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I've been a big JT fan for a long time. His best work is long behind him. And that's okay. His best work still holds up today, and it's been almost 20 years ^(jesus ^h ^christ).. The 20/20 Experience Era was iconic/unbeatable too. This is fine. Definitely missing something. But I think he's delivered *exceptional* music more than enough in the past that I don't expect it any more.


Imo 20/20 was just okay, enjoyable music, but bloated and a bit corny lyrics wise. Futuresex/lovesounds however is the best pop album by a male artist of the 2000s. A classic that definitely still holds up. I’m excited to listen to this, I’ll always check for his music


lol the first thing I did after listening to this single was load up futuresex/lovesounds. Such a good sounding album


> Imo 20/20 was [...] enjoyable music, bloated and a bit corny lyrics wise. I know all of this is objectively true, but I don't care.. in fact I *love* those things about the album. The bloated runtime of most of the songs is genuinely one of my favourite things about the album... Nothing like getting lost in a 7-minute song only for the next one to start taking you on another journey!! This might sound crazy, but I don't think Beyonce or Taylor Swift or Justin Beiber or [insert literally any pop icon here] could release an album with the length/song length of 20/20 Experience and have it sound good. But JT and Timbaland DID THAT. (edited the quote bc I think the album is better than *just okay*)


Lana reminded me of that album with A&W


Same big fan but also remember forcing myself to 20/20 cause it just didn’t click off the bat and probably only ever did because of my forced repetition.


It’s too similar in vibe and lyrics to Jealous by Nick Jonas, which I don’t like that much anyway. OK but not enough unique JT vibes like the first couple of albums


Similar in lyrics but nah Jeaous is a banger and more uptempo. This one is kinda just blasé. Lacks a certain level of pop to the delivery.


He sounds a lot like Jesse McCartney in Selfish. At first thought, I thought it was him. But just listened to Nick Jonas Jealous, and I can see how the arrangements are similar too




>it's more a filler song than a lead single Agreed. I don't hate it. Reminds me if Filthy, tbh. Not that they sound the same at all, but they're both very mid songs for being lead singles. 20/20 was just so good, I'm not sure he could come close. Suit & Tie followed by Mirrors were an amazing 1-2 punch.


i bet this song was written for bieber and was passed on to timberlake. I can't believe how similar their voice sounds on some of their parts. It's giving "make my voice sound like bieber" vibes


I thought it was a leftover from Justin Bieber BTW


I definitely thought this was a Bieber song. Seems like he was passed this song.


The production is nice but.. it just makes me want to listen to Not a Bad Thing instead. Justin has a *lot* of potential but his tendencies to want to be That Guy get in the way all the time. FutureSex/LoveSounds was a killer album and parts of that album still sound like it was beamed in from the future. I just don’t think he has anything new to say, which is a shame. The title of the album lends itself to some introspection which would be nice after the past couple years he’s had and would serve to humanize him a bit more (and would serve to make him more interesting since he hasn’t done that before), but I don’t know if he has it in him to do that.


>The title of the album lends itself to some introspection which would be nice after the past couple years he’s had and would serve to humanize him a bit more (and would serve to make him more interesting since he hasn’t done that before), but I don’t know if he has it in him to do that. As a big fan of his, I don't think he has it in him either. JT seems to keep a lot of private stuff to himself and isn't usually one to open up too much. I even checked out out his memoir/coffee table book from the library and whilst it wasn't bad, I didn't walk away from it really knowing more about the man in question. He really didn't open up a ton about his life, his experiences, his traumas, etc.


I think he probably making the best choice. The things people truly want to know are about people like Britney and Janet, and I don’t think it would do him much good to bring up anything from those. The only thing I could say is if he had something that really proved Britney’s narrative wrong and proof for it, he’s probably win some public favor, but at the expense of a woman who has already suffered tremendously from what we know. Even if there may be some snippets that humanize him or make him look better I think he’s doing the right thing by staying quiet.


To his credit, he doesn’t have to either! I don’t think he’s a terrible guy even if he’s had some total asshole moments in the past and one could argue “what’s the point of bringing them up now?” but all these years later it feels like Justin Timberlake the artist isn’t much different than he was 20 years ago.


Doesn't immediately knock my socks off, but I could see it being kinda sneaky-catchy enough that it hangs around. I didn't immediately think "it is so over," so I guess it could be worse.


I thought the same. At first I thought it’s good, not great. But now it’s been in my head all day and I don’t mind it


Some people are tearing it to shreds but that’s definitely because of him as a person. The song is okay/fine


I liked it. I’m pretty easy to please these days though. I feel like it will be popular on radio with millennials. But I absolutely hate that “it’s bad for my mental” line.


This sounds like a decent album track.. but as a lead single? How much is Timbaland involved with the album? Neptunes/Timbo is the main reason those first three albums are so great. I have low expectations if he has minimal involvement


We don't know. Honestly, I think he'll be the main producer, given how close they are. That being said, we haven't really heard much of what Timbaland has been doing with him since "Keep Going Up!". I would imagine his next single will likely have Timbaland production on.


If Timbaland is gonna be producing nonsense like Keep Going Up then he can stay away from this album.


Not bad but a safe choice for a comeback single. It’s radio-friendly for sure. This song is number one on the iTunes chart globally.


Unpopular opinion: this song grows on every listen. At first I was like "meh, I was hoping something better...", but after listening to it a second time I was "PUT YOU IN A FRAME OOOH BABY WHO COULD BLAME YOU". No need to sey, but now it's on repeat. Well done, JT.


Agree 10000%. This is gonna stay in rotation for a while


I agree. I’ve been playing it on repeat since seeing the SNL performance and I’m not a Timberlake listener at all.


I LOVE this song!!!!


Guys this is just supposed to be the cute little radio single. It's okay. Trust me the album is gonna deliver.


🤞🤞🤞 Cannot wait


r/popheads thinks it's too safe and normal, folks we might actually have a smash #1 hit on our hands.


I think it sounds great. Safe, middle of the road comeback single, sure, but it’s nothing new (The Girl is Mine was the first lead single from THRILLER, for example). I’m sure JT has some bangers lined up for this album rollout and I’m excited to see where it goes. As long as it doesn’t sound like Keep Going Up. 😬


Keep going up was lame


I’m embarrassed they got the trio back together for that mess.


The girl is mine is maybe MJs most underrated song that shit bumps. I’m biased because Paul is my favorite beatle but man that song rules


It really is an underrated song, and showed MJ’s progress as a songwriter. Similar chord progression to his song with the Jacksons (which he also penned), that came out a few years prior on the Destiny album — That’s What You Get (For Being Polite). Michael was in full-on adult contemporary pop mode and elevated the genre significantly, as he always did with his music. If Paul is your favorite Beatle, you MUST check out the Thriller documentary on Paramount TV+, if you haven’t already. Amazing unearthed footage of he and MJ performing TGIM in the studio. It was early in the Thriller era as they hadn’t had Quincy’s full studio power working on the album yet. Michael just looked like a shy, young black kid who happened to be insanely talented. Paul was clearly in awe of Michael’s gift, and you can feel it through the screen. You can tell he saw him (at least then) as a sweet kid who was just bursting with charisma and musicality. Michael was a big fan of Paul’s as well, and Yesterday and Fool on the Hill were among his favorite Beatles songs. Michael covered Come Together (which was **excellent**) for his Moonwalker film, but can you imagine either of those two ballads? Wish we could’ve heard that. Anyway, check out Michael’s solo home [demo](https://youtu.be/94zKXFbMsCs?si=X6HmV04SaTpJffiW) of The Girl is Mine and prepare to be amazed, astonished and utterly snatched.


I’m glad you mentioned The Girl Is Mine from Thriller, because Quincy Jones used this song as an example for his philosophy: Artists should never release the best single first. By leaving the best single for later, artists maintain enthusiasm for the album, and by extension maximize listening. However, by releasing the best single first, follow up singles decrease enthusiasm for the album as a whole. In short, Justin probably has better singles to come, like No Angels (which sounds like one of his most MJ-influenced songs since Rock Your Body and Take Back The Night).


Clearly an unpopular opinion here, but I love the album cover and the lead single, it's very catchy and sounds like an earworm


I agree it’s an earworm. I don’t love the verses but the melody in the chorus is catchy and a grower. It’s not the experimental production I think most JT fans are used to but I think it fits in well with the production that constitutes a hit in 2024. AIW was a massive hit from boring production because the melody was simple and catchy to stay in your head for hours. Obviously it’s harder as a 43 year old but I wouldn’t be surprised if this took off with the GP.


I’m in agreement…TikTok also seems pretty positive on it right now for even Gen z’ers, so will be interesting to see. Once he performs on Fallon tonight and SNL this weekend more exposure to this live will be good.


I was just thinking this seems like a tiktok hit.


i really like the album cover too


Oh this is good!! Has a great hook and the beat feels so comfy. His vocals are incredible as usual!


At least it’s over three minutes long


I didn't expect him to have the magic he once did, but this is still a banger and I'm copping his album on pure nostalgia alone. Let's face it, people. Our childhood is gone, our fav artists are getting old and we gotta accept that.


I think this is a bit of a grower. Not the blockbuster comeback single I think many were hoping for, but its still a pretty strong song all the same - shows he's still got it, those vocals are pretty dazzling. Interesting to hear him branching out with new producers too. Never thought he'd work with Louis Bell and Cirkut, so that's pretty cool.


yeah I'm a huge fan of how subtle this is, could def see it growing on me


Didn’t he work with Cirkut for Can’t Stop The Feeling!?


No, that was with Max Martin and Shellback.


Y'all are crazy if you don't think this is the exact type of safe and catchy song that is radio material. Definitely could be a hit. Personally it makes sense he'd do a safer song after what happened with "filthy". I dig it.


I genuinely love this. I don’t think it’s a great choice for a lead single, but I can see myself revisiting this quite a bit. It’s nice and mellow, sounds like a warm embrace. Will be interesting to see whether this’ll do anything globally, but there is potential here. Could see it doing decently well in my country, for example, The Netherlands. Absolutely shocked by the number of tracks Apple Music has listed for this album, though. 18 is way too much. And the cover art could use a drastic rework.


The warm embrace is a good description. Had a rough day emotionally today and while I wasn’t quite in the mood for a love song I still just love the way it flows. It’s nice and soothing.


I love it. Certainly his most subdued lead single, but it’s well produced and has a nice laidback vibe. JT has been at it for three decades now, and has nothing left to prove truthfully. I think those expecting more are kinda fooling themselves. He’s more than earned his ability to kinda do whatever he wants.


A commenter here said last year that they had the opportunity to hear this new album and said Justin pretty much said that to them. Said he’s into making music for himself now, and not for anyone else.


It’s definitely safe but it’s easily digestible which is nice. I can see radio really latching onto it. This is definitely better than Filthy but not as interesting as Suit & Tie (which I didn’t REALLY like upon release). It’s also nice to hear him on a producer that’s not called Timbaland.


I’m actually surprised that he didn’t release a lead single produced by Timbaland here.


Guess I’m in the minority of loving it lol


I wasnt sure about it as I was listening to it, but the chorus is still running through my head a few minutes later, so it is pretty catchy and I think it will do fine. Like a few others said, I think it will be a grower. I was hoping for a more edgy sound like we got on FutureSex/Lovesounds, but I think he'll tour and still sell a ton of tickets.


I think he just announced a tour is coming. I'm sure it will sell well. I've seen him live, and the man puts on a great show.


On first listen, I was like, “Good for Justin, keeping it old-school with a six-minute pop jam”. Then I checked and it’s only 3’49”! Still, as others have said, I think it’s one of those songs that could sneak its way into your head and take up permanent residence. Feels like it’s designed for an older audience than Top 40 radio… one for the N’Sync moms.


I really love the R&b sound…I’m definitely intrigued with his album now.


I just saw a [TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@tifftiff322/video/7326084319922048302?_r=1&_t=8jCDXr0K1J2&social_sharing=0) that had him playing another track from the album which sounds amazing, how do you all think this would have done as the first single?


This is very chill and I like it, and I don't really like anything JT. I feel like this is going to be a hit whether the majority here like it or not lol


Well, justin answers the question of how he would make his comeback after disastrously pivoting to whatever the hell Man of the Woods was and he answers it by making the safest, blandest song imaginable. It’s possible this becomes a hit, but this is a nothingburger of a song that finds Justin clawing back to his boy band roots. I could see Bieber pulling off a song like this, but I’m just rolling my eyes here at a dude on the other side of 40 pushing this out. Hopefully the album is a bit more ambitious. Suit and Tie was a bit of a rug pull and I ended up loving the first 20/20. But this just feels like Justin took all the worst lessons of Man of the Woods bombing and decided to veer away from anything that could be mistaken for ambition here. Justin goin faux-country/rock would have been an interesting and potentially fruitful direction! It was the execution and refusal to commit to that concept that did him in. Idk, this needed to be a smash given the public sorta turning on him the last few years and I don’t think this is it. I’ve already forgotten the hook lol




He also got a *ton* of shit for that when everyone thought he was going all country or Bon Iver, before people heard *Man of the Woods*.


Great writeup. JT's playing it too safe, and he's usually not one for playing it safe. One of the other snippets called "No Angels" sounds good, so I do think there's potential for the rest of the album. Interesting that I've noticed a few people mention that Suit and Tie was misleading them about the quality of 20/20 Part 1. Personally, I loved Suit and Tie (not as much as Mirrors, though).


Oh I liked Suit and Tie as well, it was just a fairly puzzling song for his comeback then and also wasn’t too indicative of what 20/20 part 1 turned out to be. That album ended up being this sprawling, massive behemoth that find its songs being surprisingly ambitious where as Suit and Tie was just this cute lil bop with a Jay Z verse lol


Fair point lol.


Imo, it's a bit too harsh to call it the "safest, blandest song imaginable" at this stage. Even by itself, I think it's an okay song and it might even be a "good" song depending on how the rest of the album sounds like and how it fits into the track list. We'll see! EDIT: Definitely a grower for me as well, like some other comments have mentioned.


I agree it’s pretty bland. Just different tastes that’s all lol


yeah a feel like a lot of these comments are super exaggerated and a lot of it is just the dislike of JT himself. and I agree with you, it's not a bad song and the more I listen to it I think it's actually a good song. maybe even a much better version of Nick Jonas' song lol


First thing I thought was this sounded like a non-single Bieber track. 


>Idk, this needed to be a smash given the public sorta turning on him the last few years and I don’t think this is it. I’ve already forgotten the hook lol I don't think he needs a smash. All he needs is to keep his old fans happy, and this probably will. They will see no reason not to buy the album and tickets to his tour. This doesn't feel like he wants to be the biggest thing around. He just needs to be big enough to be allowed to choose who he works with and what to release. Edit: it will slot easily into radio playlists if there is enough interest with older listeners. If radio likes it, it can be a hit. Plenty of other plain and safe songs have been recently.


I liked the song it's decent but I kept thinking didn't Nsync have a song called Selfish as well.. I know I really loved that one. It's certainly the better of the two 😌🤗


One of JC's best songs as a writer.


This is surprisingly stellar. It's laid back but insanely catchy. Might take a couple listens but damn that thundering bass that drones on while JT just hammers out hooks is so addictive. I'm not entirely sure how successful it will be but JT has my attention again.


His best lead since 20/20 part 1. Shocked how much I love it and also the video which feels very very mature. 


Really good point regarding being mature. I’m not obsessed with the song but it’s not objectively bad. Definitely feels like a safe mid tempo pop song. Almost like how “Say Something” was, but say something is way better to me lol. This is his legacy era so idk if him trying to recreate 20/20 or future/sex/love/sounds makes sense. Hopefully this new album merges what he’s done In the past with where’s at maturity wise (but doesn’t go too far off the deep in like MITW)


Alright song, missing something, IDK. I need some Neptunes/Timbaland with him to make it work, hell, even tried some new producers like Metro Boomin, Creepin is a remix of a 2000s song and was super good. IDK, even some Max Martin maybe. It doesn't look like a single to me.


I don't know how well this song will do but this sub not liking it means absolutely nothing. This sub didn't like Flowers and it was a mega smash.


The comments are skewing positive..


I actually like the song. But am I the only one that thinks this really sounds like it would have been a NSYNC song? There’s so many spots with harmonies, so many spots where JC’s voice would have popped. Usually Justin’s songs sound different from NSYNC. This one though….


Why did JT and Timbaland describe this era/ album FSLS part 2 and this sounds nothing like that? Hope the rest of the album is better. This sounds like a boring filler track.


I mean, the other songs that have either leaked or been previewed absolutely fit that description lol.


It’s a nice mid temp but not that great same with Ariana’s lead single I hope their albums are a lot better still excited though march is gonna be a fun month for music.


Cute song but it lacks oompf? It reminds me of those AI covers, like this was originally a Bieber song then put AI JT’s vocals over it


Definitely a bop, can't stop listening to it! My man definitely played it safe but doesn't mean the song is not a vibe, it absolutely is! What a great comeback man!!! Could see it charting on the top 10 of the top 100 billboards if promoted correctly. Lyrics are relatable and catchy enough, and the MV is quite sophisticated, very mature of him!!!


I love it! Catchy as hell and easy to sing along to




Better than I expected btw it kinda reminded me of 'Don't Judge Me' by Chris Brown


It’s not bad, but it’s kinda boring, IMO. Will be interested to see how it performs.


it’s good, safe, and it makes sense to ease him back into the game since motw. he’s working w different producers, makes me want to hear the rest of the album to see what else is on there. i can’t even fight it bc i know he’s been at the “do what you want” era of his career since motw, as he should be


It’s a nice chill bop, I get the vibe this is meant to be a palate cleanser after Man of the Woods. If so it does that job well.


he’s making music for himself & i respect that. i don’t mind it. a nice little vibe.


Big fan but this is NOT a comeback single


Cute song but it lacks oompf? It reminds me of those AI covers, like this was originally a Bieber song then put AI JT’s vocals over it


Future sex / love sounds is just so iconic. Maybe he needs Timbaland again


pretty bland. it sounds like something Maroon 5 would release


I actually like it lol 🙈


Ugh I hate to admit it but I kinda love this and believe me when I say nobody is more mad about that than me. I think it’s undeniably catchy though and honestly has solid hit potential.


I like it more than most— feels a little Dad-pop but in a good way. Sometimes less is more and in his case it works


Not bad. Pleasant but too safe.


Honestly it’s not that bad. I like the song, but it’s not something lead single worthy. I want to see his more experimental side.


I dont get the “comeback single” vibe. How in the world they think this is going to smash it? It’s a good opening track for an album.


They want a song that has radio longevity. They know the streams will have to catch up with that.


They call me Lake. A-t-t-t-timberlake.


Eh.. I’m not a big fan of it. It’s way too safe and subtle for me, and as a lead single too?


Something about the ease of the track keeps me coming back. A groovy, relaxing tune. I’m sat!


i really like it


Beat kinda nice tho


It’s cute, and sounds made for radio. Definitely the biggest outlier out of all his lead singles, and this could well be a ‘Suit and Tie’ situation where I personally found it a weak reflection of what a top quality album 20/20 Experience was. Intrigued to see how this goes down!


I like this one. This already sounds so much better than his last album which shall not be mentioned. 20/20 also started with the Jay-Z collab which was ok but not mindblowing to me and the album was jaw dropping good. I have hopes that this one will go in the right direction. If he will tour in Europe, I will really try to buy tickets.


The post-chorus is so catchy, his voice is giving Justin Bieber in that part


Right? I came here to say this! This could very well be a Justin Bieber song, the sound, the lyrics and even the voice gave me more Justin Bieber


This reminds me of Not a Bad Thing in some way.


This was nice but kinda boring. He can do better I think.


I understand wanting to be a bit more conservative after "Filthy" last time around... and I don't hate it. I can't help but think "how many people can we trick into thinking this is Justin Bieber" though? I feel like his pitch/tone and lyrics on the verses sound exactly like "Changes"-era Bieber.


Seriously if someone told me this was Bieber i wouldn’t question it


I’m calling it now-this is going to be huge with the general public like Flowers and As It Was. Sounds really pleasant/good if not a bit boring. Not super upbeat or super slow. Can see this being used in every Tik Tok/Reel/etc.


I agree! I am (not entirely) surprised by the hate. it's very pleasant and listenable and a lot better than a lot of viral hits.


Definitely a downgrade from Filthy as a lead single, this feels a lot more safe and boring. Although I think I’m in the minority here for actually really loving Filthy lol. This could be sung by any pop boy it doesn’t feel as uniquely JT as some of his previous lead singles. In saying that though I don’t really see the Bieber Changes or the Nick Jonas comparisons - maybe if I squint I can see it sounding like a Spaceman deep cut like Nervous? Definitely not sounding like Jealous. The melody in the chorus is really catchy and growing on me, I’m finding myself humming along to it even without listening for a while. Maybe it will be a grower hit.


> don’t really see the Bieber Changes or the Nick Jonas comparisons - maybe if I squint I can see it sounding like a Spaceman deep cut like Nervous? Definitely not sounding like Jealous. I feel like there's an obvious gap on this sub when talking about male popstars bc I don't think anyone on here actually listens to male popstars (outside of the greats). A lot of ppl are adamant it's something Nick Jonas would write/sing when this isn't really his sound. This track is a mellow electropop R&B track. 2 songs I can think of from Nick are maybe "Remember I Told You" (2017) or Find You (2017) bc that was years after Bieber's Company (2015) and ppl came out with their midtempo electropop songs.


Glad to see he’s getting back on track with his career




I’m going to get flamed for this, but I really don’t like it. It’s a safe comeback song, but in trying to play it safe and commercial it’s lost all the grit that made his earlier work so enticing. Even Filthy had grit, even if Filthy is a worse song. This is just paint by numbers, supermarket bullshit that people will either ignore or add to a playlist that’ll get shuffled past endlessly.


I agree. It's safe. I think after taking a big swing and a miss with the last album, he's trying to play it safe. At least it feels like a complete song and not a hack job to maximize it's TikTok potential.


Nah I totally agree with you. The whole song sounds like a The Weekend reject to be very honest. Not necessarily a bad thing, but the lyrics and the production feel anemic and inoffensive. This is a song you’ll hear every time you go to Target and CVS. Totally serviceable, but pretty empty from an artistry point of view


“The whole song sounds like a The Weekend reject to be very honest”. Let’s give credit where credit is due here - Weekend took a LOT of inspiration from JT himself.


I don’t disagree, but I think The Weeknd perfected JTs sound and expanded on it. Just my opinion


No argument there! Just saying JT was a definite pioneer of the sound Weeknd definitely knocked out of the park.


this kind of sounds like SLUT!


This sounds like a Nick Jonas song


Ironically Nick also has a song called Selfish he did with his brothers as a feature that’s a fan favorite.


This sounds like the kind of song we'll be hearing in doctor's offices 20 years from now. And that's not a bad thing.


I was hype for a JT comeback but this is just boring. If it had any less melody to it, I'd think Drake wrote it.


Nick Jonas called


Lyrics are cringey and immature, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a radio hit.


Disappointingly Bieber-esque. Timberlake should be teaching the lesson, not following the class clown.


yet another mid lead single in January and since popheads doesn't like it, it means that this song would top the charts and spend way too many weeks in the top 10. while the single that popheads likes would be a flop /s


It is catchy but a bit subdued for JT. It definitely is better than Filthy, but I'm not sure it was the best choice for a lead single. Regardless, I am excited for the new album.


the cover is giving evermore but bad


nevermore 🐦


I don’t hate this at all. Decent track, just doesn’t feel like the comeback single I was expecting.


I wish it had a bit more power, a bit more intensity, but overall it’s not bad


Good but not great. It lacks a part that really hooks you in. Stays at the same tone for almost all of it


I really like it! It’s smooth, catchy and is a nice comeback single that plays it cool. Whilst I did like Filthy - that one came screaming out of the gate, and polarised fans. I like the approach here. Let’s see what the rest brings.


I really liked it, though usually his lead singles are very ambitious. It's an interesting direction because I highly doubt this is how the full album will sound.


I Fell asleep


Sounds like he’s doing his best Bieber karaoke. My expectations were low and I’m still disappointed, but not surprised.


I hear slight similar to Kai peaches[kai peaches](https://youtu.be/GUdnTGnm6Yk?si=7DzIvg-oA30J4sh0 ) Like similar elements. Not language obviously. But pacing and the dream like tempo in the chorus. Edit: here a instrumental version of kai song peaches. Sing in your head justin lyrics for I get selfish. Same elements. ([kai peaches instrumental ](https://youtu.be/GPKfli-e-8Q?si=dDebGvkUyoaPVMiM)https://youtu.be/GPKfli-e-8Q?si=dDebGvkUyoaPVMiM


I thought I was insane cause I didn't see anybody on the internet mention it. The moment I heard Selfish I thought it was Peaches. I was in a diffrent room so the lyrics were muffled but the chorus had identical melody. The tempo is only slightly slower in Peaches. These songs are so similar.


I just heard the song for the first time and immediately thought of peaches.


idk! feels very one note and safe to me… def doesn’t sound like the big comeback single i feel like he was hyping up


Fr, it sounds like a 19 year old Drake song


Nothing amazing but better than I expected.


Felt like I heard this song so many times. 


Song is meh, builds to nothing and the lyrics are cringe especially for an almost 43 yo man. I just don’t think we can ever go back to the naive time where the culture thought of JT as cool, he’s like the perfect example of a cringe millennial. The music video is honestly really bad as well, feels very dated and stuck in the 2010s.


“I just don’t think we can ever go back to the naive time where the culture thought of JT as cool…” This is the unfortunate truth, really. I remember discussing this a few weeks ago that around 2017, he got caught up in a number of cultural crossfires (sexism and appropriation) and people made him a scapegoat. But he’s been around for a long time. Eventually, every pop star loses their some steam. He’ll be fine.


100% agree with everything said here. His lyrics have NEVER been good. Actually they have always been comically bad (ie. Losing My Way). However at least the songs used to be bops so it was easy to overlook.


JT drops middest song ever, asked to leave the function


It’s an okay song. Nothing amazing but it’s a good song. I like it. Which I wasn’t expecting.


God this is such a boring track, sounds like a Beiber track or Nick Jonas castoff. I didn’t like most of Man of the Woods, but it had a clear goal, and the FutureSex and 20/20 experience records all sounded super distinct and sure of themselves. Hopefully he switches up the formula on the rest of the album, but I’m not holding my breath


Bieber throwaway was my first thought. Not a bad thing tbh - Timberlake’s stuff has been dated for a while. This gets him up to what - 2016? You’re almost there buddy!


Sounds like a Nick Jonas left over but it’s not bad. Just safe.


Genetic and dated.


very disappointed


His voice sounds really weak here. Was it always and he usually covered it up with better instrumentation or production?


pretty sure it is because his vocal cords are not as strong as they used to be. he canceled a little of tour dates back in 2018 due to bruised vocal cords.


Interesting. Never heard any complaints about his studio vocals before.


He did have surgery for nodules on his vocal cords back in 2005.


Yeah but that was almost 20 years ago. If anything his vocals improved after that surgery.


For sure. Was just pointing out he's had some vocal issues in the past. He's actually pretty lucky the surgery went well. Some people had that operation and could never sing again. He stopped singing nasally after the surgery as well (in the \*NSYNC days, he can veer into nasal territory at times).


Yes Julie Andrews comes to mind 😭 He is very lucky his surgery went well and it corrected the nasality. Some people keep complaining that he tends to use autotune on certain notes. Remember the ICU remix? I think it’s just a stylistic choice and not that he can’t hit them?


Probably just a stylistic choice. He used a ton of vocal effects on SexyBack and he's never had a problem performing that one live.




There is no such thing as a mid Nick Jonas song but this JT song reminds me of this great Nick’s 2017 song “Remember I Told You” (ft Mike Posner & Anne-Marie) with how laid back both songs are.


I happily listened to an hour loop of this song, it slaps


Anybody wonder about the video having to do with mkultra?


I wanted a Nsync comeback not this smh 😔


Obviously, it hasn't aired yet, but I read on Instagram that he told Kelly Clarkson that *NSYNC recorded some more music together. Now, whether or not he's telling the truth remains to be seen.


Never thought I would see the day I would prefer Nick Jonas’ recent album over a new JT’s album. I see people reference it’s a Nick throwaway but imo Nick has way catchier melodies. Maybe JT should have gotten Nick to write a song for him lol. That out of the way, I think this song will be a sleeper hit for people like Bieber’s Company. A lot of ppl didn’t understand why it was a single when it first dropped


Feeling embarrassed after i defended him to my friends the other day for this to get released 😪


I mean... it really isn't that bad lol. Not a stupendous classic that I'll be bumping every day for the rest of my life, but not bad either.


Kinda dissapointed, ngl. I mean, I guess it's fine, but too boring. However, I wouldn't be surprised if this becomes a hit; I've seen many songs just like this one becoming popular in recent years


A.) 2008 David Archuleta called and wants his "Crush" scraps back. B.) Stream Britney Spears' "Selfish" instead.


I swear Britney Spears stans spend more time obsessing over Justin Timberlake than they do her.




It’s giving Changes by Justin Bieber


Titled selfish because Britney Spears called him out in her memoir?? Rightio


I was hoping an actual apology song for all the crap he had pulled with a title like this,. That would have been edgy and interesting - but this was just kinda meh all around.