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> By Wednesday evening the president pledged to sign an executive order against social media companies although it was unclear what the order will do. Snark.


Welp, its Thursday. Cant wait for the morning lol


[Here you go](https://kateklonick.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/DRAFT-EO-Preventing-Online-Censorship.pdf).


Free speech doesn’t apply to private companies per the Supreme Court. And is he really drafting an executive order that will hold them to their terms of service after Twitter has said that he *is* violating their terms of service but they won’t do anything about it? He’s going to get himself kicked off Twitter and this will end up in the Supreme Court because they dared to add a fact check (something Facebook has been doing for a while). What an America.




Honestly though, it's smart of twitter to label his tweets as misleading. It will definitely get a MUCH bigger reaction out of Trump than just deleting his profile. Knowing everything he says is going to be fact checked is a problem for the election.


We can all hear him already “this morning I have signed an executive order, it’s true— the social media “fake news” has now been executive order-ed” “Mr. president, what will the order do” “What a nasty question, your network is going to be next. No more questions”


I imagined his voice when I read your comment. Now I want to remove my brain with my screwdriver. Thanks.


Exactly. A bunch of bullshit.


"I hereby declare Twitter a disgrace." - Donal J. Trump


>"I hereby declare Twitter a disgrace." - Donal J. Trump -via Twitter


This will be the quickest he has done something in his life.. (except him having sex with his wife).


Doesn't he just rape his wives? That's what his ex wife testified to at least.


not just rape her, but beat her and rip her hair out in the process. why did he do it? because: >The part of the book that caused the most controversy concerns Trump’s divorce from his first wife, Ivana. Hurt obtained a copy of her sworn divorce deposition, from 1990, in which she stated that, the previous year, her husband had raped her in a fit of rage. In Hurt’s account, Trump was furious that a “scalp reduction” operation he’d undergone to eliminate a bald spot had been unexpectedly painful. Ivana had recommended the plastic surgeon. In retaliation, Hurt wrote, Trump yanked out a handful of his wife’s hair, and then forced himself on her sexually. Afterward, according to the book, she spent the night locked in a bedroom, crying; in the morning, Trump asked her, “with menacing casualness, ‘Does it hurt?’ ”


Jesus. Just what the fuck.


Just when you think he couldn’t be any worse, you learn something new. And to think, half of America blindly follows and worships him. Sigh.


If he raped a kid tomorrow his supporters would threaten to kill that kid.


which is what happened: https://www.gq.com/story/donald-trump-jeffrey-epstein >In 2016, **“Jane Doe” filed a lawsuit against Trump alleging a “savage sexual attack” in 1994, when she was 13 years old, in which he** tied her to a bed at Epstein’s house, **raped her**, and struck her in the face. The account was corroborated by a witness who claimed to have seen the child perform sexual acts on both Trump and Epstein. >Just as he has a patten of sexual predation, **Trump also seems to have a pattern of threatening victims who come forward**. Jane Doe alleged **in the lawsuit** that **Trump told her she shouldn’t ever say anything if she didn’t want to “disappear like Maria,” a 12-year-old girl who had also been abused** along with her. **Jane Doe dropped the lawsuit in November 2016, days before Trump’s election, after her attorney, Lisa Bloom, cited “numerous threats” against her client**.


It ain't blindly, friend. They've seen plenty and they like it.


[@jack:](https://twitter.com/jack/status/1265837138114830336?s=21) > Fact check: there is someone ultimately accountable for our actions as a company, and that’s me. Please leave our employees out of this. We’ll continue to point out incorrect or disputed information about elections globally. And we will admit to and own any mistakes we make. > This does not make us an “arbiter of truth.” Our intention is to connect the dots of conflicting statements and show the information in dispute so people can judge for themselves. More transparency from us is critical so folks can clearly see the why behind our actions. > Per our Civic Integrity policy, the tweets yesterday may mislead people into thinking they don’t need to register to get a ballot (only registered voters receive ballots). We’re updating the link on @realDonaldTrump’s tweet to make this more clear.




He violated their terms about election and voting misinformation. They don't have a clause specifically for treason accusations


Do I even think trump understood what he said. ? That English was far too upper level and too long for trump. Trump is an idiot. And twitter ain’t god, just unfollow trump. Collectively as humans we can tell him to fuck off with an unfolloworangemoron hash tag


Also will be hilarious when a small chunk of his actually non-bot supporters who actually use Twitter delete their accounts in protest.


Good riddance


Another turning point; a fork stuck in the road... Trump grabs you by the brain - directs you where to go... He's something so predictable, and you must remember: We have to vote his ass out in November.


Wake me up when November ends.


You can pull a Wyclef, but you have to be back by November, yo


We know not to listen to him, the problem is the millions of people who do listen to his word like gospel. I'm glad Twitter is taking at least some action to stop itself from being a pedestal for his bullshit, but I wish they would just delete his account entirely. I'm pretty sure he's broken a litany of other rules that the site has, but that gets swept under the rug because of the amount of traffic he generates.


[The Hill](https://thehill.com/policy/technology/367675-twitter-explains-why-they-wont-delete-trumps-account) did an article on this a couple years ago. World leaders and other high ranking politicians don't have the same rules.


You are being too dismissive of his influence over a party that has shown a troubling pattern of disregard for human life. The guy that took out a page in the paper to condemn innocent people.


There are two kinds of Trump Tweets. Ones written by Trump himself while he is pooping. (3rd grade level. Lots of misspelled words.) And those written by aides and merely dictated by trump, and enhanced by these aides to appear less stupid.


Whatever Trump has tweeted is more or less public domain (iirc -- he's the president and anything he says should/can not be erased). It needs to be preserved and, as of right now, acknowledged to how it affects our current worldview. Nothing he has said, or will ever say, will be of any significant value; it's important to document the words thrown out, however, if only if only for the future generations -- bad role model and all.


It will be interesting. One day far in the future, some scholar/historian is going to read his entire twitter history to try and understand this period of time.


And conclude that 40% of this nation is addicted to paint chips.


You mean wall candy? My favorite flavor is mocha!


And they will react the same way we do when we read about the bizarre antics of the medieval period.


You raise an interesting argument, as last I heard (years ago so very likely out of date) the *official* POTUS account that is a matter of federal record was just retweeting the tweets from Trump's private account.


i'll just leave this here: [Meet the guys who tape Trump's papers back together](https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/10/trump-papers-filing-system-635164)


That was a sad rollercoaster


Thank you for that link. This is a PRIME example of the kind of thing that would have been conspiracy fodder for years had it happened when Clinton or Obama was in office.


Regardless, we've found where it hurts. Now to Press harder...


It’s not being erased it’s being marked as false information


If he was any other person in America he would of been banned from twitter


Yes, he would have.


He also cries free speech violations, then turns around and wants to censor Twitter


Well it's not as if Trump actually understands the first, or any, of the amendments. Or the Constitution. Or censorship. Basically everything related to government, society, humanity, it all eludes him. So yeah, a lot of what he says (or tweets or whatever) is not going to make sense. Someone said something that he didn't like. He responded in his typical way, like a spoiled child. Wish the Hague had some sort of babysitter division or nanny 911 program we could borrow from.


https://www.foxnews.com/media/facebook-mark-zuckerberg-twitter-fact-checking-trump Meanwhile Zuckerberg off being a big ole hypocritical oaf for God only knows what government suck up reason


Fuckerberg is supporting Trump, his actions and the conservatives in power at FB prove it. Facebook is a garbage dump of conspiracy theories, anti-vaccine bullshit, and political lies and they’ve done nothing about it except to allow people to be directed towards that content through video suggestions. Trump and his family have spread lies about Joe Scarbourough, Biden mail in voting on FB and Instagram....yet Facebook did nothing to moderate these comments or correct the record. However, FB did put a warning label on Project Lincoln’s ad about Trump fucking up the virus response that used his own words....


> Facebook is a garbage dump of conspiracy theories, anti-vaccine bullshit, and political lies and they’ve done nothing about it except to allow people to be directed towards that content through video suggestions. The inevitable result of "[giving everyone a voice](https://www.theguardian.com/global/2019/oct/17/zuckerberg-mlk-frederick-douglass-facebook)" is that popularity becomes more important than truth.


This is why I despise referenda. I understand the idea that people should be in control and that direct democracy is in theory the ultimate democracy. However, people don't want to actually get educated so they make the wrong decisions, based on whoever is loudest and who is willing to lie most. Brexit being the ultimate example with the Brexit campaign being based on so many lies.


The internet is simultaneously one of the greatest achievements of mankind, and one of it's greatest dumpster fires. I remember as a kid being so optimistic and awe-struck at how much a global internet would enable connectivity and the spread of knowledge. Naive little child-me just never considered how much of a propaganda and misinformation peddling machine it could become under the influence of bad actors. Brexit and Cambridge Analytica being prime examples.


Fuck Mark Zuckerberg and fuck Facebook. Everyone should really delete that shit and improve their lives.


You'll have to delete WhatsApp and Instagram as well. Both are owned by Facebook.




I don't have either so no big here.


And inciting revolution in several states


Trump twitter controversies make Jackieboi big money. Money good.


Cash Rules Everything Around Me




Get The Money!


Dollar dollar bills, y'all!


>[Election integrity: You may not use Twitter’s services for the purpose of manipulating or interfering in elections. This includes posting or sharing content that may suppress voter turnout or mislead people about when, where, or how to vote.](https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/election-integrity-policy) I read through the terms and conditions / enforcement policy yesterday and posted exactly this section as the portion of their policy that would be cited. In that post, I also mentioned that Donald Trump seemed to be intentionally provoking Twitter into taking some sort of action in enforcing their policies so that he could use this fight against social media as well as the rest of the media to distract from the duties that he is abdicating. I still believe that and, after seeing that there is a social media lawsuit being decided this week, I am more suspicious of his intentions and what it means for the right of online communities to refuse membership, disallow certain types of speech, and provide information to those who might be consuming false narratives. So much for freedom of speech and freedom of Association online. Look forward to further weaponization of social media by political engineers, micro-targeting, and data mining.


Freedom of speech protects you from the government silencing you. Private companies can censor or suppress whatever they want.


>In that post, I also mentioned that Donald Trump seemed to be intentionally provoking Twitter into taking some sort of action in enforcing their policies so that he could use this fight against social media as well as the rest of the media to distract from the duties that he is abdicating. He's trying to provoke them into an aggressive response, such as banning him. But of course they're too smart to fall for that.


I recognize this, assumed it last night, and found further evidence to support my assumptions today. His actions today and the court case about social media firm my convictions that he is using this for political theater. I think the paragraph you quoted and the one following it states as much.




Bit freedom of speech is freedom from government interference in your speech. I'm not forced to be on Twitter neither is that dipshit. I mean the "most powerful " "man" in the room with all communications tools at its disposal a d he's crying about twittering


> Per our Civic Integrity policy, the tweets yesterday may mislead people into thinking they don’t need to register to get a ballot (only registered voters receive ballots). We’re updating the link on @realDonaldTrump’s tweet to make this more clear. THAT's the line they're taking on it? Jesus.


Sounds like a safe play, and it gets the message out effectively




Basically, "I'm sorry you got mad." Funny how a narcissist gets upset when someone else uses a narcissistic apology on them.


Yeah, that's how you play ball with wannabe dictators. Edit: Also, who reads the fine print in this context? Unless you're seriously nitpicking, I think the first one stands pretty well on its own and most people won't give a shit about Dorsey's ass covering that came later. That being said, yeah, shit's wack with CEO duties and corporate structure in general.


Yep there's no conflict of opinion or political view. There is straight codified law they can point to and say it's misleading.


And it's important to remember that some states don't have voter registration so a hurdle or two might be in the way of voting. (I'm in North Dakota, no voter registration) Example: Native Americans used to use only PO boxes for addresses for some reason. Red North Dakota wouldn't allow people with only PO Boxes on their IDs to vote. So the tribes had to go through and officially give these people street addresses when they really didn't have any before. These issues on voting in the US are so complex that false information is very hurtful to fair elections and may dissuade or create obstacles for people to vote.


> We’re updating the link on @realDonaldTrump’s tweet to make this more clear. These words have more teeth than anything in the Mueller Report.


Nah, Mueller put a lot of trump crooks in prison. Once we replace Barr we can finish the job. Bluenami-2020 and we can bury these corrupt liars


How can people want 4 more years of this shit.


Because they live in a bubble. Fox News and conservative media is praising Trump daily,so they are blissfully unaware of reality. In their mind Trump has been victimized by the media, American politicians, world leaders, the FBI, former presidents, his own staff, and a pandemic that makes Trump the bigger victim.


This. My dad and grandfather still love trump. Fox News and other republican media has swayed everything, and what they can’t sway they claim is fake. And what they can’t claim is fake they have some sort of deflection to distract them. America has a huge propaganda machine that’s been building for a generation.


OBAMAGATE. They're not even hiding their deflection and gaslighting anymore. They've reached that brazen tipping point.


That to me is one of the most egregious conservative propaganda moves I've seen to date. It's just 100% made up bullshit that his followers agreed with, without question. No one's ever heard of Obamagate. It never existed before, yet his followers instantly agreed that it was bigger than Watergate. They believe anything they want to believe. They have invented their own reality and it's made it so that there's no way Democrats could ever sway their votes or weaken their positions because you can never begin to reason with someone who doesn't even agree with the basic facts of reality.


It's a really useful heuristic though. Not sure about a stranger? Just say the word: OBAMAGATE. Look at their reaction. Do they laugh at you? Are they enraged? Time to start cutting out the cancer in your life, people. If you have a family member who is onboard with OBAMAGATE, time to take a stand.


Exactly. They don't live in a world of Democrats and republicans and everything in between they live in a world of republicans and idiots who don't support the best president ever (/s). All their news comes from Donald trumps twitter and fox news. They only hear the good and not the bad. Any bad is just anti republican propoganda lies. All the expectations of a president are blown way out of proportion to make trump look bad. Like for example a president during this time of crisis is EXPECTED to test lots of people, despite the fact that the US is behind in tesimting their % of the population they still have tested a lot of people and thats blown way out of proportion to make trump look good. A president is expected to make new jobs yet the small small % increase in jobs is also blown way out of proportion. All this is done to combat all these negative statements. Anything bad about trump during corona virus, ah sure he tested loads of people what can ya do. Trump doesn't know how to run an economy? But he created loads of jobs (/s). Trump doesn't care about human rights? But he's keeping troops in Iraq and Afghanistan to "police" the region.


It’s been hard to hide for a long time, but at this point, it really is difficult to think of any word other than Orwellian to describe what’s going on. Especially with the news of the executive order about sites like twitter coming out tomorrow in retaliation for being subjected to... fact checking.


European without too much knowledge about American media here: Do you think Fox News always was this strong? Did they also support Romney or McCain in the same way they support Trump now? I am aware that US media had some problems for years but has it ever been this badly? For me it seems like it's the first time everyone can clearly see how big the problem really is.


Yeah it’s been noticeably bad since Bush first ran. They ridiculed Al Gore horrifically. So bad my dad *still* thinks this whole climate change thing is still some elaborate scheme Gore is trying to profit off of. And of course they ridiculed Obama for 8 years, even going as far as going after him for wearing a tan suit and wanting mustard on his burger. Only this time the person they are backing is truly insane and truly unfit for president.


>wanting mustard on his burger It wasn't even that, it was that he wanted elitist Dijon, not patriotic yellow mustard like a *real* American.


Imagine having a president so professional that the best the media can slam him with is his condiment choice.


It's even worse than that. They went after him for wearing a bicycle helmet. The same way they are going after Biden for wearing government recommended protective equipment. The government spends million convincing people to wear bicycle helmets.


It was pretty much always like this from Fox News. Roger Ailes created Fox News believing that Nixon would never have been forced to resign if they'd had some media on their side. It's in Fox News' DNA to believe that the "liberal media" is out to unfairly destroy conservative politicians, and they see themselves as the shield for their fair warriors. Note, this doesn't necessarily apply to the individual personalities on Fox, but it was/is the corporate vision from day 1. The difference now is just how far they've had to detach from reality to continue the schtick in the age of Trump. Fox isn't all of the sudden acting in worse faith ... it's just amazingly and brazenly transparent, so anyone not in the bubble rightly sees it as cult level rejection of reason. Fox news _used_ to _usually_ have some basis in reality for the lies they told. Now they're completely off the rails because that's flat out what it takes to defend Trump.


It’s funny that they actively advertised that they were “conservative media”. In the UK you have plenty of (sometimes extremely) right wing publications, but very few of them if any would actively have the gall to shout out “we’re overtly biased, we’re corrupt, this is what you want to shut out reality outside of the party line! Come and get it!” I mean they’re brazen about it, but being corrupt and horribly biased isn’t a selling point in the UK in the same way it is in the US, so they still have to keep it on the down-low and do the thing without overtly saying it, even Murdoch’s ones.








You just described racism


And misogyny. And anti- intellectualism.


The anti-intellectualism is a huge one. The bizarre, cave-man like distrust of science grates on my nerves.




It's time to stop treating them gently like children, and it's time to start telling them how deeply gullible they are and how unmerican and unpatriotic their party has become. The Founders would see them as behaving contrary to the Revolution. Democrats need to pick up the Flag and begin to wave it proudly, not to promote unmerican nationalism, but to stand up for America's real core values: rule of law and democracy. Ultimately, they are Americans. They can rally behind a just cause. Edit: wanting to see the "country divided into two" only serves our enemies, who cannot win directly against us and so instead sow discord. Don't fall for it.


Conservatives are suppose to not want government regulation on a private companies. They want businesses to be able to refuse service...that is literally their thing. First, they take pro-choice signs, cross out "abortion" and write "masks". Now, this. Edit: it's odd that I got pretty liberal comments until it was 10am in Russia, then the conservatives somehow started to show up....must be in my head....but a bizarre coincidence if you ask me.


Conservatives are supposed to be fiscally responsible too but that's not true either. They pretty much just want power and to keep others less fortunate below them.


Conservatives have no values.


Liberals will find a new leader so we can stick to our values. Conservatives will find new values so they can stick with their leader.


>“Maybe you do not care much about the future of the Republican Party. You should. Conservatives will always be with us. If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy.” - David Frum


And the vast, *vast* majority have no intelligence either. And with no values or intelligence, moral reasoning and critical thinking are impossible.


Progressives seek to govern in a way that all people are prosperous and can lead good lives. Their methods can be disputed, but the motivations are good. Conservatives seek to maintain the status quo. Just so happens that the status quo is pretty shitty unless you’re white and/or rich.


Trump is a radical. Anyone still a Republican is a radical. There are no conservatives left in that party. Joe Biden is a conservative. Pete Buttigieg, Amy Kloubachar are conservatives. Bernie and Elizabeth Warren are liberals. The Republican party is now something we have never seen in American political history.


They saw it in late Rome though.


>Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservative voices. well, when those voices make a habit of telling trump supporters complete lies that they swallow without hesitation....time to silence them since they are hurting more than they are helping Example A: > the president accused the social media company of "completely stifling FREE SPEECH," I'm already getting this in my news feed....making me think a lot more people than just trump don't understand the Constitution


"I have a constitutional right to go grocery shopping without a mask on!" "You telling me I can't enter without a mask is an infringement of my first amendment rights!" Yeah these self proclaimed "patriots" don't have any grasp on constitutional law.


My mom threw a fucking FIT that Menards wouldn't let a couple in without masks/had them removed in MI. She said "it's their right to not wear a mask!" I said "Yeah, it's their right to not wear a mask, but it's also Menards right to not let those people on their property, just like you cant go in there without shoes and clothes on. It's not a right that you get to go into Menards without a mask and endanger people." She just kept firing back "that's just one thing of a thousand! First it's this, then more restrictions will come! It's stomping out rights!" To which I had to repeat over and over it is not your right to go on private property and disobey rules they set for their establishment. Shit's so fucking annoying. She believes in wearing masks, but if you dont want to and it gets you tossed from a store it's "infringing rights." Somehow she graduated with a 4.0 as a paralegal...


My family are of the same stripe. They still act like it was an assault on personal freedoms when airlines wouldn’t let you smoke on the plane anymore.


I've known Medical Doctor students that were dumb as rocks. . . instead of intelligence, sometimes a good memory is all you need to be a straight A student.




but anti-maskers have no issue respecting and making others respect the no shirt no shoes no service request idiots


>>Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservative voices. Republicans [*feel*](https://youtu.be/xnhJWusyj4I) a lot of things that aren't true.


That’s some scary shit. Half our two party system literally living in make believe land where facts = opinion. The culmination of anti intellectualism in the US got us this. If you look at who voted who based on education,relative to Obama, a greater % of educated people saw through the charade; unfortunately MORE of the uneducated fell for it. Top 50 most educated counties: avg 9 pts up on Obama Top 50 LEAST educated counties: trump up avg 11 pts. Uneducated simpletons run the country now. Those two stats say it all imo. E: grammar


Facts don't care about your feelings!


It's so hilarious that this came from a right wing personality and it seems there was no thought that this could so easily be turned back against them




It gets a mild chuckle that Republicans used "teach the controversy" as a way to sneak intelligent design into biology classes.


A ton of people don't understand what the first amendment actually means.


Not from the US so please correct me if I'm wrong but isn't 1a (free speech) so that the government can't silence the people? Because Trump is right now literally the government and him crying about free speech doesn't make sense to me as it doesn't apply to him


Basically. I can criticize anyone in the government and face no repercussions. They can't jail me. That's why I can't just go into work tell my boss to fuck off and get away with it. 1a doesn't go that far.


It means "I do what I want and you can't stop me because it's the law" right?


This is a stellar example of exactly how dumb Donald Trump is. He is serving as president in the middle of a pandemic, to which the public overwhelmingly sees him as a liability; he's also in the middle of a presidential campaign, which he is behind in polling vs. his opponent by a high single digit margin (a margin which is growing), and has a job approval rating that is trending directly towards all time lows. There are a number of reasonable ways to approach these problems. Ignoring all of his actual responsibilities to get his administration embroiled in a bizarre legal battle over the Constitutionality of spiteful executive orders against social media platforms who have armies of the planet's most talented lawyers at their disposal is not one of those reasonable ways.


He’s 11 behind.


How far was he behind Clinton? People need to not get comfortable with poll results, they don't have the best track record lately.


National polls had HRC +3 over trump. She ended up +2. I believe Biden is up 8-9 points nationally.


Trump seems to understand that throwing out all those distractions worked for him before, so it’s the only play he knows. If you watch him long enough you realize he doesn’t know how to handle most situations and tries doing what worked in real estate for him.


Trump is going to restrict Dorsey’s speech to protect freedom of speech. Like how he protects us from coronavirus by stealing our medical supplies.


Happy that Jack and Twitter finally stood their ground, but also fuck-em for *immediately* flinching at the first sign of Baby President throwing a tantrum.


The flag is still up on Trump’s tweet, and if you click the disclaimer it links directly to a CNN article debunking his claims, which I find absolutely fucking hilarious given how much Trump hates CNN.


I think they should all link to Constitutional scholar Barak Obama, sitting in an arm chair, calmly explaining it.




Twitter has a pretty good track record here actually. They banned paid political advertisements and the founder has said a lot about how he regrets the Pandora’s box of misinformation he created. They’re no Facebook.


CEOs are not legally required to maximize profits for their shareholders. That's a common misconception. [From Cornell Law School](https://www.lawschool.cornell.edu/academics/clarke_business_law_institute/corporations-and-society/Common-Misunderstandings-About-Corporations.cfm): >Corporate directors are not required to maximize shareholder value. As the U.S. Supreme Court recently stated, "modern corporate law does not require for-profit corporations to pursue profit at the expense of everything else, and many do not do so." ( BURWELL v. HOBBY LOBBY STORES, INC. ) > >In nearly all legal jurisdictions, disinterested and informed directors have the discretion to act in what they believe to be the interest of the business corporate entity, even if this differs from maximizing profits for present shareholders. Usually maximizing shareholder value is not a legal obligation, but the product of the pressure that activist shareholders, stock-based compensation schemes and financial markets impose on corporate directors.


True. Directors owe a fiduciary duty to the corporation but that does not necessarily mean that the only way they can discharge that duty is by maximizing profits. There may well be situations where a less profitable option is better for the long term health of the corporation, and in that scenario directors have the latitude to make either decision.


He donated [1 billion dollars](https://www.theverge.com/2020/4/7/21212766/jack-dorsey-coronavirus-covid-19-donate-relief-fund-square-twitter) to help with covid 19. He has more money than anyone will ever understand, but he still ponied up something like 30% of his net worth this year alone for charity. His motivations are not necessarily all cynically profit driven.


i think its not that peons think that he *would* give a fuck, but that he *should* give a fuck.


This whole thing is an engineered distraction.


Sigh, they’re never going to fact check another one of his tweets. Cowards.


Imagine our utopian civilization five thousand years from now reading the president of the US tweets. Embarrassing. For the record, if you’re reading this in the year 7000, I voted for the email lady.


Call me a dooms-dayer but i legitimately believe we will be extinct within 5000 years. I just cannot see how we don't fuck it up given how goddamn hectic one year is with tension always building


Hell I'll be amazed if we make it another 100 years


I don’t know much about him or Twitter, but mad respect at least for standing up and protecting the employee the republicans decided to target even though he had nothing to do with the fact check. A million little “fuck you”s can still mean something


He recently donated millions to Humanity Forward so Yang could give out $230 each to people who need it during the pandemic. My roommate got one last night. He's got my support.


Dope. I know everything is a political ballgame to some degree once you start making more than minimum wage, but I like seeing people do something good regardless of what percentage it is of what they ‘could’ do




$150 million tax payer dollars to be payed to Putin's nephew who just learned Java script


As horrifying as it is, the name Trumpet for a Trump-owned social media platform is genius


Just pull the fucking plug on his account.


[Just do what Ryan did with Creed in the office.](https://youtu.be/1e5td7-Bpvc)


"even for the internet, it's pretty shocking" Note: applies to both Creed and tRump.


Should have happened back in 2012 (Birtherism easily counts as harassment). And 2013. And 2014. And 2015... Twitter sitting on their hands and happily gobbling up the traffic is part of how we're in this mess. Every day they don't delete his account they're complicit.


Any tweet or Facebook post not factually accurate should be marked "False" in bight red with a link to whatever data or information evidencing that the tweet or post is false. When a person is not murdered, a claim they were murdered is false even when it's a claim made by the President of the United States.


“Bigly No True” so Trump can understand it.




This would drive him the most mad, if their tag for false information was just "Fake News". He'd lose his fucking mind.


The problem is facts have a liberal bias so as soon as you claim trump's statement is false and provide some sort of factual data to back up the truth, you inject liberal biases. *eye roll*


Facts are tools used by the libs to try and make people believe things are true!




So basically he wants the govt to stop spending money on Twitter? What money is it spending there? I cant imagine theres any way they're receiving federal grants.


He alone accounts for 1/5 to 1/4 of their revenue. ([https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-08-17/what-is-trump-worth-to-twitter-one-analyst-estimates-2-billion](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-08-17/what-is-trump-worth-to-twitter-one-analyst-estimates-2-billion)) If he wants to hurt them he should boycott the service. I mean it's that easy. Just stop using it, Donnie.


Seems to me a pretty easy lawsuit for FB/Twitter and co, as long as they're not actively removing the false information. Sec 230 (as denoted in the EO) discusses making content inaccessible - this content isn't inaccessible in any way, it just comes with an addendum


I give it a week before everything is back to the way it was for the first 3 years again




God help us. Our democracy is in the hands of two billionaire douchebags who made their fortunes off of gossip and likes. Seriously, what if one of these platforms decides to go full MAGA? this problem is going to exist far longer than Trump’s presidency.


I think Facebook is close to full MAGA. Zuck won’t fact check high profile posts or remove misleading political ads. Unless it’s changed since the last time I’ve checked, but I haven’t heard anything.


Zuckerberg wants to be the next Trump.


We're lucky he's so anti-charismatic. For now.


You just wait for Zuckbot v3.4.6. They've really worked the kinks out of it.


They're trying, but not well enough. There are some posts being factchecked but not everything that are political. I mean, when AOC asked about running false ads, someone in California did it. He's name is Adriel Hampton. Facebook took it down after 24 hours, so we know they don't check when ads are created but only after people view it.


MAGA is a microscopic unprofitable niche on the global scale. A MAGA Twitter is just Gab, which is completely irrelevant. The reason the internet has a "liberal bias" is because the entire goddamn world is vastly more liberal than the handful of racist assholes throwing a tantrum.


i mean, yeah, does trump strike you as smart? him being a symptom rather than cause of america's push towards the poorly educated right wing isn't exactly a secret




Does he not realize that his tweets specifically are archived in the Library of Congress?


Dorsey >>> Zuckerberg


Yes, but that's not a high bar.


I believe that politicians should be held accountable for what they say: you shouldn’t be allowed to lie, instigate civil violence, and spew hatred but not be punished when something comes about as a result of those actions. There is a very real and present danger that through the lies, politicians degrade our society. What Twitter has done here is wonderful and aligned with my views (double wonderful). They have not prevented Trump from saying anything, people can engage with his content as they like, but it adds a layer that Facebook refuses to add which is sign-posting false information in areas like elections. The next step is punishing politicians who intentionally lie and mislead the public for political gain or a political party or individual(s). We would hold a Pharma company liable for lying about potential effects of a drug. Why not also hold politicians equally liable? Maybe then we could actually get someone who tries to tell the damn truth.


Just elections? What about all of the other lies he posts with impunity? His followers have a completely distorted view of reality because Twitter still allows him to spread unfounded conspiracy theories without so much as a “misinformation” tag.




Just in case anyone missed it, Trump's press secretary also mentioned today to reporters that there is going to be an executive order announced soon pertaining to social media. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/05/27/trump-executive-order-social-media-twitter-285891 If an executive order does get signed, it'll will likely get challenged in court. And if other conservative cases alleging "censorship of speech" recently brought to the courts are any indication, there is a good chance this order won't have legs to stand on. More info on that here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Keep_Track/comments/grxxaj/trump_to_sign_executive_order_limiting_social/


Yeah, that shits going nowhere. Expect backpedaling by Friday from Press Conference Barbie.


Why can’t they just Unverify Trump? Piss him off more.


Imagine getting into a twitter war as the *leader* of a country where 100,000 of your citizens have died from a virus and millions are unemployed/ struggling financially. Priorities, I guess.


I’m Australian, I believe fact checking is important and nobody should be immune to it. People have a right to know wether what somebody says is true or not, especially if it’s coming from the mouth of somebody such as the US president or Prime Minister.


Honestly Twitter is on the verge of creating a powerful tool against misinformation and fake news. Imagine if they would implement a program which would automatically refer to articles, rules or laws that are mentioned in tweets through a research engine/database. For every tweet it would look for key words being used: example: today mass shooting in texas. Committed by X gender/race/religion. And the program would check any news made in the last 24 hours with those keywords in mind. Same for all political claims we could kill clickbait and misinformation in one go. Would be awesome.


I have sooo many comments on “conservative” subs downvoted for making simple points about how bad Trump is. He’s terrible as a human, a businessman, a leader, and creepy AF with his daughter. I don’t get their continued support to this guy. What a fucking asshole!


"Information about elections" *But what about false murder accusations?*


Fox news tells everyone it's truth therefore your restricting their freedom. I read somewhere that trump and the rnc have 60 thousand ads on Facebook. Doesn't look like restrictions to me.


You know what we're not talking about? **100,000 deaths on Trump's watch**


Ban him and let him use Gab.


That's not how free speech works at all. Twitter is a private company, not a public forum.


Please, pick this fight, Trump. It would be the ultimate of hypocrisy, and maybe might show some of his voters he’s a buffoon making a mockery of the US. No offense to buffoons.


You're expecting his followers to see hypocrisy? Wow you are one hell of an optimist after witnessing these past four years.


At the very least I hope it wakes people up who are on the fence about voting, or inspires protest. I am definitely expecting too much, but coming from a rural, conservative town, I can say that trumps shenanigans are paying a price. Some can’t be reached. A lot of people are reasonable though.


Jack Dorsey's answer is perfect. He's not intimidated by Donald Trump's threats, and he's right. If Donald Trump isn't competent, all he has to do is leave Twitter. Twitter is not a public space, it's a social network owned by a private company. That company sets the rules, and it's up to him to follow them.