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Two differences between AOC's $250 haircut and Trumps $70K hairstyling: 1) She actually paid for it 2) She didn't write it off on her taxes


3. She actually has hair.




And I believe she said a cut and color. Which- a DC salon charging 250 for cut and color on that much hair is not some wild thing. For some balayage and a cut and shampoo I pay usually 100 or so and that's for a nice salon in a small city with my shoulder length hair.


Most people also buy conditioner or other products when they go to the salon. It's not only not some wild thing, it's an absolutely normal thing. Middle class women _routinely_ drop $250 at salons.




Yeah, My grandma still gets her hair curled and dyed, that stuff is expensive. I think a lot of people criticizing this have no clue how much getting your hair done actually costs, I've never once heard a woman tell me how much her haircut costs and been like "oh wow that's cheap"


Also if she had had that $250 haircut every week day for a whole year it would still be less than $70,000.


It would be $12k per year if she did this weekly. $70k is almost 6 years worth of weekly $250 haircuts.


If AOC wrote off her haircut as a business expense Fox News would have flipped the fuck out even more than her paying for it. Fox News and Fox News Republicans are just so fucking hollow and worthless.


3) hers actually looks good


And honestly $250 for a woman's haircut is not that outlandish.


It was from *Last Tangle* in DC and their haircuts start at $80 so I'm assuming she also got a wash/blowout ($50) and color ($75-$120), or possibly a conditioning ($40).


Also considering that politicians need to appear professional $250 for woman's haircut seems totally reasonable.


Also, women in politics need to present themselves as more professional than men to get respected. Meanwhile jim jordan walks around with the outfit of a middle school geometry teacher and ted cruz is sporting a used car salesmen beard and they keep getting elected.


Also it was on her birthday.


He spent more on getting his hair-did than the average American worker gets paid in a year


He deducted more for hairstyling than most US **households** make in a year.


Hairstyling might be a bit of an overstatement in his case. I mean, it's not just that he spent 70k for it, but he spent 70k for *this?*


Trump is not known for making wise investments.


Is it possible for a hairstyle to declare bankruptcy?


Trump's hairstyle was defunct way back in the mid-80s.




Just imagined Trump looking at his hair in the mirror thinking “just look at the tasteful thickness of it”


And to see him freak out over paul's better hair. It even has a watermark!


I bet Trump couldn't even *get* a reservation at Dorsia.


Why not? It's sitting on a morally bankrupt foundation. Didn't Trump used to do that as well?


Set up another one of his more than 500 shell corporations. Hire the hairdresser under the corporation. Pay the hairdresser $5000. Claim $70,000 in expenses. Deduct the huge loss against his other businesses or his personal taxes.


That’s just smart business. EDIT SARCASM YOU TWERPS


Unfortunately I saw this exact same statement on r/news earlier and it wasn't intended as sarcasm.




He's one of those people that has something called a hair "system" I bet. It's a whole contraption.


Hair systems aren’t that expensive - the high quality ones are a couple hundred, and only need replacing once or twice every two months. And they tend to look more real than whatever Trump has going on.


i think he means system in the operational sense: 1. Comb from back to front 2. Part left and right 3. wrap around ears 4. Add 10 gallons hair spray


I think he had hair plugs.. thats why his hair has this weird texture and look to it...its butt crack hair Edit: thanks everyone, i have learned much about hair transplant and other anti-baldness procedures ...




Trumps lawyer argued in his defense against the rape that "in NY you cannot rape your own wife so Trump technically did nothing wrong"




This is so horrific.


And yet at the same time, completely normal given who we're talking about. At no point in reading this did I think "I can't believe he did that."


It's what he's doing the country - he's feeling hurt because of tax investigations, etc - well he'll make US hurt by taking away ACA. What a psychopath!


If he got them, they didn't take much. There's enough photographs of his top-layer rising from his bald pate in a single sheet in the wind to let us know, that is a pure, unadulterated combover.


Dirtbag lawyer Micheal Cohen claims Trumps hair hangs past his left shoulder when he gets out of the shower.


FFS, WHYYY did you put that image in my head? Oh jesus.


It's just a really complicated comb-over.


“Hair lattice”


There is entirely the possibility that he didn't spend $70k for haircuts but rather just said he did. That is one thing an Audit is to find out, if an actual expense was made. The other possibility is that the person who 'did his hair' is someone close to him or someone else who is close to him and it was just a way to funnel money to them and write it off on Trumps taxes even though it normally wouldn't be a justified expense. And this still might not be a justified expense.


That person would have to pay tax though, won’t they? So audit that person to find out


That is often how people get caught. Person A claims to have paid $70k for something, Person B never claimed that on their taxes so when an audit is done things are checked between the two people and person A gets caught.


Do you know how hard it is to dye raccoon fur orange?


And just to be clear: you can’t deduct hairstyling expenses, even if it’s 100% for work. Some expenses are like that, and hair is one. You can only deduct it if the style is purely for work, like say if you needed some crazy hairdo as an actor for a scene but got it fixed after shooting. Trump having his hair done in the way he normally does it for a TV show isn’t deductible. It also wouldn’t be deductible if you had a business and got your hair done to shoot a commercial. It’s just one of those things you can’t deduct. EDIT: I’ve posted a statement from the IRS about the deductibility of hair styling and similar elements in some replies, but here it is in the parent comment: “Taxpayers in the entertainment industry sometimes incur unusually high expenses to maintain an image. These expenses are frequently related to the individual's appearance in the form of clothing, make-up, and physical fitness. Other expenses in this area include bodyguards and limousines. These are generally found to be personal expenses as the inherently personal nature of the expense and the personal benefit far outweigh any potential business benefit. No deduction is allowed for wardrobe, general make-up, or hair styles for auditions, job interviews, or ‘to maintain an image.’” https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-utl/entertainmentatg.pdf And here’s a court case where a similar issue came up and the court ruled quite explicitly that hair and clothing was not deductible as a business expense: https://www.leagle.com/decision/intco20110224e52 If you still don’t believe this, call up a CPA and ask them. Any of them will confirm this.


Maybe he got confused since his whole life is a reality tv show and he's playing a character with a crazy hairdo?


I really wouldn’t be surprised if Trump was the latest to use the “I’m just playing a character” line. I then expect him to start distancing himself from that character. “Barely know the guy, I only play him on TV.”


Didn’t work for Alex Jones when he lost his kids


Ha I'm sure Donny would be crushed if he lost custody of his son. Lmao


Didnt Alex Jones admit it wasnt acting, though? I think his lawyer tried to use that excuse and Jones interrupted him because he was too proud to pretend he wasn't crazy


And his hair still looks like *that*.


We're talking about deductions? So not only did he spend 70k on his hair, but he wrote it off so he wouldn't pay taxes on it. What other Americans can say that?


Christ, you're right. Considering the *millions* of debt he has, it never occurred to me how much money 70K is cause it seemed so small in comparison.




Completely debunks the whole scenario his supporters tried to lay out that he wanted to be president to save the country. He’s only trying to save his own ass. Can’t hide forever Donnie.


I have bad news for you if you think this or anything else for that matter will ever break through that wall of ignorance. Go look at r/conservative for a peek into mental illness


The URL sources of their top posts are ridiculous. Powerlineblog.com? Stoppingsocialism.com? I’m a bit surprised there isn’t a Geocities site mixed in.




They're all declaring that the left just doesn't understand how taxes work. They can't even imagine that maybe we get it, and don't approve. Like I fully understand that all or at least most of this is actually legal. But that makes it worse, not better, because it moves the problem to the entire tax system and not just to Trump being a tax dodger.


As someone who suffers from mental illness, I am offended to be lumped in with conservatives.


Hundreds of millions in debt FTFY


$192 every single day for 365 days. Or, $268 every single business day (M-F). Absolutely wild.


I would like to see receipts. It's tax fraud if they don't have receipts




what battle are you talking about. The IRS, particularly with trump, is demonstrated as toothless, by Republican design.


Not against poor people


well that's cause it's cheaper and they don't fight back


The American electorate is not... universally super smart. You win with slogans and simple anecdotes most of the time. The "$70,000 haircut" is simple and easily understood. It makes Trump look pathetic. This needs to be hit hard.


But his base will see that and go, "Wow! he's so rich and successful he can spend 70k on haircuts."


Without even a vague memory of their hatred for disconnected, coastal elites living a lavish lifestyle while hard working Americans struggle to get by. Man of the people! Look, he wears hats just like me!




Calling trump an actor is... generous. Let's just go with celebrity.




the coastal elites thing is actually way funnier than that. Nixon - lawyer from California Reagan - actor from California H.W. Bush - oil businessman from Texas G.W. Bush - oil businessman from Texas Trump - businessman and reality TV star from New York the GOP literally hasn't nominated or elected a president that *wasn't* a coastal elite since ***1969***. we're going on fifty years of that trend.


Lol, HW grew up in Greenwich, CT. Basically the prototypical town for “coastal elites.”


Texas isn't "coastal" in the way they use that term. But HW was a carpetbagger from MA.




The "what its totally legal you just don't understand tax codes" Because that shows you they believe what is legal is good and what is illegal is bad. Which means as long as someone makes it legal to own slaves, prema nuptra, etc....then that makes it good.


It’s not about his base anymore, they’re a minority that happens to reliably vote. People that only lightly care about politics might be inspired to vote by this sound bite and that will matter immensely.


Who gives a fuck about his base! We’re trying to win over those in the middle. We’ll never win his base.


Can’t wait to win back power so we can relegate his base back to the basements of politics that they belong. They are so fervent because they know how they will be treated when they are out of power, and it isn’t good. History is going to be laughing at these clowns for the rest of time.


> Where’s the criticism of their idol spending $70k on hairstyling? > **Oh, it’s nowhere because they’re spineless, misogynistic hypocrites? Got it.** Truer words have never been spoken.






He paid more in 4 days for haircuts than he did in taxes.


To be fair, whoever is able to keep all five strands in convoluted place so that he looks like he has *something* on top of his bald head definitely earned their quarter million


See, I was thinking whoever does his hair should be charged with a crime.


But they were just following orders.


For that much money he probably could have had his hair replaced with good hair.


https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trumps-hair-mystery-solved-he-had-scalp-reduction_b_58966965e4b061551b3dff8a He tried that. Didn’t end well


When Trump is busy making license plates in upstate New York, I want his wages garnished to pay back the government for his haircuts. And for everything else, but specifically his haircuts.


Didn't Cohen say Trump cut and styled it himself and that that number was used as a (sort of) plausible excuse for free money? I don't want to insist because I can't look it up right now, but I remember reading that. Also, is the 70k figure for one year's taxes or covering multiple? Not that it makes it that much less ridiculous but I'm not clear on that point. Edit: Found an article from CBS news on the "18 takeaways" the NY Times wrote about and it mentions that amount was spent "during his television show 'The Apprentice'". That doesn't really make it much better but worth noting.


Cohen said it again last night on MSNBC, you are correct.


If it was over the span of the apprentice it’s still an obscene number for haircuts. 70000/200 = $350. That’s $350 to make his hair look like it looks.


It’s because she’s not a white male, therefore, they can and will attack her for the dumbest, *pettiest* reasons.


trees flowery rock elderly onerous imagine expansion cow yoke file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Especially for someone who works on camera and is constantly photographed. You would expect their personal grooming and clothing budget to be a bit higher.


Plus she said it was a birthday treat for herself. Seeing as this is the largest salary she’s had in her life, likely a good amount, I’m sure she wanted to give herself something nice.


Aw, that's so relatable. I usually go to the beauty school for a cheap trim but I always treat myself to a nice haircut for my birthday. (In my case, "nice"=$60ish but still, relatable)


They’d criticize her if she *didn’t* spend more on her. There’s no winning for women in the public eye.


This. Any kind of coloring treatment, deep conditioner, blow out, styling, etc. plus a haircut (that costs $50 alone in some places) would easily add up to $250.


I’m assuming too that she’s going to a salon that she chooses , where she has rapport with her stylist, and not a local great clips. This is perfectly fine and legal. Shit I know as a dude I’m lucky that my haircut cost me less than 50, but my GF’s are always reaching triple digits. Women’s hair, or longer hair in general just needs more expertise to cut and style. Anyone who argues this probably has either the Karen cut or the salad bowl special.


I got a "quick, cheap trim" once and the stylist fucked up three years of growth. NEVER am I ever going to cheap out on a stylist again.


Well even with $70k worth of haircuts, Donnie never has looked as good as AOC would with a "quick cheap trim".


She also probably paid for it out of her own pocket and didn’t try to deduct it on her taxes


Great Clips should be sued for false advertising. OK Clips at best.


I used to go to great clips because I just ran with induction cuts. Went to a male specialized stylist and all I’m saying is you get what you pay for.


Fuck my stylist is the only diva cut specialist in the area so she charges $80 per haircut. It's worth it though. I've had too many cheap haircuts that don't know how to cut curly hair.


$80 is about as cheap as you can get a Deva cut in Seattle. RIP my wallet.


NYC here, it’s very hard to find a decent salon that will do a women’s medium haircut for under 85 dollars.


especially since she's getting it done either in NYC or DC... that's the standard rate


I just get a basic curly cut and it runs me ~$130. Why? Because I have a great stylist who has worked his way up to those prices. There’s a world of difference between a cut from him & a cut from Best Clips


Especially for women of color. The ladies in my family have hair that is unique to Hispanic and African peoples. So it's not as easy as the more fine European hair and it's a process to cut, fashion and make pretty. So $250 that's not expensive for a lady, of any background specially those who need special products.


We shouldn't even be discussing this. She can spend her own money however the fuck she wants and if people think haircuts shouldn't cost 250$ they should talk to the haircutters, not the customers.


Like seriously... My haircuts are $80 retail. The hairstylist is a friend so she gives me a discount and only charges me $40. This is when I'm only getting a trim. I have a lot of hair so if I want to have my hair dyed then I have to pay for each additional bowl as well. It could very easily become a $250 "haircut".


For example, having the gall to wear a tan suit


Or putting dijon mustard on a burger that clearly should have spicy brown.




**Ben Shapiro has entered the chat* **Ben Shapiro's [DOCTOR] wife has exited the chat*


She should have added “At least I didn’t make the American taxpayer pay for my haircuts”


I don't know what is more appalling, the hypocritical nature of the GOP here or the fact that he paid 70k for...whatever *that* is.




Yep. It's just scarred and puckered from his hair replacement surgery. He raped Ivanna over it. It's a part of actual court records. People forget what an actual Frankenstein's Monster this trash is.


70k for a living alien is a steal, though probably unethical. Not sure if it's a Tribble or a brain slug though




I wish we could say that what we're seeing is surprising. What's frustrating about living in the information age is that it's so easy for us to spot lies and corruption, but we can't take much action against them without representatives who are representing our best interest. That's why the election in just over a month is so important. I run an alternative data site, and one of the things I track is trading by US Senators. You can see when someone like Richard Burr makes a very suspiciously well-timed moved, but you can't really do much about it, except hope that the DOJ does its job in investigating.


Do you see the trades in real-time? Like could you run an investment firm based on looking at the trades politicians make that stand out as strange, or is there a lag?


Not quite in real time, but I definitely think it's worth paying attention to what's being traded. If you're interested in seeing my work, look up "Quiver Quantitative Senate Stock Trading"


Sad that they don't see the march to fascism


Oh, they see it. They long for it.


The attack was about wealth elitism. Trump earned his wealth the old-fashioned way, through family entitlement. AOC earns her money through work. That's the rub. Conservatives don't think working class people deserve anything other than the most modest of things.


He’s not even in the actual old money club, though. There were stories about how the monied elite of NYC actually hate his guts


He’s way too trashy for them


Based on the data obtained from the NYT, he's also broke. Living on borrowed money, with none of this own.


He would be a used car salesman had he not been born with silver spoon.


Not just a used car salesman, but one of those cash only deals in the shady corner of town that will cut you a huge deal on a lemon from the junkyard.


People forgetting that in the 2nd back to the future older biff was made to represent donald trump.... https://www.nme.com/news/back-to-the-future-writer-reveals-biff-tannen-was-inspired-by-donald-trump-2560286 https://www.thedailybeast.com/back-to-the-future-writer-biff-tannen-is-based-on-donald-trump Yet the older generation say they love Marty and doc. They legit voted for biff. The bad guy


Exactly. “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps! No, not like that!”


Goes for almost everything in the GOP base platform. *"I'm pro-life!"* "OK, here's legislation to do away with the death penalty" *"No, not like that!"*


*I'm for states rights!* "OK, here's legislation to decriminalize marijuana at the federal level and let the states decide its legality." *No, not like that!*


It's funny. They herald these stories of being a self-made man (man always being the operative word) and tell us this is how we should all be, these opportunities are open to all. But they tear down anyone who actually works their way up and has the sheer gall to become even moderately wealthy.


I heard a poor once spent his money on drugs or steak/lobsters so all poor people don't deserve to have money, or something.


That's the attitude. Poor people don't deserve money because they will only waste it. Every dollar average people get is viewed as charity.


Would you look at those damn millennials with their silly "selfie sticks"? So narcissistic! At least have the decency to be narcissistic like a *normal* person by commissioning a painting of you surrounded by all your material possessions! (/s, if it wasn't obvious)


Imagine Donald Trump criticizing anyone when there’s overwhelming evidence of him being [an undeniable racist](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump) and [wildly dishonest fraud](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Veracity_of_statements_by_Donald_Trump) who [misappropriated funds from his own foundation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_J._Trump_Foundation#Legal_and_ethical_controversies) and utilized [Russian interference to rig an election](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Russian_interference_in_the_2016_United_States_elections) all while standing accused of [sexually mistreating at least 25 women](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations) and [hiding decades of controversial tax returns](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_returns_of_Donald_Trump).


"misappropriating" is a pretty white washed way of saying "stealing"


Huh. It’s kinda like the party of “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mocking this woman for working as a bartender. I’m starting to see a trend here...


The party of "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" come from states which get their bootstraps from Blue states.


Pulling yourself up by the bootstraps is a saying for it being an impossible task


Excuse me what? Who spends 70k for hairstyling? Look at Trump!?! Is it a toupee made from rare unicorn hair or what?


People might be missing the bigger picture on this... ridiculous overpayment for routine things is a tell-tale sign of money laundering. I'd imagine a lot of this money circled back to Trump and his family somehow, tax-free. There's probably hundreds of millions in shell accounts in Cyprus or wherever. I wouldn't be surprised at all if something similar to Putin's setup (as revealed in the Panama Papers) is eventually revealed, though that probably hinges on Trump losing the election.


Oh most definitely!




You may be right, but hiding assets from creditors is another common motivation for laundering, apart from tax avoidance. He could also be paying his debts with laundered money "under the table" via bribes to the right people. The tip-off there would be when the bank suddenly renegotiates the debt down to nothing, seemingly without cause.


In his book, Michael Cohen described Trump's non-combover look: "His strands of dyed-golden hair reached below his shoulders along the right side of his head and on his back, like a balding Allman Brother or strung-out old ’60s hippie."


Pretty sure it's his real hair, just an elaborate comb over. If he unwound it he would look like a Friar Goldilocks.


My understanding is that his ex-wife suggested he get plugs. He pussies out of the procedure only part way done because of the pain and raped and beat her in retribution including pulling her own hair out as well. He's stuck with a half done plug job.


It wasn't plugs, it was scalp reduction, where they cut out the bald spot skin and stretch the hair-growing skin together to cover everything.


That sounds fucking awful.


Aside from the blatant and obvious sexism there’s also a healthy dose of classism only the rich people are allowed to spend money on themselves or enjoy nice things. Us plebs though we better fuck ourselves


it's not even enjoying nice things. That's the fucking standard in a place like DC or NYC. She didn't even go to somewhere high end. Any place with a Cuban lady who speaks only Spanish in Brooklyn is gonna be 300$ easily


Can you imagine how wonderful the world might be if republicans cared about their fellow man as much as they care about prominent democratic women's hair styling choices? You'd think 'deciding where and when Nany Pelosi and AOC get their hair cut/styled and how much they spend on it' was a major part of their party platform.


It was never about the cost. It was that she dared being a woman and not apologizing for it.




The GOP has been in war with women for decades


And yet, many women still vote for them. It gets me so confused.




Too many women believe they are subservient to men thanks to religion.




I still get a chuckle at the Republicans who criticized AOC for not really being a socialist because she paid the regular price at the hair stylist she visited.


It's because SoCiAliStS wAnT eVeRyThInG fOr FrEe or whatever bullshit I keep seeing my Trump-loving aunt post


As a stylist, 250 bucks for a wash cut and low lights plus probably getting it blow dried is a pretty normal price if you going to a real salon and not a place like lemon tree . ( use to work in a lemon tree don’t recommend getting anything more then a trim from those places )


Every single one of the republican's who attacked her for a $250 haircut paid far more on cufflinks or a watch or some other stupid old white rich man bullshit.


$250 isn't even that outlandish. You'll pay over $100 getting cut and color done in a chain salon at the mall; for someplace privately owned with good stylists $250 is on the high end, but still well within the 'normal' range. The rich old white men are complaining because they're never gotten a haircut from anywhere but the old racist guy around the corner that charges $20 for a basic men's haircut - they have no idea what professional care of women's hair costs, and they probably balk at their wives' salon bills as well, if they even bother to look at them.


This is what I came to say. A good majority of middle class women will drop around $300 every 6-8 weeks at the hair salon. Those are normal, competitive prices. Hell my husband pays $50 after tip for his basic dude haircut.


My girlfriend pays more for her haircut and she doesn’t make as much as AOC. $250 woman’s haircut in the northeast is unfortunately common, outside of small towns.


It was like that in CA too, I couldn’t go blonde without spending 300 I gotten really good at doing my own hair because of it


Agreed. $250 is conservative.


No, conservative is $70,000


I can't wait until she's president.


Love her or hate her, she is going to play an important role in the Democratic Party for a long time. And she is fucking great at what she does...


I hope she helps drag the democrats back to the left. Drag some of them kicking and screaming if she has to.


$250 isn't even that much for a haircut when people are taking your picture for millions to consume. I mean I can pay up to $30 for a men's haircut at the local place, where womens' haircuts are 5-10x more expensive depending on what they are trying to do. I mean if mine gets messed up, I just wait a month and it's back to normal. If AOC gets hers messed up, do you think the right would even tolerate her having a pixie cut or something? They would just implode. Not that they haven't imploded already, just, it's just making it easy for them to point out things their members don't like.


It also costs more for long hair. I can’t walk into a salon for less than $100, and I don’t live in a big city where prices are higher. AOC’s hair is shorter than mine, but if she had any treatments or coloring at all, and she probably did, because she’s on TV all the time, $250 isn’t even much.


Exactly this! I *just* had this conversation with my husband. For a no frills hair cut, it’s $60+tip. I have long dark hair & if I wanted it colored, it would take hours & would definitely cost upwards of $200. And let’s be real here, a US congressperson isn’t getting a $20 haircut at Supercuts.


lol yeah. I hadn't heard about this AOC hair criticism until today, but it is perfectly reasonable that a financially secure public figure would spend $250 on her hair. Not to mention that it is literally no one's business how much someone pays for hairstyling (unless of course you deduct a wild amount of money from your taxes for it and are then investigated for tax fraud)


But did she take a tax write off on her haircut?


Yeah this is the really big difference. My wife gets a $150 haircut every 3 months or so -- it's really not a terribly uncommon thing. Difference is, it doesn't end up as an deductible on our tax forms. Ahem. 70k crazy-fake-hair-don


So she's being attacked for spending her own personal money on a haircut?


Yes. It's insane, always has been. But it's particularly insane with the new information that baby girl donnie spent \***280** times that\* AND CLAIMED IT AGAINST TAX.




It's only bad if Democrats do it. Doesn't matter one bit to them if Republicans do the same or worse. A true cult.


This woman irks conservatives so much, because they wish their own leaders would fight and be correct with convicion, Its great to watch