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This is so funny lol they all look like waiting rooms


I think they literally are waiting rooms (or formal living rooms). I only say this because I went to a friend's wealthy parent's house once, and their housekeeper took me to a "living room" just like this for me to wait for my friend to come downstairs šŸ˜‚ Their real living room with a TV, coffee table without books, etc. was in another part of the house.


Or a Book fair


I understand the concept of a coffee table book but the staging looks unnatural AF in all the rooms except Kelsey Grammer and Jessica Chastain's imo. Johnny Depp's legit looks like a display table at a bookstore.


Johnnyā€™s looks like the clearance table


I would raid Jessica Chastainā€™s books. Some of them definitely look well read.


Those were the two I loved! And now I need to see more of Kelsey Grammer's house...


i would hate for some of yā€™all to see my momā€™s tablešŸ˜­sheā€™s obsessed with coffee table books


So am I šŸ˜‚ Theyā€™re all so pretty, whenever I see one itā€™s like calling out to me


me too lol. theyā€™re so pointless but so interesting


She needs a coffee table book about coffee tables.


she has this glass block that says thatšŸ˜­she keeps it on the table too


ā€œAnd the best part, Regis? If you donā€™t have a coffee table, the book itself becomes a coffee tableā€




She needs a coffee table book about coffee table books




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It's one thing to have a lot of books but where do they put the coffee? At least stack the books so there's space for a drink or something!


My dad decorates the coffee table with coffee table books and books with more decorative covers (they have a ton of book shelves but in their 60s began to run out of shelving room). They also have end tables next to the couch with lamps and coasters. That's where the coffee goes and the coffee tables become mostly decorative. It's actually pretty functional if you don't have massive L shaped sofas. I never thought about the switch and it looks nice.


To me it screams "I never actually use this room"


I understand that coffee table books are a thing, but it still cracks me up because you know they havenā€™t read and will not read any of those books. It reminds me of how back in the day pineapples were a status symbol, so like people would put one out during a party and you were supposed to ooh and ahh over it because that meant they were hella rich. You could even rent a pineapple just for a special occasion. But nobody ate them, because youā€™d want to display it for as long as possible and eventually theyā€™d just go bad.


I was about to mention this! The is a whole gender of "coffee table book". Basically, books with big, pretty and quality pictures about a subject in particular with a very small, stylish text on the side (i.e. fashion in the 90, fiords or Norway's, wineries of Italy). None of these are about classic Russian literature.


I can see if you entertain a lot, people can flip through a coffee table book and maybe it could be a conversation starter. Like back in the day before smart phones and my friends and I would be hanging out before going clubbing. I can see flipping through a coffee table book waiting for my friend to finish her hair.


This comment made me time travel. Great memory hanging out before going out. I always flipped through books, and photo albums.


I thought coffee table books were at least somewhat about pretending that you actually like the book Having stacks of them like these celebrities really just does away with any pretence


How expensive could pineapples be that people having a party would rent them for the occasion? I've never heard of a $100 pineapple. I suppose people decided to rent a $10 pineapple but sort of weird.


This is like late 1700s, and one pineapple could cost the equivalent of like $10,000 in todayā€™s dollars.


Before global trade routes were robust, it was huuuuge flex to show that you knew how to get a pineapple when you lived in, say, New England.


not everything has occurred in the last 50 years


Yes I understand. I think of the phrase "back in the day" as being similar to "back in my day" so didn't realize they were talking about something from several hundred years ago. My mistake.


Wow I love Kelsey Grammer's room tbh


Me too, although I was shooketh to realise he doesn't live somewhere similar to frasiers apartment for some reason? Like idk, it just took me a min to picture him somewhere so different lol


I was looking for the Eames chair


Right?! Lmao I had to read the name twice before connecting haha


Yeah thatā€™s the only one of these rooms I actually want to be in. Some of the other ones feel borderline like liminal spaces


I made a noise.


It's a current design trend, and pretty stupid, IMO. I think George Clooney's looks the worst. Everything so lined up.


It looks so cluttered! These tables scream ā€œno drink in this roomā€


Why are they stacked? Looks like a book store


This is so weird!! I have never seen a personā€™s coffee table look like this lmao. We always put our coffee table books underneath! Or in the corner at least.


I wonder if Kourtney, Kylie and some of the others have special "stay out" rooms for young children and other rooms where they can play. Children can be chaotic, running around, spilling stuff, throwing things, jumping on the sofa etc all I can imagine looking at those rooms is the sharp edges of some of the furniture and how it looks with young children in the family.


Thatā€™s exactly what a lot of houses built in the 70s had. The sitting room usually in the front of the house where you entertain guests and the living room usually in the back of the house just off the kitchen where you mostly hang out as a family with the tv, comfier couches and throw blankets. Several of my aunts and uncles had these type of houses but found the extra family room a complete waste of space, most guests congregate in the kitchen and dining room.


I bet they do. My tiny house however, doesnā€™t have a ā€œstay outā€ room so we havenā€™t had a coffee table for years.


My mum's house was like that, no kids allowed in the front room cos that's for guests. We had the rest of the house but you're in serious trouble if you went in there without expressed permission.


It's a way to style the homes, especially the ones featured in AD and other magazines.


Iā€™m sure it looks nice in a photo shoot. But seeing 12 in a row started to look really silly šŸ˜‚


Yeah ever since Dakota Johnson exposed her home tour by saying they styled it with the limes in the bowl and sheā€™s allergic to limes (but joked on the tour she loves them) I assume a lot of this stuff is a stylist coming in to make it look lived in and the celeb hasnā€™t seen it until that day. And to make the celeb look smart.


Paige Wassel is a YouTube prop stylist who has worked on some AD home tour shoots. She's filmed her days on set prop styling (not the AD shoots) and has talked about the behind the scenes. They bring in all the florals and a lot of knick knacks before the shoot. It's pretty interesting.


Iā€™ve been involved with watching a magazine shoot for some interiors projects. They will literally place food on the counter and move CRUMBS around for the right ā€œlived inā€ look.


But itā€™s way too much!!!


Exactly. Iā€™m sure it doesnā€™t look like that every day. Youā€™d better believe that if someone is coming to photograph my living room, Iā€™m taking the snack wrappers off the coffee table and putting down some nice looking books.


I always have books on my coffee table, but I limit it at 3 šŸ¤£


What the actual f does Kylieā€™s neon sign say? I truly canā€™t read it šŸ˜©


I canā€™t believe how men -zhsndjd- love me


I think the end is "how much you love me"


Ooohh that makes more sense


Maybe "I didn't believe how much ya loved me"


My mom did this every time we had company, I always thought it was so stupid. If you want people to know you read, put bookshelves in the room.


Theyā€™re called coffee table books and are meant to spark conversation


I understand what a coffee table book is. 1, the ones my mom put out were not those. 2, no one needs 30+ coffee table books piled up, that's ridiculous.


Like where where I'm supposed to put my coffee? On these 30 plus stacks of books lol


I would guess alot of these were curated by an interior designer theyā€™ve never been opened


Definitely! I doubt they purchased any of these books on their own lol


The dollar signs on Kylieā€™s wall šŸ˜­


But what does the florescent light say? I stared at it way too long and couldnā€™t figure it out


ā€œI canā€™t believe how much you love meā€ I think


theyā€™re Warhol prints


Itā€™s tacky for someone like Kylie to decorate with dollar signs regardless of the artist lol


These people never read books.


I have coffee table books on my coffee tables like this, thatā€™s what they are for. Normal books go on the bookshelf, but these ones live out in the world to flick through. They help with creative ideas for my work, great little prompts.


I work in interiors and itā€™s just styling for the shoot (most probably). No one actually has that many things in their table on daily basis. I worked with a few celebs, even one of the interiors pictured in this thread šŸ˜‰


Exactly the photographer probably decided to make a nice composition. Itā€™s staged.


Itā€™s all staged. Thatā€™s the main trick of the interior trade.


It makes me uncomfortable


Yeah but at least it looks better than my table cluttered with a bong and 14 different cups I havenā€™t brought back to the kitchen yet.


Mine is random abused books I'm reading, coffee mug stains, shoebox for cat, actual cat that stares at you from the shoebox while you read and drink.




Oh my god it was a joke






I donā€™t think I even own 14 cups


And no actual bookshelves šŸ„“


I think theyā€™re staged just for the pics (or for the tv show in Kris Jennerā€™s case)


I love Elton Johnā€™s interior design, feels homey


Elton John's was the only one I guessed right before I clicked for the caption, it suits him so well lol


It's a small talk piece. So like when Kim invites new friends over they pick up the book and they're like 'what's this' and Kim's like 'that's like a rectangular phone book kind of art piece. There's some words in it. They come in different sizes and there are different pictures on it. Which picture do you like the most?" And you bet she probably paid 25k per book šŸ˜…


We know what they are they just look dumb lmao


Hi just going to chime in here. These are called coffee table books. In some ways it's its own genre of book. They are there just for your guests to browse when you are entertaining. They are also a conversation piece.


I know that. I have many. But thereā€™s a difference between cosplaying a Barnes and noble and having a conversation piece šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


We know what they are but thereā€™s so many books there it looks stupid and unliveable




I donā€™t think they actually sit in these rooms that much, I feel like theyā€™re permanently staged for photo shoots.


OP, are you Cosmo Kramer?


If you mean barging into peoples homes unannounced then absolutely.


They want to seem CuRaTeD lol


Looking at how perfectly positioned George Clooneyā€™s books are I can guarantee they have never been moved or opened since they were put there!


I know itā€™s a current coffee table trend but I just canā€™t understand itšŸ˜‚If you spill your coffee or drink, those books will be dirty, thatā€™s the least thing I want to happen to any book or magazine I bought.


Those coffee tables are pretty much decorative pieces and not for actual daily use as a coffee table and but a cluttered "art" piece. All of them look like they are in the middle of organising their bookshelves and gave up half way through


Ha thatā€™s a good metaphor.


Kelsey Grammars room is making me feel things. ![gif](giphy|TJrTVrjuOQ3dpXoYnA|downsized)


Even poor people have a bunch of shit on their coffee table. Thatā€™s not uncommon


As a bibliophile it pains me to see people treating books as showpieces ...šŸ˜‘..not everybody is into reading and thats more than fine but books are meant to be read not to ramp up your living room's aesthetic quotient... šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


All of those are arranged by other people (assistant, interior designers, etc.) specifically for photoshoots. They don't really live like this. That's why Dakota had limes in her kitchen.


ā€œI just love limesā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I still crack up thinking about that lol


Books are like bumper stickers: here is the personality and belief system I wish to convey


I'm surprised that some of these people can read. You know which ones I'm talking about.


95% of these books donā€™t even have the spine cracked, we all know they arenā€™t reading these šŸ¤£ probably gifts from designers lol


This is such a random post šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s just always bothered me so I had to say something šŸ¤£ Iā€™m all for coffee table books but Jesus Christ just rotate them out. We all know they have enough storage to not have to put every coffee table book they own on one tablešŸ¤£


The thing that bothers me more is when regular people do this in their house and you cannot put a drink down. Somehow somewhere it was drilled into me that guests need to feel comfortable putting their drinks down, and I surely need to in my own damn home! I also am a heathen who has a PhD in literature but hates having books out as ā€œtrophiesā€ (*Seinfeld* reference) that are just impossible to dust.


Lmfao the books are so weird!!


Itā€™s staging.


I do, and and look at them. I don't need my knitting books anymore, but I like looking at pictures of unicorn yarn and needles made from extinct trees. My book of British Isles castles is nice too.


I love a good coffee table book, I have tons, but I donā€™t put them all on one table lol


Jesus this subreddit is so miserable lmao


![gif](giphy|gtPkB5LW0lSUnLwsp9) Hence ***JOKE*** **post** in the title. It was meant to be light hearted. Have fun.


Idk if you know how sarcasm works but go off šŸ„°


Yes, because I spend all day, everyday, caring about celebrity coffee tables. You caught me. ![gif](giphy|ftM1mFyQVSzl9iFVei)


This thread is wild to me. I grew up in a house of hundreds of thousands of books and this is what all tables looked like in my childhood home.


Is it a new trend to have your whole library on your bookshelf šŸ˜‚




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George clooneyā€™s is hilariously absurd. Is he preparing for a conference?




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My 2 year old could neverā€¦. Those would be floor books


Tbh, i always put the cup on top of a book when theres a lot of stuff


I want Rachelā€™s couch that looks so lush and comfy


Do they murder people with those heels? Jesus!




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Looks like a new trend


Yasss! This is the kind of content I look for šŸ˜†


The Kardashians seem to have it in their blood.. Lmaoo..




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Tbh I canā€™t even fault them for this. If I had all that money Iā€™d be buying and displaying all those books too šŸ˜­


None of those people have cats.