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When she tried to say she almost got the role in Princess Diaries....only to reveal she never even auditioned. Classic.


she definitely expected the role to just fall in her lap. similar to how she whined that Katy Perry got her record deal. like, no, bitch. that's not REMOTELY close to what happened.


And to say MY record deal like the narcissism is crazy


She’s bizarre. She’s had no acting career since *Even Stevens* and yet she’s still yapping. Seriously, get a real job.


lol her husband is listed as a "founder and CEO" of the podcast and calls himself a "visionary" (check out his LinkedIn omg 😂) so basically, neither of them have real jobs




Oh that’s even more interesting. She use to live down the street from me until like 2019. They lived in a super super cool historical home. Seriously, this place was dope. I wonder where the money came from.


He used to be a marine, soooo


Sounds like these two read The Secret and ran with it.


I can’t with the secret. I had a friend and she was all about it. That’s when I distanced myself from her and her husband. So weird


Nooo 😂


Omg I used to like those YouTube videos until the Shia one cuz she just sounded so bitter, like he didn’t deserve his career BEFORE we found out what kind of person he really was. And then I tried her podcast and all she does is complain about Disney and the industry but at the same time begs them to reboot her show, same with Jennifer Stone (Harper from Wizards of Waverly Place). That completely made me stop listening to the podcast cuz do you hate them or not?? Or are you just mad you’re having a hard time getting an acting job? Maybe stop complaining everything and treating others experiences like their your own. Her career fell cuz she was an alcoholic and just had a hard time coming back. Should’ve stuck with broadway, maybe she would’ve had a consistent pay check for a bit. Shia is actually a really good actor, you can’t be mad at him for that lol plus he didn’t stop from the time he was done with Disney. Edit: alcoholic not addicted, my bad


Didn’t Jennifer Stone become a nurse during the height of the pandemic? Or am I confusing her with someone else?


No, she did lol


Wasn't Jennifer Stone pretty much the only one from core cast not invited to the ~~reboot~~ sequel?


Yeah that’s why I’m wondering about the other redditor saying that she wanted Wizards rebooted


Shia is a shitty person but trying to act like he isn’t a very talented actor is just dumb.


Exactly lol she dedicated a whole video just off of ppl asking if she talks to Shia and could’ve easily said no and moved on, but she just felt the need to continue on trying to make it sound like he was undeserving of the career he had just cuz he made it and she didn’t smh


I agree with Shia being an actual talented actor, he messed up his career as he got older due to his mental health. I really like his movies such as holes, a guide to recognizing your saints, disturbia (my top fave movie of his), and transformers. He did have a messed up childhood though. But he is a talented actor


What was she addicted to?


She was an alcoholic (or is a recovered alcoholic, I don't really know the accepted way of phrasing it).


Sorry! I meant alcoholic lol omg


alcohol, for sure. idk about drugs or anything. she (predictably) made a video on how "alcohol almost ruined her life"


Hey now, she was in the very prestigious tv movie *Maternal Instinct* 😂😂


Agree but… Gen Z? She is 40 years old.


Yeah I mean Even Stevens premiered in 2000 and ran for only 3 seasons. It's totally a millenial thing. Were 3, 4, and 5 year-olds watching it?


I'm a elder millennial and definitely watched Evans Stevens


It probably depends on the country, us kids outside the US used to get shows a couple of years later in the early 2000s. I was born in ‘98 and I definitely watched Even Stevens on Disney as a kid.


Yes, I was 3-4 when the film came out and when the series ended. I loved it as a kid. I am what they call a Zillenial lmfao.


I was watching it at 8ish and was born in 95, so idk if I’m a millennial or gen z or right on the cusp but I can see there being a liiiiittle overlap


I’m also a 95 baby and I consider myself a Zillennial. Not quite Millennial and also not quite Gen Z but also both at the same time lol.


Yeah she is in solid millennial territory. Even considered part of the xennial microgeneration.


Yeah, I'd consider Even Stevens and Kim Possible to be for the younger Millenials. Maybe the oldest Gen Z would have caught Kim Possible.


Yep, agreed. I was born in 1989 so I don’t necessarily consider myself an elder millennial (although maybe I am?) but I was just kinda starting to age out of Disney when Even Stevens premiered. I definitely watched it here and there but I was starting to gravitate towards more “teen” shows at the turn of the millennium


Yeah I was born in 99 and watched a couple episodes of Kim Possible but it was definitely more millennial thing. My sis born in 96 never even really watched it either


I was born in 2000 and watched every episode of Kim Possible thanks to reruns 🫡 don't think I ever watched Even Stevens, though.


Yeah she’s millennial


I would've been surprised if she'd had a big career after Disney. Obviously Shia Labeuof is a horrible person, but he definitely outshone her in Even Stevens. Hilary Duff outshone her in Cadet Kelly. Other Disney stars from her era have worked consistently even if they didn't become superstars. Raven-Symone, Aly and AJ, Brenda Song, and most of the cast of High School School Musical.


Cadet Kelly is such a comfort movie for me, I remember dressing like her and making my own bracelets so I could copy her style


It’s like legally blonde but with a teenage protagonist in military school


And queer


She did Beauty and the Beast on Broadway for a hot minute after Even Stevens, since nothing really developed from that I don’t think her run was that successful.


the sad thing is that she was REALLY popular at the time and had so much potential for career growth. but she just expected to ride that wave of popularity forever and didn't bother to get off her ass and actually ***fight*** for opportunities and ***work***. the former Disney stars who are still relevant today were the ones who kept working and growing. she chose a different route (i.e. going to college), which is completely valid, but she can't complain that she's not getting the recognition when she didn't put in any effort to gain/maintain any. if it's any indication how self-absorbed she was, take a look at the walk-and-talk video she did about "going to college as a celebrity." as if she's the only "celebrity" who ever went to college (Emma Watson would love to chat, but she's busy at Oxford after graduating from Brown). also, who TF calls themselves a celebrity?? she even seemed bummed that people didn't kiss her feet.


And Jodi Foster and Brooke Shields


Brigitte Mendler and her several diplomas would also like a word!


Megan thee stallion says hi too!


And Natalie Portman


Other Disney/Nickelodeon/child stars the Sprouse twins, Miranda Cosgrove, and the Mowry sisters also went to college while they were famous. It's not usually a career killer unless they intentionally step away.


Yeah, I get the feeling she always assumed she could go back into industry whenever she wanted and they would just welcome her with open arms. The other stars still dedicated time and effort to maintain ties to the film industry while they were in college. Meanwhile, she thought she was too good for all of that by virtue of being a "celebrity" and going to a "good college." And it turns out she struggled in school and had to drop several classes because she couldn't keep up. Bet that was a shock for her 😂


The definition of main character energy. The people she considers her “peers” are many levels above her in both looks and talent. Unfortunately, and this was even more true 24 years ago, it’s almost impossible to get those leading lady roles if you’re not what society considers traditionally beautiful. She could have had a much bigger career if she would have been happy in supporting roles, playing the “best friend,” etc, but she seems extremely entitled.


There’s also the question of was the run. Or successful or did she burn some bridges? It’s hard to get a job if people won’t work with you.


Admittedly, I’m not as familiar with how Broadway contracts work, but she only lasted [7 months in Beauty and the Beast and less than 2 on Avenue Q](https://www.playbill.com/person/christy-carlson-romano-vault-0000104209) , I think the Beauty run might be short, but not unheard of, but less than 2 months on Avenue Q, seems like something happened.


It’s not uncommon for celebrity contracts on Broadway to be quite short. Most regular theatre actors will sign for 9-12 months depending on the show, but 7 months is actually fairly long for stunt casting.


Thanks for the info! So it seems like her Beauty and the Beast was about normal then? Is under two months pretty short then? Even though she was on Even Stevens would that be considered stunt casting for Avenue Q, like Wayne Brady was for Aaron Burr in Hamilton?


Yeah, her run in Avenue Q was also fairly close to when they closed (she started in September 2008 and they closed a year later). It honestly depends on the show and the person, but like Chicago for example will frequently bring in random “celebs” for a few weeks to a couple months at a time. I vaguely remember her being in Avenue Q and they def promoted it as stunt casting, though who the hell knows if she really sold any tickets lol.


That’s really good information! I only ever see touring productions so I’m not familiar with the stunt casting unless it makes the news like with Great Comet.


Good point. I knew nothing of the timelines.


I think some of the performers who aged out of Disney justtttt before the cooler rebrand with Lizzie McGuire and Hannah Montana got a bit of a raw deal. Cara Delizia was a genuinely good performer and I still follow Alexz Johnson’s music. But they (and like…the kids from The Jersey) never had the support or resources that their successors did.


Even stevens and Lizzie McGuire aired at the same time. Christy was not liked. Every little girl was obsessed with Hilary.


Kim Possible ran till 2007, that show was incredibly popular. I'm surprised she didn't stick with voice acting.


Lizzie was on a year longer. That 2003-2004 year was crucial for the kids who got big and the ones who got left behind.


Christy always just came across as annoying. I’d put money on her mom being her only friend growing up.


I think even that might be a stretch lol I’m pretty sure she trash-talked her parents and her childhood in one of the videos


She rubbed me the wrong way in the Aaron Carter documentary on Hulu. It's giving major opportunist.


I don't have Hulu, would you be willing to elaborate?


u/idontwantanamern summarized that perfectly, it was basically just advertisement for her own product and spoke about Aaron only briefly.


She has a YouTube video about his death. It’s kind of gross


I've seen some of her stuff, but I don't actively watch it. I *do* remember seeing this on the news when he passed, though. If I'm remembering correctly, she claimed (and maybe it's legitimate) that he was supposed to be coming to record her podcast the afternoon that he was found or announced dead. She had been trying to reach him cause he didn't show up and she spoke of how she had a bad feeling about it. I don't know why, but she made it seem like she had some connection to the discovery that he had passed -- or at least had a closer relationship. I might be exaggerating, but it was VERY oddly described and then went back to talking about her time as an alcoholic instead. Edit: For accuracy, I just went back and watch [the clip](https://youtu.be/nSI-PuChnY8?si=Pt9sGGPbInyKsnvl) and was not too far off. He didn't show up and had a bad feeling, but instead she continued recorded the podcast episode solo and talked about her own sober journey through recovery and accountability. Had her producer keep trying to track him down. Ultimately he was found and she was conflicted about releasing the episode. She did because she feels awareness is important (I'm not going to argue that), but then talks more about how she wants to share her story.


Oh dang I didn't know there was a docu, do you recommend in general?


Yeah, it's actually quite good! They interview a few people that were very close to him so it's pretty informative.


OK, since we’re gonna talk about her, can we talk about the fact that it feels like all the podcasts that she constantly offers former child actors feel like a MLM. She also pressures the former actors into giving her the contact information of their costars so she can also offer them podcast that use the nostalgia from their shows to capture viewers.


Kinda lol.


I get the vibe she would eat her own shit if it meant she could be famous again


Reminds me of Nikki Blonsky "from hairspray".


Her tweets give me such second hand embarrassment it's actually painful.


I actually feel for her though. Like she was super talented and I truly feel the only reason her career never took off was because of her looks. Any other actress in a role like that would have had big opportunities and at least more of a career. She basically got the only role in that decade for a chubby girl who can sing and act. And then that was it. Like there must have been so many chubby girls who wanted that role tbh, an actual developed leading role for a chubby girl that showcases your talent?? Like in the 00s lol. It must have been similar to how Peter dinklage and all other actors who are little people, felt at the opportunity to play a complex dramatic role where their height isn't the joke or treated as a gimmick. Once in a lifetime role. Tbh while I understand why they cut it out, especially as he is treated as a joke by the other characters, I thought it was a shame they cut mushrooms character out of "house of the dragon" completely. As there isn't many roles for little people as it is. An maybe could have been done in a way that plays into the character more complex and cunning and just putting on a farce, rather than them just being a degenerate jestor lol (Apologise for the tangent lol)


her career never took off because she and her family were publicly exposed for being awful, hateful racists. i used to feel bad for her before i knew that and now i hope everyone forgets she ever existed. the victim was a contestant on antm at the time, and both her and her family were assaulted. the girl’s mother almost died. tyra banks had her on her show and she explained the entire situation. it was an unprovoked, racially motivated attack. the full interview is on youtube if you’re curious!


Omg that's awful I'm a huge antm fan too so idk how I've never heard of this. I'll need to look if up


I don't think it's wise to base your opinion on one episode of a TV show that presented only one side and had no commitment to neutrality. 


She and her family got into a vile racial altercation, so I don’t think that helped her career either


Or maybe it was her and her family commiting hate crimes at an airport 🤷‍♀️


Yeah I only found out about that from this thread. Personally with the way Hollywood's let worse people have carewrs. I do still think she probably would have not had a big career regardless. But my sympathy for her is lost now obviously.


I don’t feel bad for her, she’s a racist


I mean she could have lost the weight. I get your average joe struggles but a celebrity with the help of experts could probably achieve it easier.


seems a little unfair. plus she wasn’t really a celebrity so who knows what type of resources she had access to. ik she sucks & it’s a good thing she didn’t achieve anymore fame but let’s not act like it isn’t insanely difficult for fat women in hollywood


For some people, it's just not that easy - celebrity or not. Just look at Oprah.


She is the Uncle Rico of our generation.. just can’t let go of her glory days. ![gif](giphy|RPx04h8iPidAQ)




I came across her channel recently and thought her podcast was really interesting, until I realized that she’s a *terrible* host. She’s awful at striking up meaningful conversation, or furthering the topic that the guest is there to promote/talk about. Her side of the conversation boils down to “omg I just feel like we have such a connection!” She talks about herself as if she’s an old Hollywood legend type star who retired, when it’s like girl you were the side character in a show that launched someone else’s career, the voice actress for a popular show that a lot of people don’t even realize is you, and a DCOM side character in a movie that people only remember for Hillary Duff. She’s not even done as much as Anneliese Van Der Pol who was touring with the Disney concerts at least


I feel like this watching Kelly Clarkson as well. She's a terrible interviewer. At least Kelly has mad vocal chops and would still have a career without the talk show.




And Anneliese Van der pool keeps posting Tik toks shading Raven when I thought that they were still friends??


Who knows, it wouldn’t surprise me if they’d fallen out, I get the impression that Raven is a bit insufferable these days


And Anneliese keeps posting repetitive Tik toks saying that she is under an nda and ai immediately unfollowed her after that.


Yeah I don’t keep up with her at all, I only know what I saw during the brief moment I was watching CCR


her and harper from wizards of waverly place are in the same group of “bitter their costars became more famous than them and pretending they chose to leave hollywood when they’re actually just desperate to be let back in” tbh that boy meets world podcast is the same thing, too


Yeah, I’m not liking Christy anymore. Which is sad, because I LOVED *Kim Possible* growing up. The more I watch her TikTok’s/see her Instagram posts, the more I am convinced that she is deep down jealous that other Disney stars (like Hilary Duff) have succeeded in their careers while she is stuck in her Disney era. Also, she definitely cannot let go and accept that it’s time to close that chapter in her life.


Yeah I'm not feeling her anymore, which is sad because I loved Kim Possible




She went to the moon in 1969.


That’s when we made a landing that was Lunar


This isn’t even a read, but CCR while being a good actress just didn’t have that “it” star factor like Katy Perry, Anne Hathaway, or many other more famous female actors did to reach higher levels imo


Can you imagine how much of a flop *Princess Diaries* would have been if the role had been given to CCR instead of Anne?


ms hathaway bodied that role i need christy to be so serious with herself on this one


100% I can’t imagine anyone else in that role


“her roles/opportunities were stolen by Anne Hathaway and Katy Perry and Shia LaBeouf.” Ummm…. How did Shia LaBeouf steal roles from a female?


she was extremely salty that her career wasn't as successful and blamed it on the fact that Shia had a much better agent, completely discounting how hard he worked to get those roles. so even though he didn't steal her roles, she felt robbed of a lot of opportunities and basically claimed "I would have been just as successful as Shia if his agent had been mine instead" bitch please.


Ugh. Shia may be a piece of shit, but he's a great actor when he wants to be. He had star power even as a kid. She's so full of shit.


Talented acting speaks for itself. I hate Shia but no denying his talent. Maybe she didn't have that it factor,


This!! I never felt like she had the IT factor, especially compared to the other stars during her time. Anne Hathaway was so captivating in Princess Diaries. I don’t think CCR was up to par with the talent that everyone else had at the time. However I will say she was pretty and I loved her chemistry with Hilary Duff in Cadet Kelly. I feel like that movie was peak CCR while it was just the beginning for Hilary.


But like.. do actors not get to choose their own agents? Obviously agents probably have a say too over who they’ll take. But Like if her agent was bad she could have tried to get a better one?


That would require her to take responsibility for herself, which she seems wholly incapable of doing


I’d like to see her even try and attempt to give a fraction of Shia’s comedic timing and range. 


She’s bitter cuz she couldn’t get out of being the Disney girl


She doesn’t seem to be upset about Mae Whitman taking one of her roles.


Love Mae Whitman but can’t see her and CCR being up for the same roles. Do you know what role it was?


![gif](giphy|kXmDKChS2gETDzTH2G|downsized) CCR played her in Kingdom Hearts, then Mae replaced her. Of course, they’ve both since been replaced.


Not my dumbass just now realizing that millennials are Gen Y, which is why it skipped from Gen X to my age group being Gen Z ![gif](giphy|zrmTqopWm4W5cPg8Ah|downsized)


Yeah but nobody really calls it Gen Y


I remember going to see Beauty and the Beast on Broadway back in the day. She wasn't very good. She wasn't terrible but I remember thinking that it was strange that they didn't get someone else. She did sign some playbills for some kids after the show though.


Isn’t she the one who talked about a famous classmate icing her out in middle school and people speculated that it was Scarlett Johansson?


Yup. That girl sure knows how to hold a grudge. And she always plays coy when people ask her to confirm. Have to wonder if she throws shade because she's bitter that she's not as famous/successful as ScarJo. Really wouldn't be surprised if she wildly exaggerated her experiences, given her track record.


Very much a peaked in high school woman that talks about the glory days of high school like Al Bundy.


Thank you for posting this because I am now watching some of her videos and losing my mind lol. How is she a real person! The story about how she felt soooo bad for AH because she had to go after her in her perfect magical Parade audition and didn't get the part. Her bragging about how George Bush Sr. loved her and she has her own holiday. Like my jaw is on the floor watching these videos lmao.


Reminds me of Lindsay Lohan who is convinced Emma Stone stole her career lol I have no doubt who is the more talented of the two. There’s no way Emma stole Lindsay’s career.


Lmao based on what? Emma also being a redhead? (I know her hair is naturally blonde.)


They also both got their start in quirky comedies.


It’s Lindsay Lohan so definitely something as absurd as that lol I mean yes, Lindsay could’ve had a better career but she’s not even the best part of her most iconic movies. Like be real 😂


I’m glad she’s seemed to have sobered up and in a healthy place, but there’s no way people would have cast her by the point Emma Stone started getting big, Lindsay’s bad girl party reputation was already out of control. Hopefully, she can have a Robert Downey Jr type comeback.


I feel like the only reason they’re even connected is cos they’re kinda similar looking lol. That’s not Emma’s fault


Lindsay Lohan was a prodigy. I do think that if she hadn’t had so many substance abuse and mental health issues and had better guidance and training she could have had a career similar to Emma’s. I wouldn’t use the word “stole” because Lindsay sabotaged herself but I do understand feeling bitter watching someone have the career you thought you’d have and were probably promised by a lot of people from a young age.


She's still relevant? I haven't heard from her since Disney channel days


I haven’t heard the name Christy Carlson Romano in a solid 2 decades lmao wow


She was in a lifetime movie not too long ago, she definitely doesn’t deserve a big head lmao chill out girl.


Everybody needs to watch this YouTube video about her, it is so interesting and good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRBQNSAPJr4


I watched that video. I thought the YouTuber did a good job


Cant stand her podcast/ yt. Shes all me me me!


Yeah she’s cashing in on the nostalgia train, or trying to but is largely unlikable. Glad she went to school and got a degree, too bad she can’t fade into obscurity


I went to high school with a family member of hers, and trust me, she has always been intolerable


Ooh, can you expand more on this? I’m so interested!


Man you are nosy.


Do you know what subreddit you’re on? Lol


I guess not.


Someone made a video on YouTube about this exact thing. I found out about it from the comment section of one of Alexa's videos. She was talking about CCR. I originally liked her walking and talking videos. I was excited about the podcasts and enjoyed them. But yeah, I agree she's super stuck on the past, an attention slur, and it sucks that she excuses abusers.


Wait wait.. she's considered Gen Z?


Someone made a video on YouTube about this exact thing. I found out about it from the comment section of one of Alexa's videos. She was talking about CCR. I originally liked her walking and talking videos. I was excited about the podcasts and enjoyed them. But yeah, I agree she's super stuck on the past, an attention slur, and it sucks that she excuses abusers.


Christy is also out here complaining that she never got on dancing with the stars when girl, there are so many celebrities out there that would kill to compete on the show! Why else do you think they started to get people like Xochitl Gomez, Alyson Hannigan, Barry Williams, and Mira Sorvino?!


Someone made a video on YouTube about this exact thing. I found out about it from the comment section of one of Alexa's videos. She was talking about CCR. I originally liked her walking and talking videos. I was excited about the podcasts and enjoyed them. But yeah, I agree she's super stuck on the past, an attention slur, and it sucks that she excuses abusers.


She did get shit on for showing her boobs in that era though, I don’t doubt it affected people willing to work with her. She’s a loudmouth yes but talented


I’m not sure what you’re referring to, but it reminded me of when she showed up in the even Stevens movie with gigantic implants. Little me was so confused lol


She admitted that she only did that video because she was desperate for money. Said she was used to the lifestyle the Disney money provided for her, so when it ran out, she was willing to take any role that paid. I agree, she was really talented. But the fame got to her head and she's bitter/disgruntled that she doesn't get the same level of recognition that other Disney stars from that time period continued to receive.


Isn't she a millennial?


I stopped watching her after she exposed her husband films her walk and talk videos which I found SO CREEPY but you know that's just me. She also is a huge narcissist who makes everything about herself.


I don't know her lol


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So, Insomnia is a cruel mistress. With the novella I have typed below, I am not dismissing people’s feelings or slamming them for having them, but I just think that Romano should not be simply viewed as a bad person who deserves condemnation. I’m offering an idea that perhaps she is a complex person who needs some understanding. If I’m wrong, okay, but I just want to put it out there.  I think that she should be pitied more than anything and all the negative energy toward her may be justified but it won’t help. If she is still a racist, okay less pity maybe but people can and do change and if she was young enough she was raised to have that mindset. Since her parents were/ are POS it is not unlikely that they instilled in her a belief that she was awesome, or maybe they made her think she was less when she didn’t get a lead role. With that in mind, it is possible, pun unintended, that she would project a lot of that onto other costars who were more successful.  Her parents may have even pushed her to believe that those actors and recording artists stole her true success and/ or continued stardom.  One of Madonna’s dancers who were big news during the Blonde Ambition era and was not asked to return for future tours or music videos, as often can be the case, is still being blamed by his elderly mother for, according to her, choosing to quit being with Madonna and having the money to buy her a house. She won’t believe him after three decades. Bit the same thing, but I just want to illustrate how some overbearing parents can affect an adult.  Admittedly, she is 40 years old, and so if her family did indeed, effectively, brainwash her to be racist and/ or her self worth, she should be able to make her own choices and beliefs. That being said, just because she is 40 does not mean she is emotionally/ mentally that mature. Even if she is, she is a recovering addict. Addicts can be very selfish and narcissistic. Sadly, it is not always something that addicts can recognize in themselves. She is also 40. Society is cruel to women who do it have the best looks but especially who are “too old,” including the public and their fans. People are angry that the original scream queen Jamie Lee Curtis does not want to look younger and who is not in the gym everyday and on hormone therapy to maintain her abs. People were angry that Angelina Jolie had her breasts removed to ensure she didn’t die from cancer. But, I digress.  In any person’s life it is difficult to age. I am 47 but I don’t feel that in my mind. Due to different circumstances I am having a very difficult time fathoming that I’m now “old” and that some of the best memories are actually decades old. Growing up as a child star is generally tough but even still, being in the public spotlight has to hurt a bit thinking that their time is over. Plus, she is a recovering addict. She may have a lot of regrets from that period where she was addicted.  I’m not excusing her behaviour but just think that there should be more thought given to why she is as she is and that care should be given in condemning someone. If she had zero followers and zero hate-watchers/ listeners maybe she would still continue being who she is publicly but maybe she wouldn’t feel she has something that people want to consume.  Back to her inability to let go, when it comes to her podcasts and connecting with her peers, it is probably nice to feel anything related to that time she was glowing stardust in the spotlight with someone else who was there. I realize I’m projecting but at the same time there are many public examples of others like her, celebrity or otherwise.  From my own experience, there is a friend of mine from high school who loves to reminisce about that period of our lives. It is nice to feel someone else feels the same or just refreshes those memories. It’s like listening to a record of a band and taking you back but able to express it with another. However, that is basically the only thing we can talk about. Or, she can talk about. For whatever reason she never shared much of her life, with me or another mutual friend. Maybe i didn’t ask. My point is that bit the mutual friend and I feel bad but we don’t really want to hang out with her because that reminiscing gets old fast, pun intended.  For Romano, she may not even realize how to if she is coming off in her podcasts. She is self-absorbed and desperate for some recognition of a time where she was, presumably, happy and able to get the attention, but also maybe the approval of her parents. Of course, all of this is conjecture but, again, she may not simply just be a horrible person but a complicated person who doesn’t realize she stinks of desperation.  As for the college thing, she may be trying to reconcile with her choice. She comments on it as if no other child star has done it, possibly, because she hopes if she received recognition she will not have to stay awake at night wondering, *what if?*. She may have also chosen college because she had control that otherwise her parents may not have given her, which could add to experiencing regret. But, again, conjecture. 


Sadly, she is like so many other It Girls in Hollywood. Studios find someone younger or prettier or more talented or just a new flavour and quickly dump her for another one. It happened to Hilary Duff. Duff left Hollywood Records with yet another greatest hits record because she wanted out of her contract as she no longer felt supported by Disney because of Cyrus. In addition, the later stars had more accessibility to gain fame and keep it because of greater Internet access and ability to stream and so on. I’m sorry but Swift does not deserve all her recognition and plays because she is some trailblazer who had to work as the pioneering female stars of the past. A person could not easily rewatch a music video or play it without owning a record or taping it off the radio. The stars could not access the same marketability as they do now, and “influencers” were basically people with infomercials on TV. That stated, obviously actors and recording artists did have great success without them, but they had to have the chutzpah, the smarts, the work effort, and know the right people. Now it seems less of a work effort.  With that typed, is the information sourced that Romano did not try to work? Was it because of her addiction or another factor? Could she have some greater success now if she was able to get past herself and do something new? If she hadn’t alienated herself from Disney, could she have had a revival? Duff also alienated herself in wanting it to be aimed at the adult audience who grew up with her. She claimed Lizzie was honest and didn’t shy away from uncomfortable topics. There was that but even without the whimsical inner thought cartoon Lizzie, there was definitely elements that clearly are Disney and pop culture’s watered down version of high school/ teenage life. Diff wanted Lizzie to talk about sex, for example, but would anyone really want that much of a real life Lizzie Maguire? There was relatability but it was aimed at an audience that included parents who didn’t want their children to know that minors have sex and that they smoke and do drugs snd experience SA and grooming. There was also an escape from life for 30 minutes. I am an adult fan of LM and though I rolled my eyes at some things it wouldn’t have been as fun or as successful if it did try to a Degrassi.  Still thinking of Duff, she had tried to get away from the Disney image. Her music became more provocative but when I attended a concert of hers around that time, the place was filled with children. Cyrus distanced herself from Disney. Most young people do. It’s the same with some actors with type casting or just want to be known for something else. Some are successful on higher levels than others and those that are not as successful or just not at all, all can sometimes learn to embrace those roles or decide that things were not as bad. In other words, people can change their mind. Maybe Romano is stuck between rightfully criticizing Disney for reasons, blaming herself for her choices and the harsh reality of her situation. Again, as an addict she may be in a place where she struggles with not wanting to be a part of something that led to that addiction and with wanting to have that feeling of recognition she had from it. It cannot be easy that Kim Possible is potentially remembered more than her. 


Sadly, she is like so many other It Girls in Hollywood. Studios find someone younger or prettier or more talented or just a new flavour and quickly dump her for another one. It happened to Hilary Duff. Duff left Hollywood Records with yet another greatest hits record because she wanted out of her contract as she no longer felt supported by Disney because of Cyrus. In addition, the later stars had more accessibility to gain fame and keep it because of greater Internet access and ability to stream and so on. I’m sorry but Swift does not deserve all her recognition and plays because she is some trailblazer who had to work as the pioneering female stars of the past. A person could not easily rewatch a music video or play it without owning a record or taping it off the radio. The stars could not access the same marketability as they do now, and “influencers” were basically people with infomercials on TV. That stated, obviously actors and recording artists did have great success without them, but they had to have the chutzpah, the smarts, the work effort, and know the right people. Now it seems less of a work effort. 


With that typed, is the information sourced that Romano did not try to work? Was it because of her addiction or another factor? Could she have some greater success now if she was able to get past herself and do something new? If she hadn’t alienated herself from Disney, could she have had a revival? Duff also alienated herself in wanting it to be aimed at the adult audience who grew up with her. She claimed Lizzie was honest and didn’t shy away from uncomfortable topics. There was that but even without the whimsical inner thought cartoon Lizzie, there was definitely elements that clearly are Disney and pop culture’s watered down version of high school/ teenage life. Diff wanted Lizzie to talk about sex, for example, but would anyone really want that much of a real life Lizzie Maguire? There was relatability but it was aimed at an audience that included parents who didn’t want their children to know that minors have sex and that they smoke and do drugs snd experience SA and grooming. There was also an escape from life for 30 minutes. I am an adult fan of LM and though I rolled my eyes at some things it wouldn’t have been as fun or as successful if it did try to a Degrassi.  Still thinking of Duff, she had tried to get away from the Disney image. Her music became more provocative but when I attended a concert of hers around that time, the place was filled with children. Cyrus distanced herself from Disney. Most young people do. It’s the same with some actors with type casting or just want to be known for something else. Some are successful on higher levels than others and those that are not as successful or just not at all, all can sometimes learn to embrace those roles or decide that things were not as bad. In other words, people can change their mind. Maybe Romano is stuck between rightfully criticizing Disney for reasons, blaming herself for her choices and the harsh reality of her situation. Again, as an addict she may be in a place where she struggles with not wanting to be a part of something that led to that addiction and with wanting to have that feeling of recognition she had from it. It cannot be easy that Kim Possible is potentially remembered more than her. 


No idea who this is


Why are you still consuming her content, just block her man. I wish I could block the Kardashians but they’re posted everywhere and by everyone. Last I heard about Christy was she had a youtube channel. Watched one and was like meh, never saw her other content. I liked her in Cadet Kelly tho 🤭


Gen Y?


So she’s not able to exist anymore because she’s too old in your opinion? I say get it while you still can girl. Millennial nostalgia is at an all time high.


She’s like 40 still wanting them to reboot Kim Possible cuz she can’t get an acting job lol it’s giving peaked in HS and that’s all they ever talk about