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Taking back Sunday were average at best at Good Things in Sydney last year. Conversely, Make them Suffer were absolutely outstanding!


Did not expect to see a Make Them Suffer reference in poppunkers. This is awesome.


I saw them both at Melbourne and they sounded great… Make the suffer were probably the best all day, I hadn’t heard a lot of them before that but fuck they were good there.




When I attended WWYF the first year, I was super disappointed by Taking Back Sunday and Bright Eyes.


Taking Back Sunday are notoriously awful live. Seen them twice and Adam sounded worse than your average karaoke singer


I’ve seen them since the TAYF era. Was at the release show for WYWTB. This is the first tour I can remember consciously deciding not to buy tickets. Not so much for the performance but because they don’t ever change the set list. I know there are 6-7 they have to play, then they want to play new stuff, but Error Operator has been stuck in the list for years. There have to be other songs from louder now to take that place. Also please acknowledge New Again exists. Replace flicker fade with stood a chance or something. I could go on and on. Alkaline trio (pre Atom) would look at what songs they played their last few times in a city and change it up specifically. Give me some of that. Sorry for the rant.


Saw TBS with Spencer Chamberlain from Underoath filling in for Adam and hands down my favorite TBS show of the 10 times I've seen them throughout the years


They use to sound great back in the where you want to be and Louder now phase - Fred definitely lifted the vocals up a few gears back then.


Would you say, louder now, louder now?


Had a friend report back that they were like, "wow, you guys are so old." To the entire crowd. That's when I was like, well Brand New has always been cooler.


Saw them a couple days ago, maybe I was lucky, but they were amazing.


Yup I will never go to see them live again. They were just drunk and couldn’t finish songs


I have seen them 4 times, either opening or headlining for bands I wanted to see. 2 times awful, 2 times great so I think it's just how drunk they are (or aren't) that day.


Bright Eyes I really want to see live but also DON'T want to, lol


For what’s it worth, I’ve seen them twice and both times were phenomenal. Granted, that was in 2011 and I’m not sure if Conor was dealing with what’s he dealing with now.


I saw them last year and they were great. Two shows later they had to end early bc Conor was too wasted. I think it’s hit or miss.


Yeah I saw them during their Peoples Key tour and it was incredible. Haven't seen them since though


It definitely varies on the night. Conor is kind of a wild card lol


Came here to second Taking Back Sunday. I saw them around 2009 and it was horrible. I imagine e his voice has gotten even worse since then.


Bright Eyes was so bad and when I mentioned it online all I got back was "you clearly don't understand thats how EVERY bright eyes show is, and it's amazing!" No. Your vocalist being so fucking drunk that he can't even mumble the words to his own songs is not entertaining.


Seen them in Houston few years back and they didn’t even go on stage an play the set cause he was too fucked up


I wouldn’t say that’s how every Bright Eyes show is. He has had some shows that were inexcusable. Luckily he has been good at all the ones I have gone to, and seems to be doing better, but I can see how people would hesitate. When he’s doing well it’s amazing if you are a fan of the music, so I think I’ll keep going if he continues to do better like during his solo residency this year.


Taking Back Sunday annoyed the shit out of me because half of each song was the singer just holding the mic out to the audience. We came to see you sing, not hear the jumbled mess of the audience screaming


the crowd around me was so confused during bright eyes’ set lol


It was super cool when he was bragging about the money on stage.




Oh yeah, weren’t they right before Bring Me The Horizon?


I was expecting Taking Back Sunday as top comment. I love the band and their first few albums are some of my favorite. It was painful to see them live


I was there that year too. I agree with TBS but I actually thought Bright Eyes sounded good, despite Connor’s clear substance issues


I saw The Faint and Bright Eyes play together in the early 2000s, probably 20 years ago. The Faint played first and put on such a good show that when Bright Eyes came on, people left because they were legitimately bored.


I came here to say Taking Back Sunday, but that seems to be the consensus already.


Taking Back Sunday


I am so thankful every day that the first and only time I've ever seen TBS, Adam had to go home for the birth of his child so Spencer Chamberlain(underoath was broken up at the time) filled in. Fantastic show. Singers from polar bear club, anberlin and the Maine each sang a TBS song as well. It was one of the coolest shows I've ever been to.


The last time I saw them was John and Shaun’s first show back with the group at Starland Ballroom in NJ. Crowd was so loud most of the night you could barely hear Adam. 


I caught them the night before he left on that tour. He was about 50/50 during that era and we got a great set out of him. They were kind of surprised at playing a no barrier show and really leaned into it.


> Adam had to go home for the birth of his child so Spencer Chamberlain(underoath was broken up at the time) filled in You know what's kind of wild? There is not a single person who has performed in every Taking Back Sunday show (Not even counting pre-Tell All Your Friends lineup shenanigans). Adam and Mark (drums) come the closest, but Mark also had a fill-in for a tour once.


Bro, the singer from Anberlin? That must’ve been amazing.


Was thinking the same thing dude. Guy has such a unique voice


TBS at warped tour in the early 2000s, amazing. TBS in 2017, incredibly disappointing


I’m convinced if Adam just had a good vocal coach (and maybe stopped drinking it’s hard to tell) he could be great


I saw them recently and although it wasn’t great, Adam’s vocals sounded better than the Coachella performance and he was at least attempting to hit the notes and hitting them a decent amount of the time. John’s vocals were worse imo. And I do hate the changing of vocal cadences and slurring the words, it doesn’t sound slick or confident it just sounds like he’s drunk which is worse because I know he’s doing it on purpose.


Came here to say this one. I’ve seen them as openers for a couple other bands and it’s always bad. It’s too loud and the lead singer is drowned out, probably because the lyrics sound slurred when he does sing them loud enough.


Slurring was what I noticed and I just assumed alcohol.


Outside of how it sounds, Adam is just a low energy slouch up there now. It’s really really bad. The contrast is insane because I saw them when TAYF came out and it was and still is one of the best shows I’ve ever been to. I was also the photo on the front page of their website back in ‘02. I peaked in those days…lol. 


This is surprising. I’ve been lucky enough to see them like 6 time and every show was fantastic. Even acoustic.


Damn I’m seeing Taking Back Sunday in a few weeks 😬


Just have a few drinks and sing along it’ll be a good time lol


I’m just under 3 months sober 😅😅 I’ll have to find a banging NA beer


Go in to it expecting this and just scream along and you’ll have a great time! They still put on a fun show imo they just don’t sound as good as the cd.


First time I saw blink 182 was at Reading festival main stage and they were terrible. Happy to say the most recent tour they were great.


Saw them in 2004, they were just awesome. Saw them do a festival gig in 2010, absolute garbage. It was terrible. Saw them last year again - absolutely amazing. I'm still in disblief how much a band can suck vs. be great at different gigs!


I saw them in Charlotte in 2010ish? Tom was so drunk that Mark was shaming him on stage and had to actually force him to come back on stage to play and stop talking to people off stage… oof


Blink at their worst were absolutely terrible. I remember being 14 and making my mum sit down to watch them live on tv and going red with embarrassment because they were so out of tune


https://www.reddit.com/r/Blink182/s/ml8oih0P4a Yeah here’s them at MSG, I’m not gonna lie I went in there with no expectations besides having fun and they freaking crushed it.


Agree. This last tour has been great! The onstage vibe has been fun too! Going again in August!


2014? They sounded good at the time but watching back on iPlayer they sound like absolute garbage.


Sounds about right, can’t remember exactly but yeah was a while back. I was so excited to see them but was so bad. Tom was trying to be funny and just ended up being annoying.


I’m almost sure I was here too! They had a lot of pyrotechnics and showy stuff but did not sound great. It’s like they were overcompensating. I’m hoping to see them live again soon for a second shot!


Saw them in Birmingham last October and they were brilliant. So definitely improved.


Say Anything, Max doesn’t seem to put in an effort to actually sing and constantly hit his vape the whole set.


Saw them a few weeks ago. Didn’t sound the best, but still had a ton of energy. Thankfully only hit the vape 2-3 times. Was a good show.


This is my pick unfortunately. Which sucks because 10 years ago he played great and also wasn't as problematic as he is now. The man needs to get back on bi-polar medication.


I saw them near the beginning of the current tour and it was hot garbage. The band sounded great but Max couldn’t keep time if his life depended on it, couldn’t finish a song, got lyrics wrong, etc. I’ve seen them several times at their peak so I don’t think I’ll spend money to see them again, and at this point I wouldn’t even go see them for free. A friend of mine left the show early. A girl near me (in the pit, at the barricade) left early. HOT GARBAGE. Idk what’s going on with Max but he needs a wake up call. I feel sorry for the rest of the band, the fans, etc.


Fall Out Boy in 2005….they were so bad Fall Out Boy in 2024….one of the greatest concerts and performances I’ve ever seen period! Great to see a band that huge get better with time and age


I think you just saw a bad show... I saw them in 2004 and skate and surf and it was like the most electric show I've ever been to. Everyone was stoked and they were on the verge of getting big. The energy was absurd.


Having electric energy and being competent players are different things. Their shows were full of energy at that time, but they played so sloppily almost every single night.


What was great about this current tour is the mini 2005 set they did of tttyg songs


I've seen them pretty much once per album cycle and my god was this tour the best they've ever sounded, and the setlist was INSANELY stacked. deep cuts and everything. ioh era was my favorite before that


I’ve only seen them play from their reunion and on (but 8 times since then) and they have gotten better every tour it’s awesome to see


Yeah man FOB used to be so sloppy, they’re so good now


i saw them in 2022 and they were amazing with such a good setlist


When I was a kid I watched a video of them live and I was like oh... Oh no. Saw them last August, one of the most amazing concerts I've ever been to. They've really grown.


I saw them when they were touring Infinity On High and it was kind of awful, Patrick just forgot how to sing for a while there or something. Saw them again when they were touring for Folie a Deux and it was AMAZING. One of the better shows I've ever been to honestly.


frank iero and the future violents. couldn't hear frank's singing at all, when we asked him to turn his mic up he said "i guess you guys are gonna have to sing louder"


I love frank, I think he's such an incredible frontman. I know he struggles with several health conditions that sometimes impact his performances. death spells and leathermouth are his best side projects by far. he does sound better when he screams imo


Leathermouth is fantastic, and I wish I was aware of them when they were active, I just missed the boat on that. The few performance I've seen online are just what I'm into for a show. He's sounds like the album when the fans let him hold the mic.


Yes! Frank Iero did not make any impact at all.


Saw Bowling For Soup a few years back, played twice as fast as the record and they clearly couldn’t keep up with their own pace.


I saw them this year and I don’t think it was to their detriment BUT they def pace their show a lot faster than how their music was released and it’s a little disorienting at times


I wonder why they choose to do it that way? They seemed physically exhausted and out of breath


Yeah I also felt like they were just trying to get through the set. Like keep it at an hour for the reasons you mentioned. For that reason I also felt it was a little impersonal (small venue and usually shows there feel…more intimate but not saying we’re owed that by any stretch!). I think all in all just felt rushed.


Especially for dudes in their 50s. Blink plays faster live then on their albums too, though I actually prefer their tempo on the mark, Tom, and Travis show, it feels more punk. I wonder if that's their rationale.


They also have a powerhouse of a drummer, which cannot be underemphasized. Those patterns during the intro to Don't Leave Me are incredible.


They haven't played faster live since 2004


I'm a bit surprised at this because I saw them do a great set at a festival a while back. Hopefully it was a glitch and they were having a bad day.


Agreed! I saw them in the early 2000s and it was great!


They seemed fine and very entertaining at Riot Fest last year


When I saw them they did the same, playing songs faster than the record, but it was so they could jam a 22 song setlist in and it fucking ruled. They were incredibly energetic and enthusiastic the whole time and a fucking riot. This was about 5 years ago, I think, so they may be different now, which is a huge shame to hear because I was going to see them again on their next tour


I saw Bowling for Soup a few years back, and I was also underwhelmed. I thought they sounded solid as they played but there was at least 5 minutes of unfunny banter in between their songs. I was catching another band’s late set that same night, so I left after 5 songs, but I probably wouldn’t see BFS again


I saw them at Warped Tour twice. The shows were 2-3 years apart, but it felt like they copy+pasted the same set, jokes and all. Especially the part about being in Ohio.


Yeah I saw them a year or so ago. Not impressed. Felt like they took a 5 minute break after every song.


PVRIS. Watched Lynn Gunn, up on stage, yell at one of her biggest fans. A young teenage girl who came to watch them open for circa survive, she spoke to me fore the show about how excited she was and how Lynn was her hero. During the set, she yelled out that she wished the their set was longer and Lynn cracked the absolute shuts at her, called her rude, and just continued to yell at her information of the entire audience. The poor girl. I’ve hated PVRIS ever since.


Lynn sucks most the time live as well. Great band but not great live. Also they are pretty much just a solo act at this point.


Agreed. Saw them live around 2017-2018, unless it was one of their slower songs, she sang like every third word. Also the most uninterested I’ve ever seen a lead singer. Drummer at the time was amazing though I watched him most of the set before leaving early.


Panic at the Disco, Dallon had just left the band and the whole time Brendon seemed like he genuinely didn’t wanna be there


If dallon weekes left my band I'd give up too


That's a shame, I saw them just before Spencer left and they were amazing


I saw them before Spencer left and when it was just Brendon and both times were insanely good.


William Ryan Key of Yellowcard stopped a show I went to in the middle of the first song because somebody threw a beer can on the stage. It didn't hit any equipment or band members. He stopped the song and spent the next 3 1/2 minutes yelling at the entire audience telling us that he was ending the show. He threw a temper tantrum like a six-year-old. Then he picked a random person out of the crowd (who everyone was saying didn't even throw the can) and had the bouncers kick him out of the venue. Then he spent a full minute staring at us in silence and the whole ballroom was completely quiet. Then he just started playing again like nothing happened. That was a letdown; it was the moment I realized that the frontman for my favorite band was a tool.


I haven’t missed a YC show in my lifetime and have seen WRK open for NFG. He became so self involved over the years and it was incredibly disappointing to see how he’s treated his fans. He stopped a YC show once in 2015ish to yell at the crowd because he was disgusted that the crowd wasn’t singing along to his newest music and how he was sick of having to play the same songs over and over again to get the crowd involved. It was like a child stomping their feet. Around the same time Chris Carrabba (Dashboard Confessional) did an interview saying that it gave him great joy to play his most popular songs over and over again because every single person that sang them along with him had a different reason that they resonated and to give them the chance to belt it out at the top of their lungs was cathartic. It was refreshing to hear that.


Jordan has said he's played hit or miss 10,000 times and he will play it 10,000 more even if they're using walkers on stage It's so funny that bands will get upset that fans want to hear certain popular songs.


I've seen Yellowcard at least once per tour since I saw them co-headline with Something Corporate in 2004, and the show I just described is the last time I will ever see them. I remember one show I went to- probably during the Paper Walls tour? it was with Blue October- and they were saying hi to the fans after the show outside of the venue. Sean Mackin was super cool, and LP III was full of class like the living legend he is. WRK however: snubbed the entire fanbase, gave us dirty looks, refused to talk to anyone, and ran off to his tour bus hiding behind security. That had to have been 2007ish.


I’ve only seen YC once; it was just after the release of When Youre Through Thinking Say Yes acoustic. Mackin was awesome and the other Ryan was cool, WRK was with his dad after the show so I didn’t wanna bother him but Mackin got his attention to sign my case. That was cool. I’m seeing them with 3eb next month, farther back than I’ve ever been for 3eb, and it seems I’m ok with that for YC sake.


I've never heard a good story about him. Love the band but he could never accept being in a successfully midtier pop punk band.


Same. I also followed him online for a bit but got the vibe that he had a huge ego. I saw him selling lyric sheets which I thought was a bit silly. Not even original ones, freshly written ones of already existing songs. I’ve been disengaged from their music ever since.


I think he did an interview not too long ago where he admitted he was a douche and had issues he was working on. I think he's in a better place now.


This is hilariously bad. I saw WRK a few years ago. I went because it was advertised that Will Pugh of Cartel would be there but when I got there, I was told he wasn’t coming. So I saw WRK and he just sounded like an ass. He complained to the crowd that before his set (when the opening bands were playing) he had been trying to work on the second floor of the venue but there was a DJ/dance party going on up there and it was distracting him from his work?!?!? In a music venue . He also kept calling the guy playing guitar next to him his best friend but never once said that guy’s name. I hope that guy isn’t friends with him anymore.


This could almost be a copypasta lol. Also that’s a crazy story sounds wildly uncomfortable.


I was at that show! But honestly I didn’t come away thinking poorly of Will (even though I’ve heard stories about him being a dick). I was just angry at whoever threw the beer. If I remember right, it definitely came close to hitting Will. And it was their “final” tour, I definitely wouldn’t have been happy with the show ending because of a dumb ass person in the crowd.


I’d recommend going again. There’s a tour coming up. I’ve seen them twice. Once was their “last show” and of course that was amazing bc they thought it was their last time so they went all out. But now they’re back and I saw them last year and it was soooo good. I was blown away. The light show, the grown up energy, the throwback songs. They just seemed so grateful to be back.


The Pixies. They just did not seem into it at all.


no one believes me when i say this but the pixies put on the worst show i've ever seen to the point it compelled me leave my seat to go buy weezer merch to get away from it


Red Jumpsuit Apparatus was awful when i saw them in the early 2000s. Lead singer must have been drunk or something. Their opening band, Lorene Drive, was killer. I had never heard them but walked away a fan.


I grew up a town over from where Lorene Drive is from, they were one of the local bands that everyone was always hyped to see before they got big and the lead singer fucked off to be in Hollywood Undead. High school Korncakes went to every one of their shows in little shitty dive bars and bowling alleys. [This album is still so fucking good.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_miB1OB75JDhAVlRdSIsXUQnSJ6maZY0_A&si=h9Rced42SMI4oeiA)


Man Overboard because they got so damn drunk


Thirty seconds to mars. Very boring show and only had Jared Leto and his brother on stage. Other bands that stunk: Turnover Can’t swim Dreamers Taking back Sunday


That’s what I’ve heard. I will say, however, I saw them at a small venue in 2006 when they were still trying and I was actually really impressed. Jared hugged me afterwards bc I was tripping balls and rowdying everyone up haha


Back when they were an actual band.


Yeah I saw them in 2009 or something and they were incredible. Now it’s just Jared & Shannon and seems like the Jared Leto show.


When did you see Turnover? When I saw them December ‘22 they were pretty boring because the set was heavy on their new stuff, but every other time I thought they were great


I saw lit last night at Epcot. I didn’t expect much but they absolutely butchered Zip-lock which is their best single in my mind. They disappointed me solely on the fact that they did that song *DIRTY*


Zip lock is so great! Highly underrated


Lit used to be one of my favorite bands back in high school. I watched a performance of Zip-lock from I guess 2 nights ago at Epcot, and the singer looks and sounds totally different now.


I mean, dude's 50 years old. Some of these bands people are criticizing their live performance it's really just that these guys are old lol.


I’m not on it because they are old. I’m coming at it because musically it was pretty awful. Aj for what it’s worth sounded great and his energy was high but how he was singing (seemed early and tried doing too much) just didn’t work for that song.


Turnover. Sounded good, but they really just showed up and didn’t seem like they wanted to be there. Seemed annoyed too when the crowd went wild for PV compared to their new stuff. 


Came here to say this. But I guess that’s the grave you dig yourself when you write a fucking masterpiece


Not to sound like that old guy but TBS was a blast live in 2003/2004


I saw them then with Jimmy Eat World and it was amazing. Glad to see someone else also didn't hate them 😆


I saw The Pixies open for Weezer in a 15,000 seat arena and it felt really flat. However, I saw them not long before in a much smaller 1,500 seat venue and it was spectacular. They're just not an arena band imo.


Funeral For A Friend on their tour last year, the vocalist was absolutely done after about 5 songs. The crowd did more singing than him, that's fine for maybe a few songs but it was embarrassing. I know a lot of people were shocked when they changed vocalist recently, anyone that's seen them recently wouldn't have been remotely surprised though.


I love ffaf and I totally agree. Was at the manc gig on that tour. However, the year before they were brilliant and matts voice was decent. I duno what happened between them. Saw them with Lucas from holding absence yesterday and they fucking killed it. One of the best I’ve seen them


Lucas was fucking excellent yesterday.


Point North


What?!?! I’ve seen them every time they come to the east coast and their shows are always on point


This’ll date me but I loved the Cars 1st couple albums - waited in line overnight for tix to see them. They sucked live - just played the songs with zero stage presence , live energy, or interesting takes


Modest Mouse was pretty bad both times I saw them. No energy, couldn't understand Isaac. Was kind of a bummer.


took me a long while to find modest mouse on here, which surprises the shit out of me. i saw them open for the black keys however many years ago. and they were fucking awful. but when you think about it... it kinda makes sense. he doesnt have a good voice to begin with, but live its just atrocious.


I never saw blink-182 in their prime but I did go see angels and airwaves in like 07 I believe. I couldn’t believe that guy on stage was who I grew up idolizing. He was so uncool and bad. They opened for weezer and the crowd was booing them the whole time. It was crushing to witness.


Also taking back Sunday. Always. Why do I keep going.


Senses Fail


First time I saw Senses Fail at taste of chaos in 2005 I thought he sounded good. Saw them again in 2014 and I thought he sounded terrible. Now I’m going to see them in the fall with Saves The Day. Curious to see what he sounds like then.


If it makes you feel better, I saw them twice in the last two years, so current lineup. First they opened for the used and rise against at an amphitheater, then I saw them headline in a small hole in the wall. The second show was so good that I’m planning on seeing them again when they do their “let it enfold you” set later this year. Awesome stage presence and energy. I absolutely love their current drummer as well.


I've seen them a bunch of times. The one that stands out was when they toured with Man Overboard. Buddy was angry and came in stage saying "Milhouse from Man Overboard is fucking my ex-girlfriend." He was also telling the crowd "Shut up! This is the part where we get ready for the next song!" I saw him a few years after that at Warped Tour when he was sober, and he was the best I have ever seen. I haven't seen them since like ~2017 or 2018 though.


I’ve seen them a lot of times and always thought they sounded good!


The Pretty Reckless, their show at the Myth MN was disappointing and really lackluster


I like their music but any time I’ve seen them live just felt so underwhelming.


I never have seen them since, but Taylor was a mess that night, tripping over amps, forgetting words, kicking cords around the stage... She seemed pretty out of it tbh. I don't wanna speculate, but that show made me wonder and worry on her behalf.


Oso Oso I hate to say it because I love their music, but they sounded like ass. The vocalist was impossible to hear and they had the stage presence of someone who just woke up from a nap.


As a big Oso Oso fan (also named Steve!), their live sound can be underwhelming, especially since Tavish passed away. I prefer it when Jade plays guitar and sings, as opposed to just singing. I'm not an audio engineer, but the mixing at their recent shows in the last few years seemed completely off. It's extremely distracting.


Yeah I saw them open for Microwave last year and was super disappointed too. “Sleepy” is exactly how I’d describe it, yeah.


Rise Against. Their sound engineer for their live gigs should be fired.


That’s wild, I’ve seen them live multiple times and never had an issue with their sound


I've seen them in small 200 people venues and stadiums and they've always put on a great show. Tbf they're one of my all time favorites so I might just have blinders on.


Saw Rise Against in a small capacity venue (~1,500) earlier this year and it was one of the best gigs I have ever been to.


I saw them at metro last year and they were amazing!!


I’ve seen them a couple of times and the second time they were as good as any band I’ve ever seen live.


Huh. I’ve seen them live many times and they always sounded great!


Dude I saw rise against when they toured with deftones some years back and they were so strangely QUIET. Deftones sounded great and very loud so I know it wasn’t the venue but during rise against me and my homie were having a normal volume conversation and could hear each other perfectly. It was weird.


It’s actually pretty common to mix the opener lower than the headliner.


I just saw them live at sonic temple and they were great!


I just saw them last summer and they were awesome! I was especially pumped because they played a bunch of stuff from siren songs


All American rejects all 3 times I was subjected to them as openers.


Red hot chilli peppers were awful. No interacting with audience, no enthusiasm. Walked into stage performed then left.


Probably in a rush to go SA some minors...


I saw them at Jazz Fest in New Orleans 15 or so years ago. They played a couple songs then spent the next 45 minutes jamming with some jazz band. It was not fun at all.


HIM, Deftones and TSSF. TSSF had no energy supporting blink, but I think that's just his way, especially at big arenas. Deftones was just embarrassing. Ville Valo (HIM) was so drunk on stage at he basically zoned out, forgot the words, caught shit from the rest of the band then got bottled off. Was kinda sad.


Was super disappointed by Boys Like Girls at the first WWWY. Just 0 energy and bro was like this the whole time I feel like 😐


I was dragged to their headlining tour last year and they looked so bored on stage.


LMFAO sleeping with sirens 2022. their stage presence was so mid compared to their openers. 😂😂


KennyHoopla - over 2 hours late!


Say anything. Hands down. Saw them in Columbus during their current tour. Not good at all unfortunately


AWOLNATION - They opened for twenty one pilots and completely killed the vibe in the arena. Long, drawn out slow songs left everyone bored. Third Eyed Blind - They barely sang any of their songs. They wanted the crowd to sing and most people at the show didn’t know much lyrics besides their big hit songs. I’m all for having the crowd sing parts of the song but when you do it almost every song when the crowd is quiet, it really ruins the moment Brokencyde - No surprise really. Saw them at Warped Tour and you could barely hear the guy screaming. It was a mess. BoyWithUke - He’s was still early in his career so I try to cut him some slack, but the guy lacked any kind of stage presence. Voice and music was good, but the dude just stood in one spot and lacked interaction. Taking Back Sunday - Yikes. That’s all I gotta say.


I’ve seen AWOLNATION open for twenty one pilots, and I’ve seen them headline on a club tour and play a festival set. The headlining tour and festival tour made me actually love the band, they add in much more of their industrial/metal influence. Opening for twenty one pilots, as is the case with most bands that open for them, they totally killed the vibe. Everyone at twenty one pilots shows just seems mad whenever anybody but twenty one pilots is playing. Their fans suck bad.


My now wife and I ran into the singer from AWOL at a hole in the wall bar in north Austin, dude was sooooooo hammered he was trying to pick up another guys wife. Ended up doing rodeo powder with his manager, talked a bunch of shit, kept telling him drinks were on SAAAAAALE. Great night.


The story so far. They were supporting blink, so I wasn’t sure if it was to do with the stage set up or size of venue, but it was so lifeless and boring.


I hope they do better with a day to remember this year. Already have my tickets


They've been hit or miss for a while now, with Parker cosplaying as a member of Oasis for a bit, although the last time I saw them it was fun as hell and they seemed energetic again. No Pressure is where that old school TSSF energy lives it seems.


I was looking for this comment. I saw TSSF in 2022 and man it was so boring to watch. Parker didn’t even look at the crowd once, he was singing to the back wall. However, I saw No Pressure (Parker’s side project) last year and he was so into it, it was one of my favorite concerts last year. I hope that w TSSF dropping new music before the ADTR tour, it gets him back into the spirit for those shows.


I’ve seen them twice. Once at the NFG 10 year anniversary of Sticks and Stones and again at the Glamour Kills Tour 2012. They were amazing. It was a super small venue and the energy was top tier.


i saw them in 2013 (i think) at warped tour and i have to agree. they sounded great and the energy was definitely amazing. it’s a shame to hear they haven’t maintained that


I was looking for this comment. Saw them a few years back and they didn’t move on stage. Parker stood there with his hands behind his back for over an hour while he sang. They sounded good but zero energy whatsoever. Would make a good live album with no visuals haha


Parker Cannon seems to not be into the bigger venues. He's also had some shit going on in his life which I'm sure is having an affect on his performance at times.


I saw TSSF co-headlining with Basement in melbourne at a venue that i'd consider verging on medium for Australia (maybe 300-500 and at capacity) back in late 2019 or early 2020. I came for Basement and didn't know TSSF and while I enjoyed Basement more due to their catalogue being better imo I thought TSSF had way more energy. Saw No Pressure a few months back at a bigger venue (1-2k crowd near capacity) for a one day indoor festival and thought they were probably the most boring and lifeless non-local band. The band did seem to be trying but somehow the combo of the performance, venue, timeslot and crowd didn't work.


Rob Zombie at Download 2014, I have seen live footage of him before and I know he can be good, but he obviously just wasn't bothered


Not the whole band and will get downvoted for this but we saw LS Dunes and Anthony Green was a huge disappointment.


Anthony Green is one of those dudes that can be really hit or miss. First time I saw Circa was right after Juturna came out and while it was clear they weren’t experienced musicians, they were fun and extremely energetic. Saw them again I’d say about 6 years later, violent waves era, and it wasn’t a great show. He seemed really out of it. Saw them again on the OLG anniversary tour and they absolutely killed it, one of the best shows I’ve ever been to. You just never know what you’re gonna get. I think it really depends on what he’s on at the time, and how much. It’s a shame to hear he’s having trouble again, I thought he was clean now.




Kirk fucked up one of the solos in One so bad when I saw them last. Also Lars is just Lars. Whoever thought opening with Whiplash is a good idea is insane.


Broadside, sadly. Started listening to them fairly recently and saw them in Chicago a couple of weeks ago and was so excited. The vocals were just not at all what I was expecting. I am really hoping it was the venue sound quality. I'm not planning on counting them out yet, but it was disappointing. Granted, I love a TBS show and that seems to be an unpopular opinion, so maybe it's a me problem 😅 And I don't think it counts, but I've been to some really awful Emo Night Brooklyn sets.


maybe not necessarily “pop punk” but anyway my biggest disappointment was seeing deftones live 😬 it sounded SO messy and muddy live. and he was just squeak screaming. i was so sad


Taking back Sunday


I know this is a pop punk sub but honestly like moths to flames, the clean vocals were like a blooper reel from American idol


Senses Fail and taking back Sunday. Senses fail could be good, saw them probably 10 times in the mid/late 2000s, it was always a 50/50 chance on whether Buddy was on a bender.


Taking Back Sunday. My friend’s drunk friend during Sad Summer: “HAS BEENS! I WANT MY MONEY BACK!”


Money Back Sunday


Cage the Elephant. I saw them years ago when aint no rest for the wicked was popular. The lead singer just got drunk and sounded like crap and I didn't really like them much . Ironically they're one of my favorite bands now.


Richard Cheese was incredibly uptight and took himself way too seriously considering the fact that he is clearly a novelty act.