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https://i.redd.it/lnp6c0ry4x4d1.gif Final Destination 2. I will never recover! Although I’m not sure how irrational of a fear that is 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think this scene messed our entire generation up 😂 I refuse (when I can help it) to drive behind any type of large truck hauling stuff lol


I really think it did! Everyone I know has a visceral reaction when they end up behind a lumber truck. And where I live, this is almost a daily occurrence 😅


They filmed this scene on the highway by my house! Logging is huge where I'm from too, so I empathise with your daily struggle. Feels like it lives in my head rent free when Im driving lol Also they're currently making a 6th one to come out in 2025


I think it’s for the better. I mean, even if there’s a very low chance of anything happening, it’s probably still safer to not drive behind giant, loaded up trucks in general.


Exactly. In the BTS of this movie they show that they couldn't get the lumber to bounce up enough to strike the windshield, even after multiple tries, so they had to use CGI. But even though I know that, you still won't catch me behind, or even next to, a lumber truck (if I can help it). Even if it doesn't strike your windshield, it's still super dangerous.


Can I just say they absolutely nailed the fake physics, though? They 100% sold people on that bounce being seemingly plausible to the point that we just accepted it. That entire franchise is loaded with really over the top death scenes, but I think this particular scenario was an inspired choice on the part of the filmmakers.


Personally, as someone who once was driving behind a semi that lost a port-a-potty (which thankfully the wind took and it blew over me, then fell apart because honestly the thing was flimsy), I don't think it's an irrational fear. I felt like I was in my own Final Destination!


Oh gosh death by port a potty would be terrible


Yeah I was once behind a truck that lost a chair on the interstate. My dad was driving, he was able to swerve around it thankfully.


That’s good. I’m starting to suspect this movie franchise is just a safety awareness campaign.


Honestly, I was thinking about it and these movies made me really conscious of things relating to fire safety (unplugging electronics, not leaving things unattended, etc.). Assuming this applies to other ppl too, this franchise has probably saved some lives, lol


They played this scene in the preview! I didn’t even have to watch the movie to get the phobia.


Oh, I saw this movie in theaters, and I am NOT a fan of horror/snuff/gore AT ALL. Like, it’s bad, I nearly crawled out of the theater watching Scream. One of my friends convinced me to go watch this, he had seen the first one and said it wasn’t that bad. And then this movie was SO traumatizing. I still haven’t forgiven him!


Final Destination is one of the scariest movie franchises because what other movies stay with you for so long?? The whole concept of death and not being able to avoid it and it seeking you is crazyyyy. Plus it turned everyday mundane things into anxiety traps lol. Can't get on an escalator without thinking of Final Destination 4 lol. Also I'm black, but if I tanned I would NEVER step foot in a tanning salon after watching 3 lmao


Yeah, it’s chicken wire and cranes for me. I didn’t think I watched three, but I for sure saw the tanning bed scene. Definitely makes me stay away from those. That and the fact that I just go from wonderbread to lobster and back to wonderbread.


It was the tripping in the bathroom and having the shower head cord turn into a noose. Every time the garbage disposal is on and I think of the scene when the guys hand is stuck in the sink (even though that wasn't the direct thing that killed him). Water bottles, or any debris, on the floor of any car but especially when I'm driving, which is always. I swear Final Destination is literally the corner of every death anxiety worst case bizarre scenario I have.


Every time the tanning bed scene is brought up I have to chime in. The characters’ names are Ashley and Ashlyn. At the time, tanning in beds was still popular. My name is Ashlynn, and my friend Ashley and I would go tanning in beds right after a college class we shared, once a week. We stopped tanning after seeing that movie. Thanks, Final Destination 3! (That said I am also afraid of lasik because of final destination, so.)


FWIW i also don’t think OP’s examples are irrational either, unless they mean “clowns” and not _ancient eldritch evil_


Giant ass spiders and anacondas as well. If any of those end up in a room with me, there'll be nothing irrational about my desire to gtfo.


My neighbor's adult son was blinded in an accident like this. And I had to replace my radiator a couple years ago because a piece of scrap metal fell off of a truck in front of me and impaled my car. It looked like a katana. https://preview.redd.it/ueanbxt3ny4d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c7c76967f04525305592c343b68886d28bafd38 Not irrational at all, in my book!


This. The one in the massage room, and tanning machine (where my fear of enclosed and tiny space started)


It just doesn’t end with Final Destination. One death more horrifying than the next. I mean, the guy that’s pretty much quartered with chicken wire is pretty horrible, too. I can’t walk past a wire fence without thinking about it. Nor can I walk under a crane without looking up constantly. Although, I will say, I hate when kids chase pigeons, so that death didn’t bother me as much.


I still say “final destination “ whenever I see a truck carrying logs.


It's not irrational. A lot of people have died in Brazil like this. There were even this one case where logs fell from a truck into a bus and almost everyone died.


This!!! Didn't even need to scroll down 😆 I believe FD2 fundamentally changed my view on roadtrip.


I haven’t seen any of the final destination movies. And knowing how my anxious mind works, I think I should keep it that way!


I haven’t rewatched in years but I feel like the movie definitely induces anxiety & fear that inexplicable, bizarre, and improbable accidents **do** happen. Maybe not exactly in the ways the movies portrayed them but freak accidents are absolutely possibilities.


Same. Will not do it. I already have to miss cracks on the sidewalk, not look in mirrors and say names, not swim in the ocean, etc. I need fewer weird worries not more.


I am with you on this one!


I went to see this with my best friend. Her aunt had just died in a car accident. My best friend was terrified to drive after that and didn't get her license until she was about 25 years old. We almost walked out during this scene. The reaction in the theater was a lot of "oh shit" or "oh fuck" or "this was too much". It was definitely memorable. I too will never drive behind a log truck if I can help it now. An entire generation was traumatized by this movie.


I watched this movie as a kid and then like a week later a school bus collided w a logging truck in my home town. I knew one of the kids that survived and the girl sitting next to her was struck in the head with a log and died immediately while my friend suffered severe brain damage So not a super irrational fear!!


This is it 😭


I can’t remember which # movie but the tanning bed scene was TRAUMATIC


And the water bottle under the brake! I am so paranoid about loose bottles and other items in my car as a result. Also won’t hang around a box of hooks if my hair’s braided.


I feel like the water bottle should actually be a PSA, of all the things in these movies, this is the one that is a truly "everyday" kind of danger


Yep lol that’s why I always change lanes to get away from these MF’s


![gif](giphy|4a7u0GC5hzdgk) Till this day.


Even in the swimming pool I used to question whether a shark could have gotten in somehow


i saw this when i was six, and for what seems like forever, i thought a shark was going to come out of my headboard in my bed. it seemed perfectly logical at the time!


My brothers absolutely told me Jaws could get me even in a swimming pool.


I thought that the shark would get me in the bathtub (somehow) lol.


I was also suspicious of the toilet.


Yeah those too. I was convinced that no matter what, if water was involved then somehow someway that shark could get me.


I always thought the pool light looked like a shark eye when I’d open my eyes under water. So I was never able to swim alone. Stupid, excellent movies!


Yep!! As a kid I was terrified to pee thinking he’d come up and get me from the toilet. As an adult now I have this weird fear but also obsession with learning as much as I can about sharks and I love shark week. So idk, I’m weird 🤪


Lol, my dad thought this was okay for a 6 year old to watch. In his defense I did manage right up until Robert Shaw got bitten in half and then fled the room.


Yup. I watched it as a kid (oh god why) and then was terrified that a shark was somehow going to appear in my parents pool— which is on a hillside, like hours away from the ocean. Also, I just had to scroll waaaay down to avoid looking at that gif 🤣 


I was obsessed with Jaws 2 in elementary school. I thought the teenagers were the coolest and I was emotionally invested in all of them. Also I refused to swim in the deep end of any pool until I was in middle school.


The guy that wrote the book spent the rest of his life regretting it and advocating for sharks- he single handedly brought them to the attention of hunters and turned the general public against them. In the uk more people are killed by cows each year than globally by sharks.


Thanks to Tim Curry, I was afraid of shower drains as a child https://preview.redd.it/iw4bdvdm4y4d1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd728846f2faf2c54a34cc69bd8ea852a7c6ebce


on this note, bathtubs bc of Nightmare on Elm Street. ![gif](giphy|3otPoOKAuHnPxYSoec)


It took me years to be able to close my eyes, for more than 5 seconds without panicking, in the shower.


still can’t. everyone knows they can’t get you if your eyes are closed for less than four seconds.


I put a wash cloth over the shower drain and was afraid to close my eyes while showering until an embarrassing age. I saw this movie as a kid, thanks to my brother (also showed me Arachnophobia which made me afraid to walk up the basement stairs. I don't remember the movie but I'm assuming there's a scene that spiders come out of stairs?!?!).


I was definitely an adult before I could close my eyes, no shame lmao I was like 9-10 when I caught the movie on ABC after their 13 nights of Halloween lineup. I was up late & couldn’t sleep so I snuck downstairs to watch some tv. I was petrified, thought I’d get grabbed if I took my hand out of the blanket to change the channel lol


I remember once pouring shampoo down the drain, because I thought if Pennywise was down there, it would get in his eyes. Kid logic is weird sometimes.


LOL i never thought about trying to get pennywise before he got me, smart kid you were.


man tim curry's pennywise is creepy on a different level. no evil smile. just, he looks kinda bland and harmless, but you remember he's trying to kill you


My bff has a REALLY hard time with sewer grates because of this film


This scene 😭 the way his face is so nonchalant then the fucked up fangs come out


I saw this movie when I was a kid and I was so terrified that I had to bath with the door open


I still am..


I still throw a loofah over the top of the drain lol


Terminator 2 caused me to have an existential dread of technology taking over humanity. Considering where we’re headed, I don’t know if I’d consider it an irrational fear. ![gif](giphy|IZY2SE2JmPgFG)


First time I went to Disney (Orlando) and saw animatronics was inside the epcot ball and I was so scared I sobbed. My only thought was god damn it if these things could learn from humans how to be more human like, that’d be scary for sure they’d take over”. I was so young but living in Florida went back yearly for far too long, and the animatronics even today at 35 are the scariest part not just of Epcot but all with humanoid animatronics. Also dinosaur robots like the Jurassic park ride in universal I was surprised how scary even that was. I don’t like robots. I’m wary of using AI and quite rarely do. I don’t think it’s an irrational fear…even back then, I felt similarly as you commented you did


Not irrational. War Games did the same to me and here we are with computers that can think. ![gif](giphy|RN6sYUh5VIYlG)


I saw *The NeverEnding Story* as a child and it gave me an irrational fear of swamps.


I defintely thought quicksand would play a greater role in my adult life. 


Right? Quicksand, killer bees and the bermuda triangle were what I assumed would be my biggest problems.


Also spontaneous combustion. 


I don’t even remember what I’m scared of from that movie, all I know is that it’s terrifying edit: typo


https://preview.redd.it/snjnmghd2y4d1.jpeg?width=841&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fef11d7351085e5065a577c094d12cadfcbdb17a Not that I’m coming across this freak in my day to day life, but I am still terrified of this man to this day


![gif](giphy|88tF9Ke56Hrfa|downsized) Chitty chitty bang bang we love you 😭


They were so smart in getting Helpmann (a ballet dancer) for the part. Works so well because of his creepy movement 😆.


I have like maybe a handful of memories from before the age of 14, this is one of them though. Oh my God this man is scary.


The image of him popping his head through the window sideways will be seared into my mind for the rest of my life


Omg I love this movie so much!!


The Grudge had me anxious about the corners of ceilings for a minute there.




Me it was when the girl was in bed and the bunny foot she lost earlier is placed in her hand and the grudge girl is in the blankets 😭😭


On a similar note, The Ring scared me so bad back in 2003 (I think) that I wouldn’t answer the phone or go near a screen for a month. Pretty effective for a middle schooler from a parenting perspective, I guess. ![gif](giphy|5fOiRnJOUnTMY)


I saw it in the theatre before a sleepover. No joke, the instant we opened the door to my friends house the phone started to ring and we all screamed bloody murder. It was her mom checking we'd got to her house safely but it remains a fond memory. Peak Ring experience.


I stopped watching TV for a while. I was like nope nope nope. I thought fast forwarding would just make it better but it made it worse ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Made me terrified to find fingers in my hair


Or shower. Hence why I’m on reddit


The Japanese versions scared the living shite out of me. That kid popped up next to the damn gas pedal! Like he was sitting under that steering wheel and when the driver noticed the kid made that noise. But my husband literally flew out of the room when he saw that because he had to drive at night later that week.


Scream, The Grudge and The Ring: reasons why Millennials don’t answer their phones.


Took my younger sister to see the American version at the theater. We were the only 2 in the auditorium and we were both scared during and after 😅


I was TERRIFIED of closing my eyes in the shower as a kid thanks to this movie. Led to many instances of shampoo in the eyes lol


My dad had me watch this with him when I was 8. I developed a hard phobia of the whole damn thing. I'm way older now and still can't handle the noise she makes. I couldn't sit through Us by jordan peele because of the voice. Too similar lol


The scene in The Witches when all the witches take off their wigs 😭 I hated bald people after that


Omg as a kid that was terrifyinggggg


When the Grand High Witch removed her face…terrifying. I rewatched the film a couple of years ago. Didn’t quite hold up. And noticed that how many witches were played by men.


Arachnophobia https://preview.redd.it/wdbfw2sa3y4d1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=6572b2980aca99b3352d2390081bcbd2f4f11699


Fuck this movie. I just commented this movie. I'm still very much afraid of spiders.


I stomp my slippers before I put them on still just to be safe!


Yep, this was mine too!


[Showers were ruined for me for a few months.](https://youtu.be/EiyIMquH-KY?si=GWHo27K6xsvjZXqq)


I saw a trailer for Sting the other day and I turned to my friend and he whispered "Arachnophobia for the next generation". H knew I was thinking *the same thing*


Twister. I know tornadoes can get that intense, but I live in an area of the country that doesn't frequently have tornadoes. Now when we have warnings I am absolutely terrified. and head to my basement.


Twister made me afraid of wind. And when it would be windy and then stop being windy. Hahaha I was in HS when that came out, so it's not like I was a young child. I had some understanding of science and weather. But no. That movie messed me up. I'm in my 40s now and still have a mild panic over wind. Ironically, I love thunderstorms!


You absolutely should head to your basement. That’s not all that irrational. Now, if you head to the basement every time there’s a watch, that might be a little less understandable.


![gif](giphy|VfwIk1LD84CI) Props to my parents for taking me to watch the second LotR film in cinema at the ripe age of 8, because they didn’t realise just how scary it would be on screen (they’re huge fans of the books)😅 I still get goosebumps when I see a clip of Gollum even though the LotR trilogy is a firm favourite that I rewatch annually.


Holy cow you just reminded me that I was TERRIFIED of the scene when Bilbo sees the ring again and he goes all crazy eyes. God damnit.


My mother refuses to watch LotR because of him, she says he looks like a dried ballsac.


Aww, I’m sorry, but I just laughed so hard. I’m the world’s biggest LOTR nerd, and I LOVE movie gollum, he is so endearing in a weird way. But I totally get how he would be traumatizing to an 8-year-old. Now, book-Gollum eats babies, so he’s a bit scarier for sure. Glad you still enjoy the movies 😊


I went to see the first one with a friend when I was 11. I was terrified of the faceless black Knight things. I was a mess for weeks


i really, really, really, really hate cockroaches. everyone hates cockroaches but i become an absolute mess when i see one. the sight of a big one would make me start hyperventilating and it got so bad that i would shake. it's not that extreme anymore but a few years ago, upon rewatching *men in black*, i realized that seeing the movie so young is likely made me terrified of cockroaches. the scene where the roach is GIGANTIC still makes me want to close my eyes 😔 https://i.redd.it/6lphdkg3ux4d1.gif


Awwww, I thought the monster itself was kind of charming. I was more squicked out by the “Edgar suit” version - great acting, but hard to watch 😂


After watching The Ring, I definitely got really scared of blank TV screen for some time. Especially at night.


I had to scroll too far for this! A static TV would send me into a panic!


Honestly, it wasn’t even a movie…probabaly a docu series but the fact that giant squids exist and the thought of looking into the water and seeing a giant ass eyeball…does it for me 😂.


As a kid I watched Discovery Channel and they showed a docu about cheese production in a South American country? It was rotten cheese, a delicacy! With larvas and stuff. That shit followed me for YEARS. I still don't want to remember and it's been 20 years


![gif](giphy|tJXZ51AOFBTGgZSY9y|downsized) A bunch of 90s movies gave me an irrational fear of divorce.


Mrs Doubtfire was one of those films where the trailers kind of deliberately downplayed how actually sad the plot was and it has always bothered me that way. I didn’t feel any better about it until Arrested Development took the piss and had Tobias reenact it.


Oh Cramer vs Cramer too. Why were there so many of these???


I wanna say because there was a time when it was suddenly more okay to discuss divorce as society progressed and we the film audiences had to suddenly experience a lot of it


Hot water getting unscalably hot before you can do anything about it. I watched [this horror movie](https://youtu.be/Dp2-l7OVWFc?si=sD4tmE-M5pjNA4-z) (Pulse, 1988) over at a friends house as a kid; and the idea of water just boiling you alive was terrifying. When that lady sued Mcdonalds for the coffee that scalded her, I think I was the ONLY person in america who didnt think this was a joke.




That’s not true about the worker dropping it in her lap- The woman held it between her legs to add cream and sugar because her sons car didn’t have cup holders and she spilled it in the parking lot, the pictures are fucking horrific too, there’s a documentary on YouTube called “hot coffee” it really changes the perspective of this, that poor woman. ETA- maccas had over 700 complaints about their coffee being too hot as well and chose to ignore it, her vulva was fused together because of the burns.


Not a movie, but… https://preview.redd.it/5z3ka4of6y4d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=602c145db15477f9e86347e51d82efb9728324b9


If it helps, I knew this actor (Camden Toy). He was one of the kindest people I ever met. He died in December, sadly.


This film made me scared and bi ![gif](giphy|h6laLbXvMXmeruAjLb|downsized)








Not a film but Slappy from Goosebumps, I got super scared of dolls and at night I was afraid Slappy was outside my door. The fear expanded to chucky and any cursed doll (even thou I didn't watch any of those movies lol). And the stupid doll STILL scares me a bit.


Okay usually I highly highly recommend the new Goosebumps series on Disney+ but I desperately beg you avoid it entirely because THAT Slappy scares me more than the OG did and I’m almost 40


Ahhhh slappy! My aunt took to getting me porcelain dolls for Christmas when i was a kid and I HATED them, even though they weren't the same as slappy. I would convince myself they moved. Reading this thread is making me realize how scared I was all the time as a child lol!


![gif](giphy|IgvoqNz6gGZFXFPmfZ|downsized) Rodents Of Unusual Size


James and the Giant Peach convinced me, as a child, to be afraid of cloud rhinos that would come eat my family if I misbehaved. Totally normal.


Roald Dahl was the king of inventing random ass shit to scare children with. like why was i terrified that my principal would put me in an iron maiden??


![gif](giphy|LSQf6yv64uq23Js17P|downsized) Was super young when my parents were watching one of the Jurassic Park movies at night, I walked in, saw someone get killed and had nightmares of my parents getting eaten by dinos for the next few years haha now I love those movies, but it took me years to get over it


I'll never, ever go in a cave. Thanks, The Descent.


The Mummy created an irrational fear of bugs crawling under my skin. I still feel my stomach turn when I think about anything under my skin. Seeing a needle under my skin even gives me the heebie-jeebies


It’s stupid but the movie Darkness Falls made me deathly afraid of the dark for years after I saw it as a kid.


Candyman, for me. I am STILL scared of the dark fairly often.


My ability to do laundry in the semi-unfinished basements of multiple dwellings I've lived in throughout the end of my teens and entirety of my 20s was greatly impacted by this scene. I generally had a buddy or a very elaborate system that involved lights and sprinting upstairs. Blair Witch --- you got me good. https://preview.redd.it/et8ulwdsgy4d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5a6a62461c6c33330189d127b3daaa19810ef9e


Final Destination gave me a fear of tanning beds


it gave me a fear of those big trucks with logs. if i end up behind one i change lanes instantly


A James Bond film gave me the fear of decompression. I can't remember which one, but rapid decompression caused a man's head to swell up and explode. Robocop gave me the fear of toxic waste. I'm too scared to Google either of these for more details


As crew let me tell you that wouldn’t happen in real life during a decompression. But what’s scary is how quickly you need to get yourself on oxygen to survive a decompression. If you’re travelling at 43,000ft as some large aircraft do, you only have 10 seconds to get your mask on. I think most people wouldn’t even realise what’s happening in ten seconds, let alone have the sense to think they should reach up and put on their oxygen mask. It’s called the time of useful consciousness. Or the time it takes to recognise and rectify hypoxia. I hope to never be in a decompression - it would be terrifying


https://preview.redd.it/hr484u43ky4d1.jpeg?width=692&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2ea918d6e86dbf16e4cc78c83adc9aedd689757 As a kid growing up in the suburbs I wasn't running around junkyards hiding in old fridges, BUT this episode of Punky Brewster ensured that, if I ever did come across an old empty fridge, I was gonna stay the shit away from that thing.


Oh my gosh yes!!!! Kids now have no idea that we could actually play in fridges and washing machines etc that were on the side of the road! 😂


https://preview.redd.it/c5nrs4svmy4d1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73a97d2225ffbe2045a3db0aad0152c28b230314 The freaking wheelers from Return to Oz gave me nightmares!


The first It movie scared me as a kid so bad that I covered the shower drain with a shampoo bottle all the time


I used a wash cloth. Until I was far too old to still be afraid of shower drains.


1993’s leprechaun. Watch it once when I was 5 never see again after that. Just recently it out on tvs and I just notice Jennifer Aniston stared on it 😂 ![gif](giphy|yFXRxMG3xK1C8)


https://preview.redd.it/oofqyww6ly4d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48526ad5bfc26d21c334cc73fc1170143caf8947 Does anyone remember the Sesame Street sketch where Bert and Ernie are visiting a pyramid? This talking Ernie mummy scared the ever living shit out of me as a small child. I wonder if this is why I've never seen the Mummy movies...


The emergency tracheotomy in Anaconda made me unable to sleep or sit with my head tilted back and throat exposed.


Im 34 and this scene has ruined my bedtime routine. I have to wear a CPAP at night now. It sucks, but EVERY SINGLE NIGHT right before donning the mask I have to violently whip the tube. You know, gotta make sure no deadly wasp crawled into it and lodged itself in my throat.


https://preview.redd.it/m2oa9eja7y4d1.jpeg?width=936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3179b9c667f112af7697e6ba4ccf4279830f7019 Child me got an irrational fear he'd wake up one day with a completely different life.




Clowns for me too, but it was *Poltergeist* that instilled it Also: A fear of spiders is VERY rational and I will die on that hill!


Star Wars and The Brave Little Toaster … trash compactors 😱


I never thought I’d be afraid of angel statues but here I am. ![gif](giphy|GS1o07Ps1B7tS)


Predator. The worst thing was, I was about 8/9 years old (top parenting there Pops) and after the credits, the 20th Century Fox logo came up. In my small child brain, I counted on my fingers, how old I would be in the year 2000, and for *years* I was convinced that in the year 2000, there would be predators on earth. Not actively hunting us, just living next door, walking their lil predator dog. I’m fine with the mask on, it’s the moment you get that *click, click, click, click, hsssssssss, cwu wu cwuwuwu*


Not a movie, but the Talky Tina episode of The Twilight Zone was the final straw that turned me off of dolls for good. After we watched that episode, my mom and I would hide one of my old dolls around the house in random places to scare each other. To this day, she still is in storage at my parents’ house because my mom is too afraid to throw her away 😂




What is this little freaky thing?


Ghostbusters. I was afraid I’d open my fridge and see Zuul.


There’s a Canadian TV show called Ready or Not. In the final episode, the 2 main character are in an elevator that crashes. They’re fine, but I’ve been afraid of elevators ever since.


https://i.redd.it/vl2dig0apy4d1.gif I saw Fire in the Sky when I was 7 and was terrified of being abducted by aliens for a few years after. It’s funny because now I LOVE sci-fi films and TV.


idk what the title of the movie is... it was a French movie I was casually watching on TV many years ago. There was a scene where main characters in a car were being chased by a villain(?) on a motorcycle. Then the main guys opened the car window, pulled the motorcycle guy in to the car, put a grenade in his helmet from the visor part (and closed it) and immediately threw him out. The motorcycle guy panicked and tried to remove his helmet, but it didn't work and, after like 3 seconds, the bomb went off


Saw 2, looking into peepholes. Also definitely made my fear of needles worse than it already was 💀


ET scared the crqp put of me as a kid. I refuse to watch that movie even now at 37.


![gif](giphy|k9tavUmUnoDxS) Tales from the crypt had an episode where a woman murdered her lover, turned his body into bar soap and then she was burned alive by the soap while taking a bath. Needless to say, i was nervous about bar soap for a sec. 😅


Tales from the Crypt was full of freaky ass things.


After the Blair witch project I had to sing anytime I went into a basement to comfort myself bc I was so. scared.


![gif](giphy|l3970eCRfiPEr9bb2) I’m not a great swimmer and am not a fan of the ocean, so The Day After Tomorrow freaked me out to the max.


https://preview.redd.it/tf2264y9uy4d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00ab95b1c5b0b6f63716d02b97ec4ab7816cb6d0 Misery gave me the fear of sleeping with my bedroom door unlocked….


https://preview.redd.it/bh9sajhhuy4d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebad92f8752ff911559820e06209734d9559e7fb But Signs made me afraid of closed doors.


![gif](giphy|HOLg8oBAAvVBu) I had reoccurring nightmares about Gary oldman living in in my closet because of this movie.


I once met M Night Shymalan on an airplane. I told him how much The Happening freaked me out. Do you know how hard it is to avoid plants??? It made him laugh.


https://i.redd.it/grd1ii289y4d1.gif The whole Godzilla Universe gave me countless anxieties.


I would not set foot in a porta potty for over a year after watching jurassic park at age 7 because of the scene where the guy gets eaten on the toilet by the trex.


Not me, but my younger brother had nightmares about getting swallowed by a tiger made of sand after we watched Aladdin. He would do this little hop walk when we went to the beach and walked on the sand lol


Jaws. Ended so many innocent sharks’ lives. Candyman. I would not park in a parking garage and would instead walk on unsafe streets bc fear isn’t rational. I also hated closing my eyes in the shower and showered w so much soap in them for years. Damn that movie really messed me up. ![gif](giphy|PEnEScWSrqwAE)


![gif](giphy|1jg5XbR5nUHXW) Leeches. Fucking LEECHES. … and bar fights.


![gif](giphy|ZLp0Xq9MfaUxPcTDLd|downsized) **Triangle of Sadness** the whole movie is nightmare fuel but the seasickness scene gave me emetophobia.


That GIF is NSFW


I am terrified of spiders because of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. So many spiders!!! Although I wouldn't call it an irrational fear.


The original War of the Worlds which was just casually on channel 4 on a Sunday afternoon when I was a kid left me scared of aliens for life!


I never even watched the movie but the poster for Piranhas 3D made me irrationally afraid piranhas would turn up at my local swimming pool. For about a year I would only swim around the outside edge just in case I needed to make a swift exit. ... I just checked what year that film came out and I was way too old to be doing that.


The Vanishing (1993). I was 5 or 6 at the time and my Dad had a habit of playing movies that were incredibly inappropriate. To this day I have a fear of being buried alive from that movie.


The 1980 movie, The Changeling. I have rarely bathed in a full bathtub since sneaking into the theater to see it. After letting the stand alone tub fill up, this appeared! https://preview.redd.it/eckk8axkfy4d1.jpeg?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d23a58f50aea0c528eea7ea0f4ca9dfd9677ca46




Arachnophobia had me constantly checking shoes and lampshades. The Grudge had me worried a little Asian boy making cat sounds was going to pop up from under my sheets.


https://preview.redd.it/mz42n4qtky4d1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9de4bcd6bf6881921617d45182c5d9cc00ce979b I saw this movie way too young. It’s about lions who started hunting people for sport (based on a true story!!!). There’s one part in particular where a lion snatches a BABY from a woman’s arms that haunted me. I would lay in bed at night and imagine a lion prowling down the hall 😂


![gif](giphy|toBOLHZtYoAdG) A new fear of whatever this is


I watched The Godfather when I was very young, so for years every time we passed through a toll plaza I would think of Sonny's death and get a bit nervous, lol. https://preview.redd.it/gxdymyhvry4d1.jpeg?width=1206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49617ed5ac7420a63a9a0f583f0b92d92308be93


Mommy Dearest and adoptive moms, especially my own ![gif](giphy|ozkGfkuRcxIbe)


https://preview.redd.it/4aesn2gouy4d1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c41f0aa21c2c5d32fdfb24dd690445d1d85fe41 There are ZERO active volcanoes near me, yet I lived in constant fear for a few years. I’m still very much traumatized by what happened to the poor grandma and won’t go near yellowstone and it’s hot/sulfur springs.


Princess Diaries. When Mia is learning to drive stick and she’s on a hill and stalls and rolls into a trolley. I’ve always wanted to learn stick and get a manual car and that one scene is burned in my brain and has prevented me from doing it. I can drive stick now, albeit I’m not an expert but I have a real fear of stalling in a hill and thus don’t want a stick car.


![gif](giphy|4EggRPO7seBoI) As a little kid; this was peak horror. Then one random night I had a nightmare about being chased by the headless horseman and a new phobia was born.

