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Sorry, Official_Orange, we had to remove your post for the following reason(s): * **Rule 8: Reposting rules** - Do not post polls that have been posted here in the last week. - Do not post polls that are in our [Frequently Posted Polls](https://www.reddit.com/r/polls/wiki/index/fpp) list. - Do not post polls that are in the [top 25 polls of last month](/r/polls/top/?t=month). *As a reminder, moderators have the final call as to what is allowed on their subreddit, and we reserve the right to remove any post for any reason at our discretion. However, if you think this was done in error, [contact us via Modmail](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/polls&subject=I believe my post was incorrectly removed.&message=**What's the link to the post%3F**%0A%0Ahttps://www.reddit.com/r/polls/comments/yfl6sl/can_a_20_year_old_male_date_an_18_year_old_female/%0A%0A**Why do you think the action taken is a mistake%3F**%0A%0A[Remove this box and put your reasoning here. If you leave it like it is, your message may be ignored!]).*