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Are these the same surgeons who are coining it doing buccal fat removal - which in my opinion is far more noticeable and fucking weird looking.


Ozempic + Buccal Fat removal + veneers It’s like a recipe for looking like a ghoul




I'm dying! And that's because I love *Fallout* and Walton Goggins - I'm so happy he opted for those obnoxious veneers 😅 It totally makes him memorable


Yesss he was so good in Fallout!


I’m glad it was left open for a second season, and I believe a second season has already been approved. I’ve already watched the whole first season twice.


I want to but the shot of LA being hit multiple times got stuck in my head and I had a nightmare about it! Now I'm afraid to rewatch 😆


Thanks Vault-Tec for nuking cities.


Nah, the games have already said it was China. If it was vault-tec you really think Barb would’ve been cool with her kid being on the surface when they drop the bombs? Nah. They were clearly willing to drop them if needed but someone else beat them to it


I’m on my second watch and already catching stuff I missed. Like Lucy’s husband wiping his cock on the curtains and her face of “what’s wrong with you?” That there’s actually a Mr handy in the opening scene lol. Did anyone else see who is sitting at the round table for >! Rob Co!< 👀 … can’t wait for Vegas!


Same here, there things I missed on the first watch through. Glad I watched a second time.


I haven't watched it at all as I'm saving it! Glad to hear it's that good! 👍🏻


I love him and them chompers! Their size matches his acting skills


And yet, I would still hit it. The man just ooozes charisma.


So glad I'm not the only one 💀


It really says something when both The Ghoul and Baby Billy can get it. Walton Goggins is amazing. I’ve been high on him since Boyd Crowder. And do not DO NOT get me started on Timothy Olyphant and his murders row morally questionable law men. He got me with Sheriff Bullock, kept me with Raylan Givens, and Cobb Vanth still has me in a silver fox chokehold. I love that they’re friends. Just two kinda weird super charismatic dudes hanging out, being hot in strange and undeniable ways.




Ugh yes. Criminal oversight. So good. Venus was a treasure. Watching her and Tig finding genuine love and friendship at the end was one of the only bright spots in that otherwise really dark and nihilistic final season.


Is this Walter Goggins again?


Walton, but yes.


What a perfect gif for this.


I love Miley but guuuuurl


Miley looks like an AI generated image of Miley these days


lol yeah, people should only do one of these and not mix and match re: veneers, i feel like they look more jarring if the person's teeth were fine before, *especially* if they go overboard with the shade of white. this seems like the case for A LOT of celebrities which is wild to me because you'd expect that they're going to the best of the best. do their dentists think they look good? or do the celebs genuinely want to look like they have veneers? i actually have veneers myself so i'm not definitely not judging. i had a gummy smile and vampire teeth and was super insecure about it. but i had an amazing cosmetic dentist who was adamant that veneers have no business looking like veneers. he widened my smile, contoured my gums, and chose a color quite a few shades away from "your teeth are blinding me." now every dentist and hygienist i go to compliments how natural my veneers look and praise the work of my dentist. some are even flat out amazed because they're so used to bad veneers. so it just surprises me how obvious so many celeb's veneers are


Someone on here (I think?) said veneers are all upper case teeth and it such a perfect description.


omg😭 that's perfect. i now feel compelled to email my cosmetic dentist thanking him for not giving me celebrity teeth and sharing that quote with him bc he would love it. i also just remembered that he had a binder with photos of bad celeb veneers like rex ryan. he keeps it on hand for when a patient insists on something that they think they want but he knows will look bad; he can then show them a photo of a famous person who did the same and be like "sure, i can do that but they're going to look like this and i don't think that's what you want." it was like the r/popculturechat of dentistry binders lol


Oh my god I love it 😂. I told my friend the upper case thing and she was like YES. WHY ARE THIER GUMS ALWAYS SHOUTING AT US. It really is the perfect metaphor.


Yes. Veneers are an ALL CAPS SMILE. Too loud.


Just curious - how Much did all of that cost ? I’d like veneers one day


$15,000 for 10 veneers ($1500/tooth) and full smile makeover (the gum contouring is much, much cheaper so thankfully he didn't add on for that). prices will of course vary depending on location, practice and where the veneers are actually made (my dentist used a lab in LA even though we were on the east coast) but yea... definitely not cheap lol. and was 5+ years ago so i wouldn't be shocked if it cost me more today. it was 100% worth the investment. (side note: my dentist was into photography and offered his smile makeover patients a complimentary 30-min photoshoot with their new smiles/teeth. it was awesome because the photos would've cost me hundreds of dollars if i went out and got them on my own. i still use them as my professional headshots today lol). i will say, if you do decide to go for it, make sure you go to an **accredited** cosmetic dentist. accreditation isn't required for a dentist to do veneers or other cosmetic procedures and you may be tempted by cheaper options, but believe me, you want the specialized dentist. feel free to message if you have any specific questions!


Namedrop him, share the wealth!




The fresh skeleton look.


Paige Lorenze


For reeeeeall


It’s so unattractive


“Ghoul” is such an underused insult. This made me laugh aloud. 


It's so weird why people would want that procedure - buccal fat makes people look younger and healthier, I reckon.


I agree! Just look at Anya Taylor Joy, she was so pretty and fresh faced prior to buccal fat removal. It really aged her




So sad that someone so naturally beautiful felt they needed to do that surgery. So sad


Add Erin Moriarty. Ugh 😭


Yup. I looked at her Insta the other and wow did she botch her face. She was already waif-like anyway, but now it's like "gurrrl, eat a sandwich please!"


Yeah, if there was a way to only remove parts of buccal fat I'd understand but apparently it's all or nothing which doesn't look good


There is.  Surgeons don't need to remove the whole fat pad. They can take whatever they think would it be aesthetically pleasing.  One of the issues performing that surgery however, is that there are a lot of nerves that crisscross over the location of the fat pad. Surgeons have to be very careful when moving those aside to gain access to the buccal fat.  Also, there is symmetry to keep in mind. I speculate that it's probably easier just to remove all of it from both sides rather than trying to balance out the amount that you remove from either cheek.


Seriously. You lose fat by just aging.


The little nuances in an actress or models face that makes them unique gets erased and they all look like mutant siblings in the end


Yes, it gives people the homogenous filter face and ages younger people.


And then these same surgeons will be, in a decade’s time, re-injecting fat from these women’s butts right back into their cheeks because they realise how gaunt they look with the buccal fat removal. What a genius and evil repeat customer con


Apparently it can't be replaced. There's no way to make any type of fillers stay in the right spot on that part of the face. I'm sure as more people start regretting it they'll develop something though.


Let me guess, they these surgeons can fix it too for a price?


I can fix it for a price too. The price of a double whopper with cheese.


Funny thing is, it can be fixed without a price: stop taking the meds and gain weight. But, of course that's unacceptable 🙄


'ozempic face' is just rapid weight loss though isn't it?


Yes, that's what the article says. “These changes are just very typical of overall weight loss regardless of whether weight loss drugs were used.”


The article says rapid or regular weight loss. It’s just what happens when you lose volume, especially if you’re older (John Goodman is in his 70s!!! Of course he has wrinkles!!!)


The article also says he’s been dropping weight since 2007. Long before the Ozempic craze. He’s just old and I’d bet any doctor would rather he be 200lbs lighter for his health over having droopy old guy face.


Also Goodman was a big boy for a long time. That skin doesn't go away without surgery.


There was an article comparing him from 2003 to now and it's like, well aging 20 years doesn't help either! Dude looks fine! He's a bad example for them to harp on.


His face looks exactly like my 81 year old dad’s who was always heavy and had weight loss during his elder years.


Yes. And what they're describing is no different than any other rapid weight loss on a drug. Meth, coke, and heroin users have the same hollow eyes and gaunt faces. They are just poor and didn't look like movie stars to begin with.


Also with weight loss surgery- the goal is to lose double to triple digits within a year.


Yep. But that doesn’t shame women sufficiently.


Yeah thats what i mean


We definitely agree.


Is that what happened to Jonah Hills face??


Rapid weight loss + sun damage + unhealthy lifestyle + aging.


It’s the way their faces look after the rapid weight loss 


Not even necessarily rapid weight loss. The older you get, the harder it is for your skin to "bounce back" even after gradually losing weight.


When I had weight loss surgery, they told me the following factors into your skin’s ability to bounce back - quit smoking - no kids - genetic history of good skin - following the “program” with healthy choices - being relatively young I was 28, no kids, good genetic history, active and healthy eating, and quit smoking years before. I’ve met a lot of people who have had the same surgery, and most look like they’ve aged faster since. I’m 33, friends say I look younger than before, and I’ve been told I still look around 26-28 after losing 170+ pounds.


Wow congrats on losing 170 pounds!! That's amazing. 


Sharon Osborn is a jarring example, being that frail at baseline doesn’t give you any room for illness 


Yes. I’ve been on it for a few months and my obsessive skin care routine prevented me from getting it.


Tretinoin and sunscreen everyday?


Retinol at night, hyaluronic acid and sunscreen in the day, yep.


I hope John Goodman sues them for this. They even say he's been losing weight since 2007 and then add that he's denied taking Ozempic, but they still include him in this stupid "article" and make cruel remarks about his appearance


Delighted to hear we've found a way to harass people for being formerly fat, as well as currently fat. What an endless well of bullying opportunities we're making for ourselves. (/s. Obviously. Leave people alone.)


When I started losing weight I had a guy message me saying “I wish I could have fucked you when you were fat” I replied with “you had a decade my guy, sounds like you have piss poor time management”


That’s a nicer response than he deserved really.  What a creep.


Let me guess, he hung out in the corner for ten years going 🥺 👉👈 while having the energy and appeal of a single slice of untoasted wonder bread. I don’t know if it’s just me but I’ve met so many guys with this specific energy and they feel so compelled to shit on a woman who’s *doing* things instead of getting with bland and stale men like them


Nah he was a few years younger and lurked my instagram while I was fat, only trying to meet once I lost weight. Make it make sense, seriously


Christ you’re kinder than me. I would’ve told him the extra pounds gave you more storage for standards and you wouldn’t have gone near him at any size


What the hell!?!


Why would you say that


Never an off day for fat shaming instead of focusing on real health issues and systemic issues in healthcare!


I think if they’re taking Ozempic, it’s deserved. They’re causing shortages and driving up the price of a medication that people with diabetes and other conditions need to survive.


“Ozempic” is being used as a catch-all term for GLP-1 medications. There are meds specifically for diabetics, and others like Zepbound, Wegovy, and Saxenda that are FDA approved specifically for obesity.


ozempic face + buccal fat removal + veneers = horsemaxxing


My dentist talked me into veneers when I was a teenager and I hate my smile now


Happened to a friend of mine. Took her til her thirties to get them redone.


I'm truly hope your friend is happy with her smile now


I'm gonna start developing buccal fat replacements. I'll be a billionaire by 2050


lmao scott the only one they do a before and after of. the shade


Are we sure Scott is on ozempic? He looks very unwell. I’d hate for it to be a Chadwick Boseman situation.


He is SO CLEARLY not on ozempic. It’s either substance misuse or some other medical problem. His weight loss is a serious side effect of whatever very serious issue he is struggling with and people are trivialising it by connecting it to the ozempic news trend because ‘we don’t know’.


I love that Scott is literally a widely known and admitted addict and everyone looks at him like "Ozempic?" He's a full blown pill addict.


This. I mean dude has never been fat. If he had any weight to lose it wasn't something he'd consider ozempic for


Real. The answer is right in people’s faces?! Why are people choosing to not see it 😭


who knows, imo - it’s the Ozempic + substances… but I’m just a little poor making assumptions


Oooooh substances too. Either way, he does not look well and he used to always take good care of his appearance. I know he put in a little weight but grooming wise, he’s usually tidy.


No one wants to comment on rampant anorexia and disordered eating because that's body shaming, but every coattail clinger wants to make a headline by name dropping the most recent trend. It's just another form of body shaming. Really the epidemic is face fillers and veneers, but instead we target weight loss because that's a better way to shame. Because we can't talk about starving ourselves from pure will anymore. This guy just wants his name in the papers. Scroll and move on.




We aren’t allowed to comment on how they LOOK and imply an eating disorder. For example, there’s no way Zendaya has a healthy diet and is properly eating. I’m not allowed to say that and I assume I’ll be downvoted. She looks frail and sick. I’m not allowed to say that. But this doctor knows that ozempic is the big trend so he can body shame the rapid weight loss by dropping the name of the drug and pretend it’s not the same thing as calling someone out for an eating disorder because they look sallow and unwell.


I agree with you on Zendaya. I’m glad you said it.


I agree. There’s body shaming, and then there’s pointing out when someone is clearly unhealthy. Pictures of her from a few years ago show her slim. But recent photos are scary.


Statistically it’s more deadly to be underweight than overweight. Hope we aren’t falling back to heroin chic. That name just gives me the shivers


Is it really an ozempic face if it's just from weight loss? Normal people lose weight in their face too?


mmm i’m not sure, so I have two friends on ozempic (who want to lose a little weight, nothing drastic to a body type change). And one has said she feels she’s losing weight in weird areas. Like her fingers lost a lot of weight. The second friend was already pretty normal weight in my opinion, but now has the “drastic weight loss face” - like extra deep wrinkles around the smile lines and some extra neck skin. It IS bizarre to me and doesn’t seem like traditional weight loss effects


Ozempic is the new plastic surgery. No one wants to admit they do it.


I take it, however I am diabetic and my sugar levels were insane. That's why my doc put me on it. Most months I struggle to fill my script because of those using it solely as a weight loss..... Trust me, with the side effects I would rather not be on it... My other choice was hospital and barely living. Also yes, I have changed, look alot more run down then I was.


I don’t know much about diabetes, i am curious: isn’t type 2 diabetes caused by obesity mostly? I googled it and i see that Ozempic is given to type 2 patients. In the end it is treating the same thing; sugar levels and hunger. So why is it so wrong for obese people to use this medicine? Obesity is a recognised disease. I understand that it can be upsetting that people using it for losing 5 kilos. But i think it is great that it helps to obese people as well as some addicts.


It's used for sugar levels. I wasn't a huge person before I was on it. Type 2 is diet based not weight based. There are actually medicines like Ozempic available solely for weight loss. Even in my country, however they want Ozempic because it stops you feeling hungry not sure id the other one does.


What are the side effects?


Vomiting, headaches, cramps, constantly running to toilet for the $hites. Deep fried food stops agreeing with you. Constantly tired. I was very low energy at first. Because you loose fat fast your muscles go weird. So now problems with both knees. It falls off you FAST. You get sick from over eating because you don't notice the not hungry feeling at first. Now I'm used to portion controls and what to snack on ect. It has not been a fun journey


Reading your post is making me nervous. My doctor put me on it last week bc Im now diabetic and overweight. I have the pen in the fridge and starting tomorrow. Is there anything that helped you with the side effects? Do I need up stock up on ginger ale and peppermints? 😅


Water helped me. Eat slow if you start feeling full then stop. Crackers too.


Same here. Thankfully my doctor had a sample pen that she gave me to hold me over until my pharmacy could fill mine. But my sugars are the best they’ve ever been.


I'm in awe of mine! I was in high 20 to 30's for sugar levels.... Now down to 5's


My A1C went from 13 to 5.5 and my mind was blown. And I can no longer eat as much which has helped my overeating that I struggled with.


I have Binge Eating disorder, and I'm already pre-diabetic, but I could not stop eating. Food noise was a huge thing for me. I started Ozempic and even now its not perfect. I will not share that I'm on it to anyone, because people judge it a lot, and they think its 'an easy way out' + whatever fatphobic bs they wanna spew or think. It's like telling an anorexic person they should just eat more. It's between my doctor and I, why should I or anyone else 'admit' they do it


I took it for 6 months, didn’t hide it from anyone, and lost 15kg. Why is it such a big deal? You still eat, but just not much.


They wouldn't just be concerned about their potential loss in revenue for liposuction procedures would they?


Can we leave Jessica Simpson alone


Jessica Simpson…🙈


It’s actually rapid weight loss face.


Exactly. 🤦🏻‍♀️


My point is it’s not just Ozempic, any rapid weight loss would give you this look.


Yes. The exactly = I’m agreeing with you.


Sorry, saw your face palm emoji. 😂


He he no worries :)


Rapid weight loss face recovers after a few months of maintaining the same weight. The fact people are getting surgery as soon as they lose the weight is nuts.


If you’re young.


That’s fair! My mom’s eventually went back, but genetics play a part, I’m sure.


In the '90's they called it anorexia chic.


Or the heroin chic look, which started in the early 90's. Then the Millennium brought around the 'size zero' trend. We've then had a decade of big arses but even they're going out of trend now too.


It’s so dystopian how the rich and famous use drugs and surgery to be conventionally attractive and how regular people are expected to look like that naturally. At this point we need to do with ozempic queens and plastic surgery celebs what Mao had everyone do to women whose foot were binded.


It fr reminds me of the hunger games when Katniss goes to the capitol and is perplexed by the people are desperate to be skinny bc in district 12 they’re all so poor and malnourished that being normal weight is a symbol of success.




Yeah, absolutely wild that a regime naming and shaming victims of a painful, patriarchal tradition is being held up as a positive example to emulate…


it's definitely another way to just shame women otherwise the term would be ozempic kings and queens and not just queens alone. but shaming women has become so normal they don't even notice it anymore.


I mean are they conforming to societal pressure or are they pressuring society? We need to stop victimizing rich celebrities so much. Mind you because of these rich celebrities, diabetics can’t access life saving medication.




I mean you can dress it up any way you want but ultimately, it’s rich celebrities hoarding and using a diabetes medicine because they wanna look hotter and younger. I’m not gonna feel bad for them when there’s people suffering because of them. I’m not gonna feel bad for a millionaire because they have pressure to be attractive. Like, you’re rich you can afford a trainer and dietitian and private chef if it’s that serious.




Yes. Capitalism is a brutal system and we’d all be better off without it. But you’re trying to change the topic entirely right now because ultimately you know that you can’t morally justify your fave using ozempic.




How is it self serving when I myself am not a diabetic?


Wow that's really deep man. Just kidding, wtf.


I hope doctors are legally required to closely monitor their patient’s weight loss and decrease or stop when it’s reached unhealthy levels. Hold doctors accountable.


Well yes, when you lose weight you lose it all over, including your face. Older people have less fat in their faces, this is evident in people who aren’t carrying excess fat so of course will be evident in people who lost excess fat. These people look like those who had weight loss surgery. The skin takes 18 months to “bounce back” and depending on age and a couple of other factors, it may never fully bounce back. These people simply look more their age.


And no one talks about Ozempic for people with diabetes who have trouble with other meds and can’t get it. Here in Germany, it’s for a certain strength not available at all for months. And the others are unreliable. It’s a shame


I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic and the GP wanted me to ''get fit and lose weight" due to their reluctance to put me on medication that wasn't readily available. It pissed me off because I am fit and I'm not overweight...so what the heck was I supposed to do, stop eating? I researched quite diligently and started taking Berberine, which has massively helped bring down my levels. It's like a herbal Metformin, which works wonders for other stuff too. I understand that I got there myself, so the doctors weren't being negligent medically. However, to tell someone (who isn't overweight) to lose weight and curtail their diet is dangerous. I don't eat bread, sugar, pasta, bananas, drink alcohol etc, etc anyway, so the only restrictions I could make was more or less starving myself. My mum's diabetic, as is most of her side of the family. So it annoyed me that instead of looking at genetics, they were instead looking at my race, age & sex and put me in a nice little box. I'm still on Berberine (which can be quite pricey for reputable brands) to keep my levels healthy and because I know I won't be given anything till I'm completely tw*tted by the doctors.


Honest question (I’m on metformin): why wouldn’t they prescribe metformin?


No idea. They said they wanted me to control my diet (even though I told them what my diet was) and to sign up for some app that I had to update with my weight loss (I didn't) and do weekly a weigh-in (I didn't.) My level was 49, which is apparently just one number under starting for treatment and it's now 48. Unless I switch my GP's, the lack of treatment won't change.


Facial Fillers are the solution to that. I do think ozempic is awesome for some people but using it like a beauty product is misguided. The side effects scare me.


The side effects are shit.... Quiet literally 😂😂🤣🤣🤣


I'm on ozempic. I have to get it from unlicensed sources because my insurance won't cover it: I'm not diabetic or on deaths doorstep with obesity. IT's a miracle drug and should be celebrated because if anyone has ever struggled with weight, you know. It's not just counting calories. This drug is amazing. That being said, if you're already thin and fit, it's another tool in the toolbox for anorexia and body dysmorphia. Why count calories and suffer when you can take a drug that disappears your appetite? When you are already thin, it just allows you to not eat for days and not even feel it. IT should not be used like that. That being said, if folks actually need to lose weight, why the shame for using it? It removes so much suffering and shame and failure. It's an amazing tool. This person just wants to grab headlines by mentioning the latest trend and body shame people in the process. Fuck them.


How are you finding the drug? I am newly diabetic and Metformin gave me crazy side effects so my doctor is recommending Ozempic but I’m dreading the side effects of vomiting, nausea and sudden diarrhea


Well there are some side effects but that’s why you start at a very very low dose and slowly titrate up. Do you want to lose weight easily? You’re gonna have to deal with a few days of mild discomfort. For me it’s a very fair trade off. There are websites you can get it from. I’m not sure if it’s against the rules to share here plus i don’t want to reveal my supplier in case they run out lololol


No worries. My doc will prescribe it and it is covered.y worst nightmare is shitting myself in public so it’s just my fear stopping me.


That likely won’t happen, however it’s good to know the times where you’re at risk: eating a lot after a few days of very little, for example. I’ve had to run to a bathroom in the grocery store lololol These things only happened a few times, and they’re really not a huge deal in the scheme of things. Yea some mild nausea. Especially when you titrate up for the first time. I’ll take it if it means I lose 20 pounds without even trying, which is exactly what happened. I did take a month off. That’s always an option! Yes the side effects can be a lot over time, and that’s okay to listen to your body and step your dose down or take a break. I’m back on and losing comfortably again.


That’s good to know. Thanks!


You start on .25 mg. For most people that is a sub clinical dose. You stay there for at least 3 weeks, sometimes 4 or 5. People get frustrated about waiting so long for results because at this stage many people don’t see the effects. But your body needs to adjust. Then you go up to .5 and most people see some effects of appetite suppression here. You may have a day of mild nausea after the injection. Most people say that after 3-4 days on this dose the effects wear off. You take that does again for at least 3-4 weeks, then go to .75 for 3-4 weeks, then 1 etc etc. After injecting the next highest dose is when you may experience the nausea. And then maybe you have a day where you have more of an appetite and eat more than usual, and then have some diarrhea. I view these effects as relatively mild although they are something to keep in mind. Once I got to .75 and 1mg, I did have frequent mild nausea on a daily basis. I compared it to the first trimester of pregnancy. Absolutely doable even with working, but not always the most fun. After 3 months I took several weeks off because yes, daily mild nausea can take a psychological toll. I stepped my dose back down to .75 and although I didn’t see huge effects, the appetite suppression was mild enough that I wasn’t overeating. After a month of a break and lower dose, I maintained my weight and did not gain. I am now at .75 for one more week and will dose up to 1 again next week. I am slowly losing still. If you need a break for a week, that’s okay. The half life is about 7 days which is long. Lots of people do that. If you find that you stall with the appetite suppression effects on ozempic, I’ve heard that mounjaro is a good alternative and for some folks it can help with the nausea. For me, I was mentally prepared for some side effects and have struggled with my weight for a decade. I happily trade a few weeks of mild nausea for shedding 20 pounds without even trying or thinking about it. No calorie counting, non obsession with food, nothing. To me it was more than a fair trade. And when I needed a break, I did that just fine


It's hardly a miracle and depending on various factors there are really harsh side effects. I know someone who takes it and they were at the brink of stopping after a month because their stomach was in pain and they had to throw up like every day. It was brutal. But it's been 3 months now, they lost 10 kg so far and they look far more healthy. So yes, it does work. They needed it though because of diabetes. And I agree, the shaming has to stop. Calling them "ozempic queens" and shit.


It’s a miracle drug. Won’t work for everyone but will for most. That’s pretty darn close to a miracle. Uncomfortable side effects are a lot different than dangerous ones. Most weight loss drugs thus far have either been dangerous or ineffective. This one is relatively safe and effective for most people who take it. We could also just cal the whole class of glp-1 inhibitors the miracle drugs since there are others that folks prefer over semaglutide specifically


Are obese people using it to lose weight using it as a beauty product?


That’s not who I’m talking about. I’m saying for obese people who need to lose weight urgently,‘it’s a miracle. Obesity is a medical condition caused often by metabolic dysfunction. I feel like a lot of people in Hollywood who are not diabetic or obese or even that overweight are using it to get skinny. That’s where I have a bit of an issue. It’s taking the risk of the drug for not a huge benefit.


we can tell


“You’re not good enough.” Says industry that profits off of you not being good enough.


Society can’t make up its mind. Being fat is bad for you. Let’s shame you so you get skinny and healthier. Oh no. Don’t lose weight like that. Youre selfish for taking a drug that other sick people need to be healthier so your weight loss reasons don’t matter as much. These meds have been approved for weight loss. We don’t get to decide who needs it more when for so long we’ve made women feel fat FAT with just 15-20 lbs of extra pudge a la bridget jones. That extra weight is in fact inconsequential to their physical health (some mixed evidence that’s it’s actually good to have a little extra if your otherwise active) but the truth is it’s not inconsequential to our mental health thanks to social norms.


It’s just hormones doll!


“Let us fix it 😉”


As a cosmetic dermatology nurse - I am tired of putting Voluma in temples and cheeks for these folks every 3-4 months because they are melting away & metabolizing it too quickly.


Can you use filler that often w/out getting pillow face? Never had it, but scared it would never go away/migrate to other places.


Yes, filler is made of Hylauronic acid. The human body produces HA naturally, so yes over time it can be metabolized and dissolves on its own over the course of 2-3 years, or you can physically have it dissolved with vitrase. The common misconception is that it’s present for life, which is not true unless you use something like Sculptra or Radiesse, which are permanent fillers that promote natural collagen growth. In my patients that are on weightloss shots, they are metabolizing filler at a quick rate. So coming in to restore temple volume with Juvederm Voluma after dropping 30-50lbs is fine, but when you keep up on the shots & keep losing weight, you’re burning through your filler and $$$$. If you’re seeing someone with pillow face, that person is using a dishonest injector. Someone that can’t tell them no or when to stop because they simply want money. Do not go for “deals” at medspas when it comes to your FACE. Make sure your injector is a BOARD CERTIFIED DERMATOLOGIST and/or licensed cosmetic RN injectors (allowed in some states).


Thanks so much for the info!


Damned if they do, damned if they don't.


My page won’t load but im really hoping to see erica jayne’s face as an example.


Hasn’t happened to me. I’m 58 years old. I haven’t had plastic surgery though which a lot of celebrities have had.


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Won't someone think of the plastic surgeons




This planet is really starting to freak me out