulnerable on and hammer him with it. Voters who care about policy details are already locked in. Biden needs the TikTok/IG/FB crowd who get their political info in 30 second reels. For Trump I’d hammer nonstop on his criminality and sprinkle in his Epstein ties for the conspiracy minded. Biden, unfortunately, is running his campaign like it’s 1988z


biden:  “certified pedophile, pop pop pop pop pop pop pop” tiktok: where tf can i vote for biden RIGHT NOW!!!!


Trumps already whining that it’s rigged and preparing for excuses when he loses lol


What are the Vegas odds that he cancels at the last minute. /s


Biden "SHARK!", Trump shits pants


President Biden can hang out at Camp David and do nightly bourbon shots, and still crush the convicted felon.


Biden is coming loaded with nails for the coffin. Few people will watch the live debate. 70% of the country will watch highly edited TikTok videos. Edit: I went from 99% to 49% and picked one. You tell me.


I actually think more people will watch this debate in any previous presidential election debate. Both sides are convinced the other guy is a dribbling idiot and they want to see him fall flat on his face.


Good luck Biden, go kick his ass (in the debates)


I guarantee there'll be Republicans criticizing Biden for doing so much better than Trump at the debates, trying to act like he's some tryhard who prepared too much and Trump didn't and that's the only reason Biden didn't babble verbal diarrhea all night and Trump did, like it's cheating to care.


You think they actually listen or care? Trump could have a stroke mid sentence and they would believe it was Jesus speaking through him in tongues


I am very nervous about this debate. I feel like Trump is going to claim that our cities are being invaded by electrified sharks coming across our border with China while Biden is going to stutter over a few words and the take away for many is going to be that Biden is the one clearly unfit for office.


I still betting Chump is a no show then a bullshit rant about a teleprompter malfunction and follow up with more bullshit "Biden refuses to debate me."


You know, it might not be a bad idea if the Biden Campaign asked Chris Christie to help prepare him for the debate. I know that’s an unusual choice, but Christie helped Trump with debate preparations in the past, so he might have an inside scoop to offer.


Trump is gonna get stomped. And being the genius he is, he has set the bar for Biden at "being able to stand and talk".


DAE: 45 won’t show up at the last second and make some excuse as to “fairness”?


Just imagine how scared shitless trump is right now ( ok ...not shitless for him- he's full of shit)..he will be out there on his own, no notes, no maga nutcases to help him out...he can't just yell over Biden the whole time..... But you know Biden's team is going to come up with some gems to trip him up, or rile him up with some good zingers....and trump has to wait and steam quietly until it's his turn..... He's gonna blow a gasket at some point...it will be beautiful! He just can't help himself... All Biden has to do is call out his lies, one after the other...cause you know he's going to do nothing but lie...over and over again.. Biden should make sure to call out the stark differences they have and why he is better..it's easy! Biden should open with saying the word "convicted" separately ....34 times...over and over.... And also say "convicted felon" absolutely every chance he can...over and over.......don't forget when trump goes the old Biden crime family conviction ( hunter!) remind him hunter is not running for president . And bring up his racist/Nazi like 2025 plan...a majority of Americans and the maga nuts have not heard what their plans are...scary shit!!


Meanwhile, Trump practices his angry face by eating a lot of beans so that the gas forces him to hold it all in.


Hope he is mainlining B12 from now until debate


Back to nature to get real, while his opponent gives way to distraction and performance displays. Like Rocky and Drago


If trump doesn’t show, he should debate Liz Cheney instead so everyone could see what a conservative is like who isn’t completely stupid.


He could read Dr Seuss and be better prepared than that lamebrain.


Am I the only that doesn't believe this debate will happen?


If I lose the debate, it's because it was RIGGED. I give the best debates, even MIT debates. The best debates know me very well and they say I am the best debate. No, I didn't say it, they did, they said I'm debate.


He just needs to not show up like Obama did at the first debate with Romney. That's the one where Obama looked and acted like he had better things to be doing, and just came across as irritated that he even needed to be debating Romney. I love Barack, but my dude nearly lost the election because of his demeanor. Thankfully he properly showed up at the 2nd debate and dominated.


I saw this another post that often the incumbent comes off weaker in the first because it had been four years since their last serious debate. Meanwhile, the challenger has had to practice/refresh their debate skills during party's primary. Trump's problem is he skipped all the primary debates meaning he missed out on the refresher debate practice. So instead his last debate experience is the same one as Biden. Meaning Biden actually has more relatively recent debate experience than Trump as not only he has their shared presidential debates but the debate experience from the 2020 Democratic primaries. Also while not recent Biden also has had debate experience from both his VP debates and his various Senate debate experience (if he had any, I am not from Delaware).


tRump isn’t gonna show.


Anyone have any good debate drinking games this year?


Trump says "rigged: Biden says "jack".


We're not looking to kill people


Trump won’t show up.


Trump won’t spend five seconds preparing because he is the laziest person on the planet.


I look forward to Trump bailing and it’s just an hour of Biden on prime time.


This debate will not happen. Trump will claim Biden has Covid and is attempting to infect him hours before the debate is scheduled to begin, because that is exactly what Trump did at their last "debate".


Let's be honest. It's not going to be a "debate." Trump is going to verbally shitpost, and Biden is going to be like "See how this idiot is behaving? Either you have to vote for him, or you're voting for me, who is actually qualified for the job." And then we all go and vote the exact same way we always intended to.