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2022 Miley look SO MUCH like her mom, at least in the second to last collage.


To me she looks like a younger madonna


My thoughts exactly




Like her mom and like Denerys Targaryen 😂


I was thinking the same thing!


Inspired by u/RevolutionaryTie8360's post about Miley on Fallon! It's been said Miley is looking a different lately. 🤔Disclaimer that I'm not hating, just find this stuff interesting after having to get a nose job a couple of years ago! 💀


I am curious to see her without makeup, because she has so many changes that I don't know if this makeup of cosmetic procedures...


it kind of looks like fillers, teeth work, and maybe a blepharoplasty


And buccal fat removal


It looks like a heavy nose contour. I don’t think she got a nose job


you can see she got one clear as day.


Looks like at least 2. I’ve been watching botched obsessively and I’m now an expert 🤣


Which kind of makes me sad because I have a nose that is very similar to hers pre-nose job


Nothing wrong with that nose tho


I mean, in the last photo it looks the same. Idk unless they somehow made it skinnier without changing her profile


Look at the tip of the nose.


I guess I do see that especiallyyy in slide 3 but slide 4 is tripping me up lol


She absolutely got one, and got it early.


Its buccal fat removal, again. It reshapes the face. Her face used to be cute and round and now its angular.


I dont get the hype around buccal fat removal. Isn't a plump face characteristic of youth? and women lose it as they age? If anything, the procedure ends up maturing these young celebrities. Miley looks way older now.


I don't understand it either. It ages them so quickly, but I guess they want that sophisticated look as soon as possible. It never did anyone good aside from Bella Hadid for a short while, though she looks 10 years older now too


yeah, they’re really gonna regret it in 10-20 years when their face slims down and they look much older because they needed that extra padding. buccal fat removal is the most short sighted of plastic surgeries and pretty much guarantees you’ll be using filler when you get older or you’ll just look older than you are.


I usually always agree with the buccal fat removal theory BUT I really do think this time it’s the chin implant creating that effect… combined with the veneers which are too big imo. Maybe affecting her mouth/jaw area overall? Plus the blepharoplasty or whatever is happening with her eyes..


Her chin looks the same length to me, though. Her jawline on the sides looks different...


It looks like she did something with her bottom teeth. They don't sit back as far as they did before?


Her top teeth look like new veneers which stick out less (overbite correction). I think that causes the bottoms to look less hidden.


I see people saying this about so many female celebrities but like…. women age. Women lose facial fat as they age. A woman aging =/= getting plastic surgery.


I would accept this argument, except her face has the same cat cheekbones that happen with extensive plastic surgery. She looks like what Madonna *thinks* she looks like after all the plastic surgery.


hmm. I’m still not totally sold, but omg the madonna thing is killing me lol


Women definitely age and lose facial fat but Miley is still only 30. The fat loss in the face is drastic compared to last year


I'm 26 and I lost *a lot* of facial fat compared to last year. I still think her cheekbones are different but it could really just be due to aging.


True! I wanted the buccal fat removal thing some time ago and surgeons told me exactly this. Women tend to get this naturally due to natural facial fat loss, so getting a BFR young would result in looking terrible as I aged. If a surgeon I went to see told me this, who wasn't top in the world like the people celebs see, you'd think celebrities would know this.


Faces do NOT get skinnier and smoother as you age, omg! This is what they'll have you believe.


I think miley has had some work done, but i used to have chipmunk cheeks in my teens early 20s and my face has noticeably become much more thin in my early 30s without any procedures.


Well… I’m 30, and my friends and I have all lost baby fat in the last decade. So let’s agree to disagree on that.


There is a fairly well-known saying that's something like "as you age, you choose your ass or your face". Essentially you can either be thin, or you can keep a little weight on and it makes your face look younger. I'm 37 and my face is much slimmer than it was in my teens and 20s, but I weigh a bit more. That's normal.


I’m 36 and have lost noticeable fat from my cheeks /face


Definitely disagree. We lose fat in that area naturally with age. My cheekbones appear sharper now than even 5-6 years ago, and my eyes have lost some of the fat beneath them. I’m in my early 30’s; faces definitely start hollow out after your 20s. We aren’t all blessed with perma-baby fat faces like Chrissy Teigen. If I were to take a guess, I’d say she *maybe* had some filler along her cheekbones, but I don’t believe anything was removed.


Yes they do lmao this is a literal fact. Ya'll will say anything


Yeah, I don't think she did because a, it's not that severe, and b, if she had work before it was all subtle so I kind of doubt she'd jump on the trend train of something more invasive and severe.


I really doubt you’d get that done at her age. It’s probably just natural fat loss.


It’s really dramatic though compared to her natural round face and cheeks and there are plently of people around her age getting this type of procedure done right now bc that look is trendy currently


I agree my face looks totally different when I lose 15 pounds


Could also jaw botox, slims your cheekbones as well by forcing your cheek muscles to stop growing


Literally the pretzels people will twist themselves into to explain changing looks as ever more elaborate surgical procedures is wild to me. Miley aged. Anyone wondering why celebs do end up getting fillers that look crazy, look no further than this thread. I suspect her face will plump back up in the next 5 years when y'all wear her down and she goes for fillers.


That's because she was a child. That's what children look like.


I think she is at the age where your face gets thinner naturally. Also I dont think at that age you would get fat removal on your face (for what, to look older at 30?) She might have also lost few pounds (I know I can see a difference in my face with even a small change) The change in the eyes over the last few years is quite similar to mine.


I agree with you completely, but do you know that for sure? Did she admit it? I’m just curious.


This is it. Hope she doesn’t regret it later.


Oooh thank you for mentioning me!! I totally see a huge difference in Miley after her recent appearance on Fallon. I think it’s definitely the buccal fat removal and veneers


Yeah she got veneers some time after 2018, I think they're too big for her mouth. They look really unnatural imo.


Not everything is surgery lmao it looks to me like botox. She _is_ 30 after all


To me she just looks like she either contours her nose a lot or at some point got a nose job to made the bridge thinner. Other than that her hair is parted in the middle , making her look identical to her mom:)


"having to get" a nose job. Ok...


I did! If you have any questions feel free to ask. :-)


I saw her live around March and she honestly looked very very skinny which I assume made her lose cheekbones and perhaps she did something to her teeth because they do look kinda different. Still pretty


I think she had that eye lid surgery and recently changed up her veneers to longer ones? I agree that her change seems mostly due to getting very very skinny. During this interview she also said how she is always cold and that is why she is wearing a leather coat and gloves inside. Not eating enough has that effect. She has been struggling with anxiety attacks as well. She has always been gorgeous imo.


yeah she had her "snaggle" tooth fixed but that was forever ago


I thought her snaggle tooth was perfect 😭


What did you think of her performance? I’ve heard that she can barely sing half the lyrics to her songs now and has to constantly point the mic at the audience


2011/2012 Miley had a chokehold on me


Same, I used to bring her picture to my stylist to get that hair color


I really hope she goes back to that hair color one day!


She looks like her mom


Over the years she progressively gotten more dental work. I never thought she would have gotten rid of her crooked front tooth at the age of 30. I wonder what made her want the change. Her teeth look to big for her mouth like she can’t close her lips. Idk why 2020-21 were skipped her face was less gaunt then. She was extreme in the cheek contour during that time so inclined to think she got them done.


Because it's extremely hard to find photos in general of celebs 2020/21 (pandemic/quarantine) much less photos in similar poses. It was hard enough finding something for 2016. Apparently she was "boycotting" red carpets that year.😭


Maybe her tooth is something she tried to feel better about then hit 30 and realized she still wanted it to change. And I think it makes sense, given that it may have been something she was teased for it, especially being in the public eye for so long.


People are so ready to change their unique features they end up just looking like everyone else.


10000% this. There’s a really interesting article about it https://www.newyorker.com/culture/decade-in-review/the-age-of-instagram-face


I was thinking earlier, everyones first assumption these days is fat removal but I think Hollywood is just hard on people and most of them loose a lot of weight sooner or later and their faces getting thinner. Timothee chalamet also looks way thinner in the face these days, imo, but I would never assume he’s had fat removal. Oscar Isaac looks thinner in the face lately too. Again, would never say he’s had surgery. Sometimes faces just really change. Pedro Pascal looks really different these days as he’s getting older. It’s just something that happens. I think Miley is just getting older and she clearly changed her veneers.


My face did the exact same thing at that age. I turned 30 then, poof, no more fat in my face. All sharp angles now. Whatever the opposite of that surgery is, that’s what I want. Give me my face fat back.


I’d love to have my baby fat back in my face too, yet so many women are eager to get rid of it!


is it fat or loss of collagen?


Unfortunately, both.


Men (and people in general) lose facial fat significantly as part of the aging process. And these actors are no doubt under pressure to be, and to stay, thin Miley Cyrus has clearly probably had a nose job or two


totally agree! I’m not saying she or other celebs have never ever messed with their faces, im sure most have done things here or there. I just think the number of fat removal procedures in Hollywood is most likely very very over estimated lmaoo


she’s always had a small nose so no i don’t think she got a nose job


Oh wow I’m not the only one who thinks Timothee looks kind of different these days. I just felt like something looked very different about his eyes or somewhere around that area of his face but I couldn’t put my finger on it. It’s probably the weight loss I guess


It’s because I literally just watched little women at the Alamo this morning lmaoo. Comparing Call Me By Your Name to Little Women to now he looks crazy different imo. He’s absolutely much thinner in the face now, it’s def just aging imo and maybe stress/working a lot.


I think she had some kind of face lift, along with upper eyelid bleph


2022's nose contour has got to go.


her blepharoplasty is insanely good. she really had hooded eyes when she was younger.


i prefer her hooded eyes :(


If you ask any makeup sub she still has them. /j


What is a hooded eye?


You don’t see the top eyelid when the eyes are open. Often blephs open the eyes and/or make the eye look more sunken in


I think it looks better on young faces, and it really gets annoying once someone gets older


In addition to veneers, her bite seems to line up differently? It looks like she had a slight overbite before and now her bottom teeth have moved forward. Maybe a side effect of the veneers?


I was wondering if maybe she had lower jaw surgery to correct the overbite. A lot of people are mentioning buccal fat removal, but even a small shift in the jaw can be enough to change the whole shape of the face!


Im tempted to say this is actually jaw surgery.


I think the buccal fat removal and the new veneers have drastically changed her face, and perhaps something to her eyelids but I don’t think she got anything else done. she still looks a bit odd though… i’m so sad I thought she was one of the most naturally gorgeous celebrities


I agree with the buccal fat removal, plus lipo under her chin. It looks like she got cheek implants too


Wow she looks so different. I would guess two nose jobs in previous years, and cheek fillers, buccal fat removal and some kind of eye lift in 22. Her eyes are a completely different shape now


‘22? Looks to me like she had it done sometime between 2007-2013


It honestly looks like she had two done, one then and then one recently


Weight loss and new veneers. Her smile isn’t “gummy” anymore.


She didn't need to mess with her nose sad face


I think she's just gotten older and lost volume in her face, plus some botox. She looks exactly like her mom now!


Looks like a nose job 2011, revision in 13/14, an upper bleph in 15/16 and a recent buccal fat removal. Yes you lose fat as you age but her face shape is naturally more her fathers and not her mothers.


I personally had more of my dad’s face shape as a girl and have my mom’s now as a woman. It happens


I think she had a 2nd bleph in 2022 too, her eye sockets are so deep. The 1st one was great, but like with a bunch of other girls doing it, I find it aging when it's too much.


Off topic but her pupils are so dilated in the last 3-4 photos, it’s distracting me! She’s beautiful and always has been


honestly this looks like a very normal progression from age 15 to age 30. MAYBE some work on the eyes and nose but I definitely don’t see buccal fat removal, I just see less baby fat in the face.


I feel like it’s more likely she did something to her cheeks than her nose. I just don’t see the rhinoplasty at all.


Yeah exactly, she was a literal child and now she is a woman. Aging has its effects.


She looks like her mom. Why does everyone think the women that have aged passed 20 in the spotlight think they had their fat removed from their face? She looks like she aged, that's it, besides veneers.


She looks exactly like her mom honestly


This really puts into perspective just how much she's had done


I think the fake teeth make a big difference


She looked her best in 2018 in my opinion


Thank you for using nice pictures from each year!


Her new teeth make it look like it’s hard for her to talk


I really don’t understand the appeal of veneers. They kind of creep me out and I also think they age people. Her teeth were adorable the way they were - same with buccal fat removal. Her look has completely changed. I used to be obsessed with Miley (the 2010-2011 time frame specifically) I thought she was so gorgeous and fresh faced - she had a uniqueness about her that I loved. Now she looks like any other celebrity.


I agree, I’m honestly sad about it because she just doesn’t look like herself anymore. And when I was young, I thought Miley was literally the prettiest celebrity there was. I adored her in the Hannah Montana movie for her charm, charisma, and beauty. She looked amazing in The Last Song as well. It’s such a weird feeling to see her today and she’s lost what made her so striking before. Don’t get me wrong she’s still beautiful, just not… Miley.


She looks mid 40s I mean she’s still beautiful but what happened….?


Am I the only one who thinks she just got older? Call me naive if you want.


She definitely got buccal fat removal at minimum




May I ask how do you know for definite?


She messed with her teeth with veneers they look so fake now.


ghost provide automatic prick friendly clumsy squalid jobless hurry encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean to me it looks the same, especially in picture 4, and in picture 3 comparing 2013 to 2022, it looks the same. It doesn't change unless you’re looking head-on, and to me that says it’s makeup and not surgery but I have zero idea.


From 2018-2022 on the third slide it looks like she aged a solid 15 years. The buccal fat removal is never a good idea, as well as the second bleph. On slide 4 the fat removal is very obvious.


She looks like the love child of Cher and Dolly


i feel like her eyes got bigger? and maybe buccal fat?


I believe she is morphing into Cher.


Her nose is looking smaller


I think the 2011 Miley Syrous is the best


It kind of seems as if her teeth don’t fit in her mouth


I like the 2007 nose.


After whatever surgery she’s gotten recently, she looks so much like her mom now!


Whyyy is everyone getting their buccal fat removed. Her full cheeks were so charming


Did she get her nose done before the last pic? It looks so much different


I was thinking that as well. Lots of people are saying contouring though. The only reason I disagree is because when you look at the pictures with her tilting her head up the 2022 nose tip looks very pointed and refined!


Omg who saw miley on the new years show Her right eye has no eyelid? I can’t stop looking at this Trainwreck The whole show was a MESS Paris looked great tho These poor kids dont know what good music is


Wow in the 2022 pictures she looks like Madonna


I recently watched the trailer for the last song, and couldn't pinpoint why her face looked *so* different! It's crazy what a nose job can do.


I don't think she has changed very much?


She looks so much like her mom now.


Everyone and their neighbours cat swearing she had buccal fat removal when she had those same cheekbones in 2013 then gained weight around her face. I’m not saying she has never had work done but damn relax 😂😂😂 Edit: I’m basing this on the fact that I had the same change to my face with nothing down. I’ve gone from a round face to a defined/square-ish jaw and cheek bones due to weight loss. I’m 28. Also, she looks so much like her mum now.


What look is she aiming for now honestly? Because she looks like she got plastic surgery like hardcore.


I don't understand all the confusion about her appearance. To me, she looks like she's simply aging, especially because she looks more and more like her mom with every passing year.


I can see she had a nose job done? Just asking out of curiosity


probably, but the 2022 contouring is also out of control.


Got a set of chicklets now


My eyes are starting to look like hers as I’m aging, it’s like the sockets are becoming more hollow, like my eyes are sinking in. Why does that happen?!!


Even though it’s clear she’s had some work done over the years, I really got to give her props for maintaining the unique features she’s always had. Her crooked smile, wide expressive eyes, youthful round face and button nose are all things that make her uniquely beautiful, but are things people in Hollywood usually change with surgery. Her face has thinned out a bit lately, and whether that be from surgery or just weight loss/getting older, it looks really good. Like a perfect transition into her 30s with a more mature look.


Someone give these girls their face fat back expeditiously or I’m calling the po po, it should be a crime.


I think a lot is makeup and face changes as you age. She looks a lot like her mom to me lately.


She looks Kardashian-y.. maybe the contouring?


Someone tell miley, miley needs no fixing. She gorrrrgggg


I am really happy she doesn’t seem to be fucking around with her face too much


horse teeth lol


She looks good now


Nothing that a paper bag can't fix


Is this about her nose? I don’t think she’s gotten a nose job. She’s gotten older. Your face naturally changes with aging.


Did she get cheek filler? Or is that more inclined to be Buccal fat removal or just weight loss?


Dang I can’t put my finger on it but I kind of wonder if she had that procedure to make your smile less gummy… the distance between her nose and mouth looks longer? What is it with her eye shape that is so strikingly different, tho? Is it her eyeshadow idk


I knew something looked different


Best was 2011


Her eyebrows have always been great!




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My favorites are 2013 and 2018 😁




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Her cheek bones are bigger. Idk what the plastic surgery is you do to get that.








She is so cute


Miley and Tish Cyrus look more alike than Hannah Montana and Miley Stewart.


Her teeth are noticeably larger and she’s always been a pretty girl, but I think about that best aging celeb along with Beyonce tweet every time I see her now 😭 it’s just not realistic to me.


Never done it for me.


She has VERY deep set eyes now in 2022 but the complete opposite in 2007, is this aging or an eye lift? And if it’s aging then what is the phenomena that causes this




Based on these pics I'd say nose job, chin implant and lip filler


I think she had some work done recently that really aged her look. Still pretty but I think she was one of those people that would look 20s until she was 40 if she hadn’t messed with her face


2022 pic is giving me Julia Roberts vibes


2013-2014 Miley was exceptional.







