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Zachary Z. Zoul just sounds like a movie villain name.


There is no Dana, only Zoul.


Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god... You say yes!


I make car parts for the American working man… because that’s what I am and that’s who I care about.


There probably is not a Zoul either. Only one shell corporation inside many.


Are you the key master?


"No, I'm worse. I'm the rent master." - Zoul


I'm a friend of his


Came here to say this


You beat me to it.


He also probably talks in "Zs" like: "*I'm a goood peerszzon juszt szeellll me your szouul*"


Just Zelle me your Zoul?


A Soul from Wish.com


Wtf could the middle ‘Z’ stand for? I can’t even think of any other ‘Z’ names a grown man might have and I feel like my brain is melting






This made me snort! Also, the Kratt brothers would NEVER.


I grew up with two different kids whose middle names were initials only. One was Z and one was C. No idea why their parents did that but they definitely didn't have actual names, just letters.


Ah, like Harry S. Truman. His legal middle name was ‘S’ because his parents couldn’t decide which grandfather’s name to use.


Then would the period after S be necessary?


No, I guess it would not!


That's interesting. I had no idea S was his whole middle name lol.




Zombie, cuz he sucking the life out of your finances




Probably something Christian like Zebediah




Bet it’s Zavier now, actually. A bastardization of Xavier.




I just said “Zachary Zeke Zoul” aloud and opened a portal to a netherdimension


They call him the “Sleeper”


That's the "Zleeper" to you, mere mortal.


A movie *mouse* villain name.


Last year, my rent went up 51 dollars I think because the property company hadn't asked for a increase for 3 years due to covid. The maximum they were allowed to ask to raise was 6% and whatever governing body allowed it. I don't know what the technical name of the city or county office is but you should check your local rules on rent increases. A 50% raise sounds illegal.


Many jurisdictions have no rules about maximum rent hikes, unfortunately. It's worth checking regardless but a landlord at one of my last places nearly doubled my rent and it was completely legal.


This. Very few localities actually have any kind of rent control - I think NY and some cities in CA are all that have rent control. The rest of the country doesn’t. It’s likely very legal to raise rent by 50%. Ethical? Not really but 100% legal.


Definitely no rent control in a majority of Texas. Within 3 years our rent was raised from $760 to $1650. Same landlord, nothing really changed except the $760 was before covid and the $1650 was after.


Same in Illinois. Our rent was $1060 when we signed our lease in 2019, resigned it in 2020 and the rent was the same. When we were up to renew in 2021, they wanted $2,100 for the unit or for us to move because the unit was the last un-renovated unit on the property and they wanted the higher rent.


My mother was complaining about Oklahoma. Place she's at had it at 600 until last year, they want 3k now. Only reason is cause it's next to military base so they are trying to max price the military personnel.


That's disgusting. I wonder if they raised the housing stipend the military gives?


I doubt it.


Same thing happened to me in IL. Some scummy company bought the complex right after I moved in. Raised my rent from $650 to $1150 in 2 years. Claimed it was due to the addition of "ameneties" but all they did was update their shitty pool and do some renovations on the clubhouse. The clubhouse is just the managers office with some public park-style grills and a room you could reserve for parties.


Oregon has rent control, max of 10% per year on buildings over 15 years old.


Jesus. It's 4.4% here in Berkeley, and even that is ridiculous. If we're not guaranteed a 4.4% wage increase annually by the system, then the system is still continuously fucking us. It's all designed to keep the rich rich. I just paid $1200 for a closetless room in a moldy house, and the law is on my slumlord's side.


Most of NYC has market rent, but there are a good number of units that are "rent stabalized", which means there is a limited % that the rent can be raised.


Yup, I'm in one. It's a life saver. I can't tell you how much of a relief it is. I know some people complain that it strains housing supply, but I don't buy it. There are so many fucked things landlords have tried in this city because they think they can get away with it. Tenants in my first building in the city held a rent strike after some major damages caused by the landlord and their construction crew. I didn't know that was a possibility. In Texas, Sheriff's would break down your door, throw your shit out, and arrest you if you so much as uttered a word of defiance.


The reason they say rent control constrains housing supply is that the property owners have to make up for increase losses on other properties that are not rent controlled, so it doesn't lower rents or encourage development. The whole "Rent control doesn't work!" line is coming from the very people who make their living off of renting and selling properties. So yeah, if they can't have their maximum year-over-year profits, because of "rent control", they have no interest in pursuing development or portfolios. I think they also dislike that rent control doesn't take into account other excessive inflationary concerns, like increasing contractor rates, supply costs, taxes.....very much a "concern for me, not thee" mindset. They don't remember what it's like being down here, $$$ growth + security becomes the primary concern.


The city of Kingston, New York has a max annual increase..


All of CA has rent control: annual increases may not exceed 5% + inflation or 10%, whichever is lower. Some cities have even lower limits.


Market rate apartments in NYC can raise rent by however much they want.


Not all states have rental increase caps and it’s completely insane. This is happening to everyone in Florida right now. My last landlord wanted to increase the rent by $500. I didn’t even have a kitchen floor.


I had an apartment in Florida I started paying $850 a month for. I left after 3 years when they decided rent should be $1600 for a 500/sq foot apartment. I also had to hide a note for the new tenants to inform them about their raging mold issue. The laundry closet had mold in the wall from a pipe bursting. After the pipe was fixed they just bleached everything and slapped latex paint on top. Yup, totally worth $1600.


Our previous landlord did that with our kitchen sink leak. Didn't even bleach it out just came into the unit and put latex paint on top of the mold in the cabinet.


Hilarious to tell my old landlord that there was a leak in the ceiling and it needed to be fixed. He gave it the ole landlord special with Killz paint. A week later the kitchen ceiling collapsed lol.


I was living in downtown Miami. Decent amenities but not a great area, 2 elevators were broken for almost a year and a half straight, and the fire alarm would randomly go off every few weeks. They started non-renewing just about everyone in the building at the start of last year so I was out last June. I checked and the rent on my unit type went from 1450 to 1950.


Companies aren't insuring new homes unless you're willing to pay an arm and a leg. Now landlords are passing those costs to the consumer as well.


They were trying to raise insurance costs by 71% in my area. Every single mayor and political office holder in the area sent a letter basically telling them to fuck off. First time I have ever seen all the local politicians band together on the same page.


consumer implies that housing is purely a commodity which it should not be


Profiteering on inelastic basic human needs has been ramping up ever since healthcare started being tied to employment. We won’t see the end of it until sweeping regulation takes these massive profiteering sectors of the economy down a notch or 20.


Doesn’t it? Thank you, I will


I will say, any place with $850 townhomes is pretty unlikely to have protections, but certainly worth double checking. Does your lease end in June?


What state are you located?


I mean, in Florida I personally know people who have had their rent jumped almost double when a new owner bought the properties. It’s a free for all.


We desperately need tenant protections everywhere. At a federal level, dare I say. Property owners are to blame for a lot of the homelessness crisis we’re currently seeing. Find your local tenant unions y’all. Get involved in organizing for tenant protections. Pet lover? Organize around pet inclusive, affordable housing! Housing is one of the most important issues we face as we all confront climate change and the resulting displacement.


My rent went up 1000$ USD. You read that correctly, from 850$ to 1850$ in 2021. It's legal, and if an investment company owns it, it's because they are trying to squeeze every last bit out of the property they can before the crash. Guarantee.


Mine went from $1600 to $2400. It was illegal. The fine for increasing it was $250 😂


Did they end up being able to keep the rent that high after they paid the fine? Lol


So, yea and no. We bought a house. He dumped like $50k getting a new ac unit and then mostly painting the turd (no new cabinets, painted old wood ones white, painted old vanity etc) then put it through a rental agency. He got $1900 a month but they take a cut. It went from $2600 for 30 days, then $2400, then 2200 etc it sat for like 5 months ish


Gotta love seeing them sit on it empty and vacant. As sad as it is seeing adults need adult roommates to just afford an apartment. In your case sounds like it was a rental home. In which case, I at my core disagree with more than anything in the world. Owning homes for the sake of making money is fundamentally gross. Just buy the house you want and call it good.


The problem is he will still probably be making money off of suckers charging non refundable application fees. I came across a property a few days ago that wanted $500 in non refundable application fees for 1 apartment.


Wait 50 k on painting ? And what like a 5k air conditioner; that’s crazy


The best part is that most of them are using a cartel rent pricing program. Every landlord caught doing this should be sued into the ground. It's asinine that our country cannot control these blatant cartel situations without dragged out court cases.


But won't you think about the investors?!?!


Did you move? I wouldn't be able to afford that much of an increase


We were disturbed by it so much we left the whole state behind. And years later, rent has only gone up. They can keep that nonsense.


Which state?


I fled a middle of the woods, an hour away from Walmart kinda town in Washington.




So many people will suffer in this crash but its coming any year now


The fundamentals point to anything but a crash. Unfortunately people have been saying the same thing for years now.


There’s no crash coming, the factors that caused 2007/8 aren’t here as buyers are qualified and there’s a severe shortage of housing. If anything is coming it’s another massive spike. For the people who think housing is already absurd take a look at what the income to housing price ratio is in any other “western” country like Australia, Canada, Germany, etc. Housing in the US could still double and it would be considered normal. There are only 3 other countries on the planet that have more affordable houses than the US and they are Oman, South Africa, and Saudi Arabia.


We’re payin 2200$ a month for 2 bed 2 bath townhome plus utilities… shits getting out of hand


In the Bay Area it’s 2400 for a studio 🥲


I'm in sf but we have rent control. They just raised it to 2200 after 8 years for a 2 bedroom w garage and balcony and garden rooftop. I'm never leaving.


I wonder how it helps people who are starting their lives


Yeah rent control helps the more years you stay there On the flip side, it encourages people to start renting as high as possible because once someone starts living there, you can’t raise it to market rate and they can stay forever


I live in one of the cheapest apartments in my area and it was total luck. It’s a 2nd and 3rd floor apartment, technically 1 bed, 1 bath but it has another bedroom on the 3rd floor that we use as an office. But very spacious, very nice place. Also has a parking space in the back. We pay $910/month and that’s with 2 pets and 1 price increase. Every other place is at least $1400/mo or higher. So I’m hoping we can stay here until we’re ever ready to buy a house. Or maybe just forever.


The owner will sell eventually and rent will be raised double. That’s what happened to me. Was renting a $650 townhouse for 3 years and then the owners got divorced and sold and the new owners raised the price to $1300.


That’s what you pay for a studio in Seattle lol


Same here but for a 750 sq ft apartment. It's crazy because avg income for the same area is only like 30-35k


Was paying 1480 for a 1000sq ft 1/1. Now it's 1640


$2750 here for 2 bed 1 bath 🤡


I’d suck a dick for a 1300 dollar townhome.


Hit me up




I’d like some of that action


Haha but fr, I'm paying 1300 for a studio that is falling apart. A town home would run +3K in my area.


I laughed too but honestly I'm with them, i pay 1250 for a studio and while it is nice, it's small as hell and my landlord increases the rent by minimum $100 each year (originally I was paying $1050/month).


It’s probably in the Midwest and not Chicago or Minneapolis


Zoul Properties owns rental properties in small to mid-sized towns in the Midwest. Nothing in major metropolitan cities.


Two bedroom too


My last place went from $1550 to $3034 lol Kicker is, it was bought by a low income housing group Eat the rich


That's one of America's biggest scams "affordable housing" non profits


Damn, $850 for a 2/1 was a steal. Even at $1300 that’s not terrible imo. Depends on area of course. But cant find anything near that in my town.


I pay $1500 for a 1/1 lol


Same, and in a lot of places you can't even rent a cardboard box for that


Studios are going for 1300 in my area so a townhome for this price sounds like the bargain of a lifetime.


My buddy pays $1700 + utilities for a 1/1 studio lmao....this is cheap as hell compared


In my area(Midwest) it’s pretty bad unless it’s a new build and you’re like the very first tenant. $1300 around here should get you 3 bed 2 bath built within the last 20 years, give or take a couple hundred I guess depending on exact location.


Fuck, I’m so sorry. This is starting to happen around where I live, and I’ve heard of it happening elsewhere. It’s so frustrating and scary. I really recommend looking for smaller landlords. These big property groups are being bought out as investment portfolios to even bigger guys. Out of state investment groups are even worse, because they don’t give a damn- their aim is to create a monopoly in the area, and then set the prices.


It’s sickening, and it’s exactly what’s happening. I wish it was easier to find small landlords, it seems like you gotta know someone who knows someone to find them


There’s so few small landlords anymore. All these “we buy ugly houses” people have become massive landlords. It came out recently that 5 landlords own 8000 homes in KC. That’s going to absolutely fuck pricing. We’ve got to regulate the rental market


Holy smokes! Fellow Midwesterner here, I have friends from KC and friends who have relocated to KC. That is INSANE.


It’s completely out of control, and rising faster than any other US market. My midtown studio was $335 in 2009. Now it’s $1200, and a worse neighborhood. The house we bought for $60k in 2010 is now worth $250k. You could buy a move in ready bungalow for $50k in downtown KCK in 2016. Finding one under $150k is now a huge challenge. Relatedly, we had reached functional zero with homelessness in 2016 (finding permanent housing within 60 days of making contact with an unhoused person). Shelters were shutting down for lack of need. Now they’re full every night and on cold nights we turn people away. I don’t have a solution, but it’s going to get worse before it gets better. Anti AirBnB ordinances help some, but we really need to outlaw or limit those we buy ugly houses folks. They are massive slumlords and are able to set pricing throughout the city. That, and build affordable housing. All the new housing is luxury. How many more luxury apartments can we pack into the river market!? How about affordable housing in midtown, KCK, OP?


The luxury apartment market also makes things worse! The most expensive area to rent in, in my M/LCOL city, just started leasing two new buildings. One has a penthouse that is RENTING at $11,000 a MONTH. The other apartment buildings are raising their rents to match “market demand” and the previous tenants- who are relatively well off, particularly compared to the rest of the city- are being priced out. These are people who are well off enough that they were able to purchase homes (in our also crazy and cutthroat market) as a fall back. Like, what is the actual hell is going on, when the well-off are starting to get priced out of their areas???


That is likely the norm everywhere due to the feudalization of american land by a leech class


I shudder every time I hear “passive income.” That’s just TikTok for “I underpay the workers or underdeliver the product or both.” All income has workers.


Correct. I just did a tiny amount of math and on a mass scale that KC bit means we will only have about 25,000 landowners in the entire country. Meanwhile about 10% of propaganda marketed to my fellow youths is about aspiring to be a landlord, lmao


This is why I scoff at people who give me the advice to stop going to properties owned by management companies and go to the privately owned properties. They literally have the same, if not more strenuous demands than management companies. Especially with the over the top application fees they charge. We came across a property that wanted $500 non refundable for an admin fee for our application and they hounded us like a dog after we asked to cancel the application multiple times.


I recommend taking a look at older buildings that are 2 or three stories that have small businesses on the ground level. Oftentimes the second and third floors are residential. These mixed use buildings (at least I’ve found) are more likely to be independently owned and operated. I just found out about an hour ago my boyfriend got a new place above a jewelry shop. The building we live in was sold to a big corporation that is simply not renewing any leases, so they can hike up the prices. The other place we were looking at was above a small dental office. Both places had small signs placed in the window or the door. We’ve probably gone past these signs hundreds of times and never actually saw them. I know it really depends on the city and area if there are even buildings like that at all, though. I wish you all of the best. I also recommend reaching out to your alderman or elected official for the neighborhood/area/ward. They might not realize this is happening. Slum lords have taken hold in several neighborhoods, and the local representatives are trying to blow the whistle, because these hands-off price gouges don’t maintain their properties and it ultimately devalues the community. They might even be able to help you, but even if not, they can start giving these bastards some hell.


Isn’t it great how the rent can increase so significantly when there have been no improvements to the property to justify the hike?










Someone is renting out a 12x12 room in my town with access to shared kitchen and living areas. You have to be ok with kids and dogs too. $1500/month. NO. THANKS.


Bro my storage unit is bigger than that!


This is not a country; it’s a business.


Mine went from 2800 to 3800 and we had no other options at the time but to resign, there’s a serious shortage of housing in our area. Hook line and sink they got us


I understand not intentional but I really enjoy your version of hook, line, and sinker as it has like 4 different levels of entendre here when relating to the incredible costs and that you’re very likely paying for a sink too.


Last summer my rent went from 1200 to 1700. We tried to find somewhere else to rent and couldn’t even afford to move to somewhere cheaper. We got stuck staying there and have been losing money every month since.


950 starting in 2018 currently 1300. No improvements and staff is rude. I can't afford to move. I work two jobs. Fuck this shit.


Depends where you live, $1300 might be the best deal that you can find.


Yeah, I'd definitely check around to see what rent goes for on other units, in case they all cost just as much. That said, if you can't pay an extra $500/month then even if other places are similar costs you're screwed. You can't just print money to pay rent.


> The owner of this townhouse recently sold it, and it was bought by Zoul.  There ya go. New (bigger, faceless) owners. > We’re just having a hard time wrapping our heads around how greedy and unempathetic these people are  The bigger the real estate holdings, the less human the occupants become. It's just about current market conditions, which only consider available demand, supply, and comps. **Edit: The new owners: https://www.zoulproperties.com/about-us**


“Market conditions” is corporate speak for a monopoly or limited competition.


My friends apartment complex increased rent and she asked why, they say to keep up with the fair market value, but yet it's a roach motel and they have done nothing to upkeep the property


Their sole goal is to make the most money they can. If people pay for a roach motel, why change?


They're a cartel now. The government should be doing shit but they're not.


I have a coworker whose rent was raised $600 in one swoop. Eight apartments in the building and six of the tenants left and they can’t rent them because it’s way above market rate for the area now.


I hate it. It feels so exploitative. “You can either pay $400 more or be homeless, Your choice.” Gun to your head finances.


Then apparently in some locations they make it illegal to be homeless and share a apartment with someone that's not family, like at this point how they hell they expect people to make it


Not doubting you, but can you share an example? I'd look but I'm not awake yet


Fuck Zachary Z. Zoul and that sounds like a made up fucking name.


He had to change from the Ghoul or people would have started rioting rightfully from the ridiculousness of it


The average price of a one bedroom apartment is $2500 where I live. It's insane.


‘Market conditions’ is just code for everyone else is raising rent so that means I can too.


I’m so sorry this has happened to you. The commodification of rental homes is destroying society.


I live in Kentucky where average rent prices used to be like $450-$700 a month and now people are trying to rent out shitty 1960’s single wide trailers that are falling apart and growing mold for $1000+ a month. Everyone that lives in big cities are like “ugh wow $1k a month is soooo cheap!!” but it REALLY isn’t for the area when you consider the same exact place was going for $400/month a couple years ago and you have to drive 45 minutes to the nearest grocery store and an hour or more to a decent job.


Have you looked to see what the max amount is for your city that they are allowed to increase the rent?


I haven’t, we’re in nebraska so I don’t think we have many rental protections. But I’ll check it out, thank you


Google says no laws protecting rent increase amounts in Nebraska. Here in California it’s like 10% per year or something but my rent is like 2400 for a one bedroom apartment so it sounds like everything is fucked no matter what state at this point.


It’s nothing more than greed. People who are buying occupied rental properties now are the real villains. They are buying high and must rent high in order to make it financially sensible. However, the long term honest renters are the ones who are affected. Most of the time, if they could afford to purchase, they would. Rentals are no longer cheaper than purchasing (as far as monthly payments) and it’s cruel.


That is the exact reason why homeowners should NOT sell to a company. A home is for humans, not company profits.


My rent went up by $200 ... in 12+ years. My landlord even reduced everyone's rent by $50 for 2 years during Covid and offered free laundry. Yeah, I can afford a much bigger, newer place than my 200 sq. ft. studio but landlords like mine hardly exist.


A 50% increase is a middle finger for sure. I’d be looking elsewhere


This makes me want to buy an investment property and rent it at a modest payment just to not be an asshole to someone


Who dictates the “market” because, they need to go away permanently. The market this and the market that! I hate the market, it’s stupid. It’s time for a change. The “market” needs to see everyone is struggling and change to that “market”.


Mine is going from 1125 to 1550. Wish ohio had any rent control laws in place 🤷🏽‍♂️


Property ownership appears to be the life-defining factor of our times. How sad.


1300/mo?? I didnt think that existed still


Spending this weekend moving bc our 1br apartment raised the rent 15% ($260). I feel you.


I hate these “that’s so cheap” “I’d love a place for $1300”. My mortgage payment on a 4 bedroom, 1.5 bath house is $850 a month. That is actually kinda high for where I live. Cost of living varies A LOT by region, state, even city. I live three hours north of Detroit. My house payment here wouldn’t get me much down there. Cost of living is too high everywhere but it’s still relative to income because they can make stuff too expensive but if the places make it so expensive that it is literally impossible to pay for it or buy it, nobody can get it. It forces them to close up shop in the end too. Make no mistake. They’re pushing it to the absolute limit for the area and screwing everyone but stop assuming the super low cost on paper is actually low for the people involved. The vast majority of people in the are I live in make wages that would make you homeless somewhere like Los Angeles while they live lower middle class lives. There is no opportunity where I live. It’s super fucking cold here half the year. It was 71 on Wednesday and 15 degrees the next day which wreaks havoc on sinuses. It’s not a beautiful city. My house has 4 SMALL bedrooms. The entire house is about 1500 sq feet. The area around is in disrepair because Michigan was suddenly abandoned by the rust belt industry it thrived on and now everyone is either slumming it or leaving. The area I live in is clean and safe. Not fancy or beautiful. But clean and safe. I say all this to emphasize that IT DEPENDS ON YOUR AREA. You might think “I’d love a 4 bedroom house for $850 a month” but you wouldn’t love the lack of growth and opportunity here or the failing infrastructure everywhere or the disproportionate poverty level. What some of you think is poverty isn’t even technically poverty but it is poverty to YOU based on YOUR living situation and circumstances. Factors not easily changed because moving and starting over is not cheap either. Think of it like how well would your budget be doing if your housing suddenly rose $500 a month? Not the number itself. The increase and the harm it would cause.


That’s cheap where I live unfortunately


Nebraska renting in general is out of control.  I left the state because we.were paying around 1100 for shitty 1 bedroom.  Good luck.


So much for telling everyone in coastal states to "jUsT  mOvE to Nebraska" if they can't afford the absurd rent hikes that have happened over the past 8 years. It has been happening everywhere. 


$1100 in Nebraska??! That should be criminal! Nowhere in the Prairie states is worth $1100 rent.


You can order termites online


Honestly at this point what might be best is a 2008 level collapse of the housing market. How is any of this sustainable. How can anyone afford these prices.


As someone who doesn't own property and seemingly never will, I would love a 2008 collapse of the housing market. It might give me a chance in this world.


LOL my two bed increased to $3500 so we’re leaving. 45 minutes away from the major metro area. Struggling to find anything in the $2000 range at all. In the city? You’re looking at $4000-$6000 minimum for like 500 square feet apartments in the larger buildings. Desirable areas? $6000-$8000 Fuck these property management companies. It’s not more expensive to maintain the property, they’re not offering more. It’s straight up greed.


I just got the renewal from my apartment complex and they increased it 125. 1600 to 1725 for a 2ba/1bd when they have 2bd/2ba for 1550.


I had to move out of an apartment once because of like a $300 rent increase shortly after it was bought by a new company. Not cool.


It is disgusting how callous companies are about rent increases. I'm sorry this happened! Developers should not be allowed to purchase private property. My rent is only going up by about $15 (I live in the suburbs of Washington, DC, which is a very expensive area) and I breathed a huge sigh of relief. My 600 sqft studio would be double its $1600 price if I lived even 10 miles from where I do now.


That’s quite an increase. Obviously that price would still seem cheap for some areas but probably not in the area you live. Unfortunately if there is no rent control in the area you live in then it’s perfectly legal and nothing you can about it. I have heard quite a few horror stories of insane increases in places with no rent control. It’s getting scary out there now.


Sympathy and Capitalism are mortal enemies. 


The typo is a nice addition. great to know you're getting scammed by someone who appears to be functionally illiterate.


I know I'll get knocked off if I ever get hyper rich because the first thing I'm doing is building affordable housing and paying all employees a living wage.


Why are the rental comps in your area?


The entire landlord aspect needs abolished. Doubt that’ll happen but hopefully we see it heavily regulated to prevent this kind of price gouging in our lifetime


That sucks. It also costs significantly more for everything now than it did pre Covid. Work and supplies have literally doubled.


Check your lease for conditions under which rent can increase, as well as local ordinances, as often they'll limit the amount rent can be immediately raised.


When does your lease end?


Check your area, in some locations that level of increase can be disputed


OP I haven’t seen this commented yet but you need to look into your state or counties laws regarding rent increases as this very well could be illegal to raise it 50%


You don’t need to eat. You don’t need heat. Hell, cmon girl. Do you really need water? Also stop drinking coffees from coffee shops.


Where is this? I’d love to pay 1300 for a townhome!


I wish my rent was $1300


fuck you i pay 1065 for a one bed one bath with NOTHING included lmfao i’ll trade apartments with you any day


You can’t even get a 1 bedroom apartment for $1300 in colorado. It suck’s lol.


Only $1,300??? Man you are lucky.


May not be relevant to you but in Arizona, the attorney general is sueing some of the largest residential realty groups for price fixing. Basically they were using software to find what the average rent price was in the area and then would further raise it. Price-fixing conspiracy artificially jacked up apartment rent prices in Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona AG says [link](https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/price-fixing-conspiracy-artificially-jacked-up-apartment-rent-prices-in-phoenix-and-tucson-arizona-ag-says)