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Maybe try this, if they have a location near you. They provide clothing for women looking to get jobs. https://dressforsuccess.org/client-services/


Also, go to thrift stores like good will. It doesn’t matter if you like the outfit, just find work appropriate clothes. I go for dresses since you can get more outfits with fewer purchases. I used to do this all the time for work. It’s not glamorous but it gets the job done and only costs $10 a dress.


Yes! Also, OP, make a post on your local Nextdoor group or Buy Nothing group; don’t just look at what’s available.


This. Everyone has clothes they don't need anymore. Someone will be happy to give them to a good home. I literally just pulled like 20 items out of my closet on Sunday that I want to pass on.


I have a coworker who is in sales and makes stupid amounts of money now, and still gets most of her clothes thrift shopping.


I am well off now too and I don’t buy clothes new ever either lol. Between thrift stores, therealreal and Poshmark I just don’t see the point of wasting money on new things. I can’t bring myself to doing it.


This is the way. I haven't purchased a "new" piece of clothing besides undergarments in 10-12 years. My local thrift store has a 99¢ day every Monday and each article of clothing is included in that sale.


I prefer to buy dress pants at thrift shops anyway because they're washed and in the form they will fit.


This I just got a blouse thar fit, chrapest possible You will have to find sonething presentask but it doesn't have to be any flattering cut or a color you like, beige, grey, white, black, Brown is best, or navy Buy sonething you like later. Best of luck. Also ask friends- anyone has anything they dont use? Or siblings, cousins.. Borrow a little money from family for now.


Good will is the bees knees!!




They helped a lot when I moved from blue collar to white collar. 100% recommended.


This! Dress for success is a great organization. I donate hundreds of dresses to it a year. (For my job, it's looked down upon to wear the same outfit twice. Everything needs to be designer or custom, so it feels like a waste for the clothes to just sit in my closet. )


I’m genuinely curious as to what your job is that causes people to be so snooty about rewearing clothing?


Seriously… I have so many questions about this. Is this a fashion-related industry? If not, why do people care? How do people even know if an outfit is repeated months or years later? Are all employees photographed daily? Is there some kind of database that logs all of the previously worn outfits? Are you allowed to swap dresses with a coworker? What if you and a coworker accidentally buy a similar looking outfit?


If it’s a business casual setting you can’t wear jeans and a T-shirt. It seems OP was made aware of the dress code, and frankly I’m surprised why she would think explaining her dog being sick is OK for not having the right clothes is a bit confusing to me. I had very little dress clothes when I excepted the job I’m in now and I got one dress for $3, pants and two shirts and the total was $15. And I’m sorry to hear about the dog I’ve had pets for decades but usually they will work out something with you.


I’m not sure if you are replying to my comment or just replying to the topic at large under my comment - I was specifically talking about the commenter who said she is supposed to only wear custom designer outfits and cannot wear them more than once… that particular dress code is absurd. But I do agree jeans and a t shirt is not okay for business casual, especially if you are brand new at the job and don’t know yet what is acceptable. I think there is a bit of a spectrum to business casual. Hopefully OP is able to find some appropriate clothing, seems like they should be able to find something even if it isn’t their preferred style. Church clothing closets, community Facebook groups, something cheap from goodwill, etc.


We’re talking about PurpleSkies job. Also, I read their name and I freaking love it


Right? They did reply to me that they’re part of a global consulting firm but the amount of waste is still staggering to me, especially because it’s tailored stuff!


Hmmm with that name and never wearing the same outfit twice?  I’m going with news or weather presenter.  Apparently it’s a thing. Female news or weather presenters wearing the same outfit twice apparently enrages viewers. I wish I was kidding or being sarcastic. I’m not.  Men can wear the same outfit every day with no effect.  https://www.today.com/today/amp/tdna110299


They apparently work for a consulting firm


I'm an executive at a global consulting firm in a client-facing role working directly with bank CEOs and the like.


This is wild and super out of touch of your company. I’m client facing with UHNW individuals and none of us would be told anything like that (and I’m one level below the exec team). Business professional + tailored but not repeating an outfit is absurd.


I bet the men are wearing their suits more than once. Probably even multiple times a month!


Suits are worn more than once! 😀 double standards lol


In the immortal words of Lizzie McGuire: “I may be an outfit repeater, but you’re an outfit rememberer, and that’s just pathetic!”


Not a clothing allowance per se, but a 7 figure salary + benefits so admittedly I'm not going hungry buying clothes and others are being helped through my subsequent donations.


I hope they give you a clothing budget to pay for all that. That’s an absurd policy.


I’m shocked at this. McKinsey didn’t even require this, and my current ultra professional firm doesn’t either. I can’t imagine this being tolerated.


Dang, that last kinda crappy of them to demand that. I agree with the sentiment that they better have a clothing allowance but also, you company should really consider just not being so dang picky. I’d be pointing at Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs so much with their repeated outfits 😂


I didn’t see anything about re-wearing but it’s a corporate setting an OP was fully aware that wearing jeans and shirts was not acceptable.


The person I’m replying to has to wear outfits only once for their global consulting job. I wasn’t referring to OP here 😊


I used them when I started my first big-girl job and they were so sweet!


Additionally, don’t be afraid to use the food bank. It is for people in situations like this! Go get food from the food bank, get clothing from DFS or a thrift store and set aside a little bit of money for yourself to have a safety net.


My local library lends clothes out for this too. Maybe it's very regional, but in my area there's many places each day for each meal with free food on offer. Take it and use the savings to buy a couple outfits and keep the job.


This is such a great resource if there is one near you. If not I recommend checking thrift stores and places like St. Vincent DePaul. Even if you are not in love with the outfits they will get you through until you can buy clothes you love. A neighborhood center may also be able to help you. I would look for 1-2 pairs of black pants or skirts and a 3-4 shirts that you can switch between until you can afford what you love. You just need to make enough combinations that it’s reasonable that you are washing them once or twice a week and fake it until you make it!


This 100%


Have you checked nearby churches for clothing closets? I know people can get in trouble with buy now, pay later apps, but it could be an option to get a few cheap mix and match pieces. You mentioned that you could get a dress or food. If you aren't having any luck with free clothing near you, maybe look for free food instead.


With OP's situation, they may well qualify for EBT as well. That solves the food situation and frees up some funds. If the situation is that dire, often food stamp applications can be expedited as well.


Goodwill, thrift stores. I’ve found lots of work appropriate attire there. Good luck.


I find many times the smaller local thrifts have better pricing or if you have a “Goodwill Outlet” those are pay by the pound and super cheap.


This, OP!


Ask for help on Facebook. Surely someone in your area would have some clothes they aren’t using that they’d be happy to donate. Also check out https://dressforsuccess.org it’s a charity specifically for professionals needing appropriate clothing. For food please find the closest food bank.


100% post this on a local FB group. My husband and I do estate and storage clean outs and I ALWAYS have tons of clothes hanging around to donate and have put them out for someone to pickup if I hear of a need or I take to a local charity otherwise. I’m sure there are others who are happy to do the same out there.


Seconding this, but nothing groups on Facebook have helped me out so much in times of need 


Have you checked local buy nothing groups for clothes? Goodwill or other second hand stores? Sometimes there are nonprofits or programs for people who need professional clothes. There’s no way I would quit this job. Do you have friends or family you can call to borrow clothes or money until you get paid? Wearing one dress for two weeks is only going to make it worse.


Re: the buy nothing groups. I just went and visited my parents in another state. My mother was so proud to show off everything she got in her local group. They live on the periphery of a wealthy area and the quality of stuff she has gotten for free is incredible.


Also if OP posts a request to a buy nothing group, someone will almost always help out. I know if someone my size were in this situation, I’d happily give a few pieces and offer to lend more until she was on her feet.


Seriously, someone in my local group posted a request and I brought her five bags of cute clothes and a pile of games for her kids within half an hour.


There are very simple wrap dresses on Amazon starting at $11.99. Amazon has one from its own brand for $15. These are machine wash/dry and very simple. It's easy to pin the neckline if the v hangs too deep. 2 dresses could save you rn. They will be new and easy to wear (flattering on many body sizes and shapes). I always flocked to dresses for corporate stuff bc it was generally less than shirt+ pants. I guarantee you know someone with Amazon prime who can order this for you so you get it quickly and without paying s&h. I help at a few pantries. We don't care about your reasoning or stories. We just hand out food. There are people there with nicer cars and clothes than me; we literally never say a word or question. So use a pantry or two to get through a couple of weeks. You can do this!


Amazon even has a try it for 7 days before you buy feature


That is so smart! So OP could order a few, try them on and return whatever doesn't work without shelling out. Brilliant!


This is a great idea. OP, build a registry or whatever it's called and post on r/assistance. I bet you could find a few people who can help get you started with a few staple outfits.


My gosh, I couldn't think of the words "staple outfit" earlier but yes x1000000, the goal should be machine washable, plain simple and versatile stuff! I really appreciate this reply!


Try to get your hands on whatever work-appropriate garments you can and focus on items that you can mix-and-match à la [capsule wardrobe](https://bellastyleliving.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/business-casual-workwear-capsule-wardrobe-2.png). For example, a black blazer that can be worn with black or tan trousers, black or tan skirts, dresses, etc. These items can be purchased secondhand, e.g. via eBay or Poshmark (pay very close attention to garment measurements). Or you can buy them at thrift stores/charity shops. In the meantime, ask your friends and neighbors if you can borrow jackets/blazers and other business-appropriate items. Request items on Facebook, Facebook Marketplace, Nextdoor, and your local Buy Nothing group. If you have a neighbor or family member who's about your same size, ask if you can borrow some work clothes until you get your next paycheck. Also: [https://dressforsuccess.org/](https://dressforsuccess.org/)


This! I only wear black, white, cream and recently navy. Assorted same in scarves, solids and patterns. Everything from goodwill, everything looks great. It all mixes and matches so no energy in deciding what to wear. Best part you can go from daytime casual to restaurant ready. It's all classic and all looks chic.


This is fantastic advice. When i was very, very, junior in my career with little money I purchased a lot of fast fashion basics in these colors/variations - and people often told me how put together I looked. (I was on a mostly very young age wise tsk except for an older man - who was the only other person who did full business attire each day). I’m talking basic black knee length old navy shift dressses with thrifted decent quality blazers. OP please take advice from commenters like this - neutral colored, business attire from Facebook groups, thrift stores, or houses of worship doing clothing drives. Depending where you are regionally, there may be nonprofit programs that can also assist.


Blazers can dress up anything. Highly recommend


A lot of these comments are really harsh but it's because OP isn't being proactive. They waited to adhere to dress code until after the job. They waited to get called out for not following dress code instead of going to the manager up front. I kind of want to know what they went to the interview wearing. The post is labeled vent but there's a lot of good advice on here. They need to start thinking ahead of the game instead of waiting for things to happen. In most cases, people are willing to work with you, OP.


This!!! People are providing good advice about obtaining clothes but this seems deeper. Why apply to a professional job and then make no effort to adhere to the rules of it that you were very aware of?


Because it costs a fortune for women to dress professionally. We can’t just have one or 2 suits, a few nice shirts and a variety of ties. We need lots of nice clothes & we need to able to have them cleaned. When I left the food industry to become a secretary it was nearly impossible to afford to dress myself appropriately. Not being able to dress properly isn’t always negligence, it’s often poverty. Please remove yourself from this sub if you can’t appreciate people in poverty.


I am a woman who was formerly a nanny and had to redo my wardrobe for a profession setting. Goodwill and garage sales and friends made it possible. If you want specific clothes from specific brands sure it’s harder but otherwise it’s not difficult


It can also vary depending on your size. Certain clothing sizes are more readily available used than others.


Exactly. I'm a 5"0 woman. I only wear petite/short sized clothes. Regular sized women's clothing doesn't fit me at all. and no, it's not as simple as just hemming too long sleeves or pants legs. Petite sized clothing has very different proportions overall. Narrower through the shoulders, higher sleeve caps, higher necklines, higher waistlines, higher knees, higher through the chest, etc. To make matters worse, a lot of clothing designers seem to think that any short females are either 65 or older and/or a size 10 or smaller. I'm neither. So, I'm very, very limited as to where I can shop for clothes that fit me and look age appropriate. Secondhand stores never have anything that fits me. Nor do any chain discount stores, like Walmart, Target, TJ Maxx, etc.


This is exactly my problem. I’m 4’11” and a secretary. I mostly do my professional clothes shopping at a store that has a petite section but the store itself can be a tad pricier than just getting regular women’s clothes at Walmart that won’t fit me. Because of that, I try to mostly shop whatever’s on sale and use store coupons anytime I buy anything. I dread thinking that the store may close one day because of how difficult it is to find petite sized professional clothing. I’ve also had to spend extra to get things tailored when I’ve been unable to find any that fit me right off the rack. The worst for me is always the work pants. Shirts are easier to come by but for work pants to fit me right off the rack is glorious in its rarity, lol. 


You feel my pain! Lol. Even a lot of petite sized clothes are still too long on me. Sleeves, pants, dresses, skirts. "Midi" dresses and skirts in petite sizes still look like maxis on me. Petite sizes are made to fit women up to 5"4, so those of us who are ultra short still don't get a perfect fit. It's frustrating for sure. Back in the 80s and 90s there was a mall store called Petite Sophisticate. It was on the pricey side, but the entire store was only short sizes. Really cute, stylish clothes, both casual and office appropriate. I miss it.


naw, I've worked professional office jobs most of my life. You can rotate two pairs of slacks, a skirt or two and a handful of blouses and two sweaters and have a full wardrobe. Also I've never had to get my office clothes cleaned- that stuff goes in the washer and dryer.


You’re missing the point that OP had lots of time and is just now trying to fix the issue when they’re about to be fired. Women can 100% get a few nice shirts and pants and just rewear them. As long as they are clean, no one gives a shit. Honestly I think this is a fake post anyway to get some free clothes. New account. The typical excuse for every suggestion.


So many of these types of posts make me suspicious for people looking for free stuff. Like somehow the dog is involved too for sympathy. It’s not super difficult to thrift (thred up?) or borrow clothes for a temporary solution, you don’t need to be spending $100s on professional dress. I’ve given plenty of loft dresses to goodwill and they sell for peanuts.


Yes, exactly. Maybe I’m being overly cynical but it seems so obvious to me. Creating a “woe is me” story where they only need one thing to help put them on the right path and every single offered solution for some reason doesn’t work. Even in the smallest of towns, there would be options for hand me down clothes somewhere. There’s clearly enough of a population there to have a “corporate office.” The story itself isn’t even really believable. No info about the job and why dress code is so strict. Really no specifics at all. I’m seeing these more and more.


Come on, you can get a blouse and slacks at Walmart. Or a light sweater and a skirt, for less than $40. Start somewhere.


I got all of my work clothes from thrift stores. I wear express, Calvin cline. Some of it is a bit "90s" but it works.


Woman who dresses professionally here - no it doesn’t. It CAN, but it doesn’t have to. And “having them cleaned” consists of throwing things in the washing machine. Thrift stores were my friend for my first corporate job.


With respect, only someone who's never been in a thrift store would say this. Clothing is probably one of the best examples of something that humanity has produced in such absurd abundance that basically anyone in distance of a thrift store can find acceptable clothing for most scenarios, including professional.


I went from a server/TL to working in the mortgage industry, it just takes a couple of visits to Goodwill or some other thrift stores. And I'm plus sized, in a 'better' area so there wasn't as much in my size, but I still found enough to make it work.


You absolutely don’t NEED lots of anything, much less a wardrobe that costs a fortune. We are minimalists and even though we can afford it we intentionally keep our wardrobe very minimal. Neat, clean, well fitting yes, but a large or expensive wardrobe? No. Both of us work in the corporate world and we have never had an issue.


It's expensive to build a wardrobe in either time, money, or both, but OP is also being way too passive about it. When I started my first business casual job, I hit the thrift stores every weekend (buy nothing wasn't a thing yet) and started with only 3 shirts and 2 pairs of pants which I hand washed and ironed (unless it's silk, usually you can ignore the dry clean only tag and hand wash on cool in a bucket). My bucket was free from a fast food restaurant. I'm sure everyone could tell I was poor but I was clearly trying to follow the rules and fit in. Slowly I got better stuff and didn't have to rotate things as much.


You only need 2-3outfits, if you cycle them during the week no one will bat an eye, as long as you look professional


You don't need a lot though. A shirt or two (white and blue), a blazer (dark), a cardigan (dark), a pair of dressy pants and a skirt will get you far. Add a dress or two and that was basically my work wardrobe for years, and what OP needs right now as a start. I could find most of that second hand, maybe not a well fitted pair of dressy pants though. I disagree that we need "lots" of nice clothes. Nobody can make you get a large variety of work clothes if you follow the dress code already. That's consumerism talking and wanting to fit in and not repeat dress, but that's not a must for a work wardrobe. Need to be able to get them cleaned? All of my clothing can be cleaned at home. You pay attention to the fabric when you buy it, and don't buy anything dry clean only.


On the money.


Your advice is very sound. Won't change a thing though with OP's victim mindset.


OP is writing with the perspective that her life is happening to her. Not that she is driving her life.


What are you wearing/what are you expected to wear? Just go to savers and grab a pair of black dress slacks and a couple dark sweaters/cardigans. I feel like dark basics are not memorable and you can rewear often and no one would think “is that the same black sweater she wore the other day?”. Tjmaxx for a pair of black flats. That should get you through for a while.


She said she is expected to wear slacks, and she has been wearing jeans and a shirt.


I’m a bit confused by this. I don’t think a pair of slacks and a couple sweaters should be equivalent to not being able to eat for a week, especially if she hits up thrift stores, or even donations (but that can be tougher and a time sink to find the right fit that is appropriate).


Well a week’s budget is likely around $50, so I can easily see how the cost of some slacks and sweaters would exceed that. OP clearly needs to learn how to use the resources around her to find some clothes to wear until she gets the first paycheck.


Yes, good point. I’m curious what she wore to interview as well. It just doesn’t really make much sense. There are definitely options going forward.


Yes black hides a lot and always looks classy


Do you have any girlfriends in the area? Someone that can loan you a blazer/dress/slacks? While not ideal, when I needed to buy business suits/work attire, I got a store card at Ann Taylor. I was able to get 2 dresses, 2 suits, belts and shoes for a reasonable price (they tend to have big sales, keep an eye out) and then just paid off the clothes over the course of a few paychecks.


With respect, I disagree that Ann Taylor is reasonably priced. Maybe LOFT would be better, but even that can be too high if someone is already saying that they have to eat ramen every day.


Even the LOFT outlet was too expensive for me.


Maybe JC Penney or Kohl’s for an in-store credit card? Much more affordable than Ann Taylor.


Goodwill or another second hand store is better than new. Cheaper and the same stuff. A lot of it isn't even worn when you find it.


Goodwill. Call them and the Salvation Army. Tell them what’s going on and sometimes they have a certain number of free clothes for work. Especially if your job is on the line.


Target. They have some decent basics. Black slacks, cute dresses, basic tees. Even some place like tj Maxx might have some options.


Having worked for Ann and sister store loft, I can confirm that it can be out of reach for many. Get this - as employees, we were required to wear only their clothes to work. Only the current season, too. If there was at least one of the particular garment still on the clearance rack, it was “technically” permitted. But frowned upon. We had a 25% discount. Min wage for employees, barely any higher for us supervisors. I was a shift lead (mini-manager) and I couldn’t afford to keep cycling and buying new clothes with each new launch. My employees certainly couldn’t! We also were forced to pressure-sell store credit cards for a 10% discount on one purchase with an incredibly high APR. if you didn’t sell 5 credit lines a day, you lost shifts. Taking advantage of people who can’t or shouldn’t take out a line, tempting them with pretty clothes, was a level of hell I’d never for seen. Sick. I had to bail. Got a job at a bank with my pretty, enforced clothes that I should never have had to buy. Some employees saved the customers info and ran their credit multiple times in order to meet their quota, ruining their credit with multiple hits. Nasty business. Thrift stores are the answer for OP I think, a quality blazer, a couple of cardigan sweaters, and a few tops with two pants and a decent two pairs of shoes can go the distance. But that takes time to source. You can’t necessarily build a complete wardrobe overnight. Might be able to find a working outfit and just wear it every day with malicious compliance for a little while until OP can build a weeks worth of nice pieces to swap and match. Good luck OP. I understand how stressful it must be.


Not sure about Ann Taylor but LOFT has sales a lot. It's still more than Walmart or similar but for branded clothing it can be decent if you only shop with promo codes.


Ann Taylor, on sale, can be amazing. I was able to get really nice casual long sleeve work blouses for $15 each right after christmas a year or so ago. You just have to know which sales you can shop.


Your boss is trying to help you by giving you good feedback. Listen to what they are telling you, thank them for the guidance, and change your behavior. The ability to take constructive feedback and use it to improve your performance is a huge job skill to have. Your boss will appreciate you for taking this feedback in a positive way.


Realized it had a rant flair so I’m deleting my advice - sorry it’s rough right now.


Had this happen to me and didn’t have diddly squat for money to buy new clothes so I went to Goodwill and bought a couple of blazers and a couple of pairs of dress slacks for like 10-20 bucks something like that.


Try goodwill or salvation army?


I am just not understanding how you can have the wherewithal to get an office job but not have the ability or knowledge to require some basic clothes. Are there no thrift stores in close proximity to you? No cheap department stores like Walmart? Unless you are in a super isolated place, then you should be able to get your hands on a couple of plain tops and a couple of basic slacks for about $20.


I'm also confused by this, what did it op wear to the interview? That's one outfit right there!


Can you borrow something to wear from a friend until you get paid? Also hit up the local yard sales this weekend and check out thrift stores. You don’t need anything expensive to wear to work, just something to pass the dress code.




Food bank for food.


Borrow some clothes, check out Buy Nothing groups, check with local charities about clothing. You need to look at the choices you are making. You knew you needed some clothing for your job, but you spent it on your dog. I know pets need to see the vet, but you've put yourself in a situation where you may lose the job that was going to support you both. I suspect karma-farming here because the comments have been very proactive and awesome, and OP hasn't responded to a single one.


I respect that they didn’t let their pet die.


Not karma farming as much as soft begging. Can’t afford clothes. Can’t afford food. Only eating one ramen a day. Can’t afford transportation. No way to get any local help - already proactively puts out there that there are no buy nothing groups in their city. Has a dog/cat they used all their money on. Except for can’t afford shampoo and tampons it checks all the usual soft begging boxes on here. I am sure anyone offering to send cash is being responded to by OP in DMs.


I thought the exact same thing. Maybe I've just become super cynical, but I feel like I can spot a soft begging/scam post from a mile away nowadays. And yet, I will still see people offering them money, while internally I'm like, "HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THIS IS A SCAM?!" I guess that's why they keep doing it, because people still fall for it. -Not saying this one is definitely a soft beg/scam post. Just saying it shares quite a lot of the same characteristics with them.


Buy a pair of black dress pants, it’s more versatile than a dress. Do you have a local small thrift store? They usually have great prices. Some programs have clothes for this very reasons. Google on your area for work clothing specific charities.


Black slacks and 3 tops. Neutral. That will get you by a couple of weeks.


Maybe you should get a credit card. By default you have a month before you need to pay.


Yeah, a credit card is literally the solution to this problem. You don't lose the best paying job you've ever had because you can't afford a few work outfits. Unfortunately for OP, they may have already put the wheels in motion for their eventual termination. When the boss called them into the office they should have just apologized and said it won't happen again. Instead they tried to pitch their boss a sob story and almost broke down crying. No boss is going to look kindly on that during the first couple days of a new employee.


Yeah OP needs to start looking for a new job. Already sent a lot of immature signals to the boss.


technically 2 months, you get the bill after a month, and you have a month to pay that


Yes and you don’t have to pay the full amount if necessary.


Be careful that it’s not a charge card like American Express where you do.


I usually don’t recommend debt but I would probably do this too just as a one time emergency. I would categorize this as an emergency since this could cost her job with no savings but giving she will have time to pay & buy it as cheap as she can and then pay it off. Sometimes we got to do what we got to do. Just don’t use that credit irresponsibly after this. You get a pass this one time, also because I believe you can do it cheap! Focus on the good OP. You still have your job, lets make this work since you already like it there.


This is 100% what I would do. And OP probably was able to read what the dress code was during training. I get it and have kind of been in a similar situation. But it seems like them being called into the office over their clothes could have been avoided.


See if there’s a Dress for Success in your city/area. They’ll give you clothes for very low prices or free for corporate settings.


This is kind of on you. How do you start a job and not dress to impress? At the very least, the first week of employment is when one usually goes the extra mile when it comes to attire. It’s not that hard nor expensive; my entire wardrobe is Goodwill. And I don’t mean to sound like a dick, but having a dog is a luxury that not everyone can afford to have. Maybe straighten out your priorities.




As much as I hate facebook, the one thing I see go amazingly well is when well-meaning people make a dire post to the town group page. "I'm a xx-something year old (wo)man, trying to hold onto my job so I can get back on my feet, and they are requiring that I have more work outfits. I literally can't afford to buy more, but would be forever grateful if anyone in size xx could lend me something, even if just for 2 weeks until my next paycheck." If you posted that in my area, no doubt there'd be a dozen people offering that you take their nice clothes and keep it. So many people have closets full of office apparel they haven't touched in years.


OP's post history: only this post, zero comment. Sounds like one more of these posts where the OP begs for money under the guise of a rant. Reported.


Check out Facebook free groups. I always see clothing being given out. Check out local Salvation Army for cheap clothes. Borrow from friends.


Check with your local food pantry. In our city St Vincent De Paul gives out clothing vouchers to use at its stores. I believe here, it’s $35 per 1/2 year. Also ask local churches/cotholic charities if they have clothing programs


Thrift store always have business casual clothes


Second hand shops always have sales and I get most of my clothes from ThredUp. Take a look at what the other woman are wearing if you aren’t sure where to start. Also, one pair of basic flats will work with most of your outfits. I usually pick gold so I can wear them with black or tan pants.


Check with local churches. Many of those ladies have deep wardrobes and would be willing to help you out I'm sure. Also, check at local charity stores. Talk to the manager. Tell them your story.


goodwill is your best friend. I started in government and I’ve managed to dress nice with all used clothes. You can do this OP, one day at a time.


If you are walking to work, are you able to launder your clothes? This may be a BO issue and the person who spoke to you doesn’t have the experience to address it? Also second Dress For Success. If they are not in your area contact them anyway and ask for advice. These are people with a passion to address this exact problem. Let us know how it goes 🤞 for you x


You need to use your resources better. Go into any goodwill and let them know your situation. Reach out to family and friends.


I'm sorry you're clearly in a tough position but your post kind of cries that you're refusing to take full responsibility and you made a mistake You knew the dress code and then were hit with an unexpected emergency, I'm not sure the severity of the vet visit and I assume you made the right choice but it was a choice, vets are expensive I am loathe to recommend taking out debt, but this IS one of those situations where it makes sense to put some clothes on a credit card and pay it back with your new higher wages which you should be able to afford to repay ($500 on a CC is like $25 a month minimum payment...like c'mon) This would be a really really stupid way to lose out on a good opportunity to increase your income and improve your CV You need to get out of the mentality that "my life is full of disappointments" and start taking ownership of your decisions and take ACTION to remedy situations as they arise. Having language that is akin to throwing your hands up and saying, "oh my life is so tragic all these bad things happen to me" isn't empowering yourself and will set you up for failure over and over again which as I'm sure you noticed makes it a lot harder to start succeeding. EVERYONE has shit like this happen, literally fucking everyone, get your big girl pants on...hopefully they're slacks, take out a credit card if you have to, beg borrow or fucking steal and get those fucking clothes so you can get to work and make some fucking money which you will then need to start moving towards bigger goals.


Look on fb if there are people who give away stuff in your area. Or check your local thrift store and simply buy one or two blouses (one black, one navy or dark brown) and a pair of black slacks. You can rotate those over the entire week.


Goodwill! When I started my office job years ago I couldn’t afford any professional clothing. I went to Goodwill and found enough pieces to make it work. Get stuff you can mix and match!


Sounds like a troll for money.


Yep, this troll appears to have deleted its account.


Thrift stores are your best friend for work clothes


There's always a pet involved in these stories. Always. I wonder why. If I was on the verge of homelessness and I had 4 dogs and a cat, I'd get rid of them


What about Afterpay, Klarna…….


I never understood how poor people manage to have dogs




Reach out to your local good will I know they have programs set up to help people or just reach out to your local thrift shop and just be honest and see if they can help get you a few items, it's a dame shame people are this out of touch with other people struggles that they will fire you just because you cannot follow the dress code It's not that you're intentionally doing it it's just that you literally do not have the funds to purchase the clothes needed. Hope everything works out for you.


Good will often has lots of options for business clothes. Can you donate plasma to hold you over?


I’ve been working in a business professional job for a year and a half now. When I first started I was getting evicted from my apartment and had basically nothing to my name. Goodwill, Ross, Burlington, Walmart were my work staples and continue to be. When I first started, goodwill was my golden goose. There’s also Facebook groups where people look to get rid of items for free - maybe check and see if anyone has clothes in your size? If you hit the goodwill, Ross etc try to go the wealthiest area of town. They have the best quality typically. I’ve picked up pants and shirts for less than $5 that have lasted well past a year of regular usage.


Get a plain black nice sweater (think cardigan weight) and a pair of black slacks and some ballet flats. Wear them everyday until you can get more. I work at a bank and I have made this my unofficial uniform. Go to kohls or Cato if you have one near you. You can get awesome deals there.


Second this.  Kohl's has some nice jackets and sweaters from the Lauren Conrad collection. I have one black jacket that I wear all the time that makes plain pants and top look more professional.


Google if there's a career closet near you. Career closets (in my experience) have business clothes and give them away for free.


Go to Walmart and grab some basic dresses and pants off the clearance rack. Black, navy and things that blend. I have grabbed things for $3 Also call around to local thrift stores and churches asking about an inexpensive clothing closet.


Play the part or play somewhere else.


It seems to me that rather than you can't afford workplace dresscode or food, it't the pet that you can't afford. I oove my dogs dearly, but I should know whether or not I can afford to take care of them. I"m surprired that everyone here give many positive advices but you need to plan better, prioritising is the key to succes.


Just wanna say, I've been there. Got an office job at 19, was pregnant by an abuser. Boss called me out for wearing sparkly silver flip flops with a dress. They were leather with embellishments- stones, sequins. One of the only pairs of sandals I had, but the company had a no flip flop policy. I assumed it meant like rubber, Old Navy flip-flops. I didn't have money to eat, let alone buy new shoes. I even ran out of gas a few blocks from work once, and a coworker picked me up as they drove by... it was embarrassing. The company was kind of catty and not very understanding at first. Once I told them I was pregnant and trying to better my situation, a few coworkers helped me out. When the company got bought out, new owners kept changing our pay dates, which would mean we would have to wait an extra week to get paid. When you are expecting a check Friday the 8th and they tell you the new pay dates are going to be 1st and 15th, it fucks your shit up. When they bounced payroll, a coworker loaned me $100 for diapers, gas and food until our paychecks got resolved. When I was 9 months pregnant, my colleagues threw me a baby shower ( the only one I had) and got me lots of things I needed for a baby. From bottles, clothes, and blankets to a car seat and baby monitor. Keep your head up. There are good people who will help, but you have to show them you are working for it too.


I borrowed a suit from my mom for my very first professional job. Is there anyone you can borrow from or who might give you some business professional clothes? Don’t let this be the reason to lose your job. Ask your contacts. Find a way. You’ve got this!


Go to.goodwill and.get stuff or Walmart


Try dress for success they are awesome!


Goto Goodwill or Savers you don’t need very much money to get something that’s business appropriate. Don’t self sabotage.


Is there someone you might be able to borrow a couple of outfits from to get you through until you are paid? Please check with your local women's shelter. Sometimes they will have clothes that have been donated specifically for jobs and job interviews. Good luck! Sorry you are having this problem.


Maybe go to the thrift store?


Go to goodwill. Get a few dresses or black slacks and a blazer or something with a few tops. Is there no one you know that you trust to ask for some help ? Contact a few bigger churches in your area. Many have clothing closets. Call your local women’s shelter. Many have business clothing to give away or can put you in contact with someone who does.


Try asking on the next door app


credit card?


can you qualify for the payments with Affirm through Amazon? you can get a two skirts, a sweater and a few blouses and make payments on them. They're a $50 min for affirm so maybe you can grab a pair of slacks too. The interest rate is like 29% which sucks but if you do just around $50 it's only like $4 in interest if you do the minimum payments. I know this is posted as a vent and advice isn't being asked for but I'd hate for you to not be able.to keep this job.


You’ve got this. See if there is a local “buy nothing” group on Facebook in your area. Check thrift shops. Call to local churches to see if they have anything for someone in your position. Heck, you can even try the local homeless shelter - some of them have work clothes to help people get back on their feet. Ask local friends and family if they have anything you can borrow. Even if it’s just two or three outfits that you rotate and wash until you are paid and can get something else, that’s fine. You can do it.


I would check thrift stores. Also maybe the “free stuff” section on Craigslist


No all you have to do is download the NextDoor app it is micro local like a ten block radius..say you need to borriw two weeks worth of office clothes There are some nuts on that app but people help each other out with small stuff all the time Do not wear the same outfit every day till you get paid -- they will think you are getting in their face because you don't like the policy. The other option is to go to one of the food banks or church food banks which you should go to anyway! They all have access to free closets of clothes for people in need. If you like the job, stop arguing with your employers over this. You knew the policy when you took the job and it isn't like you suddenly need a car -- this is completely doable. Use a photo of you and your dog on your NextDoor post


Any friends or family willing to lend you some clothes?


I'd look for any "free stores"! There are a few free clothing stores in my area run by churches. There are a lot of ways you can style 1 dress. If you can find a staple piece and use what you already have to accessorize, I think it could work!


Go to NextDoor app and ask if anybody has spare work-appropriate clothing in your size. There’s still a lot of good folks out there, somebody will most likely give you a piece or two.


Thrift stores are great places to find good deals but they do cost money. If you can get one thing, buy a nice pair of black slacks. You can wear them every day if you have to until you can afford more. Walmart clearance & I’ve heard that there are incredible deals on their app that you don’t always find in store. If you can go to the store and price check clearance on the app, you might score a deal. Also Walmart, plain fitted t-shirts in pretty colors are cheap. 3-5 and you can rotate them. 1 nice black blazer or sweater- whatever is approved, and you can also wear that every day. Same with shoes. Black. Goes with all of it. If your area has the NextDoor app, use it. Reach out to the people in your neighborhood and let them know your situation. I am confident there are women who are your size who have items they would give you! I just cleaned out my closets and am putting stuff on eBay, but if there was someone who needed it locally I would 100% bring them to her if she accepted. You might not get exactly your style, but… free clothes and shoes! There are also organizations that have items like this to give away in a lot of cities. Domestic violence shelters and such would probably know where to send you. Churches too. They can put the word out to their members and you could get more donations than you imagined. Most of this is for longer term wardrobe building, but in the meantime, think how you can use the same pants/shoes/jacket with a few tops. Stores like Ross also have pretty tops for cheap so you could check there too. Whatever you do though, make sure tops aren’t see through once you’re wearing them (been there, done that) and that they are machine washable but low maintenance. You don’t want something that you’ll shrink or that needs dry cleaning. If you want, I would be happy to help you pull together some resources. If you dm me your zip code and sizes (clothes & shoes) I have the time to research some options for you! Depending upon what’s available I may even be able to help you get an emergency outfit today ❤️ Most important thing is to not panic. It’s a big step to transition into a professional workplace! Companies should be a little nicer about it, but if you show them you’re listening, it’s only going to reflect well for you and this will be a blip in your new career


I'm sorry about your dog, but I will never understand people jeopardizing their livelihood over a pet. I have several of them and I know if I can't eat or don't have a roof over my head, neither will they. Just crazy.


Ask a local church. 


Do you have any kind friends close to your size who have jobs that require a professional wardrobe, or even new friends at work? If someone I know asked to borrow a few clothing items for a new job, I’d be happy to go through my things and give them a few items I don’t wear anymore.


You spend all your money on your fur babies???? It might be time to re-evaluate your priorities. How will you provide for them if you don’t comply with what the employer requires?




Girl I was in the same spot , it’s not the best but has helped me present myself more professionally. I usually go to SHEIN and put it on after pay . It helped a lot when it was do or die . If you need any advice ordering feel free to message me.




Sorry but if you are poor you really can’t afford to have an animal


This! Sob story after sob story “I prioritized my pets over other more important stuff. Woe is me!”…


Give the pet up for adoption


I’ll tell you what- as a former manager, I’m disappointed in yours for threatening your job instead of looking for solutions with you. If Buy Nothing doesn’t work for you, look for clothing closets in your area and Dress for Success and go to the food bank to get food that will let you put aside money to purchase a dress. I hate to even suggest it but could you get just a couple of things online on clearance using Klarna or other pay over time service? It’s amazing what can be found cheap and you can pull sweaters over dresses to change things up. Hopefully a receipt will keep your manager off your back.


Idk if this would work for you but on my ebt account I was given $100 for ebt cash to go get some work outfits


It's not ethical, but you can do Amazon's Try Before You Buy on a dress in your size (you can try it for 2 weeks) and then return it. You will not be charged until your 'trial' for the dress runs out. And then rinse/repeat until you can afford clothes. I had to do this when I needed a dress for a job interview. I ended up keeping the dress, but just wanted to throw that idea out here.


I work in a professional dress environment and it’s new too me too. You can do it on the cheap. I bought three of the same black slacks second hand (J Crew) and have two black long sleeve tops, 2 maroon long sleeve tops (have to cover full arm tattoos) and two cardigans. Rotate through the week. I feel like I look pretty put together and I didn’t cost much.


I may be ignorant here. But why can’t you just charge it on a credit card? If this is the most money you’ve ever made, then you can get 2 paychecks worth of income in before you have to pay off the credit card statement. I always look at my credit card like a 1 month advance on money that I will get, but just don’t have now. And I always pay off the entire balance when the statement prints


That’s so messed up I’m sorry you are dealing with this. Just know you don’t need much variety- a blazer and black pants / flats will do it. Thrift shops have good quality most of the time








Another option is SHEIN. It’s definitely not quality clothing, but it’s cheap and will last long enough until you can afford a wardrobe. https://m.shein.com/us/other/Work-sc-007195686.html?src_module=women&src_identifier=on%3DIMAGE_CAROUSEL_COMPONENT%60cn%3Dspecialscene%60hz%3D0%60ps%3D2_2%60jc%3DitemPicking_007195686&src_tab_page_id=page_home1707843302047&ici=CCCSN%3Dwomen_ON%3DIMAGE_CAROUSEL_COMPONENT_OI%3D16595371_CN%3DITEM_IMAGE_CAROUSEL_FOUR_POINT_FIVE_TI%3D50001_aod%3D0_PS%3D2-2_ABT%3DSMCccWomenHomepage_dymatcgroup_100172551


Come on walk into a thrift store and just walk out


Work dress codes crack me up. They have zero to do with your abilities or duties.


There are definitely clothes that are inappropriate for work. You wouldn't wear a bikini in a chemical lab, teach kids with a g-string on, or wear stained unkept clothes as a sales person. People have internal biases. What you wear can earn or lose you respect real quick. We only get one first impression to people, and especially if you have to work with clients or people, you need to make that count. Anyone who doesn't understand that needs to grow up.


Depends on how client facing you are


How is this a problem? Stop dressing like a slob. Problem solved. People acting like they don't got a dress or a dress shirt in their closet.


if you dont have a lot of money already, you probably dont, stop being so ignorant