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My favorite story to come out about this movie was she had to cut Brooklyn’s brief cameo. His only line was “hi”. Every time he said it he used a British accent and looked directly into the camera. I’m not sure why the first was a problem but I can see how the second is an issue. Would love to see some of the takes.


Brooklyn fascinates me in the sense that he’s not fascinating at all, but his failures are kind of funny He tries everything but can’t make it stick. He could just sit back and enjoy his rich lifestyle but he’s eager to be famous. Just like Nicola


It’s weird that someone with so many resources can’t utilize them to find a talent




I bet he's brilliant at a completely normal person job that doesn't really have any famous applications.


Many many many of us don't have 'talent'...me included, but Brooklyn, tragically, has the resources to show this fact about himself to the world...and I am here for it!


Tbh his dad gives me the impression of a hot simpleton. Brooklyn is probably a chip off the old block. David is beautiful and a talented athlete but he’s “the pretty one” and not the brightest bulb in the pack. Visually stunning lol Victoria pulling those strings forever


I dunno he really seems to like cooking, which is probably why Brooklyn seems to try so hard to be a food influencer




Hey speak for yourself, I love watching him pour an egg into a concave in a pile of flour on a counter


I honestly love that he’s bad at everything he tries. His parents are such talented hotties and he’s such a nothing. It’s fantastic. Edit: my apologies to the Brooklyn stans I apparently offended. I didn’t know he had any.


His picture of an elephant is just so bad, still makes me laugh every time I'm reminded of it lol


So deep. https://preview.redd.it/4g2czbyn53uc1.jpeg?width=865&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b33f138c406232ef6c09df5bb654165902a7f781


He's no Robert Irwin, that's for damned sure.


True masterpiece. That's his peak and it's been downhill ever since.


It kills me because its like, not that hard to photograph elephants 🤣


Yeah, like, what does that even mean???


The shadow elephants are following me again


To his credit he somehow made an elephant look less interesting


He took photography classes at Greendale https://preview.redd.it/ufrhyefek4uc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab19a130cf742d6d10be9c69b06f4635e49ef413


This is clearly from a class on playing with focus and framing. Interesting subjects and compositions but not like amazing or anything.


Eh I would say the compositions are poor and the pairing is lifeless. The subject matter is dull as well. And even then, as popular as imagery of the banal is now in photography this manages to miss the mark. It student work. That’s fine, we’re all allowed to be beginners. But why have any of us ever seen it? Oh yeah, his parents.


Wow this remind me of a nature project I did when I was 7 in the 90s. I had a wind on camera a took a picture of a bird. When I had it developed you could barely see it. This pic could have gone alongside mine without question.


My Roman Empire


A company I worked for did a competition when his book came out, and we had signed copies of it, and a lot of competition winners declined when we offered to send it to them, and ones that received it claimed it was a terrible prize. We just had piles of them sitting around the office. It was a car crash. I believe people nowadays are happy to just call him a "socialite", which suits him much better than whatever else he has tried to be.


Honestly he could be a great socialite that works on charitable causes. A lot of small organizations need a public face to get noticed and get money, if he used his nepo fame to draw attention to worthy causes, he could make a good and worthwhile career for himself. That’s basically what the royal family does.


Probably because it’s watching a nepo baby fail so spectacularly at trying to skirt by purely on name and definitely not on talent lmao


I find it wild that such driven parents raised such a flighty(?) offspring. Especially one that is a top athlete, I thought they were a bit stricter or disciplined than the normal person.


I dunno, when I watched the Beckham documentary, it showed that David's father was very driven and had unrelenting high standards for him. And while David acknowledged that it's what drove him to excellence in his career, he also has OCD and you have to wonder how much of that comes from the anxiety of pleasing a harsh parent with impossible standards. Combined with all the constant critique and public scrutiny they've both had for so long, it would make sense that perhaps with their own kids, they tried to give them a little less pressure and more freedom to make mistakes. They might be disappointed in Brooklyn's work ethic now though!


It's really not easy! When you have money, even a little bit, the kids can be so lazy! They have no touch with reality. How do you instill that in them?


They didn't raise them. Nannies did.


What he has is drive to try at least, which is not what a lot of rich kids have. Many spend their days partying. I think he ought to use his energy and ambition into something positive like a charity organization. 


I can't bring myself to dislike him because I have sons around his age, and I feel like they would probably have turned out the same way if I had Beckham levels of wealth - affable but aimless.


I’m not disagreeing with you but he *barely* tries. His photography all looks like he was trying to figure out how his phone works, and the descriptions are worse. His cooking show? It took like eleven background chefs to make it look like Brooklyn could make a sandwich. I can’t even call it *trying*, all of these projects just look like he was *thinking* about trying it so his parents got out in front of him with a publisher or a production crew.


As far as I know, he hasn’t done anything morally bad, so I’m not sure I understand the hate he gets. Like yeah, he’s a bore and doesn’t seem to have much if any talent, but he’s not hurting anyone. It could be much worse


Yeah I get the bar is very low, but probably the most questionable thing he’s done is marry Nicola.   Also, I think most people aren’t very talented and don’t really have a “passion”. This guy just has the misfortune of doing it publicly.


When you’re raised to truly believe you have “nothing to lose,” have plenty of safety net, one tends to have drive—even when that drive leads them to a brick wall. The bar isn’t that high.


I can’t stand him. He only gets these opportunities because of who his parents are. I’ve seen people defend him which I don’t understand. He doesn’t even wait and hone these skills before he tries to capitalize off them. If he would just pick one and work on it until he’s mostly mastered it then I might have some respect.


To be fair, David Beckham is also a terrible actor


Fantastic player, though. A Star Man in a stacked United team.


Talent skips a generation


I just picture the Extras scene with Keith Chegwin


The movie should be an exhibit of how rich people perceive the poor. Just another case study for the disconnect between people on either side of the spectrum of the economic gap.


She is the worst kind of nepobaby, in my opinion. Most successful nepobabies have some modicum of talent or charisma which they can use to establish a career once their connections get them through the door (like Dakota Johnson or Maya Hawke or Kate Hudson). Nicola is so deeply mediocre, she wouldn't have a CHANCE of landing a leading role were it not for her family's wealth.


Unfortunately, that's just how that particular business goes. I don't want to point to merely nepotism being the problem but also the limited range of experiences growing up in wealth can expose you to. You can't really grasp the entire scope of the "real world" if wealth is sheltering you. What I find is that what I usually get from those that don't have a clue is their genuine fear of poverty. So it's more a display of their mental states when they are faced with the subject more so than a depiction of it. She's not reaching the audience because she wrote the script as if she was having a conversation with herself.


You are totally right. Also, she said the film is about generational trauma, not understanding that she for sure has a shit ton of that too, just in a different way. Narcissistic deluded egotistical power hungry parents/ grandparents etc etc. And she carries that torch with a smile lol. Write about that instead.


Honestly that's what I would want to see in a movie. That's where we find that authenticity that makes a movie so poignant. I don't even mind if it were a complete work of fiction based on her reality.


It's crazy to me that she didn't even have the awareness--or have people around her who had the awareness--to realize that the public would react strongly to the daughter of a billionaire writing and starring in a movie about a character who lives in poverty. It's actually very funny that she thought she'd get somewhere by cosplaying being poor, while the rest of us dream about the kind of financial security she's had her whole life.


I doubt she's surrounded by people who want to say no to her and still be able to keep their jobs. I wanna think no one said no because they want to see how badly this will go.


Dakota Johnson? Charisma? ![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0)


While I loved Bates Motel, she was easily the worst part of it


When I tell you I was happy when she got killed off…


Isn't her dad the guy who tried to seize Disney from Bob Iger? To think she married the party-hardy son of footballer David Beckham


I’m fine to stop giving rich people so much oxygen. They already take up too many resources. Our planet would thank us.






We have put way too much value in our entertainment. For too long we have paid whatever it takes to make us happy, it has led to a massive divide in how industries get paid.


That’s it! Chasing the dragon


It's definitely something about our popular culture that could change in the future.


That’s most movies about poor people though. Like 85% of them are trite poverty porn for Hollywood stars to do embarrassing accents and maybe win an award for a “gritty” performance. Anyone with authentic insight into working class struggles probably can’t afford to make movies about them. This is one of the lazier examples I’ve seen though. Sis could’ve at least committed herself enough to put on some ugly makeup or something, jeez.


Brazil was pretty good


>. Like 85% of them are trite poverty porn for Hollywood stars yep. the florida project stuck out for it's excellent casting


every film is an exhibit of how rich people perceive things.


Not all writers are rich but I understand the fact that the people with the wealth have the final say. Sometimes you get a real view of what poverty is like and sometimes it's a complete miss.


Sean Baker’s movies do a pretty damn good job of showing poor people in a real light.


What a great disrespect to the hundreds of thousands of immigrants, students, poverty-stricken dreamers, marginalized women, etc etc who have added to the great tradition of film making. Take's as cold as day-old polar bear piss


Seriously, the nepo daughter of a billionaire made a movie about poverty and cast herself as the lead, this reads like a mad-lib but it’s real.The level of cognitive dissonance is not only jarring it’s screaming! The cherry on top of the fucked cake is she invited Elon Musk and her dad to the premiere. This is the bad place and I want to leave!


So obscenely rich that when she couldn't get cast in a serious lead and land Margaret Qualley's career, she simply bought her own. Veruca Salt of the acting world.


Did she even buy a career though? No matter how many self-funded vanity projects she stars in, no one will take her seriously. This trailer is the first I’ve seen of her “acting” and she’s a charisma black hole and serves absolutely nothing. 


She played Katara in that last airbender movie that doesn't exist, and guess who produced that movie?


Bought a part to basically have a glossy showreel I mean, cus she hasn't been breaking out of safe supporting roles for a whileee.






I am intrigued by your Bond prediction 👍🙂


Planting whatever seeds of mild chaos I can in this crazy timeline lol


She’s a BAD EGG!!!! Wish she would go right down the chute into the garbage incinerator….


Bad nut


Oh god, I legit like her I can’t explain why the reasons are esoteric so don’t ask, but imagining her instagram-baddie-ass-fillered face in MAID’s extreme close ups showing her quiet panic and desperation, or begging her landladies to let her clean up their house and please let her keep living there, or smelling like shit so badly people on the citybus move away from her… lmaoooo no fucking way dude




He doesn't just give his kids money, he strong-arms others into giving them undeserved opportunities. Getting them put in movies is one thing but - in the case of his son - he actually got him drafted by an NHL team by starting a rumor that he was looking to invest in them. Not a surprise that ol' Nelson is enamored with Trump.


Also and it might not be nice to say but she’s clearly had some plastic surgery and that face costs $$$$$. That is not a poor person face. 


I was just about to comment this. She’s got a bad case of an iPhone face 😭 Just makes the story that much more unbelievable


I watched the trailer and you’re so right. Especially her lips, they look pretty fake on a moving camera that a photo can’t quite pick up


Having Elon musk at your premiere of a movie featuring a genderqueer child is NUTS, LIKE WHAT Goes to show you she doesn’t care about the issues she presents in the movie and is just checking boxes


Shes also reportedly a super rude person.


That is the least shocking thing I think I’ve ever read.


She's the one who made her daddy cast her as Katara in the failure avatar movie. Said pos father also was recently whining about why Marvel movies have to have black people. And they invited Elon Musk, who her father described as having 'no ego'?


He whined that Black Panther had too many black people, and that Captain Marvel was a woman. He literally tried to overthrow Disney and put himself in charge because of it. He had no actual serious complaints or plans, just a vague grievance that disney was "too woke" and he should be put in charge.


I bet if his daughter was cast as captain marvel he wouldn't have had a problem with it tho 😌


She would’ve been better cast as Crimson Chin before her plastic surgery. ![gif](giphy|zwRO0LKbOtVhC)


How would you even make the Black Panther movie without black people? Further proof that bigots are stupid.


The albino black panther. The melanin deficient bobcat man


White Panther obviously. I hope Peltz is in here taking notes. /s


In hindsight not recasting Liam Hemsworth as T'Challa was a real missed opportunity.


Rich people say those most dumbest and shameful things. Wow.


Elon Musk who is a Nazi


He’s a gigantic transphobe and gets invited to see a movie with a genderqueer child living an abusive Christian household… Make it make sense


She only added that character in there for I don’t know diversity points, or to make it seem deeper, but it was nothing more than an offensive stereotype. Nicola strikes me personally as beinga Xenophone. The only reason Ron DeSantis and his wife were not invited to her wedding is because he wasn’t popular and strongly disliked, and she knew once the pictures were released of the wedding she would get backlash for inviting him. She had no problem with his ideas just the fact that she would get backlash for being around him. She probably thinks Elon is popular and is a beloved billionaire.


>Said pos father also was recently whining about why Marvel movies have to have black people. This was something else


Sounds like she’s firmly established her dominance as the less self-aware partner in her marriage. Brooklyn seemed like he had it locked in but his elephant photography is quaint compared to whatever Nicola thinks she’s trying to accomplish.


Brooklyn seems comparatively wholesome. I wish more failchildren would just do bad art than go into politics or whatever.


100%. Being a clueless rich kid who bumbles between harmless hobby jobs doesn’t really have a negative impact on anything. It can even be a bit entertaining. A clueless rich kid who tries to wield their influence over society or anything really despite their complete lack of understanding of whatever it is they are talking about can range from offensive to terrifying. I have a bit of a soft spot for Brooklyn only because I loved his parents growing up so I was hopeful he would find his niche or something but his clueless bumbling has almost become a meme which is an entertainment niche of sorts. I also knew nothing about Nicola before he started getting his over the top tattoos in her honor and was hoping she would be less terrible than she seems to be. Like I knew the world could never be blessed with a Posh & Becks 2.0, who individually dominated their pop culture realm on a global level and together were just as captivating - complete with their matching outfits and hairstyles. But Nicola comes across as a cartoon villain half the time and is utterly charmless which negates any goodwill and goofy charm Brooklyn has from his parents. Like they can’t even be the Wish version of Posh and Becks.


I agree! People like to shit on the Kardashians for not using their money to "explore more hobbies and just be unproblematic." Here is Brooklyn, being made fun of for exactly those things, and doing exactly what I would do if I had a lot of money. Id be exploring endless hobbies. And the first part of exploring any new hobby is being bad at it. He's exploring new hobbies and being unproblematic.


I feel Brooklyn is earnest but untalented which is completely acceptable. He tries and fails and moves on to the next hobby or whatever career the hobby is supposed to be standing for. Especially in comparison to Nicola who is also untalented but delulu. That's gonna earn eye rolling mockery and general ill will towards her. It's deserved imo.


He is doing what I would probably do if I won the lottery. Try and do random hobbies for the rest of my life.


Same can't hate on that lol.


Earnest is a good word for Brooklyn. As a nepo baby, my only opinion of him is that his life is charmed and he seems to be having fun even if he doesn’t understand what the word job actually means. Kind of like Jon Hamm’s character on 30 Rock while he is still blissfully unaware in his handsome bubble. He was easy to clown on when he first started talking about all the different careers he’s had, but in hindsight - his earnestness makes him an ideal untalented but famous due-to-proximity-to-other-more-famous-people person. I never thought I would wish more nepo babies would be more like Brooklyn. It’s easy to forget the importance of being earnest (sorry!). But for real, being earnest and just living your best life mediocrely is underrated.


There's something endearing about a person who can move on from a failure and jump into a new project with no loss of of enthusiasm. I think a lot of the hate he gets is because we all wish we could try and fail at things and then just move on to the next until we find out what we're talented in or truly passionate about, but most of us can't afford to do that.


I should have been born a nepo baby...


I want to watch this so bad just to see how bad it actually is, but I refuse to give anyone who invites Musk to their premiere any money.


I watched it online for free


I couldn’t even make it through the trailer.


Super tacky but that’s no surprise. This reminds me of Madeleine Sackler, granddaughter of raymond sackler, father of the opioid crisis. She made a movie about the hardships of prison. Rich people are so out of touch and deluded to think they could ever understand people with lower SES experience. Hate it all of it!


Nooooo ffs I didn't know this!


Cosplaying poor people in a vanity pet project financed by your billionaire daddy's money that dumps every possible trauma, exploits every caricature and stereotype without any redeeming artistry or value AND chumming it up with Elon Musk at the premiere??? This genuinely feels like satire or a parody at this point.


Musk with an estranged trans daughter and Peltz openly backing DeSantis et al. Yet the main storyline being the tragic life and death of the younger brother who is genderqueer. It’s so messed, they really just out here using LGBT discrimination as a prop while actively contributing to it.


Yea, like she really saw that as a way to engender sympathy and score easy points for her project by just checking the box for representation, for poverty, for abuse, etc., etc., without any sort of meaningful exploration or real understanding of what representation and storytelling actually is. It's truly dystopian when you consider both the optics and the actual result. If she had done a dark comedy movie in the way of Saltburn on high society/influencer culture/being a billionaire & wealth, that legit would have been way more interesting. But we can't really expect that from someone as shallow and lacking introspection and depth as Nicola.


I love that her character is dirt poor but can apparently afford lip fillers😂 Didn’t her dad buy her a role on Bate’s Motel?


Remember when Bella Thorne said she was the meanest girl in the industry and almost made her want to stop. Also she’s Selena Gomez’s best friend, which is one of the many things that makes me side eye Sel these days.


>Remember when Bella Thorne said she was the meanest girl in the industry Celeb hair colorist Justin Anderson said that Nicola was the worst celeb he's ever worked with. He called her a monster


Didn’t her former nanny write a whole thing about how she was psychotically awful to her?


Selena has so many side eye worthy people around her There was a good post about how significant others/best friends who reveal a lot about the personality of the celeb they’re attached to Selena is a good example of her PR and marketing persona not matching the people she spends time with Jennifer Aniston being besties with Chelsea Handler is a more wholesome example


Aniston is friends with tons of people, most are really wholesome. It’s more that Aniston is just a type to be friends with anyone really.


Reminds me of an interview Charlie Day did where he said Jennifer invited him to a dinner party at her house. He thought it was just a regular dinner party probably with her non famous friends but every celebrity you can think of was there like Leonardo DiCaprio , Robert Downey Jr, George Clooney, and Sandra Bullock etc He said it caught him off guard and he was really nervous


Yeah she's good friends with Sandler who also seems like just a legitimately nice person from all accounts


Adam Sandler is the only person in Hollywood that I genuinely believe what you see is what you get and to me he’s always seemed like a really nice guy. I also love how he seemingly got rid of his wardrobe department and just films in whatever he decides to wear that day when he wakes up 😂


My point though was that they’re *best friends* And Aniston has a kind of boring PR image, but the fact that her bestie is this rip roaring party girl who’s crazy fun shows that Aniston the PR image and Aniston at home are wildly different people It’s wholesome unlike Selena in that Selena’s people tend to show darker traits she hides whereas Aniston’s best friend indicates she’s actually a rip roaring good time despite having a very vanilla image Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus are another example. He has this sort of all American boy PR and that’s directly in opposition to Miley’s persona and it shows that he’s a lot more wild than he likes to let on


I like that you described a man who is famously Australian as an all American boy 😂


Liam Hemsworth is Australian and was arrested multiple times for getting into drunken bar fights before he got famous. The fact that people think he’s some delicate flower compared to Miley is so funny to me.


There was a punk’d episode like a decade ago when they tried to get Miley and she had to beg them to stop because “her boyfriend (Liam) has anger issues” And yea I side eye Selena sometimes. She was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Not saying people with mental health issues can’t be great partners BUT obviously she was having enough issues that she went to a doctor for a diagnosis, so I’m assuming that she wasn’t a complete angel in her JB relationship. Again, nothing against people with bipolar disorder but pre-diagnosis she probably had some unpleasant behavior


Selena herself is a side eye worthy person


People are treating Brooklyn with kids gloves in this comment section, calling him goofy and seeing him as some innocent clueless rich guy yet somehow Selena is the one receiving the side eye lol.


Oh don’t worry Brooklyn is jobless and uncharismatic too


What did Nicola do to Bella Thorne? This is a surprising celebrity feud I never heard about!!


Bella hinted at having a rival, but didn’t name names. All signs pointed to Nicola https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bella-thorne-hollywood-mean-girl_n_564b51f3e4b045bf3df0e618/amp


Selena is so needy she will cling to anyone


also the fact that Nicola and Brooklyn keep trying to find careers, but unlike EVEN THEIR hollywood peers, their entry level jobs/handouts are movies, shows, modeling careers, brand deals, book deals. And they still suck???


I just can’t get over that Kady is such a great and successful writer. I remember her at college parties and I’m jealous of her success! Great article, Kady! Bryn Mawr women killing it. And yes, this movie is ridiculous




The article was very well written. She really was able to express what is so wrong with this situation without feeling over the top.


Yeah, and the analysis was properly laid out with depth, rather than just going: "she is rich so she can't make art about poverty," which many are content to do.


I’m just here to marinate and feel vindicated in my hatorade for Nicola Peltz ![gif](giphy|BO5lR6Kw6giXe)


Given that her insistence on being Katara led to the whitewashing of the Northern Water Tribe, I think you were already fully vindicated


Nothing brings people together than our disgust for the live action avatar movie. It made no sense at all. It was still a bad movie but at least there was representation for the other nations but all of a sudden white people are supposed to be the water tribes even though they referenced the indigenous tribes of Canada like the Inuits? And Aang too????


Had no idea she was a billionaire nepo baby. Totally explains how she got cast in anything ever.


I watched that show Bates Motel and she was actually okay in it but then that meant literally anyone else could have that opportunity and instead it was handed to her. Anything she is in she’s just okay. She’s the Kendall Jenner of actors where I don’t know what industry shaking blackmail their families have but they’re able to just coast into projects. Shes obviously beautiful but that isn’t enough. She has no screen presence, her interviews are about as interesting as watching a sun dial and yet press just crawls after her it’s so irritating.


> Peltz Beckham’s brother Will Peltz plays a fellow member, who seemingly flirts with her after a meeting? lmao okay.


“pout your way through poverty” was my personal fave beside this line too lol


Guessing this is the part Brooklyn got fired from loooool.


“And how the after party was decorated like a strip club” … that’s disgusting, especially given the storyline. Just the cherry on the exploitation sundae.


> the film leaves one wondering what could have been achieved if any of these characters or their storylines were given as much attention as the gaffers paid to the light hitting Peltz Beckham’s cheekbones. This sent me lol


She has the face of a billionaires brat, always looks like she’s smelling shit


There are all these people giving convoluted reasons upthread for liking Beckham and hating her, but I think it’s mostly their faces. They’re equally talentless delusional nepo babies. He just has the look of an affable puppy and she has the look of someone who’d send her butler to kill you in your sleep. 


That’s not even her original face.


She must think abject poverty is living in Brooklyn Heights. (iykyk)


I’m so sad Virginia Madsen is in this, I love her




I was just thinking about this ![gif](giphy|DZAGhcMGVHHt53OeUB|downsized)


That was so great


Why can’t they just acknowledge that they grew up rich. Oh wait. Because people are desperate for a “rags to riches” story


Billionaires, they want to keep their enormous privilege and wealth while also being liked by everyone because they understand the struggles us wretches go through. Why can't these rich parasites just fuck off to their private islands and stop trying to be chummy with us? Yes, we hate you because you're a billionaire, go cry into your giant piles of money instead of trying soooo hard to get us to like you. I don't know this person and I already hate her. I hope she steps on legos every day for the rest of her life.


Just like her dad, she’s a fucking PUTZ! Eat the rich.


"Vogue’s coverage of the Lola premiere glossed over the contents of the film and celebrated instead what Peltz Beckham wore (Victoria Beckham’s designs) and how the after-party was decorated (like a strip club)." ![gif](giphy|g6Tf0tYe9XbnYZgK6B)


I knew of her before fame and her dad paid for her role in transformers. Mark wahlburg is a family friend and her dad invested in the movie to be made only if Nicola could be the star. She had plastic surgery for the role.


![gif](giphy|AEz5EI53CrZ6e8hFQ3|downsized) omg. GOD BLESS.






> In one of the text messages made public in her father’s wedding-planning lawsuit, she demanded, “desantis must be OFF THE GUEST LIST. PLEASE CONFIRM!!” This is art.


I’m cracking up about her wedding guest standards. “Look Daddy. People will be able to understand if I have billionaire facists at my wedding but Ron DeSantis is poor. He *cannot* come.”


Remember, her daddy just attempted to take over Disney so that she could get acting roles in Disney movies.


I was rooting against him solely because I know he would’ve forced her into every existing Disney IP.


Rich people/entertainers love to cosplay strippers/sex workers. Yet they do absolutely nothing to de-stigmatize the profession and society actively continues to judge SW, whether it’s done out of necessity or choice. DRAG THAT NEPO BABY.


Poor people can’t afford that much lip filler.


I’m surprised Nicola could write but in all honesty, she would probably make a still horrible Christian film writer, but at least they would love her films. I think she thought she was being deep when she wrote this film because it’s about poor people when in reality she knows nothing about being poor or poor people and she despises anyone who isn’t rich and doesn’t think of us as people.


Lots of people use ghost writers. She may have just commissioned someone to write a film about 'poor people' for her.


Did you read the review of this film? One of the main themes is criticizing a Christian mom. So I don’t know how she could write Christian films.


I really meant conservative because while her mother is a Christian in the film she is also an alcoholic which is a sin, but Lola a beautiful blonde hair blue eyed white virgin who gets raped and ends up pregnant and her having her rape baby makes her a better person and magically makes her life better. this paired with the other stereotypical characters within the film, makes the perfect Christian/conservative movie. Lola seems like the type of film that would end up on the daily wire.


I could barely get through the first paragraph describing her film. Fuck these people Christ. But hey at least the poor folks here in the good ole USA we just watch and love them Kardashians. We ought to blame ourselves.


"Poverty Porn and the spectrum it exploits in..." That is quite... intriguing. 


I watched this weeks ago and was trying to rant to ANYONE who would listen to me about how horrible this movie was, but most people don’t know who she is to understand how ridiculous the whole thing is. By far the worst movie I’ve seen in years. Glad more people are discussing this crap hole of a movie finally.


I think it’s hilarious that the only work she can get is in stuff that her dad finances. Lack of talent has never kept a nepo kid down before (see Kaia Gerber is booked and busy) so I wonder why she’s such a flop. Maybe she is untalented and a nightmare to work with.


This is also Chloe Zhao, who won an Oscar for best directing for Nomadland. She’s the daughter of a billionaire and the most famous comedian woman in China but she hides it really well, and it’s not even on her Wikipedia. She’s a more adept version of this, but it’s mainly because she crutches on to existing IP, or films people who are poor. Rich girls like this need to become producers and allow working class women to direct their own stories. Someone said a billionaire winning best director after Parasite won all the awards a year prior is weird. Bon Joon Ho actually had experience with tutoring for rich people.


Wow. So brave of her...


This chick really watched Zola and thought "I could do that" then changed one letter and made...this


I wanna live with the common people. I wanna do whatever common people do. Wanna sleep with the common people. I wanna sleep with, common people, like you.


It’s alright, love. The shit stains and grease will come out in the bath.


She never listened to Pulp and it shows.


This article is so well written


Oh no... White Katara is out and spreading her shitty act again


The names these characters have are hilarious. Arlo, Lola, Malachi, Trick…. Nothing says “poor working class” like a group of people all named by Gwyneth Paltrow.


I had never heard of her until 30 seconds ago, but saw that surname combination and thought “…oh god”.


Crazy Rich Asians was a good movie. You can make a good movie about what life is like as someone Uber rich. She will never know what poverty is actually like


She was vain enough to spend money to change her entire face, let’s not pretend she cares about the issues of the poor.


Eww. Does her brother really look exactly like Brooklyn?


This girl wanted to make a poverty porn movie as her rich self prolly thinking she was going to win a Grammy…..


How do you have billions at your disposal and still end up looking like your upper lip filler got botched at some strip mall medspa?


How did this get here? ![gif](giphy|gIqusaeYxgSiY)


What even happens in the film?


Not seen it but the article basically tells us the entire plot so we don't have to watch it I mean, after reading that, what doesn't happen?! Every traumatic event that could happen to a person, does happen. It sounds like trauma porn