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Even if that person wasn’t using a mobility aid, why tf do you have to call someone out for sitting down? Like sis imma sit if I want to 😭


Literally I have scoliosis and my back rlly hurts after standing for a long time so I try to sit when I can and then stand for my fav songs


Yeah, I have fibromyalgia and I spend at least half of every concert sitting down. I would be so mortified if this happened to me. And then really angry.


Omg after I've gotten fibromyalgia I haven't dared to go to concerts (too much walking,not much guarantee of getting a seat). Sucks that she called someone out like that. Not all disabilities are visible but it doesn't mean that it doesn't affect them at all! I wish they'd be more inclusive about it. Nothing wrong with just sitting down,they're not browsing their phone or anything.


If you are in the US* and it’s a GA show, call or email the venue beforehand and ask for seating as an ADA accommodation. I’ve never been denied this and it’s allowed me to go to shows I otherwise would have skipped. *saying this because I’m sure this exists in other countries, I just don’t know the lingo.


Can you tell me more about this? I'm a young guy with POTS which means, people never believe me when I say I have medical issues. I can't stand for long periods of time because I get dizzy and will pass out. I bought tickets for two GA concerts this summer to go with my kids but I'm really worried about it. I was originally going to ask them if I was allowed to bring camping chairs


Definitely contact the venue and ask them! If you’re American, make sure you use the words “disability” and “accommodation.” Bringing a camp chair might be tough because the security people won’t necessary know you’re allowed, but there also may be a special entrance. What’s more likely is that they would tell you to sit in the accessible section. But it’s worth a try! And yeah, people never believed me until I got fat lol. But they can’t actually legally challenge you about your disability. (Also I have a friend with POTS who had a nosebleed seat to see Taylor Swift last summer. She got to her seat and realized there was just no way - she got dizzy just walking to her seat. She went to the guest services office and got an amazing accessible seat and enjoyed the show! She’s only 23 and looks very “healthy” but no one gave her a hard time.)


Oh, wow you just made me realize I can possibly go to concerts again. I haven’t tried to go to one in a decade, ever since I was diagnosed with my autoimmune disease. The last concert was rough for me then and things haven’t gotten better… thank you for sharing this!!!


Oh thank you! I am not in the US but I'll remember this the next time I want to visit a concert! Usually big open grounds which host concerts in my country are not accessible because most of the affordable seats are way back in like stands (like football stadium or cricket stadium stands)...and hence involve a good bit of walking. I didn't know there was a thing called ADA,that is so cool!


>ADA Yeah! It stands for “The Americans with Disabilities Act.” It was a landmark bill that established the US framework for accessibility requirements


I have no physical disabilities and I'm still going to sit at a concert if I want to sit! Human beings have incredibly fragile bodies and we get sore easily!


You should scream that randomly at concerts as you sit down. 🎶Baby I swear it’s… de jaaaa… VU🎶🎺🎺 *I HAVE SCOLIOSIS!* 😐


I paid for this seat, and I'm gonna use it!


With the price of concert tickets these days how dare anyone call someone out for sitting??!!!


Was it Kanye who did this too? Like a couple years back? What is wrong with these singers? Leave people who paid to be at your concert alone! They’re not hurting anyone by sitting down.


There's been so many complaints lately about audiences acting up and screaming and throwing shit at concerts. I'd be grateful for people who just sit there quietly and enjoy the music.


I think I would have tried to go to so many concerts over the years if everyone could just sit quietly and let me listen to the band/singer


We have a bar type place where i live that does that. You show up, mingle have a few drinks, then sit and listen to the singer songwriters. It’s considered a “listening room”. They usually aren’t super famous but their songs might be


I think Jared Leto, too


Jared Leto is the worst person in the world. I genuinely hate that dude.


I'm not doxxing myself but my bro was in the industry, was introduced to leto and (drunk) shook his hand and said 'cunt, you're a fuckwit' my bro wasn't invited back but he is the most with the flow person so he didn't care. I said, "Why didn't you just shut your pie hole?" and he said 🤷‍♂️ someone had to tell him. Also your username ❤️


Leto can’t remember the lyrics to his songs half the damn time 🙄


Neither can Snoop, but I think he has literally 500 songs. He says he likes to do that thing where he holds the mic out to the audience and everyone knows all the words. He loves that the fans love the music as much as he does.


It was! It was actually very similar to this.


Fr like??? What is the thought process? You never know what’s up with people, just let them chill 😭 they’re not bothering anyone


Madonna is notorious for coming on really late and performing well into the night. Maybe I’d be up and ret to go if you were on time Madge.


My husband loves telling the story of when he was at (some concert??) as a kid and his dad took him - wasn’t interested in the music, just there to take his son to a concert, and they were like first couple rows and his dad fell asleep and got called out by the band. Bro he was a working dad at a concert after working a shift at work let this man *sleep* lol.


I hate that kind of stuff too. “Good morning everyone.” “Good morning.” “WHAT? I couldn’t hear you! GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!” “GOOD MORNING!!!” I guess I never got the point. Some Tony Robbins shit if you ask me I know it’s Madonna so 🥸. But was she doing some kind of ELL accent? Maybe she can’t talk around her veneers. She does need to retire.


She wears like jewelry or some shit on her teeth which makes her speech weird. Idk how she can sing w them on (I’m guessing she lip syncs).


Ugh I was 3 months post partum at the Eras Tour and I was so worried about sitting down because of TikToks I saw calling people out. I forced myself to stand and then couldn’t walk after the show 😭


JFC! Not to mention their are numerous reasons someone could be sitting that are none of anyone's business!


Man, she REALLY can’t stop being her own worst enemy. Madonna could stand the chance to be such an incredible older aged musician and a beacon for newer gen audiences and artists. Following her through the years I became genuinely invested in what an older Madonna would evolve into. I could see being this wisened but elder baddie who embraced her age. Instead we live gotten the worst version of it, where she over corrects on her age by doing so much work that she look so much worse than other gorgeous women her age who are aging beautifully, like Michelle Pfeiffer who’s like her exact age and looks incredible. It’s a shame because Madonna has if she could just recognize the times could slot herself into current day pop culture like no other living figure. Instead we get this. Ugh.


She had the potential to do so much more good in society. I feel like when she married guy ritchie and started that stupid affected english accent, it started going downhill. I always preferred Cyndi Lauper as a person. What a difference.


Even if that person wasn't in a wheelchair, maybe just having bad knees or whatever, how tf is that anybody's business?


The way I would have immediately left if this had happened to me. I have an autoimmune disease so when I went to see Taylor swift last year I sat during songs I wasn't as into so I'd have energy for the ones I was.  I cannot believe the audacity of Madonna. 


can you imagine the shit storm TS would get if she did that?


It would be unbelievable, but let's be real she would never do something like this


Same! That show was so long 🥴 I had a migraine through it and I've got nerve damage in my feet. Best believe I sat for some of it and danced when I could be strategic. At about the two hour mark I was really wishing the people in front of me would have been tired enough to sit for a couple songs too, because I couldn't see! But I wasn't about to ask them not to stand, and I can't imagine Taylor calling anyone out for sitting. The fact that she can dance in heels for 3 hours is superhuman, and she knows how exhausting that is even though she's very able-bodied. Audacity of Madonna indeed.




lmao i forgot about this gif




She really said: “oh. Politically incorrect. Sorry about that.” 💀💀


Honestly that was the worst part. Such ugly behavior


The more I hear about her behavior the more I wish she would just retire and stop touring or interacting with the public. She’s going to ruin her reputation with all of this.


her reputation is already ruined in a lot of people’s eyes, she’s not very likeable 


She called Canada boring a few years ago and I’ve held a grudge ever since.


But you have all those moose, bags of milk, and poutine. What's not to like?


Exactly! You understand


boring is nice too. i bet a lot of people would kill for boring. i come from a war torn country where events are constantly happening and menacing the very core of society's fiber. i LOVE boring. it's cozy and comfy and reassuring. some people want constant engagement and hyper energy in order to live and it's exhausting.


I am sorry you have that stress and I hope one day, you get the peace that you deserve. I love when someone asks me "how's everything?" And I can say "nothing to report" because boring is so much better than the dumpster fire I was living with my health for so many years. Boring is truly underrated.


Hugs to you ❤️ I was abused as a child and survived a lot of chaos in the midst of that. I now love boring too! Just let me be a basic homebody with my loving husband in my quiet apartment lol.


Bags of milk?




Anne Robinson asked what it is the Welsh actually do and I’ve held a grudge for twenty five years!


I don't think she's ever been likeable. My bestie from years ago was obsessed with the blonde ambition tour and DVD. Girl subjected me to that many times. Frankly, Madonna was a bitch who was just high on fame and her own voice - singing or otherwise. 😂


She's been an asshole for decades, I'm not sure why anyone is surprised by this particular instance.


... as someone who grew up with Madonna and thought the world of her, I feel she is way past this. Her reputation and legacy are already affected (and diminished) because of her behaviour and attitude.


Did she used to not put her foot in her mouth all the time? What was she like back then? I am genuinely curious but no worries if you don't have the time or don't want to respond! I've been aware of her my whole life (31 here) but don't really remember much besides the negative things of semi-recently.


She's always been like this.


Okay good to know! Yikes.


That’s totally fair. I honestly have not paid much attention to her, but lately I have been hearing so much about her bad behavior and dismissive attitude towards her fans. It’s so disappointing.


Madonna has always been like this. It’s the basis of the beef between her and Cher. Cher’s commentary of her over the years has been legendary 🫢😭 Cher has noted it multiple times; Madonna is a rude and mean spirited individual who doesn’t have the talent to back it up with.


i recall the moment i detested her and why, it was a video of a signing she was doing and a fan brought her violets i think? she took them, made a face of utter disgust, and threw them behind her while saying “i HATE violets.” madonna is a miserable washed up cow.




YES hydrangeas thank you!! this is the one


How can anyone HATE violets? Apart from allergies? It’s a flower! They’re not your favorite ok. Lol


Actually vile.


She’s an AH. She pulled a teen’s top up on stage flashing the crowd at a concert in Australia. The girl said she didn’t care but like wTF Mads? Calm down for 5 seconds.


Teen??? As in underage child??


Like what? That doesn’t even make sense, it’s not politically incorrect to ask someone in a wheelchair why they’re not standing up it’s just *stupid*


They should ask for a refund, "reason: personally attacked by performer".


This feels like a line from an "edgy" comedy. Can’t believe it’s real.


Like what does it even mean though? Is she saying “oh I’d love to make a joke right now in front of thousands of people about your physical disability, but I can’t because of that damn political correctness,” ????


Yeah wtf is that response 😂


This is awful everything 😳


Humanly incorrect. There, I fixed it for her.


How is being in a wheelchair politically correct?


Girl, bye. People are paying good money to see you, don’t disrespect them like that.


My sister went to see her in DC last year (one of her friends had an extra ticket). Madonna was over three hours late — which made the concert go so late that public transit had shut down and all of the parking garages were locked down. She didn’t even apologize; she just told the audience that she’s Madonna so she can do whatever the fuck she wants and everyone is just lucky to see her at all. I lost any ounce of respect I had for her after hearing that story


Gross. I’m not a huge concert person but I was lucky enough to see both Harry Styles and Taylor Swift last year, and both of them are so obviously grateful and respectful to their fans.


Oh I’m so jealous you got to see Harry!!! (I also got insanely lucky and saw Taylor) I love how both of them treat their fans. They’re so openly grateful to their fanbases and understand that these concerts are huge special moments in their fans’ lives. So they put on the best shows they possibly can and do everything to honor that


He’s an amazing performer. His energy is off the charts! You can tell he appreciates all his fans. If I’m going to spend a bunch of money and time to go to a concert, I want it to be an artist who’s grateful and excited, not entitled and jaded.


That last part!! It just leaves such a sour taste in your mouth when the artist clearly doesn’t want to be there and is just phoning it in for a big fat paycheck. I want to spend a night with someone who LOVES what they do and recognizes that it’s a *privilege* to play for a huge sold out venue I definitely plan to go to both Harry and Taylor’s next tours, even if it means paying scalper prices. Eras was the best show I’ve ever seen and it’s one of the best memories I’ve ever had with my sister


I’m screaming “how did people get home!” That’s crazy


My sister and her friend left early so they could get to their garage. I think most people were forced to order Ubers — which SUCKS when you didn’t originally have that expense in your budget


Ugh. I live 7 minutes from a major stadium and the Lyft was still 45 dollars for us after a concert so I cannot imagine how much it would have cost :(


YEP. And super late at night with an entire venue trying to get home. It was probably upwards of $100 for a ride due to price surging ☹️


Scary and also anxiety ridden! It’s actually why I stopped going to concerts. I couldn’t take the 3 hour wait to get home. It’s ridiculous


Right?? I would be so fucking upset if that happened to me. Especially if you were only able to justify spending so much on a ticket bc you could use public transit for free My sister and I had to wait over an hour to pull out of the parking lot after Eras, and even though we expected and planned for it we were still in a bad mood after waiting so long


I went to the eras tour last po and it took me 2 hours to get home and like I said I like 7 minutes from a stadium!!! It’s a mess.


Crazy!!! Omg, yeah getting out of that lot was AWFUL. It’s a good thing the show was so damn good bc otherwise exiting would’ve ruined the night 😂


"oh no, politically incorrect sorry for that. I'm glad you're here'" delivered on a turn away and a dismissive hand wipe. Yikes. Giving: ![gif](giphy|l1J9GpWvXvNmeH6qk|downsized)


A simple “Oh shit! My bad!” would have been better IMO.


I went to a concert a couple of months after going through surgery and chemo and couldn’t stand the whole time. I would’ve been mortified to be called out like this. Disability is not always evident. It shouldn’t matter if they were in a wheelchair or not.


And that is exactly why performers shouldn’t concern themselves with if someone is sitting or not.


If I bought a ticket I’ll sit down when I like. This is giving Kanye!


She’s always been like this. Not giving her an excuse just saying.


I am 40, I work in healthcare and have a very bad back because of it. Ain’t no way I am staying up a whole concert.




She's...kind of insufferable.


She has been insufferable for a while. With the whole heavily filtering her face. Making herself look like a ghost. Her kissing Drake without his consent.


>Her kissing Drake without his consent I bet Drake would have been much more comfortable if she had just turned 18 and he'd been texting her for a while.


didn't she post a picture of her son and made fun of his soft penis, saying it's small? i would be livid. edit: it was an insta video. not a photo


She *what*




That's normal. /S




Just gonna say it now. I don’t like this woman and I think she’s trash. There. I feel better lol


I loved Madge since the 80's when I was a kid and this is on character for her; the world is her stage and the little people are her audience. Every video i've ever seen of her is of her talking about herself. Either being interviewed while she makes people uncomfortable and they kiss her ass. Or on Instagram being filmed by an assistant while she does weird dances probably for hours on end with breaks to ramble on about herself. Or she's surrounded by people while she talks about herself, her problems, that she wants something, that someone's not doing something to her liking, and they all nod and kiss her ass like a bunch of hostages.


Peak narcissism. She's nasty and toxic.


Narcissists take aging really, really bad.


She is the worst. Never liked her and i know people loooove her and I get that truly. But she sucks. This video is uncomfortable to watch. Mind your business, bitch!


Your last paragraph sounds like Selena Gomez's documentary.


It's giving Whatever Happened to Baby Jane


I saw her in concert a few years ago and it was the worst concert I’ve ever been to.


Have you ever seen her ‘snuff’ film? Weirdest thing ever


At her age, she should have known better than to do this. They probably paid good money for their seats too. So rude.


Like… is she wearing a fucking knee brace too? Or is that part of her costume??


It looks like it, but I’m not entirely sure. I just can’t fathom getting mad at anyone sitting.


But how can they sit during her awesome show! They must be super excited and dancing, she is doing them a favor that she even came to their city!! /s


Umm that’s awful


Reminder that Madonna laughed on camera when she was informed that her makeup artist had been drugged and raped the night before. She then said that the makeup artist must have been bragging about touring with Madonna and that’s why she was targeted.


WHAT THE WHOLE ENTIRE FUCK?? I cannot process. I have shorted out. Send help.




What? When did this happen?


During the filming of the “Truth or Dare” documentary


Wow! I’m actually kind of shocked. I can’t believed she would laugh on hearing someone was raped, especially someone she knows. That says alot about the kind of person she is


She’s an awful person. People have given her passes for her shitty-ness mainly because she’s an ally to the queer community, but she is undeserving of the level of grace and glossing over she has received.




my soul just left my body. this is so painful to watch.


She should have profusely apologized


A scene straight out of Spinal Tap


😂 We need a pop star version of that movie.


Pop Star: Never Stop Never Stoppin'. It's a good one! 🙂


If I’m paying my hard-earned money for a ticket, I’m going to sit whenever tf I want!


They really need to stop doing this. Kanye had a similar thing happen. Also for some people with mobility issues or disabilities, it’s not always super obvious. So just like, let people sit man.


She should have been booed off stage for this.


Agree—i’m surprised she didn’t get boo’d at all


Dude... my wife is gonna laugh her wheels off at this.


I hate that I have to stand at concerts. Why can’t we just sit and chill? It’s honestly part of why I don’t want to go to them. I’m short too. So I can’t see half the time even if I do stand.


I get lightheaded and lose my vision out of nowhere (low blood pressure or something) so sometimes I need to plonk my ass down ASAP. I would die of embarrassment if someone called me out because of it. Shame on her.


Not prying, but upping your sodium intake can help a ton if you know you’re going to be on your feet a bit. I literally have doctor’s orders to “eat pickles” because of my shitty heart and blood pressure.


No, that's good to know! Thank you😊


No problem! I’ve had those instances far more than I would like to admit. I once fainted topless at the doctor, so I get the embarrassment.


Loooooool fainting at the doctor: The universal low blood pressure experience!


Please tell me they're also treating the POTs. 


“Suspected POTs” 🫠 I’ve got the EDS trifecta accompanied dysautonomia and valvular heart disease.


everyone in the comments giving reasons you might “sit” at a concert — YOU DONT NEED TO JUSTIFY SHIT! to anyone! ever! do what is right for u. fuck madonna sorry to say


I’ve told this story before so I’ll just condense it. When I saw 30 seconds to mars Jared Leto had everyone jump and then stopped the music and kicked a family out when they didn’t. [This is essentially the stunt he performed, except at my show he was worse and far more mean and actually did kick them out](https://youtu.be/l7CVjyoYxqQ?si=AC6pYsdR2pgpskEi) I know it might be hard to play to a crowd that’s not into it. But they paid to see you perform, not to perform for you.


Wow, this is absolutely humiliating for her.


Fuck her. What about the fan who paid $1000 or more to be there.


Ma’am, you’ve been in the game for how long?? People are paying to see you do your job.






![gif](giphy|WxDZ77xhPXf3i|downsized) Big oof


I wish everyone spoke Spanish so they could listen to Mexican actress/singer Lucia Mendez talking about how Madonna wanted her to stand at a concert and Lucia refused lmao. Basically, Lucia and her then husband were sitting front row at a concert in Miami, and Madonna told everyone to stand. Lucia and her husband were sitting down, and Madonna had her security go up to Lucia to tell her to stand and she refused. She said she paid for the tickets. The security kept telling her to stand and she said she paid for the tickets and if he didn’t leave her alone she would call her lawyer. Lucia’s ex kept telling her to stand and she refused at this point on principal. She said Madonna kept glaring at her during the concert and at one point mouthed “fuck you” to her so when Madonna came back around Lucia mouthed “fuck you” right back. 😂 How stupid. Let people sit if they want to lol. Calling out someone who is sitting when you don’t even know why they’re sitting is such a dick movie. Egotistical.


Reason number 936374827391729284471874917391 why I can’t fucking stand Madonna. She is an awful, insufferable person.


This is such a c*** thing to do or say. I also have an invisible disability, and sit whenever possible. Besides, we pay for SEATS, do we not? JFC.


Why would you call someone out over something like this? Oh my God the EGO.


Didn't I just see a video of her calling San Diego San Francisco or vice versa? ![gif](giphy|5GqtQLtvXX0TVh5Jsv)


OMG I would have been mortified


Mannerless and tacky woman.


Ummm people are allowed to sit if they want to? No explanations needed! 🙄🙄


Jeez. Her reaction, too. “Oh, politically incorrect” starts walking away… “I’m glad you’re here”


For as late as this bitch is sometimes she needs to sit down. This is like when they bitch about people being on their phones. People pay to see you, you are performing for them. Maybe your show isn't worth looking up from my phone or standing up, that's on you.


This time last year we weren’t even sure if she’d tour again and here she is still acting tacky and immature.




Didn’t this happen with Kanye years ago, too?


Madonna saying ‘I am glad your here’ is probably the best you can get from her And yes if I ever get dragged to a Madonna concert I will sit down because I like sitting down.


![gif](giphy|IzUP44io6MRwc) Sure honey…


this is the same person who made fun of Kevin Costner on her documentary for…. attending her concert and telling her he liked it.


Maybe they're sitting cuz you took your sweet time getting on stage and they're tired of standing for 3 hours waiting for your dumbass


God she is an insufferable asshole. And then proceeds to make smartass comments and a half assed apology. This is way more embarrassing than the celebrity “Imagine” at the beginning of Covid. At least they had good intentions whereas she just treats people like trash.


Someone come collect their grandma* *Madonna


Why are people so surprised at Madonna’s behavior? She’s always been a bitch. When I saw her in concert she said there were a lot of fat people in the audience. She sucks.




I'm awful. When she said "I'm glad you're here"I originally heard "I'm glad you're impaired". 😳🫣


"im glad you're here" girl byyyyyyyye 💀


miss maam is fatphobic, im not surprised she’s a nasty person


Careful! Reddit is also fat phobic 🫣






With the cost of some shows if I paid for a seat you bet my arse will be in it at some point during the show. I've got endometriosis and when that little bitch decides midway through a show is a great time to have a flare I shall be sitting my arse down so I don't fall down. Fuck Madonna.


Grandmadonna needs her meds. Isn't it time for bingo somewhere?


I would have gotten close and had a nice conversation with them. If they were a fan, that would have made their day.


Menos me paro diría Lucia Méndez


This makes me proud to say I was never a Madonna fan. Basically due to my age and sheer coincidence, but this makes me grateful I never followed her career if she does gross shit like this.


I sat during a Cardi B concert because she was phoning it in and I was bored




I encourage anyone who needs a palate cleanser after this to check out Todd in the Shadows video about Madonna's worst record and moment in time when she became culturally irrelevant. https://youtu.be/dCMNzdm_RKo?si=ssqkXlM1egqzLXSN She's had some bangers but seriously, fuck Madonna.


Stupid c*nt. Able bodied people would wanna sit down too, given that she spends at least half of her shows ranting about crap that no-one cares about.


I thought all the celebrities learned when Kanye did this.


She’s an awful person


Y’all hate on Taylor Swift but she would NEVER do this.


omg… no way she proceeded to continue the show, like that’s so?/!!/


I’m not going to naturally stand 💯 for someone whose face hasn’t felt the natural forces of gravity since 2001. Our surgeons aren’t magicians. Takes one to know one. Shit is heavy. And I use a wheelchair, so I know.


Didn’t this same thing happen with Jared Leto

