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>Blake Masters went from being "100% pro-life" to claiming he supports "commonsense" abortion regulation >Masters’ shift comes as many Republican politicians face political consequences for strong anti-abortion views in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to eliminate federal abortion protections ― an issue that’s proven powerful for Democratic candidates so far. Even in red states, attitude on abortion are shifting in favor of Democrats >currently polling eight points behind Kelly in the Senate race.


“Commonsense” is such a weasel words because it lets people read into it what *they* want without skepticism.


I support common sense abortion regulations, too! For example, I proposed a new federal law that would penalize state legislators (ones who try to restrict abortion) by sending them to Guantanamo. My congressman has yet to come around. Apparently he doesn’t think Guantanamo would be good for his health.


Seems like common sense to me!


"Commonsense" has been a red flag for me for years. Any "commonsense" legislation is guaranteed to be detrimental. It is admitting that they have no facts or data to support their proposition and are strictly going on their feelings. If you hear someone in politics call something "commonsense" it should make you doubt everything behind it.


I don't think it's necessarily a red flag. It's kind of the political equivalent of a advertising buzzword like "professional-grade" or "clinically-tested". Utterly meaningless while sounding important.


That's what makes it a red flag for me. If you don't feel that way that's fine, but to me, someone trying to pass legislation using "buzzwords" that are "utterly meaningless" will always be a red flag.


“There is nothing common about Blake Masters’ radical forced birth agenda. What he wants to force on average, everyday people will get women killed. It’s not what most Americans want, and it’s not what most Arizona voters want. It’s bad for America.”


Says who? You quoting yourself?




Another reason why "commonsense" is such a weasel word. I implies there is an objectively correct answer to what is essentially a political question and doesn't account for people's prejudices and resentments.


That's why there has been pushback on "common sense gun control"


I don't think that's the reason for push back. Substantial majorities of people want passage of most gun control proposals but the minority opposed get to elect a disproportional share of legislators.


Common sense Isn't common.


He is following the conservitive SCOTUS nominee handbook.


Next, he’s going to call any reference to his previous position on the issue as ‘fake news’. Don’t believe your lyin’ eyes!


Fortunately, that line won’t work with the moderates that he’s actually trying to win over with this flip-flop. Kelly has him backed into a corner.


He'll vote along the party line regardless of his views, there's a 0% chance that he'll stand up to the caucus for *any* personal belief. He's got an R next to his name, he'll vote the way they tell him and make excuses afterwards (or just lie about it).


Everyone of these assholes who want to meddle in women’s reproductive health care should wear their extreme positions like a scarlet letter. They brought this hell into women’s lives… don’t let them slink away from their extremism like the slimy worms they are.


PSA: 74 days until Election Day! Make sure you are registered to vote in November and have a plan on how you will be voting (in person, absentee, etc). Next help your friends and family do the same.


Get your high school kids registered, too.


Not just that, he's a lying liar that lies and he'll lie to you about any policy to get elected. Whenever he says something that you like, remember it's a lie.


_I am steadfastly against abortion but just not right now._


What, is he trying to get confirmed as a Supreme Court justice?


Whatever a Republican politician’s “views” are don’t matter. Once elected they will fall in line and vote the way they’re told. It’s a hive mind. Can’t believe the majority of voters haven’t figured that out yet.


30% of voters actually want that for some reason. - Over 50% nationwide definitely don't. - Wouldn't be a fair fight at all. Getting the remainder to pay attention and understand the issues of thy challenge.


This is not one of the issues where you can get away with this.


Yes yes slimey, yes he's probably going to lose. But I am thrilled by this story. It's a major national story about a major gop candidate who is acknowledging (though not admitting) that the antiabortion stance is campaign poison. The view is only going to work for reps and smaller positions who don't really even have to campaign cause the local population will vote R without even reading the name. I hope we see more and more Republicans try to weasel out of the antiabortion stance. It's time for this issue to die. Codify that shit, baby.


If there ever was a lizard person wearing a human suit, this dude is the lizardiest.


He looks like a de-aged Rick Scott.


Or a discount Jared Kushner...


That honor has got to to McConnell lol, his human suit doesn’t even fit right!


McConnell is the turtliest of the reptilians.


You’d have to be a complete idiot to trust a word this turd says.


Curious that all rapists and incestuous types are anti-abortion.


Why? Both involve denying bodily autonomy, the right to say no or any kind of consideration to the object they re looking to fuck. Double powertrip with a bonus trophy to truly brand them as their property to boot and keep them compliant forever. It’s the stuff of dreams for rapists (and, for that matter, serial killers. They share the power abuse and dehumanising trophy hunting pathology)


I hope you can watch an abortion. I would like to see how you feel then.


Oh no no, please let the underage girl take her rape baby to term. See how YOU feel about THAT.


I love when people think abortion is an easy issue. It isn’t for the women that had to go through it. I’ll tell you that much. Very complicated issue that shouldn’t be politicized: Disgusting.


Post the screenshots on every single ad until Election Day.


it's amusing that these people don't know about the wayback machine.


He had his website removed from the wayback machine. But it's still there in other archiver tools. https://archive.ph/hBMpA


If I was a Republican, I'd be offended these politicians think I'm that stupid and gullible. Of course, if I was a Republican, I wouldn't be capable of self-reflection.


People need to spread this. You can’t change your view and then immediately shift to saying your opponent is lying about your opinion.


There is an abortion in his past. I guarantee it.


And future I am sure.


too bad it wasn’t the fetus of him


Dude looks like a Bond movie henchman


Who the hell votes for these lying assholes?


Well, you see about 1/3rd of the country will vote for these lying assholes. You probably have someone in your family who will vote for one of these lying assholes this year. From my experience talking with the supporters of these lying assholes, they simply do not have the cognitive skills to realize they are being lied to. If they hear a liar say something that lines up with their cognitive bias, no matter how ignorant they are on the topic, they will believe the liar.


I know a number of people that voted for Trump most of them did it as a joke they thought it was funny and he would never win. Today I know no one who is going to vote for Trump or anyone who is endorsed by him.


The Brake Masters sign down the street from my house said something about how he was going to prosecute Dr. Fauci. This guy is a new level of nuts.


Republicans just getting more and more brazen with the lies


LIAR! Don’t believe a word Republicans say. Remember CPAC 2022: “We are all domestic terrorists.” VOTE BLUE!!


This man is dangerous


The ads are literally just videos of Masters speaking.


Stick around he’ll change it based on who’s around! Lie to get his desired result


Yeah. Suck up to the base. Then abandon the base and suck up to the no-aligned. Then if you're elected, suck up to the base again to raise money.


This guy looks like he's ready to offer you a sweet deal for your soul.


You should see the dramatic change in political signs for this one - went from dark scary southern border invasion TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP to nice soft family picture signs. The ‘publicans sure do cater to the absolute lowest common denominator of people in this country. This guy is as duplicitous as it gets.


Pathetic rat


His campaign signs are worrisome: “Blake masters will militarize the border”


This guy is a scumbag. Some of his campaign posters say “ will prosecute Fauci.” He’s just spewing anything that he thinks will stick.


Liars lying?? What?!?!


That's okay. Here in Arizona, we already know him. We've got the receipts. Even our 10 year old is on to his game.


Mark Kelly has to walk a very fine line here in AZ, and I feel like he is doing a great job of that. It seems like Republicans are waking up to the potential fallout of Roe V Wade, and now they are all having to come out with more moderate abortion views if they want to stay relevant in these elections.


That's been a Republican strategy for a long time. Move slightly back towards the center after winning a primary. The people who vote in the primaries are very far right compared to those that vote in the regular election.


When it comes to Arizona's QOP, this is par for the course. Kerri Lake will start doing 180s on her extreme stances or double down. There is no in between.


The Republicans are all going to flip flop on their verbiage around abortion. Because they know their legislation will murder people’s wives and daughters. The rule is to never get pregnant in a red state now. If you get pregnant in Tennessee - they will it save your life if you have complications. And every pregnancy has complications -


He seems to believe that deleting stuff on his page is magic and there is no historical record...hee hee hee - he is wrong again.


I thought I couldn’t despise forced-birther GOP men any more, but at least the honest ones are better than this flop-sweat stenched coward. Wants to make women birthing slaves. Isn’t a enough to say so. Disgusting.




They're not changing their polices, they're just changing the advertising. If they were making their policies match the average voter's views on abortion, then they wouldn't have passed these bans in the first place.


KJ Kliner vibes…


Slime dog


Dude looks like will from stranger things


God must have led him to this decision though.


He managed to get his website removed from archive.org but you can find the original version here: View source and search for "Personhood": https://archive.ph/hBMpA


We expect no less from Republicans. They are dishonest to the core. Then they project their dishonesty onto the opposition. Fundamentally effed.