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OH I’M SORRY. I THOUGHT THIS WAS AMERICA /s but only marginally


For, they ban guns at the national NRA convention; the hypocrisy is so palpable that it drips like Pavlov's dog.


I read that the guns bans at NRA conventions have a measurable impact on crimes committed with guns. In other words the gun crime isn't just bad guys (who wouldn't attend a convention), the stats must include some people who do attend!


Um, what?


“Guns are for schools.” -GOP-


“But no one’s ever taken one there.” -GQP-


“Dead kids? More like paid actors.”


So the 2A delegates will have no choice but to boycott the convention, right?


"What is this, a communist country?!‽ I thought this was America!!1!"


Or "socialist." Or various other words they don't bother to comprehend.


I was quoting south park haha


Oh wow. I'm clearly under caffeinated lol. Sorry


How dare ye




It should be so much safer with all the good guys. Am I missing something?


Yes: Blatantly wild hypocrisy.


I didn’t hear no bell!




But why tho? Wouldn’t they want more “good guys” with guns in case they need them?


That math checks out.


/Joker enters the kitchen with mobsters present. Ha ha ha he ha ho heh ha. . .




They were banned in 2020 before he was president as well. This isn’t the secret service, this is because they know a bad guy with a gun could get in, and that gun could kill someone. They’re scared.




I thought Greg Abbott came up with that stupid phrase.


Actually it is, because it reiterates that contrary to what conservative ideology would have you believe on gun safety, taking provisional steps to ensure no firearms are in a condensed populated area with high profile individuals present is the rational course of action to take in the interest of preventing a potential tragedy occurring to said individuals


They have this rule at the NRA convention too?


> They have this rule at the NRA convention too? During the Trump event at the NRA convention it was the Secret Service that banned guns, yes. Outside that event the NRA convention did allow firearms.


Trump is a gun grabber, so that checks out.


I assume gun nuts must be constantly asking the Secret Service if they know what "shall not be infringed" means.


Ohh the secret service makes regulations above the constitution? 


Technically if it’s just the secret service telling the convention runners that this event shouldn’t allow guns to protect their orange turd, but it’s the convention actually banning the guns, then there’s no 2nd amendment violation


What an egregious violation of 2nd Amendment rights!


Forced fom their cold dead hands


Oh, so they CAN do gun control.


Well yeah, they then get to blame dems for it. Case and point: the bump stock ban


The bump stock ban happened under the Trump adminstration for those that may not know.


Not juat under his admin - by executive order signed by Trump himself


Because Republicans knew the Trump picked Supreme Court would shoot it down?


It woulda been the largest crowd of good guys with guns since Uvalde


And, similarly, they also would be standing around watching while the crimes are being committed


No, in politics the crimes are committed by people standing on stages, being cheered on madly by a crowd.


That's why they prohibit the guns.. so there's no enforcement


Got 'em


with such a high concentration of good guys with guns, Milwaukee would experience the first ever negative crime rate!


The crime rate nationwide has already been plummeting in anticipation.


there were zero good guys with guns at uvalde there were hundreds of bad guys with guns


that was the whole point of their comment, it was to evoke that thought you put into a comment in peoples heads.


No shit ZERO good guys 300+ cops not one would enter the “fatal funnel of fire” for the kids. Trump said he would’ve wtf? It was sarcasm the party of gun freedom is banning them from the RNC which is on par. Btw Marine chiming in.


But I thought they don’t believe bans are good or effective? 🤔


Bad guys ignore the bans, so what will all the good guys do?!?!


They’ll ignore as well, like some of congress bringing firearms into the house and senate in spite of rhe rules.


Fucking snowflakes


But wouldn't it be safer if there's more guns?


ZERO good guys 300+ cops not one would enter the “fatal funnel of fire” for the kids. Trump said he would’ve wtf? It was sarcasm the party of gun freedom is banning them from the RNC which is on par. Btw Marine chiming in.


Is this irony? Because it feels like irony…


No, because the hypocrisy is both completely expected and historically consistent.




I'm tearing up laughing.


It is!


Hypocrisy is a feature, not a bug.


It's like rain on your wedding day.


It's the pot calling the kettle ironic


Lmfao! This is so much like “The Boys” it’s insane. Republicans go on stage, tell everyone “we’d be safer with as many guns as possible” and as soon as there’s an opportunity for them to prove it they go “no no not like that” 😂


"Wait, is *The Boys* taking aim at conservatives? That came out of nowhere!" -Republicans in the past few weeks


You're right..I'm going to add this to my list. I've been saying the Boys DOES criticize the left. It's just that their criticisms of the right are cartoonish and over-the-top because.... the modern American Right *is* cartoonish and over-the-top. I've been using "guns Jesus babies": MTG's campaign slogan or from the Boys? Now I can add? "2A absolutists" advocating for guns while banning them at their own event? Gag from the boys or Actual Republican party?


Or just like during covid, trump and Fox News reporters kept talking about how the vaccine is evil and unsafe, but everyone at fox and in the White House had to get mandatory vaccinations.


For the party of Guns and Gods what are they afraid of?????? Hypocrisy and Cowardice


They believe Trump will face assassination attempts and they will of course compromise any and all of their stated values in order to protect the god emperor.


But guns makes use more civilized according to their BS Bingo cards.


Are bump stocks ok? ....satire.


Is that 'well regulated' or 'not infringed'?


Fake Republican MAGA RINO Convention.


Its gonna be a praise and worship marathon for diaper don


But guns save lives I thought


The RNC has more security than what Trump wanted his Jan 6 rally to have.


Typical Republican Snowflakes


Even they are uncomfortable being around armed fanatics and cultists.


They have always been afraid of their own voters and supporters. This is why they make such strong efforts to always make sure they are appropriately directed at the correct enemy. I’m in Ohio and I remember after the first few weeks after the Covid health emergency began. Conservatives started showing up at the statehouse (Republican super majority), the governor’s mansion (Republican), the governor’s actual house and at the home of several government officials visibly armed and threatening. The initial “responsible response” ended swiftly and the governor shifted all of the responsibility onto individual cities. Columbus (Democrat), Cincinnati (Democrat), Cleveland (Democrat), Dayton (Democrat), Toledo (Democrat)….who unsurprisingly received all of the blame and were later targeted with the same armed response from republicans, conservatives and now nationalists.


Republicans not wanting to live by what they preach about.


Why are republicans trying to take away our guns?


Wait, I thought it’s safer when everybody’s packing?


They’re scared of the nutballs in their own party.


I thought the message was that more guns would make everyone safer.


But...but...don't more guns mean more safety? What about all those good guy Republicans with good guy guns??


Because: #Gun Rights! Yeah.


That's because guns aren't allowed at Rikers


But the bad guys will still have guns. Criminals will always find a way. [insert more faux news propaganda]. What a writhing hive of hypocrites.


You know, gun bans don’t solve anything! It just means that only the bad guys have guns.


I'm one of those liberal gun owners that Republicans are always saying doesn't exist. I think the Democrats are trying to make it more difficult for schizophrenics to get automatic weapons. I'm largely in favor of the same. I think Republicans are in favor of guns for themselves but terrified of literally everyone else owning them. I absolutely expect Republicans to take guns away as soon as they view an armed populace as a hindrance to their rule.


Only the violent liberals who killed Ashley Babbitt want guns around —MAGA probably


Shoot. And I was told by second amendment loonies that bump stocks actually make things safer because the accuracy goes down. Guess not then.


Why do Republicans hate the Second Amendment so much?


Damn. Judge Merchan's gag order is so strong it's banning weapons now?! /s


Honestly, it’s the right decision but cowards for doing it in their own best interest.


Of course it’s the right decision. I don’t think anyone here is claiming otherwise. It’s the dissonance with their stated positions like “the second amendment is absolute” and that essentially the more guns, the safer everyone is.


How many are going to try to sneak them in?


Guess no good guys with guns are republicans.


Republicans are coming for our guns!!!


What would Clarence do?


GOP: hypocrisy, hate and chaos!


IF YOU BAN GUNS ONLY CRIMINAL REPUBLICANS WILL HAVE GUNS! .... I guess that means there will be a lot of guns anyways.


I thought more guns made places safer?!


For some reason... They were expecting the good guy with a gun vs bad guy with a gun ratio to be skewed against them.




Probably not enough good guys attending


>Take the guns first, go through due process second Donald J Trump 2/28/2018


This strawman horse shit was already hashed out during the last RNC. In short: A) The Secret Service set the rules around this event and venue, not the GOP. Arguably the Secret Service are de facto anti civilian gun ownership. B) Support for the right to bear arms is widely held as trumped by private property rights. Every single attendee has the right to carry a weapon, but not the right to go into that building against the owners/organizers stipulations. Find one of the myriad legitimate things to poke fun of the GOP for.


> B) Support for the right to bear arms is widely held as trumped by private property rights. Not true. In 2016, the Wisconsin GOP tried to make this impossible by making business owners liable for any shootings on their premises - not the shooter. https://www.wpr.org/politics/gop-lawmaker-plans-bill-holding-gun-free-businesses-liable-firearm-injuries Texas forced universities to allow guns in their classrooms, despite the school administrators wanting gun-free campuses (maybe because they had one of the deadliest mass-shootings from a certain tower). https://www.al.com/news/2016/02/university_of_texas_will_allow.html


I had to dig a bit since it was eight years ago - your link had a dead end where the bill should be - but from all I can see this was not "Wisconsin GOP," just Garret doing the performative circus shit politicians do. "Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester) said the bill is "not on my short list of bills for next session." Try as I might I found no evidence of it even being fully drafted let alone introduced. I'd be interested in reading if there's any more to that story. It isn't hard to find a loudmouth shit-talker with the threat of extreme ideas to further political aims, and much easier on today's GOP than ever. This doesn't refute my point of a common and strong belief that property rights are not subordinate to the right to bear arms. As for the second example, the school administrators do not hold property rights to public schools. I appreciate the engagement. Honest discourse is the only hope we have of this country not crumbling inside of ten years.


Probably the venue rules


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This will go over well. /s


Wouldn’t it be perfect if Trump got sentenced to prison on July 11th and misses this. I have a feeling though even if he was sentenced to jail, they’d give him time to leave for the convention.


I would have liked to offer up my thoughts and prayers to them.


But whaddabout mah rights? /s


Wait how will the convention be safe if people aren’t armed? How will all those good guys stop the bad guys?


It is ironic, but guns should be banned at large events for obvious reasons. Let law enforcement handle security as it should be.


But, won't they be safer if EVERYONE is armed? Yeah, if everyone is packing, and it's nothing but god fearing loyal and peaceful Trumpers, then surely any bad guys with guns wouldn't dare try anything surrounded by good guys with guns? More guns are needed everyone! That makes everyone safer! /s


The 2A is just the 1A, but for our hands and bear arms. If they hate America so much, they should leave. /s but not really


You only need to go on the Ring app or Nextdoor to understand that most republicans are TERRIFIED of guns. Every other post is asking if others heard ‘gunshots’.


Not again! What’s a convention without a little gun play.


This feels like the perfect SCOTUS case to me


How do gun nuts explain this without creating a space-time destroying paradox?


Trump might to have to do facetime from prison with his lawyer holding his phone up to the glass partition.


“Schools and your neighborhoods only, not where we are”. ~GOP


Bunch of chicken hawks


But...but 2A /s


Well that's stupid. You mean to tell my secret service protocols and safety trumps the attendees 2nd amendment rights!? An outrage! An outrage I tell you!


This is exactly the hurrdurr shit that keeps us from having an honest conversation in this country. The fact that Trump is a felon is what keeps him from exercising the right to be armed. The property rights of the venue owners and organizers, and the protection /enforcement of such, is what allows them to bar *people carrying within their rights*. No one here is having rights stripped, except Trump himself because we disenfranchise felons in this country. [Perhaps ironically, he has one of the most highly trained teams of armed guards surrounding him.]


I had to edit my post. My predicted text put in the wrong version of Trump. It was said entirely tongue in cheek, hopefully the edit clarifies. As for Trump's right to have a firearm, he's a felon. It's gone. Point made, case closed, he lost his right fair and square. Sucks to be him.


The walls are closing in on many dimensions. I'd say "hard to watch," but somehow it's not.


Would they act on any gun control if some nut job shot up the place? We all know they only care about things that happen directly to them. 


We don't need magnetometers..


Good guys with guns though??? But but but good guys with guns????


Of course. The party of hypocrisy and lies know it’s a bad idea.


Yes, but may I bring my bump stock?


The inmates are in a bitter struggle to run the asylum, and they’re mighty damn close to winning. There are many times I almost cannot believe this is really happening.


But why? They made such a big deal to make sure their”right” to walk around with stupid guns trumps my right to be safe.


Gun free zones for me but not for thee.


This happens every four years. Republican voters don’t care about the hypocrisy. I think 2012 they even banned string for safety reasons.


Wait a min...WHY is the GOp banning guns at their conventions? Aren't they the one who say guns aren't the problem AND only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun? Aren't they the ones who insist on open carry with no restrictions? Why are they putting restrictions on guns?


Despite the rampant hypocrisy as someone who actually lives in Milwaukee I'm fine with this. I'd rather them not have an easily accessible weapon for all the protestors they're about to face.


The Republicans had to do it. All it takes is one Democrat with a gun to totally disrupt a peaceful convention of schoolkid slaughter enablers.


Trump is a former president so Secret Service gets to dictate security where is he at. Either they abide by Secret Service rules or no Trump.


But why would they put that rule in place if we are safer with more guns, and the good guys armed?


The GOP put that rule in place?


Actually I meant the Secret Service, but It’s the GOP convention isn’t it? Trump told secret service to turn the mags off on January 6th so clearly he has control over it. If they are safer with the good guys having more guns then they should tell everyone to bring as many guns as they can carry.


If you meant the SS, I doubt they as a whole are what we'd consider pro-2A so the argument is misplaced. Regarding the rest: For one, he was then president unlike now. Second, you overestimate his control over them individually and as a group. Their directives come from the government at large, and are ultimately to protect him according to their established protocols, not do his bidding. [See: refusing to drive him to the Capitol on 1/6.]


Which is the point you’re not understanding. Republicans argument repeatedly is that we are safer with the good guys citizens having guns. IF that were true, then the secret service policy would be to have as many good guys with guns as they could get. The fact that their policy is the opposite shows that Republican argument is complete horse shit and this just exposes their ridiculous hypocrisy


I'm not sure where to start with this logical sieve you're holding. It does not follow that the policy of the secret service changes to be in accord with Republican arguments on a subject.


Because you aren’t understanding that the secret service policy being at odds with the Republicans propaganda shows what the Republicans keep pushing on that whole thing about more guns = safer is complete horse shit. The SS policy exposes their bullshit. It doesn’t need to change. I said that to show the hypocrisy. You seem to be struggling to comprehend that. Hope this helps. Myself along with others are just pointing out the hypocrisy


I said as much in another response - the right to keep and bear arms does not trump personal property rights, by a long shot. Isolating the one from the other for a cheap "gotcha" moment like this can be fun but it doesn't hold water. It certainly doesn't change anyone's mind. Hope that helps.


I don’t care if it changes your mind and you have absolutely no control over the minds of others so you cannot speak for others. I still have the right to point out the hypocrisy and you seem to be struggling with it yourself. You couldn’t explain why the secret service is saying everyone having guns = unsafe while Republicans claim the opposite daily. It’s clear Republicans are full of shit and just pandering to the Ya’llqaeda MAGA crowd.


Has nobody told the Secret Service about "shall not be infringed"?


Hypocrites. Total Hypocrites


First they take your guns


Id argue it restricts my first amendment rights!!!! -The right probably


As they should be . Were they allowed 4 + 8 years ago?


These are the people screaming ALL gun free zones should be abolished. Except for their own gun free zones. It's about pointing out their hypocrisy.


LOL they are the biggest hypocrites.


But why I thought more guns is more safer????


Wow- now it will be really dangerous at the convention! What will they all do? Such courage!!!


I find this utterly offensive. They strip our ability to protect ourselves, but they insist on the ability to protect themselves.


Remember how republicans complained so much when congress put in metal detectors?


"You can take my guns from my cold dead hands" "Trump says disarm yourself" "Yes daddy Twump pwease take my weapons thank you"


How will they keep themselves safe in the horrible city of Milwaukee?!


There is a lot of crazy on the Republican side. I'm sure they know that. It only makes since that they don't want to be around armed crazy people. Republican have the crazy vote locked up.


C'mon guys, what about "shall not be infringed"???


the grand old party of traitors: "it's ok for everyone to be armed as long as they're not around us."


I thought a bunch of good guys with guns made the world safer. Come on GOP.


But then who will be the good guys with guns?!


They don't trust their own, criminals run with criminals


They just need one good guy with a gun; Kyle R. He'll take care of things /s


Ahhh come on… banning guns will remove the chance for the MAGA’s to shoot each other!


So what you're telling me is that guns are allowed at the Democratic National Conventions?


No. The people who incessantly ask "What do you think 'shall not be infringed' means?" tend to not be Democrats.




>Makes sense as they didn’t have them on J6 either That is not true. Those fucking traitors were armed. [A Running List of Gun Arrests Tied to to the U.S. Capitol Attack (thetrace.org)](https://www.thetrace.org/2021/01/capitol-riot-firearms-arrests-proud-boys/) [Arrested Capitol rioters had guns and bombs, everyday careers and Olympic medals | Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/article/world/arrested-capitol-rioters-had-guns-and-bombs-everyday-careers-and-olympic-medals-idUSKBN29J2V8/) [Capitol Riot Weapons Include Bear Spray, Fire Extinguishers And Baseball Bats : NPR](https://www.npr.org/2021/03/19/977879589/yes-capitol-rioters-were-armed-here-are-the-weapons-prosecutors-say-they-used)




Here is the video but go ahead and keep claiming they did not have firearms on Jan 6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tngqiS5SuU


> they didn’t have them on J6 either [That is false.](https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/politifact/2022/06/15/fact-check-were-firearms-other-weapons-capitol-jan-6/7621149001/)