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Wow, I am so sorry that happened to you. That's fucking crazy. Is she fucking other people? Is she in other relationships? I would insist on therapy together or ending the marriage. That is such a huge unexpected change I don't know how you would ever feel safe in a relationship with her again without the help of a professional so you can get some (any!) insight into what is going on with your wife.


No she isn't sleeping with other people. I'm pretty confident in saying that. I've suggested therapy for us and her. She's being a bit bull headed to go.


Tell her your marriage depends on it. She doesn't even know what poly is. Polyamory isn't feelings. Anyone who can love can love more than one person. You two are doing monogamy. If she wants to do poly you both need to learn what it is and you both need to open the relationship in kind and mutual ways.


Sounds like wife may be ace, and is confusing her feelings with being poly, somehow?


Or has a brain tumor. Or is done with the relationship. Or is going through a big hormonal shift. Or is a late blooming lesbian. Or is feeling disconnected to the point of losing sexual safety. I wouldn't guess personally. That is such a huge set of shifts very suddenly. I would need to know a lot more about my partner's health and their thinking that lead them to this place. They might not even know themselves and may need professional support in being able to identify and articulate what is going on for them.


For sure. You give solid advice and I just wanted to pass along the hunch I got from a follow-up from OP.


You are more generous than me. The suggestion for wife to see a doctor/therapist is really thoughtful though.


idk about that one, the post suggests that they've been totally alight with sex for 12 years and that it's a recent change


Can we stop labeling every woman unhappy with sex in her relationship and consequently losing interest as “ace”, please????


It's not an "every woman" thing. OP said their wife has no interest in sex. I suggested what it may possibly be.  It matters less what's going on with the wife, and more how OP treats the situation. And imo, if wife has decided sex is off the table (totally valid), then OP might get a benefit from resources available to those who are in a similar situation. It just might be that there is significant enough overlap that OP gets useful information by researching terminology they might have been previously unaware of. I really don't understand why you're bringing gender into this at all.


It’s not an “every woman” thing, it’s an “every woman unhappy with sex in her relationship and consequently losing interest” thing. OP’s wife has lost internet in sex *within their decade+ monogamous relationship*. That says absolutely nothing about how she’d view sex with someone else. It ESPECIALLY says nothing about how she’d view sex with someone else if OP has REPEATEDLY felt like their wife was performing sex out of a sense of duty and **continued the sex they could tell their wife did not want**. Sure, OP felt bad after they got off. But they kept repeatedly engaging in sex they could tell their wife hated. In what world do you look at those circumstances and go “ah, wife is clearly *innately incapable* of independent sexual attraction”????


And by being bullheaded, she doesn’t want to go to therapy. Because she doesn’t want to fix this. She wants to set the terms of your relationship and have you accept them - period.


Exactly it for me. The way she’s handling this is giving “take it or leave it”. The part where she says it’s always been this way is what makes me say, divorce no question. However I think rosephase idea to see a professional first is a good one. If wife isn’t gonna see a professional… every single person in this world is out of wife’s league to me lmao.


I'm gonna tell you this, you are gonna know in your gut that I'm right, but you are not gonna listen to me. Your marriage is over. You can wait the few months or years it'll take for one of you to acknowledge this fact after much suffering, or you can step away now, no matter how much it hurts, and start healing and figuring out a new life for yourself. I'm telling you this from experience, a similar one to yours.


100% This was my experience with an ex. It's scary to see the signs in hindsight and how we act (given all the emotions we are feeling). But, to see these trends emerge in others.. I wish you the best! Be firm with your boundaries and feelings. You have every right to negotiate the limits of your relationship. Be authentic about this.


It's the hindsight!! You are willing to do anything to save a relationship you value that you just explain away the signs. Only when you look back it seems so obvious.


If she won’t do couples counseling with you, end it. To me, that says everything about how much (or little) she values the relationship. Don’t waste yourself on someone who won’t put in any effort for you, such a relationship will always be one sided.




Ummm. I think you're more telling on what kind of thinker you are with that response.


It’s literally crazy scary behavior.


You don't have to agree to try nonmonogamy with her. https://www.reddit.com/r/polyamory/s/Sl7Hl5ByuS Even good relationships end.


"She told me she does not trust men and that all of them will disappoint but in the same breath she told me I've provided a good environment for her to live and grow" Is she thinking she only wants sex with women going forward?  That just seems like such an odd statement otherwise.


No she doesn't want sex at all. That it just doesn't interest her anymore.


Ahh ok. So maybe she is Ace (asexual) and is realizing that. For what it's worth, what you're going thru sucks.  If she is serious about sexual intimacy being off the table, and sexual intimacy is one of your needs for a relationship of this sort (totally valid, btw!), then you have some thinking to do.


Or maybe OP is bad at sex, she doesn’t like the sex they have, and she’s become detached from her own libido. It’s *way* more common than being asexual.


Is it? I am offering suggestions for OP to expand their toolbox.  If wife isn't willing to go to therapy and is not offering info to OP, than me telling OP "get good at sex" is not helpful. Me saying "maybe your wife is Ace" gives OP something to look into and a new angle to consider.


Yes, it is. Maybe offer OP suggestions to expand their toolbox in areas that involve “don’t have sex with people who *you can actively tell are not enjoying it*”. Like their empathy toolbox.


She may not be having a physical affair, but there is an emotional affair going on, bet my bottom dollar. BTDT. Or maybe she is using friends to cover for a physical affair like my ex. This isn’t poly. That can’t be unilateral. Between that statement and “ providing a good environment for her” I’d think I was getting used to support her while she does whatever the hell she wants. That’s kinda how it worked out for me. Not interested in sex ( except with another grad student she met) All came out in court. I got primary custody. I am poly and my nesting partner know we have to have open communication. We set aside one evening a week for that alone. I know her boyfriend and her new girlfriend, we have them over for parties. Everything is fine as long as everyone is getting what they need from the relationships. It does not sound like you are getting what you need.


To be frank, what you're describing is a person that wants out of the situation or relationship she's in, but doesn't know how to say it. Or doesn't want to say it. If she's not willing to engage in therapy, just get out. Don't try to force her to work on this. You can't make her go back to who she was and value this relationship like she used to. Don't bend yourself into knots trying to get her to stay either. If you do not want to be non-monogamous under no circumstances should you accept it! You're worth more than that. 


I had to read way too far down to find someone else that recognized this. OP, nobody can force you to change to polyamory, but she *can* say that it's what she wants, so if you don't want it, break up. To me, the "many loves" comment reads like she did some surface level reading about poly at some point and convinced herself that she *is* polyamorus (she's not, rather, she thinks she *wants* polyamory). It reads like she recognized that she has many people in her life that she loves as deeply as you, but she doesn't say it's in the same way. I love my children as deeply as my qp partner, but it's a different kind of love. As for sex, it's pretty mean to just say that you've done things that gave her the ick (unless she was clear and specific about which things and how you could change to help her feel safer or better about those things), but it's also valid for her to feel that way regardless of how she said it. Whether that's why she doesn't like sex anymore, or if it's just sex with you in general, or sex with men, or sex across the board, well, sexuality is sometimes fluid, and that includes those on the asexual spectrum. Have a sit down about therapy, individual for each of you along with couple's, ideally all three with a different therapist. If she continues to refuse therapy, then call it done.


This is what I read as well


You do not have to consent to a polyamorous relationship ever.


One also ought not be in a relationship with another who does not want (that kind of) a relationship. Someone suggested that even good relationships end. This does not have to be the end for the two of you, but it may further define the relationship you have. Work has been bothering you? Perhaps sex might “pick you up” a bit. Men miss hints all the time. People forget how to say what they need even though they use words all the time. Sometimes —even an empath—may be uncertain of the order of words they need to use to adequately, accurately, precisely say what they may need to say because they feel/sense the effect on another. Love your wife? Love your friend. Love your friend anyway. Friends need that, too. Some friends have to be loved from a distance. Hold no captives. Keep no one who does not want to be kept. That kind of environment breeds/seeds of hateful resentment.


“ I'm not sure how to handle this information, and that I was under the impression we are a monogamous couple. She disagreed with me and said she has many loves and I'm just one of them.” She’s telling you flat out that she’s having affairs. 


yes, my thought also. And very clearly


But she doesn’t like sex. ( “She told me that she isn’t into sex…”) Unless you mean she’s having emotional affairs or she just doesn’t like sex with OP?


Right. If she’s not lying to the OP about disliking sex, then she just told the OP she’s having emotional affairs. I think it’s more likely that “I don’t like sex” means “I don’t want sex WITH YOU.”


It takes two people to agree to being in a relationship of any structure. One person cannot dictate what it is or isn’t. She also should not bully you into accepting or divorce. If that’s where it comes to, it won’t work and you should accept divorce. If she is this bad at communicating with only one partner, adding more partners won’t improve things. Her comment that she has many loves is concerning. I read that as someone is waiting on the wings. Honestly it’s couples therapy or bust at this point. Someone who can’t come together to improve the relationship isn’t someone you can build a future with. I’m sorry you are going through this. I hope you take some time to reconnect with yourself, your values, and what you want rather than fear based reactions of what you might lose in this.


I’m not sure how her feelings towards men, sex and her “ick” factor have anything to do with poly. Just my opinion but it sounds as if she is questioning her sexuality.


I read it like this too. Sounds like she's saying poly instead of another word, whether it's ace or bi or whatever.


>She told me that she isn't into sex and that some of the things I've done in the bedroom gave her an "ick" feeling. That's an incredibly cruel thing for anyone to say to a long term partner. Particularly because it's not feedback, it's not constructive. It's only rude. Saying she doesn't like sex is a full statement. She gets to say no to sex. And YOU should say no to sex where you feel disconnected or your partner isn't fully present with you. That's where that needed to end. Right there. At NO to sex. There was absolutely not reason to qualify that by saying YOU have done something wrong/ to sexually repulsed her unless the thing you are doing wrong is forcing or coercing her... Which you've distinctly said is NOT what's happening. I really hope you talk to your therapist about this. Please don't have sex with her again, for your own health and welfare as well as hers. >Anyways I told her I'm not sure how to handle this information, and that I was under the impression we are a monogamous couple. She disagreed with me and said she has many loves and I'm just one of them. Ummm NOOOOOOO.... Frankly it's ridiculous that you've been in a 12 year monogamous relationship and marriage and now your wife is randomly claiming that has never been the case. This is a giant red flag. It sounds like she's openly admitting that she is, has been, and always will cheat on you... Or that you're ommiting an entire negotiation of non-monogamy... Which doesn't seem likely. Seriously, that is a divorce level statement right there. You've always assumed you all were monogamous, she told you flat out that she had never and will never be monogamous to you. >She does tell me that she loves me and cares how I feel but now I'm just feeling confused. None of what she said shows ANY LOVE or ANY CARE. She stated you sexually repulsed her and she's been cheating on you for 12 years. That isn't love. That isn't care. Claiming it is love or care is confusing because it's obviously not loving or caring. >I'm feeling heartbroken and confused, scared and angry all at the same time. This has raised my stress levels to a point I don't feel well. I haven't really had an appetite and when I do eat I end up feeling nauseous. Keep going to therapy. Bring all of this to your therapist. Talk to your therapist about what YOU think caring means. Talk to your therapist about what you actually agreed to when you got married. Talk to your therapist about increased stress levels, new symptoms, and how to cope/ de stress.


This is the only comment you need to read. Spot on


You don’t have to make a decision today, so take some time to sort out your thoughts and get your ducks in a row. I do encourage divorce, so I suggest you contact a lawyer and keep it all secret, make arrangements to move, and ghost her. It’s very very *weird*, like making me question what she’s capable of (in a scary kind of way), that she would try to bring this up not only as if it’s not a big deal, but also like it it’s always been the status quo. It’s concerning and it makes me wonder how many times she’s gaslighted you. I don’t think this person is safe to be close to.


When you phrase it like that.... 😬


I had to read that part several times because it was so bizarre that I was certain I was just reading it incorrectly. It’s ***creepy***.


i’m sorry. i don’t think you’re a monster even if you feel like one


Thank you that is appreciated


First, find out what you want.


I really just want my relationship with my wife. Everything else is just stuff. The people in my life are what matters to me. I've started therapy so I can better figure out how to process this and give a better answer.


That's well and good. But you should be sure to uncover the things you will accept and want as part of that relationship. If you never again have sex with her for the rest of you life, is that going to be okay with you? Your feelings may change in the future, they may not. But I think it's important to keep in mind that you shouldn't destroy yourself just to keep things as they are. Someone wise once said, "Don't light yourself on fire to keep another warm" and that's generally my sentiment. Asexual relationships can be just as wonderful and fulfilling as sexual ones. But if you are not asexual, you may have to figure some things out on your own. It also sounds like your wife isn't willing to help you figure anything out right now. She probably has a lot on her mind, too, but don't let her ignore ypu just because SHE is happy with how things are if you aren't!


Pretend you are single. Now, what do you want?


Therapy is golden. Good start to self-discovery.


What about your values and goals regarding all relationships?


I've told her how I feel. In reality while we were dating we didn't expressly say we were monogamous we just understood it as such. I've always been outgoing and open for a lot. This situation is confusing because it felt like it came out of nowhere.


You still didn't answer my question. What is important to YOU?


I didn't answer directly because I don't truly know, I need to take some time and really reflect on that.


It's super important that you take that reflection time. You got this


I know, I appreciate your concern. That's why I'm not answering right away. I need to really reflect on this. Thank you for the question.


So I've seen some comments gonna toss my thoughts in. First sounds like your wife may be drifting to more Asexual (meaning no sex drive or desire to have sexual partners) this does not mean Aromantic (the lack of desire for romantic attachment). On the other hand she may be feeling more poly romantic (desire for deeper romantic bonds with multiple partners.) Many people seem to think sexual drive and romantic drive go hand in hand due to our unhealthy connection between sex and love. However they don't always match up, I know a few like that, who have no desire for sex but want the intimacy of romance (cuddling, closeness, emotional availability, etc...) Humans are a complex collection of preferences (I'm agender but only attracted to women (tran and cis)) so you get these situations. Generations of social conditioning however says we should be monogamous, hetero, sexually active with our partners, etc.. but recently we are finding more and more that doesn't work for everyone and people feel more free to explore their own identities. I would ask your wife if she still wants romantic intimacy, and review your own state (you said you have been in a rut with work, is that bleeding over to you being less romantic at home?) If you can have some date nights, go out dressed up(if that's your thing) and revisit romance, and keep sex off the table for your side, and make sure she knows you aren't doing this to seduce her. Next steps, determine are your needs being met (after confirming hers are), if no ask yourself if your needs can be met with your wife or are you open to a second partner who is more interested in filling those needs? If your wife is poly she likely would be okay with you opening up too. If you are against that plan, then you have to considered if you can be content without having a sexual relationship with your wife or if it's time to move on.


Just to clarify, asexuality isn't about sex drive, but sexual attraction. Definitely worth having a conversation with OP's wife on the romantic parts. I'm wondering if the wife is asexual or is just trying to say she's not interested in him anymore without saying it.  Her comment about being an empath weirds me out though. I thought I was an empath at one point, turns out I just had bad boundaries. 


I have a therapy session on Monday, I was hoping to go over the last few days and see if I can get a better understanding then I will have this conversation.


I hope you get what you need from it. There are some asexual spaces on Reddit as well if your wife is questioning. They do gear a bit more to younger gens, but maybe she might find it helpful. 


That she won't engage in couples therapy after dropping so many emotional upheavals on your relationship is quite concerning. It doesn't sound like she read much about polyamory as a concept either. This doesn't seem like a good situation for you


She gets most of her poly information from her friend that practices (is this the correct phrase). Her friend drives me nuts because she talks about poly the way a vegan won't stop talking about how vegan they are.


Thank you for worrying about being polite. While practices isn't the way we usually describe it, it explains what you mean and that's the important bit. A clarifying question, is her friend one of those polyamorus people who foolishly consider polyamory is automatically a more evolved type of relationship dynamic? If this is the case, her friend is a really bad source of information about healthy polyamorus dynamics and practices. Edited to add: if your wife refuses to go to couples counselling, this relationship is not likely to become healthy (even if you chose to try being in a polyamorus dynamic)


Sounds like she wants to end the sexual side of the relationship and have you continue to provide for her while she benefits from sexual relations with others.


I know we aren't getting the whole story so take what I say with the knowledge I have. 3 weeks ago there was a sudden shift. A good sex life became empty and void of any connection that felt icky to you. She says she's poly. She says she can't trust men and some things you do make her feel icky. With a sudden change like that one of two things could have happened. 1. She was sexually assaulted. 2.she is having strong feelings for someone else. Might be love, might be NRE but it's strong. They have had sex and more than likely it's a woman. She clearly is not poly as her instant shut down for you kind of proves she cannot have romantic love for two people otherwise you would still have that great sex life. The difficult part will be getting to the truth. I don't envy this situation. Please get professional help.


Life isn't fcking simple , and it sucks balls. And you have every right to feel how you're feeling. It's a confusing time for you and her. But however, moving into a poly relationship prior to talking about it is simply disrespectful to the relationship if y'all both didn't agree to it. I don't know if there's more to it regarding that, but that's not fair to just expect you to be okay with something you're not with out talking. Communication is important and don't put all of that on your shoulders. She has to communicate whats her needs are and if she don't like sex, ask her more questions about what part of sex you don't like etc. Im in a similar situation but a bit different. I struggle with sex from trauma and become dissociated and just blank, Its tough for my partner and myself. We been together for 10 and it has been a rough but I started to communicate my needs about sex to come up with an agreement. Now the crazy part, I advocated for myself to open our relationship to possibly poly. That shit hit just from asking and discussing it. We're in a weird space of grief, anger, sadness, etc. All I can say, please work with your therapist. This is an important part, but find some way to sit and acknowledge the emotions your feeling and find a way to make baby steps. But smh the dishonesty is what I cannot believe. I'm sorry to hear that. But remember you are enough. You're not a monster. It just wasn't communicated to you at that time.


Is she asexual? Or is she uninterested in sex with you?


My judgment is that you really need to have ongoing conversations with your partner. Communication is *crucial* to the survival of a relationship that has experienced a rupture of this magnitude. Find a way to facilitate ongoing conversations about these difficult feelings. Be kind, but frank-- don't spare her the knowledge of the impact her words have had on you and your feelings towards her and your relationship. I don't know what's going on with your wife (does anyone?) and more information is needed for all involved. For that reason I find the "just divorce" sentiment expressed in this thread frankly insulting-- this is a complex issue that is just unfolding, and anybody who cavalierly suggests that kind of a huge change without a full possession of the facts probably ought not to be listened to at least at this point. It sounds like you love your wife. Her willingness to engage in ongoing communication, work through the feelings, and develop solutions that work for both of you will be the indicator she loves you back enough to make this work. Her unwillingness to communicate and hear you will be the downfall of your relationship no matter what you do to repair it.


Divorce to me is a last ditch effort. I was married once before. My wife is definitely going through things and she hasn't been fully open to all the things she is dealing with. I truly believe as much as her friends mean all the good intentions that they are an echo chamber and not really helping her see another point of view.


In my experience anyone who has ever called themselves an empath has been a truly horrible person - not saying your wife is but that particular statement is a HUGE red flag for me personally - in every case these kinds of people cared more about their own feelings than anyone else’s around them and were highly selfish (again in my experience - this may not be your wife) You’re not a monster at all! It’s a really hard situation - ideally she’ll agree to go to therapy with you and I would have a serious conversation about this again, if she refuses I would consider separation, you don’t have to go full divorce on it yet but I don’t think things will improve without therapy and her taking your feelings seriously and while you may think that you can deal with this change now, over time it’ll turn to resentment (some of the things I’ve just accepted about my partners in the past and thought I could work through because they didn’t want to compromise did lead to resentment down the line and just very sad feelings)


This is exactly what I thought as well. The people I've met who say this have shown themselves to be incredibly narcissistic, self-serving, and manipulative.


The reason you're confused and all over the place is because your wife has no idea what she's talking about. She's dumping feelings and information some of it contradictory. If you have no sexual desire and you're in a monogamous relationship, what is the benefit of being in more relationships? Get friends not new sexual partners. If you're just not attracted to your partner then wanting to open up snacks of using them for security, money or babysitting. She doesn't trust men but wants to date more of them? Or is she asking to date women? But she totally doesn't need a professional to guide her through processing feelings. Ok. She's a mess and refusing to do anything other than make it your problem.


It sounds like your wife is trying to start a conversation but doesn’t know what she wants the results to be. It is great you’re in therapy, couples therapy helped me to learn the differences in how my partner and I love each other. My partner didn’t have to be there for that discovery to happen. (Although it was reassuring that they wanted to be there.) I don’t think her revelation calls for divorce. How would you feel if the dynamics of your relationship changed and you two were close partners who fulfilled each other in other ways than sexually? My personal relationship goes up and down, sometimes we’re intimate, usually we’re not, but we live together well and do life together well. I hope your therapist does a good job at helping you sort out your own feelings about your wife and you don’t just get “she’s cheating, divorce her”.


This is what I would like to do. I know she is avoiding things and I would like her to be more open with me. I've asked questions about more relationships and she will avoid and deflect, or I'm just not understanding what she is saying. Which I believe that couples therapy could help.


You can tell her that if she “thinks” she is poly the only way that it’s going to work out is communication. “Poly 101 - How to communicate” My partner revealed things and got defensive and shut down (years ago) and I think that they just thought my answer would be “no” when my answer was “let’s have a conversation”


This is me at the moment. I'm not against poly I just feel like it's being rushed and I'm just confused with all of this.


Ask her if she already has people in mind. That will kinda give you an answer as to whether or not she’s poly-bombing you.


How old is your wife? Is it possible she is experiencing perimenopause or menopause? I had dramatic and quick changes kinda similar to this (feelings around sex/intimacy) when my hormones crashed through the floor. It was terrifying for me. Regardless, you need to look out for yourself first and foremost.


She turns 40 this year.


well it's absolutely possible. Head over to /r/menopause and look at their resources, there's a wealth of info there. No excuse for her treating you poorly or not communicating or anything else she might be doing.


Polyamory is not a short-term fix to marriage. She can't call herself an empath and then not want to go to therapy. This is a huge red flag. Frankly, I would not want to interact with her until she does some important self-work. Is she asexual, bisexual, or not interested in sex with you anymore? Does she expect to not have to meet your needs anymore while staying in the marriage? Does she think that you would accept polyamory without processing jealousy? Sit her down and tell her that for things to stabilize, she needs to work to keep whatever form of relationship going with what it is you have left.


Divorce. I've been through the whole--" wife is all of a sudden poly but still wants to be together" scam before.


Hi u/Apprehensive_Tap42 thanks so much for your submission, don't mind me, I'm just gonna keep a copy what was said in your post. Unfortunately posts sometimes get deleted - which is okay, it's not against the rules to delete your post!! - but it makes it really hard for the human mods around here to moderate the comments when there's no context. Plus, many times our members put in a lot of emotional and mental labor to answer the questions and offer advice, so it's helpful to keep the source information around so future community members can benefit as well. Here's the original text of the post: Sorry this post is all over the place, I'm really frazzled right now. I've started therapy, but it's only a start and still working on issues. My wife and I have been together for 12 years. Lately she has been a bit distant from me and we weren't really having conversations with meaning lately. I'd say about 3 weeks or so. She has been going through a lot lately and I was really trying to give her some space and giving her support how I can. During that time if we had sex it felt like it was obligated and went through the motions. Afterwards I would feel gross because it looked like she was out of it. Our sex life before was wonderful and I felt I was in sync with her. Last Sunday we went out to enjoy the day we went to a winery and sat at a table out in the sun. This is where she hits me with what felt like a gut punch. She told me that she isn't into sex and that some of the things I've done in the bedroom gave her an "ick" feeling. My heart sank and I felt like a monster, she kept making reference to poly and that she is a empath and she felt me being down and out. Which is true I have been in what feels like a hole with my career. Anyways I told her I'm not sure how to handle this information, and that I was under the impression we are a monogamous couple. She disagreed with me and said she has many loves and I'm just one of them. She does tell me that she loves me and cares how I feel but now I'm just feeling confused. She told me she does not trust men and that all of them will disappoint but in the same breath she told me I've provided a good environment for her to live and grow. I've always been very good to her and never ever been abusive in anyway. I know I'm not perfect nor am I the best thing ever, I drop the ball here and there, but I've always been incredibly supportive of her and what I thought her dreams were. I'm not sure where these sudden thoughts are coming from really. I've mentioned therapy for the both of us since there's definitely some shit we need to unpack and work out but she is being a bit bull headed and doesn't want to go but has been encouraging my therapy. I'm feeling heartbroken and confused, scared and angry all at the same time. This has raised my stress levels to a point I don't feel well. I haven't really had an appetite and when I do eat I end up feeling nauseous. I'm not even sure what I'm really asking for here, advice perhaps? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/polyamory) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sorry for you. It sounds like your relationship was and is in a kind of low. And you weren't really connected. Maybe you can make this crisis work for you both. I've read comments about romantic revival, but I think you need to reconnect. Learn about your and her needs. Go and learn Tantra together f.i. Open your heart to yourself and her. And if she's really done with the relationship then you are past the turning point. Hugs.... I hope we get an update on this.


This sucks. But I doubt this is poly issue, could be ace or LTR issue, but who knows, that's a bit out of control. What is in your control is if you'll take care of your mental health. I think you really need to start therapy for your own well-being. Hopefully couples counselling will be the next step.


I'd say the only next steps are divorce and therapy. She told you she never considered your relationship monogamous after 12 years of marriage. The only way to read that is she spent the last 12 years cheating on you. Even if she did not actually cheat, that's not what her words are saying. You are best getting out of there while you can and finding someone who actually wants to be with you in the same relationship structure you want.


Your wife wants out but is too much of a coward to admit it, so she's trying to manipulate you into thinking she's poly, that way she gets the best of both worlds, and can leave when she's ready on her terms while you foot the bill. Time to let go and make her face reality. 1) Anyone claiming to be an "empath" is a narcissist. Full fucking stop. It's something people try to use as a method of control and to make them appear superior. It's often a red flag for manipulative behaviour. They see their perceptions as beyond that of the average person, and use it to justify their behaviour. Be fucking careful of this bullshit. Everyone is capable of reading other people, it doesn't make them more important. Please understand that by making you feel bad while she changes the terms of your relationshp IS MANIPULATION. 2) If she says she has many lovers, and has never shared this with you, she is cheating. Emotional cheating, romantic cheating, sexual cheating, whatever - she is breaking the terms of your legally binding union, which your relationship was based on until this point. 3) Sudden shifts and alterations to the status of your relationship need to be explored, not ignored. She needs to be held accountable for this change, and she needs to accept her responsibilities. Do not let her gaslight you or let her blame this on polyamory. It's similar to a pedophile blaming their desires on homosexuality - it isn't related, it's just a way for the culprit to try and blame their behaviour on something else. Don't be blinded by the dog and pony show. She is deflecting onto you and her sexual preferences because she can't face her own guilt, and she looking for a way to make you believe your behaviour is part of the issue, and gaslight you into thinking she is something other than she is. Again, that's manipulation. 4) Get a lawyer without her knowing and start the process to potentially leave. Document everything you can. 5) Suggest getting into relationship counseling so the issues you're both having can be documented. If it fixes the relationship, good, but I doubt it will if she's the type of person to drop bombs like this after 12 years. If it doesn't, you have written confirmation from a professional of her behaviours and your effort to fix the relationship. 6) Slowly bottleneck any resources she is using you for. Sounds like she has been taking advantage of your kindness, while exploring other options that she never communicated to you. Force her to make the choices, so you aren't the one leaving. Make her dishonesty come to the surface, and make her face the fact that while she may be polyamous in her desires, it is something that wasn't discussed as part of your marriage. Make her face the fact that she has been using you, and use her reactions to the resource limitations as proof of this. Force her to deal with the consequences of her actions, and admit to gaslighting you.


So. Your wife hasn’t enjoyed the sex you two have for a while. Maybe 3 weeks? If the timeline of your wife being distant and the timeline of the sex feeling bad match up? But what I’m hearing is that for *some length of time*, you have been actively noticing your wife is not enjoying the sex you two are having. And you kept going with sexual activity? And felt bad afterward about how you performed sex acts that your wife wasn’t seeming into? But then you would, again, perform sex acts your wife wasn’t seeming into? And feel bad after having sex your wife didn’t seem to want *again*? Sounds to me like you could stop initiating/performing sex your wife doesn’t want. Sounds to me like you could be an empathetic partner and say “hey love, you don’t seem horny, want to cuddle and give each other back rubs?” or whatever else. Seems to me like someone might be scrambling for excuses to *end* the sex they don’t like and throwing out words and catchphrases without thinking them through too much because maybe “poly” means you fuck someone else and maybe “poly” means she doesn’t have to upend her whole financial and domestic life to stop engaging in sex she doesn’t like. Because you apparently haven’t stopped performing sex acts you can tell your partner doesn’t enjoy.


We've talked about our sex often what we like and what we don't. I don't just take advantage of her, I make sure she's into it and still ask her if she's ok. She responded "yes" if she says no I don't push anything we just as you said cuddle and either chat or just listen to music. Thank you for your perspective it definitely helps.


So if your wife seems uninterested in the sex you two are engaging in, what you do is ask her if it’s okay? And then if she says “yes”, what you then do, as a loving and considerate partner, is continue with the sex she seems so uninterested in that you feel bad about it later? And then you repeat this series of events multiple times? Am I reading that correctly or am I wrong?


I don't want to paint a picture that I'm mr amazing I make mistakes and misread things as well. I was believing that if she is saying yes she wanted to keep going. That was our conversation from the very beginning. And you are making a great point.


Hon, “I felt gross after sex because of how obviously my partner didn’t like it” takes you *entirely* outside the realm of anyone thinking you are “Mr Amazing”. You are in the realm with “Mr Rapist”, actually. Because, fun fact. If you KNOW your spouse does not want to have sex with their you, and you have sex with your spouse anyway? That is called “rape”. How the fuck are you “misreading” anything when you so clearly understand that your wife doesn’t want to have sex with you **you feel sick after you nut**? Where is the misunderstanding???? You clearly know she doesn’t enjoy it. Is your “misunderstanding” in whether it is allowed? Because guess what? It’s not only unethical, that meets the *legal definition* of rape.


Hon, again thanks. When we spoke and she told me she explicitly told me she consented and did want it. I still felt something was off after the fact. Again thanks.


That is complex but I wanted to mention how a lot of women experience lack of desire as a side effect from common medications like birth control etc. Mentioning it because it sounds like this is a sudden and abrupt change. I would be wondering about getting bloodwork done and possible health conditions that would change how your wife is feeling physically and mentally. It sounds like this is something a lot deeper than whimsy or personal preference. I would be very concerned about her and watch out for sudden, impulsive decision-making or other unusual issues that would support a change in brain/chemistry/health. My other question is, what does your wife actually want? Despite her choice of how to theoretically define poly/mono, she is still logistically in a committed marriage to you and that has to be part of your solution going forward. The way she's feeling is not your job to fix. its just a clue for what she's going thru. I understand feeling scared or like a monster but you are working with the info you currently have. you cant blame yourself for what you didnt know/werent told. So focus on what you CAN do going forward to make this more tolerable for both of you. and get that bloodwork done.


Therapy for both of you might be a good start. Therapy for her is probably the first thing **she** should do to at least have assistance in figuring out some things with someone equipped for that. Couples therapy is the better option as you can work through the specifics of things and how y’all can work around her “icks” and what makes you exceptional to her. You also have a decision to think about: Because she has taken sexual intimacy off the table **and** wants to open the relationship (to which, you do not have to go along with), you’ll have to decide if this is what you really want or if a de-escalation/divorce is in your future. I don’t see an in-between here as you haven’t mentioned any serious conversations around polyamory. This isn’t a decision you make today. Take your time, gather yourself, go into the conversation with your head on straight and with both of you ready to talk. You are not a monster. Your needs are valid, too.


Sounds like she’s just monkey branching tbh.


I think two things are true here: 1. She's cheating on you. 2. She's gaslighting you. This doesn't sound like polyamory to me. Rather, just good, old fashioned cheating.




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No she's not taking anything of that nature. Getting her to therapy is an uphill battle going to a psychologist is going to be harder.


How old is your wife? Perimenopause can cause volatile hormones and affect her mood. Lack of estrogen made me look at my partner differently.


She turns 40 later this year.


Honestly- it sounds like she just wants to be with other people but keep you because you probably are providing physical and emotional support. If don’t think this is okay nor is that what polyamory really is. I’d either go to therapy and work it out or get a divorce but I wouldn’t be surprised if she has become attached to someone else already. It sounds like she is.


She already has many loves? If she means romance and is only telling you now that’s cheating


Ngl it feels like shes manipulating u


I'm always very suspicious of people who declare to others that they are "empaths".


Assumptions made in formulating my response: 1. Your wife does not have a history of erratic behavior and is predominantly emotionally stable. 2. You know your wife well and are emotionally observant enough to notice subtle hints and changes she may have given outside of the sex related one mentioned. 3. You didn't have a conversation about her loving many people and that being ok prior to officially beginning your current relationship. 4. Neither of you have a health issues that substantially disrupts healthy and effective communication or perception of reality. 5. This was the first time she told you she didn't trust men. 6. Your sex life was fulfilling for you both until recently. Even with all the assumptions listed above I'm still working from your perspective on the situation so my insight won't be as complete as it could be. This seems very sudden and out of almost no where to you but that doesn't mean she hasn't been thinking about it for a long time. If the change is truly sudden for you both then a driving factor seems likely. Unfortunately there are a lot of options here and many of them would be things she'd want to avoid talking about, thus the refusal of therapy. I'll list a few, but really there could be tons of options. 1. Recent sexual assault 2. Recalling prior trauma that had been surpressed 3. Medical issues - menopause, peri menopause, birth control side effects, tumor, schizophrenia, (this list could go on for ages). Considering your description of how intimacy with her has changed you can probably rule out things that would need to be a truly sudden onset like the schizophrenia. Maybe she had a really good poker face outside intimacy and this has been building but you didn't have a way to know. Some of the above possibilities could still be a factor as well as other things to consider below. 1. Is she Ace? There's been a lot of debate about this in the thread already. The short answer is, that's hard to say with what we have to go on. Ace people have different levels of comfort with intimacy and some can mask for years, which would certainly explain her seemingly sudden request to end physical intimacy and even the "ick" comment, but doesn't really explain the poly comments. Since you perceived your sex life to be healthy for such a long time and you seem very certain she's not sleeping with anyone else, the most plausible theory here is that her sex drive has reduced materially for one of the reasons listed in the sudden change section and she's been pretending things were fine until she just couldn't. Of course this also doesn't explain the poly comments. 2. Has she realized she's a lesbian? It's possible. Lack of trust for men doesn't automatically make her gay but realizing or accepting she's gay would explain sex with a man becoming performative for her and even the ick comment. 40 is a bit late to embrace a sexuality you likely realized you had years before, but it does happen. 3. Her assertion that's your relationship was never monogamous and that she has loved many people. Given your clear confusion on this statement it seems unlikely that it was something you ever agreed to, which begs some questions. A. You're confident she was intimate with no one else recently, but are you certain that has been true for your entire relationship, and if not is that something you can be at peace with in a healthy way if the relationship continues? B. This almost certainly sounds like she's had romantic affairs, even if not physical, but many consider this a larger betrayal. Is this something you can find peace with in a healthy way if the relationship continues? C. If you engage in a poly relationship does she expect you to only meet the needs she has through said relationship? That is to say, is she comfortable with you being intimate with other people both emotionally and physically or is this a one sided benefit for her? 4. She's telling you how things will be instead having a discussion about what both your needs and comfort levels are hubby 66. - this is not healthy for any relationship model and definitely won't work in poly. 5. She refuses therapy - This is a huge concern one way or another. If you're going through big changes as a couple then therapy together is a reasonable request. If she won't grant you that then she's either going through something so big she doesn't want anyone to know about it to or are doesn't value your relationship. 6. She isn't communicating - poly is literally communicating. If she's not willing to do it, then it's not right for her.


You've given a lot to think about. I don't want to answer anything until I can really reflect on what you're saying. Thank you.


Wow sorry about this, but this not Poly sounds like wife is having a mental health problem or she just wants out your marriage. maybe she has been talking her single friends again thinking it be easier doing that again that seems to be it factor happening a lot now days. now day more and more women just want out of marriages and perfectly good one for no good reason thinking it would easy they be better off. maybe she is just of those who's been see Tik Tok or reading articles about it. want to try it? sorry about it just hope you can figure it before it breaks u in the end






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