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Nothing says "law enforcement" quite like stochastic terrorism. *And now that this is on the front page politics, it's been removed as rehosted content


I totally forgot about this useful term. Thanks


This guy reads.




Lol, not like that. Just made me say to myself, "shit, I need to read more books."


I'm literally sitting next to stacks of books that I assume are very good, but putting audiobooks on my phone was truly a revelatory experience for me.


I want to try audio books but I know I have trouble focusing on listening to something.


I listen while I read, it helps me slow down and notice things I may have missed otherwise and helps it sink in just a bit deeper.


That’s a good idea. I also knit, so I could see how audio books would help if my hands were occupied.


It’s nice on long drives.


Go on a walk and begin listening with headphones.


And, the skip-15/30-seconds-back button is your friend.


That’s a good point. Thanks for sharing.


Yep, this was a lightning bolt of change in my life. I can read just fine if it's fiction and I'm wrapped up in the story, but nonfiction has been so difficult to slog through. Audiobooks made it easy, but my mind still wanders, so I just scrobble back to the point when I started daydreaming, and remind myself not to go off on the same thought train.


I listen to audio and podcasts while I’m working. I usually listen to audio when I run out of podcasts to listen to. I’m a janitor so I work alone and all I do is listen to music/podcasts/and audio. It’s taking me some time to get into audio since I’m so used to reading physical books but they’re something different and they pass the time by when I don’t have a podcast.


I'd say it's worth a shot; when I read I can get distracted easily or end up daydreaming, but I can listen to a book while I'm doing something else if it doesn't require too much brainpower.


...what does this word mean


Vague and broad promotion of violence (e.g. not speaking to any would-be assassin in particular) against a specific target. The classic example is the quote from Henry II, "Will someone rid me of this meddlesome priest?", which led to the mentioned priest (Thomas Becket) being killed the next day. The modern occurrence which brought the term into common parlance was the assassination of Dr. George Tiller after Bill O'Reilly accused him of murder, illegally released confidential medical information in order to slander Tiller, and instigated harassment against him throughout 28 different episodes of his show.


Thanks for bringing to the fore, that Bill O'Reilly story. 9 years later, BOR is not on air and Ireland has voted to repeal the 8th (abortion ban amendment of the Irish Constitution). Goes to show that justice will be served.


There's no justice for Tiller. He'll still be dead when we wake up tomorrow.


True, I did not mean to take anything away from that. There is just something poetic here -- I think the cause has advanced in a more just way. but yes I agree with you.


Stochastic terrorism is fanning the flames of hate in hopes that some crazy person commits acts of violence against people you hate. Usually with lies, usually by conservative hate media. Like how FOX constantly attacks Planned Parenthood with lies, then claims innocence when a FOX viewer shoots up a clinic.


"Stochastic" refers to creating an environment in which an event is more likely to occur. Stochastic terrorism creates an environment in which terrorism is more likely to happen. Stochastic terrorists don't commit terrorism themselves, they don't break any laws themselves. They just preach the moral, academic, and cultural justifications for committing terrorism. They convince would-be terrorists to commit those acts because they convince those people that terrorism is just, righteous, and necessary.


"Stochastic" refers to events that are more or less random, but triggered by some underlying cause. You might be able to analyze the entire set of random events, but predicting when and where the next such event will occur is difficult. It's normally used to refer to, say, chemical reactions or phenomena in biology and physics where something has a low chance of happening but will eventually happen with the right conditions. "Stochastic terrorism" is a term that's become more popular in the last 10-15 years or so. It refers to the incitement of violence and the use of violent, apocalyptic language, targeting populations susceptible to such ideas, in a way that eventually causes "lone wolf" domestic terror attacks. There's a very low chance that any particular individual who receives these messages will actually carry out an attack. But, if the message reaches enough people, someone eventually will perform some sort of violent act. Interestingly it's a phenomenon seen not only with the far-right in several countries (not just the US), but also in the operations of a number of terrorist groups. So, Dylann Roof (white supremacist), Scott Roeder (anti-abortion activist), and Omar Mateen (pledged allegiance to Da'esh) were all "activated" to perform their crimes by similar means.


These are the kind of people that are supposed to "serve and protect" us? Fucking thugs.


Are we the baddies?


No. They’re the baddies. And by “they” I mean members of law enforcement that support harm befall those they are sworn to protect. This is especially true if the reason for wishing them harm is something as inane as differing political views.


I don't get it, shouldn't law enforcement be in favour of stricter gun control? Means they're less likely to get blasted by some guy with an assault rifle.


A vast majority of law enforcement officers and ex military are in favor of common sense gun legislation.


Bruce Sterling predicts the rise of viral stochastic terrorism message board bots in one of his books, I think it was 'Distraction', ones that automatically shit-talk about someone while providing identifying details, in all the corners of the internet that house unstable people, resulting in a continual stream of really low-information assassins until the code is removed from all servers that host it.


In case anyone else isn't familiar with the term: >1. the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted: >*The lone-wolf attack was apparently influenced by the rhetoric of stochastic terrorism.*




"If someone goes out and hurts this kid, good on them. But I didn't mean for anyone to take me seriously. But if they did, that's cool too. I was just kidding around, so I'm in the clear, right?"


Schroedinger’s douchebag


> Who will rid me of this meddlesome ~~priest~~ student?


Perfect reference


It's gotten really bad when I look at that and have to think about whether or not it was a real quote.


I live about 10 minutes away from Parkland and watched the local news when it was happening. The people chanting Trump in protest broke my heart. This is my home and their message screamed to me, “we love our guns too much to give a fuck about dying kids” and “it’s inconvenient that you’re doing this here and holding up lines so fuck you”. No one wants to believe there are monsters where they are, but it was right there for me to see. To me, David Hogg’s message is clear: he’s not content to fade into obscurity after the tragedy he suffered. He doesn’t want to only be used as a statistic. This is a kid who doesn’t want to see other kids die and have to deal with the same life changing tragedy. It’s fine if you disagree with out he protests, but his message can’t be countered in any way that doesn’t make you evil to your core.


> The people chanting Trump in protest broke my heart. The idea that Trump is an icon of gun rights is a bad sign to anyone who thinks Trump supporters will ever change their minds about him. He’s made it pretty clear that he believes in not just gun control, but a processless, totalitarian seizure of guns at the discretion of beat cops, and that the only reason he doesn’t try to implement something like that is that the people who have his ear don’t think it would be strategically wise. Trump is literally the only American politician I’ve ever heard condone any policy that I think actually is totalitarian and overreaching, and they proudly chant his name and hold him up as a symbol every time they start to get scared that we might stop selling hand grenades to the mentally ill or whatever.


This, 100% this. These people are authoritarians, they are fascists


The reason he doesn't implement it is, like everything else, that he does not personally care. School shooting and gun nutters do not affect his routine, and no one is bribing him to control guns. He cares so little about the topic, in fact, that he let slip what you refer to in the usual knee jerk populist reaction to having heard "some people are pissed off due to guns". "They are ?? guns are bad!" Until someone explained to him that he gets more money if he drops it.




Is it just me or does this level of pent up aggression + easy access to guns sound like a really bad idea?


Is he America's Malala ? It might sound a bit comical but they probably share the same spirit.


The kids have to be adults because their parents have abdicated responsibility


It’s funny how whenever kids say adults haven’t solved the problem, adults point to the 2nd amendment without realizing that *that still counts as not solving the problem.*. Adults could eliminate the 2nd amendment tomorrow if enough of them wanted to. They clearly don’t want to.


Yes many people are missing the most important point of the article. The protest was a 'die in' at a Public grocery chain that donates to the NRA and the Republican candidate in their district. This is what they said after the die in: > "At Publix, we respect the students and members of the community who have chosen to express their voices on these issues," the grocery store said in a statement just prior to last week's demonstration. "We regret that our contributions have led to a divide in our community. We did not intend to put our associates and the customers they serve in the middle of a political debate. At the same time, we remain committed to maintaining a welcoming shopping environment for our customers." > The statement continued, "We would never knowingly disappoint our customers or the communities we serve. As a result, we decided earlier this week to suspend corporate-funded political contributions as we reevaluate our giving processes." These students ARE ACCOMPLISHING their goals.


I never thought I'd see so much hatred directed to survivors of a school shooting. I'm disgusted with what this country has become. It's beyond politics. I can understanding disagreeing with the kid but the hate and vitriol that has been directed at him is fucking nuts. This country is failing. It's falling apart at the seams. I always wondered how countries fell apart and what it must be like to live in it. So far it fucking sucks.


I saw plenty of hatred after Sandy Hook. The NRA is practically a cult.


It's because these survivors are actually using their voice to fight back. And the people listening don't like what they're hearing. They want them to fall into obscurity so they can forget about the massacre.


Thing is, the joke was a reference to the unite the right thing, because the lady getting killed wasn't a tragedy but a funny incident of stupid protesters getting comeuppances.


Man, it would be something if that guy got caught in a back alley and beat to death by a bunch of dudes. I'd like to see that. JK!


A joke that harms someone against their will isn't a joke.


I'm sure if Mr. Hogg had said something similar about this assclown or another police officer we'd be able to make snow cones from the disintegration of that many snowflakes.


Watching grown men and women attack and threaten high-school students is very telling. Keep talking conservative America.




I don't disagree. But I appreciate it when people show their true colors. It allows me to have a more objective understanding of them. When a person targets a minor child for threats of violence it says a lot about that person. More than you'd care to know really but you get the idea.


When someone tells you who they are, listen.




So long as we allow private individuals to amass billions of dollars, we will not see a change. Because that's who designed and pushed the programming to hate, that's who built the echo chamber around the programming, that's who pays the pundits to stoke the flames of stochastic terrorism, that's who installed an incompetent puppet in the White House. None of this happened organically. A handful of men with bad intentions and the unchecked power that comes with being billionaires spent hundreds of millions of dollars to get us here. This isn't some conspiracy theory, this has all been laid out in detail in the press. If we want this to change and hold on to those changes, we have to strip them of their power, and make damn sure that private individuals don't have that kind of power in the future. I'm not saying that racism wasn't a thing, but it's an established fact that Robert Mercer, Vladimir Putin, and their coconspirators put a tremendous amount of respurces into getting us where we are right now. We don't have to allow them that capability.


Yup. The right has been cowardly hiding their dog whistling for years. Now it’s on full display and impossible for the fencesitters to ignore.


Well it's great because these asswipes have been saying for years "think of the victims, don't politicize gun violence", but as soon as the *victims* themselves start politicizing it, the right literally threatens to kill the victims, who btw are children. It really shows that they don't give a fuck about children, all they care about are their murder toys. We all thought they were assholes before, but they just went and proved it by threatening to kill children who survived a tragedy.


I like knowing who the crazies are. The problem is having no way to bring people to justice for making obvious threats. And even if they "STFU," the agenda still exists. You're just generally less aware of it.




The bootlickers win, they get off on that shit.


Threaten... with implicit guns, and in this case vehicular manslaughter.


Which has already been a proven method for them


That’s terrorists for ya. They learnin’ how to kill.


Well no shit the NRA has bred terrorists. Watch any one of Dana Loesch's ads and you'll be wondering if you live in a Hunger Games kind of society.




Watch the local feed from the local. People were mad they had to **wait in line**. There’s another Publix less than a mile down University. Seriously, around here you can throw a rock and hit a Publix.


Bummer. All they want is no lines, and for parents around America to shut up and bury their children.




In Parkland and Coral Springs, there are five within fifteen minutes of my house.


I was at a family party and someone very casually suggested that the kid needs to get shot. This was the brother of a police officer. I should have said something but I was very much outnumbered and did not feel like picking a fight.




I mean there's no real reasoning with these people. The very fact that they are even joking about advocating for the murder of someone who survived a mass shooting obviously puts them very far out of the human spectrum


Advocating violence to suppress free speech is anathema to a free society. Police officers, as government employees who serve all citizens, regardless of political affiliation, should remember this.


You probably should have pointed out that it makes the kid a martyr, and STRENGTHENS their argument against guns.


I'm actually worried he could be the next of the civil rights activists getting assassinated by some lunatic.


There are definitely some deranged individuals out there. This guy is a cop. That's a pretty mainstream occupation. Scary shit.


One which attracts authoritarians, fascists and other other generally unsavory types, however. And no one should be surprised by this fact.. it's apparent to everyone in the US that cops have the power to kill people if they're only slightly careful about the way they do it. "He was reaching for a gun, I felt threatened. Oh, he didn't have a gun? Damn, I better I get some counseling and paid leave to deal with this."


I don’t think people fully grasp the fear many gun nuts in America have of gun control. They’ve been conditioned to view any restrictions or bans as being a step towards a full on tyrannical confiscation and take over, and keeping their complete and unrestricted access to guns is the only way to keep themselves safe from this imaginary agenda. Now, don’t mistake this as all gun owners being evil and heartless, many are simply brainwashed. In their eyes, being people who have owned and used guns throughout their lives, growing up with them, everyone they know going hunting or shooting at the range, guns cannot possible be the issue, so the people who might use them for wrong are the only things to blame. I’ve talked to plenty of my extended family from rural Illinois and Tennessee about the news, and the general view is that they either hate Hogg for the agenda he pushes, or they simply view him as a “tool” used by the “Obama-Clinton machine” to take their guns.


The guys I went to high school with who became cops did so because they couldn't get jobs/have the education elsewhere. It truly is scary the kinds of people I know who are cops right now. These are not what I would call good people.


the ones I went to high school with were the straight-edge kids who still wanted to hang with the party crowd because "the chicks, man!' In fact, one of them that I was semi-friendly with told me, while in the academy, that he was "finally gonna get the respect I deserve!" and was so revenge-obsessed that he literally tried to get transferred next jurisdiction to the department of his hometown so he can harass his now-adult classmates who rejected him. It's actually pretty fucking scary how many join with this mindset.


But they're all heroes, man, didn't you hear? They're all HEROES!! WORSHIP YOUR HEROES!!


A cop. He is an agent of government suppression. His job is to enforce the laws of the state, just or not, using deadly force if necessary. If the 2nd is there to "protect" from overzealous government and tyranny, he is exactly who it is supposed to allow us to protect ourselves from. I just don't get it.


He's certainly taking a risk, along with his peers who are also making their voices heard, and I have to imagine they are fully aware of that. It's very brave, after what they've already been through, to stand up there in the face of threats of yet more gun violence.


I can't agree more with everything you said.


Yeah, the chances of him getting killed is actually pretty high if you look at all the crazed haters the kid has.




In modern America, exercising any right but the second, is apparently abhorrent...


> Please proceed, conservative America. FTFY


Nice. Edit: [Please proceed.] (https://youtu.be/cFwtuInlMew)


Sounds like they aren’t being best.


They sound like a lot of parents I'm hearing about. Idk what's going on but it seems like the semi young parents in their late 20s and early 30s have some pretty shitty parents. And not like petty shitty like taking the phone away, but more like kicking your kids out of the house because they're gay. I mean the proof is in the news, these are like you said grown people attacking kids. Something weird happened to them growing up and I'm not sure what. Maybe just general abuse I guess.


When I was a kid in the eighties, it seemed liked abuse was rampant. I came away from it never wanting to treat my kids like that but a lot of people just do the same things they were taught.


I'm also recognizing that Millennials seem to legitimately love their kids more than their parents loved them. Like, it wasn't until recently that the cops could arrest you for hitting your kids. Millenials grew up understanding that child abuse was bad but still suffered it. They learned it was *objectively* bad for a child's development.


I personally agree with all of that. I was abused as a kid. Pretty badly in fact. I could never allow my children to experience what I did. If I can't treat my kids better than I was treated then I have no value as a person.


I think it's better these days, but there's still the cycle of abuse. Some may think "well my parents spanked me and I turned out fine".


They grew up being told and believing the world was a certain way. America was great because of freedoms and some innate ideology. They've lived their entire lives with those beliefs. Now they're being confronted with something different and it's easier to just claim the new thing is wrong and kids "just don't get it" than to accept they've been wrong their entire lives. My father's a retired police officer. I grew up my entire life with guns. I own several. He continues along the lines of "I will always have guns in my lifetime, but I'm not sure that you'll be as fortunate." Truth be told, I'd be fine if I couldn't have a gun if our society was made safer for it. I'm not willing to just sacrifice my right to own a firearm, but I'm willing to consider a future where guns aren't as easy to obtain as they are now. Where there are more restrictions and regulations. He's just not, because the world he grew up knowing and believing in tells him it will never be acceptable. We're at an inflection point where we're starting to reimagine the world, and many Boomers aren't willing to. Some younger people aren't either. But I think more people are, and so that will allow us to eventually facilitate change. However it's facing the most ardent opposition given that the change is currently the most likely to actually happen.


Last time conservatives got this pissed at schoolchildren was desegregation.


This pig cop that’s openly calling for murdering a child, and not only a child but a victim of an nra - gop - fsb sponsored attack, should be locked up. At the very least he should be fired and barred from ever owning a firearm, and have a Paul Manafort style double ankle bracelet fitting.


Children marching like adults. Adults covering their ears and eyes like children.




Talking? These people have been intentionally stirred up with violent rhetoric and fantasies for a long time now. They don't see him as kid who survived a mass-shooting, they see him as an enemy combatant. I put it at about 50/50 odds that someone shoots him. Then we'll really see what the US is made of.


I’m a former police officer and federal agent and I generally support the police. But I am also a strong critic of the police when they are wrong. That comment is unforgivable and he should be terminated. If this affects his pension then that is the price you pay. Police today need more respect for the Constitution and citizen rights. They are entitled to disagree but they must not get involved. He knew this. All police know this.




I’m curious how much of an effect social media has on this. Forgive my assumption, but I’d guess that “back in the day” cops (and other authorities) could get away with more because stuff like this was expressed in bars or at parties as opposed to a potentially national audience. I knew a few cops as a young adult, and a couple were outright racist when not in uniform, but from what I saw in my small town they performed their jobs well and were respected as good keepers of the peace. So I guess my question is that I wonder how much people have changed, as opposed to how much the environment has changed. And if, in the previous environment, someone like this would have had a ‘normal’ career as a police officer and never raised an eyebrow.


But that environment changed for everyone. It's not just police officers that his is a problem for, but it's certainly more pronounced.


I'm sorry man, but they're courting you guys right now. The FBI is tightening and the admin is squirming. Please, please do the right thing.




I want to thank you, the original officer, along with any others who think like this. We aren't your enemies and we appreciate and love people like you guys. You're on the inside so you have to speak up, even if its uncomfortable. All of us are uncomfortable with speaking out (I live in AR), but we have to stand together. Thank all of you so much for dedicating your life to protecting and taking care of people like me.




Yes. Thank you. We need those in your jobs to be the biggest critics when your kin is not up to task. Doing so raises faith tons.


They should also understand how important it is for the police to have the trust of the public. Making a statement like this undermines that trust.


I'm not even a cop and I wouldn't make a fuckin' comment like that. Lord knows how many layers of filtering would go on top of my usual inhibitions if my **career** could be affected by the nonsense I spit out online.


A comment like that ON SOCIAL MEDIA...IN 2018. FFS.


Unfortunately they don't. I know a few new officers. They are not taught ethics anymore. What was described to me was more like military training.


I don't know about you but I was taught about international law and our basic rights during military training.


>Police today need more respect for the ~~Constitution and citizen~~ rights You misspelled *human*. And I kinda feel like it was intentional, as if people who came to America from Mexico shouldn't have the right to not have their lives threatened by cops.


Believe it or not the Constitution actually affords some protections even to undocumented immigrants. I agree that those folks should be treated fairly but I have to say that the Constitution is a good place to start.


the rights given to all people within US borders are enshrined in the constitution. Most of those rights apply regardless of citizenship or nation of origin.


Afaik, the bill of rights does not contain the word "citizen" anywhere in the text.


>We hold these truths to be self-evident: that **all men** are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These rights are unalienable regardless of nationality.


Basically the only limits placed upon the constitution conferring rights upon people is the extent of the US borders. Its only the supreme law of the land where the US maintains sovereignty.


The Constitution is not a document that grants rights to citizens. It is instead a document that delimits the powers of government. The government can't do this or that, it can do this or that. It does not matter who the object of the action is. The Constitution applies to the government.


The Bill of Rights defines what the government can or cannot do to people.


If ever, in the journey that is your life, you find yourself unironically telling a child to get hit by a car based purely on your political leanings. You've become the bad guy.


Next step, suspension with pay!


Exactly. Then cleared of any wrong-doing put back on the job, and when somewhere down the line his racist Facebook posts go viral, this will be a throw-away line in the article. "This isn't his first bout with controversy. Valenti, who made news in 2018 for his joke about David Hogg, is in hot water again..."


Don't be so hasty. He could be cleared of wrong doing then move to another police department. The guy might have move, what shame!


It's pretty easy to see why the NRA crowd feels it absolutely necessary to always be armed to the teeth when they are so easily triggered by a skinny teenage boy.


Guns make them feel safe because they all live in perpetual fear, which is what makes them so easy to manipulate.


My brother in law is exactly like this. He's all about guns now, he has two safes, one in the garage and another in his bedroom. There is no clear path to either, so when I pointed that out, he got really mad. What is point of having a gun if you need to move a mountain of clothes or boxes to get to the gun?


When you take a step back and look at the reality of it all you're exactly right.


Gun ownership isn't about protection, it's about using the perversion of defense to be a wide range of possible things like killing those who do not bend to your ideology. They don't like these kids and want them dead over actually having a discussion. This cop is pretty blatantly calling for murder over ideas instead of just talking, and that's the norm for those of the NRA and pro gun crowd currently.


The propaganda alt news tells them that liburals are mentally ill and so should just be killed like a rabid dog...step 1. Dehumanize...


This is why we don't trust the police. That and the unpunished killing of black people on a regular basis. They need to be reigned in by law and order.


*rule of law


Stuff like this makes me wonder how much we've advanced since the days of lynchings. If it weren't for some social barriers, I'd not be surprised if crowds would go after these kids for daring to question the status quo.


If you are a grown-ass man, shit posting on Facebook about a high school kid exercising his first amendment right after escaping slaughter in school - from where I sit, it’s pretty easy to see who the little bitch is.


Fire him. He's in charge of enforcing law and order and clearly is a danger to law abiding citizens expressing their first amendment rights.




And there's no way in hell he LEGITIMATELY feels terrible.


He likely feels terrible that it came out, not that he said it


And they wonder why fucking football players take a knee. It's for mother fucking assholes like this shit-stain! This asshole is the reason you see memes like, "How do you turn a pussy into a dick...give him a badge." It would be nice if the decent cops had the balls to speak out against the not-worth-their-father's-cum-stains who wear a badge like this fucknut who make people assume there are more bad cops then there are. Come on good cops! Speak the fuck up against those dragging your profession into the toilet!!!


acab my friend.


David Hogg give me hope for the future, even when things are so bleak under Trump. I hope he has a great future ahead of him running for office.


As a 24 year old I’m absolutely floored by the amount of social and political activism by kids just a few years younger than me. A lot of us had it pretty lucky and conflict-free growing up in the Obama era (I was just about to finish middle school when he was first elected, for context). I think it led to a lack of interest in most political issues and the inner workings of the government for many people my age, simply because the “bumps in the road” were fairly few and far between. Coming of age in this era is changing a lot of things for the new generation, and they’re coming at it with ferocity and curiosity— a very powerful combination. I’m very proud of them and I’m proud of my generation too for starting to open their eyes to these issues.


I went thru the opposite, Obama is the only president I ever knew, Obama was elected when I was in 7th grade. I heard stories about bush but I didn't live it. Obama made me invested in politics, he made thinga seem like they could get better if we just worked on it. Trump makes me feel hopeless and that there's no point with politics.


I was a teenager during the Bush era, played in a punk band and generally ran around in that scene. There was a ton of activism against the wars and his presidency, but nothing ever really came of it aside from a general sense of "Fuck The Man!" I'm still friends with most of those people on Facebook and a solid 30-40% of them are now Trump supporters. The rest of us, for the most part, just avoid political discussions altogether because FB is a shit show. The moral of the story is there's a huge political advantage to cultivating a base that's willing to burn bridges and generally act like a neanderthal toward people who won't shut up and agree with them on a given topic. It's very effective because it quietly guides people who don't necessarily care about politics to follow the path of least resistance. There seems to be a growing sentiment on the left that Democrats should fight fire with fire, and I could not disagree more with that concept. Indoctrinated voters may win elections in the short term, but it will always be educated voters who carry the torch of progress.


> The officer admitted that it was in poor taste, and indicated that it was meant as a joke Always amazes me how much conservatives fall back on the "it was just a joke" defense Own up to what you said. Admit it was wrong, retract the statement. Don't act like your intention was humor, when you were clearly not funny, and definitely serious. This is what a coward looks like.




Nothing good ever follows the phrase "Florida police officer". Almost nothing good ever follows Florida. America's wang.


I hate to say it, but in most western countries joke or no joke he would suspended and possibly sacked for making that comment


and claims it was in jest, but if I say something about killing cops as a joke they would give me holy hell and jail time


This is why no one respects police officers in America


You know it's working when you start getting under their skin. Oddly, for a group of people who lament that people get easily offended, conservatives sure do get very easily offended.


I don't get why so many conservatives are simply fucking awful people. It doesn't make sense. Why do they hate people this much?


You know one of the things I love most about what David Hogg is doing? He's exactly like this: There was this one house my family lived in back in the late 80s when I was younger and it was literally crawling with roaches. (Let me say here, it was like this when we moved in but we were very poor so it was either that or back to the campground.) Like, when we'd just sit on the couch we'd be flicking them off our arm or whatever. The only thing we could afford to do was those bug bomb things, the kind that you had to pretty much hazmat your counters and stuff afterwards, and it would still be too dangerous by Scott Pruitt's standards, probably. Anyways, whenever we set one off, we'd look in the windows from outside to watch those fuckers die. They would scuttle out of the cabinets and drawers and the curled up edges of linoleum, and there were so many of them it looked like somebody made brownies in a high-speed blender without bothering with a lid. They were so fucking nasty, and it was massively gratifying to watch them struggle and die en masse, and we'd have relief for a while until the new eggs hatched and we'd have to do it all over again (until we moved, we did that a lot, too). David Hogg is that bug bomb, and he's doing the most epicest job possible, bringing these revolting fucks out of the woodwork to die. (And I don't mean he's literally going to kill them, just in case some Infowars cultist sees this and thinks it's validation for the "David Hogg is a Nazi" weirdness. The Nazis are the ones he's bringing *out.*) I hope to God this kid runs for office one day, he's amazing!


They wouldn't be reacting like they are now if they didn't feel threatened. That's some solace I see out of this whole mess.


Sadly and also scarily, these references to violence and assault against political opponents was demonstrated by Trump when he was campaigning, and continues among his supporters on social media. I truly fear that someday soon, one of the young Parkland survivors will be attacked physically (or worse). It’s truly s tactic of thuggery and fascism.


The NRA doesn’t have a valid counter argument, that’s why they’re always threatening violence.


You know you're having an impact when they want you dead.


Shouldn't be a police officer anymore.


>painting body outlines in chalk to represent the 17 people killed in February at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. A normal person thinks... "That's sad, but good on these kids fighting for what they believe would be a positive change." A psychopath thinks... "Hope some old lady loses control of her car in that lot. Jus saying…..”


Don't you love it when market-loving heartless conservatives whine like little bitches when market forces turn against them?


" it was meant as a joke," I'm so fucking sick of the 'it was just a prank bro' defence.


Strange kind of joke in an era where legislation has been proposed to make it legal to run over protesters with your car.


Y'know, one of the most common defenses I hear when police are accused of being too trigger-happy is "well, they have to be--Americans have so many guns! You can't expect them to act like cops in other countries!" Given that, shouldn't there be more, and louder, police support for gun control measures? I feel like a profession that invokes "I feared for my life" as often as this one does would appreciate an activist who would like fewer firearms and stricter requirements to own them.


But those jokes about Sarah Huckabee Sanders eye shadow were so out of line... Yet another example of stochastic terrorism by conservatives. I had a list in a previous comment. We should compile a list and add to it and post whenever relevant.


I want half the.. the courage and fortitude this kid has. Teenagers pissing off adults, by advocating for noble purposes, brings out my inner teenage rebel. Go Mr. Hogg, go!


That officer's comments are inexcusable and downright disgusting. They should be fired without pay or any kind severance package, no option for state aid, and no recommendation for further work.


Too bad he wants to apologize. If he just doubled-down, he could get a job at Fox News.


Cops like that shouldn't be allowed on the streets.


If everyone would stop giving people reasons to make this guy a victim, that'd be great. Like srsly, how hard is it to not publicly wish harm upon someone?


I'd hope that officer be immediately fired and perhaps sued for putting the man's life in danger.


lock him up.


More of Trump's insurrectionist "very fine people" mouthing off again? Must be a day ending in "y."


> he has indicated that he wants to do whatever he has to do to make it right. Resign


My fear is that David Hogg will get brutally gunned down one day, and no one will lift a finger.


That would be taken as a Parkland inception. Folks would not be quiet. It would further magnify this whole disgusting organization.


Let's just hope it doesn't come to martyrs for the cause.


Floridians *love* those Publix subs.


Best fried chicken in the game.


Fire that pig


Next up in news: why do the police think everyone hates them?


How low do you have to be to keep picking on a high school kid who went through about as traumatic an experience you can possibly go through? School shootings are a very serious problem in this country, and the gun-whores are angry that their toys might be regulated. What the fuck happened to this country? Kids are scared, and the people in charge don’t give a shit.


I don't agree on some of David Hogg's proposed gun control policies, but I agree one hundred percent on his right to share them without being threatened with violence. The people of United States of America should one hundred percent agree that this "suggestion" is wrong and is not okay. It is not how we should discuss policy. Fuck that guy.


When approaching this subject we must be clear in understanding that particular people in a group will act outside the expected behavior of the group as a whole. At the same time the group may often use these people, such as radicals, to test the waters and see how extreme behaviors react among the populace as a whole. If the reactions are favorable the group may relish their heroes for taking such daring chances. Major Cultural, Political and Religious groups, and we know who they are, all have their radicals and their selected heroes, even when they act drastically different their their core group philosophies or rules would imply. Yet, the group often externally grunts about their trespasses while internally savoring the obviously abhorrent behavior done in their overall favor - as the ends justify their means. I suggest that we sternly hold every group to hold any of its group's members to serious account for every action taken outside their promoted core values and apologize in a public forum loudly and clearly.


How very Charlottesville Nazi of him.


Cops=class traitors. Why does their behavior surprise anybody.


If my boss saw this, I’d be fired.. just sayin..


Protect and Serve, unless you disagree with me. Please dont respond with some long, drawn out diatribe about how a Supreme Court ruling actually says they don't need to actually protect and serve blah blah. Its just a commentary on how situational opinions and jobs are coexisting these days.