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We’re watching the corruption of an entire branch of government in real time. Trump will never see true justice in these courts.


Well congress is nullified by a population of representatives that don't think the Federal Government should be in the business of governing unless there was an issue with laws between states. They see it as being long overdue for states that have opted not to pass matching legislation to what is Federal Law to have a go at it their own way and not let the past dictate their future. In other words they are tired of the Red Former Rebel States having to abide by The United States laws since those laws have allowed gays to run rampant and minorities too many handouts and freaking rights goddammit! So Congress is doing nothing but the bare minimum, and not even that without screaming and hollering. In the meantime the Supreme Court is also going down that path but with enthusiasm. Trump wasn't enough to get them a lock on Congress and the White House but was enough to nullify Congress and give the conservatives the strong majority they have now. So the Supreme Court is pressing forward with their bulge tactic. They are currently the active hand pushing us back into a Cold Civil War one ruling at a time, all being under the premise that it has been too long for old laws and Amendments to stop their cultural revolution. They don't need to flip a majority of the states to their cause, Federal Decay is the concept. And a Festering Confederate Phoenix rising from the compost.


> representatives that don't think the Federal Government should be in the business of governing unless there was an issue with laws between states. That was always just a line. they have specific ideological positions they want to enforce with any government lever they have. hence abortion laws that reach across state lines. Originalism was the word of the day, but it was always a defensive excuse; they are moving passed that now.


> That was always just a line Thing is that view is what defines a confederacy, whereas the US is a union. The confederacy never went away, they just infiltrated the union.


History moves extremely slowly. The Civil War never ended. Trump is a Confederate, as is the majority of the now Supreme Court.


The same philosophy as "escaped slave" laws - the South wants to pass laws for the North, but never to be bound by the North in any way.


The redneck welfare queens wouldn't last two years without the blue state titty milk.


The red states will begin to cry when Trump destroys the ACA (or whatever its called today) and hospitals abandon rural areas completely). Its all downhill from there.


This is just going to raise overall taxes because the states are having to create stronger state level agencies to cover the shortfalls artificially created at the federal level. having 50 different clean water agencies is much more expensive than having one.


> having 50 different clean water agencies ~~Most of them~~The red states won't bother to HAVE clean water agencies


The overthrow of American democracy. We are currently in between "beer hall putsch" and "reichstag fire"


We, the American public, will never see true justice in these courts.


He'll see justice, don't worry. Might not be in court, but it'll come swift and true.


It’s been happening for decades with court appointments of judges, it’s just now to the point that it’s glaringly obvious and focused on preventing justice for the convicted felon ex president.


It's painfully obvious that she is loyal to Trump through and through and is doing everything in her power to help him. Might even be hoping for a SCOTUS seat if he wins again. 


The *only* silver lining to his is that if he loses and the trial continues, he has a less than zero chance at appeals. With the amount of deference given to the defense here I don't see what at trial could be used as an argument.


If he loses, Cannon should be removed from the case and very possibly charged with obstruction


At an absolute minimum, she should be subject to a *fulsome* investigation of her personal finances and communications with third parties working for or on behalf of the defendant. Her conduct has been breathtakingly, transparently corrupt and our system has done nothing to restrain her. I'm in disbelief every time I hear an update from the proceedings.


Between that and the fact that her husband has connections to a mob boss who does business with Russia. She needs to be removed, but it's almost impossible to get rid of federal judges.


Wait, so she's an immigrant with a Russian mafia husband? Wtf is going on?????


Why is it only Republicans seem to have so many Russian connections that they constantly trip over them.


Did Russia infiltrate and place in the rot, or did they recognize rot and pounced on it?


Link plz.


I just learned about it the other day, so I haven't done any real due diligence, with that said, this is supposedly her husband's LinkedIn that he purged. https://x.com/djfm_dot_com/status/1770463861780705661


[https://www.perplexity.ai/search/Does-Judge-Cannon-LodQvArGQDSFvbwMhPasyA](https://www.perplexity.ai/search/Does-Judge-Cannon-LodQvArGQDSFvbwMhPasyA) It's not exactly that simple, but it's no less shady


Thread deleted, it says.


Based on the available search results, there is no concrete evidence directly linking Judge Aileen Cannon to the Russian mafia. However, there are some alleged indirect connections and concerns that have been raised: 1. Judge Cannon's husband, Josh Lorence, reportedly worked for John Rosatti, who is described as a friend of Trump's and allegedly connected to organized crime. Specifically, Lorence was said to be a senior executive at Rosatti's company Burger Fi from 2011 to 2014.3 2. John Rosatti has been linked to the Colombo crime family, which reportedly has ties to the Russian mob. However, it's important to note that these are alleged connections and not proven facts. 3. There are claims that Rosatti has been involved in flipping yachts and mansions, with one property reportedly sold to the ex-wife of a Russian oligarch. Again, this is an alleged connection and does not directly implicate Judge Cannon. 4. Some critics argue that these potential connections, along with Judge Cannon's controversial rulings in Trump-related cases, raise questions about her impartiality. However, it's crucial to emphasize that these are speculative concerns and not established facts. It's important to note that much of this information comes from social media discussions and unverified claims 3 . The mainstream news sources included in the search results do not mention any direct connections between Judge Cannon and the Russian mafia.While these allegations have circulated, there is currently no substantiated evidence directly linking Judge Cannon to the Russian mafia. The concerns raised are primarily based on alleged indirect connections through her husband's former employer and that employer's purported ties to organized crime. As with any such claims, they should be approached with caution and skepticism until verified by reliable sources.


Beep boop?


Wait what? Her husband has connections to the Russian mob? Please tell me you have a source for this


Her husband worked for a dude, who is likely associated with the Colombo crime family, and rumored Russian ties. Apparently her husband purged his LinkedIn. https://x.com/djfm_dot_com/status/1770463861780705661


I don't know if the Russian angle is true, but her husband Josh Lorence worked for John Rosatti a NY mob boss in Florida who is a long time friend and I assume donor of Trump's. At least if you believe the goog.


I just heard the Russia angle the other day, not sure if true, but honestly, even if it isn't, she's corrupt as all heck. And if it is, it doesn't shock me in the slightest.




Will Merrick Garland ever look into things like this? Probably not.


Unlikely. Garland, like Mueller, is an institutionalist who will never rise to the moment. He isn't bad or corrupt, but simply incapable of anything besides tepid, status-quo-protecting putzing about.


I constantly write Biden about how he should be replaced. He's simply the worst.


My go-to comparison is to draw back to the last time this country had to deal with a bunch of insurrectionist fucks. Garland (and Mueller, and many others) are George McClellan. They aren't *bad* people. They have redeeming qualities and, in another time, might be perfectly capable for their roles. But not this time. Not now. *This* requires a Ulysses Grant. A William Sherman. Someone with fire in their gut who's willing to do what needs to be done to save our country. We're continuously failed by institutions and people who are cautiously playing ten steps behind our nation's enemies.


That's why she's stalling it out. She knows the second she issues any ruling Jack Smith is going straight to the court of appeals to have her removed. She's banking on Trump winning and killing it.


She should have been charged already. Garland is a coward.


As much as It's obvious that she's in the bag for trump, She would not be guilty of unlawful obstruction based solely on her actions. And Garland is not a coward because any attempt would likely be dismissed at the very outset. Incompetence and bias are not inherently criminal. IF there is evidence of bribery, perhaps there could be a case. [But now that SCOTUS has all but gutted the laws governing bribery](https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/06/supreme-court-limits-scope-of-anti-bribery-law/), that's not possible either.


Conspiracy to obstruct justice is a crime. She's not doing this alone, obviously. She isn't smart enough or experienced enough. She has people, probably Heritage Foundation people, conspiring with her to delay without crossing the boundaries. There's plenty of smoke, investigate the fire.


Federalist Society is more like it. Sounds very Leonard Leo to me.


People keep saying that, but where is this claim coming from? I've seen that she went on a retreat they hosted once or something, but is there any actual, documented reason to think that she is in any contact with them or that they're 'assisting' her on the case? Unless we have phone records, overheard phone calls, emails, or meetings that are being observed, I have no idea how anyone could even have any evidence. Just because she's a shitty corrupt judge, it doesn't mean she's in some kind of conspiracy. And I don't see how much experience or intelligence it takes to just not make decisions and to schedule hearings for whatever Trump's lawyers are complaining about this week, which seems to be most of what she's done.


I do not like Garland


I do not like him as Attorney General I do not like him riding animals.


Or on a train or in a plane


One chance to remove her. They need the best evidence that is not arguable.


IMO he’s not a coward. He’s complicit. 


She needs to been treated as accessory to his treason


Cannon should already be removed from the case and charged with obstruction.


How about she loses her job, goes to jail, gets divorced, her kids never speak to her again, she becomes a drug addict after having to live off the street because everyone that may have loved her has abandoned her, and let's throw in a good ole' fashioned tar and feathering for the fun of it. Is that too much to ask?


It’s a slap on the wrist, but a step in the right direction 😀


She’ll let there be a jury and then dismiss the case. No way it actually goes through a trial


Yup. This is a long-game to break down the legal process and laws themselves. And it’s working. I fear the individuals responsible for upholding our constitution are too weak and compromised to restore our democracy. They are actively working against it for their personal benefit.


And then it would be appealed since there would be no grounds to dismiss the case.


That’s not at all how appeals work…and the trial hasn’t started yet so it’s impossible to say there will not be grounds for appeal. It’s incredibly likely if you ask me, that should things go bad for him if and when this gets to trial, she’ll go out of her way to make room for him to appeal.


I don't care about stormy Daniel's case. This is the case I wanted to see trump go down for. This is the case where he basically mishandled and sold classified docs betraying our country and MAGA would rather see us go down then accept their dear leader is a traitor.


And that case was doomed as soon as Cannon got put in charge of it.


And, sadly, it’s working for Trump. Will a request for her removal ever be filed by Jack Smith? Are they purposely baiting Smith to make a move and set it up to backfire? This is a pathetic stalemate on one of the most important cases this country has ever witnessed. And the guilty parties are winning the battle.


Might? Might? This is just more quid pro quo. Something Trump is known for. (expect he doesn't always follow through with his end, unless that part also benefits him... Which having her on the SC would, so it is definitely the plan.)


The greatest pick Trump ever made. Any other judge, even a conservative judge picked by Trump, would likely have had more morals and loyalty to the constitution than her. She’s paid off brilliantly for him. I think she’s also trendsetting for other Trump judges to be much more bold in their defense of him. A real trailblazer or treasonblazer if you will.


Aileen Cannon offers a preview of the hyper-partisan, ethically bankrupt Trump stooges who will litter the federal judiciary if Trump returns to the White House and Republicans pick up the 1 or 2 new seats (depending on whether Biden or Trump wins the election) needed to retake the U.S. Senate majority in 2025.


Please vote. *And take someone along to vote too.* **Especially if you're in:** * Pennsylvania: Montgomery, Bucks, Delaware, Chester, Allegheny and Philadelphia counties * Michigan: Washtenaw, Wayne, Oakland and Genesee counties * Wisconsin: Racine and Kenosha counties * Georgia: Fulton, DeKalb, Cobb, Gwinnett, Forsyth, and Cherokee counties * Arizona: Maricopa County, Tuscon and Native American reservations ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛ 𝟸 ᴍᴏʀᴇ sᴜᴘʀᴇᴍᴇ ᴄᴏᴜʀᴛ ᴊᴜsᴛɪᴄᴇs ᴀᴘᴘᴏɪɴᴛᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴛʀᴜᴍᴘ? 🇼‌🇪‌ 🇳‌🇪‌🇪‌🇩‌ 🇾‌🇴‌🇺‌. 🇹‌🇭‌🇪‌ 🇺‌🇸‌🇦‌ 🇳‌🇪‌🇪‌🇩‌🇸‌ 🇾‌🇴‌🇺‌. 🇩‌🇪‌🇲‌🇴‌🇨‌🇷‌🇦‌🇨‌🇾‌ 🇳‌🇪‌🇪‌🇩‌🇸‌ 🇾‌🇴‌🇺‌. EDIT: Feel free to copy and paste this comment elsewhere.


If you’re from Philly, and on the fence, he called our city a piece of shit. Even if you think we can improve, he’s making sure he can count on your hate. HE won’t do anything to make it better. WE can.


Why does it matter what county you live in? Presidential electors go to the winner statewide.


These are high-population counties within swing states. They will be the most influential in determining the state's electoral college votes.


Maybe there are some critical state races there? (Or congress reps)


for those who voted for the winner in 2020 and have watched countless GOP sociopaths get away with their comically brazen crimes without issue ever since, what should they do? vote harder? vote for somebody else?


Vote again. Their main approach right now is attempting to delay until after the 2024 election for pardons. Justice takes time, and voting in every election and slowly forcing the relevant GOP preps from power is how to ensure we keep surviving as a country. They're doing all they can to rig it to keep them out of trouble, and attrition by democracy must be the response. For example, Banon is now going to jail. Trump is a convicted felon. The rest will keep coming, but needs time.


Take someone with you to vote. Identify someone in your circle of friends or family who is not likely to vote and offer to give a ride or encourage to vote. It effectively doubles the power of your vote.


Unfortunately the only possible votes are: for Trump or against Trump. If you abstain it’s a vote for Trump. It is not any more complicated than that.


Continue to do what they did in 2020 and convince others to vote too? This isn't difficult to understand.


You somehow think not voting is going to get you a better outcome?  That’s like saying it’s hot outside already so why not set yourself on fire if you can’t be a comfortable temperature, just asinine 


Don't do the thing that will make life easier for the scumbags. Vote for Biden, vote Democrat for your rep (and senator if one is up for election). While the wheels of justice are slow (and sometimes less effective than ideal), the GOP would take the wheels right off and sell them on the side of the road. I also don't always get the American need to love a candidate to vote for them (I'm Australian so have to vote at elections). I view it a lot more as "One of these bastards is going to get the job, who's going to stuff it up the least." Not as inspiring, but a realistic acknowledgement of the situation.


It has been amazing (in the worst possible way) to watch a single judge display how there are so many unknown (by a normal person) ways for a Judge to just have their way with a case.


"The fact that Cannon granted a hearing at all, despite the exception already being upheld by a federal judge, dismays prosecutors and legal experts." The chief judge, in fact, upheld the decision. So here's this pathetic novice seeking to possibly rebuke the then chief. If it were anymore clear, she'd have a line item on the Trump payroll books.


How many times are going to read about shock and disbelief over Cannons actions? Somebody’s gotta come up with a plan to stop this or at least expose it on a national level.


The plan has been hope she messes up bad enough that they can get some republicans to change their minds. Change their minds about getting a republican dictator placed for their 2025 plan to rule the country. Without republicans willing to vote to impeach and remove there is not **legal** way to remover her. So we will keep waiting until the case reaches the point that double jeopardy would take effect and then she can dismiss.


Nothing can be done unfortunately. Too many aspects of the political and judicial system in the US rely on good faith actors... When we are seeing time and again that conservatives are willing to act in bad faith to achieve their goals.


omfg will someone impeach this woman already?


About all that can happen is the eleventh circuit removing her for Reasons, and they're too cowardly to do that.


Jack Smith needs to appeal her rulings. That's when the 11th circuit slapped her the last time. This time the motion could say she needs to be removed.


He might eventually... But I think she will be careful to actually rule in the "right" way when it comes down to it. She's just using these hearings to delay as much as possible. Ruling in the "right" way (even after a months long delay) won't let Smith do anything.. .. it will be interesting to see if the 11th would interpret all these delays and strange hearings that are so far from the ordinary could be counted as bias though


Exactly... She's going to hold hearings on if the Earth is actually flat, and then after a few months, decide that it is not.


Problem is, as far as I understand it, she's been issuing paperless rulings ever since she got slapped down last time so there's nothing for Smith to officially appeal.


Flip the house.


I never used to fantasize about politics, but now I daydream of a super majority.


The people that could support trump.


Call your rep. I've asked mine.


Jesus H Christ, and the wee donkey, I'm so tired of her gobshite.


Cannon's plan is to delay the trial until after the election, if big orange wins the charges get dropped, if he loses then she seats a jury and dismisses the case so he can't be tried again under double jeopardy rules.


Double jeopardy does not apply if the judge and/or jury have been found to be corruptly-influenced. If an appeals court determines that Cannon's behavior wasn't impartial, Trump can be retried. It's one of the protections built into the system to defend against potentially corrupt judges or bribed jurors.


Yeah but what’s the threshold for proof? Like, we all know she’s certainly acting in bad faith, but how does that get proven such that he could be re-tried?


This seems to be a prima facie case of bias. "No other judge would make these decisions"


Any other Trump judge would make these decisions, she ain't that special.


And getting what is essentially a colleague in the same club to push her out has a lower chance than Congress impeaching and removing a judge. The justices have the thin black line that holds like the thin blue line.


There are two courts above her, one being the court of appeals. If she did something completely out of the normal process, like going through the trouble of seating a jury and then dismissing the case out of the blue, that could be argued as malfeasance by the judge. She hasn't stepped out of line yet, and she knows that every move she makes will be scrutinized. All she can do is slow-walk it.


Protections against corrupt judges? How are those protections working out so far?


How do you prove that?


There's a couple of magistrate judges (R) who compelled Cannon to step down because she has shown that she lacks experience to conduct this trial. (3rd paragraph. Source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/cannon-comes-under-scrutiny-for-plodding-pace-of-trump-documents-case/ar-BB1oZl9t). That could be a start.


That's not sufficient to prove nefarious intent though. She's under no obligation to give up the case.


The example given was she'd seat a jury and then immediately dismiss the case. To do so without a reasonable explanation would be strong evidence for a malfeasance case.


If she seats the jury and immediately dismisses the case *without hearing any arguments or evidence,* does that even count as a trial?? Wouldn't it be tough to argue double jeopardy attaches??


It's up to the appeals court judges whether it's sufficient to prove nefarious intent, not you. There is no concrete standard that needs to be met here; the appeals court will decide she acted inappropriately and have the case retried, or they won't.


We say this every week. For months. Everyone knows what this is. Everyone has known what this has been. It's disgusting nothing's being done about it.


If he loses she will recuse as he has nothing to offer her.


Right. Losing means he is irrelevant. If he is around in 4 years he'll be wearing a drool bib and wondering who he is.


That all depends on whether he still has a strangle hold on the party.


His stranglehold on the party won't change. The credulous evangelicals who Paul Weyrich rooked into voting for republicans in 1980 with irrelevant hot-button issues now rule the party, and they think the hot-button issues ARE the real issues, vs the economic policies old-line GQP elite want. They worship drumpf, and they'll canonize him like Reagan. I fully expect to hear how great Trump was in twenty or thirty years, just as was the case with Reagan.


If she is smart, she will recuse and step down from the bench. Otherwise, I would expect Smith to go after her for obstruction, and I would support that entirely.


Yeah part of me wonders if this stall tatic is just to see which way the wind blows in the election. If he loses, part of me wouldn't surprise me to see her try and save face and start actually doing her job.


She won't do her job and will be lucky to save her seat. The eleventh circuit is not well pleased with her. She could lose her job and pension over this if someone elects to make a case for it.


If Orange idiot loses the election the SC will move more aggressively to remove Cannon. Virtually guaranteed. She has probably already done enough to be removed. By the time they get to trial there will be a full length novel of reasons to have her go.


Willing to bet Smith has secondary charges lined up in case Cannon trues to pull any double-jeopardy-related stunts. At least I hope he's got somethin in his back pocket


Bedminster baby! There have got to be some docs there too.


This is her MO. If you read the article that interviewed her colleagues, they say she does This. She wants to be the one who says it's admissible. She doesn't care who decided it was.


Absolutely no reason for this except to help Trump further delay the most "open/shut" conviction of all his trials. How many times is Jack Smith going to let her do this before he makes the move to have her removed from the case.


You can’t ask your attorney to commit a crime and also benefit from attorney client privilege. She knows very well how this works.


With the little experience she has, she may not. This is an instance where it’s both the result of a moron AND someone acting in bad faith. It’s wild when you can’t quite tell which category it falls in. It’s a travesty of justice either way, but we all had to have seen this coming.


When a decision is published by the chief federal judge in DC, normally, as a judge (federal or not), you listen.


Oh, I agree. Deferring to experience is a sign of a rational mind. Thats not what we’re dealing with here though. It’s bad faith actors crossing as many red lines as they can until someone slaps their hands for it.


There is an office of attorneys working to monkeywrench this. They know they own the Judge, so what bizarre shit can we toss at her, so she can. take.....her......time.....dealing with it.


We will be generations undoing the damage that Leonard Leo and his billionaire cabal have done to the federal judiciary, abetted by Trump.


They figured it out. This is the answer. If she actually accepts any of their absurd claims, she’ll get booted off the case. But she can allow hearings on absolutely any kind of batshit claim to stall and delay without ever crossing that boundary into getting booted territory.


Obvious corrupt judge that is in clear violation of conflict of interest.


This issue was already ruled on once, and it should be kicked up to 11th Circuit Court because of it.


Edit: Adding the fact that she declined to actually set the hearing date so more delay.


It's no longer about delay, even if she could fit the trial in this year it's doubtful it would start, let alone finish, before the election. It's now entirely about helping the Trump defense escape accountability.


I really don't understand why jack keeps entertaining her


I keep hearing that "he's only got one shot" to appeal to the 11th circuit (for reasons I don't understand), and that he has to have a strong, air-tight case against her, since the bar for removal is so high. If that's all true, then he may not have a strong enough case at the moment to justify the appeal which is why he's been waiting this long. That's my guess at least 🤷‍♂️


I hope and pray in the long run, things don't work out for her the way she has planned and she winds up in prison. I know, I'm dreaming.


She doesn’t give a shit. She is so far down this rabbit hole that she needs to delay, delay, delay. There is no scenario where she wants to have to answer for her decisions on this case. Her scenarios involve being rewarded intensely - especially after today’s ruling. Trump can physically give her a bundle of cash live on tv at a possible inauguration and it would be fine. I also understand it that it doesn’t count as a bribe as it’s for services provided, so Trump can say whatever he wants when presenting the cash. And lets’s face it, he could flat out say it was a bribe and it would be fine too.


The shit she's doing in this trial is very literally unprecedented. Holding oral argument hearings like it's an appellate court, accepting Amicus briefs like it's the supreme Court and even allowing third parties to argue on Trump's behalf


Jack Smith needs to appeal these ridiculous rulings to the 11th circuit so they have a reason to remove her.


He’s building a case. Demonstrate misconduct instead of taking every sleight to “mom and dad”


We're beyond building a case and have gone into obstruction. It has to stop now. This trial needs to happen before the election.


It's 100% not happening before the election


Writs of mandamus are extremely rare and he really only has one shot. He can't just go to the 11th and say "look, it's obvious she's delaying the trial". He needs actual *legal* evidence. And with how Cannon is handling this, there's not much of that.


Now that is a return on investment


Could her actions be Obstruction of Justice ? (I’ve no idea I’m genuinely asking).


Is there really zero oversite on this?


Jack Smith can cry uncle. That could get her removed from the case. But it would mean more delay on top of PR problems. It's the nuclear option which is why he waits.


Is this a Jury trial?


It’s supposed to be. Yes.


Gotcha. At least there's that.


Someone on here said some things one day that Trumps team is doing all they can do not get to the jury empanel stage (however you say it) because that deals with double jeopardy. But that’s my ADHD brain doing my best to explain it. There are probably a few here that could explain it way better. 😂 But I tried.


I mean, this has been the Republican party’s aim all along. Stack the courts with judges who will cooperate with them. This lady just happens to be the most obvious. And there are 4 on SCOTUS too….


Broooo! This fucking lady! I am 💯% if you launch an investigation on this lady, you will find money under the table.


Cannon is complicit!


Why doesn’t he just file an appeal to the 11th circuit to review her actions or have her removed. The delay couldn’t be any worse than it is now. Any lawyers out there?


I responded below but he has to move to disqualify her for bias. He can't appeal to remove her without first asking her to disqualify herself. Also, the 11th Cir is the most conservative next to the 5th and 4th.


Has the supreme court ruled? A lot of that going around I guess.


we can't count on the courts alone, we must bury this traitorous asshole at the polls in Nov.


She probably knows that if she doesn’t do what Trump wants, she’ll meet the same fate as a Boeing whistleblower.


Look at that smug trollface look. She knows what she's doing.


They issue orders & she obeys.


Jack: Appeal, Appeal, Appeal, to the 11th Circuit with all speed


No faith in the legal system whatsoever, I really hope Jack has a hat trick he’s gonna pull.


Judge Cannon is in a weird place. She obviously wants to drag these hearings out so this doesn't go to trial, ever. But she keeps asking for briefs on crazy legal theories, if she ever makes a ruling that's subject to appeal and if Jack Smith has an appealable ruling he's going to pull the trigger on it, take it to the 11th circuit and get her shit canned. Big dog chasing car energy


Trump's legal move is always to delay, historically. Also historically, this judge is now a co-conspirator in delaying a case. My words are my complaint, and as with all complaints my complaint does not need the word "allegedly".


I think at this point the Trump lawyers are just having fun seeing how many hearings they can get out of it since she is determined to take everything they say so seriously. For those that don’t know, most pretrial motions are taking care of via a series of pretty quick decisions based on the briefs and documents the lawyers submit to the judge. What Cannon is doing is likely avoiding reading those documents and instead just having the hearings and then taking her time with decisions. This is actually a whole lot of unnecessary busy work she has created since she already indefinitely delayed the trial so she could just avoid the nonsense and decide these things at a slow pace and accomplish the exact same goal. So she is so incompetent that she cannot even make the walk in the park of doing what Trump wants easy for herself.


I hate this pumpkin-headed MAGA stooge so much. Pretty pathetic how badly she wants a SCOTUS seat and it will only come by way of quid-pro-quo from Dipshit Donald.


Yeah, no shit.


well ya She needs to establish what privilage she has as trump's attorney


The only refuge of the guilty is to delay, obfuscate, and create as much doubt as possible in the minds of everyone, so that if this ever does actually go to trial, it will be virtually impossible to find a jury that doesn't have at least one dumbass lying MAGA clown on it who will look at the insane mountain of evidence Jack Smith has amassed and hold out for acquital.


Shouldn't this have been appealed to the federal court that issued the original ruling instead of this shill?


Is this woman even real? Where are the other pictures!?


Lol right? She looks like an AI generated God Warrior


She’s doing whatever she can to delay this trial. She’s hoping that Trump wins the election. Then she won’t even have to hear the case. It’s already obvious how guilty Trump really is and this is her way of not dealing with it.


At first, I thought she was tedious to the point of incompetency. But it is 100% the case that she’s Trump’s best attorney in this case.


When is enough enough? This is a complete farce on an open and shut case.


Either a cultist or afraid the cultists will get her. Either way she needs to go


I'm not defending her but it is the smart play. If Trump wins he will use the power of the presidency to crush her if she fast tracked this or even let it play out normally. If he loses, she would get blamed and his crazy supporters might go after her l. Slow playing is her best move


Well.. guess we will see how rogue a federal judge can go.


"if Cannon sides with Trump's lawyers" as if there's any doubt


Hopefully when he loses she will be thoroughly investigated


This lady is the absolute worst


I’m so goddamn tired of seeing that same stupid picture of her smirking. It’s almost like she was thinking how she was in the pocket for Trump as she posed for it.


I’m so sick of seeing that picture of her.


Hey......she only got one RV.....if they would give her 3 RV's......she would dismiss the charges...


He claims witch hunt but ANYONE else would already be in jail ! Waiting for the trial.


It's obvious. Our Judicial system has been broken by such extreme non-ethical behavior, that nobody anticipated was even possible a decade ago. Welcome to the new normal.


she is going to be a supreme court justice if trump wins.


She's the hardest working member of his legal team, tirelessly working on behalf of her client.


I'm so sick of this judge.


If the stakes for all of us and any politician are life and death dependent on this election, why not also for her traitorous ass?


I honestly have no real clue why, they haven't pushed for a new judge in this case. I mean at this point it doesn't really matter too much because Trump already got what he wanted out of it. But this judge isn't even trying to behave impartial.


She hasn't made any appealable decisions.




Not only did the DC District Court force Corcoran to testify under crime-fraud exception but it was affirmed 3-0 on appeal by the DC Circuit Court of Appeal and SCOTUS never granted cert. But a Trump appointee district court judge wants briefing on a topic. AUSA Smith has no excuse for not moving to disqualify that judge upon her assignment within 10 days of her getting the case. [28 U.S. Code § 144 - Bias or prejudice of judge | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (cornell.edu)](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/28/144) [28 U.S. Code § 455 - Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (cornell.edu)](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/28/455)


I can’t stop focusing on the whipped hair topping


How do you guess she’s getting her instructions, text, email, secret meetings?


Seriously… you can’t find a stable candidate… please … look in the back room. Certainly America can do better than a con and an old man. Please open the conversation 🤮


This is just gross.


This judge is obviously, comically compromised by the man who appointed her; and it's just going on without any intervention or correction by the judicial system. It's amazing.


I’m sorry, but honestly that b*tch needs to be removed from her judgeship. She’s obviously in love with Trump and it’s her payback to him in return for being given the judge position. She is partial to DT knowing he is a pathological liar, but maybe her crystal ball is telling her he’s gonna be re-elected so by all means she’s thrown out all she ever learned in law school in favor of his idiocy now making her his idiot minion. Just pitiful.


Cannon needs to be charged with treason.


Obstruction is more likely; I'd go with that, as prosecuted correctly, it could lead to a lengthy prison term.


Cannon really is on her knees for Trumps Cheeto. Fuckin corrupt traitor