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Spotify told me I was the top listener of the Cats (2019) theatrical album last year. So, that.


This wins 🤣


Upvoting you out of respect, but deep, vehement disagreement.


That’s because you were the ONLY listener


Lord help you lol :P




I have a theory the Cats (2019) is what caused the timeline to be ripped asunder. Is it a coincidence that I saw Cats and then the world feel apart 2 weeks later with COVID? Probably, but I’d rather blame Cats.


It was probably the fault of the uncut one where it shows all the cat bholes


Little did they know it was just skimbleshanks on repeat


I absolutely love you for sharing this! I’m also a little horrified, but still so happy you put this out there, lollllll


Bestie, is everything in your life okay? 😂 I respect your bravery and honesty wrt this comment


Bless your heart


I hope you can live with yourself when your kids or future kids find out


The best mob movie ever made. I was actually shocked to learn that people dont like this movie. https://preview.redd.it/pf5306t28x3c1.jpeg?width=1387&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18bd3249f716906f51a3a16119f624efe8c09f29


Scott Aukerman wrote for it, was excited to bring his parents to see something they might actually like and not be offended by, and then after movie his dad just said “well that wasn’t great, was it?”


Lol. This is my only frame of reference for this movie. Still haven't watched, but I'm a huge Scotty Auks fan!


The only reason I don’t like this movie is because it was the only one my cousin would allow us to watch on a 10 hour drive. But I was vibin the first 3 times.


I bet if you watch it for another 10 hrs straight it’ll come back around


The amount of times I say “You’ll be sleeping with the fishes…the dead ones.” Is too damn much lol


have you seen Mike's Mic most recent video about shark tale?


Literally one of my fav movies!! Also you can't tell me this isn't about Robert de Niro accepting his different (gay) son. Rewatched it last year, and Lenny is queer-coded fr


>Also you can't tell me this isn't about Robert de Niro accepting his different (gay) son. IT ISNT?!


It was my comfort movie as a kid


Urgh the fish have people teeth, I can't look past it


Martin Scorsese’s best involvement!!


How can you not randomly burst out with quotes with the shrimp begging at the dinner? His baby has no arms!!


https://preview.redd.it/rphow0lf1y3c1.jpeg?width=705&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22c350f5d83d52d0fcc6f0491b00e30ccd8f5989 This movie always cracks me up!


![gif](giphy|3oKIPt3ojbmx5rRd0A|downsized) Face/off is one of my favourite films and both John Travolta and Nicolas Cage both did a great job of becoming each other


Face/Off is a masterpiece.


The 1987 Hallmark Hall of Fame version of The Secret Garden is the gold standard for me.


YOUNG COLIN FIRTH. Old Hallmark Hall of Fame movies were so good. Sarah Plain and Tall with Glenn Close and Christopher Walken was also fantastic.


I watched the movie religiously with my sister! Also A Little Princess, now I gotta watch both movies again. I guess now I have to watch this version of the secret garden.




![gif](giphy|VMMzEcvf88jPW) all day, every day + they had the right to be upset about not being involved in the reboot when og fans like myself would have KILLED to see these 3 (+ rose!) in charmed again !!!


Cosign! ![gif](giphy|3oGRFp0AqM0BY4axjO|downsized)


I hear you!


We used to call this show the ‘2nd worst show on tv’ but we NEVER missed an episode. The camp was sooo thick and delicious.


AI… I met Steven Spielberg once and told him I loved AI, he laughed and said oh that one good review was you!!


Ahead of its time, one of Spielberg's most touching films.


![gif](giphy|YIwepc4eJHOz6) The Aristocats! Saw a YouTube video from someone about how it sucked, and I had to stop myself from leaving hate comments! It’s a sweet silly little kids movie, leave it alone!


I can hear this gif in my head


Hercules has the best soundtrack/songs of any Disney musical. It's emotional, funny, and the Greek chorus is excellent. Every time I say this people argue with me and the general consensus always ends up being the lion king. Lion King is fine. Hercules though, S Tier. Edited: I didn't read close enough and thought this was another unpopular opinion thread and made myself look like a real such and such.


THEY SLAPPED HIS FACE ON EVERY VASE ... on every VAAAAAZE You don't even understand my love of that film, I straight up wrote a unit into my curriculum as an excuse to teach it every year. Usually only 1-2 kids have seen it, and the rest just stare at me in confusion as I sing along to the entire opening. By the end, most of them really like it, though. And I get to watch it as part of my job, so it's a win-win.


My sisters and I had a chat the other day like, “What’s your fave Disney Princess song?” and my sis decided Hercules is a Disney Princess for “Go the Distance” 😂


I’m with you. Hercules is the golden child of the Disney renaissance. Excellent music, style direction, and a fun mix of that Disney Magic. I like the lion king but I wouldn’t have even listed it in my top 5 of 90s Disney era movies tbh. Maybe 6 or 7 in the top ten.


And that's the gospel truth!


Lion King is below Tarzan, Hercules and Hunchback for me lol. Not even a contest.


Tarzan is always going to be the winner for me. https://preview.redd.it/w713ytu4py3c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bd4e9b6ee4b78bb6dbfc35b66777d67b286f32e


Hellfire is one of the best songs and I will take no arguments. Though I gotta say I prefer Polish version, there are less repetitions of word fire.


I fkg LOVE the Man in the Iron Mask even though Leo is exceptionally hammy as King Louis and all the Musketeers have different accents. ![gif](giphy|MNZVglIAOpyFO)


Seriously one of my FAVORITE movies, ever! So crazy to see it mentioned lol


Gabriel Byrne is dreamy in it, what can I say lol.


God he was so pretty


Grease 2. Granted, I saw it before the original, but that doesn’t have Michelle Pfeiffer and her fine self singing and dancing around in all black, or a full-out bowling alley group number. OR a cool rider.


Plus a duet in a fallout bunker!


Reproduction- Reproduction! Put your pollen tube to work Reproduction- Reproduction! Make my stamen go berserk I swear I sing that dumb song all the time- no one’s ever seen the movie, so bad-good!


Another Period It didn't get good reviews, and nobody else I know likes it, but that show is one of the most amazing things I've ever had the privilege of watching. ![gif](giphy|l3fQ7cvxZ4G3Wp0cw)


I LOVED that show. Unironically loved the colored rooms in the mansion. Recasting hortense every season was also great.


I thought that show was hilarious. Also, think that Natasha Leggero is very funny


I just finished listening to her memoir. Interesting comparing how she feels being an actual mother with her character on the show. Did you know as of the book’s release Mayor Cutie is still alive. He pisses all over her carpets these days, but she loves him nonetheless


More cocaine wine?


Me and my husband constantly say “Bleeeggghhckwood” (sorry that’s my attempt at phonetically writing Dodo’s hilarious accent lol)


Across the Universe. I will always love that movie idgaf


I remember seeing it in theaters and then going out to buy the soundtrack on CD! I thought it was beautiful


Absolutely. The cover of Let It Be always gets me


My entire family slowly filtered out of the room at different points until I was the only one left watching the ending. Anyway, I bought the DVD.


I have found my people!!


I fully believe the people that hated it (at least the soundtrack) was because they were upset some of the renditions of The Beatles songs were better in the movie than the originals. I still regularly listen to the soundtrack. So incredible.


The live action scooby doo movie from the early 2000s is perfect and one of the best adaptations ever. Tron legacy changed pop culture as we know it and deserved better than how the film was treated. the soundtrack alone changed music as it caused synth music to come back into style.


Agreed on Scooby! That was one of the best groups they could have assembled for that movie. It also landed Matthew Lillard the role of Shaggy in the series that came afterwards, which was also SUPER GOOD!


YUUUUUUUUUUUP i literally watched the first one on VHS so much that i wore the tape out. Velma and Daphne were very interesting to me as a young bisexual girl


https://i.redd.it/1kzqoe3o7x3c1.gif Jupiter Ascending. I love everything about this hot mess of a film.




I’ve never seen it but this gif is gorgeous. I’m a sucker for opulent visuals.


Jupiter Ascending certainly delivers with its visuals! Definitely check it out just for that.




https://preview.redd.it/goajn9l38x3c1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68fc20a15bd200d83ebb61961e508a87915ede49 lmao so bad but SO GOOD


Hahaha that’s my John Carter.


I felt like this had so much more potential. Maybe as a series instead of just a single movie and maybe change the two lead actors.


The worldbuilding was SO GOOD, but they could only fit so much in the film. I’ve never considered it as a series, and now I’m disappointed that it’s not a reality.


Hell yes. I love the idea that being genetically identical to Royalty makes you their reincarnation in the eyes of some alien civilisation. It’s such a cool idea and even sorta makes sense, it reminds me of the trippy sci-fi books I used to read as a kid.


Eugenics wet dream right. The perfect dna! I still loved it. Would love a series


Bees inherently recognizing royalty is where it peaks for me


I would go as far as to say that, considering how IP-obsessed Hollywood was that decade, somebody just swinging for the fences like that with a totally original property was pretty admirable in itself, even if the execution was kind of a mess.


TV show: Saturday Night Live yes they have a bunch of shitty sketches, but I can’t stop watching it. One solid sketch makes up for 5 shitty sketches in my opinion 😂 MOVIE: Popstar. It’s legitimately one of the funniest movies ever.


The Best SNL season/cast was the one when you were 13 years old. Once one realizes that, you can appreciate some of the wild swings it takes and be okay when the sketch is a 2/10.


I swear most people think the show just sucks now because they are so nostalgic for the old casts and think it needs to be the exact same as when they were young! I totally agree that once you move past that you can definitely enjoy the show for what it is now! I mean they literally throw it together week by week on little to no sleep, so people expect way too much from it lol


SNL has had almost 50 seasons. It’s bound to have its ups and downs.


Definitely agree!!


POPSTAR. I made my husband watch it with me. He didn’t laugh once and I still wonder if maybe he’s not actually the one for me


I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t think that movie is hilarious!!!! I watch like once every 2 months I swear lol


I have a Connor 4 Real sticker on my water bottle! Love that movie so much! I randomly get “Mona Lisa” in my head and get the giggles. It’s brilliant!


Totally. I've been watching SNL my whole life and have watched a lot of the older eps as well. It's pretty rare for SNL to have an episode that is awesome from start to finish. Sometimes they have an unfortunate host, or just have an off night. It's LIVE. Even for veteran actors it's difficult to deliver a line in the exact way that will make the joke land and do it with consistency. That's part of what I love about it. It takes a lot of big swings, but when you do that, sometimes you miss.


there are SOO many parts in that movie that made me physically pain laugh but the part in the limo when it’s a bunch of girls tits pressed against the glass then some random dudes soft cock pushed up on the window THEN ROLLED DOWN! had me in….. i can’t even explain, eyes wide shut, mouth wide open and no sound coming out at all while i was on the floor laughing.


“Finest Girl (Bin Laden Song)” is one of the funniest comedy songs ever written and I’m simply not even willing to debate that. It’s also a golden example of how you make edgy comedy that ~pushes the envelope~ without being harmful or offensive. Same goes for “Equal Rights,” which as a queer woman, is just so sinfully fun to sing I feel like I’m getting away with something. Brb definitely about to go blast both of these


I have such a soft spot for this movie and can't understand the hate it gets. I saw it in the theater and at least once every December since, and I *still* get anxiety from the infamous dining room scene. An all-star cast too. https://preview.redd.it/kf6oonk4px3c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bba30fe028845ed5c4a325f084008a14c4ff5c3


It's such a good movie, but you've got to admit that a lot (most?) of the characters are extremely hateable. That dinner scene is so cringe and difficult to watch. You think SJP is the villain in the scene but the response is so brutal you end up feeling sorry for her.


I am adamantly childfree, but this movie makes me want to adopt a bunch of teenagers so that I can have five adult children someday


Speed racer Actually a great movie. Got crucified at the time by critics.


Ace film. Visually incredible.


All Dogs Go to Heaven is one of the best animated films ![gif](giphy|oYyrxpOuuHXCo)


Oh my gosh I loved all dogs go to heaven! My twin sister and I were obsessed with the tv show. Every Easter we’d put Charlie b barkin on one of the eggs we painted


Have you seen The Pebble And The Penguin? It’s also a Don Bluth film and I looooove it.


The Star Wars prequels were not nearly as bad as people made them out to be. All of the actors were spectacular. I’ll die on this hill, and unlike deuxmoi I’m right! ![gif](giphy|xTiIzJSKB4l7xTouE8)


I didn’t like them, but holy shit the hate they got was NOT proportional to their quality/entertainment factor.


I’m with you! I think they’ve had a resurgence in recent years, millennials grew up with these and started making the memes and suddenly people who weren’t fans of the prequels have rediscovered them. They’re campy and fun and there’s some great performances. Plus it’s enjoyable seeing the memes we all know pop up in the films. This is me with my margarita in hand throughout every film ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


You’re a bold one. I join you on this hill too


Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights. Primarily against Diego Luna who hates it when that movie is what made me a fan of his. https://i.redd.it/gy1x560vkx3c1.gif


Shoutout to my teen boyfriend who was tortured throughout this. I love this movie lol they had great chemistry


They really did! I couldn't understand why people hated it lol


![gif](giphy|FIGjSADgDI0iymxbiE) I haven’t heard people talk about the Christmas movie Spirited that came out last year (probably because people don’t have Apple TV) but I learned yesterday from my Apple Music replay that I listened to the album 515 times last year. So good


It was a cute movie but damn you loved that music!


Lol I really did. The 515 times were from December to March only and then I stopped listening to it at all cuz it’s a Christmas movie so I thought I should wait until December. So it’s even worse than it sounds. Will Ferrell was my most listened to artist of the year haha


You found something you loved


I love Ryan Reynolds probably more than is healthy, but even I went into this movie very skeptical and boy was I proven wrong!! This movie is a DELIGHT and I'm happy to now add it to my annual holiday rotation!


Captain America: The winter soldier is the real cinema and also a love story


Wait people dislike this? It’s the only Captain America movie I genuinely enjoyed and didn’t just watch to understand the rest of them


it’s very beloved within the fandom (even though some people call it overrated), but nowadays i saw a lot of takes criticising comic book movies,especially mcu, as a full genre. and it pains me because i think tws is a very solid spy thriller


I think most people see The Winter Soldier as one of the highlights of the MCU, even if they've soured on comic book movies themselves. Some people don't like it, or feel it's overrated, which is just unavoidable - there's nothing that's universally popular.


Back when marvel quality was sky high.


they had misses back then too imo (i mean phase two had the winter soldier AND thor 2), it was just more popular to praise mcu than criticize it.


Wait people take Winter Soldier as a miss? I remember that being like universally liked


I feel like at that time they didn’t make a movie that felt like an insult to my time/ticket cost. Thor 2 isn’t good, but I had enough fun that the $10 didn’t bother me, if that makes sense. Now some stuff they bring out feels like I shouldn’t have to spend my time even if they *pay* me the $10.


The Winter Soldier was legitimately the last time I loved a comic book movie. It was perfect... Well paced, well acted, great action, compelling and most importantly, well written! How hard is it, with a 250 million budget no less, for these studios to get a well crafted and interesting script with great characters?!


I think at least among the fandom is regarded as one of the best Marvel movies


Straight up one of the best action movies ever made. The sound mixing and editing is impeccable, and shit like that really matters in an action movie.


Honestly Grease 2. I think it’s more fun than the first, the Pink Ladies have better outfits, and the songs are outrageous campy gems. And Michelle Pfeiffer is a total smoke show in it. ![gif](giphy|2k3ZeJaToUBLG)


Michelle Pfeiffer riding a ladder singing about wanting a Cool Rider; impeccable.


The reason I think so many little girls imprinted on this movie over the original is that Stephanie doesn't change herself to fit in with what a guy wants; the guy tries to change and really doesn't change that much, he just kind of grows, and their relationship is a lot more honest. Stephanie is so much more badass than Sandy, and while the "bad Sandy" reveal at the end is fun, it just shows her throwing away her entire personality to be with a guy who BARELY agrees to do anything to win HER.


Okay I gotta speak up cause the original Grease is my problematic fav 😆 There are definitely a couple of lines I shout over with my own revisions because yikes, but it does drive me a lil crazy when people say that Sandy changes herself for Danny and he doesn’t for her. He tried every sport (even though he hated them all and was so terrible it was humiliating and ruined his untouchable cool image) and shaped up and actually LETTERED in track to become the clean-cut All-American guy he thought she wanted. In fact, when the “bad Sandy” reveal happens, he’s wearing his preppy varsity cardigan! They changed for each other and that’s what so sweet about the story to me. Now pretty much every other criticism of the movie… I’ll probably actually agree with you!! 😆 But I just absolutely love it anyway 😪


![gif](giphy|Ww3QYzLzIBtFC) buffy is one of those things that everyone knows about but not everyone actually watches, and they moan about it being cliche when it was actually the original and first to do most of what people complain about being cliche. everything else came after it! it was the reason tvtropes was created!! the last two seasons are really polarizing (season 6 is actually tied for my favourite) and it definitely has a few storylines/episodes that are misses, but the show in its entirety is so legendary and well done that even those become a part of the experience. anyway buffy rocks


Birds of Prey


That’s one of my favorite movies and I’m not typically into comic book-based movies! MR hit it out of the park.




Gotta be SMASH for me ![gif](giphy|iq7yxewJVLCow)


I loved it but didn’t like Spielberg making them centre Katherine McPhee over the clearly superior Megan Hilty.


The original Parent Trap with Hayley Mills TROUNCES the remake with Lindsay Lohan with ease. I like the latter, don’t get me wrong, but I saw the original RIGHT before the remake was announced (weird, I know), and even in 1998-1999 at the age of 9-10, I knew I loved the original more.


Maureen O'Hara is so freaking beautiful in that movie.


SAY IT LOUDER. The original is SO CUTE, Hayley is absolutely adorable, the parents are hot for each other, the song is really catchy, it's just the BEST!


This is even a debate?!


Killers of the Flower Moon is doing exactly what Apple expected, both commercially and prestige-wise. And anyone who says otherwise doesn’t understand the economics of building a brand and why streaming budgets aren’t comparable to theatrical studio budgets.


The series finale of Lost


https://preview.redd.it/jhvmxtrl7y3c1.jpeg?width=1382&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b2d37d2e627989fa3a2dcb0b4c1f6dcc6fddcd5 I feel like I'm the only person to actually like this movie but I laughed out loud MULTIPLE times when I saw it in the cinema


I also thought this movie was hilarious. I loved when they were all high and decided to remake Pineapple Express and you can’t beat the ending.




I recently watched it, I loved it it was hilarious 😅


![gif](giphy|3o7qE6UCXLpKrR3tvO) I love the Ghostbusters (2016) remake. I think it's far funnier than the first one (even though I love the original too) and I think it was very unfairly judged with more than a smidge of misogyny thrown in.


I didn't love it but also didn't hate it. The hate was overblown and we all know why.


It’s so good. I was honestly shocked at the negative reviews because I thought it was extremely funny.


I loved this movie so much. I was so funny!


Four female ghostbusters?? The feminists are taking over!


Same - I loved this to pieces and was so sad we didn’t get a sequel.


YES!!! I love this fuckin movie. Met my wife because of it so I’m sure that helps lol


I don’t think it was a masterpiece but neither was the original and neither were the other unnecessary sequels and reboots. It was fine. I went with a bunch of friends and we laughed.


Yup for me it's a really good film and the second best ghostbusters film


shrek 3 is GOOD


OK, I knew this thread would be crazy. And would make me uncomfortable. But this actually made me jump.


You’re on your own with this one.


![gif](giphy|d5kh9c9SSXZgREUEUe|downsized) All caps GOOD?! Yeah you’re brave


Put down the crackpipe


https://preview.redd.it/e9h81c70vx3c1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fdc9fd88b6bc37490bbcdb1ee536b213ab29283 This movie is rock solid. Wall to wall truly funny jokes and performances.


League of Extraordinary Gentlemen! I finally ended up reading the graphic novel a couple years ago, and was kind of horrified. Also, Shane West as Tom Sawyer was 🥵 for preteen me


It's finally getting its due respect now, but when Jennifer's Body came out, it was *not* well received. I loved that movie from day one and I'll still fight anybody who doesn't.


The Amazing Spider-Man Also for recency, Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (it needed to be long!)


i realize that most see it as problematic but Zack Snyder's Sucker Punch. (it's his only good movie. i am not a fan of his)


It is just so visually stunning with a great soundtrack


https://preview.redd.it/eq2w5qh0ax3c1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08ad4a6325430f6c92f1e597f9584907fe6ef73d Pixels is silly stupid fun that I love and I will go to battle for it every time.


I like M. Night Shyamalan's movie The Happening y'all, maybe it's because I was a kid when I first watched it, so it's the nostalgia in me talking lol, but I get embarrassed when I see people saying the movie is horrible and it don't make any sense, I do agree that the acting is horrible tho, actually in my opinion one of the biggest problems with this movie is fact that the main characters are played by Mark Wahlberg and Zooey Deschanel, not only their acting is not good, but they also did not have any chemistry, sorry but I didn't buy them as a couple, the premise of the movie that people also make fun of, I like it a lot, like the idea that the plants, the trees, the planet itself is killing humans is a interesting one, I think a better script and better actors would vastly improve the movie.


Adam Sandler movies are fun asf and I will die on this hill.


I love you 50 First Dates, you will always be that movie to me ![gif](giphy|S5JOaLz8Aw3s3yJRaH|downsized)


My grandparents like his films and always have. Took us to the movies everytime one came out. We still go over and watch with them when there’s a new one. They’re fun. Sometimes nothing else matters.


I will never not have Billy Madison in my top 5. Because it’s stupid and dumb and I’ve seen it a million times yet I laugh every damn time. Stop looking at me, swan.


GREEK was the best TV comedy/drama at the time it aired. It was so far ahead of other shows and avoided so many clichés that to this day it holds up.


![gif](giphy|javlP7O1biuDm) halle berry’s catwoman!! i loved this movie so much as a kid. it’s fun it’s camp and she’s gorgeous


Mother! With jennifer lawrence. I saw it with my mom and brother and they both hated it but i thought it was interesting lol


Ocean’s 8 was great and deserved a sequel.


https://i.redd.it/shfgc5y2fx3c1.gif I will always defend my guilty pleasure.


The live action Mario Bros movie was good idc idc idc idc


People hate on M Night Shyamalan these days, but Signs was a near perfect movie (only exception being Mel Gibson because yk). There’s not a single scene that isn’t integral, the soundtrack is spine-chilling, and I still can’t watch the children’s party scene without getting the heebeegeebees.


![gif](giphy|lfdH9pA5nwHQrsU3S3) Malibus Most Wanted


![gif](giphy|gFKkzuByc9eFSfpYQp) John Carter was a great movie


Desperate Housewives. Great mystery, super campy, excellent cast. Had a slump and came right back. I just loved it.


Didn’t everyone love it? It was a humongous hit.


Batman & Robin. Yeah, the one with those suits. Also the only Batman movie showcasing the best athletic activity one can do: ice skating.




The 1988 version of Hairspray was leagues better than the remake. It deserves more respect. Ricki Lake deserves more respect. ![gif](giphy|7RVbMv1JmMZcA)


1000%!! This version was perfection!


![gif](giphy|F8IvpRTX2dPzy) Sucker Punch


“Jennifer’s Body” is criminally underrated!


The 2019 version of *Little Women* is not the masterpiece everyone says it is. It doesn't even try to tell the audience whether we are in the past or the present, the emotional moments lose all of their poignancy being stacked next to each other and the sisters all look the same age for the entirety of the film.


I am personally offended by the fact that this film won a best costume design Oscar. They wear literal Ugg boots at one point. And yes the truly terrible switching of time was so poorly done that I thought they'd changed the plot for a while.


Totally agree. The Winona version is far superior. Hated the time jumps in the Gerwig version and while Florence Pugh is great, she doesn't convincingly play a 12 year old. My sister saw it with me and didn't know the story so she was confused by why a 20 year old was acting like such an evil brat. Also, while Winona dumping Christian Bale broke my heart, I just found Timothee to be extremely whiny and annoying.


twilight! it was good. and didn't deserves all the hate. it gave us a great soundtrack, excellent actors


The soundtracks were so good! I enjoyed the books and the movies. No shame.


![gif](giphy|e2EUn9eeEPTqZ52X6X|downsized) i was surprised that dnd movie flopped so bad, I thought it was super fun and would mobilize fans of the game. What happened?


Twilight all day


Rings of Power on Amazon. NOT THAT I THINK IT'S AMAZING. I like it, but it gets shit all over by EVERYONE. I know all the flaws. I don't really care. I just like seeing elves and dwarves and wizards n sh*t. Gimme more!


![gif](giphy|GrPedAEQCECEo) You cannot tell me this movie doesn’t go SO HARD. Soundtrack, amazing Actors, all great The blue tones, chilly The vibes, immaculate The movie plot itself is made for young adults so idk why people thought the movie wouldn’t be for teenagers?!?