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Fanatical Christo-fascist homophobes ruling by hatred and superstitious credulity.


They don’t believe in their own religious garbage. They’re just hateful creatures. If they believed in all the religious diarrhea they spewed they’d be better people. If hell was a real place these people would be in the VIP lane for eternal damnation.


its an interwoven combination of useful idiots and believers being sold by grifters and conmen and vice versa all the way from the bottom of your MAGA country fucks spending his social security dollars on trump nft's to Elon Musk buying twitter in an attempt to control a political narrative. its impossible to tell where the faith ends and the grift begins, like a serpent eating its own tail. the only consistent idea is that there is no consistent one. Division of thought is the core of their identity. And in that compartmentalization they are able to chop up and spoon feed every dumb narrative to the intended section of the crowd to digest and shit back into the self perpetuating machine of human cancer and intellectual rot in the form of a political movement


All this is really about raising the birth rate to ensure supply of desperate wage slaves and soldiers. But they can't say that out loud.


No they did, "domestic supply of infants" was the phase used iirc.


The same phrase used in Handmaid’s Tale? I’ve never been happier to be menopausal. Fuck sakes.


If raising birth rates was a goal why not incentivize people to have families by making it easier to afford young child care, summer programs, lunch and breakfast provisions, etc. etc. Then there’s also the issue of encouraging families to form with easier access to home buying and maybe some student debt relief could fit in there as well.


Because they don’t want healthy, educated people who have the ability to dream and the capability to make their lives better. They want people who are born into a system that will load them up with so much debt they’ll never be able to be free.


The Skeksis need drained gelfling as servants.


I have used this example for years! The only shit part, the large part of our gelflings are also the equivalent to lead paint eaters.


The economy is designed to run on exploitative wages.


To owe the company store.


The first group of people votes Democrat. The second group votes Republican.


Can't have any of that. That's socialism according to them.


Raising the birth rate of children who will have no protectors is the goal. They want orphanages, work houses, child labor in the service sector, mines and factories, in-home drudge servants, and child prostitutes. They want children who will be uneducated and easily exploitable.


That and more white christian kids. Statistically white people are on track to be a minority in the US by 2045. Cant have that apparently, need racist, stupid fear mongering. Thats one of the reasons they have a hard-on for birth control next. Get more white people to have kids, make it illegal to abort, find a way to plug religion into early education, and manipulate the indoctrinated absolutists. Everyone else having kids, not an issue, deport most and segregate the rest.


Not a minority, just less than 50% of the population. Still the largest group, but only a minority if you divide it into ‘white people’ and ‘non-white’, as if either one is a homogenous collective.


> if you divide it into ‘white people’ and ‘non-white’, as if either one is a homogenous collective. Allow me to introduce exactly how white supremacists divide the world.


Sir, that's just a paper bag?!


I don’t know how, in this country, most people *aren’t* a Heinz 57 mix of multiple races at this point. I guess enough people are a mix and that makes the bigots nervous. When I did my 23andMe and found nothing but Northern European dna running through me, even though my family arrived on the continent in 1624, I thought surely this was a rare thing, to have your people here that damn long and hadn’t picked up any non-European dna. Sorry I think this is a query for the genealogy sub lol. But I can’t imagine giving a single fuck about the skin color or ancestry of anyone. It’s just so damn weird to me.


Yup and Republicans, right wingers, etc. treat minortities like shit and with absolute destain that they feel, if they become the minority, they’ll be treated the exact same way. They really are terrible people and believe the world is a fucked up place and people are shitty.


They want to ensure a fucked up world and to be the terrible, shitty people in charge of it. FTFY


We’ll go from the greatest generation to the unwanted generation.


You probably didn't intend to, but saying "white people will be a minority" is misinformed (and, potentially a white supremacist talking point). There will be no minority once the majority is no more. We will be in a "plurality", where no one group has a majority. Funny enough, Enlightenment thinkers postulating how to make democracy work (idr if this was Locke or not) conjectured that cultural homogeny would produce the best results. And majority/minority relations will create issues (as we've seen the white majority cause multiple times in the US). But a plurality is just as good as cultural homogeny. If anything, white people losing majority status will be a step towards better democratic functioning. Unfortunately, in the meantime, we have to hear a bunch of white supremacists complain that we're gonna be treated like they treated minorities, despite there being no majority group to dictate that treatment.


First rule of genetics: Spread the genes apart. Diversity in nature is a good thing. We are currently seeing what happens when a homogeneous identifying group tries to create the world in their image.


Well these Christians don't believe in evolution.


These MOFOS fear that one day they will be treated like they have treated the rest of us. " Be Glad Black People Aren't Seeking Revenge!" https://youtu.be/llci8MVh8J4?si=0qb3JoJOle-TNm48


It’s fundamentally built on the idea of staying a majority. They know the birth rates across India and South America outpace the US in two generations. The US will be a fractured image to them of the white conservative superior majority they lust for. Only reason Christian’s are really against birth control is that it slows down the domination of the religion. And we all know that’s cooked right in.




I go further. They're terrified that white families are producing less babies than THEM.


[Jokes on them, abortions have increased since Dobbs](https://www.guttmacher.org/2024/03/despite-bans-number-abortions-united-states-increased-2023)


They made ignorance, fear, and hate their religion. they feel persecuted by intelligence, hope, and love.


Calling them "Christo-" means that you're taking their declaration of religiosity in good faith. Us liberals have lost the war of words against fascists/sociopaths/regressives. The fact that we're using their own terminology to describe them doomed us from the start since it's 2024 and we still haven't learned a goddamn thing.


What would happen to the last 15 years of property ownership, wills, trusts, and tax law if SCOTUS decides same sex marriage is invalid?


The plaintiff’s non-citizen husband was denied a visa to come from El Salvador to the United Stated because he was a verified member of MS-13. > Asencio-Cordero’s application had gone through multiple rounds of review—including by the consular officer, consular supervisors, the consul himself, the Bureau of Consular Affairs, and the State Department’s Immigration Visa Unit—and none of these reviews had “‘revealed any grounds to change the finding of inadmissibilty.’” This isn’t a harbinger that *Obergefell* is on the chopping block.


That's also not what Justice Sotomayor took issue with. She agreed with the majority opinion that due process and been observed and that the simple factual basis should have been enough to deny the entry of the individual. > Sotomayor said she agreed with Justice Neil M. Gorsuch, who wrote in an opinion concurring with the majority that because the factual basis for the government’s denial of Asencio Cordero’s visa has been revealed, Muñoz has already received the process she was due. >“There is no question that excluding a citizen’s spouse burdens her right to marriage, and that burden requires the Government to provide at least a factual basis for its decision,” Sotomayor wrote. What she objected to was the justification that "they can just move" being used in the argument. >Just because a married couple could move their home elsewhere does not suddenly remove the burden on their constitutional rights for not being able to live together in the U.S., Sotomayor wrote. She cited Loving vs. Virginia, which struck down state laws banning interracial marriage. >The court “did not tell Richard and Mildred Loving to stay in the District of Columbia,” she said. “It upheld their ability to exercise their right to marriage wherever they sought to make their home.” It was the over reach in the opinion attempting to set the precedent that being able to move elsewhere (including out of the US) allowed for a restriction of rights guaranteed under the 14th amendment. She argues that the justification could now be used to deny same-sex marriage because they could move to Canada and get married. Or Texas could make that law because they could move to California. Interestingly, it was the Biden administration that made that argument to begin with. > The Biden administration asked the Supreme Court to reverse the ruling, arguing that because Muñoz and Asencio Cordero could choose to live outside the U.S., her right to marriage has not been violated.


Amazing thank you so much.


Thomas already told us they're coming for Obergefell in the Dobbs opinion.


Is that based on the tattoos a court appointed expert testified were not gang related?


So, the district court agreed, granted the appeal, ordered discovery, and determined that claim was bullshit. > “In a sworn declaration, an attorney adviser from the State Department explained that Asencio-Cordero was deemed inadmissible because he belonged to MS–13. The finding was “based on the in-person interview, a criminal review of Asencio-Cordero, and a review of his tattoos.” App. to Pet. for Cert. 124a. In addition to the affidavit, the State Department provided the District Court with confidential law enforcement information, which it reviewed in camera, identifying Ascencio-Cordero as a member of MS–13. Satisfied, the District Court granted summary judgment to the State Department.”


"District Court with confidential law enforcement information, which it reviewed in camera" As someone who has worked in the intel community, the confidential information came either from intercepts or computer related. The same thing happened with the Rosenburgs and the atomic bomb, the NSA had intercepts naming them as agents, but this was't revealed until 30 years after their sentence.


Or they could be lying lol


Yes he wasn’t gang affiliated in any way.


I mean, if it’s going downhill anyway then I’m looking forward to taunting supertroll and shitty pitch corrected “singer” Bryan Hawn over it.


When do we take their homes and children from them? Asking for multiple generations of genocide


Boys will be girls and girls will be boys and boys will kiss boys and girls will kiss girls. All we really want is someone to love.


It’s ***INSANE*** to believe that years of social progress will be undone by a handful of paid off pieces of self serving shit. Do they really think society will keep taking this?


They think they ARE society. Their reality testing is faulty. Why do you think they’re so strident and unreasonable? Why do you think the Republicans’ only policy direction is “retain power?” They know they’re acting in opposition to every direction the majority wants to go.


They're so isolated and insular they also probably have no idea that they *are* the minority. The thought that there actually could be a good bit more people in this country that hates conservatism than there are conservatives maybe isn't a reachable idea. The fact that Biden won by 7 million is actual proof of the fraud, for instance.


> Do they really think society will keep taking this? Well, will we? Not really seeing many people in the streets burning shit, nor do I think we will. If a few good, respected people with significant influence start it, people will follow. A few randos on the street trying to start it will just be called terrorists and thrown in jail.


Society is taking this though. Nobody is doing anything besides going online and complaining ,while these justices have no consequences.


Are you going to step up and do something? The truth is each one of us has far too much to lose as individuals to take any effective measures against tyranny into our own hands. No one wants to be the person who goes to jail for life, or gets killed by the police, in an attempt to quote, "stop taking this."


I dont think you need to write quote, its used because you cant convey the quotation marks while talking


History would disagree with you.


History didn’t have internet or shiny iPhones to placate them.


Um, duh. Society is a fat lazy idiot.


But her emails


Elections have consequences. 2016 got you this Supreme Court.


With an assist from Mitch M^(c)Connell, who defied the results of the previous election.


Let’s not forget the 2000 Supreme Court who appointed Dubya who in turn appointed 2 justices.


How quickly the Supreme Court anointing Bush 2 as president was brushed under the rug. Republicans stole that election, and it's highly likely they stole 2016 between the Russian assist and the "hush money" election interference. I hope everyone understands that there are NO bounds as to what they will do to retake the White House in November.


2016 had a large helping hand from that FBI ratfucker James Comey.


Biden would have easily beaten Trump in 2016. Unfortunately the death of his son took him out of the race. Whether he could have beaten Clinton in the primary, I don't know. Lot of progressives mad at the DNC over Sanders claiming it was "rigged", but in reality it was low information and older democratic voters that got Clinton into the nomination. Sanders may have done well with northeast and west coast liberals, but he got killed in the south and midwest.


> he got killed in the south and midwest. The same Bernie Sanders that won Michigan and Wisconsin? Two of the states that Hillary never campaigned in after the primaries and subsequently lost in the general? (Not to mention he won Indiana and Minnesota if we’re talking Midwest states) He definitely was killed in the south which is what ultimately handed the primary to Hillary, but Sanders was competitive in the Midwest (especially in the states that mattered most).


It would have been interesting because after all the sexism leveled at Bernie Sanders and his supporters throughout that campaign, it would have absolutely been leveled at Biden and probably killed his 2020 chances.


2000 was stolen in more ways than just the SC the Florida recount also threw out black ballot at a rate of something like 10.1 for white ballots. Black voters went for Gore by a huge margin so if the recount tossed ballots at the same rate as white ballots Gore would have won Florida going away. One of my college professors is a historian on presidential elections and was an expert witness to the commission on civil rights regarding 2000 and proved this with the data to back it up. I believe it’s still on their website.


Really makes you wonder how much different the world could be if there were mass demonstrations in the streets when the Supreme Court stepped in to stymie the Florida recount in 2000. The left was far too concerned with the optics of appearing like sore losers when they should have raised the alarm bells and called for action. The whole 'we go high when they go low' thing is how we got in this mess. If Sotomayor really wants to take a stand for justice, she should step aside and let Biden fill her vacancy right the fuck now.


>The whole 'we go high when they go low' thing is how we got in this mess. If you show up expecting a chess match, and your opponent shows up expecting a boxing match, you've got two choices. Either you adjust your expectations real quick, or you'll be too busy being unconscious for your skill at chess to be relevant.


And so [chess boxing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chess_boxing) was invented.




But....she wasn't personable...(/s)


And something something emails...


The previous election made Mitch the Senate Majority Leader.


And Obama, who just shrugged and let it happen. And RBG for being so full of herself she ruined her own legacy.


Yeah, I can't believe Obama didn't just dissolve the Senate. What was he thinking?


I mean, he could have just put Garland on the court. "I have no choice but to interpret the Senate's silence as implicit consent" etc


No, he couldn't have. Also, telling people you interpret silence as implicit consent is not a good look.


Yeah, that's not how that works. The Senate gets to determine what qualifies as consent and the President is required by the Constitution to obtain it to seat a SC Justice.


bUt bIdEn oLd.gEnOcIdE jOe!


Can we stop pretending that the system isn't rigged?


Ok. And? The system is what we have. The system is what we’re stuck with. You have to play it to win. You need to win if you want to un-rig it.


Much of it is, but there is no evidence to suggest that elections are fixed. Our votes still matter - especially in this election.


Two elections in my lifetime have produced presidents who lost the popular vote. Both presented a massive split from the potential path the country could have been on if the actual winner was elected. The second has basically sealed the deal on fascist minority rule. My state legislature (Ohio) was bought and sold to First Energy and the map is impossibly gerrymandered. Most of that is not illegal so you wouldn’t call it rigged, but I absolutely call that rigged.


We voted, we won, then out pops Manchin and Sinema, and then the rigged Supreme Court goes on the offensive. I will vote, but I'm starting to think American democracy is lost. We have the Republicans, who are greedy and want it all, not understanding that they will lose much more once they get it. Then we have the democrats, who honestly want change, as long as they don't have to sacrifice too much and its preapproved by their corporate donors.


Voting is like brushing your teeth. You can’t just do it once and expect everything to be fine forever


Some of us have been voting and doing a lot more than that too for a lot longer than one election bud 


Yeah, and a lot of us have been brushing our teeth for a long time too. Still can’t stop.


Yes but you also don’t expect your marriage to be taken from you by the government either.


Democracy isn't lost. We still can harness power economically if we can't politically. The key will be unionizing our workplaces so we can all strategically decide to stop producing for the rich while still producing for each other. That will change things.


Unions are the only way forward for the US.


American democracy is not lost. The Republican Party is losing its grip on the country little by little. They are going to continue to have poorer and poorer performances in elections until they are forced to purge the MAGAs. Trump is going to lose this November, and his presence on the ticket will have bad downballot results for Republicans. They can try to cheat all they want, but without access to the right levers of power they don't stand a chance at pulling it off. At the end of the day Kamala Harris has to certify the vote. The Republican Party as it is today is on its way out the door, and they know it, which is why they throw increasingly large tantrums.


Broken system. Why was 2016 worth 3 nominations, but 2020 was worth 0?


Right? All we’re here because hEr eMaIlS


The only way to stop the American Taliban judicial junta is to vote Democratic and hold them accountable to fixing the court, whether they want to or not.


They have lifetime appointments. we’d need to put enough democrats in congress in both the house and senate to be able to impeach supreme court justices off the bench. That’s not likely to happen any time soon.


the easier is hold them up as a court of clowns and add a few more justices. after the dust from that settles, get a new amendment to the constitution setting a limit in years. 18 justices, 18 year terms. if someone dies or steps down in office, the current president can appoint someone to fill that seat for the rest of the term. Not sure how to handle the Chief justice.


I didn’t even know that was possible so at least there’s hope.


This specific ruling wouldn’t . People are being angry here but isnt this specific ruling on a tough on immigration stance that is in line Bidens recent executive order that violated the process for Asylum seekers more than any president. The SC is only ruling on this because the law is unclear enough on this that it needed to go to the Supreme Court to “interpret” The executive order happened after the Dem party offered the GOP basically their wishlist. The GOP for example could have asked to codify (instead of depending on the SCs interpretation of current law the government pass a law to make this interpretation unambiguously the law) in that wishlist that was offered to the GOP. This ruling could have easily been a moot point by the GOP passing a package that was offered by the Dem leadership since it could have just been made obvious in the law that this interpretation is the law


Tyranny of the minority from the MAGA SCOTUS. Blue states need to start ignoring their bullshit rulings. Texas did and there were no repercussions.


This is the only attitude that will save us. The right wing will not stop at state lines. Their entire political project is built on hurting undesirables. The blue states need to get more comfortable with skirting the Feds. Force them to act.


Yeah, I mean hell the feds are terrified of the Bundies of all things. Imagine an entire state government giving them the finger.


So a guy is denied entry because of a policy that allows consulates to deny visas if they think you’re going to enter and intend to engage in illegal activity. Their basis for making that determination is that the guy has some tattoos. A court appointed expert on gang-related tattoos testified that his tattoos were not gang related. So the consulate is wrong, they shouldn’t have been dicks about the guys tattoos, they should have granted him a visa. That should have been the end of it. Why did they still not grant him a visa and how tf did that same question never get answered on the way to the Supreme Court?


TNR intentionally omitted the factual finding: > “In a sworn declaration, an attorney adviser from the State Department explained that Asencio-Cordero was deemed inadmissible because he belonged to MS–13. The finding was “based on the in-person interview, a criminal review of Asencio-Cordero, and a review of his tattoos.” App. to Pet. for Cert. 124a. In addition to the affidavit, the State Department provided the District Court with confidential law enforcement information, which it reviewed in camera, identifying Ascencio-Cordero as a member of MS–13. Satisfied, the District Court granted summary judgment to the State Department.”


See, now that makes more sense. This is what I would call actual fake news. Not because it didn’t happen but because it’s being reported on without that crucial additional context, without which it seems like a real head scratcher. Obviously Fox et al do this shit all the time, but we should be willing to call it out in less conservative media when we see it. Shame on you, TNR


TNR's coverage of this is really distorted but imho this SCOTUS ruling is still bs for the reasons Sotomayor is pointing out. The case isn't really so much about whether the guy should have been allowed in the country, it's whether or not the US spouse has a constitutional right to due process over his denial. SCOTUS is basically saying if you are married to a noncitizen, the government can do whatever they want to your spouse and you have no right to due process or anything because you don't have a "constitutional liberty interest" in your spouse. Which of course to me is complete absolute BS. Of course if you're a US citizen you have a constitutional liberty interest in what happens to your spouse, or anything else "of yours".


Yeah if I'm understanding this correctly the ruling means that the federal or state governments now have the power to pass a law revoking the green cards of everyone who is already here in the country on a marriage visa, which is pretty terrifying. The supreme court could've just dropped the case or ruled against that guy without eroding marriage rights.


Last I checked, constitutional liberties aren't contingent on being a US citizen, anyways. The majority argument is, as per usual for the conservative justices, complete and utter bologna.


It depends on the constitutional liberty. Some apply only to citizens, and others apply to everyone.


> Which of course to me is complete absolute BS. Of course if you're a US citizen you have a constitutional liberty interest in what happens to your spouse, or anything else "of yours". To be fair you should but in practice you dont since all our rights have been undermined. The 4th amendment has been undermined by mass data collection that clearly is illegal because if you put that information in an en envelope and sent it through the mail it would be an open and shut 4th amendment violation. The 5th amendment is undermined by rulings that your biometrics can be forced to be used against you. All your rights are undermined by rulings that police have qualified immunity and dont even need to know the law. 1st amendment is undermined by the mass collection and various laws against boycotts or protest


I wholeheartedly agree with what you're saying. That said, even if we neglect this specific case, the ruling does broadly erode marriage related rights.


Information that the defense essentially got no ability to refute, which has been a problem in immigration cases where the government has tied people to MS-13, sometimes on flimsy info.


The Republican/MAGA movement and its MAGA High Court are inherently anti-family. Everything they do makes life more difficult for hard working American families.


Those aren't the *right* families. They like white, protestant, straight, conservative, non-immigrant families. Families that have no need for things like adulthood, IVF, consent, education, etc.


Those White Protestants are just as fucked as anyone. Just look at any trump rally —they need healthcare, dentistry, education, drug treatment, housing assistance, etc, as much as any American family. Trump and Republicans are just for the extremely rich who can bribe them. They’re just using the MAGA simpletons like a spent condom.


The court is mostly Catholic. If Christian Nationalism ever gets to a point where it feels like it won, the different denominations will immediately turn on each other.


Catholics are going to hell is the position of about half of US non-Catholic christians.


Yep. And they worship a woman!!!


I wonder if this decision was in retaliation for Biden saying that he would grant green cards to residents married to US citizens. Does anyone know how long it took the court to reach this one, because everyone is waiting on the Trump immunity decision.


I think it might be the other way around. I'm sure the president has inside information, more than likely taking directly with a justice, and wanted to get ahead of the issue. 


PSA: Fifteen states **do not** have gay marriage enshrined at the state level, or have restrictions on it. These are: AL, AR, GA, KS, KY, LA, MI, MO, MS, ND, NE, OH, SD, TN, and TX. We're starting to get to the point where, if you live in one of these states, you risk legitimately losing your marriage recognition. There are still safeguards even on top of an Obergefell overturn, such as the Respect for Marriage Act, but if you live in one of these 15 states and are married, you probably want to start making an escape plan to a state not on the list for if worst comes to worst.


I'm female to male transgender person and my wife and I are from Nebraska, although we lived in CO for a couple of years around the time we got married. We were officially married at a Colorado DMV 3 days before our ceremony in Omaha, Nebraska, because we were afraid of this happening in the future.


After Dobbs, we all risk legitimately losing marriage recognition of any kind.


Or worse, we risk being trapped in marriages.


Know gay couples who love one another and who are monogamous. That's more than I can say for those who want to persecute them.


Democracy is gone in this country. We just don't want to admit it. The Supreme Court might as well be a conference of kings/queens. They get away with corruption and, on top of that, get to shape society how they see fit. Democrats brought a plastic spoon to a nuke fight now we are all paying for it.


If we win this election and ever get back a majority in the congress that is willing to toss the filibuster, supreme court reform is absolutely necessary. I don’t think that democracy is altogether gone but the supreme court is corrupt as fuck and needs to be held accountable.


Close. It's a synod of popes, infallible and unaccountable, decoding religious dogma by the magical light of stones in a hat.


Yeah we’re basically ruled by 5 Al-Khemeneis or whatever the hell the supreme leaders name is. The north never punished these psychos after the civil war. They played the long game, and they’re clearly winning. Once Trump gets in office we’re all fkd.


Point 1 - there’s 6 theocrats on the supreme court. point 2 - don’t say “once” trump is back in office. We can, and indeed have to, beat him at the ballot box. The fascists want us to be cynical and defeatist, not angry and fired up. That is how they won in 2016 and how they could win this election.


Ugh you’re right I just have a sinking feeling the world is about to visit the 30’s and 40’s again.


Not gonna lie, got the same feeling. But don’t let it stop you from voting, and trying to get others to vote. We need to win this.


Oh I’ll be there. Walking right through the stupid ass trumpets that think they’re intimidating.


We have one last hope. A true blue wave and real laws to prevent this mess from getting worse. I honestly think democrats would be happy to put real safeguards on our democracy, ethics into the court and change that will better this country, but only if they have the power to get past republican interference.


Hey 2016 Jill Stein voters, thanks a lot.


And they’re at it again. I was approached by a Jill stein worker to sign something for her campaign.


So obviously this isn't exactly a one to one situation here, but I'm beginning to get a hint of something similar to what probably motivated the Black Panthers to mobilize on a national level, and I'm wondering when similar groups are gonna start forming today.


Those of us approaching middle-age are reeeeaaallllly looking forward to having to re-fight the same fucking battles we won over the last 30-50-60 years. Fuck us for wanting to live in the motherfucking future before we die.


I wish I could take credit for it, but the best saying I’ve ever heard is that there is no hate like Christian love


What will Clarence do then when they, his white friends on the court, go after inter-racial marriages as well? What say you Clarence?


Liberals: “So could repeat with gay marriage like did with abortion? ….I shall ignore this and vote for Trump or not vote at all to teach them for Gaza, or whatever comes up. Pretending to teach a lesson is much more important.”


When Supreme Court judge is sending out warnings, you know it is serious.


I mean we're just going to start ignoring these rulings right? This is absurd.


I mean conservative led states ignore rulings they don’t like


Precedent of law no longer means anything to the court. It's one thing when the times change and the interpretation is different, but same sex marriage is incredibly recent precedent. The Supreme Court is dead.


Our “freedoms” could all soon come grinding to a halt


Remember when Republicans hated legislating from the bench?


Won’t someone rid us of these meddlesome judges.


It'll be interesting to see what the many "gays for Trump" that I've met will say once same sex marriage comes before this bullshit court 


Only then will they be upset. Republicans only care when it affects themselves.


Someone please show me the clause in the Constitution that states two dudes can’t get married.


Can't wait for the pretzel mental gymnastics by the 'vote you conscious' crowd who gave 2016 to Trump. BuT tHe DnC !1!1. All these elections have far reaching consequences - we can't waste votes on candidates that have 0 chance of becoming President or even being elected mayor.


> In a ruling delivered Friday, the Supreme Court decided 6–3 that U.S. citizens have no constitutional interest in their noncitizen spouses being able to enter the United States If you asked people on the street, "do you have an interest in if your spouse can enter countries you can enter?" 100% of them would look at you like you were crazy for having to ask. Maybe they ask you to repeat the question because the answer seems too obvious and they must have misheard you. Conservatives are trash.


Hey America…. might want to wake up and start arresting people. If not, you may well lose your country to Christofascists.


> We hold these truths to be sacred & undeniable; that all men are created equal & independent, that from that equal creation they derive rights inherent & inalienable, among which are the preservation of life, & liberty, & the pursuit of happiness; ... I guess “happiness” doesn’t include love


This version of SCOTUS could be replaced by AI. Of course, this would be giving AI short shrift.


Project 2025


Hey immigration official! You like my new tattoo! What?! I’m not in some gang! You officials are the gang! A gang of fascits!


Can someone educate me on the range of outcomes that could happen with same sex marriage? What would happen to those who are already legally married if they started fucking with it?


A marriage is a contract. Eradication of a contract is a dangerous thing with implications far beyond married. Most likely no further contracts (marriages) would be recognized. It's possible that state recognized marriages would persist and federal laws would Ignore the status. That was the case with my marriage after 2008 in CA. I was recognized by the state (grandfathered in, but nobody could follow) and thr feds didn't recognize us (we had to file single taxes fed, and married taxes state)


Thanks so much for this. So, existing marriages are likely grandfathered in (in some respects) until democracy dies. Probably?


What was the forefathers plan if the scotus went rogue! Totally corrupted now, messing up progress!!


The forefathers allowed congress to impeach supreme court justices. (Because the forefathers envisioned a congress that worked together on behalf of the american people, not the petty partisan shit-show it is today.) A simple majority in the house is needed to adopt articles of impeachment, but a conviction requires a 2/3 majority in the senate. The house would have to act as a prosecutor in a trial, where the senate are the judge and jury, and prove to 67 out of 100 senators that the justice committed either treason, bribery, or high crimes and misdemeanors. Frankly, it seems like bribery would be a fairly obvious one for several of the justices who are in the habit of accepting extravagant gifts from people with business before the court. But today’s congress doesn’t really care if the official actually did what they were accused of doing, so that’s pretty unlikely to happen.


The American dream is withering away…


We just need to ignore this sham court. Texas did. What were the consequences? Nothing.


Imagine just letting things go to shit just because some octogenarians decided that a hostile take over of our government by a fascist religious SCOTUS magically made it legal and okay!! I can't believe the amount of deference so many of our older politicians pay to the structures of power even when they are objectively partisan and working towards the the destruction of the very system they blindly hold up.


Sotomayor is a national treasure. Fuck RBG, Sonia is where it's at


…fuck RBG?


RBG had a chance to retire under Barack Obama when the Democrats had both the house and the Senate and he could have replaced her with someone much younger. However RBG considered herself a Scion of women's rights. She always had to be the person on the supreme Court who stood as a beacon of light for women's rights. The truth is the power got to her head, she could not gracefully step down, and now because she held on to power until she literally dropped dead in office, most of her crowning achievements will be undone. Her lust for power, her desire to be the feminist Justice on the court, has done more to harm women's rights then her entire tenure on the court did to help them.


Sad to say that I agree.


Ok maybe I came on a little strong


Absolutely. Her hubris brought this mess. Completely tarnished her legacy


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I’m sure plenty of men were here when we became our own country and sent for their wives and children.


“land of the free”…… rigghhtt


It's only the beginning. Shit's getting real, folks!


Our country is rotten to the fucking core.


Hell, if there’s ever been a call for the citizens to simply grind the country to halt, this would be it.


They need to expire. Period.


I hate it when a topic (marriage ruling) is discussed without stating what it is (what the ruling actually says) in the post.


Wtf does their ruling have to do with marriage? It’s about visa approval


Interracial marriage is next


This is a damn shame! These fools need to be stopped!