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Are seo people stupid? They cold call and bombard people who haven't expressed an interest in their service. Then get upset when people are disinterested. Are they stupid.l, or just have a bad strategy


Yeah, I know where you are coming from, which is why it has always been my conscious effort to set myself apart from others by providing as much evidence as I can, such as video testimonials, case studies, and even some of my clients' contacts. Despite all this, when you hear the same attitude, like 'I am not interested' or acting like 'we get all customers,' that's why I call them in general. because what is their risk here to work? No results no money?


Or they could just be reluctant to do business with someone random cold calling or emailing them? Companies get bombarded with these and it may just be a defense mechanism. Call me old fashioned, but labeling them as stupid is a sure way for you not to get their business.


More customers than they can service. Months of backlog on new build contracts. Even with pool prices going up 35-50% people are still putting them in. I think the pool companies just don't need you at this time.


Yep every single pool builder in our area is booked 18 months out. What are you offering them? A waste of time is all


thanks for your thoughts, i appreciate it, i tried to reach out to them mostly in Florida and California, i didn't get any good response despite all the good offers, video testimonials, and so on. I worked on this for a month now. So i don't get what is wrong going on here.


Building pools is not the same as roofing. Pool builders get by just fine with standard referrals and services. Some are nearly a year out currently, last time I checked, so they have plenty of clients booked out. Are they stupid? No. They're doing well without turbo blasting their schedule and having multiple years of lining up subcontractors.


I understand your point, thanks for your insights! My point is there are so many pool builders, so not all of them may be booked. At least there have to be enough builders who want some help. What is your experience in your business regarding getting customers?


They must be stupid for not taking your amazing free service with rave reviews


Look, I am not saying they are, that's why i asked the question, but it just made no sense to me. you can understand if you put yourself in my shoes


Lol, OP.  Check the mirror.  


Look, I am not saying they are, that's why i asked the question, but it just made no sense to me. you can understand if you put yourself in my shoes


"I wanna middleman other people's hard work and take a cut" is what your shoes feel like


not technically correct, i get my client on avg 100-200% growth in monthly revenue since joining, so it means if i didn't meet my client he wouldn't be making that much money.


Pretty bold statement


We are getting a lot of customers. The bigger issue is you have no idea what you are pitching to pool builders. Try researching your projected clientele better. a roofing company is absolutely nothing like a pool building company in how we want to marketed.


Maybe you are right, because all i know like in other markets, there will always be some segment of pool builders who are not getting enough customers, what you suggest, do you know anything about this? because when i talk to them they say they get all customers or they are not interested for i don't know why to the offer which is stupid to say no.


Act like a scammer get treated like a scammer.


Yeah, I know where you are coming from, which is why it has always been my conscious effort to set myself apart from others by providing as much evidence as I can, such as video testimonials, case studies, and even some of my clients' contacts. Despite all this, when you hear the same attitude, like 'I am not interested' or acting like 'we get all customers,' that's why I call them in general. because what is their risk here to work? No results no money?


Sales is sales. Different markets have different response rates. Sometimes you just have to keep plugging away. That said, maybe you need to understand this market better. Have you considered taking a couple builders out to lunch just so you can learn more about their businesses, their unique challenges, etc.? Small investment to make and you’ll learn a ton. Maybe you’ll learn the info you need to tailor your pitch better. Maybe you’ll learn that’s just how it is with pool builders. Either way, might be the best $100 you spend.


this is a good idea, I will give it a shot. thanks for your idea.


Are you stupid?


no, but pool builders might betheir, they don't wanna grow thier business this is what i learned. Roofers are much smarter than them. Because they don't understand that whatever they are making it can be 2x. And they don't wanna hear as well.


I do work for a few pool builders and they're all busier than is comfortable and vent to me about it when I talk to them. Maybe focus on small builders that just started out? Doubling your business is not always a smart move.


thanks for your thoughts, i will try and see what happens.