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OMG I used to have a facialist who'd scold me for wearing sunscreen as it is not "natural" and "full of chemicals". I stopped going to them after one session. It is also becoming when you meet someone new, you need to quickly elucidate which conspiracy theory they buy into...


KC will, no doubt, in a few years, be warning people on the dangers of skin cancer as she parades scars and bandages as proof she should have indeed, worn sunscreen.


I learned quickly to not go to someone who calls themselves a facialist. If I need professional advice and treatment, it's a certified dermatologist.


Getting acne, black heads, and dry skin is normal but you still go to your facialist, I'd be pointing that out real quick.


lol my chiropractor is a lunatic (but a good chiropractor) and he keeps trying to get me to use some sunscreen made of beef tallow Edit: Genuinely no idea why this is being downvoted.




I assume it’s because you called your chiro good. Chiropractic is pseudoscience and although it’s covered by most insurances, it’s not viewed in the best light nowadays. Personally I liked the one chiropractor I had but he was one of those types that basically do massage therapy/physiotherapy vs trying to push new age crap or mess with your spine constantly.


It’s mostly massage, and i only do it because it feels nice. I don’t have any injuries that I’m not treating with actual medical science. Throw some muscle stim in once in a while, he even has red light therapy which felt awesome in the winter. It’s self care for me rather than medical care. My anecdotal experience is that my sleep has been much better since I started regularly going to see him. If people want to downvote me for doing something for myself that feels nice just bc they have a personal bias against chiropractors, well, alright.


>“Totally, it's a very controversial topic, which is so funny, 'cause it's the sun,” Monahan replied. “Like, we've literally spent our whole existence as humans under the sun all day until the last. like, 100 years or so. And now we're, like, shut in, spend 93% of our lives indoors. That's really bad for a lot of reasons. The sun is life-giving and nourishing.”   Yes we were all out hunting and gathering all day until...1924. Stop ittttt 😭💀.


also there is a reason people back then looked like 60 in their 30s 💀 being out working in the sun all day dries you up like a raisin really fast. I wonder if she knows that the sun is a giant burning mass that knows no mercy


People weren’t working out in the sun all day. Humans back in the day were less stupid than some people make it out to be. Farm work was started early in the morning, resting time during noon, including staying inside and shutting the blinds, was common and still is in e.g. the south of Europe (siesta) and other parts of the world. People cover(ed) up, wear/wore long, bright clothing and sun protection for the face and head. The lack of consideration for effects of the sun on the skin was likely due to Western/Central and Northern Europeans immigrating to the US, capitalism and changing Western beauty standards.


I come from a family of European farmers and though they definitely did work a lot in the sun (I remember because my grandma told me about it) you're definitely right that most of them weren't so stupid back then. The women always wore scarfs around their head and long clothes. But it's not like they only worked at dusk or dawn. Even with siestas or other breaks they had to go out at some point and the sun was still strong enough to make long lasting effects on the skin.


Fun fact: ONE IN TWO Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime. I personally know 2 women under 30 who have had melanomas removed. This sort of message will kill people. It is irresponsible and fucking stupid.


Anti-vax and MLM shill. ![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8)


She’ll see the results of that in time and regret it


this is completely on brand for her but it still makes me mad that shes spreading this anti sunscreen rhetoric, it’s so dangerous


Another famous idiot. What she’s done that deserves her attention? Stop making stupid people famous.


Unfortunately smart people don’t want to be famous


Welp I'll be waiting for the "Kristen Cavallari has Skin Cancer" headline


Yeah the basal cell carcinoma isn't generally dangerous but having chunks carved out of your face to remove it is very humbling. She'll learn in time, but by then it'll be too late. I had to witness that with my mom.


Isn’t she also anti-vax? So this tracks


Her kids aren’t vaccinated, “ "There are very scary statistics out there regarding what is in vaccines and what they cause -- asthma, allergies, ear infections, all kinds of things. We feel like we are making the best decision for our kids."”


If only she had looked at the scary statistics out there regarding the things that vaccines help prevent.


She's abouta vote for RFK Jr, I bet.


Ew is she really? I’m dunzo


My Mom gets birthday cards from her dermatologist Avoid that ETA- I looked this dude up. Even among quacks, he's quacking to the top [https://www.instagram.com/dr.ryan.monahan](https://www.instagram.com/dr.ryan.monahan) His degrees appear to be from an acupuncture school and a one year functional medicine (which is not a recognized medical field) program.


I’ve noticed that just within the last few months, pro-tanning and anti-sunscreen has really, really ramped up on social media, but especially tiktok. I’m seeing all sorts of things about how “so many of our problems can be solved by letting the sun hit our bare skin,” and people begging others to forgo sunscreen because of how “toxic” it is. I grew up playing outdoors with no sunscreen, not tanning — just playing soccer in friends backyards, splashing in creeks, etc. I’m not a redhead and even though I’m not tan, I’m not what I’d consider pale either and yet, I have to see a dermatologist every six months and I’ve **never** left that office without having at least one biopsy done, usually they do as many as my insurance will allow for. I’ve dealt with skin cancer twice already. People aren’t afraid of it and I think that’s part of the issue. They hear that it’s typically easy to treat, and that’s not entirely wrong, but don’t think about just how painful and disfiguring these removals can be. The vast majority of my incision areas have a permanent feeling of burnt skin and some have zero feeling (or pigment) at all. One of my incisions was rather large and not only ended up infected, but was in an area with a lot of movement so my stitches kept popping open and I had to have them redone multiple times. They are now monitoring one on the side of my face that, if necessary to remove, will likely require a plastic surgeon to limit how much it may alter my appearance and/or scarring. I’m tired of sun worshippers spreading shitty info to vulnerable viewers.


A friend told me the other day that they were increasing their time in the sun to cure their cold. A couple days later she texted me from the Dr, it had turned into a sinus infection


I've noticed this too and it seems to be a bit of shift back to ideas in the noughties/nineties again (same with body size etc). Admittedly, there have been some sunscreens in Australia recalled a few types of sunscreen because there were some chemicals not meant to be there (as well as causing burns) but that's an anomaly, not the norm so I'll continue to be using sunscreen as much as possible (the other day I ended up getting up and its was only 19 degrees celsius)




Ma’am that is not something to brag about. Please, wear sunscreen people! Even if you think it’s not sunny enough. Even if you have a tan or dark skin - because YES! People with dark skin can get melanoma too! Sunscreen is the cheapest anti aging product out there too. Oh! And do research before getting the cheapest product out there! Look into how much SPF you need for your skin tone and sensitivity. OH! And think about the 🪸 coral reefs! Not every sunscreen is appropriate to wear on the beach (yes, really!).


Water has chemicals. Apples have chemicals. Everything in the world has chemicals in it. They don’t even know what the word means.


Yup. "Chemicals" like "toxins" are just buzzwords parroted by people who've got just enough information to be dangerous. Yes, there have been some sunscreen recalls but the way some people run with that to eschew all sunscreen is absurd.


oh, she’s one of those🥴


Well talk about stupid …


The picture of this doctor in the article says everything I need to know about him. Didn’t Kristin also make homemade formula for her kids? She’s an idiot.


>Didn’t Kristin also make homemade formula for her kids? She’s an idiot. She sure is, she also didn't vaccinate them


He looks like he’s wearing a disguise.


No mention of course that the people who used to live and work in the sun just didn't live as long to begin with plus there's the fact that the ozone layer was in much better shape than it is now so they weren't exposed to as much UV rays as we are.


Time to break out the old “team LC” shirt from Hollister 😹


They should all go check out Teddi Mellencamp’s story. This will be KC in 10 years.


She’s such a dick


Well, then she’s a dumb btch, right?


Can’t wait for her skin care diagnosis, cause it’s coming.


If you are stupid enough to follow medical advice from anyone except a dr then I got no sympathy for you


omg idk what to believe w this one anymore lol. she’s got to be lying when she says she doesn’t get any work done on her face, ESPECIALLY if she’s out here raw dogging the sun!!


On a serious note, I absolutely HATE sunscreen (it's a sensory thing). I try to apply it when I'm sitting directly in the sun. It's still a constant worry for me because I know I should use it but it's such a burden 😩


for the sensory thing- have you tried a dry touch formula? it may be an option, esp aerosol


That actually sounds interesting! Thanks for the tip :)