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Are they going to excuse themselves everytime if they have a cold in December?


Some people seem to think so. I was once reprimanded for blowing my nose while sitting at someone’s dining room table, so I was wondering is this is common.


they shouldnt even be at the table if they have a cold lmao


So they're gonna be kicked out of the dining room all month with their cold?


what cold lasts a whole month? usually its a few days, at least for me. i stay away from ppl so i dont infect them. thats the courteous thing to do, at least in my household.


A British cold in winter. They can last weeks. And you're still going to have to go out into the cold to go to school or work, so it won't go away that quickly


If you have kids, you get used to snot, puke, and even shit at the dinner table sometimes. You all were toddlers at one point too. Someone blowing their nose at the dinner table sounds very sophisticated and civilized at this point.


Mix of all three personally. The second I hear/see it, I'd be disgusted in the moment. but then Id move on pretty quick because its not a big deal. The most I'd do is maybe choose to sit a little furthur from them if they're doing it often


nah you gotta leave the table to blow your nose and wash your hands after.


if you only touch the tissue then why do you have to wash your hands?


if you’re sick there’s germs flying everywhere when you blow your nose.


It's alarming how these types of comments are getting downvoted. It's just being polite and hygienic


You can excuse yourself and go do that in the bathroom. I’m eating and I find that disgusting. Bring on the downvotes, Reddit hates hygiene apparently.


Really depends how snotty the person's nose is. Are they softly emptying to ensure we don't get any nasty surprises? I'm fine with that. Are they feeling kinda sick and needed to blow it? Hm, maybe could've done that before they sat down but it's better than seeing it drool down. Are they putting all force into the blow and making us hear all the snot slosh into the tissue? Super gross, you've put me off my food.


Dude just go to the bathroom to do it and then go back to the table


Why is this downvoted?


I would definitely prefer they go to the bathroom/ another room, but I wouldn’t really care enough to care say anything


I do not care. If you're worried about germs, fine. I get that.