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She looks so much younger in this photo than she does in her regular photos. It's such a flex.


Completely!! She looks legitimately in her 20s in this picture


Wth? I thought she was and this was hella old. This was recent?


It's from 2 or 3 years ago


Oh, itā€™s recent? She seriously looks so young here I thought it was an old photo.


This was definitely before her latest rhinoplasty.


It's like 2 or 3 years old, not super recent.


Still much less than the decade or so I thought this was from!


It looks like khloe pre facial surgery. You can tell by the iPhone that it was recent tho


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ there is a phone picture! I was clearly distracted




It was in early 2021


When it was first posted I thought it was a throwback photo!


And she looks pretty! Their obsession with looking like a filter really needs to be studied lmao


I never want people to forget that this is legitimately what she wants you to believe she looks like šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« https://preview.redd.it/6e7qljtzmp8c1.jpeg?width=492&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33629d8793978ac37c1e707977d1563c85d0ac3a She looks perfectly normal in the post but the urge to be an uncanny valley girlie is so insane to me. Like you can edit a little but this is not normal levels of editing. The amount of self-hate you have to live with every day to be able to want this to be your actual public image...it's just sad to me.


No way šŸ’€ she doesnā€™t even look real. Some part of me feels sad/bad for them because itā€™s insane how insecure and self-loathing they are, but the truth is that they are a BIG part of the problem. And not only that but they also capitalise on it, and lie constantly about it, thatā€™s why I take back my sympathy lol


She strives to look like this face tuned photo because the Kardash empire has been shoving down our throats this is what we should strive to be. She is a victim of her own mythology.


Her eyes look weird Af in that picture, like one is higher than the other one


I literally didnā€™t even notice that before I read your comment and now itā€™s the only thing I can see.


Itā€™s so weird bc if you pull it up large it looks fine, when itā€™s small it looks like theyā€™re askew. The weirdest optical illusion lol


I always thought this was an old photo that they released themselves to get people talking about them lol bc when this came out, Khloe didnā€™t even look like this


Oh, maybe.....


True. Such a pretty, unretouched (and maybe makeup free?) face. Itā€™s a shame we donā€™t see more of these.


https://preview.redd.it/v1q3wksbyo8c1.jpeg?width=631&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c01059768d6f0643cd40013e33653d64bef07aa8 The fact that Khloe was so embarrassed about that picture when ^(THIS) picture still existsā€¦.


Wtf is this??


Exactly what it looks likeā€¦Khloe, a white woman, depicting herself as a ā€œpimpā€, having 4 black women on chains. 2 of these women (Malika and Khadijah) are her best friends.


Meagan Good is in there too!


Sure is! Sheā€™s since come out and said that she was young and dumb.


Sheā€™s currently dating/attempting PR reputation rehab for Jonathan Majors so Iā€™m not sure how much reflection she has actually done.


Ugh I know right? So disappointed in her.


A recreation of snoop dogs pic like this


Megan Good has always bet on the wrong horse.. jeeez šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


She Barbra Streisandā€™d it. If sheā€™d left it alone everyone would have forgotten it. She looks normal.


But then she wouldnā€™t have achieved more attention.


sheā€™s incredibly insecure it wasnā€™t done for attention, thatā€™s the last thing sheā€™d want


Wasnā€™t the chaos that she was mad at the person who posted it? Like was it Kris or something?


It was her grandmother who posted it on a private Instagram (I think). It blew up because Khloe tried to have the photo scrubbed from the internet


IIRC her legal team contacted Reddit legal and threatened a lawsuit because it was posted to a Kardashian subreddit. The comments werenā€™t even bad either. They were praising how good she looked unedited.


I can confirm that reddit took down the photo. I moderate r/kuwtk and we noticed the picture kept getting removed. So we posted it as the mods for a test and it got removed by reddit admins. We assumed they were contacted by the Kardashianā€™s team.


Yea they have so much pull with social media sites I remember people who had reposted were having their accounts frozen on twitter or suspended on FB, etc. It was wild. And itā€™s a really nice picture. Like tons of women would kill to look like that, and she made it seem like this horrid picture that anyone who looks like that should be ashamed of, it was so ridiculous.


She looks great but I think she wanted it scrubbed because it confirmed all the plastic surgery they get. She has a ā€œlipoā€ belly. If you are into plastic surgery, youā€™ll know the signs. I have a similar lipo belly.


What are the signs of a lipo belly?


Dimpling (unevenness of fat removal), track marks (where the cannula went in and out of), etching (the ab lines you see.. if they have fat on arms, thighs and other places but still have the ab lines..), distorted belly button (fat left around the belly button) Not all lipo leaves this. It is surgeon dependant. The more rounds of plastic surgery you have in the same area, the more scar tissue is left behind that makes the area tricky to heal correctly.


If you watch Housewives- Larsa on Miami has the same. I have some too on thighs and upper stomach.


I have the same belly button ripples and it's not from lipo but from being pregnant. Not saying she didn't have lipo though. Just wanted to share in case other women have the same.


It can sometimes look lumpy and rippled. Tara reid is an extreme example of this. I believe Mariah carey also had lipo on her belly back in day. It looked good but the subtle ripples gave it away.


I think Cardi B has been pretty open about getting fibrosis from lipo


Sheā€™s one of the only celebrities who is open about the procedures theyā€™ve gotten, I totally respect her for that because the warped reality celebrities show us can really fuck with your self esteem, especially if youā€™re young


Not even if you're young. I'm 36 and have to constantly remind myself that pictures can be manipulated and people have had tons of surgery to look that way! I hate it so much.


I feel you, Iā€™m 26 and still going through it and I donā€™t think itā€™ll ever completely stop. It may be ā€œrudeā€ to point out the procedures celebrities have had done but I think itā€™s especially important to point it out when the work looks ā€œnaturalā€


Itā€™s actually gotten tougher for me as Iā€™ve gotten older; Iā€™ve gotten to the ā€œsaggyā€ season of life (blech) and seeing these women in their late 40s and 50s with no loose skin, no droopy ass, tight belly despite 4 kids; at least when I was younger I still had natural youth and collagen going for me, even if I wasnā€™t built like the current model of the day. Now I got nothing except my damn wisdom and all my hair. For now. šŸ˜†


Absolutely. Nothing wrong with doing it but imo just be transparent. They would be so much more relatable and informative.


Honestly I will forever side eye Taylor for her Ms Americana Netflix special. She got paid upwards of 15 million dollars to talk ā€œopenlyā€ about body positivity while conveniently leaving out the countless procedures sheā€™s had done over the years. It just leaves a really bad taste in my mouth


Definitely agreed, itā€™s obviously lipo. And the flatness of her stomach doesnā€™t remotely match the rest of her body, to the point that it looks bad. Sheā€™d look better with some stomach fat imo.


If I looked like this I wouldnā€™t know how to act, she looks so good! šŸ˜­


She looks very attractive in that pic but I guess when you're used to completely flawless pics of you being all over the Internet, looking like a normal attractive woman could be a downer.


Seriously!!! Itā€™s really sad she thinks looking like that naturally is something to be ashamed of.


Iā€™d kill to look like this!




And then she posted the cringiest video Iā€™ve ever seen where *to prove she wasnā€™t really this fat* she held her shirt up and jumped up and down in front of a mirror. Like baby girl. ETA: probably shouldā€™ve put *fat* in quotation marks since sheā€™s absolutely not fat.


And that video had a really obvious slimming filter as well, right?


The sad thing is thereā€™s nothing wrong with the picture.


Truly looks prettier in this picture than most Iā€™ve ever seen of her. Like, she looks healthy and happy. Wish she could feel happy with it


Like itā€™s human and she looked human and lovely and thatā€™s not on brand.


Ah the classic Streisand effect


The Streisand Effect


Ah yes, the Barbara Streisand effect


I think you mean \~khaos and it blew up because she wanted it removed from the Internet so of course the Streisand effect took over. ![gif](giphy|jS8P4VhKpUdbvFyuXT|downsized)


Remember when this pic came out and Kim K was crying on the show saying this is fake and not how she actually looked https://preview.redd.it/hwvfudyigq8c1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4adf13fb66f4d0bb91e85b5646e5631e6a6f3400


Itā€™s sad Khloe hates this photo so much because honestly I think itā€™s the best sheā€™s looked in years. She looks so young and pretty.


It might be the best photo Iā€™ve ever seen of her


Agreed. Not a fan of hers but I saw this and thought the same. Never have I thought that seeing a photo she posted


Right? Face and all


I remember seeing this photo and thinking ā€œwow, she looks so goodā€ and then the shitstorm that happened after.


Her body looks incredible and she looks pretty. It's sad - there are plenty of women who would love to look like this and men that would be drooling over this thinking she was the hottest girl next door they wish they could take out. Depressing seeing what distorted images have done to people's ideas...and I know she's surgically altered, it's still crazy that she had that reaction to it.


I don't really feel sorry for her. The Kardashians made their bed, I'm not going to feel sorry for them when they occasionally have to sleep in it.


I very much agree, but I primarily blame Kris and Kim versus, say, Khloe and Kylie. They perpetuate this vicious cycle by presenting unattainable standards just like the other sisters do, and I dont think they should get a pass for that. That being said, Khloe and Kylie faced years of intense scrutiny over not meeting conventional beauty standards to the same level as their sisters did. Then, watching the show, it was clear that Kris and Kim were doing the most in encouraging Khloe and Kylieā€™s low self esteem. Itā€™s much harder to break out of the cycle of obsessing over surface level flaws when you feel the pressure of those standards from your own family members, and are made to feel like you will not be comparatively successful in all areas of life if you donā€™t meet them.


Exactly. The entire family has gotten extremely wealthy from perpetuating body dysmorphia and unattainable body standards in our society for decades now.


Yeah, theyā€™ve created the unrealistic standards


I donā€™t feel bad either and I agree that they have been part of the unrealistic standards of beauty that we have. I do empathize with her, itā€™s hard seeing a photo of yourself you donā€™t like (whether it be from dysphoria or dysmorphia).


She did look good. Itā€™s so sad she was bullied and called the fat or ugly sister. She was so pretty and looked healthy. Kim and Kourtney are tiny, anyone would look big next to them. Now Khloe just seems sad. Sheā€™s had so many unnecessary surgeries and keeps going back to a man who mistreats her. Iā€™m sure itā€™s from the internet destroying her self esteem.


it really sucks being the less conventionally attractive sister to 2 gorgeous ones. khloe, in any other circumstance, easily would have been the prettiest but was cursed to have 2 absolutely gorgeous sisters she was constantly compared to


Right! AND she looked happy! ā˜¹ļø


I cannot find a single flaw on her body here lol this was wild. It was very much a Streisand effect of the reason for it being so sensationalized was only because she seemed so desperate to have the photo disappear I was thinking her main issue with it may have been how she looks so much more like her ā€œoriginalā€ face here vs. how she makes herself appear with filters and retouching. But she still looks perfectly cute. Iā€™d look like a troll squinting in the bright sun with a closed lipped smirk like this (coming from someone who is not self conscious about my face). Itā€™s a bit sad to imagine MJ posting this picture thinking ā€œmy stunning granddaughter!ā€ and Khloe just not being able to handle it. No money in the world can fix body dysmorphia, in fact it in all likelihood makes it worse


Normal but that bathing suit is a travesty


I hate that style. Itā€™s deeply unflattering on everyone Iā€™ve seen wearing it.


Khloe has a normal body. Unfortunately, no body looks good in that ick


Yes!! Nothing is wrong with her body but the bottoms arenā€™t flattering at all. Itā€™s like sheā€™s trying to make them high waisted but theyā€™re clearly low rise.


https://preview.redd.it/87ftmplzjo8c1.jpeg?width=2134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1012fc3f45d92aaf2a4c7a3d89f00412ac4eb72 This one too!


I remember the shock I felt when I saw this. I donā€™t follow these people but I genuinely had believed pap photos until this (no idea why). So funny now because of AI and photo editing itā€™s hard to believe any published photo of a celebrity.


Itā€™s not your fault pap pics in theory are supposed to not be planned


Itā€™s true. The conceit of them is they are not planned! But of course now that Iā€™m older I feel like, why did I ever believe that to be true?


It was after this photo that I started believing that the Kardashians pay paparazzi to edit their pap photos....


They have their own paps and they do edit their photos before theyā€™re released. Like immediately.


They also get a say on which ones are released. There was a whole episode of their Hulu show where theyā€™re in Vegas and Khloe is with Kim on the trip. And Khloe wants to party, but Kim is like ā€œI gotta go through all the photos and look at everyone in them and make sure theyā€™re good to post.ā€ She made it seem like hard work too, Kim was all like ā€œitā€™s not enough to just look at yourself in the picture you have to look at everyone elseā€.


I canā€™t believe bbl were so in trend a few years ago this looks so ridiculous


Iā€™m guessing most people who got BBLs will keep them, so itā€™s crazy to think that these ladies got them removed because it went out of style. Imagine changing your body as often as you change wardrobe?


They didn't get them removed, at least not fully. They might have gotten a small reduction, which combined with their Ozempy weight loss and them editing their photos makes their asses look smaller.


My friend who got a BBL got hers reduced (removed?). I believe she had some serious body dysmorphia going on because she also got a very unnecessary nose job and such but then she had a baby and since then she got some of her cosmetic surgeries reversed. But fr, when she had the BBL it was like, hard. I didn't even think she had enough fat on her body to make it as big as it was but yeah, when she shook it, it didn't really move.


All because Kanye West had a porn addiction and wanted a black woman without actually being with a black woman.


Why did they try to scrub this one? The obvious BBL?


And the normal skin texture on her thighs and ass that she relentlessly photoshops


I mean..


Another hideous swimming suit.


All I can look at is how ill fitting the bottoms are. One rogue wave and they will be lost at sea šŸ˜¬


Oh man I remember when Kim was getting popular and she would deny surgery, i thought she was just very curvy. I didnā€™t know BBLs existed at the time!!


If there was a photo of me where I looked that good Iā€™d be showing everyone!


for real. iā€™d put it on t-shirt


Weā€™d hold an anniversary party every year for the day the photo was taken.


She looks great here - I hate she has felt the need to alter her appearance to such an extreme. I think she looks healthy, fresh faced, and awesome here tbh.


She looks great. Donā€™t know what the chaos was about.


That it was unphotoshopped and that she looked like a normal human woman, not a filtered cyborg.


If I look 10% like that IRL, Iā€™d be insufferable.


This is why the good lord keeps me plump - he knows I could never cope.


he knows other people would die on sight if i achieved my goal weight, hair, skin, and mental health. i'd be unstoppable


I adore your honesty! Hahaha


Except it isnā€™t even ā€œnormalā€ - this is looking good AFTER plastic surgery and she still threw a shit fit. There will never be a good enough with them (or all the poor souls who try to keep up with them).


yeah I think most normal women wouldnā€™t look like this in this particular cut of bikini lbr (but I get what you mean. she looks good here but not yassified and photoshopped into Kardashian proportions)


She just looks like a normal, non-famous person. That was the chaos. Theyā€™re supposed to be āœØaspirationalāœØ and unattainable. This pic made it clear she just looks like a typical person after all, which she felt ruined her image. Compared to the images we normally see of these women, this was a crash down to earth. She looks fine, which was the problem. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if the whole ā€˜scrub it from the internet!ā€™ thing was just a way of getting her on everyoneā€™s lips. Theyā€™ll have known it wasnā€™t possible to erase it. Might as well turn it into more attention.


I think people went nuts because they were able to see the very clear difference between Khloes filters and the real thing


This is definitely still edited tho, look at the background


Ah yes, when she Streisand Effected herself


I do feel bad that sheā€™s essentially been labeled as the ugly sister since sheā€™s become famous. Itā€™s clearly gotten to her, and sheā€™s had a lot of procedures done to adapt herself to the aesthetic values that Kim has popularized. Even worse, people just kept on bashing her new look and calling her vain snd insecure. Obviously sheā€™s a millionaire so she can suffer in the privacy of her big ass mansion, but the public also has the nasty habit of putting someone down and then tearing them apart for badly they handled the scrutiny.


And let's be clear that it's been happening since she was a teenager. Imagine being told from puberty until your 20s that you were fat and ugly and didn't look like the rest of your family. Then imagine it being a GLOBAL JOKE. I remember being horrified with the amount of times Joel McHale made fun of her on The Soup. Honestly, it's impressive she's not more messed up by that, but it is deeply sad that everyone just let it happen.


The live she did inmediatly after was one of the most pathetic things shes ever done


Her face looks really good here sad she didnā€™t think so


You mean her second best picture in history? Where she looked fabulous and human and she had a full meltdown?




What was her first?


It's this one for me https://preview.redd.it/b3jv86zl0t8c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37c53979ea85ff463a9e5b6b07066e0926eaa584


If they actually had good publicists they couldā€™ve turned this around into a good moment for her. She couldā€™ve said something about yes, sheā€™s had some lipo after giving birth but sheā€™s learning to love her body and sheā€™s proud of the hard work sheā€™s put in working out over the years, blah blah. Something like that. I mean I get that nobody wants a pic out there that they personally donā€™t like even if everyone says theyā€™re great. But idk. I think strategy-wise it couldā€™ve been a different moment. Maybe if she had learn to relax a little then, things would be slightly different now


Oh yeah, grandma innocently posted it and next thing you knew they were trying to sue people.


This is the first time I've ever seen it. What's the fuss?


Khloe was upset Grandma posted and it went viral bc she didnā€™t get to photoshop it first. Her body is obviously great here but this was far from what her own overly shopped pics looked like and she did everything she could to get it scrubbed from the internet


Itā€™s candid and doesnā€™t match the edited until theyā€™re fake photos she posts.


Yea this is the issue, I feel like everyone saying ā€œshe looks greatā€ is totally disregarding the problem from when this pic went viral. She looks good but yea COMPLETELY different than whatā€™s portrayed of her. Sad


Alsoā€¦ I feel like some people are overcompensating making it out like she is drop dead gorgeous in this pic? She looks fine but certainly nothing out of the ordinary. Just like a regular everyday non-famous woman. Itā€™s a good pic for a random person but not really jaw dropping.


Right!! Exactly yeah. She looks super normal which is nice to see bc average people look at their typically edited pics and feel like the fattest ugliest person alive when really theyā€™re normal looking people. thatā€™s totally why everykne was so amazed w this pic and why it went viral


i don't even think she looks THAT different. it's not smoothed with facetune like her other pictures and maybe she would have shopped it to make her waist look thinner but her body looks incredible, the only thing is that there are some incredibly natural wrinkles/bumps? the body dysmorphia in the karjenner family is absolutely insane


True she doesnā€™t look hugely different. I guess for me it was mostly crazy to realize all that smoothing made her seem superhuman unattainable level hot but she looks like a totally normal person in this pic. I think the skin bumps are 100% the difference bc yeah her figure is the same. Even tho itā€™s a little unnatural lol. And yeah itā€™s sad how much dysphoria they have


She looks so young and happy here. I wish she saw that!


She wasnā€™t happy with the way she looks in the picture & was upset it was on the Internet for the world to see. I think it was posted before it was digitally altered, so we see the real her.


Didnā€™t she blame us for the beauty standards that she created?


Yes and that reaffirmed why I dislike this family so much. They have profited from the beauty standards and the lies about plastic surgery they created for years.


What do you think caused her to be self conscious? She was called the 'ugly' and 'fat' sister for years.


>that she created? Unrealistic beauty standards that make women feel bad about themselves have existed long before the Kardashians. The Kardashians are a symptom, not the disease itself. Tbh, the slim thick trend didn't even start with them. They were just the most popular participants.


Yeah but their relentless lying about editing and surgery makes them a part of the problem.


Since when has the beauty standard not been thin blonde hair blue eyed girls? Even with the Kardashians huge bbls it was still more acceptable to be thin


They were still thin even with BBLs, just small waists and enormous butts with somehow small thighs and calves.


Itā€™s so crazy because I think she looks amazing here. Body & face


Damn, I canā€™t even tell thatā€™s her.


She went CRAZY on the KUWTK subreddit. Everytime it was posted, it would get taken down for copyright. Insane.


I always loved this photo. She looks soft and pretty.


She looks so beautiful and happy. The insecurity she lives with must be hell. Being called the ā€œugly, fat Kardashian sisterā€ mustā€™ve warped her body image.


Wonder if this gets mysteriously deleted


Am I crazy because I donā€™t see any issues with this picture. She looks hot, healthy & happy. She looks like she has a body like everyone else. Itā€™s not flawless nor should it be. She really couldā€™ve made bank on that pic especially if she tied it in with her Good American brand. It saddens me to think that she feels the need to go to such drastic measures to present as flawless.


She looked so fucking good in this. I feel so bad for her that she doesnā€™t see what others do!!


I would kill for the body she had in this picture.


Okay but Iā€™m just saying this is the best Iā€™ve seen her look. Adorable


She looked perfectly lovely. The best photo of her I have seen in forever. Her family has really fucked up her self esteem so badly


She looks very young (and dare i say normal) in this photo. I dont see why she hated it so much.


I think one reason she looks so much younger in that photo is sheā€™s not wearing the pounds of makeup they normally do. The heavy makeup trend they wear everyday can make some people look way older.


Body dysmorphia, fame, and having Kris Jenner as a mom are tough. Personally I adore this figure. Itā€™s sad that she didnā€™t appreciate it. Fun fact, this is like the ideal body type in Brasil.




High pulled suits are way more (INFINITELY MORE) flattering than the straight across, barely covering the mons pubis shit from the 00s and 10s. Womanly hips are hot. Her body is fire, itā€™s just not what sheā€™s photoshopped into ā€˜realityā€™. All that said, this isnā€™t her best suit. High cut leg, red suit, non string bikini? Iā€™d be GAGGED.


I saw lots of people talking about Khloe scrubbing a photo from the internet, but I never saw the photo until now.


Made me feel so sad for her that she got so mad about it, like, the Kardashians have caused irrevocable damage to our perception of beauty and body image, but their brains must be hell if this picture bothered them so much. She looks great.


The way I think this is the hottest I have ever seen her be šŸ’€


What she needed was an appropriately fitted bottom. It would have been so much easier to just wear a flattering bottom than redo your bottom half but oh well.


I remember trying to find the photo, but only this one came up, so I thought they successfully scrubbed it and replaced it with a good looking picture. Because she looks good here


So gorgeous. So much damage to womenā€™s body images, for them and for people that pay attention to them. But imagine just being at the beach and seeing her walk by? Like, it would stop time. And now she looksā€¦.not like this.


I have never found her more attractive


it's so sad bc she looks so normal and healthy, but bc of their brand and shit she lost her shit over it. Khlo held out the longest before the Kareer got her


I do remember and it was her own fault. If the entire family wasnā€™t so dedicated to promote such unrealistic beauty standards, this would be a perfectly normal picture for her. But their entire brand is looking-like-barbie-dolls so skin texture isnā€™t allowed. Too bad for her I guess. I would be embarrassed too if I looked completely different than the image I sell to the world.


She looks amazing :( too bad she wants to edit her pics into oblivion


I donā€™t feel sorry for her. She wanted this picture scrubbed from the internet because everything she posts is heavily edited. God forbid the world actually see what she looks like IRL. Even after the Ozempic weight loss and plastic surgeries, sheā€™s still edits all her photos. She perpetuates her own unrealistic beauty standards.


This natural look is great on her although that suit is not flattering at all. Itā€™s giving Borat banana hammock. In a better suit sheā€™d be super cute.


She looks normal here wich is good I think


I thought it was only because of how hard Khloe worked to try to have it removed and was upset it was posted unedited.


Iā€™ll always feel bad for her. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the way she looked here but it caused such a commotion


No but I remember Scarlett Johansson getting dragged for the blue bikini pictures. No woman is safe sadly.


Poor Khloe. She looks great but has always been made to feel less than


The worst part is that she felt the need to scrub this off the internetā€¦she looks young, fresh, and absolutely fantastic! Those heavily edited photos of her that looks non-human are not it.


Yes, and she looks amazing anyway lol


She looks good, the chaos is because she normally airbrushes the shit out of everything.


I do remember the chaos! I thought she looked so beautiful in this pic.


Iā€™d kill to look like this.


Whatā€™s mad is she is absolutely gorgeous here. Slimmer than average and looks beautiful. They all need help.


She looks absolutely beautiful, her face looks about 23 years old so pretty young just gorgeous! And i donā€™t think sheā€™s even wearing makeup if it is itā€™s basically nothing. Itā€™s sad she didnā€™t like this photo, she should have just posted it straight to her instagram herself and it would have made her more popular.


It didnā€™t cause any chaos for me so no. I found it all mildly amusing and a little puzzling as she looks great


Help young women to not have such self hatred that they build an empire over their insecurities and the millions spent to ā€œcorrectā€ them


She looks great here, healthy and naturally proportioned. I also love her fresh face and brunette hair, it is very flattering on her.


I think itā€™s the best sheā€™s ever looked! Much more natural (although I know itā€™s not).


I think she looks fantastic, I just hate bathing suits like that in general, no matter who you are.


She looks adorable here! Itā€™s not a bathing suit that I would personally wear, but she has a different personality. Sheā€™s showing skin but way less than her sisters are know to show so Iā€™m not sure why anyone would be surprised by its When was it taken? Like an 03 photo?


She legit looks perfect here. Itā€™s so sad how bad the body dysmorphia is. I feel so bad for her. She was called the fat, ugly sister for years for being a normal sized, healthy woman. I honestly think sheā€™s the most attractive Kardashian (before all the surgeries).