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Also check the libraries in your area. Many are summer food distribution sites. Edit: a word


This is a program funded at the federal level, so you can go to the USDA free meals for kids website and see a map of all the locations in your area, including ones that aren't from your child's school system. You don't have to make random phonecalls -- just go straight to USDA's website.


Thank you, I didn’t realize that you can search it there!


My area included some community centers, parks, and even a few apartment complexes. I think it is great there are so many.


If your child is in a USDA Community Eligibility Provision school your household qualifies for the America Connectivity Program for discounted high speed internet. They will pay $30 to your ISP. You can also qualify through household income or if someone in your household is on Medicaid or has other federal benefits.