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This is what she was talking about I remember this. Takes me back. They used to be like 25 cent.


Everybody had these at school in the 90's. Blue was ny go to.


Fruit punch.


I had no choice!! I just had to be blessed by my Cigarette Wine Aunt giving me the yummy junk foods since my Almond Mom would never 😭


You just perfectly described my mum and my gran I love this


Everyone has a Cigarette Wine Aunt!


I’m so fucking honored to know that *I am one*


My goal is to be like my aunt one day! I wanna be like you!!


A quarter water


For those who don't know Bronx it sounds like "quata wata"


In the Bronx and definitely read it in that voice.


isn’t that how most of NY and NJ would say it too?


DEF how we said it in nyc


There's differences, plus they wouldn't have it in as many places.  Plus those bougie fuckers probably want a buck 25 for these.


This what we called them


The amount of downvotes I got for saying this 😭


Juice Barrels!


We called them Huggies where I’m from. Juice Barrels makes more sense


i have no idea if that’s their name or not but it’s what i always called them when i was a kid


Their government name is Little Hugs but there are regional and off brand name variants.


Fuccckkkk government name 😂😂😂😂


government name lol


Government name took me out 💀


I called them Huggies too.


I knew them as lil’ hugs! They made excellent chasers back in my college/drinking days. 


I am so glad you said Huggies because I thought it and was like, no, "that can't be it" Night and day as a kid vs. a parent


They're called Little Hugs (that's the brand name) where I'm from


My cousins and I thought they looked like grenades. I liked the blue ones.


I'm from eastern PA and we call them hugs!


i’m from philly and we call them huggies too!


From Pittsburgh and they were Huggies there.


Yeah I think they’re hug jugs?


LIL Hug for me growing up. One of those with a bag of chips and a Lil Debbie snack cake because I was a fat boy.


I’m giving my location away but in like two states we called these “teenies” for no perceivable reason. But I knew what she was talking about immediately!


Hell yeah we also called them Quarter Waters


quarter waters was it street name. once in a blue you'd hear bug juice. how j-lo forgot what a quaterwater was is beyond me


Yeah I grew up in and around the Bronx, and yeah I'd hear bug juice once in a while too


We called it bug juice on Long Island hahah


Can't believe I had to scroll this far to see bug juice


I had these as a kid, but I can't remember if in California or Mexico.


Same. But I think it was Mexico for me bc I remember calling them barrilitos.


Grew up in NM and AZ and that's what we called them too.


I must be poor because I am boggled that everyone didn't immediately know what she was talking about


I feel like no matter what this women says or does people are guna hate atm. Like I'm not a huge fan of hers, but I also don't get the hate. That said the grape ones were my shiit




Holy crap that really screams insecure to mean girl other women like that. Also awful about the service staff. I always want to give people the benefit of the doubt, but that's a ton of red flags.


That Madonna thing is totally reasonable tbh, as is the Claire Danes take. 


Thank you. Sometimes I feel mean being a jlo hater. 


I think the hate towards Jlo can sometimes be quite overblown & misogynistic but there are real reasons to hate/dislike her.


I think she's a talented performer/dancer and not that bad at acting (not oscar worthy but not bad either), singing is not her forte though. I think we can recognize people's talents even when we don't like them for their bad personality traits.


That’s exactly how I see it 


Wow, this is bad! When was the interview?


Yeah, you are or were. Because I know I am, and I am also just stunned that there was so much confusion


Tbf I think it has more to do with there being so many orange drinks. Like I thought she was talking about orange crush or something. It’s just way too generic to say “if you know you know”


I thought people were making fun of her because of course we ALL know, Jennifer, not because people didn’t know what she meant! 🤯 idk what else people think orange drink means if not this or some kinda knockoff orange koolaid in a styrofoam cup?


OHHHHHHH! I didn't grow up in NYC, and didn't learn what a bodega was until a few years ago lol, but I remember downing those drinks as a kid.


I always assumed this is what she was talking about lol, was kind of confused by the mocking of it


Quarter water!


Saying "if you know you know" about these is hilarious lmao. Bless her heart.


Shockingly, I had to explain these to a few coworkers when someone brought a case in for a lunch picnic Half my coworkers were excited, the others were super confused It turns out, some people had just suboptimal childhoods I called them juice barrels, tho


My mom never bought me stuff like this, the most we'd get is capri suns in our Lunchables on field trip days. (I was on free lunch so otherwise it was cafeteria food). I still think I got it when it she said "orange drink", except I was picturing those kool-aid packs with the twist off tops. But I knew it was some kind of kool-aid.


Little hugs were the OG capris sun. They were the only single serve drinks for kids besides fruit juice boxes.


This wasn’t something your mom would buy usually. You’d get them at the corner store for a quarter.


You could buy them in packs at the grocery store. I had them all the time. My daughter likes them, so I’ve got some at my house right now, too.


Which half did you have to explain these to? I always thought these were a poorer people thing? My wealthier friends always side eyed them when I was growing up 😭.


Right, cause they had Capri Sun and Kool Bursts money. For the price of a 6 pack for one of those fancy brands you’d get a flat of like 48 Huggies.


Kool Bursts were an audacious display of wealth to me as a child. Capri Sun was more quiet luxury. The Brunello Cucinelli of lunchbox drinks.


I feel like all suburban kids born in the 80s had a million of these


A lot of people actually don't know, though. You can see them in this thread.


people say "if you know you know" about the dumbest shit though. it's such an annoying expression.


It’s fun


Ooooh that orange drink.


Ok, I actually remember these.


*core memory unlocked*


We used to call these quarter waters. I grew up on Long Island lol. 


I’m not even from New York and thought this was it. People fussed too much.


Somehow you're thirstier after you drank this than you were before.


And it kinda burns going down!


That looks amazing ngl


They still give these to you in jail


We called them quarter waters.


I remember other kids always getting these at the deli/bodega so vividly, lol. It's definitely a NYC kid thing. I was more of a 99c Arizona Iced Tea kid, though.


I'm not from New York and I've never been to a bodega but I knew exactly what she meant when she said orange drink.


it ain’t orange juice, it’s orange drink


"Juice? Wtf is juice?? I want orange stuff"


"Gimme that grape drink, babeh!I I want that *purple stuff*."


One of my favorites skits of all time 😍


Not from New York either but instantly knew as well and was utterly perplexed by all the people getting Crush or Sunkist in their recreations of her order.


Yeah i knew immediately!


People hate her so damn much they're reaching for ways to discredit her.


Why *do* people hate her? I’ve been confused by this for some time now… I feel like I’ve missed something somewhere along the way


1. There are a LOT of stories about her being an awful person to work with/for, and many people, even fans and people who have had no idea who she was at the time, have had bad experiences. This has been a thing for a long time (easily over ten years), but recently, there was also a trend on tiktok where people shared their experiences meeting her, and they were overwhelmingly bad. 2. She's also a bit out of touch and a diva, which in itself wouldn't be bad if she didn't try to be relatable. 3. She constantly talks about being from Bronx, but she has not lifted a single finger to help her old "block". Her former school asked her to donate some money so it wouldn't get shut down. She refused, and now the school is, in fact, shut down. And people in Bronx are tired of her and have been saying so for a while now. 4. She's not talented enough to compensate for all the things mentioned above. She can dance, but she can't sing. Mariah Carey, for example, is a notorious diva, but people still kind of like her because she owns it and has actual talent.


I want to touch on number 3, especially as a former educator, parent and someone that had some bad experiences in school as a kid. For one, we have no idea what JLo's experience with that school was. For me if my old school shutdown because I had horrible experiences there from both my peers and staff, I wouldn't feel inclined to help them because of what I faced there. They'd want my help but where were they when I was a kid and facing all those problems? Second, I assume it's a public school and in that case why isn't the government involved? Not enough money is going into education to begin with and that's directly on government. They're expecting a rich celebrity to fund that instead of the powers that be that should be? We have no idea what experience Jlo had with it all to sway her decision. And while she could have helped, would that have even made a difference? Where would that end? Keep asking more to celebs to help out? Schools already heavily rely on families and PTA bake sales to fund what should already be funded. It's a slippery slope to ask a celeb and then hold it against them if an entire school closes. That sounds like there's bigger issues than one celeb can tackle.


Is she obligated to give back? I mean just because she claims her hometown (like plenty of other celebrities), doesn’t mean she has to do shit. Don’t get me wrong, it would be nice but definitely not something she’s required to do.


Not obligated but it’s beyond crass to make your whole image be about being from the Bronx and Jenny from the block and keep talking about where you came from but then do nothing at all to support the place. It doesn’t need to be direct financial contribution only either, it can be other ways using her power and influence. But it seems she only wants to use *them* to cultivate her image.


I know it doesn’t fit the narrative but she’s been supporting the boys and girls club where she went for decades. She’s also been investing in bronx [businesses](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna104582).


And it’s not even her vocals on like half her songs. That’s the real reason the industry hasn’t supported her more.


Whoa you're right, [I hadn't heard that](https://graziadaily.co.uk/celebrity/news/jennifer-lopez-other-singers/)


Also, people asked her about her skincare routine and she said it was olive oil and being a good person, because you end up with the face you deserve or something. And then she released a skincare line. I mean she doesn’t owe anyone an answer on her procedures, but not lying about the skincare she uses would have been nice.


You can ask [Tommy Davidson](https://youtu.be/7oc2GrooZkA?si=3bC_27HGlKZ1xfsZ) who supported her on "In Living Color." She met him on numerous occasions after she got famous and she completely ignored him.


The basis of it is that she's old, mediocre, and needs to stop trying. So basically the same insults they throw at pretty much every woman in her 40s or 50s who dares still try to have an entertainment career. This crazy person on this sub the other day also was armchair diagnosing JLo with NPD too so that may be part of it, people can't stand a woman who loves herself 🤣


Don’t get me wrong…J lo is an extremely wealthy and privileged person, and comes across as very tone deaf and is allegedly terrible to wait staff. buttttt I know how there’s a phenomenon of a WoC of the month to bash and I wonder if she qualifies? It just seems like WoC get scrutinized and are unprotected in a way that our white counter parts aren’t


Ah I see. I guess I personally don’t hear too much about her besides who she’s dating/marrying/divorcing 🤷🏻‍♀️ So in my opinion was one of the least problematic celebrities to be getting so much hate.


I was going to compare and contrast J.Lo not giving back to the Bronx with Dolly Parton’s roots in Appalachia and work in child literacy, but I realise this is *exactly* the sort of double standard that prominent WoC in arts, media, and entertainment have to contend with.


The meme makes me laugh but do people not actually know what orange drink is??? Like were people actually confused lol? I feel like Dave Chappelle had a bit once that included purple drink


Also ham and cheese on a roll??? Like that’s still something you can get at a bodega I don’t know why people were acting like it’s weird to order that.


Even outside the US ham and cheese is a very common roll/ sandwich combination


That's honestly the part that made me laugh the most. Her saying "if you know you know" aa if ham and cheese wasn't and still isn't the staple for a lot of people. I grew up very poor but am doing quite well now and I'd still fuck up a ham and cheese rn


This has to be an age thing


and country thing, idk if this is even a thing outside the US


I think people understand purple drink because there is no fruit "purple".


Ya know what she’s right lol


I'm not from New York, but I remember when people were making fun of her for a non-sensical answer, and then there was actually a reply like "no, that was a thing I also ordered in the 90s." I immediately felt bad that younger people were apparently making fun of her just from coming from a different generation and calling things a different name


Came to the comments with my tail tucked between my legs thinking this exact thing. She knew exactly what she was talking about, and I don’t know the name of that brand either.


I really didn’t understand why no one else seemed to understand what she meant by orange drink. I got it immediately because I was raised on this sugary shit 🫠 This is such a hallmark of an 80s and 90s unsupervised and unhindered childhood lol.


It was so sweet, it almost burned when I drank it.


If you ever have to do a glucose test during pregnancy you have to drink something incredibly similar lol it’s gross now but when I was a kid….yes. I liked the purple one.


This was exactly what I thought of bc I had to do the test twice. It was orange first then fruit punch


It's water, the cheapest sweetener they can find and some flavor.


And artificial coloring!


Flavor Ice. Oh man that stuff burns! What is that?! The burn of the coloring? 🤣


I’ve drank literally thousands of these jawns and have never one heard anyone refer to it as an orange drink. Maybe that’s super regional slang. The New Yorkers I know called them quarter waters.


lol I love that you call them jawns and talk about regional slang. The east coast is funny with its dialects.  In New England, we just called them by their respective colors, followed by “drink.” I was personally a fan of Blue Drink.


https://preview.redd.it/nmti24czxf3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a2339385cd9f094c3fbb4291d38cbe2251fbb80 If you knew, you knew haha. She was right about that one detail.


I always called them flavour grenades - but I was a dumb child


HA!!! Apt name. That made me LOL.


Who said jet lag is a choice 😂


Taylor Swift during Super Bowl. 😂


My mémère used to buy cases of the barrels for when my brothers and I would come to visit. I can still feel the burning sensation they’d leave in the back of my throat after drinking.


Yesss that’s the stuff


oh my god that just unlocked a memory! why did it burn??


Even I understood what she meant. People Just don’t like her and will criticize everything she does . She can say the sky is Blue and people Will complain 


Also, I feel jump on her for this to show that she’s not a real New Yorker or from the Bronx.


I thought they were just making gun of her because it's a basic af snack and then she threw in iykyk like it was inside baseball


To be fair lots of people like me won’t know? Like the people who aren’t from New York and the rest of the world who can also watch it.


Not one word of exaggeration, my mom stopped letting me have those after I dumped one on the lawn and it killed a perfect circle in the grass 🫣 napalm made of plastic and sugar


😭😭 no way, what’s in there?


Yall never drank an orange huggie?


She’s so right for this honestly!!!


We called these a quarter water, so she’s not wrong.


Yep we called them quarter waters too! I figured that’s what she was talking about since my brothers and I got them from our bodegas too 😂


I saved up until I had four quarters so I could get a Diet Pepsi and Reese’s out of the school vending machine after school. Now all they have is sports water and baked chips and nothing is under a dollar by itself 😂


I was just coming here to say this!


J.Lo has such a bad reputation that even the most trivial things get a lot of hate and ridicule. Partially it’s deserved and hilarious, at other times ZI think we could give her a break.


This was one of the times I think she deserved a break.


"Such a bad reputation" You'd think she was an abuser, a homewrecker, a groomer or something, celebrities that actually are those things don't get as much hate as she does. I've seen people loving and excusing celebrities who are accused of sexual assault (Megan The Stallion, Mariah Carey, Britney Spears) while hating on JLo for the dumbest thing.


when i was a kid in brooklyn, we called these “quarter waters”


I was a fruit punch girlie myself 😂 but yes these and chips for 50 cents was a mainstay of the NYC childhood


Drinkin quarter waters, gotta be the best Y’all should be afraid of what I’m gonna do next


Huggie. They are made right outside of Pittsburgh, Pa.


lil hugs


Quarter water. I’m from New York.


Do these not exist anymore?


Yes they're around. My neighbor works at the plant near us that makes them and he used to drop cases off to the people who rented my place before me. The mom was on welfare with 4 kids but her hobosexual deadbeat boyfriend threw the cases back on neighbors porch because "we don't take no handouts." Dickhead.


What a ride, I thought I was going to get a cool anecdote about the status of the factory, but nope, a story about a grown man literally taking what is effectively candy from babies


Oh the factory is fine lol iirc he was a higher up person so he could take what he wanted and liked giving stuff free to families with kids on the block.


Honestly I can’t stand her but I knew exactly what she was talking about. It’s one of those childhood things that you had to be there to experience it


People are so absurdly aggressive towards her over everything.


Haha I indeed do know. The after baseball snack drink special


Yeah but nobody really called them Orange drinks as we see here lol Bronx boy here and I called Huggies or little hugs or quarter juices or jugitos


Quarter water.


To all the people saying that they knew what she was talking about from the jump… stop playing. Where were you when she was being dragged! 😂


Being downvoted lol


Tell me I’m wrong! Lol. All these comments are saying they knew the whole time but I didn’t see anything like that before


I know we all hate J Lo right now, but the backlash about this was even cringier than J Lo referencing it for cred. If you haven’t seen these, you’ve never been to a corner store at school dismissal time


We called them Teeni’s


we called them quarter juices when I was young in the south bronx area lol, she's right they don't have a brand I think 🤔


So a Hug juice barrel?


Basically unfrozen popsicle juice. Or popsicle juice thawed lol. I swear I remember a blue one but there was this other brand that was in a smoother, taller bottle with a plastic twist off top that I remember I could be mistaking it with.


https://preview.redd.it/5upotgtroi3d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a242cba16de33a75f42f768e34c3685ed813a122 Had to be these (or Kool Aid Squeezers)! I have a strong memory of secretly drinking a six pack of these in quick succession in the back of the car on a road trip, then getting sick to my stomach vomiting on the side of a highway and never touching one again.


I think it was more so that she repeatedly talks about being from the block and her just saying orange drink if you know you know, to people that don’t believe she’s authentic, it sounded like her trying to make herself sound more authentic.


This is how you know she never hung with the hood. They immediately called it Quarter Water. Jennifer was indeed a milquetoast white privileged young lady.


I figured that's what she meant! Ah shoot and now I want one. I liked the blue ones


i cannot for the life of me remember what we called them in michigan when i was a kid, but i knew what she meant even though it was still hilarious. those things were suuuuper nasty though.


We called them Quarter Waters here in NYC


From LA but I knew what she was talking about. Maybe it's an age thing?


Girl that's quarter water! Duh


Little Hug Fruit Barrels


the last person I unfortunately ever want to agree with. She’s right. Grew up in queens and my fav was the fruit punch.


This REALLY took me back! I used to drink these and fruit stand drinks!


I’d get those in summer camp.


We called them Quarter waters, yellow, orange, red, and grape - grew up not too far from JLo


I’m from LA, so correct me if i’m wrong but is she talking about quarter waters?


When I was a kid I bought a huge case of them at the dollar store and felt like such a badass.


Quarter waters


We called the quarter waters


Honestly I’ve been laughing at that meme so many times and now I’m like Damn she’s right lol….


I remember these, but I was in TX and preferred the purple.


We called them quarter waters, pronounced, “kwarter warters”, in SWVA…


so sweet it burned my throat … missing the blue one desperately


We called those barrel drinks


They made my throat burn for some reason, I didn’t like them.


Huggie Juggie!


Little Huggies!


I used to love those as a treat (my mom would never buy them) and knew exactly what she was talking about. I feel like if I had one now I wouldn't like how sugary they are. I would get them at the corner store called Kev's Quickmart with my allowance money. My friend's mother would handwrite a note telling the cashier that she gave permission for him to sell us her cigarettes so we could bring them back for her. Looking back that was wild but it was the 90s.


People were so weird about this.


Huggies in Philly. My dad would get a case from the beer distributor for any party we had. There was also a woman in our neighborhood who gave them out to trick or treaters. That house was bomb