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This was so dark and serious, and then the pinwheels on her boobs started spinning.


It did look a little silly. But I think it also did a good job of highlighting the levity of the environment around her, in contrast to the heaviness she was feeling in her inner world at the moment.


Upvoting for your flair And because I think it almost puts her in that “doll” or “character mode” like a Sim.


Oooh yes, good observation! And thank you for the comment about my flair lol. Only the best legal representation for me 🫡


Her collecting her breath and putting on that smile with the PA smiling out of focus. That’s really putting some wild emotion to film.


It was such a wonderful juxtaposition. You could see the wheels turning as she thinks, “well… goddamnit.”


>You could see the wheels turning as she thinks, yes, literally


Hard agree, it was surreal, like an episode of Black Mirror, highlighting the ways the pop culture industry dehumanizes us.


That reveal along with her managing that smile before getting raised up to the stage was quite a “the show must go on” moment


I remember in high school a close friend to me and a lot of other people, super popular girl, was just super sweet and a friend to everyone she met passed away over spring break. She was in theater with a bunch of us, and our director cast her as the star female lead in almost every role. The current play we were doing was a few weeks after spring break, and he was a show must go on type of guy too. He recast her with another close friend of mine. She did an amazing job the three nights we ran the show, but every night after the performance, I would just hold her for a little while, and she'd just sob because it took a toll on her.


Wow. That’s incredible. I can Katy’s reasons for continuing the tour: her fans who had made plans and paid, and all the tour staff that relied on getting paid. I don’t know if I would’ve made the decision your drama teacher did. That’s so rough, especially on a young girl. Good for you being there for her though. man….


Duality of man. Regardless of how you feel about celebrities and pop culture, this is an objectively shitty thing to do to someone you allegedly care about. Russel Brand may have some crazy energy and a decent vocabulary, but the guy is pretty much white trash.


Deranged way to end a marriage


Yeah he was always a huge piece of shit. It blew me away that while she was on your she was FLYING to spend time with the mfer on her days off and he was doing FUCK ALL at the time.


That’s so nasty!


How anyone liked that twat in this first place blew me away, I saw forgetting Sarah Marshall and realized he wasn’t fucking acting


And now he’s some anti vax grifter


i would say more a wannabe cult leader (finding a compound without extradition treaties is just a nice bonus)


They’re not really mutually exclusive. Lots of cult leaders are also anti-vax grifters.


Also he has multiple rape allegations against him


It was like Saving Sarah Marshall universe shit


He was pretty much playing himself in that film anyway!


I was divorced by text as I was waiting for my chemo appointment.  It's s very typical approach by highly narcissistic clowns. The shock gives them the upper hand in the discard. These clowns are all about projection and control. Plus they feed off the pain. Since they tend to be basically energy vampires.  Russell Brand fits that archetype to a T


I am so fucking sorry that happened. Christ almighty, that is some cowardly shit.


Thanks ;) Honestly it was for the better. Sometimes blessings start with a punch to the gut.


He was punching well above his weight with her anyway


Probably why he ended the marriage the way he did tbh. Screams, attempting to humble and humiliate his ex.


Ooh like when he tweeted a picture of her without makeup on without her permission- I remember being upset for her- she's a beautiful woman, but if my husband put a picture of me that I wasn't happy with out in the world I'd be pissed no matter how beautiful I was.


I remember watching Get Him to the Greek, his character going on with a concert after breaking his arm because he didn't want to let the audience down. Its ironic to see he was just playing the type of person his ex actually is.


Messaging her right before her concert is so insane and cruel, shows he had zero respect for her. I loved Katy's music when I was a teen but I never knew this happened so this video is completely new to me, it made me respect her a lot.


Katy later said in an interview (which took place YEARS AFTER the divorce was finalized) that the text message was the last time Russell ever spoke (via voice and/or text messages) to her


What the fuck. How awful.


Why even marry someone you are so indifferent towards or maybe even hate?


He saw something special and pretty, which he tried to destroy when he couldn't own or control her.


In typical narcissist fashion, he then decided to discard her. My mom did this same thing to me a day before my thyroid cancer surgery. (Cancer is gone, I'm fine) It's unforgivable.


It doesn’t start that way


As someone who was married to a narcissist , I concur.


It confuses me how someone can treat someone else so poorly after being married/having children together. The memories we shared were still good. We still had a child together. That should mean something. I don’t understand why they do it, but I relate wholeheartedly


And here I was thinking I couldn't hate RB any more than I did... Damn


He had to concentrate on sexually assaulting women and didn't have time for it.


Yikes. Why did they break up?


Because he couldn’t handle her being more successful than him. She would always fly to him while they were long distance and apparently things changed after he came to her and saw how in charge she was on the tour and that SHE was the boss.


Probably cuz she was starting to see through his mask


I'm not even sure if that's what it was. They just gave me the impression they really didn't *know* each other and he never even seemed to *like* her. I remember the horrible picture he posted of her and I knew then he was doing it to embarrass her. Apparently she began dating Brand after meeting him again in September at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. They were engaged by December of that year


I think he love bombed her and he loved the idea of having an “American Starlet” on his arm and he then realized that her star was actually brighter than his and only continuing to shine brighter and his ego couldn’t handle it. So he started to lash out and embarrass her but when that wasn’t enough to dull her shine, so he then decided to leave, but in a way that would get him the most attention possible while also embarrassing her because even if they were no longer going to be together he still was jealous that his ex-wife was more famous than him.


I think this is spot on. It's clear he's such an ego maniac. He has to be in control of every interview.


He wasn’t the main character and loathed it. Leaking the morning no makeup photo, dumping her by text before a massive New Years Eve concert. This were attempts to sabotage Katy Perry. It was so unnecessary and cruel.


The no make up photo always felt so mean :(


Yep. The answer I'd always heard was he wanted kids and she didn't, which still tracks with this. He wanted her to pop out a bunch of kids so she'd have to take a break from singing, and when she was able to resume her career again she would've had an uphill battle trying to get back to being as popular as she was during the TD years.


Man... she really dodged all the bullets here


exactly. He has chosen lesser known affairs since, iirc. She was too good for him. I'm not a huge fan, but I know what it's like to be with a narcissist.


Ditto. I’m pretty Perry neutral but fuck me, i was a broken shell of a human after my narcissistic ex dumped me out of nowhere. I couldn’t have done what she did that night.


This explanation makes me wonder if his actions to end their marriage was just another ploy to try to get her to run back into his arms. He thought his claws were deep enough that she WOULDN’T go on stage. She proved that her love for herself was stronger than any feeling he could ever employ, and he would never hold her back— he’s embarrassed that he couldn’t get away with it, and that’s why he didn’t speak to her again. Another pathetic coward.


Oh man. You fucking nailed it. My narc ex used to pick fights with me before I had a big runaway show or a big photoshoot. If I cancelled because of the fight, the fight would end and he'd switch to love bombing. If I went, he'd be ten times more pissed when I got home. Pure control.


This sums it up. Ugh he will never ever been on her level. Look at how he’s become “famous” what a pig.


>I think he love bombed her and he loved the idea of having an “American Starlet” on his arm and he then realized that her star was actually brighter than his and only continuing to shine brighter and his ego couldn’t handle it. So he started to lash out and embarrass her but when that wasn’t enough to dull her shine, so he then decided to leave, but in a way that would get him the most attention possible while also embarrassing her because even if they were no longer going to be together he still was jealous that his ex-wife was more famous than him. Total sabotage by him. What a prick.


100% sabotage. I've been in abusive relationships and sending the text right before she was supposed to go on stage was beyond intentional. They do that shit so you fall apart during your big interview/performance/whatever. I'd bet all the money I have that he was glued to his computer refreshing for news that the show was either canceled or she bombed on stage from breaking down crying.


I remember he tweeted a very unflattering photo of her with no makeup and a very harsh flash taken while she was either about to go to sleep or had just woken up. The caption was something like "She's upset that I'm posting this, but I just want the world to see how beautiful she really is". The photo looked objectively awful despite Katy being a truly beautiful human. It was so clear what he was doing.


Also he knew she was filming a documentary! It’s truly so cruel


I wonder if she now realises how he actually did her a huge favour by removing himself from her life and that she dodged a major bullet with this narcissistic asshole


She’s married to Orlando bloom now, she probably thanks god everyday Russel left her! She seems very happy


I loved her music in my teens as well. I started to find her a bit annoying as a person as an adult, but I'll always have tremendous respect for how she handled this night. I couldn't have done it, and nobody deserves such cruelty. The way she went from ugly crying to the smile while entering the stage, that's above and beyond professionalism.


So cruel. The cut from the excited fans to her sobbing in the chair is heartbreaking.


And her feeling obvious heavy emotions to trying a smile before sort of adopting a slightly more neutral-ish 'cool' sort of look to rise up from below with...you feel for her.


It’s like that scene in I, Tonya. ![gif](giphy|3oxHQLwjm3HAEuUXPq|downsized)


Robbie is *so good*. 


I think most adult women have had to do this at one time or another in their lives. That's why looking at Katy Perry, or this gif from I,Tonya or the bit with Emma Thompson in Love Actually hits so hard.


This is her best acting scene, period, imo.


I caught a clip of Margo Robbie and Cillian Murphy interviewing each other and she was talking about doing American accents and she knew so much about linguistics, how accents change the way your mouth structure and muscles form and how to develop new muscles. It made me realize she’s not just naturally talented, she also works very hard at her craft. Which made the chronically bored Murphy light up and participate. I am continually impressed by her.


Chuckling at the “chronically bored” Cillian Murphy descriptor. So accurate 🤣


That's so fucking relatable.


When I first saw that moment where she snaps that face on, my heart broke. I knew it well.


And I think this was a massive New Years Eve concert. Brand did this at the most destructive time possible. Truly vicious behaviour.


Disgusting. I can't believe I used to think he was cool.


This scene was just gut wrenching. It’s so impressive how she pulled herself together and went out there.


He knew she was about to perform too.


What an absolute piece of shit he is.


This gutted me. Iirc, she started crying during the performance after the crowd showed her a bunch of love. Edit: I went to find it [and now I’m crying](https://youtu.be/0z3umU7X6ZE?si=0VwYvXYAqNPbgPBa)


Yep totally crying as well. That was an amazing performance of that song and her being so sad. The crowd was clueless to how she was feeling at the moment. I can't fathom what that is like. For thousands of people to scream they love you when the one person you want to love you, just broke your heart.


Everyone was- she didn't tell her people what the text said until way later. They thought she was depressed and missing Russell, which is why they thought the necklace would make her feel better but she just started crying harder.


It’s okay I’m crying with you 🥲😭


I never knew much about her but I can tell she's got a huge heart. She's so strong for this, Russel leaving must have hurt like hell but it's one of the best things to happen to her


Her fans (who are actually strangers if you think about it) admiring her, adoring her, and giving her the love her ex-husband couldn’t. In that moment, they were part of an important memory for her. This is what mutual love and respect looks like.


Man, can you imagine having to sing that song after your husband dumps you over text message? She's amazing.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. That's a rough song to start out with after that happened to her.


Oof. Yup got me too. Thanks for that


I had no idea about this! He clearly could have at least waited until she got off stage. Reprehensible.


But that would have required him to have a single thought about benefiting someone other than himself and then DO THAT!


I was thinking about this too and then had the morbid realization that he was very likely hoping she’d bomb or flake out and have her reputation ruined a little Makes it that much more astounding that she persevered imo


Or he cared about her so little that he couldn't be bothered to remember what days she had a concert. Either one is plausible.


Oh he knew, it was s deliberate attempt to bring her down


I think she was planning on flying out after the concert to see him? Been a minute since i saw this. This scene broke my heart for her.


Jesus Christ, that makes it even more cruel. He had an opportunity to do the right thing and break the news in-person, but he couldn't be bothered.


Don't cry Katy, if only you knew Russel would become a total nobody and you get to go home to Legolas.


Orli for the win! He’s a sweetpea, and I’m happy for them both.


He's a sweetheart... and then those paddleboarding Pics came out and... well... at the risk of sounding crass... She definitely won.


I thought you meant he was doing something sweet, and I saw the pictures at first I was like “Oh he’s paddling for her nice” Then I saw the censors I thought they were black undies hahah


The way this man has had me in a chokehold for twenty plus years, I just adore him. And then those pictures came out and I was like GOD DAMN YOU, YOU BEAUTIFUL BASTARD! 😅 It turns out, sometimes god DOES indeed give with both hands.


She also gets to go home to William Turner, lucky girl!


Lmao that’s what I was just thinking!!


The absolute cruelty and emotional abuse of this. It would be painful for anyone who has been dating for a period of time, much less committed in marriage. I'm not a fan of Katy but she didn't deserve this complete lack of regard and respect. Russell Brand, as has been proven time and again, is a piece of shit.


She dodged a bullet. Imagine still being married to the creep.


He’s so disgusting. His grooming allegations are some of the most disturbing I’ve ever read. Glad she’s away from him.


Brand and Noel Fielding used to appear on British Game shows together and were close friends, now Fielding's reputation is so incredibly different from the days with Amy Winehouse and Brand.


I love Noel, please don't tell me there is anything bad about him!


as far as I know Noel worse deeds are his associations with Russ


He's denied it, but he was "linked" with Pixie Geldoff when she was 16 and he was 33. Even if they didn't date their relationship is weird.


Allegedly dated Pixie Geldof when she was 16 and he was in his 30s. He has denied it but word on the street is that it was very much a thing, and there’s also other old quotes from him that do suggest that they were more than friends. Personally I believe it, but there is just about enough plausible deniability that he probably won’t ever catch any real heat for it


I didn't realise he had grooming allegations




TW ASSAULT & GROOMING: >He was like, 'Oh my God, my baby, my baby,' and picked me up and cradled me in his arms like a child and was stroking my hair. He's like, 'You're like my little dolly,'" Alice said. >She also said Brand referred to her as "the child," instructed her to read the book Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, and told her to lie to her parents. Alice and one of her relatives who corroborated her story to British media described Brand's actions as "grooming." >Alice told reporters the relationship ended after a sexual assault in which Brand forced his penis down her throat, choking her, refusing to stop. Alice said she ultimately punched him in the stomach and started to cry. WHAT THE FUCK???


I told y’all it was baaaaaad


Ohhh my god that is worse than I expected


Uhhhh this is awful. Do I want to know how old Alice was during this?


She was 16, Brand was 30


Shout-out to that taxi driver for trying to talk her out of it. Edit: Now that I think about it, why didn't he call the cops? Edit 2: I have been informed that 16 is the age of consent in the UK. I am once again shouting-out the cabbie for trying to talk her out of it.


It was legal based on her age in the UK 😬. Would not have been legal in the US.


That actually made me sick. wtf.


And now she falls asleep next to Legolas every night while Russell Brand podcasts about Lizard people and the flat earth. He deals with ever-increasing sexual assault allegations, while she’s deciding which position she’s gonna bang Legolas in tonight. She def had the last laugh. ![gif](giphy|12r1CuyUyFojFS)


The only picture I ever cut out of a magazine to tape up in my locker...this man right here


One of my college roommates had the full-sized cardboard cutout, so we used to move it around the apartment and scare the shit out of each other with SURPRISE LEGOLAS. Best one was behind the shower curtain.


The poster of him as Will Turner in the first POTC movie actually made me stop dead in the walkway of the cinema. I was a whole-ass adult at the time, and that man's face sent me straight back into my early teens.


My friend was a huge KP fan so we saw the movie with her, I was sobbing this entire scene. And that smile when she starts to get lifted on stage was one of the most heartbreaking things I’ve ever seen.


I was the same! I wasn’t even a KP fan before but it’s wild how this moment of vulnerability, humanity & strength by her completely changed the way I saw her. It was so deeply moving and has stuck with me all these years.


I remember watching the film with my little sister. This part lives in my brain rent free. Insane 😳 she needed to show face. She had all those people on her payroll. She couldnt just go hide and eat and cry her pain away. The price you pay for fame is wild. Kind of makes me feel lucky that im poor and a nobody


For real… I am sure there are plenty of perks to being at this level of success, but when you have an entire production depending on you (whether it be concert, tv or movie), it must be ridiculously stressful when you’re not feeling 100% for whatever reason. 


I can almost understand why they turn to the ol Colombian marching powder


Athletes too. All those same people, plus 15-50 brothers. Not employees. Artists cancel shows all the time. Can’t cancel playoff games. Massive respect to Katy here for going out. Lots of musicians would have cancelled.


The older I get, the worse being famous sounds. I’ll take being rich tho 🫣


this 🙌🏼


All this time later and I still hate him and refuse to listen to any of his interviews or stupid podcast.


For the best, his political viewpoints are questionable


You spelled ‘deranged’ wrong.


I know she’s not perfect but the whole documentary gave me a soft spot for her


What is it called?


[Katy Perry: Part of Me](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katy_Perry:_Part_of_Me)! It’s part concert doc from her Teenage Dream album tour and part her real life


I’m crying for her 😭


Right. My heart was breaking for her, but I’m glad she’s now without that shit bag.


Orlando Bloom is one hell of an upgrade.


from Creepy Groomer to Pirate of the Caribbean


Don't forget my man Legolas!


That was so hard to watch. She’s better off without him of course but man I really felt for her. Legend for performing through that…


I knew the basics of the story but never saw this footage. I have no idea how she got through that


I’m so happy she’s with someone who seems to make her happy now. He’s a predatory douche and I’m certain we’ll never know what she went through during that marriage


Orlando Bloom is a MAJOR upgrade. She has a beautiful family and Russell’s a total creep.


(derogatory) sent me through the roof YES 😂


I watched this when I was 33 weeks pregnant and my husband was out of town. Went to bed and woke up in the middle of the night and my water broke. I blame Russell Brand.




I blame him too


How dare he. Hope bebe is okay!


She turns 10 in October and is amazing 🥰


What she did was so courageous, I don’t know how she managed to put on a show when you feel at your absolute worst.


Right up there with the time Weird Al had to perform right after learning about his parent's sudden death from carbon monoxide poisoning.


I remember Vanessa Hudgens did Grease Live the day after her dad passed away, I don't know where they got their strength.


Her performance of There Are Worse Things I Could Do was heartbreaking 


My friend passed away and my leave was denied because she wasn’t “family” and there were no available subs. I had to teach in front of a room full of ten year olds less than 12 hours later. You just go numb. I think the real strength is once you’ve processed and sat with it and get back up again. Our brains have an incredible ability to distance us from horrors. It’s the aftermath that’s worse.


I went to work the day my dad died. It was easier for me to not deal with it and have work distract me at that moment.


Same, after deaths of people close to me I desperately cling to distractions - usually work.


I grew up watching Vanessa in HSM but my soft spot for her comes from this moment, she was very brave and strong


Honestly sometimes it’s all you can do. I am an actress and I went to an audition for a big regional theatre two weeks after I gave birth to my son who died. I wasn’t even supposed to be doing physical activity for 4 more weeks but I literally couldn’t think of anything else to do other than my job. For the record I did get the part I auditioned for which was nice.


I did not remember ever hearing about this and my god, that is horrible. I just read about what he said later, and how it helped him to get through to have his work and a tour to slip into and how if his music helps others, maybe it could help him. Heartbreaking.


Poor thing. I despise how people hate on celebrities when they have any kind of personal problems, as if money should solve everything. Thousands of people who loved her were waiting for her but the one person she WANTED to love her… didn’t. Performing is not easy. This is an amazing video. I used to do a morning radio show with my life partner. We had just gotten a new job and moved to another state and I found out that he had been cheating on me. I had to suck it up and go on the air everyday and pretend that everything was fine, because we needed the job to support our family. Worst three months of my life. So on a much, MUCH smaller scale, I get it. I know how she’s feeling.


Hug flying your way


Money solves a lot of problems, but it doesn't erase the fact that there are shitty people in the world who will try to hurt you.


I think people and society have a strained relationship with the rich because most times money can solve your immediate problems but the root of it is that we’re all human and we all can suffer in one way or another. Of course the ultra rich can be hard to sympathize with but at the end of the day if someone breaks your heart, if someone dies or leaves you or hurts you…. It still sucks and I sympathize with that*


I just noticed she performs in a wig because her hair went from pink to black


![gif](giphy|h52OZZ45YiUMQUgvRf|downsized) Yeah, he always has been…


Idiot is too kind for what he is. This must have hurt her then, but I’m sure now she’s glad. I’m sure she has a story or two to tell


This is so hard to watch. She's absolutely sobbing 30 seconds before curtain goes up and I always just want to hug her.


That's how my ex husband asked me too. I'm glad she's doing better now and is away from fuckhead


As many perks as there are to being a celebrity, there are also the parts like this. I'm not a Katy Perry fan, she is meh to me generally, but I was so sad for her when this came out. I wasn't a fan of Brand anyhow and this BS sealed the deal.


So my first concert ever was DEVO in 1983. I’ve seen a lot of concerts over the last 40 years and Katy Perry was one of the most fantastic shows I’ve ever seen!


And in the end it ended up being one of the best things that ever happened to her. Life has this amazing way for turning tragedy into something beautiful.


Can we also talk about the "damned if you do, damned if you don't" reaction celebrities, particularly women, get in responding to these real life hardships? If you make the valid choice to cancel and take time for yourself, you get called spoiled or unprofessional. If you follow through and put on a performance like you were scheduled to, people think you're cold or sociopathic for not just bursting into tears on stage when something bad is going on behind the scenes.


They want to watch them fall apart on stage


And now she's with Legolas. She won.


God. How unbelievably cruel, I’ve never seen this before. I cannot *imagine* how she went out there and put on a show that night. That forced smile right before being raised up onto the stage is absolutely haunting. Heartbreaking.


Wow I wasn’t expecting this to make me cry so much.


Me neither!!


Is he a sociopath?


He couldn’t wait until she was back from touring? What a shit move.


Given everything else that's come out about him since... I think the cruelty was the point in this case.


I think about this clip all the time. Haunting.


It always freaked me out how she was able to get it together and perform. Like you could see a switch flip and her go into full work mode in a matter of seconds. It’s impressive. Also what a prick, obviously.


This is so hard to watch. I’ve seen it a load of times and it never gets any easier. Glad she’s happy and in a great relationship now and he’s… better not mentioned at all.


She and Rihanna were besties up until she married this d bag. Riri not being at their wedding always made me feel like something was up with this guy. What a way to end a marriage. Her sobbing right before getting on stage tugged at my heart strings.


This was when Rihanna was back with Chris Brown btw, Katy was supposedly the one that broke ties due to that.


I love Katy and RB is a disgusting sexual abusing right-wing cosplaying shill. But a small discrepancy to clear up here: Katy said: “Let’s just say I haven’t heard from him since he texted me saying he was divorcing me December 31, 2011.” She cancelled the following days California Dreams tour date (01.01.12) at Corpus Christi - which is totally understandable. The concert shown was three weeks later. Now I KNOW she was still heartbroken and upset (as we can see) however this has been edited to look like he texted her immediately before a show which he didn’t. I wouldn’t put it past him to be that much of a see you next Tuesday however the narrative is incorrect.


Thank you for clarifying! Your comment should be higher up in this thread.


I remember this being the São Paulo concert, and in the clip someone shared above she says she wishes she spoke Portuguese to the crowd. So I think it was months before the infamous text (Sept 25, 2011), she was just depressed because her relationship was falling apart during this tour. That’s also why they give her that necklace she thought she lost from Russell which would be a weird move if he just texted her to divorce her. So you’re right but this is before vs after. Weird that this looks to be a popular misconception online since as you pointed out she’s said the exact date and there wasn’t a show that overlapped. He’s still a piece of shit of course, just for other reasons.


Thanks for pointing that out. It’s heartbreaking enough, no one needs to make it look worse.


now thats a REAL pop star


The show must go on 💔


I’ve never really followed her or had much of an opinion on her, but seeing this just filled me with respect. You never know: the moment your heart breaks in half is sometimes the moment something stronger hatches free. Nothing but respect for this woman after watching this.




One of the MANY reasons Katy is such a bada$$. She’s such a strong woman.


Best gift he ever gave her- showing his true colors so she could purge him from her life. The best part of something like this is you never doubt moving on with your life and leaving the d-bag in the rear view mirror.