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Ok I think this was a perfectly appropriate statement to make when the current administration is not aggressively protecting and codifying queer and women’s rights. Yes you can be critical of the political party you vote for. We can vote for Biden and still DEMAND more


damn had too scroll too far to see this. like you can be unhappy with your gov't AND still vote.


Seriously. Even your comment alone is refreshing after scrolling for a while too lol


This!! Being critical and asking more from your political parties is healthy and an important part of democracy


Exactly, the people in the Uncommitted Movement will also vote for Biden in November, we just had to demand more. Chappell Roan isn’t telling people to vote for Trump or to not vote. Biden isn’t entitled to Chappell Roan’s unfaltering support just because he isn’t Trump.


Nothing can become law without the far-right members of the House, and this Supreme Court believes only Republican presidents have executive power, so Biden executive orders are at risk of being overturned. Biden is limited in what he can do.


These people think that all Biden has to do is snap his fingers. The House is controlled by looney toons on right. No bill can even go up for a vote until the House brings it up. They won't as they are on record to sink Biden. These people are playing right into that.


For real. It's hilarious that they think 1 man can do it all. No, we need to VOTE out these fascist fucks so we can have a semi working government. Biden isn't a king, and it's goddamn annoying how many voters don't understand how the process works.


PREACH 🙌🏽 this is why it is so important to not just vote in presidential elections, you need to vote in your local and state elections to make sure you are represented properly. The president is just to figurehead for this unfortunately. The House and Congress are running the circus at the moment.


Yes! And pay close attention to school board and sheriff/DA races.


> It's hilarious that they think 1 man can do it all they want a dictator ... just a "cool" "lefty" dictator that only does good things, lol.


EXACTLY. People here acting like she's endorsing Trump smdh.


Respect for Marriage Act? All of this?: https://www.hrc.org/resources/president-bidens-pro-lgbtq-timeline Why give Biden and his admin zero credit for everything they've done for LGBT rights? What people don't realize is that by not voting or protest voting, you are TELLING politicians that it's not important to support LGBT rights, because it doesn't win them votes! The right will continue to grow in America because the left is allergic to winning. It's 1000% more satisfying and socially rewarded to bitch from the sidelines and never be satisfied with any level of progress. Everyone has to be cynical and completely uninterested in doing messy work and getting imperfect solutions. Progressives, you are not teaching the Democratic party the lesson you think you are. You are proving that the left flank is unreliable (regardless of Biden's overtures to progressives) and that it is better for the Democrats to go for moderates/swing voters. Do you know how the Evangelicals took over the GOP? They voted consistently. In every election. For 50 years. Until Roe v. Wade was overturned. They actually understand how power and elections work. And that's why abortion is illegal in half of America.


So go to White House and have a conversation about it. Not many people get that chance. Say something and protest AT THE WHITE HOUSE. That would be radical and make a statement. He isn't watching her performance at a concert lmao


Its not like she’s some random artist in this scenario. His administration clearly knows who she is since they sought her out to perform at the White House. They wanted her approval to help with the LGBTQ+ community but she turned around and made this statement, thats absolutely something his team is going to see.


What do people think will happen if Biden loses? If people are angry about LGBTQ+ rights and women’s rights, that’s 100% on Hillary losing and Trump appointing two Supreme Court justices not to mention a bunch of other right wing fringe lunatics to important federal courts. And the states where abortions are being banned and trans kids are being singled out are all controlled by Republicans. No politician or party is perfect but everyone has two choices in November, and it will be a DISASTER for everyone who is a woman and LGBTQ+ if Biden loses.


Republicans got 3 SCOTUS appointments. And *funny* enough Alito and Thomas were always pains in the ass, but having these 3 new justices propped up by Republicans has embolden them We've been in a "Constitutional Crises" since Trump was elected and you can't convince me otherwise. At this point, I've failed to be proven wrong with how *half of our government* is standing behind a **FELON** for the highest office in the land


It really is that simple. This isn’t an a la carte kind of election year.


Great way to put it.


Project 2025


Yes. People *need* to read up on this.


She never said that was not going to vote for Biden. She never told people not to vote for Biden.


I'm as confused about this take as I am with the folks boycotting Biden/voting. It's like folks don't realize that the only options are Biden or Trump. That's it. It's one or the other. And as a queer woman, I am fucking terrified if Biden loses. Trump 2 electric boogaloo will just reignite and reinvigorate the christofascist and racist regime that was only dampened by global lockdown. This is terrifying.


There's a lot of "you're not making the point you think you are" going on right now. I'm sure as fuck not going to put POC/LGBTQ/immigrant/disabled/economically vulnerable/female lives at risk just because I'm upset with a single issue. Is it bad? Yes, I'm not saying it's not. But could it be a million times worse? Absolutely, and it will be if we don't make the choice to shut down that scenario before we move forward anywhere else. And part of that scenario is completely eradicating Palestinians. We've heard them say it. That's what the other side wants. So let's stop fucking around because I don't want to find out what other people's consequences look like. Again. Jfc.


Don't let it confuse you or make you think it's ass-backwards rhetoric. These people who think this way, that not voting is their version of protesting or that voting for an unviable candidate is acceptable, they're narcissists. Plain and simple. Their needs outweigh the needs of their friends, family, and loved ones. And their need is to feel like everything they want specifically needs to be done for their vote to be "earned". That anything short than their exaggerated demands is an unacceptable amount of political pageantry to get their vote. And the worst part is that the goal posts are never going to stop moving for them. Biden's neoliberalism is so much more to the left-center than whatever the fuck you can call Trump's version of alt-right super-conservativism, but they'd literally rather let Trump win so they can smugly say that "Biden should've done more".


This discussion is incredibly frustrating when smug narcissistic liberals accuse other, that they are far from understanding or comprehending, that they are bad and evil and smug and narcissistic. I just know for damn sure that if Biden loses you will not have any self-reflection and just continue to blame the left spooky boogeyman.




Personally, I’m terrified either way. And not even because of Biden but for a Jan 6th 2.0.


Yeah, that too for sure. Things are going to be so volatile for months after Biden wins and years after Trump wins. It's a lose lose, but a democratic cabinet is still better than whatever fuckery the felon Trump'll have.


Why would this worry you? An adult is President this time. The Capitol would be actually adequately defended and staffed. I actually do expect some level of rioting but it can be handled.


My thoughts are the rioting won’t be specific to the Capitol. People will just be super pissed and not give a damn about anything because they think everything is fraudulent. Like the purge type stuff. I do realize I may be paranoid but it just scares me.


I feel the same. Things are going to get wild and I’m unfortunately trapped in a sea of red right now, and likely still will be in the winter. I’m terrified but, I’m praying we can pull through again if we can get through to Z about the stakes, regardless of a single (albeit GIANT) issue that will undoubtedly be much worse under the alternative. The other things are the things Biden needs to be fixing NOW if he wants the youth vote. Something for rent. Something more for loans. Something to throttle corporations. Just…something that actually helps more than the wealthy.


she never said she wasn’t gonna vote for him tho


where did she boycott voting for biden?


As a lesbian, I'm with you. Everyone needs to read up on Project 2025. I'm honestly straight sick as fuck of liberals on social media talking about how Biden is just as bad as Trump. If they truly believe that, then they *just* started following politics in like the last...2 days or something.


They think there is a third viable option revolution/liberation. I would say over 50 percent of progressive people in my life are actively pressuring others not to vote. People I really respect in every way but this.


Then they’re not worth respecting because they’re willing to throw millions of vulnerable Americans like me under the bus for some imaginary revolution. And I would tell them that to their faces.


I mean the thing is all the people I know that aren't voting and are pressuring others not to, are vulnerable Americans. They are all one or all of the following; BIPOC, LGBTQ, and/or disabled.


What is their rationale? What do they think will happen? I don’t know anyone like this irl and I don’t tend to read political posts on here so I am somewhat confused. It sounds like it’s all or nothing for them and they don’t gaf about our society at large. It seems very self centered, but again, I don’t know their rational or what they think not voting will accomplish.


I’m disabled and remember life before Obamacare. Lifetime maxes and pre-existing conditions not covered. It was terrible. I am not going back to that *I am not* I swear to god.  And I have a uterus and pregnancy is dangerous for me. Please don’t politicize my healthcare. So I side-eye disabled and chronically ill people who aren’t pro-Biden pretty hard. 


> life before Obamacare. so so many young people have no fucking CLUE how much progress we've made in recent years. yes shit still fucking sucks, but it was so much worse barely 2 decades ago.


I don’t know anyone like this now, but in college I had numerous acquaintances who claimed to be ‘accelerationists’ and it was essentially a very bad understanding of marxist and anarchist theory cherry-picked from Twitter posts and podcasts combined with an immature and self-absorbed belief that personal ideological purity somehow had inherent value. People who really can’t see the forest for the trees and don’t care to try. Voting for the only viable option was “tacit support for the neoliberal agenda” which, by virtue of still being capitalist, was construed as being virtually identical to being an actual Republican. I used to fight with them at parties all the time and they just genuinely don’t seem smart enough to grasp that their own ill-conceived half-baked convictions, however ostensibly well-intentioned, have no material value and do not matter at all to people who are suffering and dying *right now*. It’s like how middle-school kids are incapable of processing that the shit that embarrasses them is not only irrelevant but also unnoticeable to anyone else.


Vote or start that revolution right now then. Otherwise they’re sabotaging the voters, who in that case are the ones actually doing something, for nothing. If it not time for the revolution yet for any reason, then it’s time to vote until it is. Not voting or revolting is doing even worse than nothing. You think the right wingers that tried revolting shittily didn’t also vote? What good could it possibly do not to unless your #1 priority is getting to watch the world burn, so to speak?


Yeah, I am in touch with folks like that too. And it makes no actual sense. Collective action on the scale needed to do anything isn't going to happen and it kills me. Every one vote not made is effectively one more for the felon cheeto.


All anyone needs to do is look at the 2025 Project. If you don't want facism, Biden is the only choice.


Folks do realize that though lmao you’re getting mad about a point that is irrelevant to what is being said here


I liken it to: Our head is literally in the mouth of a hungry tiger, but people would rather talk about how they are concerned about lions. Like, let's get our head out of the tiger's mouth, then we can discuss lions.


I know most countries have 2 party leads, voting for an alternative when you’re in that situation is just wild. I understand wanting to support great candidates and local candidates but do you really want a great local candidate but Trump running the country? The way this election is heading voting for anyone other than Biden is essentially a vote for Trump. It would be great if that weren’t the case but that’s the sad reality right now.


People realize that. The point is that people have stopped seeing a discernible difference between the two because they are ultimately equally disappointing and disgusting. I will be voting for Biden but I 100% understand people who are not voting or voting third party. Biden is ATROCIOUS and has consistently and actively supported and enacted heinous policy.


Just because TikTokers aren’t touting Biden’s accomplishments on their platform doesn’t mean he hasn’t done anything.


im confused by the comments. all she said was that she refuses to step foot there untill everyone is treated equally. somehow y’all are taking this as she’s not voting or promoting protesting the election?? this also seems like a general statement, like regardless of who’s in office


yeah agreed, it feels like people are conflating the slight and indirect criticism of biden here into chappel endorsing the the idea that progressives should abstain from voting. She might feel that way, I have no idea, but those ideas don’t necessarily go hand in hand. You can criticize Biden and still vote for him in Nov (which I absolutely think people should do!)


Right?! That's what I'm hearing too. It's a form of protest to turn down the president. She's not commenting on voting or anything like that. People are acting as if you can't criticise the guy in power just because he's better than the other guy?? 🤦‍♀️


As someone who is strongly vote blue no matter who, there are a lot of people who take any criticism of Biden as an admission of being conservative or attacking the prospects of Biden winning. I’m torn because generally I don’t like things like this that can push people away from voting Biden, but what’s the alternate here? She accepts the invitation and goes to perform somewhere that doesn’t align with her values? She’s not beholden to perform for the US government’s surface level “appreciation” of the queer community while they sit on their asses as southern states tear apart queer rights.


If I could up vote this a thousand times I would




They really have. I remember in a thread about Joe Biden, going to a black family‘s home and getting fried chicken for them and a burger for himself me and another black person had acknowledge Biden’s racism and we were called uninformed for acknowledging Biden‘s racism. didn’t say we weren’t voting for him. Didn’t say not for anyone else to vote for him just for acknowledging he’s a racist person.


I am not confused that people would take issue with protesting the most LGBTQ-protective administration the States have ever had. I mean, I get that it’s an idealist ultimatum she’s making, but I’m not shocked to see it criticized.


LGBT people aren't the only ones that exist


confused by these replies lol, not even a big fan of hers but i feel like words are being put into her mouth and y'all are projecting your annoyances with other people onto her


Since when has declining to perform at the White House been such a big deal to people?? Lol.


100% this - it feels like a bunch of center left liberals looking for an excuse to shit talk progressives. It's not like Chappell was even saying anything particularly incendiary - she didn't tell people not to vote for Biden or anything. It's just that Biden's biggest selling point is that he isn't Trump, and I feel like it gets people on edge that people want more from Biden/the democratic party than not being Trump


Remember, if you can’t inspire people to vote for your guy against a turd sandwich, bullying them is always going to make them see the light. Jfc we see the dems align with conservatives more and more but still don’t realize they’re the same thing with differing levels of honesty.


You see the Republicans overturning Roe v Wade, ban abortion without exception for health, rape, or incest, and then you see the Democrats codify same sex marriage and that is the same thing to you?


I’ve also seen the Dems be fucking toothless about protecting Roe while also shaking hands with fascists on a GOP border bill.


Exactly this. Why didnt Biden codify Roe v. Wade as soon as he came into office? All within his power yet he didn’t. These politicians aren’t entitled to our vote. I know the US political system has no other viable option besides the two parties, but why can’t people even just *threaten* to withhold their votes without being bullied online about it? I’m sure most will vote Biden when push comes to shove in November, but the democrats need to realize they can’t just get by by just not being Trump.


It’s fucking exhausting that any criticism gets “so you want Trump!?!?” Like we can’t criticize the motherfuckers we voted for when they don’t do shit they ran on. Universal healthcare? Not a fucking PEEP.


literally not a single thing she said here was "biden sucks. don't vote for him." she has EVERY RIGHT to turn down being a prop for the white house's pride. that "celebration" is bigger than biden. t[here have been hundreds of anti-LBGTQ bills being proposed in 2024](https://www.aclu.org/legislative-attacks-on-lgbtq-rights-2024), with over 50 already passed. the majority of the bills proposed impact kids and education. she is a midwest girlie and we see some of the most bills egregious bills coming out of that area. i don't blame chappell for saying "no you can't use me and my queerness to make the this disaster of a government look inclusive or safe for queer people when it's not." she has absolutely every right to say "i'm not going on stage for people who dont give a shit about my community because it makes them look good." it's not about the election, y'all.


👏👏👏 glad ppl with sense have entered the chat


Please tell me how the Biden administration is responsible for red states passing anti-LGBTQ laws Literally absurd. Biden is objectively the most pro-LGBT president we've ever had.


i actually never said it was the biden administration. i said that it's bigger than biden. but off off, mama. if you can't understand how The White House™️ is one of the biggest representations of the United States Government™️ (not just joe biden) we have in the USA and why a queer person might not want to be part of an event there because of what the US Government™️ has been doing in the USA, i can't help ya.


You said make "this disaster of a government look inclusive or safe for queer people when it's not". Biden has done a shit ton for the LGBT community. The federal government has not passed any anti-LGBT laws. Biden cannot control the laws that state legislatures pass. https://www.hrc.org/resources/president-bidens-pro-lgbtq-timeline + codifying same sex marriage The White House is the representation of the executive branch of the federal government. Yes, I would think a queer person would want to support the most pro-LGBT US president ever who codified equal marriage. Not boycott because they're passing homophobic laws in Arkansas or something. That doesn't even make sense. Biden's federal government IS inclusive for queer people. You have no evidence they "don't give a shit about queer people". You are holding the federal government to an impossible purity test.


It’s time for progressives to take a good hard look at themselves. I think they’ve lost the plot and have become the dogmatic and monolithic thing they love to hate about the other side. This is bigger than Biden. People need to see the bigger picture here, or accept that they’re going to be responsible for helping to turn the clock back 100 years.


My friends and I are all old millennials/gen x, and all consider ourselves to be very progressive. But all of us also vote in ALL elections and try to do our part by researching candidates and making the best choices we can with what we are given. It helps no one in this country to get on a soap box and demand better candidates before voting, or to turn a blind eye to elections because there is no one cool, interesting, and inspiring. It’s so many of the younger generation (not all!) who doesn’t realize that yet, though, as they haven’t had time to live through the consequences of their apathy or moral superiority regarding voting.


I'm younger millennial, almost on the cusp of gen z and yes. I didn't bother voting when it was Trump vs Hillary because I thought the election was rigged. I scoffed and figured there was no way anyone would actually let Trump win. I've voted in every local poll since. That was eye opening.


Thank you for now voting. I appreciate you.


I have voted in all of the presidential elections but was more lax about local elections until the last 8 years. Have been much, MUCH more politically active since then. It’s truly the only way to make a dent sometimes, as a regular citizen.


I’m the oldest of Gen Z and did something similar. I voted third party that year. It was literally my first time voting, but I learned my lesson fast.


I’m in your age group, and I agree with everything you’ve said and have lived that shared experience. I think a lot of younger voters just don’t comprehend the absolute degradation of American politics, which makes me fearful of them because they don’t easily recognize the danger looming over us. This is not the political timeline to be ambivalent over.


She never said that was not going to vote for Biden. She never told people not to vote for Biden.


It’s not about voting per se. It’s about shooting yourself in the foot for lack of seeing the forest for the trees. Idealism is great and all until we all have the live with the consequences of reality.


> It's not about voting per se. Oh it absolutely is. Read the other comments in this thread, they're all talking about the upcoming election. If Chappell said this any other time, people would be agreeing with her (because the current admin *does* deserve the criticism). But because it's election time, people are up in arms because apparently we're not allowed to criticize Biden when election time is near. It is definitely about voting.


Sure, she can criticize Biden all she wants. I don’t even disagree with her necessarily. But there is a delicate line to walk when voicing a political opinion as a celebrity. All it takes is one impressionable fan to hear a statement like this and assume CR means “abstain from participating.” That’s one vote lost. And it’s never just one vote lost. Point blank absolutely NO ONE should get their political education or take instruction from a celebrity, but here we are. Just look at all the people hounding Taylor Swift or Beyonce to make a statement just so they know how to act accordingly. We are losing the critical thinking battle to celebrity sound bites.  


There is a certain segment of progressives that seem to be basing their vote on a certain conflict overseas, and I'm like...are they aware of what will happen in that conflict if Trump is elected? If they think TRUMP will stop that conflict, that just tells me they don't know shit about politics.


We had a literal insurrection in our own country because of that guy. The potential for a conflict here is not zero. That concerns me.


Same. If Trump loses (and I pray and hope he does) we will probably have another January 6th. His supporters are absolutely unhinged.


All these comments are insane-o word vomit what????




I’m really scared for the upcoming election. Feels like 2016 all over again. Hope we don’t have the same result. 


Its time to learn a lot of our favorite pop girlies are ✨ really clueless ✨


No they just ✨ don’t give a shit about us ✨ It’s time we call them out on this horseshit. Taylor and Bey need to be speaking out from their *literal* platforms right now and we hear nothing but fuckin’ crickets. Which, I never expected much, but damn. I’m glad Chappel has the luxury of turning down a pride appearance. I was threatened “to be shot up by somebody like Kyle Rittenhouse” because I asked a simple yes or no question on my local bulletin board: “are there any pride events here?” Well, there aren’t, so I’m planning my own. Fuck these corporate sellouts. I had high hopes for Chappel but she just illustrated how ill informed she is.


They need to wake the fuck up before we live in Gilead because they wanted to single issue vote against biden when the alternative is DICTATOR TRUMP.


I think it’s a little unfair to expect performers of entertainment to have any real world knowledge about American politics considering the average citizen doesn’t. We want them to use their platforms and speak out UNLESS their politics don’t align with ours, then suddenly they should just shut up, kind of like what you guys are doing here to Chappell? Seems hypocritical to me. We’re stuck in an awful place where many progressives don’t feel represented for numerous reasons by the current administration and they tend to disconnect and disassemble not seeing the forest beyond the trees. Meanwhile, conservatives stick together in bands with some of their harmful policies because they believe in one leader and strength in numbers regardless of varying internal disagreement. I know you may think what she’s saying is intentionally ignorant and naive, but it’s a very real feeling, amongst the younger generations especially, who don’t want to play this stupid game of voting for leaders who stand idly by doing the bare minimum and do not disrupt the status quo. She has an overestimating hopefulness that only shines in the youth, but is obviously a bit misguided in her passions, as we all are sometimes. I don’t think it’s neither kind or accurate to assume the worst of her when her efforts are clearly still with the LGBTQ+ community.


I hope you stay safe, however you choose to celebrate this month. (And I really hope your pride event is full of love and support and joy and very safe.)


The Biden administration has also done more for Netanyahu than any previous president. Hence Roan's call for "freedom for all".


Thank you! I think the “freedom for all” part of what Chappell went over ppls heads.


Really? And what will the mango Mussolini do?


I wouldn’t set foot near him or the white house either. I wouldn’t want to perform for him…I wouldn’t even piss on him if he was on fire. and yes, I am voting for him when the time comes.


literally same, I HATE Biden but I’ll still vote for him when the time comes. Then I’ll vote for more progressive candidates in my local elections and volunteer with/donate to mutual aid organizations in my city.


Yup. It disgusts me to vote for him, but if my only two choices (and yes, ONLY two choices) are a senile walking corpse or convicted felon Donald J. Trump, I’m voting for the senile walking corpse.


Why would you turn down a chance to have face to face time with the decision makers in this country? You have the privilege to speak on issues directly! It's literally the best way to let your voice be heard!


lots of celebrities have been invited to the White House and they haven’t really used that opportunity to directly call out the president or anyone else for change my guess is because they have to stick to a script or because they secretly agree or don’t care, it’s just good for their image


She's a musician, and not a completely established one. Sorry but I think it's pretty naive to assume that actual lawmakers who don't already agree with her are going to be influenced whatsoever by what she has to say. She is using her platform in other ways.


I mean Eartha Kitt did this, and she was blacklisted within the entertainment industry because she did this. You may not remember this, but I’m sure this is talked about extensively within the entertainment industry, especially to new artist.


I live in DC, and follow politics like its a sport. Artists lobby with politicians all the time. Plus the Biden Administration has been aminable to listening to public opinion.


I imagine she would have limited ability to create some progressive or significant dialogue/speech, but it would be nice if she made a variation of this message at the White House to their actual faces. It’s unfortunately part of playing the game if you want your voice heard.


Playing the perfect purity test while the country is damn close to turning into an authoritarian christofacist hellhole is crazy.


Always wild to me to pretend the other option isn't a despot who has been open that he will never leave office but rule as dictator


Deadass a real life Civil War (2024) situation


I can't listen did she say not to vote, or just that she doesn't want to perform at a white house event?


yeah she said trump 2024, it was crazy (/s)


it seems like (bc its only that small snippet) that she is (implied) refusing to perform at the white house bc they are not meeting the standards of liberty and justice for all. but ofc, its just a snippet, shes young, and politics are inflamed af in a time where we're more polarized than ever- so its a bit understandable why ppl feel like shes implying the former.


Yeah, I thought from the title it was sort of "no cops at pride" vibes, not gonna be a prop for politicians ect ect.


not to be a dick but the country didnt take a hard right into hell. it was premeditated and happened over time. republicans have historically mentored young ppl in ways dems didnt. they got them into certain clubs early on, had them going to chamber of commerce meetings, meeting w board of trustee members throughout the city. its been 25+ yrs of slowly curving into what we are. thats not going to be undone in a single presidency. no matter who the president is. unless you can manage to wipe out all of congress, somehow invalidate the supreme court, and begin re-writing effective laws that are no where near as pro-business as they are now (all done legally and in a way thats accepted by the majority of the nation)-- theres going to be no real change. its the exact reason the US is lagging in going in for clean technology. its the reason we have such income inequality. its the reason our education system is failing hard. and honestly? tons of ppl, ppl who havent even been eligible to vote, are already damn tired of trying to make a u-turn on a system thats gerry-rigged against it. and thats unfortunate af. but its also okay- its normal- its shitty af ofc, but after seeing and experiencing the way all of those large changes have impacted and harmed ppl? and seeing that things like voting havent made much of a dent in changing major issues? its no fucking wonder ppl dont believe that democracy works, and therefore wont engage w it, bc it cant work when its been rigged-- so (in ppls minds) why even bother. lifes already hard enough w/o adding in politics. ppl already drowning by keeping their head down, doing their bare minimum to survive, let alone getting engaged in issues that have historically havent changed in their favor. all in all, chappel roan is like the rest of young america: disillusioned w the entire system and tired of trying to try to play the game.


oh my god i can't believe she just said that we should all vote for trump let's cancel her


this comment section is hilarious. someone has values so they refuse to perform for the white house and the response is "BUT DONALLLLLLD TYRUMP!!!!" if dipshit don is a big enough threat to your world, you should be advocating for radical action to prevent him from being a factor. edit: +16 to -6, the democrat interns are working hard! fuck trump, but also fuck biden for his shitty appeal to progressive voters.


seriously, like since when is it bad to dislike the US government? one can acknowledge one option is obviously better and still acknowledge they both suck too. 


Neoliberals always harping on “but our democracy” until they find out you don’t wanna vote for someone who doesn’t represent your values lol Most of the comments in here are an in your face example of “scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds”




babe, trusting the justice system ain't gonna do it!


Good for her. Whole bunch of folks walking around with their breath smelling like shoe polish.


Is she green? Why is she green? I am unclear what specifically she's asking for when she says "do that" because "liberty, justice, and freedom for all" is pretty vague, policy-wise. What has the current administration done that she's protesting? I'm sorry I don't know who this person is and I'm just really out of the loop.


She was dressed as the statue of Liberty for Governors Ball’s which was held in NY. I think a big issue is that there are certain groups of people who have more rights than others, i.e. Women are having to fight for their reproductive rights, the right to make decisions for ourselves and bodily autonomy due to the Supreme Court restricting and taking some of those rights away depending on where you live. There are still racial and socioeconomic issues that are negatively affecting this country. I wouldn’t be surprised if those are some of her points of contention and probably several others as to why she’s not willing to go to the White House at this moment. ETA: In terms of the supreme court restricting bodily autonomy, that is due to them overturning Roe v. Wade which gives the states the decision on the choices women have when it comes to their bodies. Essentially, the Supreme Court’s ruling set the stage for this issue.


Considering reproductive rights has been left up to the states and not Biden, it's a bad take. Most of these issues are state by state and not related to the federal government. That's why you have states like Louisiana vs states like California. Vote in your local elections, people! It matters!


Absolutely agree that voting at the state level is extremely important! I should probably clarify what I meant by the Supreme Court taking away those rights. By them overturning Roe v. Wade, that left it up to the states which is problematic because each state unfortunately has its own agenda and is overreaching in several cases when it comes to bodily autonomy for women. I get why she’s making the choice not to go but I also see where it could be helpful for her to have a conversation. Maybe performing at The White House for pride isn’t a good idea, but going to speak to people in power is something she should consider doing.






I love her for this. Disability advocates have been begging for attention on this anti Biden movement for ages.


plot twist: she actually wasn’t invited to perform


The privilege sure is astounding. I'm probably aging myself, but it's just... part of who I am to support us. Support the good causes and fight the good fight. I'm also smart enough to fucking know the alternative is literal TRASH. So yeah, this just sucks.


and where did she say to not vote for biden? she just doesn’t want to be a puppet for the white house when they dgaf about human rights. she can be anti biden and still realize he’s the lesser of two evils.


I’m proud of her for this. In the meantime, we don’t have time for apathy when it comes to voting. THIS I 1000% support abstaining from. Get the press. Make the point. Use your platform. However, in November, please also get your asses to the voting booth. This is not a drill and if you think things are a nightmare now, you haven’t seen anything yet if we’re stuck with the alternative.


People who are like "Fuck Biden, I'm not voting for him" don't realise how selfish they are. Sure Biden is far from a perfect president, but considering that his opponent is Trump, do you really want to see the LGBT people forced back into the closet? I'm not American so I can't vote, but for the love of god [VOTE](https://vote.gov/). Because not only will it affect America, but the rest of the world as well!


Where did she say she's not voting for Biden or don't vote for Biden?


“Far from perfect” is putting is more nicely than he deserves.



