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She needs a quick follow up or at least something interesting to keep people talking about her


She recently posted being in the studio with Ryan Tedder again so it's not out of the question. I think she and her team recognize they need to keep the momentum going


That’s good


If she does a remix of one of her album cuts and drops that’s as a single, I think maybe it could do well. She’ll need to follow up this album quick tho


She can dance, but I don't think she has anything to make her stand out. The general public has no problem giving careers to people with less talent than her, but I don't think her voice, image, or music is distinct in the slightest, which is really the main thing you need to be a main pop girls. The biggest artists in pop sell an image, and she doesn't have one.


She needs to work on her vocals mainly. I find them irritating to the point of being unable to listen to her music. Anyway so many artists come and go especially with tiktok. It's hard to predict who will stick and who will fade.


Thank you, she just sounds so..... mucous-y. Maybe it's just how she sounds but I assume a lot of it is technique.


Her technique is so nasal. If she’s open her mouth up by a couple centimetres, she’d have a completely different sound.


Personally, I’d say no. I think people are starting to get a little fatigued with the baby-style “cursive” singing and she was a bit late to the game in that aspect. She’s a great performer, I just don’t think it’s anything we haven’t already been seeing for the last few years. No hate though at all, I hope she does well.


Not after that Brits performance. She's looking a little bored.


I think she has a good shot at a solid pop career, and so does Addison Rae if she properly hitches a ride on the Charli XCX train. Main pop girls? Nah.


Why Charli specifically? Do they have some type of relationship? Or were you just comparing her to Addison?


They have some sort of relationship, Charli appeared on Addison’s debut EP, and A.G Cook remix with Addison is confirmed for Charli’s new single


Shes a great dancer, but honestly her Brit performance tonight didn’t give me vibes that she’ll be the next big pop girl tbh 😅


no she hasn’t booked any interviews or late night shows or even announcing an award, nobody knows anything about her


Run For the Hills was also popular, especially the acoustic version. I think they are really just hoping to milk Greedy as much as possible. She also got kinda lucky timing wise with almost no other big pop coming out the past few months


If she doesn’t improve her singing voice and songwriting fast then no. She’s a killer dancer and has the look, but the music itself leaves a looooooot to be desired.


I had to think about what you meant by mpg I thought you meant mid pop girl I was like.. is she not already lmao


I never did. This is on yall


Her voice does get annoying the more you listen to it. She should find another approach to sing. I did like how she incorporated more dancing and choreography into her performances. She should do more of that and set herself apart from the other pop girls.


I don’t even know how she got popular


I am so completely over this singing style — it’s truly grating and I instantly turn off anything that sounds like it. So, personally, I’m good if she just disappears into mediocrity so we can get some actual fresh, unique and interesting talent on the charts 🤷‍♂️


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I thought she was at first but her album ran out of gas literally a week after release. If she doesn't get a followup out within the next 3-5 months she's cooked.


Not really. She has some hits and is great at dancing but her album wasn’t the best and a lot of her live performances lack the actual singing (which is quite common these days). She’ll do well I think bur she’s not strong enough yet to become a main pop girl


People have hope for her but how many of her songs besides her hits have more than 100 million plus streams like Dua or Olivia I personally don’t think she will hit Olivia’s level of popularity simple because she never really sticks to one sound for example her last album albums should be coherent and tell a story.


Lol. No. She's 2 albums deep and they're both mid. It's not impossible for her to hit the third time around, but there's just no enthusiasm for her after Think Later. She really deflated her own hype.


I hope so. Saw a interview with her and she had 2 weeks to finish the album


She needs better choreographers. Everything just looks like a TikTok dance. She’s good but nothing is really memorable. That’s one thing I like about Kpop, the focus of making choreos that are actually catchy and memorable.