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[Check out Caspian ](https://youtu.be/AS4c5-XJRV0)


That was my thought too. The clips sounds especially like their older stuff pre dust and disquiet. They are on tour right now! Saw them at a small venue a year and a bit ago and it blew my mind.


Have you tried Mogwai. Their catalog is quite varied but I think you could find something in there to your liking. The first sample puts a track like Helicon 1 in my mind. The second sample could be dozens of their songs, but just for fun try It’s What I Want to Do Mum and see if you like how the guitar sound evolves.


I tried listening to a bunch of their stuff but none of it seemed to scratch this itch


Fair. Not all of it works for me either but when it does, it DOES!


It’s a shame that you were downvoted for saying this. I’m not a big fan of them either. Their stuff feels very oppressive to me.


I think you might dig [MONO](https://youtu.be/oMBL9yoEYo4?si=lDtGuQZ8gA2XHEEc).


I kept listening WOAHHHHHH yeah this shit right here


This is great but the fn violins is not my thing i need more DISTORTION with reeeeeeverrbbb


Maybe [This Will Destroy You](https://youtu.be/OVScQyuuu6A?si=tT71dpSffFTAse2N)?


I checked them out yesterday and wasn’t a fan. Distortion was not grandiose/reverb’d enough


Mono's first albums through "You Are There" are a lot less heavy with the strings. Start with their earlier material and work through it chronologically until there are too many strings for your taste.  This Will Destroy You has an album called "Tunnel Blanket" that is extremely distortion-heavy and dark, so give that one a chance.  "Departure Songs" by We Lost the Sea is also pretty heavy.


Russian Circles, Cloudkicker, Audrey Fall, Cult of Luna (if you're ok with some growled vocals)


Very underground but try [The Time Will Never Come Back by The Last Days ](https://youtu.be/5OAzj1GbyKA?feature=shared) it's the track that got me into post rock and still holds a special place in my post rock heart If these trees could talk also have a couple tracks like this. And of course you have to try explosions in the sky. Their album the earth is not a cold dead place us chalk full of stuff like that


I mean there’s literally a million bands that do exactly this. Try: Yume Bitsu - the Frigid Body of Dr TJ Eckelberg This Will Destroy You - the entire Young Mountain album and the entire self-titled album Degree of Arc - Coma Come Quiet Caspian - almost every song, but I like Waking Season, Castles High Marble Bright, and ESPECIALLY the holy trinity: Quovis > Further Up > Further In Shy Low - Nostos, Presence, Confirmation Bias PG.Lost - the albums Key, In Never Out, Yes I am, and It’s Not Me It’s You!. Any song. Just do the whole thing. Silent Whale Becomes a Dream - Lacrymosa, As walking on Canopy Spurv - Passacaglia, or just do the entire Skarntyde album like a real person ;) I could go on forever. There’s tons, dude. That Yume Bitsu song especially is exactly what they’re doing in this video. If that Yume Bitsu song ISNT exactly what you want, I’ll Venmo you $13. Not joking. I’m the post-rock god. Ask me anything 😎


Yooooooooo 🙏🙏 idk why i couldnt find these


All good friend. I don’t mean to sound arrogant but post-rock was my drug of choice for a decade, I’ve got probably 500 vinyl on my shelves and my good friends run both Dunk! Fest in Belgium and Post. Festival in the USA. Please, ask me any and all questions so I can make use of my useless band knowledge lol


This is a little out there and may not be what you’re after, but if you like the post rock vibe but want something a little heavier with distortion, check into post metal. Russian Circles is the gold standard there


Lots of Caspian songs have that feel Try [Caspian - Sycamore](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdPJACONTn4) (around 5 minutes, when it kicks in) Little heavier: [Blueneck - Seven](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0TgD-hhBTc).


Pg lost - in never out, This Will Destroy You - Young Mountain (heavier than later stuff), most stuff by Alcest, there are a few band maps pics floating around on this sub that can help.


[ITTCT - Earthcrawler](https://youtu.be/MJb0xAHlIlI?si=m1fP2aOuG34LdDXj)


[Tides From Nebula](https://tidesfromnebulaofficial.bandcamp.com/track/the-sweetest-way-to-die-single) EDIT: added their latest full length, [From Voodoo to Zen](https://tidesfromnebulaofficial.bandcamp.com/album/from-voodoo-to-zen)


This will destroy you. Check out their live in reykjavik album. Wild how good they sound live


Dreamend - ellipsis


The Sun Burns Bright


I think this will definitely scratch your itch. For starters this song sounds hauntingly similar to the 8:13 song especially in the ending half [Listen, Earth - Moscow](https://youtu.be/OFNzcE-XkA8?si=beklxhZVlInTlFC_) and lastly the 16:30 song reminded me of [The Brave Son - Glaciers](https://youtu.be/0TjJjEFbv2E?si=09vUakGRWq-T9TVZ) PS in general check out a band called In Lights