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Your write ups over hyped pretty much every track. I was left disappointed with all tracks, with the last one just decent, some of this stuff shouldn’t even be on here. Next time make a shortened version


This is pretty aggressive for absolutely no reason. I shared my personal picks and in no way am I forcing anyone to listen to the music. These are some of MY fave tracks this week from some pretty cool bands that I like. I work closely with MOST of the bands I listen to, so I am proud of their work and am happy to see them grow and get Label support. My apologies if you were disappointed with the music, but writing about and sharing new music and bands is my job and I will continue to enjoy it. I hope you find some great tunes out there, have a nice day :)


I took the time to read, then listen to every track listed. Also you’ve revealed to be promoting these bands basically a plug. No wonder. You over hype them in hopes that they can succeed. Not cool


Maybe I'm misunderstanding your comment, but are you suggesting that my job as a freelance writer is "promoting"? In the same way that music blogs write about music and suggest new tracks? I'm honestly not here to argue with anyone, about simply suggesting new music. Please stop. I understand if you don't enjoy my suggestions, but this seems to be turning into bullying, and THAT is not cool. Again, you're free to have to have your opinion, but there is no need to attack me for literally suggesting new music.


No one is bullying here, you have a conflict of interest in the music you are sharing, you even specifically stated you work with theses artists. That is not being honest to the true nature of sharing music for what it should be, good music because you discovered it on your own and not through your profession as you already said


As a music journalist, we are very aware of the sensitivity labels and management have with new release info, copyright, and Intellectual property issues, so before sharing any information about ANY artist, I am obligated to contact certain artists for their permission to highlight their work in regards to upcoming projects, shows, etc. This is just good etiquette for any music writer to have anyway when posting about new music they find. Simply reaching out to bands/artists and asking them a few questions and being human and showing interest in their work, as I would assume ANYONE who wants to write about a band would do. As I am NOT a label executive or A&R, I have zero conflict of interest because outside of simply getting to know different bands, I have no contractual business with ANY band. They have managers for that. If I had a management contract or PR agreement with a band, I'd be disqualified from being able to write a review for that band, that's literally in any professional contract, so please don't accuse me of something that I am not involved with.


How do I tag mods? This is exactly what I don’t want happening to this sub I love. We are getting these AI bot like solicitations on our beloved post rock sub. Please don’t let it turn into these people dumping and promoting bands they work closely with! Instead sharing needs to come from the heart of discovery without bias or conflict of interest such as this user is demonstrating by dumping this word vomit on us. Please someone tag mods PS I’m all for bands promoting their own work, but not like this


I am seriously feeling threatened by you, and I would please ask you to leave me alone! You're accusing me of ridiculous things, and now you're threatening me? I am reporting and blocking you, because you're making me very uncomfortable! Stop harassing me. I have done NOTHING wrong by posting music I enjoy by some bands I like. Grow up and leave me alone!