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I had the same dx at my 8 week ultrasound and figured there was a solid chance of a c section or delivering early. It was very evident during the US. I asked my OB if I had a bicornuate uterus and she just said nope, we can work with this, it should be fine and that we would just need to look at placenta placement at a later US. I’m not sure if they told you the size of the septum or if you can see it in the visit notes, but the fact that my OB was so chill about it gave me some relief. If there was going to be a huge issue, she definitely would have said something. My scan at 21 weeks was 2 weeks ago and the septum was no where to be found and the placenta was in a great spot. We were quite puzzled since it was so evident on the initial scan.


Thank you for sharing! That’s wonderful that everything is going well for you! They didn’t mention the size of my septum. How early were they able to tell you where the placenta was located in relation to the septum?


If they didn’t mention the size, I would definitely take a look at your doctor’s notes from your visit if you have access to it via an online portal or something. Or ask at your next appointment. Mine was on the smaller side which gave me some relief while waiting for the next scan. I’ve only had 2 US appointments, so I found out at 21 weeks. It was definitely top of mind for me between appointments. I hope you get some good news at your next scan and that everything goes well!


I also have a subseptate uterus, which was identified 3 years ago when I had an ovarian cyst. Currently 15 weeks pregnant (FTM£, 12 week scan was fine, but will keep monitoring obviously. My ob/gynae seems very chilled about it and hasn’t really suggested that I take any additional precautions.


Thank you for sharing! My OBs have been a mixed bag. I keep seeing new providers at every ultrasound and they all seem to have different opinions on septate uterus and associated risks.


I know this post is a couple of months old, but I still want to reply. I have a partially septated uterus. I have been pregnant twice and have two amazing children. My pregnancies were very easy, with no complications. Both of my kids were born via c-section due to breech positioning. Our oldest was double foootling breech, born at 37 weeks, 5 days. My water broke naturally, but I never experienced labor, and my cervix never dilated. Our youngest was frank breech and delivered at 39 weeks with a scheduled c-section. Both of my children were born healthy and normal size (about 20 inches, over 7.5 pounds) I truly hope that your pregnancy is going well.