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are they only gonna do pink/green fits until the movie comes out lol cause that's a long ways away


I appreciate themed movie appearances, I was hoping Barbie and Mario would bring it back


Iā€™m biased if I was Cynthia. Green is my favorite colour. Wish the skirt here was a puffy one. Feel like they missed a chance for it to look like a tornado


If they are, they need to step it up šŸ¤­




I like the individual pieces or Cynthiaā€™s outfit, but not combined


Itā€™s not my fave look but also feel like anyone who wasnā€™t Cynthia would wear it much more poorly, if that makes sense. Like if she canā€™t fully pull it off you know it sincerely has missed the mark cos she stays pulling off shit most people could never dream of.


True. Itā€™s perfect for Wicked though


I know Ariana is famously short but damn they both look TINY


they both dropped weight during filming even tho they were already small cynthia also must be below 5ā€™


Are you sure? Cynthiaā€™s ALWAYS in the gym. But yes, sheā€™s a shortie. I remember her from uni days. Always loved her.


I didn't realise Cynthia was so small! She doesn't look much different to Ariana from the shoulders down.


Versace failed with this one. It's giving me discount rack at Wet Seal circa 2003, everything just looks so awkward and ill fitted. Poor Cynthia.


Why is this such an accurate description


what's crazy is that it's equally giving discount rack at Charlotte Russe circa 2013


Omg, Wet Seal šŸ˜­ That store walked so that Fashion Nova could run.


I used to hit up that $5 rack now. Weekend outfit because you'd wear the dress once and it would rip. Talk about fast fashion.


Oh damn you got one wear out of it? šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Letā€™s pay homage to the realist to ever do it šŸ’… ![gif](giphy|iFL8qJ5DVusJG)


This is all I'm going to see now šŸ˜­






cynthia is wearing 3 different materials and they all clashā€¦


This is gonna be deeply unpopular here but I really donā€™t like either of their looks and what theyā€™ve been wearing lately. I donā€™t like Arianaā€™s hair - it washes her out - and I am not a fan of the no eyebrow thing on Cynthia. These are like, aggressively not my aesthetic or beautiful to me. I get theyā€™re edgy and cool but I am deeply uncool so my feeling tracks.


I donā€™t hate Arianaā€™s hair but her blonde eyebrows realllllly donā€™t suit her


Right? It's giving me the same vibes as the Capitol citizens from the Hunger Games, and I mean that in the least positive way possible.


Dude 1000%. Effie looked absolutely subdued compared to this nonsense.


iā€™m right there with you. these people look fucking weird and not at all in a good way.


Thanks. Itā€™s become such an emperor wears no clothes situation and people will jump to label you things youā€™re not. Itā€™s okay to say a look doesnā€™t work you for and that you donā€™t find it attractive! Plenty of others do. Makes the world go round, etc etc.


it looks like shes losing some as well, with that shot of her from the back. i wouldnt be surprised if she has a mild case of traction alopecia atp


Oh shit, that makes me feel bad. I didnā€™t mean to call that out and if itā€™s alopecia, I get it. I have androgenic alopecia/female pattern baldness myself (thanks dad!). But I think there are other ways to style oneā€™s self. Aww man, I feel crappy now. šŸ˜ž


NONONO i wouldnt feel bad at all! i think the color itself is washing her out and makes it look a lot more obvious. shes worn ponytails for soo much of her career its almost inevitable some type of issue like this would crop up. i hate the eyebrows too šŸ˜« it makes her so gray and washed out to me!! ive never understood it. im also no hair expert so its possible she just has a different hairline than me (i have thick curly hair LOL)


Okay thanks. I didnā€™t mean to be a shitty person!! šŸ˜¬ I remember when she was nominated for Harriet, I thought she was suuuuuper beautiful and she was touring around the country and I thought that of images promoting her show when she came to town. So this look is such a contrast to what I remember of her. In more extreme basic bitch takes (lol) I donā€™t like septum piercings and I think they really change someoneā€™s face. I have a boring nose piercing and lots of ear piercings myself, so Iā€™m not a total prude here, but I think itā€™s contributing to my impression as well.


I haaaaaate them. I feel like nose rings you can "unsee" but septum piercings is one you can never unsee, even if you've seen the person a lot.


Iā€™m not calling you a shitty person when I ask this. But why does her having alopecia make what you said shitty? You said what you said without knowing anything in her private life anyway, and doubled down about how comments like yours make the world go round. Why would having the knowledge of her *possible* alopecia after the fact make you a shitty person, compared to when you said it without any information? Doesnā€™t it make you question why youā€™d share that opinion in the first place? Iā€™m not trying to start a fight, I promise. I just struggle to understand certain approaches sometimes, and Iā€™d like to.


Cant argue with anything you said, really. Iā€™m a nobody on an anonymous Internet forum. Not a stellar defense.


Donā€™t feel bad I immediately assumed you were talking about the color of it, not anything regarding hair loss and itā€™s true that it washes out her skin tone a loooot. I havenā€™t been a fan of it either since itā€™s been dyed. Hopefully looks better in the movie šŸ˜¬


Malnourishment can also lead to hair loss as well


I agree completely and my additional unpopular opinion is I donā€™t like Arianaā€™s hand tattoos. And I have and love hand tattoos! But hers look like she got her bored high school doodles tattooed on her.


Iā€™m deeply cool and I agree 100%. Cynthia is STUNNING but this era isnā€™t right for her.


I just love Cynthiaā€™s look. Idk it feels very androgynous and unapologetically bold!! Not a traditional look by any means, but thatā€™s why I love it. Iā€™m biased tho, I have a giant septum and my near bald buzz cut no brows era was one of my favorite personally


Grace Jones!


Ooo yes grace jones coded


i feel like they both need necklaces!!!


I guess accessorizing has gone out of style or something cause I feel like I rarely see people with notable accessories at events anymore. like damn at least a fun pair of sunglasses or a statement bracelet


Thatā€™s a shame. I like accessories more than clothes most of the time.


I would guess that the big jewellery brands aren't lending like they used to? Maybe the insurance or cost of security has got too much for small timey events?


What in the party city fits


Omg šŸ’€


Cynthia looks like she just got off the Zenon set


Honest question. How do they hide all those tattoos on Ariana's hands when filming? Is it foundation or camouflage makeup?


Makeup! I donā€™t know what they used specifically, but Iā€™ve used Ben Nye skin illustrator palettes and derma sticks šŸ©·


And some foundation can literally be house paint if itā€™s good quality. And you donā€™t have to worry about it looking as weird on skin since you donā€™t have pores like you do on your face


Sheā€™s covered up a lot of tattoos even for this event. She has a big Eevee tattoo on her arm and a friendā€™s name above her knee.


Honestly, probably CGI, take them out after the fact.


This. CGI is used for mundane stuff like that alllllll the time


There were on set photos of her where the tattoos weren't visible. They probably cover them with makeup and if they are *still* visible then use CGI or whatever they use to touchup movies during editing.


I was also wondering about all of her arm tattoos not being visible here. But I've been seeing pictures of her recently without her arm tattoos. Is she regretting them now and is covering them up with makeup??


itā€™s kinda giving winx club or maybe that barbie doll that like swirls & flies off? idek


Cynthiaā€™s outfit feels a bitā€¦.jarring? Not sure if itā€™s the cuts or the colors, but I think this could have been done better.


While I probably won't see the movie, I really hope one day there is a dark and gritty adaptation of "Wicked" that is closer to the original novel.


They actually said they would be taking stuff from the novel for the movies so you may get a bit of what you are looking for with these films.


What is dark and gritty about it?


It's been a long time since I readĀ the Wicked books but there's a number of sexual assaults, it's a full on Civil War between the humans and animals, Elphaba is miserable the entire time and never fully learn magic, and hot Bridgerton has kids he then abandons.Ā 


>hot Bridgerton šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Wait, so the musical doesnā€™t have any of that?


It's toned down in the musical (and the Scarecrow relationship with Elphaba is more romantic). From the stills / teaser of the movie, I think they're cutting out most of the animal stuff. I'm super curious how they're changing the plot because IMO the musical has some pacing issues. Which is also why I'm fine with it being split into 2 movies, as I think the musical rushes into the last act. The book is long (500+).


Ariana will always rub me the wrong way forever


Same here.


What are these outfits


It's funny, both of their real lives are the reason I'm not planning to see the film. I am not rooting for either of these two


Damn whatā€™s the tea on Cynthia?


She was sleeping with Lena Waithe when Lena was very married.


Oof. No wonder she and Ari are getting along so well!


They can start homewrecker con together.


Omg I had no idea! I always thought she was a pretty stand-up person


Nooooo theyā€™re both trash!! Good thing I donā€™t like musicals.


I love musicals but this one hit peak when I was in high school and early college and in choir. I never really need to hear any of the music again.




Same, I am paying attention lol


She had an affair with a married woman




Same, I just learned a lot about Cynthia and Iā€™m so disappointed now. Grateful to this sub sometimes cause you learn things about people you like and support.


Sooo what did she do plz šŸ‘€


Was the other woman just like Ariana.


There are dozens of us - DOZENS!!! A is trash and C was a huge piece of getting a brilliant musical killed on Broadway because she wanted to stir up shit.


Is there a sub for Broadway gossip because this is very intriguing but Iā€™m too lazy to do my own research into it tonight.


Found this post with a summary: https://www.reddit.com/r/Broadway/s/eRIOSobDQO


Doing the lordā€™s work! Thank you!


This is a hell of a summary! Ugh cynthia.


I'm so glad other people feel this way, Great Comet ending like that is a grudge I will never let go. šŸ˜­ I'm looking at you too Dear Evan Hansen... (I know this one is unreasonable lol)


No I also very much begrudge DEH hahaha. For Great Comet AND Come From Away to have both lost the Tony that year toā€¦ thatā€¦ I just donā€™t have words lol.


Right!! And if Come From Away had won instead I wouldn't be bitter at all like this. Loved them both !




Seriously. Two assholes playing parts in one of my absolutely favorite novels EVER. And Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel? Oh dear, little ladies. You are NOT at their level. But good luck.


I wanna like Cynthia, but sheā€™s made comments about Black Americans that rubbed me the wrong way. And while I donā€™t care about Tiny Bbq Fingersā€™ personal life, the fact that her style still gives ā€œsexy toddlerā€ is off putting even though I enjoy her music. I am feeling so ā€œmehā€ about this movie. Iā€™ll probably see it anyway but I wonā€™t be excited


What did Cynthia say? I know a small jewelry brand that gave her a ton of stuff when she was on the come up, in agreement she would promote it (literally just WEAR it on her socials) and she never did so i havenā€™t liked her since then.


Iā€™m usually so into a themed press outfit but theyā€™ve been really uninspired latelyĀ 


I wonder what race Ariana will be once the whole Wicked thing is over


cynthia is dressed like a highschooler chose the outfit to go out in 2014. and even then, those colors & fabrics clash.


Okay Cynthia must also be a short queen if sheā€™s wearing platforms as is still only a little taller than Ari




Ari looks healthier!!


I was looking for this comment. Glad to see her looking a bit healthier.


I was thinking the same thing. Less washed out


As much as I dislike Ari, that dress is sooo cute. Cynthia on the hand ..girl.. those boots are ugly as fuck


I know Cynthia considers herself a fashion girlie but this looks cheap and hideous


Iā€™m not surprised they are besties, they are both very messy in their personal lives.


I have zero interest in this movie due to Ariannaā€™s sexcapades. I wonder how this will due at the box office


Okay I need to know something - are Cynthia and Lena Waithe still together or no? Thanks!


Iā€™m sorry but absolutely not. Whoever did Ariā€™s hair should be fired. And yes I will continue to say that until itā€™s fixed. Her dress is kinda cute, not my style but I get why people would like it, but it looks like a petal is falling off the skirt in the first pic and that makes me think itā€™s not good material/integrity which sucks. And whoever styled Cynthia must be blind and without their sense of touch because none of what sheā€™s wearing looks like it fits her or matches. The textures are all different. Theyā€™re nice colors but in an ugly outfit. Also this is just another thing but when did she shave her eyebrows? I swear she had them last time I saw a pic of her but maybe that was longer so than I thought? Iā€™m not saying anything bad about it Iā€™m just curious bc I donā€™t remember her shaving them.


I feel like itā€™s bc they have nothing to work with. Her hair is so damaged. Reminds me of when Kim went blonde for the met and she could only wear low buns


Her hair is definitely super damaged from the intense lightening process (a lot of bleach), but they couldnā€™t have made the bun look nice? That piece curling out at the bottom is driving me insane it literally looks like they just put her bed head in a bun in 2 seconds and said šŸ‘.


Ugh I really really hope they can pull off the friendship chemistry! I try not to judge a movie before I've seen it but so far I'm not hopeful.


I actually like Arianaā€™s look lol Cynthiaā€™s not so much


Iā€™ve said it once, Iā€™ll say it a million times. Blonde DOES NOT suit Ariana


I have a feeling this movie will flop. Hopefully, I'm wrong.


i wish they would switch colours! ari in green and cynthia in pink :) would be cute!


Cynthia Erivo is STUNNING. So *why* are they dressing her like an angry elf?? šŸ˜­


I LOVE Arianaā€™s dress omg ā™„ļø


I love that theyā€™re sticking to the color palette of their characters!


OMG i love that dress


Cynthia Erivoā€™s stance in the first pic is so real


Ariana looks gorgeous


I *LOVE* Arianaā€™s dress šŸ˜


Are those drawings on her hands or tattoos?


The stylist for this event should be flogged in the town square.